tv [untitled] March 7, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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the ongoing financial part unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you may never. need to listen to. most aren't watched. guys welcome to shower and tell the obama show part of our guests not to sound the topic now i want to hear audio just does video on our the twitter for part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is like. ok it's time for tonight's tools on award and it goes to the ground. the old
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senator from arizona john mccain appeared over the weekend on a.b.c.'s this week and he was discussing a report that showed a news team trying to furnish a home with only products that were made in the usa a list of what he had to say. but also point out that if you go into that house if you work a computer here and i pad and i phone those those are built in the united states of america and there's the president said continuously and i agree with him innovation is the key to. yeah you see john pick the apple builds those i phones i've has an i touch is right here in the u.s. but he's not right all the technology was developed by apple in california they are actually assembled in the u.s. any idea where they were built john if you flip over any of these devices they clearly say designed by apple in california assembled in china you know john the place the corporations go to for cheap labor so sorry john mccain but you want made
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in america one o one at a later segment united steel works president leo gerard corrected mccain and a spokesperson for mccain later told c.n.n. the senator was aware they were designed they're not made in the u.s. and that he simply misspoke seems to be a trend when it comes to john doesn't remember back in two thousand and eight presidential and during the presidential campaign he claimed that the fundamentals of our economy are still strong and that was just before taxpayers had to bail out wall street so yeah john mccain has a habit of misses speaking quite often and that's why he's tonight's tools i went. and you campaign kicked off here today in the u.s. targeting fact cat bankers and wall street executives the national people's action network picked today to launch the make wall street pay campaign and they came to washington d.c. to protest at a meeting where fifty attorneys general were gathered they want the banks investigated for helping cause the economic collapse the foreclosure mess and for
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using tax loopholes to avoid paying and to public revenue coffers so after attending the meeting of attorneys general they headed to a bank of america branch near capitol hill to demand of the bank pay its fair share when it comes to taxes. and activists made their way into the bank presented tellers with their own past due notice chanting to them pay your bills now the group eventually made their way to capitol hill so man that congress and the speaker of the house hold wall street and the banks accountable for their actions. and owning a home it's called the american dream and for decades thousands of americans have achieved hope achieved homeownership with the help of fannie mae and freddie mac. but since taking over the agencies in the wake of the housing crisis the federal
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government is now overseeing ninety percent of new mortgages but cannot continue when the u.s. is saddled with enormous debt archies lauren lyster ask is the american dream is dying for the middle class. the american dream. to be everybody home and provide for your family i so we spoke about the way picket fence it's that traditional vision of homeownership central to living the dream so many people we live in the suburbs which is turned into a nightmare for millions of americans who've lost their homes to. or closure or are facing it now people like retired corrections officers entre she didn't want to show her face because of this it's a horrible feeling to be facing foreclosure you have a family having children we try to keep things stabilized but she feels helpless in the fight against losing their home i think she's in because of
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a dispute with the banks over the terms of her adjustable rate mortgage i do feel like there's a right the should be my right to remain in my home i've been here for nearly twenty years but now americans like sandra may have to kiss the national eat those that says owning a home is a birthright could buy altogether in the future people may still aspire to get the pick of friends there and of our time during the hours that we all sort of expect go with it they end up with just friends that's because for decades it's been two government sponsored firms propping up homeownership in the country by keeping money flowing to mortgage lenders fannie mae and freddie mac. you may recall them from the financial crisis when their losses led the u.s. government to bail them out to the tune of one hundred fifty billion dollars here in the working class neighborhood of jamaica just outside new york city you can really see what some of those losses from the housing crisis look like this to they only home for example of the or the crisis sold for just over six hundred fifty
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thousand dollars now not too long ago at a foreclosure auction one hundred seventy five thousand dollars of that debt was auctioned for just two thousand dollars and with the government in control of fannie and freddie american taxpayers stand behind six trillion dollars in mortgage debt now the government says it has to get out we need to wind down fannie and freddie and substantially reduce the government's for print in the housing market it's a departure from past government policies which have treated homeownership as a virtual right in a report to congress now the obama administration says the goal. is affordable housing not for all americans to be homeowners analysts say alternately with old policies and fannie and freddie going by the wayside so to all the white picket fence dream they helped manufacture it i think interest rates are going to have to go up because the risk of lending to homeowner goes up and fewer parties
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a lot of it on their. you know home ownership borders and it's not just the u.s. middle class that's going to feel it foreign countries all over the world hold billions upon billions of us home mortgages in their portfolios doing away with fannie and freddie could amount to massive losses for these investors and for us clout especially when you consider economists say shoring up foreign investment was a major reason for fannie and freddie's bailout in the first place but america appears unable to afford another option in the face of such massive failure banks were making bad loans i think it's just that any effort he got out of control it's a ridiculous amounts of rest which they didn't properly disclose to the federal government that regulators or to their investors who were significantly slammed by their misadventure and misadventure coming at the cost of the american dream i'll be an apartment somewhere where i want to be a barn of a home somewhere else that so many americans and the world bought into lauren
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lyster r.t. new york. and so what will the new america but on the one where everybody doesn't own a home look like as the government says they're going to wind down fannie and freddie something take their place or is the american dream over joining me to discuss it as anthony rand as our director of economic research for the reason foundation anthony thanks so much for joining us now let's talk about if fannie and freddie are done away with which we aren't quite sure as to whether that's going to happen or not is the american dream the one where everybody owns a house just completely dead. we're going to do whatever quarter. properest silly. for everybody he told what we do know is that over the decades he has spent words housing is spent too much it's an oversupply.
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and as a result we've pushed up to the homeownership rate fast to the point where we're pushing people into homes where really they actually told their whole they were just renting there so we need students really back to a place where the housing market is stable and it's sustainable the long term and that may mean only sixty to sixty two percent of americans hold their homes but that is not inherently a bad thing for the country but i live then everybody just has to rent for the rest of their lives you know pay rent for month after month year after year have nothing that's a steady investment that they put their money into. well there is this who says mistaking no share only a house is this perfect investment if you will but the fact of the matter is that if you are a homeowner coarseness thirty years if he will katz the past one hundred years of data you're not going to get that much a bit of a return on your maybe at most five percent you can make a lot of money at
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a shorter biomedical is up one or two years maybe you double your value at the height of the bull but i think you have this mistaken open notion that renting is bad or even that it's throwing away money as a as a matter of fact if you have you may be more likely to unemployment throughout period of time if you can't if you lose your job and you can't sell your whole soup he might just be that there's a lot of people would think that only a hole must be the best of actually for their finances it's really bad for well you know i am i right here i don't like getting my money my landlord every my but i consider it always now very quickly i just want to ask you you know i think the but at the end of the day the government had good intentions right away with with wanting to help more americans. homeowner but you know is it just the system that was it was able to get gamed. syria and is it you know is that it at the end of the day was the system itself faulty or is it the just the fact that there are people out there that are going to take advantage of
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a game every single thing still and get away with it and this is that was a mistake if there's fraud if we try to conciliate make a profit with a social call so we try to say try to mortgage fraud so it was just which is just the simple process of banking so best in order to see that people can buy outs of basically one body with a social call we try to complete it with try to put people into homes now if we as a country want to choose to have a social policy where we want to help people to kill her if we want to promote a partnership we can do it in such a way that we try to make same be it's higher housing. which is hope you did the system was faulty we can have two refs subsidies to say row eight hundred future us we want to hold you to power and we can put those subsidies on the federal budget which they haven't bad and we can say they're only going to go to below a certain income bracket and we can't have that social if we want i would have to keep it you know it's not at the best thing for us to do with that money but we can
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do that we shouldn't conflate that with mortgage finance and we shouldn't complete that with the rest of the housing market so the system is faulty try to combine those two things and so if any need for the magic here we're trying to make a profit while they were trying to push down their underwriting standards so they were issuing earlier back it up all the subprime mortgages that were bad for the entire system but they thought that they were hoping i have now to thank you a lot for joining us tonight. now in tunisia facing our prize it wasn't long before other countries in the middle east followed suit and as the cry for a new government grows so does the rebellion by the people now to call for changes movie other parts of the world we've seen it in europe and now even here in the u.s. our he's christine for us out takes a closer look at how rebellion is spreading across the globe. it is a rising tide spreading across the globe. as the angry the oppressed
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are fighting back against the oppressors in egypt a leader was taken down in libya he hangs on but barely in greece as many as thirty thousand protesters came out last month angry at the ongoing austerity measures imposed by the government there in portugal it was the same thing and in this country wisconsin remains at the crux of a fight described by many as the battle between the haves and have nots or the governor wants to take away collective bargaining rights of public workers well it turns out it's not just people whose job it is to protect and serve americans. it's also those whose job it is to care for americans these nurses here work for the largest hospital in washington d.c. it also has a level one trauma unit which means many of the patients they get are in the most serious condition they say the company that runs the hospital medstar is operating on the cheap not only not wanting to give these nurses raises but also wanting to
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decrease their pay or if they meds are also a severely understaffed the hospital and in the end it's not just the nurses the patients will suffer nurses have about six patients expression late night sixty patients that's way too many these patients cannot move do not get out of bed do not walk around. and i think there's a huge problem with safety. they've been without a contract for nine months and. walked out of the hospital as other nurses had to be bussed in to care for the patients here e.r. to me are something the most frustrating thing is the sharp differences in those who run the hospital from the board room and those who actually run it from the emergency room and patient rooms traditionally c.e.o. pensions and and it wages are about three hundred times the average what the average worker makes and it's the average worker that's put me in a product on the street that's what that's doing the doing the job and it's just
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amazing that that corporate profits of comment on a worker welfare corporate profits versus worker welfare you could say it sums up most of the major conflicts but at what point our words not enough stunning pictures. even angry lawmakers this is an important moment in history this is a moment where we watched stand up and speak out and speaking out they increasingly are but will those speaking out whether in wisconsin in egypt or on the streets of d.c. achieve a fundamental change in the system in washington christine for is now our team. so to come on tonight's show are the wheels coming off of the glenn beck crazy train reports are surfacing that fox news isn't so happy with the host and his antics and is their movement taking place around the u.s. on the state level to disenfranchise voters and i was shine a spotlight on the efforts to keep the young and the old from going to the polls
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but alex siteswap reporter and blogger for think progress. a charmer in her broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. something that will sell me all the political. posts to move on to the watched.
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we all know that glenn beck has enemies basically anyone out there with a half a brain who's heard it's ridiculous doomsday commentary doesn't like it but it looks like good old glenn has now all of his stuff cuba's own people see facts ratings have gone down on his five pm we show losing almost a third of his viewers in the t.v. world that's taking a big hit over one hundred million viewers mostly in the younger demographic have turned off the x. program and even though his numbers are still enough to inspire envy for many other duis those mr back could be shown the door this is all according to anonymous sources within fox news but what's the deal could be the tight knit bond between glenn that in fox news has finally unraveled could all of his anti-socialist in islamophobia commentary finally be the last straw with network executives or maybe what he was it was what he toured the country charging one hundred dollars
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a seat for the audience only to be welcomed by empty chairs or maybe people finally got sick of and pushing gold bars and emergency food supplies like some sort of shopping network advertisement for her a lot of reasons out there but i think david carr of the new york times had an interesting take he said the problem with glenn beck is that it's turned into a serial doomsday machine it's just a bummer to watch and who couldn't agree with that it's not like news is always good news for the most part is it but if it's real at least you can relate to it when it's all a giant conspiracy about how the world is coming to an end well. that's when your credibility gets into danger so this talk of getting rid of back show that even the fair and balanced network is actually attempting to save some of the very little credibility that they still have left to be honest i'm not really sure they give you rehab at this point but the worst part is that even if they did a fire glenn back we were probably still be stuck with him polluting our minds either way surely he'll still be spouting off craziness on the radio waves
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somewhere in this country but as far as i'm concerned the less exposure he gets the better now when can we start talking about cutting off huckabee and rush limbaugh's programs. is there a war on voters going on in your america under the guise of voter fraud more than twenty two states across the country have introduced legislation that would require voters to present photo identification at the polls or to take it even farther a bill in kansas would require proof of citizenship upon registering to vote as well and are only with these bills cost each state a lot of money during a recession but some even say that they're unconstitutional so why are safe going for it maybe it's because college students rural voters senior citizens the disabled and the homeless would all be affected aka the main street there republicans would love to silence when it comes to the polls here to discuss it with us is alex sites alter porter and blogger for think progress star or a progress report at the center for american progress action fund thanks so much
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for being here thanks a lot for me but first of all how big of a problem is voter fraud in the u.s. don't we already have lots of legislation on the books you can go to jail for this is a felony offense here to pay all kinds of fines and is it still you know really just damaging our elections every year you know the only fraud in voter fraud is the allegation of fraud there basically is no voter fraud in america in two thousand to the bush administration made cracking down on voter fraud one of their top priorities the department of justice launched this huge national investigation spent five years looking into voter fraud allegations they found a.t.c. . it's cases five years fifty states eighty six cases and the vast majority those are people who simply didn't understand the rules and accidentally committed voter fraud without even realizing it so there's no conspiracy there's no massive organized effort to do fraud america so there's a conspiracy to say that friday's going on in america i guess is what you're saying let's talk about you know who would be affected by some of these laws especially the photo identification that you have to bring to the polls or proof of
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citizenship if you're just registering to vote these are probably younger people the hispanic population rural voters older voters and those that just because these people don't necessarily carry identification or because they can't afford it or what are some of the reasons there absolutely will just like this type and unions that we're seeing across the states this is little more than a political effort to attack the democratic base the people who are progressive so those people that you just mentioned this constituency who they all have in common minorities young people looking for old people i guess that everyone else definitely democratic tend to vote democratic and there's a lot of reasons why people don't have i.d.'s or don't have passports or don't have proof of citizenship for example if you're a college student and you're going to school outside of your state you're not going to have a driver's license in the state we're going to school but you might not be able to vote at home because you don't spend the majority of your year there are people who live in very rural communities and don't own a car don't drive might not own a driver's license a study from the north carolina board of elections found that nearly
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a fifth of people might be negatively affected by these voter id laws and especially if you consider the fact that in america we don't have the greatest voter turn or voter turnout record to begin with you don't necessarily want to make it even harder for people to register to go out and vote because well then just do it all down like thirty percent of the country makes all the decisions for us how much is this actually going to cost some of these states during a recession to ask a lot of it was one of my favorite things i mean you hear republicans constantly talking about the need to cut federal spending the need to get the deficit under control both in the national and the state level but in order to implement a voter id law and a lot of the. you would need to actually give every single person in the car in the state who's eligible to vote and id if they don't already have one and you need to launch a massive p.r. campaign to give it to them for free then we no longer have to pay for our i.d.'s if you don't have a teaser you have to implement some kind of system to help them afford it because you're taking away your impinging on their right to vote which is the most fundamental right of participation in any form of democracy to hold your elected leaders accountable and you also need to launch a massive p.r. campaign t.v.
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ads radio ads to inform people about this new rule so when they show up on election day they know to bring their vote or a driver's license so they can actually vote so we're talking millions millions of dollars when states are experiencing budget cuts budget deficits when a people that are public sector employees teachers firefighters when their jobs are at risk we need to spend millions of dollars on these types of bills that republicans are trying to tell us here now in a number of states we've also heard that perhaps these laws are unconstitutional you know that's very possible and we've seen a lot of efforts to impinge on people's right to vote as i said that's one of the most fundamental participations of a democracy and you're entitled in the constitution the fourteenth amendment and other places to have a right to vote and in covered by all these various things so when you implement new registry new requirements such as a voter id law or residency requirement or proof of citizenship requirement you're forcing people to vote sometimes a lot of it on a provisional ballot which may not even be counted so you're potentially infringing
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on the constitutional rights and that's why you have to go through all these costs to do kind of jump through the hoops to make it past the constitutionality test now of course this country has a rich history of voter disenfranchisement. going on forever but would you say to her now seeing a resurgence of this you know is it really back at some kind of a peak or have republicans just been pushing this lowly behind the scenes and you know we're only now talking about both i mean this is been on the conservative agenda at the forefront of conservative and for decades you know in the south in the in the fifty's and sixty's and before we saw poll tested we saw all kinds of other. ways to limit the black vote the african-american vote minority vote and now we're seen again republicans made huge gains in state houses across the country even bigger gains and they mean here in washington so now they're using those big majorities that they won in november to implement this piece of their agenda to the person to make sure that they get to stay in control and in power for as long as they as they can i guess you could say that you know if you think you so much for
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joining us thanks a lot for me now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day actor charlie sheen was fired from his hit c.b.s. show today after a week of rants and really odd interviews he even called himself a vatican assassin warlock during a radio interview i'm not entirely sure what that means and i think that maybe the warlock community should tweet dude shut up you're making us look back and that's harsh coming from a warlock that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you come back tomorrow writer john ellis will be on the program to talk about his recent piece in the business insider why he thinks that the washington elite have turned on obama i mean time don't forget to be a fan of below show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch you tube dot com slash me on the show you know post the interviews as well as the shillings and tired we have next is the news with the latest headlines from the us around.
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then in. the needs to be reversed and the d.v.d. radio in day in intensive no number for the barbie goes to spread the. most dangerous. radiation that they've just seen the nature. of the group in the vicinity of known difference even so produce is so muddy and so many changes in the moon can suit leukemia. and wiping out of the immune system. you don't have to have a college degree you know you have to pay for an education to understand if you spread radioactive materials all over somebody's backyard that you've got
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a problem. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms of russia. we've dumped the future covered. by thom hartmann here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. down the official autopsy of the kaisha joe on the phone on called touch from the i.q. sampson. watch all she lights.
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