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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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maybe in for testers reportedly reject an offer from gadhafi to go in exchange for his and his family's safety and despite major media scams to undermine the leader our correspondent in tripoli finds could offer he still has huge support and. the global pressure in the amounts for the u.n. on the verge of allowing a no fly zone and the u.s. officially saying it may get militarily involved. also germany's new interior minister says there's no place for as nominees a country as the idea of multicultural europe takes another battery. and we'll look at africa to save rushes and battle tiger population as their numbers
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reach worrying lows. it is eight am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me. it's thoughts opposition leaders in libya have rejected a proposal by colonel gadhafi has apparently offering to resign if an interim council is formed and he and his family are allowed to safely leave the country those reports are yet to be very fight inflame violence continues to tears relieve me of more than three weeks after protests rocked it and i think it often forces are reportedly preparing to fight back after a pro-government forces pushed ahead during the past two days it's unclear who is in control of which territories with reports of air strikes on rebels and fierce battles near one of the key. seeing's rassilon of some news resources have reported
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bombings in the libyan capital but as artie's callously reports things are remarkably different on the ground. so i just i. guess. it's a hunch. it's just it's chilled just after future of libya appears to be on a knife age fighter jets have been bombarding the capital tripoli reportedly on the orders all the leader moammar gadhafi later on they told us that the. force. he comes or something like that and completely lost. her to. this these are hardly teaches of city on the brink of war and meanwhile libya's capital
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tripoli is bracing for what through another night of gunfire and promote the encouraging because there are eyewitnesses say warplanes had been firing was in for her from the air. when you see. the boards. administration or management of the channel and see. what they want from these people and eliminate or deal with those more serious their purposes which is why people here are angry bob it's taken a few days also just works as an engineer to join the throngs of gadhafi supporters in downtown green square at the high think this had to explode still don't know. of course so it is a sort of you there. but it's and this it's not
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just what's being hidden it's also what's actually being sued. the language in the framing the story. and the things that are quoted would not be you would not see these kind of moments when it's going to be in a story. that we're we're the aggressor here so it makes it look like. the problem is the gist. of what is clearly not in tripoli and just clearly we still media has been a little too quick to write off. signs that. this crowd just running around with a straight forward this is not only live gadhafi. international pressure is growing against carl could offer you were the u.k.
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and france said to be drafting a u.n. resolution to impose a no fly zone but that house together backing of the fifteen members of the security council article or emma explains what the move would mean. but the no fly zone is very much what it says on the tenets and which planes are allowed to fly essentially and what it would mean is that it would give allied planes the right to shoot down anything that took off inside libya and the idea behind that is to prevent colonel gadhafi from turning his air force on his own people from attacking civilians so that's basically what it would do now we do know. and france is said to be drafting a u.n. resolution for a no fly zone william hague the foreign secretary here says that he's working closely with his partners on what he's calling a contingency basis on elements of a resolution for a no fly zone and we've heard from a foreign office source that it's only going to be used in the case that it's needed but no decision has been taken yet to present it to the security council we
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also heard more recently that nato has boosted airplane surveillance over libya to twenty four hours a day seven days a week and rather all mislead they have said that that is part of a contingency plan that would go beyond humanitarian aid to libya in the event that this no fly zone resolution is presented this to the security council it may not go down particularly well russia as we know has a veto on the u.n. security council and foreign minister sergei lavrov has reiterated that russia is very much against any kind of foreign intervention in the situation in libya. we've already made it clear that we. as a means of solving the crisis in libya the luby's have to solve the problems. with the help of guns only through peace who leaves but of course a lot of commentators are saying that they see shades of iraq in this we had
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a no fly zone implemented the two thousand and three invasion of iraq and critics also that they fly zone so that in fact resulted in more civilian casualties and there would have been without it we have also heard rather worrying claims that gadhafi possesses chemical weapons which that was exactly the line that we were sold to head of the invasion of iraq. our analysts reporting their asia times correspondent pepe escobar says most media aren't reflecting how e.u. and u.s. leaders might be involved in forming a new libyan government greed all nor what kind of opposition might you know if they can use their peers because in this is their legal challenge you find it absolutely everybody from a progressive lawyer secular people who is your midst they are keeping a low profile so nobody knows what. will be.
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in the minds of people deciding stuff in washington and in brussels no longer unary paris ok if we go there in really broad work the next government will be in charge of the north and africa will be close to egypt and close to tunisia algeria will be controlling the region and nato will be in place this means the rest controls north africa so that's that's the real game that you won't see is poured out in mainstream media for. nato is boosting its surveillance flights over libya was round the clock monitoring it comes as president obama says the u.s. is considering possible military intervention america is also with poorly asking saudi arabia to airlift weapons to answer khadafi groups are he's going to town has a details from washington d.c. . president obama said military involvement believe it is possible he did not specify whether he was talking about direct or in direct involvement the u.s. as reportedly asked saudi arabia if it can supply weapons to the rebels in being
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galaxy the saudis have been told that opponents of khadafi need anti-tank rockets mortars and ground to air missiles to shoot down could off his fighter bombers that situation in libya is critical as it is with hundreds of people dead and with gadhafi saying he will fight until the last man standing and this reporting arm supply that could come from the saudis upon the request of the united states inflame the situation even more it is also being reported that the supplies could reach within forty eight hours so we could be some two days away from a few fledged civil war even leave you know with the involvement of western powers and here is what makes the arming the rebels possibility even more alarming americans themselves have estimated the bleeding especially the is the part of the country which is where the rebels have reportedly gain control these were is is home to a large number of the make up a fifth of malta jihadists it's enough to say that one of the rebel leaders in northeast ghazi was wrong is osama bin laden's personal driver the question here is
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whether the u.s. is going to end up putting weapons in the hands of radicals and destabilizing the region even more. than it should have been we've been hearing about the prospects facing the middle east after the popular uprisings with political analyst matthew or john ski here's some of what's to come in around twenty minutes time. i certainly i'm not a believer in conspiracy theories but i think it's funny when you listen to people who believe these theories it makes the united states sound like the most effective global actor in history and i just frankly don't believe that that's possible what i will say is i think it is probably the case as in many changes of power throughout history that the united states and others have helped to create an environment in which you know those who are coming out on the streets in libya and egypt and tunisia you know feel that they have some international support.
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europe's multiculturalism has been dealt another blow after germany's new interior minister said islam had no place in his country france is far right leader has also weighed in calling for millions of non europeans to be sent home they are among the biggest attacks of integration in the region and comes as thousands of refugees flee from trouble in north africa are just correspondent daniel bushell has a details in brussels. islam does not belong in germany according to the country's new interior minister has peter friedrich i did that immigrants must learn to speak german first and foremost and node germany's quote western christian all regions countries four million muslims are up in arms decrying a slap in the face for all muslims and it comes off the charts langley merkel and britain's leader david cameron said the efforts to create
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a multicultural society in europe had failed the arrival of thousands of immigrants from the middle east and north africa fleeing that violence has inflamed a population already suffering from record unemployment and general economic hardship in neighboring france the extreme right national front party will take first place in the first round of president selections there next year according to a new poll penn is expected to get twenty three percent of the vote that's ahead of president nicolas sarkozy the incumbent and the socialist opposition as well the party the national front the school for three million europeans to be sent out of the country to give you a flavor of their program both here and in belgium also in france there is next month expected to be passed a rule or law banning the full for years face veil the defenders of the law say that is to stop violent protests for example recently many protesters have of one
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veils to protest against various things and they say it's not targeting the muslim population but of course many muslims are up in arms about that neighboring italy has perhaps been the worst affected many immigrants have fled there just across the shore the mediterranean from north africa and the middle east and there's been an astonishing rise in right wing politics there as well. kenya bushnell reporting from brussels thing out you're watching actually right. coming up in just a few minutes the big problems facing big cats. when viewing tiger population is called the attention of the international community has been at the helm leading the. endangered species. and update on the nationwide efforts from schoolchildren up to the prime minister to keep the amazing iraq. a u.s. senator has asked for more money to fund a ward of ghana stand
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a spy the embarrassing revelation that lawmakers were manipulated by the military to do so karl levin also suggest leaving a power vacuum in the troubled country something that mistakes made when the soviets pulled out thirty years ago but archie's military contributor says the two situations are starkly different. thirty years ago this soviet army successful it accomplished one of its main mission to build up their professional afghan armed forces and you know why because we have their military officer score there was something to die for for their own country for their own peers and for their own armed forces unlike this so it will iterate campaign the current american mission in afghanistan has nothing to offer neither to have a good officers or nor to afghan people with large why because the whole american experience in afghanistan is only about profiteering whether it's for consultant
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vultures or for the private contractors or for the drug lords in essence the whole american campaign in afghanistan has nothing to do good idea ology fighting against terrorism or insurgency is down to one thing to procrastinate these low intensity conflict as long as possible and thus her perch eight and expand a unique opportunity for the whole profiteers in the united states and in again to stand to squeeze a digger bang from their butts invested by the american taxpayers in afghanistan. what unites us and take a look at some other stories from around the world and the corruption trial of former french a lawyer joshua rock is finally started after his years of presidential immunity came to an end he's accused of masterminding a scheme to use public money to pay for bogus jobs and his political allies while
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he was mayor of paris has always denied the charges and convictions unlikely the trial when had even though paris city hall dropped its plane after more than two million euros where we paid. america's discovery shuttle is on its last journey back to earth after undocking. from the international space station it's making one final orbit of the planet with a crew taking the opportunity to take some souvenir are snapshots the veteran spaceship will then return making marking rather the end of the thirty year shuttle program discovery will then head to its retirement home at the smithsonian institute museum. in hawaii a crater collapsed one of the world's most active volcanoes sending lava shooting into the sky and creating red rivers of molten rock or have also been dozens of small tremors around mt kill it's been erupting constantly for almost thirty years
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with varying intensity the area has now been cordoned off and the nearby park closed despite assurances that there is little danger. now coming up at eight thirty g.m.t. our financial guru. talk of how a full scale economic revolt might be the only way to topple the corrupt the big wigs of the big banks. are this is the is the report coming to you from cairo egypt behind me the october sixth bridge this is where millions of revolutionaries stormed took over a country and throughout the dictator i'm only hoping we see something similar in the u.s. millions storming the brooklyn bridge or take the dictatorship of the new york federal reserve bank about the dictatorship of the federal reserve bank in washington this is ground zero for the twenty first century revolutionary movement a global insurrection against.
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efforts to save russia's dwindling tiger population are showing their first shoots of success the world's biggest cat species faces its toughest fight for survival and there are just a few hundred words left as poachers and a loss of habitat continue to drive them to words extinction aren't you sarah ferguson has been following the progress of one of the lucky ones. it might not be the prettiest of faces but it's one that's become much loved when sure tiger fell victim to a misdiagnosis and a failed facial operation he touched the hearts of thousands and sparked a massive fundraising campaign to save him from which you can move a biology teacher called us admired the tiger and heard this story we all felt sorry for him and decided to help. we are glad our school volunteered to help the climber. thousands of dollars later in juric have had extensive surgery on his face
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and even found a new her in the khabarovsk region but the efforts to help him continue. he's going to need more it will be done in several stages five and six going to be a long process. it's not just europe that needs help that one thing tiger population has caught the attention of the international community and russia's been at the helm leading the efforts to try and protect these endangered species russia is heavily invested in preserving its tiger population decline minister vladimir putin personally endorsing international protection campaigns alongside celebrities such as leonardo dicaprio spike this is now estimated that less than five hundred of these cats remain in the wild and a recent report revealed worrying statistics that these animals come from a limited gene pool increasing the potential for genetic diseases and other real
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misses amongst the population they were once a familiar sight across eastern russia northern china and the korean peninsula now they deforestation has eva taken poaching is their biggest threat stripped of their natural habitat and numbers continue to do until it's made the continued efforts to save that much more important. we found out about judy we started raising money right away the dangers facing there are more trying to our national problem and we have to solve this problem together and it will be no use if we are not united. the many challenges russia continues its a turn in campaign to save the tigers even if it's only one big cats at a time. and keeping tabs on all our stories there is new dark comedy here some of what we're all lining up for you today accused of
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destroying the country but praise for a fowling russian democracy gorbachev's mixed legacies explored in artie's exclusive interview marking his eightieth birthday. also we said or overload two years after the renewal of russian u.s. ties experts voiced concern that the intentions are bringing hollow. well we have today here in our team time now for a business update with kareena. our welcome to the business side. thanks for joining me russia is planning to set a ten million dollar investment fund to help bring in high profile foreign cash to companies and projects in the country reports say the international financial giant
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goldman sachs has been informally asked to help russia's v.v. bank to guide bond last year for investment in russia amounted to almost one hundred ten billion dollars with a key focus on manufacturing retail and natural resources. and there will have been steadily getting fresh highs in recent weeks with y.c. gold prices boosting the currency but the central bank reacted by widening the trading corridor it uses to manage the rubles volatility because i put goals of from basically capital says the central bank now faces a trade off between volatility and control over inflation but there were t.v. has been quiet. at least in purcell's and i am two thousand. and two three the. dollar of this is just ordinary case and the central ground crews in winter with some flourish and targets in reach millions more stable interest rates. more were to see in the in the currency
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front. before it is trying to make a living in russia have long realised that for all its ups and downs doing business here can prove very profitable actually salopek over has been following the progress of one french entrepreneur whose life has turned out distinctly rosy. that perfume i'm french dyslexic i do something i try to do it's different when surrounds grows roses with an unusual twist and smell it's. intriguing smells with intriguing prices it's a niche market anyway. so you win by the fire. normal roses and we do we buy one of these and here is where this french business woman built her business eating when we didn't have no three in the middle of nowhere. it's
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a small village two hundred kilometers away from moscow first of think you say ok russia is very big it's there are a lot of fields and you can go anywhere but it was so in the laws of this country and. of the law you don't go just where you want you go where you know then though it's like a very very small country of unschooled and france florence bought land and built a one hectare greenhouses and her investments doubled to six million euros much to her surprise in russia you have to go through special entities that have a license it can double your course just because this company can work and then the specialist cannot work career mode location caused all sorts of problems lack of utilities construction delays i'm on guard as when she finally sold her first roses two years ago her main problem had people unwilling to work it's not only my
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problem what can be the motivation for people. living in the you know it's not the money only right it doesn't work. we have. higher than average salary you. know. and if this is not to these not enough for the brits maybe it sounds pompous but there are heroes in ordinary life a foreigner comes to russia and tries to produce something interesting here fly around says help project should start paying back in about five years cheap plans to expand her business with the dream of offering a tailored service for exclusive clients i can imagine that. there's a fifty prism for the eight of march for example is the dignity of usenet
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businessman but it came down both the release wife on the mother the unique value killed ruthie that would be on the unit its balance in the world and would be good but i didn't name most of its life for florence has been in russia since the ninety's and says she has now learned how to do business here i've been told this problem like. it. was a good deal buying a. bad movie about i don't have problems and not made it back because i'm french pantheism agreement is a good thing take that in a bit maybe part of that is yes. now let's look at how the markets are performing asian stocks showed modest gains on tuesday japanese stocks edged tire with tech stocks advancing after he touches sold a disk drive units a u.s.
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based western digital for around four point three billion dollars in hong kong property developers and coal miners are in the read a sentiment approved following a small decline the price of crude. over now german just under an hour or more here. cool.
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