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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EST

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five thirty pm in moscow these are yours you have lines opposition reportedly offers hurdle moammar gadhafi a way out of libya made rumors of foreign military intervention and u.s. defense secretary joe that bombing his close. parties correspondent in tripoli finds massive support for gadhafi in the libyan capital contradicting international headlines that he's isolated in close to defeat. several u.k. universities under fire for engaging with the kid on the regime through receiving controversial cash donations. next operatic living legend.
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joins our next she's our guest in spotlight with al gore and of stay with us. hello again a welcome to spotlight the information on r.t.i. now regards and today my guest is helium that of an assault. when she sat in the eleven metropolitan opera in new york the american media were in raptures new york times phrase to voice and said nobody ever had a chance to hear at that befalls tell the world how is she surprising the audience today here in comparable to that says i don't get into the.
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music college principal how do you handle the singing during excludes and she was a tailor after graduating from the leningrad conservatory shores are needed for and made soloist at the bolshoi theatre pay day came in the seventy's during the bolshoi successful tomorrow america going around audiences at the metropolitan old iraq and san francisco are. the world's biggest names in the it really like a charcoal chain and joined sutherland as both some duets with you know posts not are. not
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. i am. loathe. float. hello thank you for joining us today it's a great honor to carry here the pleasure is mine thanks for the invitation mayor
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started with a personal question straight away it was the last one on my list but once i saw you i decided to start with it ok you look gorgeous i'm sorry for what i'm saying is not fully proper at what you're aware you're in the history of both russia and the world culture and yet you make no secret of your age you make no secret of your diets you make no secret of your plastic surgeons why usually women are different. people know my age anyway to plastic surgeon i make no secret of his name because i like him very much he's a handsome man also i hope that looking at me elderly women who get on stage also consider that they should be looking after themselves decent when going on stage. and i do this for the sake of the stage only. do you think of montserrat come all year still performs on the stage she is an amazing woman she's very talented
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she's very sick now some people say she has to think that she's got a metabolic disorder and many other illnesses are sitting all this she's in good shape she's a real hero because she's got a very serious disease she can't even house surgery but despite all her. singing in getting on stage she's very cheerful do you think it's a right thing that she continues living on stage. you know i think that stage is like drugs that are hard to give up. but she does not sing opera arias any longer there was a funny situation when she was giving a concert and someone shouted we want no more we want no more chances if only you knew how much i wanted. what she sings is sas well as spanish songs it is not it and singing arias is it more difficult physical interesting arias. of
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course is difficult. the main difficulty of our age is that among the you feel like a young girl and everything is ok but another day i feel like an elderly woman who find it hard to walk through because of the instability a lot of health they're afraid inside opera contracts because what can stop you from getting on stage there is such a thing of death alone. it was a serious question actually probably some considerations or business or doctors or anything of the kind. i don't can't art as a tool itself will by a wonderful woman whom i adore. so you think that nerves cause all the illnesses of course without any doubts love is the cause of only two of them others come from nervousness correct. life a prolonged desiring something from life is a drug it's
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a real drug. od and dangerous drug this is obvious talwar and you are probably the first salvi a prima donna to achieve world recognition world fame yes and in spite of all that you never left the bolshoi when you never emigrated or lived abroad. never you did guess two or so of course but you always remain part of the saga of system of getting visas and permits going abroad and returning on time here we were being tempted to leave the country during the soviet times it could have been easier there once was a terrible instance when i've been trying to obtain permission to recall grody with a bad name it's only in italy so i see it's that case when. we were not given that opportunity after all did something go wrong and official fail to send a telegram to tell them i was coming so they took another singer and recorded that
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with her despite my being in milan on the day when it was done. so you arrived i freaked out and said that said i'm leaving you don't want to have anything to do that my friend. hardly coming down to prevent me from saying something that would make me banned from going abroad so you never seriously considered leaving the country never i can't live without russia i walk along the streets and i know everything about every old lady actually is and what her thoughts are even though i have even more friends a brewery here as a live there quite a lot. i can't live without russia. many in the west followed by many in russia keeps saying that the russian character has a special treat they even don't call it nostalgia they use the russian word car to describe it as a typical for any normal person or isn't specific for russians i mean
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a stealthier for russia right or your home country i feel it strongly is that only russian live in my opinion it's only russian. every year i spent three months in japan in tokyo a job in the academy so when i happen to walk in the corridor and hear someone saying. it will always be because they do feel this longing for my country. i will never forget my scene rahmani knows grave new york new york initially i plan to spend their own limited to lay flowers but i sat there for several hours weeping this feeling of love for my own model and for the soil you were born or is very strong why is it so is it because the russian soul is so different from elsewhere the. because we used to be so much isolated historically did you ever think about that you know i did not try to americans feel perfect everywhere i don't know but
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maybe because many of us at least people from my generation least through many troubles i was born in nine hundred thirty nine and nine hundred forty one in june the siege of leningrad lots of suffering. is something like when you love a child who's most a week or more who motions you who part of your life. more you love that part of your life our country has gone through so many relationships we have all our life into this country how can we but love it absolutely when such prominent people like he you come to us we always want them to tell us a story or two about someone famous you must have worked with many outstanding people like carreon. correct or a small steroid couple yeah there i can say for us what about their lives they must
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conduct themselves differently when they're with you not in public use up one of their life in their daily lives to be asked to like i can say no then normal people hire their professional and intellectual level is more the conduct themselves simple and normal people but they're probably not soo nice when you talk to them you know genius you know they're very nice people and it comes just a person does not need to pretend to be something he's not the only people who lack something pretty all complied with clothes and so forth this in other words you mean there are more normal even more than those who are around them. you know domingo said once when he celebrated his seventieth anniversary. if i had. i get covered with the rest surely unquote scarcity we judging from what you have said here really you subscribe to these words absolutely.
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also enclose of professionalism we can't afford i'll miss the use o. muscles and learns when we seen if we don't write for several days will lose form just like assets. of so you have to keep yourself in good shape i see even when i don't sing el i still do some exercises right in my abdomen muscles and so on. also said after one of his moscow three wars you know i quote the russian orleans is well known for its responsiveness and i can't imagine that this may ever change performing here use a great experience for me unquote what with. me see the russian audience a special is a truly saw what you see what you saw peculiar about it. russians are very
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fine people even though they may be rude at times. google is a hot russians a very fine or even refined people specially musicians actors intellectuals the church of. the moon a premier of no other country has such fine people like pushkin dostoyevski. and we're russians have a very delicate feelings. even when i was already rather famous in the west every time i'd be formed in russia i thought let the students take an example where as a felt as an actress in the west i felt like a student take an exam here in russia does that mean we're a failed the next. so the conclusion now i passed most of my exams is that something emotional is a click here on the same frequency with
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a russian williamsport of moving i don't know. i never thought about that the sooner you try to when it be foreman russia i always feel that i have to prove to these people. are really good for you says the helium that after us all of probably the best that soprano in the world spotlight will be back shortly we'll continue this interview in less than a minute after a break so stay with us then go. back. they invite. kony. and the media to radio. incentives denselow numbers for the cars he goes to scrape that i see. the
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most dangerous. radiation that exists in the nature. of cars the growth in the vicinity of known differentiated so produce is so much the engine that he changes including the pantsuit looking. wife being out of the immune system. you don't have to have a college degree going to have to. understand that if you spread radioactive materials all over somebody's backyard that you've got a problem. in the observed nature and discover is. the communicate with the wild and learn. to test yourself and become free and. see what nature can give you a nazi.
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the. russians would be soo much right and if you knew about someone from funniest
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impressions. his friend starts on t.v. dot com. and. put it. welcome back to spotlight and now we're not in just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is he in that. opera singer met soprano . we were just talking about opera and the fact that russians are delicate and sophisticated enough to enjoy but nonetheless it seems that these days or such is bowie and. can only be enjoyed by the elite the people who have musical education people who are prepared to enjoy or poorer. with that. was there you see. this thing is that opera has lost two generations
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after farmers or listeners. talking about audience. so much pop on the radio television in concert halls. news it became so popular people forgot about opera. back in the sunday times people always knew the names of all opera saying is an operation cast this will broadcast on television. because people who are being educated. give it least here classical music. and when a prominent party leader died. or the risk you know people of your status should despise bach music and yet you just called it an art school how do you feel about pop music of worship and know why
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a lot of people who are all very professional in decent pop music it would be wrong to despise them so you don't generally feel snobbish towards pop music not a tune if a not exists and it isn't a mind that means it deserves to exist. but that's not the point the point is we don't need that much of it. balance and that is something people who are on the television have to consider with well the music when it is sunny tuning in we used to know all of all great artists. today we don't know anybody in addition a lot of young artists moved to the west because among other things there was no law that would let us remove the form was for theaters they're no longer able to do their work is the same risk even elder man on a football team in football older players are asked to leave but that would be
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impossible to do theaters. when someone starts working in a russian theatre they spend the rest of their life there as a theatre has to give you work. that means there is simply not enough room in the theaters for aspiring young before was. well that's easy for you to say that because you're a star but i don't think that hundred so our viewers who have dedicated their lives to or will agree with you i understand that you have to understand there is time to make room for the young. we're talking about popular musicals but there is a big difference between quality pop music like the biddles or elton john or suzanne coren in russia and the low quality songs which bottles and notes don't matter all that matters is how much money is invested into the project i see i see
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don't ask me about money i don't know anything about it. what can you say about today's young musicians i don't mean pop musicians or russian cossack or performers want to be. musicians of your generation had a major cation they don't read enough books they don't communicate or try. enough theater and you don't live enough to see you can only convey to the audience those emotions that you have experienced yourself in your own heart and mind. you've been through the war they can't all go to war which they don't have to but they can read about wars resume dostoyevsky's some tolstoy any book that can teach them about life so are you serious absolutely do you really need to read books to get the right notes on your instrument or in will your voice need you have
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a rule of thumb as they are read music scene it's where they sing. and the scene outs but what they should be singing is music that is very different way to sing music and you can touch people's hearts use your professional skills to convey life emotion we've happiness sorrow turns inus heart to heart. when you are seeing him now you just sing in notes of your own vocalists out there who can't even read notes and some who can do it very well and some people consider vocalists to be. educated on musicians is that true or is it just an exaggeration there is a very good joke about that a baby is born and he starts counting in tallinn do it for climate change to say seto they decide to remove half of his grain because it would be very difficult to live if you're that smart they did a baby wakes up with
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a starts counting again. and they decide that he's way too smart so the whole his brain will have to be removed wakes up and goes. to war there's how turner is born first world. that is just a derogatory to use it so is it just a popular misconception or do singers really need alas education there are many stupid singers that might choose to visit i don't know about other professions but i think there are racial smart people in fools is roughly the same in all professions. many young russians today want to study classical music i mean vocals and schools. there's a lot of them too much in fact. many of those who want to study music want to
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become artists and then. what's important is to have something to say if you have something to say then there is a point in going on stage if you don't think it would be pointless to learn the art it is a very difficult art to learn to hotmail languages history music history the history of costumes how to know you literature and art history to. a lot to be a real artist i think you sing in san different languages that's right how many of those languages do you actually know i'm fluent in french and italian and what about other languages you don't care to learn to stand what you're singing. other languages i know some anguish. but it would any teaching japanese. really teach in japanese i do have been doing this for years this thing is that before i sing something i always sit down to translate everything to learn what it
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is all about is nothing to do results it will be just notes not music you have a culture censor of your own but i have read that you also dream of setting up a singing skoal it would be nice appears that your kingdom used to small for you start with. oh big flat instant where we prepare for contests and how little costs and clinics. but i would certainly list how this. opera performance has. everything to be done the way i want it. since i have sung with the greatest conductors best singers and our actors i know a lot and have something to say. mrs arborists classical performances are steers these the human interaction well alone after
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a. many performances two d. use all sorts of training visual thirds and so on are you ever you are in such performances and what's your attitude to them. i would normally refuse to take part in such a form. for example was chamber pots i mean like it was in the beginning of law ingrain in a seattle barcelona and so forth. all these comes from the lack of culture and education. so you label it director who streatch is a great art or a great. person with no culture. what about the other are the mere animals that are there is a good example because. there are people very well brought up and know what they
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must live for sure and. as for those passing fancy. what they do is like repainting a beautiful classic work of what a rat in something totally irrelevant. who basically thank you thank you very much for the happy thank you so much maybe it was it was a great pleasure to therapists. have you just reminded that he learned about a song the great myths of soprano was here my guest in the students and that's it for now from all of us here if you don't have yourself a spotlight you can always drop me a light will be back with more first and comments on the what's going on in and outside russia until then stay and our team and take your place.
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in the united kingdom all she's available in soon enough for the unfit thirty one hotel from the old waverly.


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