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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST

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it gives him the millstone who to some of the country house today in the blue mountains remembering the creamy that used to feel the execution of the little ruben certainly. the opposition reportedly offers moammar gadhafi a way out of libya amid rumors of foreign military intervention and u.s. defense secretary joe that bombing is close. i think this badly despite what's what's going. on it in tripoli find support for gadhafi in the libyan capital contradicting international headlines that he's isolated and close to the. new links between the u.k. and libya's government revealed several u.k. universities under fire for engaging with vicki doc the regime through receiving controversial cash donations.
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six pm in moscow good to have you with us here on r t our top story libya's opposition has told colonel moammar gadhafi that if he leaves the country now they won't put him on trial libyan state television has broadcast denials that could aki offered to quit if his family was allowed to safely leave the country violence continues meanwhile in parts of libya more than three weeks after the protests first erupted artie's policy has more from the capital tripoli. on the one hand be hearing from opposition groups that he is in talks with him they say that he's asking for an opportunity to a state. of parliament to a transition period to pave the way for him to meet these opposition groups also saying that he wants immunity from criminal prosecution and a mission to take the country at large amounts of cash now all of these reports
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have been rejected by the gap he has denied these kind of claims on state television the opposition also saying that it leads now they would not consider seeking prosecution through the international court of justice there as i say we're not hearing any confirmation obviously the exact opposite from the gadhafi regime it certainly does seem as if the west needs it was too quick to bury it. in a capsule so there are huge amounts of public support for this is a phenomenon that i explored i talking to on the streets and ascertaining the name just how right and in this case just how wrong the foreign media were in reporting the story and. a warning on the streets of tripoli i want to say touches in a way because. you know if that's. the analyst. at the heart of the criticism the pulsar could just use warplanes bombed and killed dozens of protesters in the capital city future of libya appears to be on
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a knife edge fighter jets have been bombarding the capital tripoli reportedly on the orders of leader moammar gadhafi. that it will be. a force. or something. it's not the true the truth seems more to be a city going of artists business these are hardly the pictures of a city on the brink of war meanwhile libya's capital tripoli is bracing for what good to be true another night of gunfire explosions and rioting eyewitness. a war flames had been firing at opposition supporters from the air when we invited the food in media to come to the. to see to. reports to this channel and we said that the administration or dimension of the channel is.
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what they want from these two course. it. does not serve their purposes which is why people here are angry mahomet's taking a few days also his work as an engineer to join the throngs of the does he support his in downtown queens when i think this had just what's what's going on you know people are. just looking for a lot of their mama. they want to hide but sand in this it's not just what's being hidden it's also what's actually being seeing what we're getting is that us broken anything on one side picture of a situation which is the media with the idea that there's freedom fighters. and then there is a government regime that's been an atrocious terrorist government for the last seven hundred seventy roughly this is nonsense he had to just get up he says. that's my would be going to be. the rule is clearly not in tripoli
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and just clearly based in media has been a little too quick to buy tools because he just. international pressure is mounting i'm khadafi with the u.s. considering military intervention and u.k. and france drafting the no fly zone resolution for the u.n. for more on this we turn to our he's got a tricky live in washington. so there's a guessing game going on right now with foreign intervention will they won't they and also embarrassing off the record remarks from officials about this tell us more . oh yeah matt this whole scene has been recorded defense secretary robert gates landed in afghanistan through translator the top u.s. commander general david petraeus who greeted mr gates at the airport joking quote welcome back sir flying a little bigger plane than normal you're going to lodge some attacks on leave you or something and of quote the u.s. defense secretary responded to the comment by laughing and said quote yeah exactly
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well apparently the two gentlemen were unaware of the open microphone the world is now guessing whether that was just a joke or there was a kernel of truth even if true even if it were just a joke with the situation in libya critical and really verging on a full fledged civil war a lot of people thought that was a highly inappropriate joke mind you this comes from america's top military man although the official position of the us is in order to decide on the military intervention the support of the international community the u.n. and nato are now you weighing in on the possibility of declaring a no fly zone over libya that would actually involve a large scale military operation including air strikes on leaders. including strikes only be an air defenses and putting down everything that flies over libya a vote on a no fly zone could be hard to secure at the one security council where china a permanent member is really cool to the post no fly zone and russia has made it
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very clear that any foreign military involvement would be unacceptable. i mean one of the reasons of those war against a possible intervention. i meant look here's the logic behind the statements made by some nice empowers we can't allow khadafi killed the rebels so we need to give the rebels a chance and make the fight kind of even because those things are now could obvious armor outweighs everything there's rebels happen from russia's respected for example this kind of intervention even with the best of intentions usually leads to more deaths than destruction then if you let the countries deal with their problems on their own just this monday we heard reports that the u.s. asked saudi arabia if it can supply evidence of the rebels in being god the truth is to be really dangerous if we show for the practice of arming the other side of a conflict not only does not stop the violence but inflames it even more especially those arms end up in the hands of radicals americans themselves have estimated that
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levy especially the eastern part of the country which is where the rebels have reportedly gained control is is home to a large number of few holidays they make up an official was too hot it's enough to say that one of the rabble or leaders in benghazi was once osama bin laden's personal driver and the question is this the u.s. really want back kind of the involvement. or radar he's got a cheeky life for us in washington thanks for that report for more on this now i'm joined live by antiwar columnist and historian the boys from knowledge from washington d.c. good to have you with us mr marson orders possible talk of a u.s. military intervention in libya we've already seen some u.k. troops detained on the ground there can you think perhaps an intervention has been on officially begun. i think so there's also been a report of several dutch pilots detained a couple of days ago i think there's definitely all sorts of people on the ground that are this is this is reminding me every day more of bosnia in the early one
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nine hundred ninety s. when a clear cut case for intervention couldn't be made and the public was not very much in italy for war so one had to be sort of created gradually by gradual involvement and it started with a you know humanitarian of the agents and observers and scouting missions and it continued through the no fly zone and it ended up being full blown war several years later i saw u.n. resolution adopted in february suggest that qaddafi might face in the international criminal court over this is there a similarity between gadhafi is position now and that of slobodan milosevic in the late ninety's and serbia. i would say that there's definitely been a pattern implemented ever since the one nine hundred ninety s. that any particular government that is being targeted for regime change is being criminalized and demonized in the press we don't really know yet what exactly mr gadhafi has done we have seen that there's all sorts of contradictory reports we
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have people on c.n.n. and al-jazeera libyans as well as commentators saying one thing and then we have other libyans saying something completely different and even the rebels themselves they're not there's different stories coming out of them so really i would i would regard all the reports coming out of libya with a huge grain of salt modern of what. modern media history since probably doesn't storm in especially bosnia and kosovo has shown us is that. there's a whole dimension to warfare that is being conducted in the media that it's perception management and it's too late if you discover several years down the road that the stories that everybody believed were true ended up being complete fabrications and fakes because nobody ever is called to answer for those fabrications and by then everything's already been settled and nobody cares what you think the consequences will be if there is a military intervention from outside. well the international
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order is already in tatters following the kosovo war following the iraq and afghanistan adventures right now invoking the responsibility to protect doctrine is basically going to make it obvious to the entire world that this is a license to meddle doctrine there's absolutely no possible justification for the united states or even the e.u. to get involved in libya there's just nothing in their charters or just there's nothing that would justify this it's an it in civil war in a different country in which the details are very murky if they do go when the question is what are they going in with both the europeans and the americans are facing huge budget deficits military overstretch it's very it's going to be very hard to explain to people why they can't have their pensions and why they're losing their jobs but there's enough money to throw into the military intervention in a country that is far away and is minding its own business all right thanks very
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much in a voice for knowledge journalist and historian thanks for your perspective. united states is into rightly offering arab populations the feeling of security and an attempt to encourage uprisings that's the view of political analyst at the carnegie endowment matthew rojansky his interview coming out later this hour here's a preview. if you look at the slogans that those people are using they're not exactly pro western pro-american slogans there's a lot of kind of you know anti-americanism anti israel feeling i don't think they generally view themselves as being aligned with the american camp they're mostly aligned with their own interests but it is probably true that the united states and others by talking about values like freedom and you know getting rid of authoritarianism have helped to create an environment in which you know those who are coming out on the streets in libya and egypt in tunisia you know feel that they have some international support.
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several british universities have come under pressure over their controversial links with the libyan government a public outcry over donations from the hockey regime to the london school of economics has forced the universities director to resign one of gadhafi son studied there or he's a lawyer and that has more on this from london. more details of these connections are emerging all the time the most recent one is a son of gadhafi is his fourth son who was taught at the school of oriental and african studies also known as. the us then following his student ship that announced a very lucrative deal with libyan university where they would give him two hundred fifty thousand dollars in the region or to teach a finance course. we also know of course about saif gadhafi he went to the london school of economics l.s.e. the procedure doctorate from there and then his foundation donated two and a half million dollars to the university the director of course of the university has stepped down revelation of that donation and we've also heard another
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university that has declared its links with libya itself ahead of the media finding out that john morse which has money donated from libya to grant a business school also a health battle t. and a neonatal care facility so there seems to be quite a lot of libyan money floating around in british universities there's a wide range it turns out of four and sports giving money to u.k. universities and according to a report by the center for social cohesion many courses at british universities wouldn't be able to run without this money. include iran saudi arabia and china and i'll just take you through a few of the iran has donated a total of around a quarter of a million dollars across universities in the u.k. so in town trees and so out of course that we've already heard about. who is the head of the arabian studies program at durham university and he says this is an event organized under the auspices of the deal that they have with the iranian
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government monopolized by pro ahmadinejad's speakers and he also said that money from iran comes with strings attached so there is this enormous amount of concern about this money and how it affects academic independence and freedom of thinking at british universities. saudi arabia has given a total of in the region of sixteen million dollars to british universities in edinburgh and cambridge they've used that money to build centers hold islamic studies and a saudi prince is allowed to then choose members of the management committee at centers china also around a million dollars. to form cultural and language centers again so our sheffield university and the university of edinburgh has benefited from that money and the chinese government refers to the senses as part of its foreign propaganda strategy so really a wide range of money the same suspects in terms of universities appearing a lot but big powerful and important universities across the u.k.
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receiving money routinely from government ortiz or image reporting for us from london don't forget you can always log on and have your say on the stories we're covering on our website today we're asking who benefits most from the wave of riots in the arab world wide on the already castro blog. u.s. vice president is on a visit to russia amid speculation about what exactly he is here to discuss government officials say joe biden is keen to push forward on the resetting of ties between russia and the u.s. as well as focusing on the unarrest in the arab world for more on this we're joined by our. later on in the program we'll be joined by our correspondent europe as you know of with more details turning first of all some other stories making headlines
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across the globe a massive explosion in pakistan's third largest city has killed at least thirty people and injured one hundred police say a car bomb was detonated at a petrol station causing several gas cylinders to explode resulting blast flip cars and collapse nearby buildings authorities say the nearby offices of the country's main intelligence agency may have been the target. really a state of queensland is once again being hit by differential rain spawning yet more floods it's been one confirmed death after a woman was swept from her car when she became trapped in the raging floodwaters hundreds of home and homes and businesses are again delusional in a region recovering from statewide floods and more recently a devastating tropical cycle here ologist warned there is more rain to come. back now to our previous story u.s. vice president joe biden's visit to russia amid speculation about what he's here to talk about government officials said joe biden is keen to push forward with a reset of ties between russia and the u.s.
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we're have more on this a little later from our correspondent yes or piskun ali. russia's republic of chechnya one center arena for military conflict is staging prestigious world class sports after some vicious rebuilding a friendly football matches beginning in the capital grozny between brazilian superstars and it's team formed by the republican leader just and it's just before the match artie's tom martin went to meet the airport the players i think airport. but seem more resilient allstar virtue has generator play against change the team is trying to create some of the greats of international football and they'll be pitted against the team from what runs on karl rove he's got an international team south occluding some german football stars so this is all good news and it's a sign that stability has returned to the region the brazilian football team like this is willing to come and play a much here of course closely and chechnya more familiar in the international
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headlines with a lot more serious subjects rather late ninety's into the two thousands this area was rocked by warfare and just five years ago was knee itself had been absolutely flattened so it's perhaps a sign that some of our reconstruction efforts going on here child had an affair after today of course march the eighth is women's day marked all over russia uncle out of the female fans there will be having bunches of flowers to sing for a strange. national here behind me they are so so much of friendliness a lot of resilience players here today reportedly not charging your fees to try to play sinister is a friendship between church and brazil which is quite fun zinser out earlier just to try and sample some of the atmosphere so. i can't believe this is happening we couldn't even dream of an event like these happening before i've come to grozny especially for this mine and i think it will raise this sad memories of the past
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and everything will be great. and the following events as the match is played and we'll bring you all the updates throughout the day. and right now we're going to show you some live pictures from the match that's going on in grozny right now there you can see the players lining up. for the national lead. right there in the center you can see ramzan kadyrov the chechen president. now back to the story we were talking earlier u.s. vice president joe biden on a visit to russia i mean speculation about what he's exactly here to discuss government officials say biden is keen to push forward on the reset of ties between russia and the u.s. as well as focusing on the unrest in the arab world for more on this i'm joined by
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our correspondent. dr with he tells hello yourself as a lot of hype about this visit tell us what's being said about. there's a lot of attention to this visit and this is the first visit by joe biden to russia as the vice president of the united states a lot is he's going to meet with the president of russia need to be very different prime minister vladimir putin as well and there's been the old read tons of state relations even before it started in the media all of the purposes of this visit and all of the issues to be discussed and according to some rumors joe biden's visit could be washington's sign and that it is backing president need to be d.v.d.'s in russia's next presidential pool and according to some speculation which is already been deemed crazy rumors by mania analysts one of the issues also could be discussed is finding a job for prime minister vladimir putin if you doesn't seek or in the next
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presidential election in russia according to these. these rumors he could be offered the seat of the chairman of the international olympic committee or even the seat of the secretary general of the united nations but let's put speculation aside for a moment there are real issues which need to be discussed between the two sides like the new strategic arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington in force. also russia's accession into the world trade organization which could happen as soon as this year it's already been backed by the european union and the united states and of course some key international affairs including the situation in north africa and the middle east of course and that situation is kind of the elephant in the room is the response to the arab world crisis likely to be a source of friction between the two in these possible talks. this is quite an interesting issue since the reset of relations between russia and the united seas
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has been going on for around two years now there are definite signs of improvements and the building of friendly ties but nevertheless the views of each side on some key international issues we mean different than levy is no example is no exceptions and since of the united states is supporting the idea of getting involved into the suit in the situation in libya specifically the idea of shutting down the libyan airspace which in reality would mean the libyan planes could be shot down if they take off if this by a noisy force and also libyan aircraft systems could be neutralized too to make it safe for mito pilots to patrol libyan skies a russia on the other hand is against intervention into the situation so we'll have to wait and see if the u. two sides buttigieg borders movie able to reach some sort of
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a joint understanding of this issue and if john biden's visit will continue this tendency of a building course and from the tories all right thanks very much artie zero price president joe biden's visit to russia thank you. mr medvedev goes up next with our latest business news stay with us here on our city. hello and welcome to business see you well prices have retreated from the two year highs. west texas crude is currently trading at just around out of five dollars per can look at the figures if we can brant crude is over one hundred thirteen dollars that's. not going as been reassured by news that the organization of petroleum exporting countries is considering increasing production in order to compensate for the declining output and maybe i'll have a date. from platts says opec is not likely to boost oil production so while.
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opec a is talking about this issue as we speak and their view is that there's more than enough oil in the market to make up for everything we're missing from libya and more so their chances of increasing production are very small right now but they're keeping a close eye on things at the same time as well there's a lot of important is to watch over the weekend is a day of rage planned in saudi arabia for friday and i think the market we have very very concerned to see what happens there so opec is keeping its options open but they seem inclined not to do anything right now in terms of a risk premium where we were at ninety five dollars before all of this caved off two weeks ago so i think it's fair to say fifteen or twenty dollars is the kind of premium we're looking at right now for good old boy who knows where to go to figure out how violence pans out in the next couple of days. for those who try to make a living in russia long realize that for all its ups and downs doing business here you can prove very profitable things that's not to go over has been following the progress of one french entrepreneur whose life as this thing.
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that field in french is like see. they do something i try to do a different way around us grows roses with an unusual twist in salads. intriguing smells with intriguing prices it's a niche market anyway. so you can buy maybe five normal roses and we knew we'd buy one of these and here is where this french business woman built her business it's in and we didn't know it's really in the middle of nowhere. it's a small village two hundred kilometers away from moscow first of think you say ok russia is very big is there are a lot of fields and you can go anywhere but it was so no laws of this country and. of the law you don't go just where you want you go where you know people but then though it's like a very very small country even split up in france florence bought land and built
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a one hectare greenhouses and her investments doubled to six million euros much to her surprise in russia you have to go through special entities that have a license it can double your costs just because the company can work and then the specialist cannot work for remote location caused all sorts of problems lack of utilities construction delays i'm on call those when she finally sold her first roses two years ago her main problem had people i'm willing to work it's not only my problem what can be the motivation for people. who need the you know it's not the money only right it doesn't work. we have. a higher than average salary you. and if
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this is not to these not enough for the brits maybe it sounds pompous but there are heroes in ordinary life authority comes to russia and tries to produce something interesting here fly around says help project should start paying back in about five years she plans to expand her business with the dream off offering a tailored service for exclusive clients i can imagine. as a contest to prison for the eighth of march for example if it is to defeat beatrice mr businessman that killed both. wife. and mother the unique value theo proceeded to give on the union its gathered in the world and would be good bye good name of. his wife for florence has been in russia since the ninety's and says she has now learned how to do business here i don't know this
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problem like. that. when i go by. i don't leave libya by i don't have problems. not maybe part because i'm french is in the room and they think they got in a bit maybe part of it yes. there are things that are on the rosie level french business woman making her way in russia that's a funny business to point out the headlines are next. thank. you. for the.


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