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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2011 10:30am-11:00am EST

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little. review the latest in science and signal from. the future coverage. six thirty pm in moscow the zero two you have lived the opposition reportedly offers a colonel moammar gadhafi a way out of libya and made rumors of foreign military intervention and u.s. defense secretary joe progs. artie's correspondent in tripoli finds massive support for gadhafi in the libyan capital contradicting international headlines that he's isolated and close to defeat. and new links between the u.k. and libya's government revealed several british universities are under fire for engaging with the gadhafi regime for receiving controversial cash donations. start
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he talks to a leading political analyst from the carnegie endowment about the lasting consequences of the current turbulence in the arab world that interview coming up next. tosk on the heels of the regime change in tunisia came popular protest movements throughout the region for more on this and other events making headlines joining me is deputy director of the russia and eurasia center of the carnegie endowment matthew and john skate hello thank you very much for joining us there at john scheme so how do you view these powers shaped great and least well i think it remains to be seen how much power actually shifts what we know is that some of the longstanding authoritarian regimes in the middle east are probably going to change in some way but whether they are replaced by the very same military that has been supporting all along whether another strongman comes into power to replace mubarak
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in egypt for example or if you're in libya we can't really say at this point it looks like a civil war in libya and that's very difficult to predict what will happen so i think a power shift maybe is not necessarily in the works definitely great changes and it's very difficult i think to predict well some speculate that the arab middle east awakening was all constrained by washington itself what are your thoughts about that i certainly am not a believer in conspiracy theories but i think it's right when you listen to people who believe in these theories it makes the united states sound like the most effective global actor in history and i just frankly don't believe that that's possible what i will say is i think it is probably the case as in many changes of power throughout history that the united states and others have helped to create an environment in which you know those who are coming out on the streets in libya and egypt in tunisia you know feel that they have some international
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support to be totally honest if you look at the slogans that those people are using they're not exactly pro western pro-american slogans there's a lot of kind of you know anti-americanism anti israel feeling i don't think they generally view themselves as being aligned with the american camp. they're mostly aligned with their own interests but it is probably true that the united states by talking about values like freedom and you know getting rid of authoritarianism and so on is probably helped to create an atmosphere in which they feel like at least they're not alone in the world to what extent was the u.s. courts flat food supplies about. it's a good question i think. i think there are a lot of people in washington i mean i know a lot of people in washington who have been saying this is going to happen for a long time and we need to be prepared for it. i don't think anybody expected it on the scale that it has happened it it's almost interesting how after each one you know after tunisia after egypt after libya everybody seems to say well this is it
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it stops here you know the monarchs are safe maybe the dictators will go but the canes will stay and as i said before i don't think anyone can predict this i think this is a very fluid situation that was it's going to keep changing but everything is said and done when the dust settles who is the biggest the real pala broke when the region. translation does this help iran for example does this help you know turkey i think the answer is probably yes this this is helpful to you know any regime which has managed to stay in power despite this kind of disorder in the streets. at the same time it is possible you can you can imagine a scenario where egypt for example despite having endured a transition period it is a very big it is economically significant it is a historical leader in the arab world you could imagine it coming out of this scenario actually strengthened in some ways maybe being a leader of a new walk within the middle east a sort of new or even station of you know more popular democracies are just more
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popular you know government so i could see that happening but what will this leave us something to ease about progress in the region well you know israel has played a very careful hand certainly and with the events in egypt they're very concerned about the their ability of the peace treaty which is really essential to israel's security so that they don't have to fight on you know multiple fronts at once and the united states of course is fully supportive of that perspective there have been those who call for now being the time to reinvigorate the peace process the israeli palestinian peace process and the broader israeli arab peace process i think the unfortunate reality is that a peace process never succeeds when it is driven by urgency from the outside but he's process only succeeds when the parties. inside i have that feeling of urgency that they need to make progress which is why it succeeded in the late one nine hundred eighty s. and early one nine hundred ninety s. and then it didn't succeed in the past decade because the parties were in some
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sense satisfied with where the situation was so i think for example if at this point you know the israelis feel safer just sort of barricaded themselves in and protecting themselves it's not a time when they're going to be willing to make big sacrifices for peace and on the palestinian side you know hamas for example may feel like it's time has come and now there are popular uprisings in the streets and it's time for you know if the islamic fundamentalist movement to take advantage of that so why on earth would they allow their palestinian authority colleagues who of course are not part of hamas but why would they allow them to negotiate they will do things to torpedo those negotiations do you think also does the right thing to engage hamas in talks . look i mean i can't tell the russian government what the right thing to do or not for russia would be i mean i would say from the overall perspective of the middle east situation it's useful to have somebody who is able to talk to the question is of course what he stated and i think that's where you know russia and united states and israel in particular actually i would say russia and israel i mean this is a time when you have
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a million plus russian speakers in israel including are bigger lieberman foreign minister they should have a much more substantial dialogue on peace process on security issues so that russia can use the influence that it has more effectively to deliver you know real results that are going to benefit everyone i'm not sure we're at a point like that right now but that said you know i don't i don't see any great benefit to russia kind of closing the door on its connections in the arab world i think they're potentially very useful mr johnson you've written extensively on the so-called values gap in u.s. russia relations what do you mean here well this is a term i'm not the first person to invent this term it's the idea that basically we see eye to eye with the united states and russia on many many issues economic issues issues security. i mean the list goes on nuclear security but there's often this kind of underlying problem which is we come to the same conclusions for very different reasons so russian leaders tend to for example think about
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a sort of reale politique chess game in the world where there are spheres of influence the united states controls some things russia controls some things trying to control something you know the united states has a very different ideological approach to the very same questions of you politics which is very much about well you know our country is moving towards greater freedom our countries you know prospering economically do people have freedom to participate in the market and so on and that's really a fundamentally different approach to at the end of the day very important questions for both sides and then there's also the domestic side of it which is that americans react very badly to the media coverage that they see of russia where you know people who want to protest are not given the right to protest you know there's not an effective political opposition and you know they fear about restrictions on freedom of speech and you know lack of access to effective legal process easier to protect private property and so on and then of course corruption but these are all things that americans react extremely badly to not because there
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isn't some of this sometimes in the united states and that there isn't some of this in many other countries around the world it's just it makes it very hard for us to behave like full partners when we don't see eye to eye on these kind of basic domestic issues oh you're saying that the u.s. and russia are at all it's over domestic policies but in the lives of the nine thousand civilians killed in afghanistan since two thousand and one just recently nine was under the age of twelve killed by u.s. helicopter gun fire in afghanistan and millions of russians who cannot get a high rate can you appreciate that such a tone can prove counterproductive in russia. i think actually afghanistan is a good example of where the united states and russia have almost completely shared interests in the following sense i think russia has a clear interest. in stopping the flow of heroin out of afghanistan and stopping the spread of islamic fundamentalism into other central asian countries which as we know we saw in kyrgyzstan those are not stable government so they're very
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vulnerable and i think united states clearly has an interest in succeeding in our counterinsurgency operation to prevent future nine eleven attacks and that's basically what the act and invasion was about i don't think those two interests are inconsistent i think they're one hundred percent consistent and the best example of that was this fall as far as i know for the first time we saw a joint us russian operation boots on the ground special narcotics officers and special forces attacked a nap packed border reeking heroin lab and seized you know tons of illegal drugs that would have ended up in russia in europe you know harming people just the difference in interpretation and style to me so i'll defer scott along this work. i don't think it's going to torpedo everything i think it's it's possible that the parties will not move quickly enough or will not be flexible enough that they come to an agreement on missile defense before the threat is so real that both sides
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move forward independent and if that happens it may be too late to have it going i don't think that will be the end of the world but there's no question that it will make it harder to have established a level of trust that will be necessary to do other things like for example have an agreement on tactical nuclear weapons these are the short range battlefield nuclear weapons that both the russian side and the nato side still have deployed in europe you know twenty years after the end of the cold war something we probably ought to deal with dealing with the frozen conflicts all of these things they're sort of based they require the sides to move together in lockstep and that requires trust you know who's going to move first because each side can sit and wait and say well you take care of your side of this and then we'll do our side but it requires trust and i think missile defense is clearly the first step if we can get that right then i think the level of trust between our two security. difference goes way where mr jones can hillary clinton rescind came made a strong statement that the u.s. is losing the information war it's international media outlets naming are
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a team there when does this mean that the u.s. is officially engaged in a media war with the rest of the well. i certainly hope not i mean my my sense of it is you know it's true that the kind of traditional state media worldwide are actually enduring a big challenge from the likes of twitter and facebook you know people have ways of sharing information now that do not require going through any kind of official channels that's the biggest challenge you know whether there's an information war at the level of kind of state supported media between the voice of america and russia today you know i was in a while or whatever you know media services trying to has you know i think this is almost beside the point because the reality is your average citizen knows where the information is coming from so if they want to listen to a russian perspective they can listen to what they want to listen to an american perspective they can listen to but mostly i think what citizens want to listen to and they want to listen to each other and that's why they're using these sort of social networking tools and i don't view that as a threat i view that as basically
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a positive thing but of course you want to make sure that in the long run everybody has kind of equal access to it because you don't want to have a class of people that has access to information and a class of people who have kind of in the shadows and don't have access to information and went from inside a prospect. instructive thank you very much mr charles key for insight. into. the events and the radio. signal numbers for the better because he's afraid that our. moves the germans. radiation that they exist in the nature. of a car the growth in the vicinity of known differentiated so produce is so not the
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genetic changes including the pantsuit leukemia. kweisi out of the immune system. you don't have to have a college degree know you have to play for an education to understand if you should read radioactive materials all over somebody's backyard if you got a problem. they faced it this is not a provocation but warn. the forces of the shittiest scary are you sure it's a quick victory streak so they have no idea about the hardships that we would face . if i wanted to says it all of them too nice and for any army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. to three thousand nine
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hundred forty five dollars achi talk come. in the. movie. the opposition reportedly offers colonel moammar gadhafi a way out of libya amid rumors of foreign military intervention and u.s. defense secretary joke that bombing is close. parties corresponded to tripoli finds massive support for gadhafi in the libyan capital contradicting international headlines that he's isolated and closer to the. new links between the u.k. and libya's government revealed several british universities under fire appearing aging with the gadhafi regime to receiving controversial cash to. pay partially joins us next with all the latest sports news stay with us here on r.t. .
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hello welcome to the scorsese and here are the headlines all-star game brazilian world cup winners are playing an exhibition game in chechnya had a new russian football season there leading to one. dramatic recovery arsenal's robin van persie france is back from injury to head tuesday night's champions league showdown in barcelona. and looked like the male voice at his side a favorite that i read at a quarter finals gets underway. but first an all star game of football is taking place in chechnya this cheez the evening with brazilian players past and present taking on team grozny which is captained by chechen leader of the off playing alongside tax new manager route which we have live pictures now they gave the match really is a bonus for the region with capital instrumental in bringing former colleagues to tell back oh it's not going to go away or think no and he helped persuade players
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from the result two thousand to world cup winning squad to turn out to respect the church there and play for free i think he'd recently helped victims of the floods in rio de janeiro so a feast of talent is on show for football fans at the stadium former soviet and russian stars are playing for team grozny all the recent retarder now though is also expected to feature for brazil all of which were so-called awesomes unself just signed the russian side and she game is taking place just four days before the start of the russian football season where about fifteen minutes in is to want to brazil. and of course the much there's also the matter the last sixteen of the champions league is tuesday evening and also have received a double boost ahead of their second night clash at barcelona striker robin van persie and captain since probably against both looking likely to play the new county but players were put through their paces at the cops training ground on monday also have a two one lead from the first leg van persie would miss the return. after suffering a knee injury in the carling cup final at the end of last month however
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a rapid recovery means he's in the squad along with barbara gassings back after straining a hamstring however alex song and theo walcott have missed out on the trip to spain through injury of the ganas hope to avenge last season's quarter final defeat to the cattle and side. played. so many games that we've we have we have potential and we are the present we want to deal with things for the club and tomorrow is obviously. exam for four for all of us as a demon individually everyone was sure we want to show how good they are. fantastic opportunity for the team to come to our great game meanwhile barcelona are missing both of their first choice central defenders joe p.k. is suspended and captain carter's three are with a knee injury manager that going to himself has a bad back he was due to go to hospital on monday night for treatment on
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a herniated disc but is expected to be on the touchline this tuesday evening and he says ask for a tough test despite also beating them in the final in two thousand and six. one on. one time from ground. zero this is. the. last. and also on tuesday shutdowns in that school play in ukraine and are aiming to make the quarterfinals for the first time chances are one of the first like you need to be three two and the draw receiving would be good enough to see them through something that is possible as they've never been beaten at the donbass arena since moving there in august two thousand and nine. roma trained at their pace ground on monday night ahead of that second the clash new roman manager been genzer multilevel has led his side to two victories and a drop since taking the reins from paddy around aerie and while the coach now faces a must win game he believes his side we're the ones putting the pressure on the
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opposition this time around. because it was greeted shock ofcs quality is very good and we've considered peers who will do everything to make them play hard and to lower their hopes remember f.c. is a growing streamlet has great potential we rely on good play and we were right here to pick up a positive result is present because meanwhile syria leaders ac milan trained in italy on tuesday ahead of wednesday's last sixteen second leg crash a top note the seven time european champions have it all to do after losing one minute home in a fiery first leg coach must be on the alegria has numerous headaches selections italian side of missing three key midfielders injured under a pillow and less and i've seen him and get out a good two so he received a four match ban off but it's not an assistant coach joe jordan at the end of the match which also included a bad tackle from lance mathieu flamini pleasure and. turning the other game on wednesday blends here will travel to shelter first like anyone also both seems to
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have everything to play for shall have the advantage of the away goal kicking cheat or a victory to see the genocide progress into the last eight. elsewhere in the war german champions mine unical part company with coach louis van holland the end of the season the announcement follows the club's latest three one defeat at hanover on saturday it was their second straight loss and saw them slip to fist place to lead the berry and slide also bad out of their domestic cup competition earlier this month did steer them to a domestic double last season and was voted coach of the year in germany for his leagues but the club bosses say they have differing views on how buying should develop strategically so the dutchman will leave his post a year early. that's. not a decision that has to make that's a. difficult decision for the board i know that to feel it's not easy to keep van hollen. that is a very difficult question to. i saw it in our in the action has resumed in
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a casual play off this tuesday afternoon with the western conference semifinals well underway in the us level and some petersburg times course you can see on your screen of the king of the third period copies a lot more of these how surprised i caved in on my riga latvia side showed their mettle by just watching early favorites and i know moscow in the opening round was blocking much of coach bloodied me out wojciech still says he is the stronger side elsewhere pecial dream team scar welcome that lands after sweeping past that moscow . and eastern conference semifinals face off the line is a double defending champions and pass up against the final power has to follow that you live with both teams and yet to lose during this postseason regular season winners i'm going to play resolute my desire god's love and god with the last side to move into the quarter finals after trancing if they can make seven three one home ice. and finally two extreme winter sports where the free rider world's top of the slopes of sortie this weekend and our own cousin thing but after trying to peak
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especially for us. the resort that will stage the alpine ski events of the twenty fourteen winter olympics is becoming a brand name that resonates around the world however these guys don't need prepare tracks they just need in the abundance of fresh snow and good weather. so meet the world's top free riders on the slopes of their you reach it was a there's been some freeskiing freewriting scheme for twenty years in the region people from all over the world came because there are some steep interesting mountains with snow that grips to the mountain and gives you very good lines. plus the hospitality. the russian people is something very special. twelve years ago righted krasnaya polyana could only wish to talk of the mountain by helicopter but now anyone can get there by ski lift never the last free ride
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contests are more natural it's all about enjoying even to rein in iconic mountain resort which inspired the athletes to test their most creative skills on a windy truth. you know it's the best way to be close to the mountains in winter it's like an incredible feeling riding i think is the best. sochi became the fourth stop on the world show for flying skiers and snowboarders this year as the tournament increased from four to six events pre-writing is contradictory in their it's not strictly speaking competition but some reuters still want to be on the very top of their sport which judges are needed writers do not adjust to a judge insisting the system of their. heart stopping beckley cleve jones three cornices and jaw dropping tour and that's what the judges witness. every time the sec is just two days ahead all season long way. if it
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means i can come back here again. although not for the whole tour again. and this time the writers produced an outstanding show with an almost perfect one from swiss world courts and some other. while feel morally won the snowboarding in style and both of them powered up to the top of the rankings. which two stages to do the tough competition for the world kuoni still underway couldn't really get into the flow which they usually have during a competition was really forcing myself from time to jump all the way down. i thought it might just affect the impression of the judges would give me a lower score but obviously it was not. after watching through pretty riders. line from fresh powder through faces. to push you to slow the british. heart such it. and before we go let's just go back to
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that big football game that's taking place it draws near where team goes they are taking on brazil the brazil world cup winning spot in two thousand and six result on the current leading to want all its former chelsea also he was on the side of the team grossing which is captained by chechen leader around and carried off to one time to the two thousand to cup winning team where perhaps twenty five minutes into the action there was only a sack no pulse. these days. and it's off on this course as the last couple of hours and after that another.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future covered. for the full summit we've got it for. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on our team.
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in the united kingdom she's available in ft hood the house the land forty one hotel the old waverly hotel they can also tell the millstone hutto and some of the country house full of day in the full good old gillman towns the rim brands the crew made the choice to feel the most acute motown the old phone the rubens for tone. down the official on t.n.t. cation q i phone i pod touch from the i choose ops to. munch on sheesh life on the gut.


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