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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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if you want. to. call. for the full six we've got it for. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. if you just joined us for a warm welcome to solitary life here in moscow top stories this hour the opposition reportedly offers colonel gadhafi a way out of libya amid rumors of foreign military intervention and the u.s. defense secretary joked that bombing is close. parties correspondent tripoli found massive support for gadhafi in the libyan capital to international headlines that he's isolated and close to defeat. links between the u.k. and it is government revealed several british universities are on the foreign
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gauging with the gadhafi regime through receiving controversial cash donations. turns up to date for the moment i'll be back in fifteen minutes with another recap in the meantime with our leading political analyst from the carnegie endowment about the last in consequences of the current turbulence in the arab world and that interview is next. const on the heels of the regime change in tunisia it came popular protest movements throughout the region for more on the ascent other events making headlines joining me is deputy director of the russia and eurasia center at the carnegie endowment matthew and john skate hello thank you very much for joining mr jones so how do you view these powers shaped greats and least well i think it remains to be seen how much power actually shifts what we know is that some of the longstanding authoritarian regimes in the middle east are probably going to change
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in some way but whether they are replaced by the very same military that has been supporting them all along whether another strongman comes into power to replace mubarak in egypt for example or a good profit in libya we can't really say at this point it looks like a civil war in libya and that's very difficult to predict what will happen so i think a power shift maybe is not necessarily in the works definitely great changes and it's very difficult i think to put it well some speculate that the arab middle east awakening was all constrained by washington itself what are your thoughts about that i certainly am not a believer in conspiracy theories i think it's fine when you listen to people who believe in these theories it makes the united states sound like the most effective global actor in history and i just frankly don't believe that that's possible what i will say is i think it is probably the case as in many changes of power
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throughout history that the united states and others have helped to create an environment in which you know those who are coming out on the streets in libya and egypt in tunisia you know feel that they have some international support to be totally honest if you look at the slogans that those people are using and they're not exactly pro western pro-american and slogans there's a lot of kind of you know anti-americanism anti israel feeling i don't think they generally view themselves as being aligned with the american camp. they're mostly aligned with their own interests but it is probably true that the united states by talking about values like freedom and you know getting rid of authoritarianism and so on is probably helped to create an atmosphere in which they feel like at least they're not alone in the world to what extent the u.s. courts let's buy development. it's a good question i think. i think there are a lot of people in washington and i know a lot of people in washington who have been saying this is going to happen for a long time and that we need to be prepared for it. i don't think anybody expected
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it on the scale that it has happened. it's almost interesting how after each one you know after tunisia after egypt after libya everybody seems to say well this is if it stops here you know the monarchs are safe maybe the dictators will go but the kings will stay and as i said before i don't think anyone can predict this i think this is a very fluid situation that was it's going to keep changing when everything is said and done when the dust settles who is the biggest the real pala broker in the region. translation does this help iran for example does this help you know turkey i think the answer is probably yes this is this is helpful to you know any regime which has managed to stay in power despite this kind of disorder in the streets. at the same time it is possible you can imagine a scenario where egypt for example despite having endured the transition period it is a very big it is economically significant it is a story for a leader in the arab world you could imagine it coming out of this scenario
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actually strengthened in some ways maybe being a leader of a new block within the middle east a sort of new or even station of you know more popular democracies or just more popular you know governments and i could see that happening well this leave us policy in the region well you know israel has played a very careful hand certainly that with the events in egypt they are very concerned about the their ability of the peace treaty which is really essential to israel's security so that they don't have to fight you know multiple fronts at once i think the united states of course is fully supportive of that perspective there have been those who call for now being the time to reinvigorate the peace process the israeli palestinian peace process and the broader israeli arab peace process i think the unfortunate reality is that that peace process never succeeds when it is driven by urgency from the outside the peace process only succeeds when the parties. inside i have that feeling of urgency that they need to make progress which is why it
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succeeded in the late one nine hundred eighty s. and early one nine hundred ninety s. and then it didn't succeed in the past decade because the parties were in some sense satisfied with where the situation was so i think for example if at this point you know the israelis feel safer just sort of barricaded themselves in protecting themselves it's not a time when they're going to be willing to make big sacrifices for peace and on the palestinian side you know hamas for example may feel like it's time has come now there are popular uprisings in the streets and it's time for you know it is mamak fundamentalist movement to take advantage of that so why on earth would they allow their palestinian authority colleagues who of course are not part of hamas but why would they allow them to negotiate they would do things to torpedo those negotiations do you think most code does the right thing to engage hamas in talks. look i mean i can't tell the russian government what the right thing to do or not for russia would be i mean i would say from the overall perspective of the middle east situation it's useful to have somebody who is able to sort of the question is
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of course what he stated and i think that's where you know russia and united states and israel in particular actually i would say russia and israel i mean this is a time when you have a million plus russian speakers in israel including our bigger lieberman foreign minister they should have a much more substantial dialogue on peace process on security issues so that russia can use the influence that it has more effectively to deliver you know we'll results that are going to benefit everyone i'm not sure we're at a point like that right now but that said you know i don't i don't see any great benefit to russia kind of closing the door on its connections in the arab world i think they're potentially very mr johnson written extensively on the so-called values gap in u.s. well sure relations what did you mean here well this is a term i'm not the first person to invent this term it's the idea that basically we see eye to eye on the united states and russia on many many issues economic issues issues security. i mean the list goes on nuclear security but there's often this
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kind of underlying problem which is we come to the same conclusions for very different reasons so russian leaders tend to for example think about a sort of reale politique chess game in the world where there are spheres of influence the united states controls some things russia controls something to try to control some things you know the united states has a very different ideological approach to the very same arguments that you politics which is very much about well you know our country is moving towards greater freedom our countries you know prospering economically do people have freedom to participate in the market and so on and that's really a fundamentally different approach to at the end of the day very important questions for both sides and then there's also the domestic side of it which is that americans react very badly to the media coverage that they see of russia where you know people who want to protest are not given the right to protest you know there's not an effective political opposition and you know they hear about restrictions on freedom of speech and you know lack of access to effective legal
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processes you know to protect private property and so on and then of course corruption but these are all things that americans react extremely badly to not because there isn't some of this sometimes in the united states and that there isn't some of this in many other countries around the world it's just it makes it very hard for us to behave like full partners when we don't see eye to eye on these kind of basic domestic issues but you're saying that the u.s. and russia are it's a once over domestic policy is that in the lives of the one thousand civilians killed in afghanistan since two thousand and one just recently nine was under the age of twelve killed by u.s. helicopter gun fire in afghanistan and millions of russians who cannot get high rate can you appreciate that such a tone can prove counterproductive in russia. i think actually afghanistan is a good example where the united states and russia have almost completely shared interests in the following sense i think russia has a clear interest. in stopping the flow of heroin out of afghanistan in stopping the
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spread of islamic fundamentalism into other central asian countries which as we know we saw in kyrgyzstan those are not stable government so they're very vulnerable and i think united states clearly has an interest in succeeding in our counterinsurgency operation to prevent future nine eleven attacks and that's basically what the afghan invasion was about i don't think those two interests are inconsistent i think they're one hundred percent consistent and the best example of that was this fall as far as i know for the first time we saw a joint us russian operation boots on the ground special narcotics officers and special forces attacked a and a half packed border region heroin lab and seized you know tons of illegal drugs that would have ended up in russia in europe you know harming people does the difference in interpretation and style to me saddam. got a lot of this work. i don't think it's going to torpedo everything i think it's it's possible that the parties will not move quickly enough or will not be flexible
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enough that they come to an agreement on missile defense before the threat is so real that both sides move forward independent and if that happens it may be too late to have a joint i don't think that will be the end of the world but there's no question that it will make it harder to have established a level of trust that will be necessary to do other things like for example have an agreement on tactical nuclear weapons as these are the short range battlefield nuclear weapons that both the russian side and the nato side still have deployed in europe you know twenty years after the end of the cold war something we probably ought to deal with dealing with the frozen conflicts all of these things they're sort of they require the sides to move together in lockstep and that requires trust you know who's going to move first because each side can sit and wait and say well you take care of your side of this and then we'll do our side but it requires trust and i think missile defense is clearly the first step if we can get that right then i think the level of trust between our two security. which means goes away with
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this story john scahill require recently made a strong statement that the u.s. is losing the information war it's international media outlets meaning our team. does this mean that the us is officially engaged in a new war with the rest of the while. i certainly hope not i mean my my sense of it is you know it's true that the kind of traditional state media worldwide are actually enduring a big challenge from the likes of twitter and facebook you know people have ways of sharing information now that do not require going through any kind of official travel that's the biggest challenge you know whether there's an information war at the level of kind of state supported media between the voice of america and russia today you know it's been a while or whatever you know media service is trying to has you know i think this is almost beside the point because the reality is your average citizen knows where the information is coming from so if they want to listen to a russian perspective they can listen to what they want to listen to an american perspective they can listen to but mostly i think what citizens want to listen to
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and they want to listen to each other and that's why they're using these sort of social networking tools and i don't view that as a threat i view that as basically a positive thing but of course you want to make sure that in the long run everybody has kind of equal access to it because you don't want to have a class of people that has access to information and a class of people who live in the shadows and don't have access to information and we from all sides are probably. safe thank you very much mr. wealthy british style.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g the air. weldment. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realm of russia. we've got those who share coverage.
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and. forces are all to you the opposition reportedly offers colonel gadhafi a way out of libya amid rumors of foreign military intervention and the u.s. defense secretary joe bowling is close. he's correspondent in tripoli find massive support for gadhafi in the libyan capital tripoli international headlines that he's isolated and close to defeat. and new things between the u.k. and libya's government reveal that several british universities are on the far flung gazing with the backing regime after receiving controversial cash donations. with all the latest sports news and there was
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a treat for football fans in the kitchen capital of grozny this evening and i believe yes stars from brazil season two world cup winning team along with other luminaries of the game with that play an exhibition match at the homestead act score goals and the fireworks are coming up very. hello and welcome to this course of the headlines big name game of brazilian world cup winning eleven beating goes down draws a team six for an exhibition match in the chechen capital the russian football season. while dancing back robin van persie and skipper sets fabregas return from injury to line up ross there's a child this week showdown with boss alone. on full steam ahead lucky once you've beaten down by. gone be free to plant the first strains of the k h l plus a finals. but first an all star game of football took place in chechnya on tuesday
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evening and some brazilian players past and present it in stars to the team grozny six at the tatic stadium christian leader rams on friday offered help to persuade former dutch star ruud gullit to come to terror at his their new manager and the leader also persuaded some members of the two thousand she is a sports contraction for this match it was an end to ending council results but first after just three minutes from the other half we get to know the world cup winners just or minutes later grozny had a chance to play a quick go back as a last meeting of the north captain the home side missed his first of two ounces or that kind of a third call did strike back for grossman thirty minutes. equalized so then brazil was one of the survey run scoring three goals in nine minutes savio puts the south american side streets la. mario got him on the outs it's out there
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on second life to the same side well done that. job i love going back straight after the restart of the high school team sort of in the minutes when she went and did six for a much. but there's also the match of the last sixteen of the champions. eveningwear asshole captain says fabric ass and strike a robin van persie return from injury to line up for the gunners in the second they clash and also light up the players open through their paces at the cubs training ground on monday also had a two one lead from the first leg but it was thought that percy would miss the return trip after suffering a knee injury in the carling cup final at the end of last month however a rapid recovery names and starts along with fabregas is back after straining a hamstring however alex song and theo walcott has missed out on the trip to spain through injury as they got us out to avenge last season's quarter final defeat to the catalan side. played. so many games that we have shown that we have we have potential and we are the president that we want to do with things for the club and
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tomorrow is obviously. a fantastic exam for for for all of us as a team and individually everyone will show we want to show. they are and it's a fantastic opportunity for the team to come to have a great game well meanwhile barcelona are missing both of their first choice central defenders gerard piqué is suspended and captain follows pretty always out with a knee injury guardiola himself has a bad back he was due to go to hospital on monday night for treatment for tony eighty this should be on such lines leaving he said asahel will be a tough test sponsored beaten in the final in two thousand to six. season. one finally. long term and. this is. not. something. so this tuesday night shutout and that's good taking on rome or in ukraine and
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they're aiming to make the quarter finals for the first time tracks are one of the first leg in italy three two and the draw will be good enough to see them through something brightness feels a possible as they've never been. since arriving they have all those two thousand and nine. well knew already trained their hosts round on monday night ahead of the second leg clash you are a manager in jenson runs our problem is cited two victories on the draw since taking the reins from your own yairi and all the coach now faces a must win game he believes his side will be the ones pushing pressure on the opposition this time around. by robert ludlum guard as it was agreed a sharp turn up she's quality is very good and we've considered this will do everything to make them play hard and to lower their hopes remember f.c. is a growing stream it has great potential we rely on good and we were right here to pick up a positive result this person will overtake us from well meanwhile syria our leaders ac milan trained in italy on choose day ahead of wednesday's loss to the second leg
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cash it's not known for some time european champions have it after losing one nil at home in a fiery first leg coach alegria has numerous headaches selections it's all inside missing three key midfielders injured and low and passing and proceeding. to receive a four match ban after he helped but it stopped them persistent coach joe jordan at the end of the much also equally bad tackle from last year funnily a veteran. and another game on wednesday that will travel to shelve the first leg and if one also both teams still have everything is a playful shot the bow had the advantage of a wake up and clean sheet all of a treat to see the german side progressed into the last eight. now in the english premier league second boston bombing and will go to. wednesday looking for a victory that will lift the match of the drop zone after winning their first trophy for forty eight years with a surprise two one victory. roster carling cup final city manager alex mcleish
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emphasized his side's need to focus on the lead a disappointing three ones are a defeat at home to west brom on saturday not the blues into the bottom three though they do have two games in hand that lined up against an open society came back to win two want to newcastle last time not. people because. of the. different. machines do when. i saw you know where looking at if jaroslava and strawson petersburg won the first matches of their respective western conference semifinals as the action resume to the casual player some choose a being tops is not evil all square often superior to get surprised in arica to score three goals in the first to grasp victory is a late start on the up the side elsewhere pay child dream team star beats atlanta seven of the game's goals coming in the second period it's exciting it's imprecise
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exist in the second game series classic seven series will take place on thursday. and eastern conference semifinal space on wednesday a double defending champion rounds against the final powerhouse fall about you liar of the both teams yet to lose during this postseason regular season winners danceable play let alone one is the course having guards with a loss like to move into the quarter finals after trancing with a human seven three one highlights. and finally two extreme winter sports where the free ride world tour took to the slopes of sorts here this weekend and our own constitution was off and especially for us. krasnaya polyana the resort that will stage the alpine ski events of the twenty fourteen winter olympics is becoming a brand named resonates around the world however these guys don't need tracks they just need in the abundance of fresh snow and good weather. so need the world's top
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free riders on the slopes of there you can reach it was a there's been some freeskiing for your writing scheme for twenty years in the region people from all over the world came because there are some steep interesting mountains with snowdon grips to the mountain and gives you a very good lines. plus the hospitality. russian people is something very special. twelve years ago erupted krasnaya polyana could only reach the top of the mountain by helicopter but now anyone can get there by ski lift nevertheless qantas a more mature it's all about enjoying good even terrain in iconic mountain resort which inspired me afterwards to despair most creative skills on why they choose. for writing is you know it's the best way to be close to the mountains in winter it's like an incredible feeling writing i think it's the best the best. sort of
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became the full stop on the world show flying skiers and snowboarders this year as the tournament increased from four to six civilians we were saying is contradictory in there it's not strictly speaking competition but some of the interesting want to be in the very top of their sport which judges are needed writers do not adjust to a judging system the system of their. heart stopping back to sleep only says enjoy do have insurance that's what the judge just witnessed up in the ivory tower about the. best days i've had all season long way. if if it means i can come back here again next year also not for the house or again. in this story the writers produced in the outstanding show with an almost perfect one from smi spoilsport some of them from other ones king while flo morally won the
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snowboarding in style and both of them powered up to the top of the rankings. with two stages to do the tough competition for the world kuoni still underway couldn't really get into the flow which they usually have curing competition round there was really forcing myself from time to jump all over down and i thought much as the fact impression of the manager judges would see it and then give me a lower score but obviously was not there but after watching the best supriya writers seem possible on line from fresh powder my face is an innate desire to push the way of the truth flow to start practicing same part of our team such as. and that's a nice must also ask. for
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