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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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i am. but can be a loner show where i get the real headlines with none of the mercy or can live out of washington d.c. now today we're asking if obama is really acting like a leader some of compliment to the president on his pragmatic approach to foreign relations while others think that he's too scared to use the power at his disposal then more news out of pakistan as the relationship between the obama administration and the i.s.i. continues to deteriorate over the case of raymond davis well discuss his fate and the implications of this could have on the war in afghanistan then calling all fact
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cat bankers that you've got someone coming after you protest or make wall street pay continue and we're going to talk to a member of the group about their goals that obama has done a one eighty after promising to shut down guantanamo bay when first becoming the president the obama administration has now announced the military tribunals will resume so why the change of heart or to find out and it's international women's day so we'll look at the different ways that people around the world are celebrating and fighting for women's rights we'll have details on all of that and more but first let's move on to our top story. the situation in libya continues to escalate as moammar gadhafi continues to turn airstrikes to try and sign the rebel advances yesterday rumors began circling that could offer he had made an offer to opposition forces to step down if they allow him to leave the country but the opposition says that there was no such proposal today they gave could off the a seventy two hour
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deadline to leave his post if he doesn't want to be pursued for the crimes that he has committed and reports are now saying that the u.k. and france are already drafting up a u.n. resolution to establish a no fly zone that nato is also assessing the possibility and neo cons here in the u.s. are already beating those drums as well perhaps the least aggressive and vocal on this situation has been president obama obama be privatised the negotiator the lawyer or as some in washington paid it obama the non leader the man who's not using the power disposal that's how our guest tonight john ellis painted so is obama not stepping up to his global leadership role or is it just a change that someone washington aren't ready to confront joining me from our studio in new york is john ellis political editor of business insider john thanks so much for joining us so let's start off with this notion this assertion that obama isn't really taking advantage of the power at his disposal that he isn't
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really acting like a leader or perhaps just a senator and not a president obama why do you think that's the case. well i think i think there are a lot of people in washington who would like you know we're. unnerved by a middle east that is seemingly come unstuck and they would like some guidance or direction as to what u.s. strategy is and how we're going to deal with it and i think what they're seeing is president obama being very careful how he responds and so you're getting a lot of drumbeat from washington asking him to be more forceful more direct but you know if the situation today is so volatile them is himself little bit of caution a better idea than just acting recklessly. it probably is i mean the the most interesting thing is i don't think the american public in the case of libya i don't
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think the american public wants to have anything to do with getting involved in any kind of nation building operation there same holds true for egypt so the president is being criticized in washington he's probably doing just fine with voting public which doesn't you know having gone through to nation building exercises in iraq and afghanistan has basically said enough is enough we don't want to do that anymore but i'm happy you bring that out that's right if we look at the recent rasmussen polls that show that fifty seven percent of the u.s. doesn't think that we should get involved especially with the situation in libya here so if obama is going to be a good leader and a good president is nice opposed to listen to his people or just a few neo cons that basically want to bomb everyone and everything here in d.c. . well i think he has two obligations one is he can't get too far out ahead of where. the electorate is feel like it doesn't want him to do this or that at some
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level he can't do it but i do think he has an obligation to sort of stretch out or sketch out what he thinks our strategy is going forward the good news about that is that because he's not present the united states he has all the time in the world to sketch that strategy out and patience is probably better than acting you know in a rush so he's probably doing just fine but at some point i think he's going to have to lay out what the strategy is to deal with this new middle east. looks like he's really been like we said cautious about this slow here to act where as we now know that the u.k. and france are drafting a u.n. resolution for a no fly zone we know that nato is trying with the idea but realistically if a no fly zone were implemented would it be the u.s. that would be leading the charge. i don't i don't see any other nation leading the charge in and i don't think the electorate was wants obama to establish
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a knife no fly zone i don't think the electorate wants the u.s. involved in libya or egypt or tunisia. you know in a direct way. the view is i think that those people can work out their own situation so will probably not go forward with that he certainly said every signal that they're not going forward with it and probably stick to that. but so then what's the logic coming from these people the the john mccains of the world that are here in washington that do want to say they do want to bother to be more aggressive they do want a no fly zone implemented right i mean even secretary of defense robert gates here is asking people to be very cautious about this type of decision because make no mistake about it as he says this will be a military operation so what's the the logic behind pushing for another military operation in a muslim country by america. i think what's going on is that people are unnerved
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and anxious about you know. in a in an overstated way the middle east on reveling. they would like as reassurance the president to speak to that issue and to reassure them that everything is going to be ok and in the case of they would like him to intervene i don't think is going to intervene because i don't think the electorate wants him to intervene he will i think eventually have to speak to what the strategy is to this new middle east that's emerging but as president of the united states he has the luxury of time because he's not under any sort of he's not under any deadline to speak about it and just have to speak at it speak to it when he's ready to speak to it but what kind of reassurance would be enough you know what would the right words be to appease this crowd. i'm not sure i mean i'm not sure that there is if you
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look at what's happening. it's it's something that could go off in any number of directions we probably won't know what the future looks like for another six months to a year maybe five years so it's unclear to me what it is that people are looking for from him because the situation is so unstable and go in so many different directions that said. you know there is some criticism of president obama that i mentioned in the column which is basically had he speaks in a passive voice he talks like a senator as opposed to a president. i guess some of that is fair and it's certainly you know. gathering force if you will in washington it's our child i thank you very much for joining us and you know i just think what if john mccain had been president today what a different world there would be and of course what a different tone we would be hearing devaney more the more aggressive side as you
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were noting but i think there are a lot of people out there who are enjoying obama's caution and his pragmatism here at least appreciating thanks so much thank you. ok so it's no secret that there are a lot of people that are unhappy with president obama's performance while in office but as you know that he's having trouble getting over school kids as well and an internal memo the white house claims that it's based on a shortage of applications from high schools that are requesting that the president speak at their commencement ceremony you see the white house turns it into a competition every single year or schools across this country apply for president obama to be at their schools graduation but it turns out not nearly as many schools applied this year usually the president gets at least a thousand requests but this year they've only gotten sixty eight and the deadline is just days away so opes if somebody from the white house forget to send out a memo to all the schools what's going on here that nobody was the leader of the
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country to speak at their high school graduation maybe students were concerned when they heard about a threat to their privacy maybe they got worried about the government's threat to wiretap everyone's business on social networking sites you know facebook is a staple for kids these days or maybe they're upset about how the economy is doing under his administration let's face it a lot of high school kids won't be going to college if they can afford it so who knows frankly the possibilities are endless but we're here to offer a solution mr president we hope you enjoyed as flyer that we created for you tired of the typical snooze fest the comes of convincement ceremonies sick of hearing those dr seuss quotes before you get your diploma do you want intelligent yet cool guy is speaking your high school graduation or you're in luck because barack obama the president who plays basketball and who created the white house home brew wants to speak at your school just apply them on a vast well and beer those are definitely things that high school seniors can get into if the whole leader of the free world thing doesn't work. now still to come
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tonight new details are emerging about the case of raymond davis will bring you all the latest and we'll look into how this case could create a conflict between the u.s. and pakistan and finally more and more americans have come out demanding the fact cat bankers will have details on the make wall street pay movement and we'll speak with one of the group's members right out of the. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime bright. and. beautiful and well. we never got the live shows here keep them safe get ready to give them the freedom .
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they shot martin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. a. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to tell you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never saw the mainstream news. media so. we took a little something. personal on our team such to stand.
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by guys welcome to shelly's hell on the obama show we've heard are just stop to say on the topic now i want to hear. just dodging video on our twitter for part of the questions that we host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is that week. playboy. patriot missiles they are one of america's top weapons surface to air missiles used by the united states army and several of its allies around the world but would you be surprised to learn the parts of these missiles are built by prisoners that's right a piece from wired dot com they point out that part of the weapon system is built by unit court previously known as federal prison industries this is
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a government owned corporation established back during the depression that currently has about twenty thousand inmates in seventy prisons and they make everything from clothing to office furniture solar panels to military electronics who knew but here's the really interesting and perhaps important part of the story the prisoners who make these missiles make as little as twenty three cents an hour keep in mind the u.s. that makes billions by selling these patriot missiles to allies and we're getting some of the work done for mere pennies now and unicorns website they proclaimed of a supply numerous electronic components and services for guided missiles including the patriot advanced capability missile so the next time you hear about some really big u.s. weapons deal made with one of our allies just know that some hardened criminal probably helped build it all for about twenty three cents an hour doesn't seem quite right does it. the case of raymond davis the thirty six year old cia
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contractor who's accused of murdering two pakistanis continues pakistani court adjourned today without making a decision on his fate and pushing the next court date to march sixteenth and the use the u.s. says that davis should be given diplomatic immunity and they argue that he was acting in self defense about to study officials say the davis should be tried in pakistan they claim that davis was working in the country without their knowledge and they've demanded that the cia release the names of all the agents operating in the country so needless to say it's not a pretty situation there isn't much bigger than just raymond davis has a relationship between the i.s.i. and obama deteriorated now to a new low and what will that mean for the war in afghanistan joining me from our studio in new york is scott horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine scott thanks so much for joining us tonight now what do you see from this situation do you think that this relationship as i said between the obama administration and i.s.i. is is really just completely melting away. well i think you know we
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have a very dramatic situation in the foreground with raymond davis and all these complex claims about diplomatic immunity or absence of diplomatic immunity but that really is just sort of a smokescreen that hide a very very serious rupture in the relationship between two intelligence communities particularly the cia and pakistan's department of interest services intelligence i.s.i. we know they've they've had difficult relations for years but in the last several months they've grown far more serious and indeed lethal because of course we see reports now in the pakistani newspapers but the two men who were shot by raymond davis were in fact low level operatives who had
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been assigned to tail him because he had crossed a red line that relates evidently to some surveillance activities he was engaged in the u.s. of course is discounting these claims but nevertheless that would help to explain why the i.s.i. has become so engaged here and has become so riled up and the issues that exist between them of course neither of these spy agencies wants to long to wander their dirty linen in public but we have some sense of what the questions are we know that drone warfare is a major issue i.s.i. believes that it and the pakistani government should have a far greater say about what's going on in pakistan we know that i.s.i. strongly opposes the use of security contractors by the cia as you note here demanding that the names of all of these contractors be disclosed and they believe that there are hundreds of them we know that there are up over the fact that the.
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the cia has been spying on pakistan's new killer position including its efforts to develop the livery device the the bug or missile and finally the question of terrorist groups in pakistan and in fact ray davis when he was apprehended had photographs of madrassas that were believed to be centers you also indications in the sim cards in the records of some of the mobile phones of having living communications with some of these groups but how much of this is really a shocker to the i assign to the pakistanis and we know that they constantly come out and they make statements and they try to hide their cooperation with the u.s. because obviously that's not something that their population likes to hear so it's constantly this secret lation ship secret cooperation that ends up coming out into the open and perhaps making it look even worse so what do you say that. i don't
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really think any of this is shocking i think we've known about these flashpoints for a long time what's happened is with this incident involving ray davis the i.s.i. has upon effectively he's been seized he's being charged and evidently with good reason because he clearly committed homicides putting aside the question of privilege so i think they believe they've got a lot of leverage and a lot of pressure to use with the cia coming out of this and they they intend to do so they intend to see the cia move on some of these other issues so this is a really really in the end of the day not about a double homicide and the question of diplomatic immunity it's about far more momentous issues and sound of inside it's just a new hostage crisis now they've moved raymond davis this court date until march fourteenth or march sixteenth what happens if they do as so many are predicting
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charge him with murder. well in fact two days before that date on march fourteenth the appeals court is set to make its ruling on the immunity question if things are worked out i think we might see this all resolved just by the pakistani foreign ministry suddenly stepping in and saying no we recognize his diplomatic credentials if they're not worked out you should expect that he is going to be indicted for this for the double homicide and probably a day later he'll also be indicted indicted for possession of unlawful possession of a firearm and he will proceed to trial in this trials when the turn on his claims of self-defense but he's going to have a very very difficult case to make on that point because in pakistan use of self defense is required to be proportionate that is he with after the show that the two people he shot were actually brandishing and using a firearm on him to justify his use of
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a gun now scott very quickly what do you think this has what do you think the implications might be for the war in afghanistan here our relationship with pakistan is deteriorating i mean cars i refuse an apology from general david petraeus when it comes to killing nine afghan boys you know in a war where perception is so important what does that mean. well i think one thing we can point to very clearly is the whole pakistani supply arrangement because the united states and indeed their nato allies had been funneling most of the logistical surprised for pakistan up from the south through through pakistan and over the khyber pass and that's being severely disrupted right now and many of these security contractors have worked on security for the supplier arrangements and i think you know the u.s. is going to have to find other arrangements so it's making the war more difficult more costly and i think the posture of pakistan in the war far more hostile to
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united states interests and for the interests of comic karzai as can i thank you very much for joining us and of course we'll continue to follow the case agreement gates here. i guess today we told you about a new campaign that kicked off in the u.s. targeting fact cat bankers and wall street executives the national people's action network is calling it the make wall street pay campaign yesterday they came to washington d.c. to protest the meeting where fifty attorneys general were gathered they want the banks investigated for helping cause the economic collapse the foreclosure mess and for using tax loopholes to avoid paying into public revenue coffers and after attending a meeting of attorneys general they headed to a bank of a bank of america branch capitol hill to demand the bank pay its fair share of taxes. and. activists made their way into the bank presented tellers with their own past
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due notice chanting for them to pay their bills now the group eventually made their way to capitol hill so demand that congress and the speaker of the household boston and the banks accountable for their actions so how far do we expect this movement to go and what exactly are their demands here to discuss with me is jordan astolfo banking campaign director for the national people's act for national people's action there and thanks so much for joining us actually ok so last week we had a member of us uncut on this program which also seems to be a similar movement to be they're also going out to the banks also saying they didn't pay their taxes so how does this differ. the same yeah. it is a great great mission and we're we've indorsed their campaign and i think that with the stars and we couldn't be happier that you know that more and more people across the country coming to the same kinds of conclusions that you know it doesn't make sense to look for for the money to close these budget shortfalls you know grandma's
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pension or teacher salaries but that really you know get the money where it is and words and we're it's getting increasingly is being ordered which is on wall street but if you're trying to make this a lot. germ movement then cancer at heart that you know you guys are perhaps not unified that there are so many different groups out there oh i don't think so no i mean there's some there's some substantive just in how we organize. so us and cut as i think you know primarily the use the internet and in social media to mobilize people who are looking for a home looking for a place where they can plug into something bigger most of our members. are our people that are part of community organizations that day in and day out are fighting for better conditions in there and you're in the same time i'm just here as they are saying well our members are all volunteers and our leadership and in fact is all volunteers just people us ordinary people you know teachers and police and nurses but we do have professional organizers that help them.
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organize this thing yesterday you guys went after bank of america you went to capitol hill and you you know went after speaker john boehner what about barack obama world do you think it's an obvious you know. the broke obama presidency i think a lot of us would say that it has not lived up to the to the obama campaign. and you know. that the i think that you know barack obama probably wakes up every night with in cold sweats worried about you know double the double dip recession or that this could this could all get worse and you know but the problem is that meanwhile he's advised by a set of people who are trying to rebuild a system a financial system and never really worked in the first place and that was that was flawed from that's been thought for a long time. so you know they're worried about they're worried about losing these
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big contributions especially after citizens united and you know i think it's there are a lot of pragmatic decisions being made i think it's up to the people to lead a movement that's really going to take. ability that's really going to force accountability for the big banks and for wall street at the same time obama and his justice department are the ones that have made a decision not to go after any of these it back cat bankers not to hold anybody accountable you know at least in the courts for causing this entire collapse yeah yeah well you know i think they're you know they're they're probably. another kind of political hacks on television i don't want to be i don't want to be one of them so i can't speculate as to as to what you know why the obama administration is making this is making i can't disagree with you and we really would like to see a lot more leadership from the administration on these issues because they are crucial and vital and. you know it's a good i think that the majority of americans would agree that wall street banks need to be held accountable that they need to pay their fair share to the taxpayers to stop these cuts that we're seeing and yet we haven't seen that happen in my
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question you know i've asked this before asked if us thank you is the financial crisis happened in the fall of two thousand and eight right that's when we bailed out the banks here we are it's already march of two thousand and eleven why did it take so long for this type of a movement to form we saw the tea party but that is you know completely drifted off kilter off message into something other the what it began as a wider take so long yeah. you know i mean in my opinion maybe part of it is just the fact that right now is you know the budget cuts are really are really becoming really looming and it's kind of hitting home for a lot of folks who are finally seeing some kind of action some type of austerity measures come their way right i think another thing is maybe a lot of the energy that. you know that people who are looking for you know for for more justice for fair deal for the american people a lot of that energy you know went into the obama campaign and then afterwards and we were we you know kind of waiting around for the administration to take the kind
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of leadership that we were expecting didn't happen and now i think folks are waking up to the fact that you know they need to take you know the reins of this movement of the. so there on how do you think there's any way to actually make the government stand by the people make decisions for the people rather than for the corporations i mean or do you think our political system is a little too rigid where money is everything yeah well i wouldn't i wouldn't be do you know i wouldn't be doing this work none of us would be doing this if we thought it was hopeless you know every every major advance in favor of working people and of ordinary americans has been fought for by ordinary americans and so you know we are you know we're fighting this fight i think that you know the more that. the more that the banks push the more that you know people like the tea party person we're going to push. and you know i think wisconsin is is is the beginning of something that could be that could continue for as long as you know the political
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establishment of the corporate corporate power trading where they are so you think this is just the beginning how we're going to see a bigger movement i hope so i hope we see more americans come to the streets thank you so much for joining us thank you very much for having me. how one potential g.o.p. presidential candidate is revamping his in its image in a not so hot way however his make over his argument talks fine tonight well time segment and it looks like he's gone back on his work president obama signed an executive order on indefinite detentions and is planning on resuming military commissions for get most detainee's so to seal the deal they give most is here to stay. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians.


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