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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EST

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all of it in the social scheme though told national in the region country club so boring sure to find this piece of the first earth booklet oh sure can pinsky switzer told close the whole bill to let me go to bigotry coach. told him back to watching r t live from moscow these are the top stories proma anti-government forces in libya are still in fighting terms both sides agree on one thing and urge foreign powers to keep out of the conflict. the u.s. vice president comes to moscow on a mission to lift their reset to new heights with missile to fans cooperation global trade on libya on the agenda. a london commuter town that is increasingly a crossing point for extremism its residence on the edges and draws both radical
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islamist and nationalist. in a peaceful public workers d'amour translates as a gathering of violent sagas in the eyes of the us news channel eager to spice up its agenda. for thoughts on the now is r t hears from britain's former ambassador to the country over a mile says global reaction such as the un's travel ban on gadhafi is highly questionable. you know. you. today i'm talking to all of the miles who's a former british ambassador to libya we're going to be talking about the situation in the country at the moment the west's response to it and how it might sound old oliver miles thank you very much for talking to you r.t. now isn't the west's response to the situation in libya dangerously close to what we saw before the invasion of iraq i'm thinking of this proposed no fly zone these claims that we've heard that gadhafi has chemical weapons and also this talk around
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the world of military intervention. well there is a parallel but i think there are some important differences the one i think i'd focus on is is that the although there's been some. rather bellicose talk from both london and washington and paris. the what they've actually done is total security council straight away and they got full agreement in the security council unanimous support for a resolution which didn't refer to the war through military action or anything of that kind so it's not. part of i don't think so many persons at least partially responsible for what's going on in libya and what we saw in egypt previously after all nuns and did support these regimes for as long as it seems to get well i think that's a bit much actually i mean the british press take that view the british press are always going on about you know the meeting in the desert between tony blair and i feel it's true they did meet in the desert only to the deal and it was a very useful deal for us but after all sarkozy and berlusconi and condi rice and
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mr putin and everybody else all done deals with libya so there's nothing specially british about it it's the world has been doing business with libya and in our opinion quite right too because after all libya has oil which we need the world market needs and libya needs from the world practically everything else from from airplanes to grains and. when i say we it's not the west or britain or europe which everybody everybody china taiwan russia indonesia brazil you name it they're all there everybody is on a par right through and we've recently seen a diplomatic mission to ground gauzy that's and so often. is the u.k. actively trying to engage with the rebels well i hope so i mean don't ask me too much about that it is they're calling it is rather embarrassing i don't think we british diplomacy at its best to be frank i'm sure that the british media as well but yes we should be talking to the rebels i think it's. it's
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a difficult thing to do it's not unique to be plenty of situations indeed but that's in a way paolo the situation in afghanistan which we should be talking to people we're fighting against libya we are not fighting it's anybody but we should be talking to the different parties we are talking to get off his people william hague said the other day that he personally would on the telephone commercial can show the libyan foreign minister i just want one of get out of could have his closest supporters. and i think we've also got to reach out to the others just didn't think through firstly because tripoli won't want us to do it of course a little bit will put a spoke in with a town and secondly because the situation is still very disorganized the only reason the military command structure and the reason for the political structure of the beginnings of a political structure that know nothing purports to be a state yet we now know that that s.a.'s mission was approved by foreign secretary william hague was the sending of that team of soldiers in legal or just that
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illegal i'm sure it was illegal under libyan law or yours i mean an unemotional was more it's illegal to land a helicopter in the middle of somebody else's country full of armed men yes i think it would it certainly was illegal but on the other hand there's a lot going on at the moment that you might describe as illegal that's the nature of a civil conflict isn't it and we talked about the president of france going to the u.n. security council how likely is it do you think that nato will approve some kinds of military intervention in libya and if they don't think that the u.k. and the u.s. will go in anyway as things are at the moment i think it's most unlikely. particularly because turkey which is an important member of nato is dead against intervention. i think for the others as well or probably but turkey has already shown its hand so to speak i think. as a matter of fact i don't believe anyone at the moment is really pushing for military intervention. there's been a lot of talk of a no fly zone and people are gradually coming to realize that
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a no fly. which sounds a rather innocent form of intervention actually involves a lot of military intervention because the first thing you have to do if you have a no fly zone is make sure that you will eliminate you'd be effective and here across defenses of libya well. i guess libya is absolutely for vent here across missiles but must be hundreds and thousands of them they've been accumulating them for the last forty years and how many of them actually would go off if they pull the trigger is no matter i don't suppose they know that and so but they're all over the place so eliminating them would be a big job so in fact the no fly zone does constitute some form of military intervention no absolutely no doubt at all and i think it's just proportionate for the moment because why do you have a no fly zone because gadhafi has an air force and the fear is that he might use effectively and that the rebels would have no option to it and there would be a humanitarian disaster. at all possible but it hasn't happened yet what's happened so far is that the air force has made
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a rather pathetic showing two of the the aircraft promptly defected to malta rather than on their own side we've heard reports of bombing all of them seem to have missed whatever they were meant to hit deliberately you think well who knows who knows. stories of attacks right from the beginning of the conflict in libya stories of attacks on civilian populations but i don't know of a single authenticated case i think we've all probably had the experience i don't myself although the media of correspondents are telephoning anyone they can find in libya and the story you get from everybody is we're right here where i am the same shooting and it sounds nasty but are not going outside to look and yes i have heard stories of bombs but none of them in my area that seems to be the general picture so i don't believe it really i think is disproportionate for at the moment to talk about a new fly zone and that's why both the british and the americans have been talking about being ready and there's nothing wrong with telling your military to be ready
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for a continued. that's a different matter and what are the chances do you think that if nato and other countries don't ok if the us and the u.k. go ahead there anyway i think most likely most are likely it will be a big job and we are really pretty heavily involved both and we we've got enough on our plate with afghanistan the americans are going out on the plate with iraq and afghanistan i think it's most likely you can never completely rule these exams but i don't see it and let's talk a bit about libya's relationship directly with the u.k. we hear this a lot of libya's oil wealth is invested through london those assets are now being frozen but could they be used as a bargaining chip with that i suspect from what i've heard so far that it's a blunt instrument and i'm one of the things i'm unhappy about is that although as i said at the beginning i'm glad that we were at the security council and i think it was the right thing to do and we got this you know out of this decision from the security council i think when you start to look at the small print of the decision
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it's actually not very helpful for example. one of our ministers liam fox said last week and i think you're quite right that the best solution to this problem would be for gadhafi to leave well if if one takes that you know why does the u.n. policy law which says that no country can accept him and that wherever he goes he's going to be subject to prosecution surely we should have said that well if if you look very carefully at the u.n. resolution you find that in the small print was of course which says that this ban on travel can actually be lifted by the security council in appropriate patients so you know if gadhafi was to write an application in triplicate and send it into the new york after a lot of time the lawyers might come up with a solution but that's not what will happen if he decides to go he'll go what we should have done is offer him a free ticket to the god way a one way so you're saying that even though everybody seems to want him to me to death is now actually traps and well of course the africans for example and i don't know whether it's the african prince the obvious place to think of will necessarily follow the u.n. rules. if he arrives with
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a bag of gold and says i want to stay in your country he'll probably be allowed to do so another thing that has been in the press a lot recently is concerning to his sons who were educated in britain's universities which in turn receives generous donations from them do you think that that will prompt the u.k. to now look more closely at who is allowed to come and study in this country and how they're being funded i sincerely hope not. i'm really worried about the media reaction to this particular case and what is worrying to me is that. although i can't be sure or in fact i have no real basis for what i'm going to say but i'll say it anyway knowing what i do or say for the lifestyle. for his life has been his or his curriculum vitae so far i simply don't understand how you could possibly have spent two or three or four years full time acquiring a genuine principle honestly you cannot which after all is one of our prestige
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universities to get a doctorate ability is no joke i'm not saying he's not clever enough he may well be clever enough but how did he do it in the time i just don't believe it so i think it's fishy so that's i think a good reason for the director of the london school of economics to resign which is done and i applaud him for it i think it's the only thing to do what can he have. most likely had a direct hand in the business but it's his responsibility however he then went on to say that he apologised for a wrong judgment in that he'd been to libya and talked about cooperation between the london school of economics a libyan i don't agree with that at all i think he was quite right to do that and we shouldn't apologize for it and i'm worried that other british universities and other universities around the world would have links with with libya made no feel that they have to back off they shouldn't because the logic of that is they would back off not just from libya but from everywhere else they would back off their i said from russia back or from algeria they were right or from saudi arabia they would back off from trying to they would where would it stop. well it stopped now i
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think it's in everybody's interest but britain for example let's stick with britain for a moment should be teaching students from all over the world it's in everybody's of on it our advantage their advantage i hope it doesn't stop do you think that colonel gadhafi has the support of the majority of his people and the loyalty of the army as he says he does i think there's a there's a strong current of freedom and. liberation opening up flowing from egypt and tunisia which libyans of course feel very close to and i think there's a strong feeling that we've had enough that gadhafi has got to go but how wide that goes and why he's able to keep so many people demonstrating for him in the streets of tripoli i'm afraid i can't really answer specific said it's not my money pays people to demonstrate for but it's also on my loyalty and it's very difficult for the solution to because i think continues to cling on to power what do you think
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would happen to the u.k.'s relationship with libya if you did manage to stay as leader i think it will be very difficult very difficult for both for the u.k. and for the rest of the world of course he'll be in a weak position but if he's in a weak position he'll probably lash out in some unpleasant dangerous way i mean it's like. you know for one thing about it better to shoot it dead or not shoot it at all because if you have to do it then you are a problem on your hands and i'm afraid that's that's that's the situation we will end up with unless unless we go so it's very difficult to see what. what are we going to do about these sanctions when are they going to be lifted or is going to be frozen forever in which case presumably that means the world does without libyan oil why why should we why should the world without leave you know we need the oil they need the money they i say the libyan people need the money of course i can see why that africa's got to be stopped but. in the long term freezing libya out
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is cruel. wrong of the mouse thank you very much thank you. from our bureau. we hear it because our country out states are. god promised them the cylinder long stops. will if they are still going to be thinking. and goal chosen people will believe that god is used to say ok this land is this for you guys and this guy is as we. don't want to be this is a. person might not that. bad
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. pro and anti-government forces in libya are still in fighting terms both sides agree on one thing and urge foreign powers to keep out of the like. the u.s. vice president comes to moscow on a mission to lift the reset to new heights with missile the fans cooperation global trade and libya on the agenda. didn't commuter town that's increasingly across and foreign for extremism it's residents on the edge as it draws both radical islamists and nationalist. peaceful public workers there i would translate as
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a gathering of violent thugs in the eyes of the us news channel eager to spice up its agenda. so we have lines of sports news is next winter. morning you're watching the sport and these are the headlines passably arsenal three champions league quarter finals while roma stung by sharks. plus big name brazilian star an exhibition game in chechnya headed to new russian football season. on their winning stars blocking mikey's ansgar in the k h l last. barcelona they have moved in have moved into the quarter finals of the champions league are debating ten man arsenal three one at the nou camp putting them through four three on aggregate arsenal world seeing one up from the slate at
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the emirates but a mistake by going as captain says flabbergasted in real nessie he scored but then got worse for arsenal striker robin van persie harston sent cell for a second yellow card and although the gunners got one back through the first great goal passed the state in control getting another three sherry before messi got a second from the penalty after a foul on pair drive out the challenge so pass it through to the quarter finals. because the person can i loved him very happy we reached the quarterfinals for the fifth time in the last six years we'll see how the champions league match here and if played incredibly well talking about the true legacy it created a lot of chances and it did seem over here and nobody lost a good. side i'm not reactions to them and so i'm glad for the future but we have many regrets tonight because we didn't expect
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to lose the game and i feel sorry for people who watch the game tonight. meanwhile ukraine's side shakhtar donetsk put their place in the last i. the first time a comprehensive premier when i return man ramos will embrace three hundred sixty one i had a good showing got the first before mexico his marching orders for second guess. what i am not a symbol to make a strange. classmate. described . we broke up. the game to make the game and. these merchants. more tonight have the chance of making the last great they host ac milan after beating italians one nail in the first leg at the san siro strike of under god
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should be fit to play this after being sidelined with injury defender is also available for selection while wing it gareth bale made a welcome return for the london club at the weekend so a strong squad to choose from but boss harry redknapp will be trying to win the game from the off. strictly not going. to look. good for woods. you know we're looking really to try to going to him from the start if we gain will come out we will come and sit back on a one new lead you know my mission will be let's go after him and let's presume back and let's see we can go to school we're going on the land training in italy on tuesday morning but have selection problems themselves entirely and side a missing three field is injured under the pillow. of seanie and. he received a four match ban after he had already taught in the system coach joe jordan at the
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end of the last match. close in the last month for us had great results so i think that we have to more. give props to the coach who has been able to make sure that everybody who came in. performed well. suited to do tomorrow and in the other day on wednesday valencia will travel to shelter the first leg and need one also both teams still had everything to play for shall probably find just an away goal though and a clean sheet or a victory will see the german side reach the quarter finals. in english premier league second from bottom birmingham or go to mid table everton the c.v. looking for a victory that would lift them out of the drop zone after winning their first trophy for forty eight years with a surprise two one victory over arsenal in the carling cup final city manager alex mcleish emphasised his side's need to focus on the league a disappointing three one darby if they eat at home to west brom on saturday not
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the blues into the bottom three but they do have two games in hand but lined up against an everton side who came back to win two one newcastle last time around but for the couple hundred problems this last week to keep players in the group. gives newcastle an infrequent different. call to stay with football because an all star much took place in chechnya and. change the evening and some brazilian players past and present beat a star studded in grozny six for the score at the terek stadium chechen leader. did off persuade members of brazil's two thousand and three world cup when you sport to play in brazil struck first. then catherine made it to you to the world cup when it's just four minutes later and not the most competitive games but twenty thousand spectators turned up to see the talent. former russian players and german star low from the tires but the brazilians run out six four when is in
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the end event marking a drive by could be a draw to use football to remote and help the region recently. is made by major russian terry gross in the season in russia starts this weekend. so i thought you were lucky yaroslavl and scarse in pittsburgh won the first matches of their respective western conference semifinals as the action regime in the playoffs yesterday evening top seed looking mighty where after two periods against surprise pakistan armorica scored three goals in the trap of victory is sparking a late strike from the land inside telstra dream changed staffy to atlanta seven of the game's goals coming in the second period and simply does big side netting a decisive in the second games in this message seven series will take place on thursday. and tonight is the eastern conference semifinals
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a double defending champion zach bars are up against some of my life with both teams yet to lose during this postseason our regular season win is having the guard play metal and of course. in the round of. spectacular scenery and a spectacular sport the free ride world to all took to the slopes of sorts in this weekend where skis and snowboarders negotiate each ear drops in search of victory is constant think of now reports. krasnaya polyana the resort that will stage the alpine ski events of the twenty fourteen winter olympics is becoming a brand name that resonates around the world however these guys don't need repair tracks they just need in the hands of fresh snow and good weather. so meet the world's top free riders on the slopes of their reach and there was a there's been some freeskiing freewriting. twenty years in the region people
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from all over the world came because there are some steep interesting mountains with snowdon grips to the mountain and gives you very good lines. plus the hospitality. rushing people is something very special. twelve years ago right it could only reach the top of the mountain by helicopter but now anyone can get there by ski lift never the last free ride contests are more natural it's all about enjoying good given terrain in iconic mountain resort which inspire the athletes to test their most creative skills on a wind they choose. the best way to be close in the mountains in winter is like an incredible feeling riding thing is the best. so you became the fourth stop on the world tour for flying skiers and snowboarders this year as the tournament increased from four to six events pre-writing is contradictory in it's not strictly speaking
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competition but some are interests they want to be in the very top of their sport which judges are needed writers do not adjust to a judging system the system of their. heart stopping beckley cleve jones says enjoy driving to and that's what the judges witness. every time. you started out all season long way. if it means i can come back here again next year i'll sign up for the house or again just to cover in this time the writers produced in standing show with an almost perfect one from smith's wealth or somewhere around from one ace king while to look for only one the snowboarding in style and both of them powered up to the top of the rankings. with two stages to do the tough competition for the world kuoni still underway couldn't
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really get into the flow which they usually have your competition is really forcing myself from jump to jump all the way down and i thought it might just affect the impression of judges would see them and give me a lower score but obviously was not that bad after watching the best so pretty writers seem possible lines on fresh powder through basis and in a desire to push away the futures flow to start practicing the same pop up party such as. it's good fun stay away from the cliffs like on something that is all sport for the moment. that. touches that so much there's a huge musician on the market growing sandstone in the arab middle east has changed speech the region is saudi arabia and new to outside influence he was.
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observe nature and discover its music. theory piece communicate with the wild under learn to. test yourself and become free. and. see what nature can give you a nazi.


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