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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EST

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five thirty pm in moscow these are your r t had lines violence between libya's pro and anti-government forces shows no sign of easing with more than a thousand people now believed killed in recent biting by the rival sides are united on one issue opposition to foreign intervention. from oil in north africa driving thousands of illegal immigrants to seek refuge in europe but the british town of luton already struggling to deal with its tensions between a large muslim community an angry national. and a unifying issue or
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a new stumbling block finding common ground over libya expected to be part of discussions during u.s. vice president's visit to russia it's seen as a chance to check on the progress of the reset of relations between the two countries. next spotlight meets the russian prime minister's spokesman to discuss the impact on the country's energy sector in the light of the arab unrest that's coming your way next. hello again and welcome to spark like the interview shelf artsy heilbrun of them today my guest in the studio is dimitri it's called. europe has long been trying to find alternative energy roads to secure gas clocks viewing the new russian proposal with uncertainty but the recent visit a lot of reporting paid to brussels following the dramatic events in the arab east
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has shown that the european energy sector investors are returning to russia to what degree is this change politically motivated let's ask the press secretary of the russian prime minister dmitry peskov. after the gas transit crisis two years ago european started to actively look for alternatives to russian gas supplies to launch the idea of their own pipeline gastronomy least and central asia but the project is still just a pile of paperwork the liquefied natural gas is becoming increasingly popular with pastors who are trying to diversify their shipping possibilities but it looks like even. interest is coming back to russia. good miter thank you very much for coming in last major to be here with you again the pleasure first of all i just. came to my mind that many years ago when on the
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first news conference is one of the first questions to your boss was who is mr putin well i think it be appropriate to ask you this question now who is mr would feel today just a prime minister a candidate for the next presidency the leader of the united russia party or whatever whatever who is if it's. well currently he's a prime minister you don't go who you know you know i'm working for the good to do a thing as his preferred press secretary well. if you look at this. question in a broader sense well maybe he's he's a bit of everything that you have mentioned. i don't know about next next elections presidents elections said since we still have lots of times before we have this elections and since it's not a proper time to think about it it's a proper time to think about current affairs about current work and this is what
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we're doing so if we speak reality because the french say he's the prime minister and that he's the prime minister in a full sense of this world and well he was quite an active and i would say quite a success he's so let's make about the well the recent activities of your team was going to europe to brussels you had a long haul smith to put had long talks and very interesting and significant talks with mr bronson and as far as i know the abolition of the visa regime should have been should have been discussed was it and is there any progress. a visa problem was was on the agenda was one of the most important misuse it was frozen by the. russian side during the talks actually we have to imagine that we had actually it's a very useful and a very effective mechanism of cooperation between e.u.
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and the russian federation we had nearly a full cabinet sitting on the russian side and let's say ninety five per sandow european commissioners from the other side. and this is really very good approach. to look in a broader support possible way to all existing questions including visa. this iteration is very simple russia is really to go as far as european side is ready to go and even. iran let's say even fire then then. european commission because we're losing tourists because we're losing moneys there were losing tourists were losing money we're seeing involvement in ization of our corporations where we're seeing about adding new dimensions to troll relationship we are in russia but at the same time. we cannot leave our
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leg from the brake pedal because this is the hugest brake pedal that we have actually we. will limit the. broadening of the interaction between our business people between our students between our people of culture and other people so it's actually in our days it's totally senseless borders it was mentioned by the way by prime minister putin that if we are speaking about measures of precaution in terms of not letting criminals entering the territory of e.u. this is against sanctions because all criminals are enjoying a freedom of movement unfortunately they use whatever possible means to to to enter you territory illegally and unfortunately we even together we cannot combine violation of war for one hundred percent so it does not affect criminals but it is
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it affects in a very serious way those who are willing to vote true who are willing to trade ok. promise to put discussed in a very important issue with brass which is the european gas supply policy gazprom russian their supplies well why could this problem be solved directly by gasper arm and european customers this it means that it's more a political problem russian gas in europe than the canard well it's not a secret there we or i would be disturbed. some regulations applied by european commission that in our understanding. come in contradiction with existing international and sun times. that. faces the past so that can't affect the past of the gay sions.
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no i mean unbundling procedure in terms of those who produce. car bombs would transport it will car bombs and who consumes your car bombs the division between us. well we are deeply convinced that the bundling procedure. is not good for the future of this sector he will you will not benefit the final consumers in europe because it will only lead to higher prices to higher invoices that people are receiving in their households the sector of energy is a very expensive sector in terms of investments and smaller companies divided companies simply cannot afford these amount of investments so they will have to up to me higher prices and this will effect negatively households. but certainly we
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cannot interfere pits it's a right of european commission to do whatever procedures although although it will not contribute to further development of the sector in our understanding what is most. hard to believe this year is that in some cases this procedure will harm the interests of the companies who made their investment investments already on the territory of the e.u. we have gazprom which invested in some baltic republics and now it is being forced . in accordance with our bundling procedure to sell its premises to sell its actives in some baltic republics cern it's something that we can hardly stand and the something that does not contribute to much fear of mutual confidence and for the development. of all cooperation bringing it to new levels so no
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question. that recently put in said that gas shouldn't tree domestic customers as foreign minister is according to to the so-called take or pay principle this isn't that mean protectionism does this preferential treatment doesn't contradict the the w t o rules. certainly we have a transition period in terms of zero negotiations for w t o and we are on the way of equaling domestic prices for the international prices well but let's not forget we have been in we are still in accordance with our constitution a social state. so first of all first of all we have on the gender end first of all we have to care about the demands of our own nation and then about our let's say.
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our partners who are receiving receiving our hit record ones abroad whole though russia have proved proved to during lots of decades that it used to be these and it will continue to be one of the most reliable suppliers of energy sources the oil price is expected to be as high as one hundred forty dollars per barrel pretty soon this is make the russian government happy well to certain extent should stand. we all know there is a yes there is a but we all know that after a certain. limit. high prices extremely high prices make no good for economy of the country mean good for our plans of modernisation or plans of increasing the predicted it. to the contrary values becoming too easy is becoming cheap is becoming nothing so this way certainly we are not interested in
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extremely high prices for over a valued price as overvalued prices for energy sources to the contrary were interested in the moderate prices in a real value for energy sources so we know that this real value is quite high but not been high and there is the reason that we will look with a deep concern for what is going on in the middle east. you know the question concerning middle east putin said when he was talking about what's going on in the middle east he said he remembered the revolution in one nine hundred seventy nine in iran the the palestinian election both led to islamists to power is moscow afraid of the of the democratization going on in the middle east all of these events. well in case it is real democratization like the rest of the. international community i have no doubt that moscow is interested in but who
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will say. that we are facing democratization process on the middle east where the great let's say well for one hundred percent i don't think that anyone will be able to say it says they need the peace corps press secretary of the russian prime minister spotlight will be back shortly we will continue this interview in less than a minute stay with. culture is the same as the live music. remark with growing sandstorm in the arab middle east and change speeds to region in saudi arabia immune to outside influences you want. i'm discovering to be
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easy to. communicate with you want to. test yourself and become free to. see what nature can give you on our team. welcome back to spotlight i am older now and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is me to scoff press secretary to the russian prime minister this is a scarf we started this sent. by answering a question who's mr putin here and. i want to. you mentioned. al mentioned the upcoming elections in which he may take part as
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a presidential candidate mr gorbachev you know that russian star of russian politics and celebrated his eightieth anniversary recently giving a couple of interviews and in some of them he criticized sharply both medvedev and putin in particular one of the things that he blamed them for is that he said why are these two people going to decide who we should have as the next russian president so why isn't putin answering to this criticism and do you agree that mr gorbachev had grounds for such criticism. well first of all i would rather say once again but truly tauriel means a primitive. and current state. mr prime minister has always been very tolerant towards criticism this is where he's
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not answering it he's extremely flexible and he's tolerant towards the criticism. the reason i think this is my personal point of view the reason that no answer came from either of the subjects of the criticism of mr gorbachev you all from representatives spoke to people is very simple and none of them has never said that they would sit together and decide who is going to be the next president of this country. they said they do would consult each other and then they would decide who is going to run for the presidency because they don't mean they don't want to fight against each other is there is no wrong well that is this is what we hear this is what we hear from them but they simply cannot decide who is going to be the next president they can only decide who is going to run but the
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final decision will be taken by by the nation in nationwide elections it is as simple as that it's why you know criticism ok any. question that i think many of our viewers would light on ask you is about the new center as to whether many people especially the western press expected this this this new sentence to whether he would reduce dramatically the investment into the russian economy what about the statistics what the statistics say is it really happening are investors coming are fleeing russia after they heard this news . well investors are coming and they continue to come and actually as a government there has been its agenda one of the. major
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routes has like lake preserving the atmosphere for favorable for investors for foreign investors i mean we're quite satisfied that investors are continue to come look ikea after the problems that have faced here i mean it is very yappy yeah now and i was looking for for enhancing it's a broadening its business here. during the so-called scandal about all the records his second trial. we witnessed all together the signature of an extremely important and i am president of president agreement. on exchange of assets between ross and ross nafta and d.p. . although it is on core there are some some difficult as difficult as with this agreement but we have no doubt that in this or the way it will be implemented.
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we. recently we missed another where an important. a signature. total french total company and the name to go to market and wang shares in the company will also work for the bar what is there even if not a rising interest and we're speaking about extremely serious international companies conglomerates operating worldwide so and these companies face. they're treating russia as a. country. suitable for their investments and we're satisfied with since you've mentioned it yourself let's hear what the the c.e.o. of the french energy giant south east of there marjorie had to say about investing
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in rush. today's situation in the world shows that we've been right to aim to boost our investment into russia russia is a very attractive country for investors which is even more obvious to be the instability that we currently facing. there were three what would you predict would be the share of shell in. projects increase or decrease after after we had missed. visiting russia and say what he said it's only what he said. because we are one are not a spokesman for it will come from no production no produces about any of us to show you. show there's an active player and a respected player in this market and shell can can enjoy a local lake like the rest of the players on this market like the rest of the international companies being here can enjoy the world the investment climate here
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they were allegations recently against mr putin concerning the residence being built on the black sea using hundreds of yeah but one but called the so-called putin palace on the black sea coast it was so recently did it to some and to some other investor you deny that but there is information that the f.b.i.'s zero office is like the former k.g.b. guys r r r r r r r protective work protecting the site these people are supposed to protect only the prime minister and the president is a true and why did they why the weather's officers who gave him professional site if it is nothing to do with work with the president or the prime minister. no information about the preferred royal protection services taking care of this. never heard of their blood while the only thing is they can repeat is. the. prime
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minister. neither during his presidency in the past nor during his his present condition as a prime minister had anything in common but. so it was never his property was never. it was never planned to be his residence simply in this condition it can it could not ever be planned as a residence for a single man. and as far as i know never have never been there and i've never seen their only photographs likely quick anyone else. but definitely definitely it's not. his residence it's not his palace and then we know that it belonged to the businessman and it was it was sold or or
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whatever to another businessman. i know that there were some problems with the financing of their plan structure. well let go got help in your own or of the building to complete the construction but anyway it made a great tabloid story i mean this castle and well yeah we heard about some other sides or. years of. that and now this scandal if we started talking about one person someone is this so-called putin party he you spoken told television the other day saying that that this and the times putin party in moscow is outrageous that people are not supposed to use the name of the prime minister to advertise some defense of products so but what about the the putin of what kind of a list putin can't it's been it's been produced for years. well it's actually sort
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of put in what it's. another world in russian this putin i mean etymology of this word is different and sometimes it's very hard to to prove to prove that in a certain composition the world belongs to understanding of political you as a certain get them you know sometimes it's a very tricky situation really it's very hard to prove but definitely. mr prime minister himself and all of us working with him we are trying to be very careful about not letting his name being used in proper and and proper sense. he himself is favoring the cases where his name is used for promotion of a healthier way of living for promotion. aid to children. yes yes for sports or promoting sports for promoting whatever useful but certainly i
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mean using his name for promoting and party in a private club. in my opinion is proper and unwanted for us. way of using his name and i hope it is not using commercial purposes that is actually is true to. prohibit it by law and we're going to to watch very carefully. that it is not and in case it is used in commercial purposes we are determined to use whatever. permitted by law means to stop that. end of the very short question it's election year and probably mention election is going to happen in december and we'll see that their ruling party the united russia party is having problems with the media corruption scandals someone who is officially the head the leader of the party is going to do something about that is he going to try to change the
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situation well first of all united russia party. i would say that it has problems. i wouldn't say that we can say about corruption scandals on the part no it's a part of this is certainly a very big part of the society it's one of the well this is. the most popular party in this country so leading party and it's the ruling party and put it actually is not the head of this party he's the head of this power in a false sense of this world. party is performing very good media is critical media is always critical sometimes the media simply does not want to recognise successes of this party and to the contrary it is trying to find something that does not exist in a negative sense. so i have no doubt that the party party has got
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a perfect future the party. party will reach successful results during the march euro elections and i have no doubt about about the total victory on the next elections and i wish the same two year vintry thank you very right there that my guest on the show today was meekly discraft the press secretary of the russian prime minister and that's it for now from all of us spotlight will be back with movies then comments about what's going on in russia and for them they are party and take.
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buildings the grand central shirts and the. college president combined. with for schools beatriz a close. taj mahal hotel it's the same. hotel .


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