tv [untitled] March 9, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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these are the images they are seeing from the streets of canada. operations are. thought between libya's pro and anti government forces shows no sign of easing but they're united on one issue their opposition to foreign intervention. europe takes in an influx of immigrants from north africa but one british town is already struggling to deal with the tensions between a large muslim community and angry nationalists. and reset reaffirmed russia's leader in the u.s. vice president find common ground on former stumbling blocks including moscow's accession to the w t o and a missile defense system in europe. live
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from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day in libya more than a thousand people thought to have died in weeks of fighting between rebels and government forces even so all sides have told foreign forces to stay out of the conflict but that hasn't stopped the u.s. putting its military on alert to intervene or the u.k. and france from pushing the u.n. to back a no fly zone. and live from the libyan capital tripoli paula what's the latest from the program the stronghold where you are. well goal of the program athlete forces certainly have been securing their claim every country fighting has intensified there were fresh air raids launched by. the rich hundred plus the north also in the west in time as the year they have been making and bombs towards their town here in tripoli there it's very much in the hands of the libyan leader he
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again appeared on state television for the second time in two days reiterating that it was foreign involvement behind the chaos in the demonstrations there and see in various cities around the country he said because security forces had captured a number of foreigners in a raid on a mosque you see if it came from egypt algeria ghana stench that they had in alcohol and with things we've heard the same message coming out of the country's foreign minister in this new circumstance he firmly blamed foreign elements for what was happening he also said that the country would welcome some kind of international investigation that would determine that even effect weather facts and also said that the libyan army the libyan forces had acted and continue to act well in the north saying that they had not shot industry minutely and people have a listen in an exclusive interview he gave to our. own or model of it's clear that it's a well prepared plot the proof is that this group has contacts with great powers
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and is supported by them first of all by britain which is a trial by the oil reserves so the u.k. has been several visits. and offered help the same situation is that france and the u.s. great powers compete for the right to own oil darkseid and gold resources and this rivalry going on your vision. well some european countries and the u.s. are certainly giving libya a lot of attention for now what do we know about their response to events so far. the question certainly has grown within the united states for the obama administration to take some kind of action on live yet he called for the demands for a no fly zone are reaching the engine light at the same time the european union foreign ministers are said to meet. in brussels and on friday they will have a crisis unleashing up all twenty seven leaders of that bloc and which they will issue a joint response now the e.u. is widely expected to expand sanctions that it has already set on the family be
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this close associates as well as his sons and family members cannot travel to europe there is also a prohibited in place against weapons sales to libya but now understand that the sanctions will now include and involved on equipment which could be used for some kind of internal repression and also all organizations that are controlled by the gadhafi regime will also fall within x. sanction and that we do also understand that the european union will be supporting calls for united nations investigation into what is happening here so certainly a lot of pressure on the international front in terms of lucky do witness although it is worth mentioning and it must be strafed that the feeling here in libya regardless of who you talk to is that the international community must not get involved paula thanks very much indeed for that update live there in tripoli paula smear and political analyst michel chossudovsky all sides says that all sides in libya are against any intervention because they think all the west is interested in
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is their oil. the majority of the population including the opponents of gadhafi do not want foreign intervention because then it's in a rocky scenario and. i mean you know the ironically what happened is that when griffin sent the so-called diplomatic mission which in fact was made up of it in my six secret agents accompanied by escorted by. forces they were arrested no i could not be falsified the final decision forces and. the opposition said we should be here this is interference of the friends of a sovereign country and the geopolitical implications are far reaching it's essentially what is what washington is aiming at is to establish a sphere of influence. establish control over
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these oil reserves which constitute billions and billions of dollars of proceeds for the oil companies public opinion has been misinformed dramatic and what is actually going on in this country. political writer ten gatto says european nations on the us are behaving like hypocrites when they talk of humanitarian issues in the area. saying they're happy is killing all these people you know all the rebels and civilians on the ground and they want to there's a humanitarian excuse to play libya but meanwhile there are. people dying that. you have heard a. call to force. you to stop what happened when it had been. bright and right ahead ok. there's no excuse to recolonize libya and take care all
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i thinking. first you know. we provided still says and i'm doing a american right that shot down and. they shot on one of our shared still lives just given an excuse to invade. the no fly zone that starts with a military operation and i believe they're just looking for the guards and they're going to look good yeah yeah just going to look at us and say this is the very middle eastern country this is the third arab country. well the anti gadhafi forces are less organized and supplied by the government but the experience of guerrilla warfare elsewhere in the world has been put to good use parties are going to boycott looks at what's literally driving the rebels in libya
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. they call it the vehicle of the free trucks have long been popular in the desert but their free will drive power easily conquers detroit tristan's it's certainly been maybe one of the very few places in europe it seems to have one pick up truck to even be a state of texas people here like this car for its mobility versatility and strong action and it's the fascination with trucks that allow the uprising in eastern libya to pick up steam and play first father bought this truck a few years ago for his family business his son a twenty five year old economics student now sets out for the front line. securing a car especially in the. sudan and will be able to use the knowledge cannot go and play in the country. ever since depth rising began almost three weeks ago columns of rubble pickup trucks have been crisscrossing the desert around in ghazi rebel
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say the vehicles in the billets he allows them to dodge attacks from pro-government forces and has more than once saved their lives. by bombs worth of growth and we were trying. to get everybody through or give you these old pieces of soviet or more have been rusting on the main embankment of the ghazi ever since the rebels to cover this city they now serve as a playground for kids and symbols of defeat for the despised regime. this man was among hundreds of young officers who were in the 1980's were centrist soviet military academies are quite good at his government. a staunch critic of the libyan leader he says tanks like to get out the regime come along al to leave their days this is the earliest thirty of all this heavy armor is now get it that's why pickup trucks came in so handy with slight modifications that can easily be converted to
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try to round up and launchers. utilizing the utility vehicles for rapid attacks is hardly lived in than ssion pickup trucks have long been a feature of mortar and warfare you see tend to see patterns in certain vehicles are used by the u.s. military in the u.s. government's it was in afghanistan before it's in afghanistan now it's even in afghanistan. it was used supplied pickup trucks that helped afghan insurgents fight soviet troops three decades ago now it's leave behind that wheel and they're at a crossroads wondering which way to drive their country next summer by car at sea in ghazi. well during this period of unrest in the arab world saudi arabia america's staunchest ally in the region has largely been spared in part thanks to a strictly enforced ban on public protests which they are to people about and these guys discuss what the future might hold for the middle east's richest nation cross-talk is coming your way later today but here's
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a quick preview for you. the growing sandstorm in the arab middle east as change sweeps the region to saudi arabia immune to outside influences u.s. president barack obama says he supports democracy and the aspirations of the people does this apply to the kingdom of saudi. russia's accession to the world trade organization the company to know is top priority for washington that's according to vice president joe biden who met president dmitry medvedev during a visit to moscow aimed at reaffirming the reset of relations between the two countries he can turn it over is following the visit. this is it is seen as an attempt to expand into new dimensions of research with russia it was joe biden who first introduced these large and rid time to push the reset button when he described obama's efforts to improve relations with russia two years ago now this
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visit is an attempt to assess where relations between moscow and washington stand need way through obama's presidential term and to try to further progress in what the white house describes as that you will track that is a forging agreements with interests converge and agreeing to disagree in areas where they don't and there are still a number of very touchy issues on the table both for most go to washington like russia's accession to the world trade organization russia has sold out detail membership for a decade and a half no that is way more than any other beating country and today presently better during his dogs with joe biden even joked that he hopes the grimmett would be signed before he was vice president and his career only hope that the grim and could be signed us early as by the end of this year another very freaky shit gone be adjourned is that missile defense in europe for years the us as opposed to
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russia's involvement include prating with nato on and hands he believes to me sell plan for europe which the u.s. believes will be needed if iran comes up with nuclear weapons russia complains that it wasn't involved in those plans neither it was an overt and adequate level of cooperation on that so for years it has remained one of the big he returns one of the biggest he returns in relations between the two of course these today's talks between the u.s. vice president and mitt romney betty were just part of major progressions for the upcoming visit all barack obama later this year and another pressing issue on the agenda was the levy any she has the u.s. is now considering imposing a no fly zone over libya. russia strongly opposes that moscow's it's against international intervention in what it believes is the levy under massacre and the u.s. is now seeking for russia's support for action in e.v.a.'s as russia has a veto on the year's curity council that means that without russia saying yes to
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the no fly zone plan this plan could not be enforced or for more insight on the talks and what the might mean apart relations between the u.s. and russia are now joined by democrat strategist chris is in washington thanks so much for joining us here on r.t. let's talk about the libyan issue what do you see as the stumbling blocks in relations between the two over the issue there in libya. well i think just as the united states is cautious sometimes about russia in maybe being expansionist i think that russia has a right to be cautious about the united states and what our intentions are but i do think that. while there may be a little agree disagreements about some things i think that anything the united states does it will clearly take into account how the russian government the russian leadership feels about things and i'm sure that our vice president biden is
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making a very clear to. the russian leadership today that whatever we do in libya we're going to try to make sure that we cooperate with you and we're not in conflict with you but if the u.s. did pursue military intervention in libya something which russia strongly opposes could that perhaps lead to the to being in bed lock over libya perhaps actually disrupting the existing relations. i think that the existing relations are on a track moving forward no matter what the little disruptions are and i think that's very important and i think that's part of what biden's trip is all about and obama's trip will be all about which is that even if we have set backs along the way the message has to be very clear to the russian people into the american people that russia in the united states now have more in common than we do that separates us we are both economic powers the united states is a mature economic power the russian economy is growing so we need each other as
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exhibited today by the vice president having his meeting. about the airplane deal that was done we need that russia to be part of the w t o we need a free trade with russia i think that that message is being sent today so there's all these things that unite us rather than separate us the other thing of course is that we're coming up to the tenth anniversary of nine eleven i don't think it's lost on the american people that the russian people have been victimized by islamic terrorists and we share that in common and i think the metaphor for that is this idea of a missile defense although it's aimed at states like iran and others i think that it's a symbol that we stand united against terrorists and that's another thing so while we might disagree on things like libya i think going forward the relationship moves forward no matter what the little setbacks might be and. that symbolic gesture of saying that i would see russia and the us have
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a common shared threat of global terrorism is not another reason why perhaps russia has been very cooperative with nato at the moment which is how the president would have his son to decree a decree allowing the transit of military personnel through russia into afghanistan i mean what does that tell us about relations between washington and moscow. well i again i think that we're sort of getting over this hangover that we've had for the end of the cold war i mean we had this very intense competition for fifty years after world war two it ended twenty years ago and it's taken some time now for us to kind of feel comfortable with each other but again that's moving down the track i don't think it's lost on the american people either in that our nine eleven there was outrage shock. in russia in moscow when when you at united states was attacked and i think when ever rosco and other cities in russia are also attacked and innocent people are killed that the american people feel just as badly so i
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think that both governments understand that the people they represent feel united together in this idea that we want to stand together against terrorists and cooperating in and around nato is a way to do that because number two you know thanks very much indeed for joining us and sharing your thoughts here live on r.t. democrat strategist there in washington thanks chris. well some other headlines from around the world thirty six people have been killed and almost one hundred injured after a suicide bomber struck a funeral procession in pakistan witnesses say a teenager detonation himself as hundreds of taliban militiamen and built. the taliban is plentiful debility say it was in retaliation for the tribesmen support of the government. so because they were holding talks for the first time since kosovo declared so itself independent three years ago the e.u. is mediating the negotiations as relations between the two sides remain tense with serbia denying kosovo sovereignty for that reason the focus will be on war day to
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day issues like trade in the air traffic conflict between the two in the one nine hundred ninety s. of the thousands dead most of them ethnic albanians before kosovo was placed under un control. dozens of exiled tibetan activists have been detained by police at a protest outside the chinese embassy in india around six. the tibetans took over the lawns near the embassy where they shouted the china slogans demonstration was held on the eve of the upcoming anniversary of the failed to but not rising against chinese in two thousand and eight in which treaty to kill. thousands of muslim refugees escaping violence in north africa found their way to europe what they will find our nations already struggling to live with immigrant populations in the british television their knowledge of muslim community is now being confronted by strong far right sentiments artes nor emmett's takes a look. mosques hate jobs and how well neat shops as seen straight from the bazaars of the orient but this is luton north of london home to some twenty five
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thousand muslims of british and other origins one of them was time or. better known now as the stock home bomber abdul qadeer pax knew him and describes a volatile character rejected by the community at large but he was he was challenged his ideology is thinking as were challenged we challenged him and when we realized he wasn't we exposing to everybody every member of this of this person's community because we walked out and we never saw them again the next they heard our abdel had blown himself our kids we did and that's just the latest claim to infamy for luton which is fast becoming known as a hotbed of extremism the town's been linked to a variety of terrorist plots and elite british intelligence reports identified leeson as one of the main hopes of fanaticism in the country extremism breeds extremism and in steps the english defense league committed to protecting england
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from what they see as a wave of islam is a leader tommy robinson believes he's walking where others fear to tread with color chip market. we've got great concerns in our community and we need somebody to voice their concerns politicians are not doing it they're not doing it for ten so e.t.l. kulu to their home although others say their roots are in football hooliganism they recently held their biggest ever march through the town ahead of which robinson says the police told him his life was in danger you have been an oyster it may be appropriate if you leave the area for the foreseeable future the town of leasing has undeniable links to islamic extremism including most recently the stock frame corner you spent time here and that in turn leads directly to the fire. is it groups like the e.t.l. who believe in england they knew is under threat meanwhile the people at least and
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see their town in the headlines because of extremists from both sides of the fence the town's any peace says the cost majority if you live in harmony and are distressed by their homes image but we can be in pics and in harmony. quietly peacefully and show that the forest forest majority is this town and that this country faced you don't believe nor accept this opener it's a shame we could not want them here still came thomas family claims england for turning him from a normal boy into a fanatic some points to unemployment in social deprivation as the reasons for the extremes found in luton packs lays the blame squarely at the doors of the government before nine eleven we never had these make these types of issues with the real story level because it was foreign policy that's what spock's willis up going to iraq you know you know an illegal war killing women children going to afghanistan you know carpet bombing indiscriminately meanwhile walls thousands of
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miles away make their presence felt in looted where every so often shopkeepers pulled up the town center and prepare for the hurrican of extremists and to pass three. minutes out. i'll be back with an update on my new stores and i mean time business is next with dmitri. thanks very much bill hello and welcome to business artsy a research of economic relations between russia and the united states was high on the agenda of joe biden's meeting with russian deputy prime minister well of which took place in russia's high tech scorecard how are things that are you know what's end of the session. both countries acknowledge that economic cooperation between them remains below its potential in two thousand and ten trade values between russia and the u.s. were valued at about twenty three billion u.s.
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dollars which is only four percent of questions external trade now during a meeting between the us why is president and russia's first deputy prime minister corp in the sphere of high technology is of course also discussed including the opening of talk of office right in the middle of the silicone valley for better cooperation between the two and we are aware of the benefits that will flow to u.s. companies from a freer and more open trade regime between the united states and russia and quite frankly we're wired but we also know we've often told russian leaders their investors and companies are looking not just for a better trade policies but for assurances that the legal system that exists in each of the countries in which they wish to invest the legal system treats them fairly also a deal was signed between russian companies air flights and boring russia will buy
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eight of the company's latest seven seven seven jets the deal is estimated at about two billion u.s. dollars but vice president biden has said that the u.s. strongly supports russia's bid to join the world trade organization not only the united states claims through russian legislation russian businesses say but they're also facing problems with red tape in the in the united states story that's according to the c.e.o. of ross nano on its own as for bias. nobody knows that it just read a russian companies offering innovative products to the u.s. market or find difficulty in registering while other nations are allowed to use the american julie gratian has heard our recommendations we need new procedures to druce the problem of unfair competition i believe this in the results of the recent recent second of the market so i would start with oil and it's a very mixed picture because we're seeing west texas crude going down ten cents but
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brant is up two and the coffee dollars this is because merrill lynch is out its forecast for this crude blend say that brant could briefly top one hundred fourteen dollars per barrel in the second hence the brine. in the united states also somewhat of a change of picture but it's more or less plats mixed right now the dax managing to regain point two percent and actually you go up. high oil prices still worrying high tech traders on the nasdaq it's down point three percent in europe markets closed in the red one of the biggest losers in london was british american tobacco this is as england bans tobacco displays from twenty twelve. in russia the first session of the week after a long holiday ended in the red but the nice managed to almost all of its losses take a look at some of the individual stocks banks were on the rise of quarter by positive results from bank of america
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a bank is gaining one point three percent on the my six bank was getting a second tier stock added seven point seven percent lower nickel and copper futures were weighing on metal stocks nose nickel shooting one percent at the close and sat nav preferred shares just look at that again eleven percent over the session has gotten spiked thirty percent at one point causing an increase to spencer and of trading for one hour but there's been no clarification so far as to the reasons behind the. i think the most evident friend was. rotation from oil and gas into financial stocks have been so strong for a while so i think it's a question of profit taking a bit lower oil prices more supplies from opec and obviously a financial sector is not going to much. versus the world that's why it's stronger. russia all majors are looking across the atlantic for investment opportunities the country's largest private
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producer lukoil is studying u.s. shale fields weak or wants to use u.s. high tech drilling technology in russia as well rich deposits as those are difficult to drill companies already experiments in the west side period which is thought to hold large in the sources of liquid hydro. surging energy prices can speed up global inflation will russia is keen to keep its growth on track. the energy ministry and the answer even our police service to keep an eye on the domestic petrol market too little because oil prices must be market based because we do not want to undermine the country's oil producers to speculation and corporate collusions must be excluded the price must be decided by demand and supply and not going any administrative solutions. that's often i will be back in less than one hour with an update say with our team for the headlines with.
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