tv [untitled] March 9, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in . the audience between libya's pro and anti-government forces shows no sign of easy but when united on one issue their opposition to foreign intervention. europe takes in an influx of immigrants from north africa one produced one is already struggling to deal with the tensions between a large muslim community and angry nationalists. and reset to reaffirm russia's need only u.s. vice president find common ground on former stumbling blocks including moscow's accession to the world trade organization and a missile defense system in your. life
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from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day in libya more than a thousand people enough have died in weeks of fighting between rebels and government forces even so all sides have told foreign forces to stay out of the conflict though that hasn't stopped the u.s. putting its military on alert to intervene or the u.k. and france from pushing the u.n. to back a no fly zone correspondents inside libya i was on a boy because in the opposition stronghold of benghazi and paulison here in the capital tripoli. oh good athlete also certainly have in securing a claim of a country fighting has been intensifying while they were fresh air raids launched by production and nearly global reach progress in the north also in the western china as the year they have been making and bombs has to have lost their town you know in tripoli there it's very much in the hands of the libyan leader he again appeared on state television for the second time in two days and reiterating that
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it was a foreign involvement behind the chaos in the demonstrations and see him in various cities around the country he said that his security forces captured a number of foreigners in a raid on a mosque he said that they came from egypt algeria. beheaded in alcohol in which things appear to say nature coming out of the country's foreign minister mr newscycle search eat. foreign elements for what was happening although not all of it's clear that it's a well prepared plot the proof is the group has contacts with great powers and is supported by them first of all by britain which is attracted by the oil reserves so the u.k. has paid several visits held negotiations an offer of help the same situation is with france and the u.s. great growers compete for the right to own oil oxide and gold resources and this rivalry is going on the question certainly is when within the united states will be a bhaumik ministration to take some kind of action on the level yet he falls in
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a demand for a no china zone are we can remain jim light at the same time the european union foreign ministers are said to need to morrow thursday in brussels and on friday they will have a crisis meeting of all twenty seven leaders of a bloc in which they will issue a joint response now the e.u. is widely expected to expand sanctions that it has already set on the production family he is close associates as well as his sons and family members cannot travel to europe there is also a prohibited in place against weapon sales to live never understand that the sanctions will now include. i mean doggone equipment which could be used for some kind of internal repression and also all organizations that are controlled by you can go he or she will also fall within that sanction him but we do also understand that you will be supporting calls for united nations investigation into what is happening here so certainly a lot of pressure on the international front in terms of what keep do with this
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country although it inside worth mentioning it must be stressed that the feeling here in libya was gauntlets of he talked to the international community this is not getting full well right thanks for that support now we're told vs that gadhafi doesn't want foreigners to intervene but let's not go to then go and see how do the rebels react to the claims that they are being backed by the west now the opposition of course denies these claims in fact they started. a recent barrison and through a bit of british intelligence services has a group here to have been causing a group that was briefly are arrested. back home and local leaders say that they do not want any foreign intervention in fact they say if indeed it happens it will play directly into the hands of khadafi and they're very adamant that these surprising whatever it's successful or not remains to be seen average shipment as a genuine hour for all of the. people the majority of the population including the
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potence. do not want foreign intervention because that is a rocky scenario what washington is aiming at is through establish control over these oil reserves which constitute billions and billions of dollars of crude suits for the local produce some of the opposition leaders told us today that they're now true. to accumulate all of their resources. that they have. found for gambling town of third. or not the opposition forces will be able to mount these contrary friends of his still remains to be seen that army is this important they haue a preference for their very poorly trained everything from the only thing that i would say is on their side is that. they're very creative in trying to find new means of plotting and here's
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a graduate what i mean our next story. they call it the vehicle of the free trucks have long been popular in the desert but their four wheel drive power easily conquers the tree tristan's instantly been maybe one of the very few places in europe that seems to have a peak of trucks than even the u.s. state of texas people here like this car for its mobility versatility and strong action and it's based fascination with pickup trucks that allowed at uprising in eastern libya to pick up steam police first father bought this charge a few years ago for his family business his son applied to five year old economics student now sets out for the front line says you know it's a very good car especially when those are. done and we'll be able to use it when our you can go and fight for my country. ever since depth rising began almost three weeks ago columns of rubble pickup trucks have been crisscrossing the desert around
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been gazi rebel say the vehicles in the village he allows them to dodge attacks from pro-government forces and has more than once saved their lives. and we were trying. to get everybody to work these old pieces of soviet or more have been rusting on the main embankment of the ghazi ever since the rebels to cover the c.t.e. they now serve as a playground for kids and singles of defeat for the disquieted. regime. this man was among hundreds of young officers who were in the 1980's recenter soviet military academies by a good half is government now a staunch critic of the libyan leader he says tanks like the gadhafi regime have a long day days but. all this heavy armor is no good it that's why pickup trucks
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came in so handy with slight modifications that can easily be converted to thirty round rocket launchers and machine guns utilizing the utility vehicles for rapid attacks is hardly a libyan in than ssion pickup trucks have long been a feature of mortar and warfare you see tend to see patterns and certain vehicles are used by the u.s. military in the u.s. government's it was in afghanistan before it in afghanistan now it's even in afghanistan masooma move it was use supplied pick up trucks that helped afghan insurgents fight soviet troops three decades ago now it's sleepy and behind the wheel and they're at a crossroads wondering which way to drive their country next. hour it's the ghazi. used foreign policy chief has reaffirmed the union's determination to stop the violence a new deal with more sanctions expected by friday but political writer tim gatto says some european nations on the us are behaving like hypocrites when they talk of humanitarian issues in libya. but what they're doing this they're saying that. he
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is killing all these people you know all the rebels and civilians on the ground and they want to there's a humanitarian excuse to invade libya but meanwhile it darker and people die and left and right and you haven't heard anybody say they want to send military force to go forward because there are poor boy i think if the agitation right now in france again uses that as an excuse to retire on and take their own lives i think the guy driving along with the first step and no sorry operation against libya because then it would provide it still says finland doing american i think that shot down and. whatever where they shot on one of our shirts. just given an excuse to invade them. the no fly zone starts with a military operation and i believe. that is the dogs of that
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and it's going to look at the united states the arabs are going to look at us and say well this is the third middle eastern country it's the third arab country that we've been based. during this period of unrest in the arab world saudi arabia america's staunchest ally in the region has largely been spared in part thanks to a strictly enforced ban on public protests today artie's peter bell and his guests discuss what the future might hold for the middle east richest nation crosstalk is coming your way later today but here's a quick preview for you. sandstorm in the arab middle east as change sweeps the region to saudi arabia and new outside influences u.s. president barack obama says he supports democracy and the aspirations of the people does this apply to the kingdom of saudi.
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russia's accession to the world trade organization is top priority for washington that's according to vice president joe biden who met present to me during a visit to moscow reaffirming the reset of relations between the two countries what is it is for. to push the reset button peace was the legendary phrase first introduced by joe biden two years ago when he described obama's efforts to improve relations with russia this visit she will still use aimed at assessing where relations stand midway through president obama's presidential term and to try to further progress in what the white house describes as the fuel track translation up pushing agreements what interests converge and agreeing to disagree in areas where they don't afghanistan is an example where most in washington can cooperate successfully just today present the very ready for an agreement that allows for transit of military hardware and personal to afghanistan through the russian territories however there are quite
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a number of touchy issues on the table between moscow and washington like russia's accession into the world trade organization russia has sought w t o membership for a decade and a half no it is way more than any other bidding country and the president may vary it during his talks with joe biden even joked that he hopes the greyman will be signed before the u.s. vice president and his career we hope that the grim and could be signed us early as by the end of this year and other very freaky shit on the agenda is a missile defense in europe for years the us as opposed to russia's involvement in cooperating with nato on an hand he believes that missile plan for europe which the u.s. believes will be needed people iran comes up with nuclear weapons russia complains it wasn't involved in those plans neither was it over it and not a good level of cooperation on that so for years it has remained one of the biggest he returns in belief shows between the two of course these today's talks between
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the u.s. vice president and me trim if it were just part of major proportions for the upcoming visit over iraq obama later this year and another pressing issue on the. and there was believe anything as the u.s. is now considering imposing a no fly zone over libya russia strongly opposes that moscow says it's against international intervention in what it believes is levy on domestic affairs and the u.s. is now seeking russia's support for action in media as russia has a veto on the year's curity council that means that without russia saying yes to the no fly zone plan this plan could not be enforced. critic strategist chris says joe biden's visit highlights the toys which continue to link russia and the u.s. . i think that the existing relations are on a track moving forward no matter what the little disruptions are and i think that's
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very important and i think that's part of what biden strip is all about and then the obama's trip will be all about which is that even if we have set backs along the way the message has to be very clear to the russian people and to the american people that russia and united states now have more in common than we do that separates us we need that russia to be part of the w t l we need a free trade with russia and i think that that message is being sent today anythings united states does it will clearly take into account how the russian government the russian leadership feels about things and i'm sure that vice president biden is making that very clear to. the russian leadership today that whatever we do in libya we're going to try to make sure that we cooperate with you and we're not in conflict with you the other thing of course is that we're coming up to the tenth anniversary of nine eleven i don't think it's lost on the american people that there were people have been victimized by islamic terrorists and we share that in common and i think the metaphor for that is this idea of
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a missile defense although it's aimed at states like iran and others i think that it's a symbol that we stand united against terrorists and that's another thing so while we might disagree on things like libya i think going forward the relationship moves forward no matter what the little setbacks might be. chris talking to me a little earlier here on r.t. reality dot com is updated around the clock at our website with all the news and analysis we're covering here here's what else is there for you at the moment welcome to russia the visa changes which means foreign workers won't have to leave their families behind. and be careful where you drill shell shocked the residents of a moscow apartment building after a second world war bomb is discovered in the walls if you tales and other stories on our team dot com.
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thousands of muslim refugees escaping violence in north africa have found their way to europe but what they will find our nation's already struggling to live with immigrant populations in the british town of blues and the knowledge muslim community is now being confronted by a strong far right sentiment more emmett's takes up. mosques hit jobs and how well meat shops a scene straight from the bazaars of the orient but this is luton north of london home to some twenty five thousand muslims of british and other origins one of them was time or abdel wahab al abdel better known now as the stockholm bomber abdul qadeer bax knew him and describes a volatile character rejected by the community at large where he was he was challenged his ideology is think is we're challenged we challenged him and when we realized he wasn't we expose him to everybody every member of this part of this
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muslim community he got up and walked out and we never saw him again the next they heard our abdullah had blown himself up in sweden and that's just the latest claim to infamy falutin which is fast becoming known as a hotbed of extremism the town's been linked to a variety of terrorist plots and elite british intelligence reports identify pollution as one of the main hubs of fanaticism in the country extremism breeds extremism and in steps the english defense league committed to protecting england from what they see as a wave of islam is a leader tommy robinson believes he's walking where all those fear to tread we have called the chip market. we've got great concerns in our community and we need somebody to voice and sometimes politicians are not doing it. for ten so the e.t.l. cool new to their home all the others say their groups are in football hooliganism
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they recently held their biggest ever march through the town ahead of which robinson says the police told him his life was in danger of being in thoughtlessly may be appropriate if you leave the area for the foreseeable future it's out of lease and has undeniable links to islamic extremism including least recently the stockade bomber we spent time here and that in turn leads directly to the. groups like the e.t.l. who believe the england debut is under threats meanwhile the people at least in see their town in the headlines because of extremists from both sides of the facts the town's m.e.p. says the force majority of ten years live in harmony and a distressed by their homes image what we can do is. an informed me to stand quietly peacefully and show that the force for security of this town and that this country faced do not believe could work so this organization we do not want
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them here is still came from as family claims england for turning him from a normal boy into a fanatic some points to unemployment in social deprivation as the reasons for the extremes found in luton but backs lays the blame squarely at the doors of the government before nine eleven we have never had these make these type of issues or this develops is going to let them go it was foreign policy that's what spots all this out there is iraq you know you know illegal war killing women children so i was up all going to afghanistan you know carpet bombing indiscriminately meanwhile walls thousands of miles away make their presence felt in looted where every so often shopkeepers boarded up the town center and prepare for the hurrican of extremism to pass three. one are some of the headlines from around the world in our world update for you the thirty six people have been killed and almost one hundred injured after a suicide bomber struck a funeral procession in pakistan witnesses say
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a teenager detonated himself as hundreds of taliban militia and you know the whole players the taliban has claimed responsibility saying it was in retaliation for the tribesmen support the government. after thirty nine successful mission space shuttle discovery has learned at kennedy space center in florida for the very last time it was returning from the international space station where they've been carrying out maintenance shuttle will now be stripped of various components and put on display in the museum discovery sister ships endeavor and atlantis also shows later this year and the nasa is ability to carry out space flight. exposing government secrets is a risky job as the founder of wiki leaks has found but even in this dangerous field there are veterans and i think there are listed takes a toll with one old school it was a blow to see the hidden side of new york. i winter's day rendezvous with an unusual tour guide and cryptic critic we are here with john young he started the
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website or he got to the game about ten years before wiki leaks did write releasing classified and secret documents of governments from all over the world on his site and another thing that he does is he goes all over photographing what you call sensitive sites right here where we're near some right now he photographs them and put them on his website for the world to see and he's going to tag along and he's going to show us new york city through his eyes we begin outside the federal courthouse where terrorism suspects are tried photos john is published of places like this as well as the police in traditional headquarters known as the ring of steel where he's taking us now have led the f.b.i. to visit him and critics to say he's putting national security at risk in the contrary as it should be sure there's a risk to our society this is the third world the tourists are killed and notice all the burghers here john says post nine eleven america has amounted to a buildup of secrecy seen all over areas like this in what he calls security
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theater. shooting are you going there's an officer around every corner that wants to know what we're doing they claim they're under through this you will chose to trip john opposes the fortress looking buildup like this secured entrance outside the prosecutor's offices he also thinks in this particular case it's a de quoi i go there to prosecutors. john is an architect by trade so he reads buildings like books and the biggest name he sees coming out of this area is the money being made these are huge. they call them government operation but they're huge because they should have got huge concord. just down the street this federal building houses the f.b.i. into this underground driveway for the purpose but john has discovered it's not all it's. are miserable as it seems. just like all of these discoveries there is one place john hasn't found the cia office next stop wall
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street at first purportedly the world's largest repository of gold yes even more than fort knox house mostly for other countries behind this wall of the new york federal reserve eight feet of concrete nothing for someone to watch and get it but much gold and filming around the financial center of arguably the world we are met with skepticism the third officer of the day. nonetheless the tour goes on wall street brings a cobblestone pavement to make it look more and more security you can get into you see that a lot of security because not much financial action truly happens here anymore john says the point of seeing the security firsthand though is to question more should we just move into the operation which i'm going to be flee the hyperbole about this threat. cannot keep you from. lauren lyster
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r.t. new york but for the moment i'll be back with a summary of main news stories in about. the business up next with me true that's after a short break stay with us. so you watch the business with me to mention of a reset of economic relations between russia and the u.s. was high on the agenda of joe biden's meeting with russian deputy prime minister should fall off which took place in russia's high tech out of school not only know the content of the session. both countries acknowledge that economic cooperation
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between them remains below its potential in two thousand and ten trade values between russia and the u.s. were valued at about twenty three billion u.s. dollars which is only four percent of questions external trade now during any meeting between the u.s. vice president and russia's first deputy prime minister cooperation in the sphere of high technology is of course also discussed including the opening of. the office right now middle of the silly call in valley for better cooperation between the two we are aware of the benefits that will flow to u.s. companies from a freer and more open trade regime between the united states and russia and quite frankly worldwide but we also know we've often told russian leaders their investors and companies are looking not just for a better trade policies but for assurances that the legal system that exists in
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each of the countries in which they wish to invest the legal system treats them fairly also a deal was signed between russian companies air flights and buoying russia will by eight's of the company's latest seven seven seven jets the deal is estimated at about two billion u.s. dollars also vice president biden has said that the u.s. strongly supports russia's bid to join the world trade organization that is not only the u.s. having planes to russia in the just lation russian business says it's also facing problems with red tape in the united states that's according to the c.e.o. of ross nano and anatole beach boys. russian companies offering innovative products to the u.s. market find difficulty in registering while other nations are allowed to use the american delegation has heard or recommendations we need new procedures to druce the problem of unfair competition i believe this can be resolved through good recent research through the circuit the markets we start with oil prices are up yet
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again especially brant take a look at that to our dollars out west texas down ten thousand brant is up because merrill lynch has upped its forecast for the year crude saying it could briefly talk one hundred forty dollars per barrel in the second quarter and therefore the buying take a look at the stock markets in the united states now they are trading still mixed this is. uncertainty about how high oil prices that we're seeing right now will be affecting u.s. economy in europe trading ended for wednesday in the red british american tobacco was one of the biggest losers in london as england banned about who displays from twenty two. here in russia the first session of the week after a long weekend ended in the red the market was correcting following the strong previous week so you look at some of those individual shares banks were on the rise however supported by positive results from bank of america was gaining one point
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three percent at the close nor think it was down one percent on lower metals prices but the outstanding performance of the session was near after its preferred shares gained eleven percent during the session the stock spiked person percent of one point causing an increase this pension of trading for one hour but there's been no clarification so far as to the reasons behind the jump. i think the most evident trend was the rotation from oil and gas into financials or so some been strong for a while so i think it's a question of profit taking a bit lower oil prices more supplies from opec and obviously a financial sector is not into a much quest. versus the world that's why it's stronger first the broader market. russia's or oil majors are looking across the atlantic for investment opportunities the country's largest private producer lukoil is scouting us shale fields now one thing using u.s.
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high tech drilling technology in russia as well ridge shale shale deposits has been difficult to drill for companies already experimenting west sides area which is don't see what's called a large resources of liquid hydrocarbons. that's often i'll be back in one hour's time with an update see that. little bit of. digging.
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