tv [untitled] March 9, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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we'll. review the latest inside stems. from. the future of. balance between libya's pro and anti-government forces shows no sign of easing but they're united on one issue their opposition to foreign intervention. europe takes in an influx of immigrants from north africa one produce town is already struggling to deal with the tensions between a large muslim community and angry nationalists. and reset reaffirmed russia's leader in the us price president find common ground on for stumbling blocks creating moscow's accession to the world trade organization and the missile defense system in europe.
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live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day in libya more than a thousand people are now thought to have died in weeks of fighting between rebels and government forces even so all sides have told foreign forces to stay out of the conflict though that hasn't stopped the u.s. putting its military on alert to intervene or the u.k. and france from pushing the u.n. to back a no fly zone artie's correspondents are inside libya because in the opposition stronghold benghazi. in the capital tripoli. the program forces certainly have been securing they claim are going to country fighting has been intensifying propagates there were fresh air raids launched by good afternoon the little witch hunt of western north also in the western time as the year they have been making an on board sector you know in tripoli their eggs very much in the hands of the libyan leader he again appeared on state television for the second
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time in two days reiterating that it was foreign involvement behind the chaos in the demonstrations and seen in various cities around the country he said that his security forces had captured a number of foreigners in a raid on a mosque you see that they came from egypt algeria canister beheaded in alcohol and with friends who shared the same message coming out of the country's foreign minister mr and mr come said he truly blames foreign elements for what has happened in oh all of it's clear that it's a world plot the proof is the group has contacts with great powers and is supported by them first of all by britain which is attracted by the oil reserves so the u.k. has paid several visits held negotiations and offered help the same situation is with france and the u.s. great growers compete for the right to own oil oxide and gold resources and this rivalry is going on for pressure certainly is growing within the united states will be a barn administration to take some kind of action on libya was
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a little monster no china zone are reaching the mention line at the same time the european union foreign ministers are said to meet tomorrow tuesday in brussels and on friday they will have a crisis a meeting of all twenty seven leaders of the bloc in which they will issue a joint response now the e.u. is widely expected to expand its sanctions that it has already said on the fate of the family the his close associates as well as his sons and family members cannot travel to europe there is also a clue here in place against weapon sales to a level of understanding the sanctions will now include. and in hong kong equipment which could be used for some kind of internal repression and also all organizations that are controlled by the gadhafi regime would also fall within that same ssion and that we do not understand it you will be supporting calls for united nations investigation into what is happening here so certainly a lot of pressure on the international front in terms of what to do with this
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country although it is worth mentioning and of must be stressed that the feeling here in libya was gauntlets of the talk to the international community. all right thanks for that support i know it's obvious that gadhafi doesn't want foreigners to intervene but let's not go to. benghazi how do the rebels react to the claims that they are being backed by the west now the opposition of course denies these claims in private based. a recent verisign and to be a british intelligence services are group here ghazi a group that was briefly are arrested. back home and local leaders say that they do not want any foreign intervention in fact they say if indeed it happens this will play into reckoning into the hands of coffee and they're very adamant that these surprising for their rights. are not remains to be seen as an experiment as
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a canyon after all of the believe people the majority of the population including the phonons of the do not want foreign intervention because that it's an iraqi scenario what washington is aiming at is to establish control over these oil reserves which constitute billions and billions of dollars of proceeds for the oil companies some leaders told us today that they're now to. group therapy really all of their resources that. they have to. get out of the town of sirte. or not the opposition forces will be able to knock down these contraflow still remains to be seen that our army is pretty much just and they have property with their very poorly trained club at the same time the only thing that i would say is on their side is that there are very crazy for in trying to find new means of
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fighting and here's a guy play what i mean our next story. they call it the vehicle of the free think of trucks have long been popular in the desert but their four wheel drive power easily conquers detroit surest sense instantly be it may be one of the very few places in europe that seems to have a look peak of trucks than even the u.s. state of texas people here like this car for its inability versatility and strong action and if these fascination with pickup trucks that allow the uprising in eastern libya to pick up steam. sleepless thought there got these charkha few years ago for his family business his son a twenty five year old economics student now sets out for the front line says if it's a very good car especially when those are done i will be able to use it when i only can go and fight for my country. ever says their rising began almost three weeks
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ago columns of the piece of trucks have been crisscrossing the desert iran been ghazi rebel say the vehicles in the village he allows them to dodge attacks from pro-government forces and has more than once saved their lives. from a slow growth that we can see and we were trying to escape income. get everybody through or give me these old pieces of soviet or more have been rusting on the main embankment of benghazi ever since the rebels to cover the c.t.e. they now serve as a playground for kids and symbols of defeat for the despised. regime. this man was among hundreds of young officers in the 1980's were sent to soviet military academies by get at his government now a strong critic of the libyan leader he says tanks like the gadhafi regime have a long while to leave their days but. all this heavy armor is no digit that's why
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pickup trucks came in so handy with slight modifications looking easily be converted to try to round rocket launchers and machine guns utilizing the utility vehicles for rapid attacks is hardly a libyan invention pickup trucks have long been a feature of mortar and warfare you see tend to see patterns and certain vehicles are used by the u.s. military in the us governments that was in afghanistan before it's in afghanistan now and to them in afghanistan. it was you supplied pickup trucks that helped afghan insurgents fight soviet troops three decades ago now it's libyans behind the wheel and they're at a crossroads wondering which way to drive their country next it's not like an art see been gazi. to discuss the events in libya are not joined live by anthony well he's founder and chief editor of the online newspaper the daily bill joining me there in zurich well we we hear a lot about the anti gadhafi forces but we actually know next to nothing about who
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they are what do you make of them who do you think of their leaders. well the leaders there's quite a bit of speculation as to act actually who is who is pulling the strings of what's happening in libya for example the u.k. telegraph recently ran a piece which talked fair amount of the alliance for youth movements which is a an effort that was born in the united states by jared cohen who was the former a former top adviser to both congolese or rice as well as hillary clinton and in the in the state department and he along with the support of the state department formed the alliance for youth movements and there are there are affiliated websites called move inside org what's important about this is that that organization has its stated mission along with several multinational corporations from sponsor of the organization its mission is to provide a conduit a training so to speak
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a platform for instruction of how to organize and prepare for let's say electronic protests or communications revolutions like the ones we're seeing in libya today and there is a heavy footprint involved in both the sands of tunisia as well as egypt and now in libya with this organization so there's a direct tie into the u.s. state department here as a matter of fact in two thousand and nine hillary clinton gave the keynote address speech in mexico city for this organization so that would be an example of a foreign organization that seems to have some leadership influence on the ground in libya you say seems to have some sort of influence and leadership puts out a lot of media reports suggesting there's a little bit of confusion about who really is making up the opposition with quite a disparate group and you clearly mentioned one element that but let's say the opposition does succeed in taking power do you think that actually they will be organized organized enough to form a cohesive government. i think that he said government will initially be brought
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into into libya by western western forces for example once again in in washington d.c. and other american organization which is headed up by. saddam which is the national front for the salvation of libya has been providing a great deal of sideline advice and consultation now mr assad himself is a former captain in the libyan army and has a fairly deep amount of knowledge about how to operate so to speak tactically within the military confines so you have a grooming ground in washington which also seems to have a great deal of influence i think what you're going to see here is a secular style western government that would be introduced post that often but the likelihood of it succeeding for any length of time is minimal so you see no religious elements at all in this uprising in libya but i do but i do believe that initially we will see
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a western style secular style of government that will be introduced but that will that will fail i believe within a very short period of time and i believe that is where we will see a more fundamentalist islamic type of government that will surface and take power but initially i do believe there will be distrust by western western governments to try to instill a secular style western governments but i don't think it'll work the way we're talking and the sounds of could that his days are numbered almost over but actually we're seeing him strengthening his counter offensive could there be a chance that he could survive and carry on if so what could the consequences be. you know i don't think he's going to be able to survive you know his because his financial means have been severely hampered hampered here if there's a no fly zone instituted by nato with the u.s. standing off the shores and british warships ready to move at any time i think the muscle is being flexed and the message has been sent i don't think that off is going to survive if he was to survive in some invalid form you probably have
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a situation that looks a lot like somalia today but i don't really see him holding on here for much longer if you mention little earlier the muslim fundamentalists aspect does not make i suspect is not a reason a very good reason why there should be foreign intervention from the u.s. and europe to prevent exactly that happening a power vacuum then being led on to a muslim fundamentalist state. no i disagree entirely i would i would agree more with putin's remarks recently that it should be a natural democratic shift within the middle east or in any of these countries if there's going to be change it should be change that is and i hate that word but will use it anyway because that's the word of the day again but change in the middle east should be driven naturally by the people themselves and the western the western powers coming in to try to through force or other means you know put down whatever form of islamic fundamentalism they actually believe is going to surface you know i go back to my comments earlier in your program last week you know you look back at what's happened in saudi arabia where the funding and the
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relationships into the into the western powers have have spawned in grown from you know you'd almost have to say that islamic fundamentalism is something that may actually be desired by western powers so anyone that would suggest to me that they're going into the middle east here to try to just to squelch a western islamic fundamentalism i disagree with that entirely i take it you see that if you put forward a very good argument of why they should be foreign intervention from an international perspective perspective but why is it that the rebels at one stage they they seem to want a lot of help from by foreign intervention but now are actually saying that they don't want any foreign intervention you would imagine that because they're under such pressure and the death toll mounting why is it that they don't want to be held . well they're going to get the help whether they wanted it or not and some would say that the health is. basically what's been driving this revolution to begin with and not to say or take anything away from the from the from the people in libya who are fighting and putting their lives on the line here to to actually make some form of a change but you know you look at what's happening in the world today and the pressure
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that it's mounting with respect to foreign intervention being demanded especially from the western mainstream media you would have to think that the western the western media trumpeting such intervention is something that is heard loud and clear within libya by the libyan people as well and the people on the ground who are leading this movement i don't think it's a cohesive movement when i talked earlier about mr assad in d.c. or the alliance for youth movements there influencing factors but i don't believe that there's necessarily a unified on the ground presence in libya that is being cohesively led by any one group or any one individual and that means also that there are certainly fundamentalists and others within the libyan population who do not wish to have any foreign intervention at all there are others who would probably like to see it happen much like mr assad sitting in washington d.c. well and others of course have got their eye on the oil reserves one does wonder there's a lot of talk about intervention based on humanitarian needs but when we see what's
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been happening in zimbabwe in kind of a stand there's been no foreign intervention there but there and maybe a strategically strategically it's very important to know western business interests and of course it's all reserves is not a reason why that could well be foreign intervention. you know i agree with that statement to assert i agree with that statement but i think it can go deeper than that in terms of the analysis of what it's all about you know tunisia is not exactly an oil and oil heavyweight so to speak it was the first domino to fall under this under this separate of coordinated it seems are color revolutions so if i was going to look at it from another perspective i'd say yes the oil is very very important there's no question that in today's world if you're if you are in a position where we believe there is a strive towards global governance and you have a western powers who are focused on maintaining control the united states as an example has witnessed a severe severe attack to the confidence that it's been maintaining its currency over the past several years as the internet is spawning an understanding of the central banking oriented type of what i call fraud that's been perpetrated on
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western societies and without oil being priced in u.s. dollars that dollar would suffer a major blow and it's not just human beings like you and me and other people sitting here today looking at this interview who are waking up and realizing the giant so to speak. i call it a scam a fraud that's been perpetrated on western societies by central bankers it's also people running nations that are selling their oil and they're probably getting a little less than amort withholding big inventories of devaluing u.s. dollars so dan was saying certainly found in fairly quickly when he when he threatened to reprice oil in something other than u.s. dollars what sort of a career ending move that can be and today well founder and chief editor of the daily bell dot com good to talk to you thanks for joining us not an aussie thank you. well during this period of unrest in the arab world saudi arabia america's staunchest ally in the region has largely been spared in part thanks to a strictly enforced ban on public protests but are those artes prevail in his guest discussing what the future might hold for the middle east's richest nation
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cross-talk is coming your way in the next hour but first here's a brief preview for you. the growing sandstorm unique arab middle east as change sweeps the region to saudi arabia meal and outside influences us president barack obama says he supports democracy and the aspirations of the people does this apply to the kingdom of saudi. succession to the world trade organization is top priority for washington that's according to vice president joe biden who met present meeting medvedev during a visit here to moscow aimed at reaffirming the reset of relations between the two countries. which over is following the visit. to push the reset button piece was the legendary phrase first introduced by joe biden two years ago when he described obama's efforts to improve relations with russia this visiting a school views aimed at assessing where relations stand midway through president
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obama's presidential term and to try to curb the progress in what the white house describes as the dulu tragic translation up pushing agreements what interests converge and agreeing to disagree in areas where the job is afghanistan is an example where most in washington can co-create successfully just today present the very gratified an agreement that allows for transit of military hardware and personal to get us down through the russian polish there are quite a number of touchy issues on the table between moscow and washington like russia's accession to the world trade organization russia has sought w t o membership for a decade and a half no that is way more than any other bidding country and today presently gave during his talks with joe biden joe but he hopes the criminal be signed before his vice president and sees. only hope that the grim and could be signed as early as by the end of this year and other very freaky shit on the agenda is
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a result of consignor for years the us as opposed to russia's involvement in cooperating with nato on an anti ballistic missile plan for europe which the u.s. believes will be needed if iran comes up with nuclear weapons russia complains labels in bold to those plans neither it wasn't over it and that it would level of cooperation on that so for years it has remained one of the biggest key returns in deletions between the state of course these today's told stage when the us vice president and me trying to get if we're just part of major preparing shows for the upcoming visit over iraq obama later this year and another pressing issue on the. chanda was the levy any as the u.s. is now considering imposing a no fly zone over libya russia strongly opposes. once again international intervention in what he believes is levy on domestic affairs and the u.s.
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is now seeking russia's support for action in levy as russia has a veto on the year's curity council that means that without russia saying yes to the no fly zone plan this plan could not be enforced. thousands of muslim refugees escaping violence in north africa found their way to europe but what will they find but what they will find nations already struggling to live with immigrant populations in the british muslim community is now being confronted by strong far right sentiment your parents takes a look. mosques hit jobs and how well meat shops a scene straight from the possessions of the orient but this is luton north of london home to some twenty five thousand muslims of british and other origins one of them was time or abdel wahab. better known now as the stock bomber abdul qadeer pax knew him and described the volatile character rejected by the community at
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large when he was here he was challenged his ideologies is think if we're challenged we challenged him and we were as he was and we expose him to everybody every member of this of this muslim community. because we walked out and we never saw him again the next day hurt our childhood played himself up in sweden and that's just the latest claim to infamy falutin which is fast becoming known as a hotbed of extremism the town's been linked to a variety of terrorist plots and elite british intelligence reports identified leeson as one of the main hubs of fanaticism in the country extremism breeds extremism and in steps the english defense league committed to protecting england from what they see as a wave of islam is a leader tommy robinson believes he's walking where all the spear to tread we call the chip market. we've got great concerns in our community and we need somebody to voice their concerns politicians are not doing their own thing and pretend so
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e.t.l. kulu to their home all the others say their roots are in football hooliganism they recently held their biggest ever march through the town ahead of which robinson says the police told him his life was in danger you have been in for years they may be appropriate if you leave the area for the foreseeable future it's out of lease and has undeniable links to islamic extremism including most recently the stockade we spent time here and that in turn leads directly. to the right is it groups like the e.t.l. if you believe the england they do is under threats meanwhile the people at least in see their town in the headlines because of extremists from both sides of the fence the towns and the peace there's the past majority of lieutenant ins live in harmony and a distressed by their homes image but we can do this. and in harmony to stand quietly peacefully and show that the force force maturity of this town and this
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country. could not believe to go accept this organization we did not want them here still came from his family claims england for turning him from a normal boy into a fanatic some points to unemployment incisional deprivation as the reasons for the extremes found in luton but backs lays the blame squarely at the top of the government before nine eleven we ever had these make these type of issues this is the votes is going to leaven the governor's foreign policy actually spots will it stop going to iraq you know if you know an illegal war killing women children so i was all for going to afghanistan you know carpet bombing indiscriminately meanwhile was thousands of miles away make their presence felt in looted where every so often shopkeepers boarded up the town center and prepare for the hurrican of extremism to pass through nor ever it. turns out to take for the moment i'll be
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back with a recap of our main stories in just over five minutes from now and retelling the business update with dimitri that's coming up shortly stay with us live here in moscow. phil thank you very much hello welcome to business r.t. a reset of economic relations between russia and the united states was high on the agenda of joe biden's meeting with russian deputy prime minister of place and russia's high tech parties not only. attended this us. both countries acknowledge that it can only cooperation between them remains below its potential in two thousand and ten trade problems between russia and the us more valued at about twenty three billion u.s. dollars which is only four percent of questions external trade now during a meeting between the us weiss president and russia's first deputy prime minister cooperation in the sphere of high technology is of course also discussed including
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the opening of talk of office right now middle of the silicon valley for better cooperation between the two we are aware of the benefits that will flow to u.s. companies from a freer and more open trade regime between the united states and russia and quite frankly worldwide but we also know we've often told russian leaders and investors and companies are looking not just for better trade policies but for assurances that the legal system that exists in each of the countries in which they wish to invest the legal system treats them fairly also we deal was signed between russian companies air flights and boring russia will by eight's of the company's latest seven seven seven jets of the deal is estimated at about two billion u.s. dollars also vice president biden has said that the u.s. strongly supports russia's bid to join the world trade organization now tell you
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another caller porting from school cover that it's not only the u.s. having complaints about russian legislation russian business also says it's facing problems with red tape in the united states that's according to the c.e.o. of respondents only shipyards. but it was the biggest need of russian companies offering innovative products to the u.s. market find difficulty in registering while other nations are allowed the american delegation has heard or recommendations we need new procedures to address the problem of unfair competition i believe this can be resolved to receive this and so you're going to market to start with commodities oil prices are up yet again with the turmoil the middle east showing no sign of abating well brant is up two with a half of dollars there that's because merrill lynch is out its forecast for the crude saying that brant could briefly top one hundred forty dollars per barrel in the second quarter meanwhile exxon mobil c.e.o. says prices of the current level are not yet hurting the economy but investors seem
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to disagree in the united states u.s. markets are sure are going off especially on the high tech nasdaq and dow jones is up just point one percent right now. in russia wednesday's session ended in negative territory though the nice legs are managed to pare most of its losses by the end of the session it was the first trading session of the week because of a long public holiday second some of the individual stocks bucking the trend with banks they were supported by positive results from bank of america's burbank was getting one point three percent at the close on the my sex bank was the idea second tier stock it added seven point seven percent lower nickel and copper futures were weighing on metal stocks with north nickel shelling over three quarters of a percent actually more than actually one percent of the close and tell their preferred shares gained eleven percent over the session the stocks liked thirty percent at one point causing an increase of suspension of trading for one hour but
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