tv [untitled] March 9, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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we know how evolution to be is we have to confront you so who exactly is that enemy well according to the chairman of the house homeland security committee that enemy could be american muslims so is peter king the news joseph mccarthy. and those who voted king into office well many of them were muslims themselves so what do they have to say about their representation now. before raise concerns in our community and we need somebody to voice their concerns and it turns out congressman king may not be alone in his opinions will take you to a region in the united kingdom where
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a hotbed of hatred is brewing. and who would you choose to promote democracy worldwide would it be an impeach johnson who was recently sued for sexual harassment downfall so why does the u.s. government have a criminal making huge democratic decisions abroad. it's wednesday march ninth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine friends now you're watching archie. well he is the new york congressman who famously declared that there are too many mosques in america and tomorrow republican peter king will begin hearings and his investigation into the radicalization of muslims congressman king who's the chairman of the house homeland security committee says he's doing it in the name of protecting the homeland across the country protests against this have erupted and they're protesting the targeting
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of a single religion some even calling it a modern day attempt and mccarthyism kalen fort reports. half a decade ago during america's second red scare this was the accusation to answer. that right out of the madonna's court today it's this one muslim leaders are not doing enough to cooperate with law enforcement there's actually been instances of you moms instructing people in their mosques not to cooperate with law enforcement accusations of disloyalty subversion treason made not by some planning you're a wonder of radical islam for slaughter. but neighborhood you live in an artery operates there. by the chairman of the congressional homeland security committee republican pete king who is launching his highly publicized hearings on the radicalization of muslims in america we know how evil is enemy is and we have to
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confront it unsavory its appearance and to all muslims when we don't single out islamic terrorists it's almost as if we are afraid to insult muslims because we're targeting the terrorists but king dismisses the critics who say the hearings unfairly single out muslims. criticism seriously because they are just mean if you're a liberal left wing reaction and this is the politically correct establishment despite criticism from the right and the laughs at me your announcement of the hearings king says he won't back down begin to name those names we're going to have expert witnesses and with through what we have to do which worries critics like history professor alan tracker we've always had our school that's today it's muslims in the one nine hundred fifty s. it was communists they say that congressman from new york is following in the footsteps of the senator from wisconsin joseph mccarthy focusing on people's associations in this case religious rather than political but calling them.
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in public and exposing them to some cause. mind of sanctions whether it's just e-mails where there is dismissals are workplace sanctions eman abdul only musette says that despite muslim leaders cooperation with the f.b.i. they're continuously viewed as the enemy especially since the end of the cold war the worse thrives on war and throws a long term for where for. peace so we became. the new karmas according to a department of homeland security study islamic extremists are seen as a threat in thirty one states while neo nazi and white supremacist cells groups left out of king's homeland security hearings are seen as a threat in all but four when we talk about terrorism in the united states what
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who've been the terrorists you know some poor pathetic nut in arizona timothy mcveigh of oklahoma city these are the people who are killing americans not muslims it's on the right and the left the echoes of mccarthyism are troubling last month he also introduced the see something say something designed to prevent citizens from lawsuits when they report suspicious activity but critics say it amounts to little more than informing on each other much as they did during the five years i'm in the cold war killing ford r. t. washington d.c. well thoroughly and of last three big hearings have run for dozens of the questions on all five and when the hearings began tomorrow we will no doubt hear more but for now i want to introduce two people with very different ideas about what are about to happen he might leave the president of the organization government and a mob the only move is the director of the market always long mark right here in washington d.c. first thing first guys if peter king
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a modern day joseph mccarthy start with you. first of all. we're. became chancellor nineteen thirty three very rice blamed it on his enemies and i gave him the right to defend the fatherland so this man had a few talking about the the new senate and cut congressional hearings on islam and muslims and radicalism i travel all over the country all the time and i know most of the muslims and i don't see any of what he's talking about freedom for you story am i saying that peter king was responsible for nine eleven. by tearing him day off at what i'm going to bring you and i painted and you were comparing him to the same peter king not with mine i'm alive no i was george bush and israelis were that's my opinion and asked opinion of most of the muslims that's not good can and valued
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opinion of most of the american us to know it and i doubt it thirty four percent like canada scuse me can a star out of thirty four percent who wanted it and it has accelerated everywhere every since nine one one the people of the world have leaned away from the muslims toward either israelis or americans or a combination or a guy they want to keep it to what happened it was about to happen tomorrow that's not late is not here king a modern day just a cranky well i hope so because macarthur was right. after the soviet wall fell the papers were started and they were released from the soviet union and all the things he was saying when correct stan evans is a fantastic journalist who is documented in book after book that mccarthy was right so if he or king turns out to be talking out of mccarthy that's a very good thing what about what happened to america and look what happened with how it all ended in iraq r.f.e. r.l. it didn't i didn't have his intended outcome it didn't make things better energy to
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americans broken birds being a good word a good thing that people were detained that had no business being detained simply because i know what i said but as it turned out the vast majority of the people he accused and where they were detained were actually spying for the soviet side i think that being right is a very good example of culpa tory situation but i comment on the first of all the lies and careers of people that were ruined in hollywood and on the stage it is unbelievable why because of fear blacklisting and all of this this was unbelievable joseph mccarthy is known as. almost as a hit there but why are bringing fear to america is he. government is like this is it can't get its way it was just here the whole country into submission to follow in its path so joe ok joe mccarthy was hitler here can use hitler he's only played it for the hit record twice in three minutes that's preposterous because every time
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i look at t.v. there's a link between islam and the shake of jerusalem muslims were adolf hitler saddam's connection to hitler so i'm just i'm following how good all in your path while your past is connecting everything back to hitler i don't feel good and most of what i'm going to be a hit with is your whole t.v. everything relates back to less polluting the dumb letter word media the artilleryman your particular barely except for this right here you can even get no truth in america the n.b.c. season or a lot of them although i don't oppose all i will most likely go on and i really want to go on the topic of peter king certainly he is a congressman from long island long island certainly not far from where the terrorist attacks took place and while these muslims actually campaigned for peter king over the years well guess what they have a little bit of a different feeling now especially because peter king's reaction has changed i want
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to go to a story now that artie's more important i added where she actually visited one of these mass and talked. on friday. a familiar sound of worship echoes from islamic center of long island. it's a place of prayer education and community service for many of long island's seventy thousand muslims it's also a place where u.s. congressman peter king spent years building bridges with american voters. supporters who today remain shocked that king labeled their mosque a hotbed for extremism that should be put under surveillance for the tended over of weddings also and we have been to his office many times whatever we needed help with. how be ahmed is chairman of the long island center that sits just outside the boundaries of king's third congressional district amid fears the man he once
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fundraise for they currently be the strongest force fueling the flames of islamophobia in america the insecurity of my community is my biggest concern and trying to create probably have that is. why i've been doing these things during his early days as congressman king was often seen at the islamic center on long island giving lectures holding book signings even serving as the main guest of honor when the prayer hall officially open official say since september eleventh two thousand and one the u.s. representative has not stepped one foot inside this building these logic center unanimously condemned the event but can cut ties with the institution after two officials were quoted denying muslim involvement and linking israel to nine eleven . you know instead peter cave recently appointed chairman of the powerful house homeland security committee has announced
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congressional hearings on allegedly hit in radicalism among american muslims and mosques. a drastic turn that has brought fear to king's constituents he generalize. and realize in a very bad way and in a way that. even outside of from the states it has been very disturbing to us especially when the coalition of muslim population in the long island community is growing substantially looking for support. congressman king has said that most muslim leaders in this country aren't cooperating with authorities yet no member of this long island islamic center has ever been accused of terrorism. muslim americans in this community are appalled that their very own u.s. representative is targeting them based on their religious beliefs there are
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extremists in every every community every religion i mean you you know i just this long what does he have to gain from it personally and then maybe something to gain in the politics of this is not a fear people are really angry anxious to because the burden falls on the shoulders really please explain why feet in a country of tolerance a new york community left feeling isolated and marginalized by the man they once rallied behind their enough nyah r.t. new york already malim on with i want to talk about this notion reno mentioned something in her package she talked about these hearings not only you know some of the immediate results but she can't about them fanning the flames of islamophobia in america in man many people have said that what we're about to see this week here in washington could perhaps and give more moderate muslims
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a reason to consider being radical talk about this are no muslims and radical muslims right now especially these women bred muslims. so freydis unbelievable cooperation with the government that right here in virginia the two biggest centers in this area cooperate regularly with the f.b.i. i cannot speak i used to be one of most problems because on the platform i could not speak fact i spoke unknown island a while back i can't speak on any platform and now in a muslim platform with cause of my ideas and the way i talk. of free that i will make the government. although they're being oppressed so i'm sorry anything that the congressman says it reminds me of. house where they call the house of on american activities anything that they don't like was considered a threat to america. research we ran across was as the various groups of
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citizens in america were mormons muslims this is where you see the thing now let's talk about this i mean at what amount is bigger a picture of what these here i think right here i think we just heard the bigger picture he said losing speaking gigs because he's insane when it comes to what happened on nine eleven and those muslims those mosques are saying we don't want any part of what he has to say those are being put before peter king's committee because they're not nuts the ones he's investigating other ones are engaged potentially in terrorist activity or shielding terrorist activity there have been forty eight instances of domestic terror. related since nine eleven just that i've done in my found in my research and more than half of them involve multiple participants and i just lone wolf single individuals there's a lot of one a six there's a virginia there was a virginia doesn't i haven't have
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a list in my pocket but the point is there's also. kids involved in columbine there's they can go to any attack there's jared loughner in arizona none of them are muslim timothy mcveigh wasn't one of them and how many are you now going back over twenty years to get before the well off the top of my head then you know i don't live upon that well i'll tell you what i was on last night when this fine network was someone who said there are forty eight muslim terror related activities since are allowed in and seventy. all of the radiology or whatever you want to say combined which means one in three more than one in three islamic related so peter king playing the numbers will be certain i'm robbing the base because that's where the money is he's investigating the number one leading cause of the mass to terrorism or attempted to master terrorism. in the united states you're playing the numbers i think the concern though is that a lot of attention could build up here and i want to take you now to community that
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actually in the united kingdom where tension is starting to build up between muslims and christians because art is art here laura and. mosques hate jobs and how shops a scene straight from the bazaars of the orient but this is luton north of london home to some twenty five thousand muslims of british and other origins one of them was time or. better known now as the stockholm bomber abdul qadeer pax knew him and describes a volatile character rejected by the community at large but he was he was challenged his ideologies is think is we're challenged we challenged him we realized he was we exposing to everybody every member. of this person's community because we got upset because we walked out and we never saw them again the next they heard our load himself our kids we did and that's just the latest claim to infamy falutin which is fast becoming known as
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a hotbed of extremism the town's been linked to a variety of terrorist plots and the leaks british intelligence reports identified leeson as one of the main hopes of fanaticism in the country extremism breeds extremism and in steps the english defense league committed to protecting england from what they see is a wave of islam isn't he to tommy robinson believes he's walking where others fear to tread we've called mark. we've got great concerns in our community and we need somebody to voice them sometimes politicians and they don't think they can say e.t.l. kulu to their home although others say their groups are in football hooliganism they recently held the biggest ever march through the town head of which robinson says the police told him his life was in danger. we have been in four years they may be appropriate if you leave the area for the foreseeable future the town of lucent has undeniable links to islamic extremism including most recently the stock
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bomber you spent time here and that in turn leads directly to the rise of groups like the e.t.l. who believe the indian is under threat meanwhile the people at least and see their town in the headlines because of extremists from both sides of the fence the towns any piece says the boss majority of newtonians live in harmony and a distressed by their homes image we currently he's in peace and in for me to stand quietly peacefully and show that the forced forced majority of this town and in this country face no police to work so this would be nice they should we could not want them here to still claim god this family blames england for turning him from a normal boy into a fanatic some points to unemployment in social deprivation as the reasons for the extremes found in luton but backs lays the blame squarely at the doors of the
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government before nine eleven we had never heard this but the start of issues to this is the events is the eleventh it was foreign policy that's what spots with this are going to iraq you know it you know illegal war killing women children souls of war going to afghanistan you know carpet bombing indiscriminately meanwhile was thousands of miles away make their presence felt in looted where every so often shopkeepers boarded up the town center and prepare for the hurricane of extremism to pass through new revenues artsy least in. the area where here we are as place in england where tensions are flaring up i also must imagine what's going on right now in cairo egypt where muslims and christians are attacking each other kind of interesting it all started with article the third of romeo and juliet love affair between a muslim and a christian and a report showing at least thirteen people were killed when a muslim. mark mob than christians who are protesting the think you could ever get to this point here in on first of all i like to clear a few facts. about the muslims in this area the
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biggest arrest in this area not arrest but seizing of assets and books was in northern virginia right over here santa typos and the f.b.i. collected the phone took a lighty all of their books over six years ago and they haven't got a case yet so those are the most cooperative muslims in the united states they homes were invaded they were basically oppressed the next thing is as far as. is concerned and these people who have been arrested in recent years you have to look at the concept of entrapment i understand can trap me because i have been entrapped by the government if you look at the african americans who live very close you take to new york issue they rolled in a pakistani got out of jail went to the mustard the man told him stay away from the
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center just like that the man did stay away from the center he went around and picked up on the less active muslims in the community shower them with money then after that drove the guys to new york to synagogue and said now place this here and then the f.b.i. arrested or just a minute and court the judge axed the guy one of them do you know was going on here he was a little patient and he was on power as ng corporal let's. the judge asked do you know what's going on here. i think i'm telling you my brother no no i'm not in a bar and you got me about this certainly have been cases where the government the f.b.i. has uncovered situations in which plots were in the works but you know some people do call that account and you kind of chuckled well can i respond he spent three minutes discussing one incident i've mentioned forty eight the vast majority
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mention specifically any well yes it is alike want to six or twelve in virginia you know five or zero three excuse me there are forty eight individual instances where there was an entrapment where they were convicted or in the process of being convicted and the fact of the matter is and this is what it's that this is what upsets me. and there are some of the muslim community that are there doing this this is a huge opportunity for the muslim community. this is a huge opportunity for them to come forward and say we are helping and a lot of them are availing themselves there of their working with peter king picking just didn't wake up one day and said let's do this he's been looking at this for years let's see how he's going to investigate the revolutions of the muslim community that haven't been cooperating and have been shielding terror activity those are the ones and the only ones that he's investigating. would've went to the synagogues and said to the rabbis if you don't cooperate with us we're going to give you trouble suppose they went to churches around america and demanded that the religious leaders cooperate with the f.b.i.
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about the religious attitudes of the people is fire away and are you going to be related hey the guys who was arrested here in d.c. some of them came to my you do you know what pedro. i run in for dupont park there is everybody in the universe out there shooting pedo now that means you have to re have raised the level of the threshold for guilt and innocence have to be very low you will have to have frightened the american community about what your resume is i know according to terrorize the jury's eyes the american terrorized i'm thinking for americans have not one of my life is really thought this guy they had a big demonstration downtown. a few months ago all the good thing here let me be american retailers are being made alfredo not afraid. and that was the
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model a president of the last government and a man abdul ali knew thank director of must be from last year in washington d.c. . and the helsinki commission said emson from zero democracy security and human rights and a noble cause certainly needs a noble leader right well as it turns out its former co-chair congressman alcee hastings may not be so noble after up back in the late eighty's he was impeached from his position as a federal judge and now he's been slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit so how could someone like this possibly be in charge of moral oversight and joining me now to talk more about this is chris farrel the director of investigations and research for judicial watch and chris i want to talk about congressman hastings history. kind of spotty record i know from the seventy's and eighty's he was a federal judge he was impeached for taking a bribe to give out a lesser punishment he was impeached for perjury for bribery now he's been charged
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with sexual harassment this is a man who was once as we said in charge of the healthy commission also known as the u.s. commission on security and cooperation on europe talked to me now about this great irony well i'll see these things is certainly a very controversial character and you know there's only been six or seven judges in the history of the country who have been pinched by the house and convicted in the senate removed from office and alcee hastings is one of the six or seven of the last two hundred thirty years or so the notorious personal record and certainly one that indicates some pretty grave judgmental questions about how we think so yaks and in which remarkable some of the people of south florida decide to return him to federal service which is what's curious all by itself i think it was that he asked not ever to run for public office or to seek public office again and he's a remarkably arrogant character and i think that's demonstrated by the fact that impeachable judge decides to turn around and go back into federal office and what's
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more remarkable is that the people of south florida have returned to doff as over and over again so that's another curious piece of the story but when it comes to his personal behavior with regard to win this impact. because when some packer is the helsinki commission of loyalty who alcee hastings harassed tormented when after despite being told repeatedly no. despite other people on the staff being asked to please intercede and stop they have him you know since this behavior towards her is unrelenting and unapologetic and so i say you let me interrupt you real quick you know we have a statement from congressman hastings i just wanted to put out he says quote i have never sexually harassed anyone in fact i am insulted that these ludicrous allegations are being made against me i will win this lawsuit saw that why is he so confident really look forward to discovery and taking his deposition in that regard and that of other employees at helsinki commission i think will be very illuminating when all the details come out about his particular behavior and if you
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go to mr packer there may be other folks who decide that as the time to step forward i think will be very illuminating about how he's comported himself and actually hell he's conducting business within the commission you know this is a snapshot but there's probably a broader picture here it will be very interesting for the public to understand what kind of a man whose things it was i know it's interesting when you take a look at some of the complaints. by mr packer i know that that he constantly asked to stay at her apartment he would ask her ridiculous questions in the workplace that were like really mind of underwear. but i do want to focus kind of on his role on this commission are charged with making moral decisions i mean talk about this i mean how how is this leadership in the u.s. perceived by others when this is who we're having lead this commission the ironies of paradoxes here and manifold here's a here's a commission that's been established you know for security human rights cooperation
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in europe really really fast from all the principals all the good old the good stuff that people would want to see in government and in policy in public life and here is this man who seems to be really the at this isn't there. what are you telling us what we can expect in the coming weeks and months and terms of this lawsuit sure will course eventually they'll be an exchange of legal briefs back and forth and sort of a process that at some point we're going to discover you will be taking depositions of mr various things and others the commission will find about staff members who we're told will interview senator ben cardin who miss packard went to complained about since he was the senate equivalent of mysterious things and asked them why did you do nothing what do you stand by idly when you either complicit or negligent in your duty is to just stand by did nothing or did you willingly do you think the u.s. government might think twice next time on who they choose to lead is that commission that chris harrell director of investigations and research and you just watch and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to art he does .
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