tv [untitled] March 9, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EST
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back to the big picture i'm sam harben coming up in this half hour mideast peace talks between israelis and palestinians have taken a back seat while the world what this is a revolutionary wave across arab countries and i think coeditor of the goldstone report joins me in studio to discuss mideast peace talks and what that report calls for plus in today's tough economy it seems bank of america is doing just fine making billions in this bull market but there's new concern we may be headed for another financial meltdown then i give you my take on this bubble economy and what it means for you and me the taxpayer but first it's the video sting that's making headlines across the nation.
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that's it for national public radio vivian schiller resigned today she was in the middle of a controversy one day after an n.p.r. executive in charge of fundraising ronald schiller no relation by the way of it was caught on videotape calling some members of the tea party racists here's a video. i think. it's. safe to take a. piece of. white. america. scary. series. one of what you saw was the worker right wing james o'keefe his previous exploits
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include dressing up like a pimp to bring down acorn dressing like a telephone repairman to bug the offices of senator mary u.s. senator mary landrieu he was arrested by the way for that one nearly ended up in federal prison like his republican cohorts in congress o'keefe decided n.p.r. was public enemy number one and set out to dress up like a potential fundraiser and see what kind of dirty could provoke with this amre and sure enough it worked so this the new way the right is trying to bring down their political opponents organizations that they simply don't agree with and more troubling is this the new norm of journalism in america for more on this issue i'm joined by jamie weinstein there be editor of the conservative leaning daily caller erica community democratic strategist welcome to both of you thank you for having let me let me first because i don't see this is much like a left right to beat thing. scott walker got point. is this is this is not. the the the o'keefe videos so far right wing territory but
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there's. if we added a new era of gotcha journalism i don't think so i mean this is how sixty minutes and twenty twenty did their consumer reporting for years and still still so doesn't like that well they used to come with a camera on their shoulder no they did hidden camera ports and. we can even remember now would he miss the we had n.b.c. that has those you know better editors things those are hidden camera stuff this is been done oh. all the time and you know two weeks ago you mentioned scott walker you know you were crying because i was on the very panel that you knew you were singled out in quite a bit only when only when something like this comes out and we have you know this unbelievably awful statements by the n.p.r. executive are we talking this is a new era of gotcha journalism in journalism is dying i think this this happens quite a bit it's how sixty minutes and forty forty years operated for decades i think the first thing is that i don't i think that it shows that it doesn't show anything particular about n.p.r.
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n.p.r.'s journalism is still you know top notch award winning this is a guy who's a fundraiser he was not in charge of editorial content he was not producing content for n.p.r. so n.p.r.'s coverage was not at all it's not indicative n.p.r.'s coverage but back to like the broader issues here well there's idiots on and you know bit of progress on the right and i don't think that's clear i mean the video shows something very interesting it says to n.p.r. employees now you're saying they're not part of the process but they seem to agree with what they were saying national national palestine radio oh i like that i like that phrase or they seem to agree with jamie i think you have to agree with you'll find it's everywhere. if i went over to the kurdish foundation you know dressed the right way talk to the right people with the right. are you surprised i think there's always those stories about her you know i'm sorry but i want to go i've got a lot of debates that we're going to. put any to what's happening with journalism as it's becoming more accessible cameras use the more expensive and larger i think
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that you can walk around in and only something like a news organization like c.b.s. or sixty minutes was capable of having the equipment to do what hidden camera now anybody can do and i think that there needs to be. need to be looking at who's sending in these videos are they cropped are they have they been butchered james o'keefe has been portraying these for a long time that's he released the full video so i'm not disputing that but in the past you know there's methods of obtaining the videos mean he's broken several. and convicted a convicted criminal as well as pursuit of these begats i think that he hasn't been convicted i mean if you want your neck if you were convicted in new orleans of entering what rational i mean i wouldn't i was here not not for that but one kind of another panel where we discussed the alleged rapists that were the wiki leaks founder julian assange you seem to praise him as though this journalist doing a journalist work you know if he qualifies as a journalist and then james o'keefe does as well i don't know what my definition would be with these guys certainly in my mind. is not
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a journalist but it under your definition i think james o'keefe would fall quite well in that with in one hundred twenty eight hours while spangler wrote a book called the decline of the west and it's seriously read it. because i don't know many chris hedges the only guy i've ever met who actually read also read that it was a big deal back in one hundred twenty eight but it you know i don't even think it's been prince in forty but in any case in the it was really a milestone book and what he said was he was looking at the roaring twenty's and which was not unlike kind of the roaring last few decades and he said when a culture when the institutions of a culture of a society become caricature is of themselves and he was talking about the press when the press becomes a caricature of itself and they start taking themselves seriously so seriously that you know everybody every guy's got to wear the snap or i'm at play you know jimmy olsen and all that's going to when when when it becomes a caricature of itself you know that society is collapsing that there's some kind
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of rot inside it is this is it possible that everything from julian assigned to two. to james o'keefe is a symptom of some kind of underlying rot in our culture that we really ought should be paying attention to or is this is this this whole spectrum of stuff like really healthy good conversation that we only we have when you feel there's kind of two trends i mean i think there is. certainly a trend towards you know the trash here are the more salacious headlines and the fact that it's a constantly revolving highly competitive environment with the internet i mean it goes fast and you've got to compete for people's clicks but i think because of that there's we're also seeing a shift in a lot of ways towards more journalism and more investigative longer form pieces and a lot of them are popping up on the web and a lot of kind of are not necessarily blogs that are paying but really in investing further back in it and i think people are looking more for that i think you see
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that people want information and that they they know that what most of what they're getting is kind of you know is trash and not as insightful and that they're really strong to seek and find more impactful because if you. infotainment that we use and most of our so-called you know you know i'm optimistic you know obviously obviously there's some sensationalism in some of the news that we get but we have more sources now that we've ever had before you can go on the internet you can you go in television and have more cable news stations with different. points of view but they certainly have different lean different different way so you can if you're looking for knowledge and truth you have more sources to pore through the marketplace of ideas is greater than it's ever been for before or at least the access to these ideas is greater so i think it's a positive thing the axis is but when you look at for example the big three networks and of the provide still most of the news to most americans and for
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example last year you had a couple of tea party rallies where there were fewer and fewer than five thousand people i mean there were there was one or two large ones but a couple were here but all three networks covered in the evening coverage and at the same time the u.s. social forum at twenty thousand progresses in detroit for five days march from one of the wall now one single network even the border so are there other than sometimes easy sometimes there are mistakes like that made i don't know those examples i do not. and you know these examples they portray the tea party is this research organization research group if they find a sign you know this is a to do it are you going to have a little bit of the tea party has like four years into the multi million dollars but what i want is that and it's still it's a social forum doesn't appear for new job and because he portrayed the tea party as this research forum because they found a few bigoted people but it was constant they're comparing i mean more loudly compared the governor to mubarak so many mubarak's i mean that's ridiculous there is compared comparisons to hitler but there was no similar coverage of those wackos
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to what we found a few wackos in the tea party so if anybody had any ideas or any there's been a lot of it hasn't actually to be a big war but it's only one source and this was covered everywhere so that the tea party has a press person and did a pretty damn bad job because they're for some reason they're getting the bad press while while the professor is great for you you're certainly seeing that right and corporate media is having more influence and making more decisions for fewer kind of television outlets not so i think personally like the internet and the daily caller what they're doing is more and more important because there is such a high bar no just goes out and buys a t.v. station anymore you can't there's not a lot of locally owned media outlets the internet there's more access and so the responsibility of editors should be to be doing the sifting and winnowing of truth looking into and taking searching for facts but you know where corporations are kind of letting us down in our consumption in some areas in other areas technology
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is allowing us to kind of bypass that there's even i mean there's concern in the for example of post. well which is a fairly conservative organization steve case. is is moving away from breaking progressive is. actually seems to be stepping into that space is that what you know the term corporate is like a book even corporate suit corporations are the problem with the news corp's about what we do so there's n.p.r. scandal this is this is you know partly. and there was i think a lot of roles today and the b.b.c. is you know horrid i lived in london for a year which is graduate school there this is not to be appear to be overly non-biased journalism. corporations or would support wrong with the news i think is not i don't think that's a strong within for n.p.r. that you have a diversity of funding sources what makes them unique is that it's there are corporate donors there are philanthropic foundations there are listeners and viewers and then you also have the government so they don't necessarily have one particular interest with their hands and speaking as a liberal i actually have
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a problem with that n.p.r. was they were the ones who broke the or the a.t.m. scam the price fixing scan fifteen years ago cost a.t.m. three hundred million dollars guess who was their first sponsor when they started saying corporate money they're no longer doing that kind of investigation but in any case i think you know we have only the idea that we're out of time so i've got to wrap it up but i really appreciate your time here out there yeah we really couldn't be a junkie's here in the media thank you both thank you actually in times like these the line between journalism and entertainment has really been blurred and it's hard to tell where those two form of gotcha journalism will stick in some ways i'd like to hope it doesn't but i think also as our analysts point out it's been with us for a long time. crazy alert bad hair day a connecticut man is facing charges of first degree assault every step of someone
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with a pair of scissors david davis was halfway through receiving air cut an apartment on every street in new haven and he started arguing with another man it was then picked up a pair of their cutting shears and slashed the guy in the back to take police very long to find and arrest davis after the incident he had kind of a hard time blending into the crowd with his aft air will also be known from here on out as the demon barber of and re streets. still recall the big picture it appears the bubble economy is back in one bank in particular it's rolling in the dough but for how long and could we be headed for another financial meltdown i'll give you my take a break. for flimsy lo and. behold the regional bodies and women not think people are suggesting she's older no she says she's a star. as
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israelis and palestinians seems to have been forgotten after eight years of failed diplomacy under president george w. bush israel and palestine are no longer are not exactly no closer to lasting peace today even under president obama he struck his stalled settlement building in the west bank has resumed but what role if any will this revolutionary fervor sweeping across the middle east play in the ages old conflict between jews and arabs in israel here to offer some insight into this issue is adam horowitz coeditor of the book the goldstone report the legacy of a landmark investigation of the gaza conflict adam thanks for joining us from our new york studios welcome. great thanks for having me for our viewers who are not familiar with this what was the goldstone report and who was mr goldstone. sure will the goldstone report was a un investigation into the israeli attack on gaza in the winter of two thousand
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eighty thousand and nine. justice richard goldstone is a south african judge who was central to ending apartheid in south africa had also been involved in the tribunals in the former yugoslavia and in rwanda looking at war crimes in the un asked him to. head up an investigation into the fighting gaza which he then led in the spring of two thousand and nine and issued a report in september of that year the report was immediately regarded as controversial because they found that both hamas and israel committed work crimes and possible crimes against humanity in their fighting. i thought that was one of the most. really extraordinary things about this is. that's a very very strong language i mean he didn't just find that they committed war crimes in my recollection the report is correct he actually or the report actually suggested that the people involved in those war crimes in those two institutions in
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from israel from laws should be sitting in the hague in the in the dock and being tried for war. so the report actually presented both israel and hamas with an opportunity to investigate themselves. and then the report said if those reports weren't up to snuff then they would recommend for the u.n. to send the cases to the international court of criminal court and that's the stage where we're at right now the u.n. human rights council will be reviewing the israeli and palestinian best occasions this month and might then send it on to the i.c.c. from there it was the un h r c the first commission of goldstone report. yes ok so i'm. guessing that it's fairly easy to figure out why this report was politicized criticized and embraced in various parts of the world and among various political factions in the u.s. and the u.k. is there is are there any surprises in that i mean do you did for example the
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people putting this together and mr goldstone did they expect it to be as explosive in controversy or was it was or did they expect everybody to say yeah we've got some problems and see if we can work together and are there any efforts now to work together in solving these or to do that kind of self-examination that the report is calling for. well judge goldstone himself said that he was surprised what he found when he arrived in gaza i mean here's somebody who considered himself a lifelong zionist he was on the board of the board of humor university in jerusalem but then he arrived in gaza and was was shocked. so in that way i think he you know he was surprised by the results of the report to this point because both the israeli government and hamas to a lesser extent haven't been willing to do the investigations needed there are human rights n.g.o.s were going as ations in both societies that have really been
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pushing this forward in addition to human rights organizations around the world amnesty international just released. a report calling on the the un not to lose this opportunity that we have right now to make sure that the report is pushed forward and that those who are named in the report are held accountable if. if nothing is done and if the un says ok you guys didn't do a good enough job we're going to do it for you what happens. well the report actually warns against that saying that you know when they were on the ground in gaza talking the palestinians palestinians themselves had very little faith that this report would be different than any of the reports that have come before them and the authors of the report say that unless there is accountability then it not only hurts the chances for reconciliation in the region but it hurts the standing of institutions like the un for ideas like international law and human rights and
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that's something that's at stake with this report to is. will we need in the world the international community allow israel to continue to operate with almost complete impunity when they after a day they're breaking breaking the laws that we say should be governing how you know nations back towards one another remarkable adam thank you very much for being with them. this discordian not needs to be cut for the good not only the region but of the world. it's the good the bad of the very rude really ugly first the good marriage jack o'reilly jr or rallies that are of dearborn michigan home to the largest muslim
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population in the united states so it seems like he should have a pretty good perspective on the threat if there is one represented by american muslims o'reilly went on the record yesterday to criticize republican peter king's investigation into radicalized muslims take a look. you know when someone goes into what is supposed to be fact finding but they've already determined the outcome then that fact finding process is flawed and you know for us we've lived for eighty years with muslims as an active part of our community we have direct experience many of our young people are fourth and fifth generation americans therefore we have a pretty good perspective on what it is that islam represents because we see it through the actions and behaviors of our neighbors and well said let's see if peter king calls up merrill riley as a witness and sham hearings somehow i doubt it's going to happen but bad republican
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congressman denny rehberg of montana video released online yesterday shows rader repeatedly being asked by a man who is presumably one of his constituents to state the current minimum wage in montana first three times the guy asks ray berger mean silent and then he finally comes up with this response. are you guys willing to pay a minimum wage to know what is it. put too much. congressman what's minimum which. yeah if it wasn't. is being is being out of so out of touch wasn't bad enough to be clark for monocle graber it is the fourteenth wealthiest member of congress and he has repeatedly voted against raising the minimum wage is for the record by the way the minimum wage montana was recently raised to seven dollars thirty five cents an hour ten cents higher than the national rate at and that's very very.
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cold to the end the very very ugly. bill o'reilly by analyzing the potential republican nominees for president in two thousand and twelve on a show last night o'reilly let loose this little nugget of racism. barack obama the black man ok i mean he's happy lock out white but his appearance of black first black ever run an ok huge huge advance in the campaign enormous friends first thought jesse jackson was the first african-american to run for president second president is not a color just like you are not white built if anything frankly you're pink and third with one out of three african-american children living in poverty it's sadly not an advantage to be an african-american in the united states today but from his pedestal bill had a hard time seen these realities and that's very very. you
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can learn a lot by eavesdropping on rich people talking to rich people like when the next bubble in the stock market is going to be made and when it's going to burst on this topic i turn to today's financial times and three stories on the front page of the companies and market section the first story the man for synthetic but junk bonds grows and i just grabbed this here's the this is the paper. and. demand grows for synthetic junk bonds right here. but this story is basically saying is the banks see a bubble being created and wall street and they want to jump right into it with whatever sort of junk they can find so that by you know any kind of bonds in fact hedge fund interest reflects optimism ok what's going on here he's
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been easters love the risk because they know that they're now so big bigger than when they first crash in two thousand and seven in fact that they're too big to fail they know that when their bubble bursts you and i average taxpayers through our government will bail them out and the already stashed their billions in swiss bank accounts so for another sign that a bubble is created look no further than this story on the same page of the second section of the financial times here's carl i. thank excuse me a lot picture it says be a bank of america predicts pretax earnings of forty billion dollars after the recovery that's right a bank that's been picketed by us uncut because they paid no income taxes in the u.s. in two thousand and nine by using over one hundred offshore tax havens it's already making billions in this new bull market and expects to make more at least over the
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short term which is always care about so invest invest invest right. not so fast because right next to both these stories on the front page of the section this demand grows for some better george bonds and be amazed chief bullish outlook is a picture car like those of you who don't know carl icahn he's a power player on wall street he controls a huge hedge fund he may be most well known for buying in and taking apart and selling off parts of t.w.a. twenty years ago or thereabouts run it into bankruptcy while he made out just fine thank you very much it was guys making billions for decades but today he's making headlines in the financial times is unlike in the other two stories icahn foresees a market crash other guys he's giving his investors a limited partners in his huge hedge fund all of their money back because in his own words i do not wish to be responsible to limited partners through another
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possible market crisis just like that here's your money i'm getting the hell out of here thank you very much. and he's not the only one the article goes on to give examples of other hedge fund managers who are giving their investors their money back before they lose it all when the market bubble pops again. it's all right here folks in the financial times the real story of what's going on today's market think of it as a memo to the banks toure's to invest in the market now while the bubble grows but be sure to leave as soon as possible before the bubble bursts when nobody knows for sure but icahn is closing his fund in june three months from now it's a warning to us all that we may be heading toward another financial meltdown and you thought the monthly unemployment numbers told the real story of our economy in reality they don't tell the half of that and even listen to billionaires talking to each other that's the big picture for more information on the stories we cover visit our website it's on arbonne dot com and our t.v.
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i caught her show available as a free podcast on i tunes also check out our youtube agent youtube dot com slash the big picture our g. and don't forget it ocracy begins with you get out there and show up your it all sort of. wealthy british style. market find out. why you know what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into.
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