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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EST

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all of the english not all of the social skill it's all. the really intrinsic lots so the early church influence each of the firms are absolutely sure convinced switzerland closed the whole deal to let me know it's come gold digger chico to. come back here's a recap of the top stories here on our teeth nato and e.u. ministers put the libyan crisis in their sights towards imposing a no fly zone but that's despite no u.n. resolution and the fierce opposition of locals against foreign intervention. all discussions about what to do with libya are hard to avoid as the u.s. the vice president meets russian leaders in moscow among other topics joe biden hopes to woo support for possible american military involvement. and to ask the
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question of hearings on the radicalization of america's most prepared to start in the u.s. there are fears that it's a little more than a religious which critics worry that people are being singled out based solely on their faith. more thoughts on liggett i was r.t. here is from britain's former ambassador to country all over miles of global reaction such as the un's travel ban on gadhafi is highly questionable that interview is next. today i'm talking to all of the miles he's a former british ambassador to libya we're going to be talking about the situation in the country at the moment the west's response threats and how it might unfold out of the wild thank you very much for talking to r.t. now isn't the west's response to the situation in libya dangerously close to what we saw before the invasion of iraq i'm thinking of this proposed no fly zone these
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claims that we've heard that he has chemical weapons and also this talk around the world of military intervention well there is a parallel but i think there are some important differences a look on the one i think i'd focus on is that the all those been some. rather bellicose talk from both london and washington and perish. the what they've actually done is go to school or trade away and we got full agreement in the security council you know most support for resolution which didn't refer at all to military action or the thing about current so it's not. part of i don't think so many britons at least partially responsible for what's going on in libya and what we saw in egypt previously after all london did support these regimes for as long as it seems to fit well i think that's a bit much actually i mean the british press take that view of the british press are always going on about you know the meeting in the desert between tony blair and i feel it's true they did meet in the doesn't lead to the deal and it was
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a very useful deal for us but after all sarkozy and berlusconi and condi rice and mr putin and everybody else have all done deals with libya so there's nothing special british about it the world has been doing business with libya and in my opinion quite right too because after all libya has all which we need the world market needs and libya needs from the world practically everything else from from airplanes to grains and selling them when i say we it's not the west or britain or europe it's everybody everybody china taiwan. russia indonesia brazil you name it they're all there everybody is on par right too and we've recently seen a diplomatic mission benghazi that sends in the capture of an s.s. team is the u.k. actively trying to engage with the rebels i hope so i mean who knows me too much about that it was so good i think it's rather embarrassing i don't think we're pretty sure plummeted it's best to be frank to the british media as well but yes we
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should be talking to the rebels i think it's it's a difficult thing to do it's not unique to be plenty of situations indeed it's in a way perilous situation in afghanistan which we should be talking to the people who are fighting against libya we are not fighting it's anybody but we should be talking to the different partners we are talking to people william hague said the other day that he personally was on the telephone to mr crucially libyan foreign minister who's not one of could have his closest supporters. and i think we've also got to reach out to the others it's difficult people who firstly because tripoli won't want us to do it of course and will they will put a spoke in the wood if they can and secondly because the situation is still very disorganized the reasons are military command structure of the recent political structure of the beginnings of a political structure that know nothing what purports to be a state yet we now know that that s.a.'s mission was approved by foreign secretary
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william hague was the sending of that team of soldiers illegal or just an act illegal for it was illegal under libya lauriers i mean i'm the most people's no it's illegal to land a helicopter in the middle of somebody else's country full of armed men yes i think it certainly was illegal but on the other hand there's a lot going on any of the moment that you might describe is illegal that's the nature of a lot of civil conflict isn't it and we talked about the person of france going to the u.n. security council how likely is it do you think that nato will approve some kind of military intervention in libya and if they don't do you think. the u.k. and the u.s. will go in anyway as things are at the moment i think it's most unlikely. particularly because turkey which is an important member of nato is dead against intervention. i think it will be others as well probably but turkey has already shown its hand so to speak i think that the as a matter of fact i don't believe anyone at the moment is really pushing for military intervention. there's been a lot of talk of
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a no fly zone and people are gradually coming to realize that a no fly zone which sounds rather innocent form of intervention actually involves a lot of military intervention because the first thing you have to do if you have a no fly zone is make sure that you eliminate it to be effective anti aircraft defenses of libya well i guess libya is actually for venti across missiles that must be hundreds and thousands of them they've been accumulating them for the last forty years and how many of them actually would go off if they pulled the trigger is not a matter i don't suppose they know and so but they're all over the place so eliminating them would be a big job so in fact a no fly zone does constancy some form of military intervention oh absolutely yes no no not at all and i think it's just proportionate for the moment because why do you have a no fly zone because gadhafi has enough force and the fear is that he might use effectively and that the rebels would have no answer to it and there would be a humanitarian disaster well that's all possible but it hasn't happened yet what's
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happened so far is that the air force has made a rather pathetic showing two of the the aircraft promptly defected to malta roll the bomb there inside. we've heard reports of bombing all the bombs seem to have missed whatever they were meant to hit deliberately you think well who knows who knows. stories of attacks right from the beginning of the conflict in libya given stories of attacks on civilian populations but i don't know of a single authenticated case i think we've all probably had the experience. i don't myself the media correspondents are telephone to anyone they can find in libya and the story you get from everybody is we're right here where i am the same shooting and it sounds nasty but i'm not going outside to look and yes i have heard stories of bombs but none of them in my area that seems to be the journal picture so i don't believe it really i think is disproportionate for the moment to talk about it and fly zone and that's why both the british and the americans have been talking
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about being ready and there's nothing wrong with telling your military to be ready for a continued scene that's that's a different matter and most of the chances do you think that if other countries don't take a u.s. and the u.k. there anyway i think most americans most likely it will be a big job and we are already pretty heavily involved both of them we we've got enough on our plate with afghanistan the americans are going off on the plate with iraq and afghanistan. i think it's most of like you can never completely rule these things up but i do see it and let's talk a bit about libya's relationship directly with the u.k. we hear this a lot of libya's oil wealth is invested through loans in his assets have now been frozen could they be used as a bargaining chip of f. ing i suspect from what i've heard so far that it's a blunt instrument and one of the things i'm unhappy about is that although as i said at the beginning i'm glad that we were at the security council and i think it was the right thing to do a month we got this you know this decision from the security council i think when
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you start to look at the small printable decision it's actually not very helpful for example. one of our ministers liam fox said last week and i think he was quite right that the best solution to this problem would be for gadhafi to leave well if if one takes that you know why does the u.n. cross a law which says that no country can accept that wherever he goes he's going to be subject to prosecution surely we should've said that well if if you look very carefully at the un resolution you find that in the small print was a cause which says that this ban on travel can actually be lifted by the security council in appropriate patients so you know nothing was to write an application in triplicate and send it into the plan you york after a lot of time the lawyers might come up with a solution but that's not what's going to happen if he decides to go go he'll. what we should have done is offer him a pretty good for them bad way a one way so you're saying that even though everybody seems to want him to me that is now actually tracked and it well of course the africans for example and i don't
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know whether it's the african pretty obvious place to think of we're necessarily follow the un rules if he arrives with a bag of gold and said i want to stay in your country he'll probably be allowed to do so but another thing that has been in the press a lot recently is concerning to his sons who were educated there versus universities which in turn receives generous donations from them do you think that that will prompt the u.k. to now look more closely at who is allowed to come and study in this country and how they're being funded i sincerely hope not. i'm really worried about the media reaction to this particular case and what is worrying to me is that. although i can't be sure or in fact i have no real basis for what i'm going to say but i'll say it anyway knowing what i do or say for the lifestar or. for his life has been his and his curriculum vitae so for i simply don't understand how you could possibly have spent two or three or four years full time acquiring
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a genuine doctor of a long sleep school you cannot which after all is one of our prestige universities to get a doctorate at the elysee is no joke i'm not saying he's not clever enough he may well be clever enough but how did he do it in the time i just don't believe it so i think it's fiction so that's i think a good reason for the director of the london school of economics to resign which he's done and i applaud him for it i think it's an honorable thing to do what clearly you know most unlikely have any direct hand in the business but it's his responsibility however he then went on to say that he apologized for a wrong judgment and that he'd been to libya and talked about cooperation between the london school of economics a libyan i don't agree with that at all i think he was quite right to do that and we shouldn't apologize for it and i'm worried that other british universities and other universities around the world. i've had links with libya may know feel that they have to back off they shouldn't because the logic of that is they would back off not just from libya but from everywhere else they would look back of their i
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said from russia they would back off from algeria they were right off from saudi arabia they would back off trying to they would where would it stop where would it stop now i think it's in everybody's interest but britain for example would britain for a moment should be teaching students from all over the world it's in everybody's of out of our advantage their advantage i hope it doesn't stop to think that colonel gadhafi has the support of the majority of his people and the loyalty of the army is he says he doubts i think that there's a there's a strong current of freedom and. liberation opening up flowing from egypt and tunisia which libyans of course feel very close to and i think there's a strong feeling that we've had enough and that gadhafi has got to go but how wide that goes and why he's able to keep so many people demonstrating for him in the streets of tripoli i'm afraid i can't really answer specific sentence on my money pays people who didn't vote for him but it's also done my loyalty and it's very
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difficult to distinguish the two because i think it's nice to cling on to power what do you think what's happened to the u.k.'s relationship with napier if you did manage to stay as leader i think it will be very difficult very difficult for both for the u.k. and for the rest of the world of course he'll be in a weak position but if he's in a weak position he will probably lash out in some unpleasant dangerous way i mean it's like. you know for hunting a lot of the dead or not going to the top because even half true to. the you've got a problem on your hands and i'm afraid that's that's that's the situation we will end up with unless unless we go so it's very difficult to see what. what are we going to do about these sanctions when are they going to be lifted or is it going to be frozen forever in which case presumed. that means the world does without libyan oil why why should we why should the world without libyan oil we need the oil they need the money they i say the libyan people need the money of course i can
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see why i could have it has got to be stopped but. in the long term freezing libya out is a cruel wrong however miles thank you very much thank you. wealthy british style sun. spot on the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports on our.
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review the latest science and signal from the realms. of the future of. nato and the ministers for the libyan crisis and their sights towards imposing a no fly zone but that's despite no u.n. resolution and the fierce opposition of locals against foreign intervention. discussions about what to do with libya hard to avoid as the u.s. vice president meets with russian leaders in moscow among other topics joe biden hopes to do support for possible american military involvement. and congressional hearings on the radicalization of america's muslims prepared to start in the u.s. there are fears that it's little more than a religious which critics worry that people are being singled out based solely on
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their faith. coming up next is the latest sports news with andrew and it's so full of football you must be happy. for you all but two more things reach the quarter finals of the champions league last night with reaction from plus a look ahead to the year i put up against the saving plenty of russian interests that all that coming up. hello there you're watching the sport and these are the headlines kathy harry spurs reached the quarter finals of the champions league along with german side shall kill. the russian club's two scars uneaten spar tight place tough test near a pulley. and have been shot to make a defeat for regular season champions out on guard and cup holders that bars in the latest round of the playoffs. it will start with the football there were tottenham
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and shelter are the latest teams through to the champions league quarter final spurs holding on for a nail no draw against city our leaders ac milan at white hart lane and left progress one nil i don't get to the light of manager harry redknapp a view to see two years ago you'd be lost in the champions league beautiful crazy i mean it's been it's been a fantastic achievement from the players. competition so far and little we've enjoyed every minute of it and we do have to be here we won a group we'd be ac milan over two games we didn't concede a goal. to clean sheets i mean it's a fantastic achievement chelton meanwhile came from behind great plenty of free ones big rest or two and i get a cut it costs but this time inside a head to go through either side of a car but out of it try to make sure the germans reach the last eight. but in balance you got the open so we had nothing to lose and try to put some
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pressure on them and it was certainly very important for us the jeffersons called the recall is a before half time and things turned dramatically the second half was called to make it two one and it became clear that i had to take again and once again when did a tremendous who made some very good saves in the end it was a deserved week for us and it. is the turn of the europa league tonight interior would take on porto in the first leg of their last sixteen clash however the army men have an awful record against their court opponents having yet to score a goal against them and it reports coach. will be looking for a distinct improvement. but surely says carr beginning to get back to paul fitness some of their long winter break however they face arguably bad biggest test yet of a new season as porto and head coach knows his side has a massive task ahead of them. for sure to have
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a really good attack and we can't just concentrate all our efforts on marking falcao as they have other players who are just as dangerous or our task will be to limit their attacking opportunities and make sure we are tight in defense. of the board. first matchup a new season over the weekend begins in at some petersburg of the armenians head coach will probably have to do with toss it as the serbian winger is suffering from damaged ankle ligaments russian club will have to make sure they are on top form in defense porto possess for competition's top scorer in falcao has netted seven goals in this season's europa league. fourth. i've seen both the merges the porto lost this season against benfica and the second leg against severe they were difficult side to play against and they don't have a lot of weaknesses and we have to make sure we play the high tempo is this is the only way i can see us getting a result. meanwhile porter come into the clash bored by the fire of a ten points clear of the top of their domestic championship also in under heavy as
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voice they have one of the youngest head coaches in europe course is already being touted as the new horse the nineteen yo is just thirty three years old or so it is favorites to make it through to the quarter finals but porter's manager is wary of a serious car side who haven't lost a home game in this competition in over five years for them to. think with favorites to go through to the next round see a very good side they may have lost recently in the russian super cup there's a neat but they don't think that will have a bearing on thursday's game also the fact that serious car just returning from their winter break won't be an issue on the contrary they will be fresh and it promises to be an intriguing encounter of two of the favorites to win this year's europa league going head to head off thankfully for both the players and the fans the temperature on perth the evening is going to be around freezing point and not minus twenty which was the case when rubin played twenty here around
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a month ago going to face a tough test again supporters' side one of the top teams remaining in this year's europa league or portuguese team have never lost an action they are women had never conceded a goal in the process and that's something that. will have to put rides a vegan have any hope of qualifying for the next round richard d'arcy. now there are also two well the russian clubs aiming to put one foot in the last eight of the europa league. and then in travelling to the netherlands for their matches head to amsterdam to face i.x. the moscow side are undefeated this year and looking to continue their unbeaten run spot that manageability carping will probably go for two forwards in this away game key strike ability to be fit after missing three straight games with this like leg injury. while defending russian champions and pub holders in eight have a clash at f.c. twenty the dutch club because the russian side grouping in the previous round but the same page as big side had injuries with forward alexander who could of. value
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all ag on a split he only having fifteen senior players to choose from. and those three games are among eight ties taking place on thursday elsewhere five time european champions league football go to the portuguese side mention the city travel to the ukrainian capital to take on the nonet here bananas russian manager good human says his players will have to be on top of their get. users who will try to shuffle our squad we must produce strong points but i think we should also try to use our deciding to really against manchester city everyone who wants to try to play bitterly can. i'm sure english teams are in action the premier league last night birmingham moving out of the drop zone with a one one draw away at everton. taking the lee who would usually place through the first half before heading got the equaliser just before half time and out of the bottom three only on goal difference they will everton move up tonight and also going on at the moment of the last eight ties in the. last night mesler magni
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because regular season champions are on guard for two in the eastern conference semifinals this is the first game in the best of seven series favorite seven guard opened after just three minutes through and two on korea and all however dennys. platen all struck back in the tenth minute and went on to score treatments and elsewhere celebrate the live people spending champions three to six days the turn of the western conference last motif a huge underdogs in armorica in the second clash of the aspects of seven series by the aristotle team claimed a solid first game win on tuesday osgar atlanta again leaving donnell after their precinct and expensive take his. place tell you other news now india have become the first team to qualify for the knockout stages of cricket world cup of tied with victory over the netherlands putting on top of their great india were chasing one hundred ninety five feet three and sachin tendulkar put them on their way of
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becoming the first man to reach two thousand world cup runs with a hard trick of boundaries in the fifth over he was out the twenty seven zero after being called by kruger here but had put india on sixty nine without loss but i know that under seaway a minor batting collapse followed with yuvraj singh stadia to victory there not the fifty one india unbeaten in four games well and evidence have lost every match that far. and finally we reported yesterday on bad snowboarders and ski is in the russian resort of sochi competing in the latest start of the free ride so good pictures we put together a montage of all the bits you didn't see. and
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if the light is free right so in such good stuff why would some will. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human
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voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. . i'm.
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it's easy to. jump the official. kyon phone called touch from the i choose option. that's all she.


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