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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST

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and flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. for asians are today. imposes sanctions on libya as the situation reaches a new critical level in fresh clashes reported between gadhafi forces and the rebels. mates who aren't even ministers put crosses in this so it's towards imposing a no fly zone both to spoil the resolution i'm serious opposition from locals to any foreign intervention join me tell you for all the details for us which. discussions about what to do with the levy are hard to avoid as the u.s. vice president meets with the russian leaders in moscow among other topics jill biden hopes to boost a pause for a possible american military involvement all the details are coming up in just
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a few minutes. and congressional hearings on the radicalization of america's muslims prepare to start we look at what lies behind it and the fears that it's a little more than a religious which. the business side must go now as more than it is than any other city for just more than one hundred of us and you always have the world's richest people journey the long grass and other stories that have is that what's. coming to you live from moscow you're watching our t.v. thanks for joining us now russia has decided to impose sanctions on libya banning the exports of weapons and military equipment and it's part of mounting pressure for action against libya following fresh clashes between rebels and the government
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while shelling and airstrikes from colonel gadhafi supporters have pushed the opposition back more than a thousand people are thought to have died since the uprising broke out almost a month ago while locals are still united in their determination to keep out foreign intervention and later on thursday. otoh defense officials and foreign ministers will need in brussels to discuss what moves they could make our correspondent daniel bushell is there for us. and nato defense ministers here in brussels are meeting to decide on any course of action be a military humanitarian the u.s. defense secretary robert gates is also here in brussels and he will brief officials and colleagues on how he sees action should be taken on wednesday a top pentagon official said that any action. should be taken under the umbrella of nato that's america's position as it stands and britain and france are discussing i'm trying to get a resolution a common front one imposing
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a no fly zone across the libyan airspace that's on the premise of humanitarian support for the country i spoke to russia's envoy to nato military goes in and here's what he had to say about the situation. there it's like in russian classical theater even the first act of a performance there's a gun on the wall it's you to shoot in the seconds and you commission of weapons and military forces in the region could lead to war that's why pumping up the stereo may reach the point of no return when it becomes hard to explain why it was necessary to militarize citizens mind there's a real danger in using nissan's against libyan air bases to deprive gadhafi and his advantage as an illegal head of state then there will be a dance to legitimize the rebels to make it seem to that their power has passed from could be to the rebels but there's no common front let alone between.
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countries even within the nato alliance there's several disagreements pretty openly last night britain's foreign secretary foreign minister if you like william hague admitted that opposition is holding to the intervention of. and forces he said that they still need to garner international support for any move and that international support is not there at the moment italy considered one of libya's closest allies of course a former colony of italy says that. his regime needs more breathing space it really needs to be given time and discussion in the go shish and should be exhausted all such options should be exhausted before any military action takes place for the country's leader colonel gadhafi has come out very strongly saying that the libyan people will oppose any military intervention by foreign forces he said the libyan people would rise up as one against any such actions he said himself that his
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forces would respond strongly to any such imposition of a no fly zone little loan any military measures and it came as he bombed all tanks in the in the country of course libya is nor rich country and the current crisis has led to strong heightening of oil prices which of course is having a damaging effect on the world economy let's listen to what russia's envoy had to say on the issue of the situation on the ground in libya and of course we've noted that in the recent situation in the middle east and north africa social networks are actively used for organizing rebellious anti government movements i'm sure there's a mastermind behind it first of all reports from all needed to be companies with their own information sources in libya contain many words but little food secondly views are definitely proportions of those full khadafi and narrowly presented well to protest as widely represented it's how. our correspondent looks on the boy now
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reports from being girls the about how the lack of control in the country could have devastating long term effects. after deliberation chance the rattle of kalashnikovs is. the most common sound in ghazi ever since rebels seized weapons depots in eastern libya rifles became the ultimate symbol of masculinity that every young man in this city wants one thing in common between more market are free and of course the struggling town c.t.m. is a fascination with the arms believe in later developed a liking for kalashnikov rifles so much so that he even had an eight k. so just seven munition plants built here in libya the rounds of these plants produced an hour hayling all across eastern libya on the frontlines and beyond getting mad with rifles have become a fixture on the streets of the ghazi they're eager to show them off and often slap happy in their handling of the arms hands or
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a soldier from the bin gassy garrison who joined their freising says many of his fellow rebels don't have any experience with arms which he says is made out by their passionate determination of see the world who will for instance who belong. to the last drop of gold is on the moon the moon. is that you've been ghazi is still living off of the revolutionary fever from dusk to dawn people congregate on the city's main square calling for gadhafi to go most of the factories are closed the only people still working a shop owners good. many people know people and public servants like these traffic police officers just for the loss of control over it is to leave here to get out the government continues to pay salaries to those employed by the space of the few dozen move yes i received my last paycheck
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about ten days ago but there is nothing to kind nothing for myself it is just two hundred fifty view of it with. my family agitation and uncertainty of the last few weeks are already exerting their toll on public health in gaza psychiatric hospital . now flooded with patients this preexisting conditions were exacerbated by the unrest now days because the people uprising lots of people suffering from the so-called panic shoulders. some of our patients old surviving elapses from their previous mentioned problems now because of the. uprising because of the shoot was that people and really killed get doubtingly been the most valuable asset for the opposition movement as that hatred these people together for the time being it unites those who stand here serving in his government and the victims of christe persecution yet their chance for free leave i
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get to deal granted by a clear vision of how to achieve it it is very hard to try to determine who could be the real charismatic leader the real strong structure that could come in on the ground they could say well i am well known by the media i have a program i have some horizons and i will be able to achieve to be the alternative that will gain or that will help achieve a better perspectives and a better horizon in libya people in bin ghazi are now living of their savings sharing whatever little they have most of them are confident that once we get out that leaves the bright future will dawn on them the this past revolutions are anything to go by the abundance of arms and hordes of idli roaming man would mean exactly the opposite. it's unlike art see can god be.
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all in a pair of journalist keith harmon snow says the u.s. is pumping out and can get off the propaganda to foster support for what he calls america's oil operation in libya. what we're getting is a pro us protesting on one sided picture of a situation which kills the media with the idea that there is freedom fighters involved in it and there's a government regime that and an atrocious terrorist government for the last seventy roughly this is nonsense and here was an established government whether we like them or not just north korea and iran are established governments when we like them or not or the sudan government and what's happening against them is a war of aggression we are serving one side to portray the idea that could happen is that care is to all these people been killed and freedom fighters are involved in it so it's a massive oil operations been going on with the support of the involvement of italy france and britain since one thousand nine hundred seventy since nine hundred fifty nine when he was one discovered and the us hasn't had
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a piece of their part so the idea is to convey continue to convince the american public that genocide is happening in libya which is absolute nonsense and therefore we need to take it you know the all powerful white american role is to go out there and save somebody that needs saving when actually we're involved in the killing because we're i believe we're supporting the rebels in libya. well in just over an hour a former british ambassador to libya talks to warty all over miles tells us that many of the stories coming from libya don't ring true with the real situation at the top of a no fly zone is premature and here's some of what we'll hear later on. right from the beginning of the conflict from the stories of the attacks on civilian populations but i don't know of a single authenticated case i think we've all probably had the experience i don't myself. the media correspondents are telephoning anyone they can find in libya and the story you get from everybody is we're right here where i am the same shooting and it sounds nasty but i'm not going outside to look and yes i have heard stories
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of this but none of them in my area that she was to be the leader of the picture so i don't believe it really i think is just proportional for the moment to talk about no fly zone. all talk of international involvement in libya is going to be tough to avoid for the u.s. vice president who is on day two of his visit to moscow joe biden is likely to see kremlin support on possible moves and he's due to be prime minister vladimir putin or shortly r.t.c. got that he is following his visit. we know that the united states along with several other countries are considering imposing a no fly zone over libya and russia strongly opposes the plan pulled the president and the prime minister rita waited they would not back any military any international intervention in libya russia has a veto on the u.s. security council which means that without russia saying yes to that plan we could
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not be enforced another interesting thing is what washington could potentially culprit to moscow in exchange for its voice as it once was the case with iran and north korea it's worth mentioning as well that russia is actually taking a very very reasonable approach when it comes to the middle east crisis and when it comes to leading up to tikrit the kremlin press office today reported that the president signed a ban on exporting any weaponry and military hardware to this country the agenda of joe biden in moscow was very robust as he's been meeting with the president is about to meet the prime minister also he'll be holding talks with the opposition leaders however it seems the focus these time is on building stronger economic ties immediate political thought the united states accounted for less than four percent of russia's external trade last year that is of course way beyond the potential the two sides are working on that joseph biden yesterday oversaw signing of a major deal between boy and are afloat with some two billion dollars he also
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blasts president medvedev sort of the station mission as he was visiting skolkovo this is where the russian government plans to build its own version of the silicon valley and of course w t o was on the agenda the u.s. of course russia's efforts to join the world trade organization that is much more than any other bidding country and russia is the only world's largest economy which is not a member to the club it is hope however that by these here russia could finally enter the world trade organization joseph biden did introduce. for the first time this phrase push the reset button and now two years on out to the approach was introduced we really see the first practical results of that new strategic arms reduction treaty the peaceful nuclear cooperation agreement much deeper collaboration on iran on north korea on a ghana's stance that is what both sides describe as. the reset. well there's been
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an explosion on a railroad and russia southern republic of the biggest star authorities say seventy five carriage air freight train was passing when the device equivalent to three kilos of t.n.t. was detonated no casualties were reported and the train managed to stay on the tracks police are now investigating russia's volatile north caucasus has witnessed a series of militant attacks recently despite increased efforts to tackle terrorism . well hearings will soon get underway in the u.s. congress over the radicalization of american muslims are being led by homeland security chairman peter king who says they are vital to protect the country but it's art he's killing for reports critics say there are disturbing parallels to america's notorious political good chance of the one nine hundred fifty s. . during america's second red scare this was the accusation to answer. that rather than me the dumbest but
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today it's this one muslim leaders are not doing enough to cooperate with law enforcement there's actually been instances of the mobs instructing the people in their mosques not to cooperate with law enforcement accusations of disloyalty subversion treason made not by some planted girl wonder of radical islam that's a slight. neighborhood you live in and the mafia operates there are by the chairman of the congressional homeland security committee republican pete king who is launching his highly publicized hearings on the radicalization of muslims in america we know how evil was enemy is and we have to confront it and to me its approach of kill all muslims when we don't single out islamic terrorists it's almost as if we are afraid to insult muslims because we're targeting the terrorist group members but king dismisses the critics who say the hearings unfairly single out muslims i don't say any of these criticisms seriously because they just need
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jerk liberal left wing reaction and this is the politically correct establishment despite criticism from the right and the left at the mere announcement of the hearings king says he won't back down begin to name those names we're going to have expert witnesses and we'll do what we have to do which worries critics like history professor alan tracker we've always had our scapegoats today it's muslims in the one nine hundred fifty s. it was a commune. basic longer spin from new york is following in the footsteps of the senator from wisconsin joseph mccarthy focusing on people's associations in this case religious rather than political but calling them. in public and exposing them to some kind of sanctions whether it's just e-mails where there is dismissals a workplace sanctions
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a man. so that despite muslim leaders cooperation with the f.b.i. they are continuously viewed as the enemy especially since the end of the cold war the words thrives on war and it throws conflict where for. peace so we knew the new carmen is according to a department of homeland security study islamic extremists are seen as a threat in thirty one states while neo nazi and white supremacist cells groups left out of king's homeland security hearings are seen as a threat in all but four when we talk about terrorism in the united states what those who have been the terrorists you know some poor pathetic nut in arizona timothy mcveigh and oklahoma city these are the people who are killing americans. mostly for critics on the right and the left the echoes of mccarthyism are troubling last month he also introduced the see something say something
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designed to prevent citizens for lawsuits when they report suspicious activity but critics say it amounts to little more than informing on each other much as they did during mccarthyism and the cold war killing ford r. t. washington d.c. c. major lonnie who's a muslim american doctor and journalist says that the u.s. is witnessing people being singled out just for their religion. it is a very disturbing time in america when we are singling out a group of people based on their religion or their ethnicity or their race which is certainly what is happening here and. kenya holds for hearings to investigate the radicalization of american homegrown terrorism in regards to muslim americans i would i would agree that there is a problem in terms of terrorism and violence in this country but i would just ask why are muslim americans being singled out well we are becoming is someone country
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and nation who finds it acceptable to good people on trial for their religion and to put people on trial for what they believe i'm an american citizen was born in this country and the america that i feel so strongly or and love would not single out a group of people based on their religion. let's check on some other international news and really for you this hour is our full earthquake measuring almost six on the richter scale has struck china's southwest near the border with me and more at least fourteen people have been killed in a route one hundred fifty injured witnesses report people being burned under debris one part of a supermarket in a hotel caved in the tremor caused serious damage to other buildings and was followed by three aftershocks within a few minutes. of britain's foreign secretary has condemned after u.k. and need two forces seized what they say. heading for the taliban and afghanistan william hague believes the arms were clearly intended for insurgents to kill afghan
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and international troops from a significant range the iran denies it's behind the shipment of forty eight rockets and other ammunition that were recovered after a firefight which saw a number of insurgents killed. a train has overshot the end of a railway line in melbourne in australia before smashing into the wall of a bank well there were no passengers on board as the driver tried to turn his train around he was on heard by the crash less than an hour after another train in the city derailed it's thought that wet weather conditions played a part in both incidents. well stay in touch for round the clock online at r.t. dot com and here's what some good news and analysis on the web site right now for check out these wheels of fortune with every missing writer who takes to moscow's a retro car museum. and discover how chechen esteem tatic got on when they came up
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against brazilian football legends from past and present they came to the russian republic or a friendly match. and . i'll be back shortly with the headlines but first the business news with kareena coming up in just a moment. welcome to our business bulletin good to have you with us well prices as higher in early
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thursday trading after two straight sessions of losses w.r.i. is trading at over one hundred and four dollars a barrel brant crude is around one hundred sixteen dollars news about higher than expected stocks in the u.s. gave some relief to investors on wednesday that's collating fighting in libya kept traders cautious. all production is already offline adding fuel to the planes in the news that qaddafi has bombed all facilities in the country inflicting what could be longer term damage to get exports passed. and you have several banks of the great grave mistake by tightening it's not a trade policy that's according to the law torrijos economists known as dr doom roubini claims high interest rates may seriously hit the peripheral european countries that are struggling to restore their export competitiveness but the chief economist from russia is a pretty investment bank says the e.c.b. there's no other options. the when central banks do not take action inflation
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perhaps domestic inflation in many areas including russia starts to get out of control and then we are very very difficult and when central banks will have no other option but to increase rates by significance of the moment which definitely would push many economists told stenstrom because the cost of printing the cost of money would increase and that would be not poor from the point of your full coverage. stop at the markets most asian stock markets were lower on thursday way by high oil prices the nikkei lost nearly one half the sands and the hang sang it was down zero point eight percent exporters were in the red in tokyo with sony down point eight percent i think you are losing around two percent hong kong stocks are under pressure following the news about an unexpected seven billion trade deficit in china. and here in russia yes opened lower for a second day on thursday trading point seven percent and the red this hour the
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miles it's down over half a percent energy and banking shares are losing ground noise all trading over eight percent lower. investors should be on the look out they had a record to trading at b.c.b. capital told r.t. that the correction is in the rise and for global markets the market will still be priced in a higher risk or thought will supply disruptions higher oil prices stronger ruble and relations russians talks i think one of your stocks will be resilience in a correction when i see. a correction i think is looming in the developed world given the high rates and inflation are concerned for global growth. russia's seen an increase in the number of billionaires this year forbes lists more than one hundred russians and its rating of the world's richest people seventeen i have got eleven osco which is the world's leading city for the number of residents cycles of
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the listen who owns the lower lip it's steel plant tops the list of russia's richest his fortune estimated at twenty four billion dollars ranks him at number fourteen on the world wealth scale but the biggest bank account belongs to mexican media tycoon carver slim he stays at number one with a record breaking fortune of seventy four billion dollars that's up thirty eight percent from the previous year. that's all for now but you can always find most or is a lot of us sites are to dot com thanks for. wealthy
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