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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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the biggest issues debt a human voice face to face with the news makers. imposes sanctions on libya as the situation reaches a new protocol level said fresh clashes reported between a good offer his forces and the rebels. later on the new ministers put the libyan crisis in this so it's towards imposing a no fly zone for those despoil no jew in resolution one fierce opposition from locals to any foreign intervention. discussions on what to do with the levy are hard to avoid as the u.s. vice president meets russian leaders in most states boosting trade ties and joint missile defense are also and joe biden is the next doing leave to another chill for
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more on that in just a few months. well it's an about turn for the u.s. lawmaker behind the congressional hearings into the radicalization of america's muslims congressman peter king at one time saw their votes now he considers many as the enemy. mosque and i was more billionaires than any other city forbes list while the one hundred russians in its annual rating of the world's richest people join me for more on that in our business bulletin. all coming to you live from moscow you're watching our teeth thanks for joining us now russia is imposing sanctions against colonel gadhafi his regime of banning the exports of weapons and military equipment well it's part of my. hunting pressure
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for action against libya following fresh watches between rebels and the government we now talk live to our correspondent paula slowly or who is tripoli for us. ok now can you just walk us through what's happening over there where you are. well it's not fighting now between pro and she and a few forces and since the fighting is still happening in. china fifty kilometers from the capital city tripoli and at the moment. but it's critically injured on the streets you know there are government checkpoints and roadblocks even few hundred meters and without government passes and government minders you simply cannot travel the roads and the government of course is trying to keep foreign journalists as much as possible from each in these kind of chance we also know that government forces have struck oil rich. and near an oil installation went up in flames and the thirst for oil installations that in fact
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has been attacked the leader moammar gadhafi remains defiant it is now halfway through our ultimatum. and leave the country not only for not leaving the country but he says it is not condition eden's are traitors and he's gotten some four hundred thousand dollars on the line of being a russian president dmitri signed a band that will stop all from russia. and includes munitions combat feel calls and military equipment essentially stops any kind of export. transferred. from russia. even made russia signing this it is since he kind of literally will. increase in pressure. bunny because it's not
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a no fly zone here russian it working and since it's a suggestion that has an asian neighbors you can see the russian prime minister. there suggest foods. of foreign involvement now. are made but this does not detract from the question. of interests need any kind of military involvement in a country at this stage. after the liberation chance the rattle of kalashnikovs is the most common sound in the ghazi ever since ravel seized weapons depots in eastern libya rifles became the ultimate symbol of masculinity that every young man in this city once one thing in common between more market are free and it forced the struggling chance it is a fascination with arms believe in leader a developed a liking for kalashnikov rifle so much so that he even had any case forty seven
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munition plant built here in libya the rounds these plans produced an hour telling all across eastern libya on the frontlines and beyond young man with rifles have become a fixture on the streets of the ghazi they're eager to show them off and often slap happy in their handling of the arms can a soldier from the good we as a garrison who joined their freising says many of his fellow rebels don't have any experience with arms and he says is made out by their passionate determination to the world who will fight until the last bullets to the last drop of blood god is on . this beat you have been god he is still living off of the revolutionary fever from dusk till dawn people congregate on the city's main square calling for gadhafi to go most of the factories are closed the only people still working a shop owners there is good no good good no. many people know people
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and public servants like these traffic police officer and despite the loss of control over is to leave here because the government continues to pay salaries to those employed by the state of the years i received my last paycheck about ten days ago but it has nothing to find duffy for my salary is just two hundred fifty dinars with a can barely support my family agitation and certainty of the last few weeks are already exerting their toll on public health in gaza psychiatric hospital is now flooded with patients because preexisting conditions were exacerbated by their unrest nowadays because of the uprising and lots of people suffering from the so-called banneker's shoulders. some of our patients also having lapses from their previous mental problems now because of the. uprising because of the shooting. was hated and ridiculed get out the media the
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most valuable asset for the opposition movement as that hatred pulls people together for the time being it to united's those who spent years serving in his government and the victims of his persecution yet their chance for free libya i yet to be augmented by a clear vision of how to achieve it very hard to try to determine who could be the real charismatic leader the real strong structure that could come in on the ground they could say well i am well known by them if you have a program of some horizons and i will be able to achieve or to be the alternative that will gain or that will help achieve a better perspectives and a better horizon in media people in bin gazi are now leaving all their savings sharing whatever little they have most of them are confident that why. that leaves
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the bright future will dawn on them but this past revolutions are anything to go by that bundles of arms and hordes of idly roaming man could mean exactly the opposite . of michael r. t. been gazi via a litter on thursday nato defense officials and e.u. foreign ministers will meet in brussels to discuss what moves they could make our correspondent bushell is there for us. later defense ministers here in brussels are meeting to decide on any course of action be a military humanitarian or wins they are top pentagon official said that any action . should be taken under the umbrella of nato and britain and france are discussing i'm trying to get a resolution a common front on imposing a no fly zone across the libyan airspace i spoke to russia's envoy to nato military
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records in and here's what he had to say about the situation there it's like in russian classical theater even the first act of a performance there's a gun on the wall it's you to shoot in the second and you can militia of weapons and military forces in the region could lead to war and that's why pumping out he's teria may reach the point of no return when it becomes hard to explain why it was necessary to militarize citizens mines there's a real danger in using these signs against libyan air bases to deprive gadhafi he's advantages the legal hurdle state then there will be a dance to legitimize the rebels to make it seem to the outside power has passed from khadafi to the rebels and the country's leader colonel gadhafi has come out very strongly saying that the libyan people will oppose any military intervention by foreign forces he said the libyan people would rise up as one against any such actions he said himself that his forces would respond strongly to any such
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imposition of a no fly zone little loan any military measures let's listen to what russia's envoy had to say on the issue of the situation on the ground in libya these days of course we've noted that in the recent situation in the middle east and north africa social networks are actively used for organizing rebellious anti government movements i'm sure there is a mastermind behind it first of all reports from all needed to be companies with their own information. sources in libya contain many words but little feverish secondly views are definitely proportionate those for gadhafi and narrowly presented while the protesters are widely represented help our opinion is being formed there's no common front let alone between. countries even within the nato alliance there's several disagreements pretty openly last night britain's foreign secretary thought ministry of william hague did that opposition is holding to the
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intervention of foreign forces he said that they still need to go on the international support for any move and that international support is not there at the moment. the independent journalist keep arm and snow says the us is pumping out ad to get out the propaganda to foster support for what he calls america's all operation in libya. what we're getting is a pro us program think one sided picture of a situation which fills the media with the idea that freedom fighters involved in and there is a government regime and an atrocious terrorist government for the last one hundred seventy roughly this is nonsense and maybe it was an established government whether we like them or not just north korea and iran are established governments when we like them or not or the civilian government and what's happening against them is a war of aggression we media serving one side to portray the idea that could happen is a terrorist to all these people have been killed in freedom fighters involved in it
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so it's a nasty war operations me going on with the support of the involvement of italy france and britain since one thousand nine hundred seventy since nine hundred fifty nine when he was the discovery and the us hasn't had a piece of that part so the idea is to convince you continue to convince the american public that genocide is happening in libya which is absolute nonsense and therefore we need to take it you know the all powerful white american role is to go out there and save somebody that needs saving when it actually we're involved in the killing because we're i believe we're supporting the rebels in libya in just over an hour a former british ambassador to libya talks to r.t. oliver miles tells us that many of the stories coming from libya don't ring true or the real situation and the talk of a no fly zone is pretty much short i hear some of what we'll hear later. right from the beginning of the conflict in the with stories of attacks on civilian populations but i don't know of a single authenticated case i think we've all probably had the experience i don't
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know some of. the media correspondents are telephoning anyone they can find in libya and the story you get from everybody is we're right here where i am the same shooting and its arms nor steve are not going outside to look and yes i have heard stories of women my area that seems to be the general picture so i don't believe it really i think is disproportionate for the moment to talk about so. well talk of international involvement in libya is going to be tough to avoid for the u.s. vice president who is on day two of his visit to moscow russia has stopped all sex ports to libya but maintains its stance against military intervention and artistic gretsch over is following joe biden's visit for us there carter well do you think abided can try to change for the russian leader stance against military involvement in the conflict in libya. well he definitely could because washington needs
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russia's voice and it needs russia's support for a possible military action in libya and joe biden will partly that's what he why he's here in moscow for russia when it was against the plan which the u.s. supports to close the libyan skies to impose a no fly zone over libya and this is what both the president and russia's foreign minister recently to they will not back any international any military intervention in libya's domestic affairs. should in this instance any foreign intervention on the african continent is out of the question these countries must handle everything themselves concerning the proposed no fly zone over libya the whole idea needs a lot more thought and consideration before anyone makes any decision we must be presented with all the details and we must have an objective picture of what's happening on the ground we must be certain that the safety of the civilian population is at the top of the agenda. which is what has to be said that this is
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a a long planned visit so what else is there joe biden doing what else is on the agenda for him. jill biden as agenda as he's visiting him he's a robust he held talks with the russian president on wednesday he's now meeting with prime minister vladimir putin he's told talks with the opposition leaders however the focus these. time and it's not joe biden's first time in moscow we must remind our viewers so the focus the stardom is. expanding into new dimensions all resides with a focus on the in the business piece in particular the u.s. accounted for less than four percent in russia's external trade last year which is of course way beyond the potential so the two sides are now talking about what could be done to boost those trade ties. running a similar dinner put in today suggested he's a regime of course a giant b. companies russia and the u.s.
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are signing major deals like it was that we are afloat and boy they yes they signed a deal worth some two billion dollars joe biden was present at that the u.s. vice president also supports president me believes mission to modernize economy yesterday he visited the school kabul park this is where the russian government plans to build its own version of the us silicon valley and of course w t o russia has sought w t o accession for some eighteen years now that is way more than any other given country and russia perhaps is the only remaining world's largest economy which is not member of the club it is hoped that by the end of twenty eleven this could be changed and russia could enter the world trade organization well of course it's been a successful resend one could say two years after the stern was introduced and the two countries seems to have acquired this do you track approach they sealed
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agreements where their interests converged and they agreed to disagree in areas where they can't come together and we have some practical examples of how these approach can work we see that they just come up with a new start treaty strategic arms reduction treaty with a new peaceful nuclear. gratian agreement which is very important not just for the two countries but also for the rest of the world and we see deep collaboration on such hot issues as iran as north korea and as again a stand this is what both presidents both sides described as. there was such. a horrible thank you very much for that update you know reporting from the russian capital thank you all right we'll stay in touch around the clock online at r.t. dot com and here is what's among the news and analysis on the web site right now well check out these a real sort of torture and will remain
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a single rider who takes to moscow as a retro card museum. and discover how chechen esteem got on when they came up against brazilian football legends from past and present making to the russian a republic for a friendly vouch. for hearings will soon get underway in the u.s. congress over the radicalization of american muslims or they're being led by homeland security chairman peter king who says there are vital to protect the country and its archy's medina portnoy reports in wasn't always so negative towards the muslim community. on friday.
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a familiar sound of worship echoes from the islamic center of long island. so it's a place of prayer education and community service for many of long island's seventy thousand muslims it's also a place where u.s. congressman peter king spent years building bridges with american voters. supporters who today remain shocked that kenya labeled their mosque a hotbed for extremism that should be put under surveillance. and we have been to his office many times what about if we needed help with. how deep or ahmed is chairman of the long island center that sits just outside the boundaries of king's third congressional district ahmed fears the man he once fundraise for may currently be the strongest force fueling the flames of islamophobia in america safety and security of my community is my biggest concern and trying to create it is probably me. doing these things during his
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early days as congressman king was often seen at the islamic center on long island giving lectures holding book signings even serving as the main guest of honor when the prayer officially opened officials say since september eleventh two thousand and one the u.s. representative has not stepped one foot inside this building these lawmakers center unanimously condemned the event but king cut ties with the institution after two officials were quoted in nine muslim involvement and linking israel to nine eleven and. instead peter kagan recently appointed chairman of the powerful house homeland security committee has announced congressional hearings on alleged hidden radicalism among american muslims and mosques a drastic turn that has brought fear to king's constituents he's generalize.
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and realize in a very bad way you know way that. even outside of them and states it has very disturbing. especially when the coalition of muslim population in the long island community is growing substantially looking for support. congressman king has said that most muslim leaders in this country aren't cooperating with authorities yet no member of this long island islamic center has ever been accused of terrorism. muslim americans in this community are appalled that their very own u.s. representative is targeting them based on their religious beliefs their extremists in every every community every religion i mean you know why just islam what does he have to gain from it by their personal vendetta or maybe something to
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gain in the politics of his and out of fear people really. anxious because to because. really it's expanding free in a country of tolerance a new york community left feeling isolated and marginalized by the man they once rallied behind her enough archie in new york. well let's have a look at some other international news in brief for you this hour a powerful earthquake measuring almost six on the richter scale has struck china's southwest near the border with me and more at least fourteen people have been killed and over one hundred fifty injured witnesses report people being burned under debris when part of a supermarket and a hotel caved in the tremor caused serious damage to other buildings and it was followed by the reactor shocks within a few minutes. of britain's foreign secretary has condemned to iran after u.k.
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and nato forces seized what they say were iranian weapons heading for the taliban in afghanistan a william hague leaves the arms were clearly intended for insurgents to kill afghan and international troops from a significant range iran denies it's behind the shipment of forty eight rockets and other ammunition that were recovered after a firefight which saw a number of insurgents killed. in heavy rain and strong winds are battering the southeastern u.s. tearing apart buildings and overturning cars at least three turn nato's blew through louisiana with others reported in alabama flash flood warnings are in effect in mississippi with roads in several counties flooded there are similar problems much further north with a further juge expected in new jersey. later we take some time out for a trip to the picturesque landscape of the north caucuses.
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observe nature and discover if buzy. be communicate with the why only. test yourself and become free. and. see what nature can give you on all and see. all that said for now up next the business news of current. carol welcome to business here now and see things for joining me well prices as higher in early thursday trading up to two straight sessions of losses. trading at over one hundred and four dollars a barrel brant crude is around one hundred and sixteen dollars news about higher than expected stocks in the u.s. gave some relief to investors on wednesday escalating fighting in libya kept traders cautious bunch of leaders of oil production is already off line adding fuel
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to the flames is news that gadhafi has gone door facilities in the country inflicting what could be longer term damage to leave years export capacity. let's have a look at the markets now european stocks drop in early trading as all prices move higher markets are also lower after moody's cut its rating on spanish sovereign debt among stocks on the move shares in u.k. insurance and investments groups down allied top two percent of reported results for two thousand and ten. russian stocks slide by the most in more than a week after china reported an unexpected seven point three billion dollar trade deficit the r.t.s. is losing over a percent while the my six is down over half a percent now let's look at some individuals has now energy and banking stocks are lower gas problem is losing over eight percent of them isaac's so is ross knapp and rust spots where russia's largest producer of coal is the biggest loser so far down over five percent that's after reports that the company's owners are seeking
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a buyer. a record number of billionaires have joined the list of the world's richest this year twelve hundred wealthiest people are now worth a total of four and a half trillion dollars with russia's tycoons holding a significant part of that wealth for of has been pouring over the numbers. so who is making the grade this year. well the top ranking russian with still taking blood and. he ranks number four. on the forbes rich list with an estimated personal wealth of twenty four billion dollars now that's an increase of around ten billion dollars since last year that pushed him up eighteen places as he said to number fourteen now top of the falls rich list for the second year with mexican media tycoon carlos slim he has an estimated personal wealth of starvin t four billion dollars and number two with bill gates that as we said a number of russians making that list russia's actually increases number of
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billionaires from sixty two last year to one hundred one this year and is now home to fifteen of the world's hundred richest people also of the billionaires seem to be defying the downturn affecting everyone else so the big question is where's the money coming from. what we've seen the wealth of many of the people he made the list and indeed the billionaires residing in russia coming from real beaming commodities we've seen oil prices rising metals and other natural resources have all increased and helped with the world production of these individuals now we're actually stood on the street which is being named as one of the most expensive streets in the world and possibly if you hang around long enough you might bargain to one of these billionaires because seventy nine overshoes billionaires currently reside in most games making the capital home to more billionaires in any other city in the world knows he said much of the world has been generated by this beaming commodity listen still company has seen it also turns almost pretty financial
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crisis levels and this is part of was contributed says so many russians are doing so well in the fourth richest this year thank you for of reporting on russia's richest people according to forbes magazine and that's all for now and you and me in less than one half a war here on r.t. . it's. going to. be observed nature and discover its museum.
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to be communicate with the wild unless. test yourself and become free to. see what nature can give you an autopsy. that's in the boonies regarding the dust and the d.v.d. radium and they are in intensive no number for the virus because it is spread that artists took the most dangerous. radiation that exists in the nature. of ours because in the vicinity both known differentiated so produce is so much the tension that the changes in the morning and soup.


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