tv [untitled] March 10, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EST
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video on demand. mind. are anxious for you now with the palm of your. comb. five thirty pm in moscow these are your r.t. headlines france becomes the first state to recognize libya's rebels as the country's government and plans to exchange embassadors it's fueling fears the country may soon see foreign military intervention. it's feared violence could escalate further in libya russia is imposing sanctions against the regime and banning the export of weapons and military equipment. in libya inevitably on the agenda as the u.s. vice president meets the russian leadership and opposition in moscow who saying
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trade ties also on joe biden's list as he joins us right here putin on the second day of his visit. next spotlight talks to the u.n. general assembly president about the challenges brought on by turmoil in libya stay with us that's coming up next. hello again the welcome to spotlight the interview show on our seat aisle there now and today my guest in the studio is just the ice libyan leader of the garfield is bali people to stay in power trucks and shelling by forces loyal to force the rebels to turn to the united nations calling for international recognition of the new leadership in libya so how will the u.n.
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behave in this tricky situation here's the president of the u.n. general assembly just a. switzerland has always avoided membership to any major political organization thus appearing to a policy of neutrality but when joseph di speaking the foreign minister of the country he made every effort to bring it to the united nations today the international bodies facing tough challenges not least from libya and today just at dice now the president of the u.n. general assembly is a great opportunity to contribute to the need there when i say sure. hello and. welcome to the show thank you i'm very glad to be with you it's a pleasure to have you with us well first of all let's let's start let's start with libya the government has asked that former foreign minister and your predecessor as president of the u.n.
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general assembly highly have to do sylar three key that he be approved as the envoy . to libya's u.n. and master was denounced how will the u.n. respond to this demand did you have a response for a while libya will send its representative and he has to present his credentials states has not been done as far as a no for the moment this is with the secretary general that it happens and then it's a question you know whether there is a member state who is challenging the representation of a country or not for the moment we are not so far ok well at the same time leaders of the libya's rebellion have appealed to the u.n. general assembly i quote we request from the international community to fulfill its obligations to protect the libyan people from any further genocide and crimes against humanity without any direct military in the intervention on libyan soil and
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quote so is un ready to give some official recognition to to these to the rebels and is it possible as they say to protect them from genocide without intervention and there's oil well u.n. has already given some clear messages. at different levels the first one has been the human rights council who last week or the week before on friday had a resolution in which they are. asked the general assembly to make a suspension of the libyan membership to the human rights levels of the budget has been decided this has been decided the choose the after and this is asian has been taken unanimously or on what they call in
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a. way where we have no vote a consensus so all the members are behind this decision this is a clear signal i would see in so far that un with its largest why did i mean where means well one hundred and ninety two members are assembled has said this is behavior of this government which is no longer in line with our fundamentals in particular human rights the security council also has. had a resolution in which apart from my condemning in the same way these actions against the civil population there are two elements that are important the one is that the referred to the international criminal court so they think that the actions that have been taken in this country have to be inquiry by the
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international criminal court and on the other hand they recalled also what is something quite new in un what we call the report the responsibility to protect that means every government has the duty to protect its own population and if this is not a curing because the government is not able maybe or is not willing then the region or if this aid or it is not possible the international community has to take action in order to protect the population and this is the point on which i can imagine the resistance in libya are appealing on. now the question is to know what is to be done and for this it's not the general assembly who will be asked for but it's the security council so i'm not in
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a position to give information about what is actually going on in the security council i know that today there are private discussions that means discussions among the members of the security council which are not public on the question of a no fly zone but would mean that this would ask the question how can we do this without intervening you know one of the this is i think it is the question it's a very very important and very hard to answer that is a question very hard to be answered because on the one hand united nations stands for its member states and their sovereignty and on the other hand there are some fundamental values the united nation stands for and beyond certain limits the international community has the moral duty to protect those who are at the
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mercy of. governments who are not coming up to their obligations this is those i want to get back to this little of your suspension from the from the human rights council when it was suspended the it was said that the reason were the grass and systematic human rights violations you called the khadafi regime actions. fragment human rights violations and said there can be no security or a development without respect for the rights you also are quoted as saying that in addressing libya's behavior the united nations. its credibility could you please specify what these you have in mind when you. when you say that all of the funded. and full human rights. are protected by united nations and
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in particular by the human rights council that's the resolution which is at the basis of this council that's stipulates in particular that those who are members have a special in gauge mn or should be particularly. examples for the respect of human rights and that there's a possibility they the to withdraw their membership or at least to suspend it if they are not respecting these fundamentals and i think that in the case of libya there was. overwhelming or unanimity to come to the conclusion that what was happening in the case when the sea billions are attacked by their own army people gathering in the streets many most of them not arms this is
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clearly not in line with the basic principles of human rights also do you think that libya should have been in the council for in the un council for human rights the first place i have not been opinion to have on this since it's the general assembly who decided ten months ago to elect libya to this council well there have been no it's so strange there has been in there i mean is this is strange yes or no you myself are standard as a president of the journal i'm not in. the size this isn't decisions that have been taken on the other hand i can tell you that during the debate we had during the decision taken last tuesday some members have recently this issue. saying why did we elected leave to this council and we should not have done it so.
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i can understand that so that in the actual situation even at that time this question could have been raised the truth is that it has not and. that's one of my missive does to the general assembly problem member states in general we have to stand much closer from my bring in to our fundamental rights and also we need to have the courage to see it when we feel that. do you believe that the acts being committed by their fees government should be investigated and judged by the un international criminal court again it's the security council who has this combinations and its fifteen member states who are five of them permanent members and ten are selected by the assembly i think if they asked for that knowing or saw how careful and they
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worse of all these members are from their origin in positions and so on if they decide this unanimously there must be some real faith reason to do this so i have no reason not to trust to their decision and i would recall that it's even the american permanent represent the people who announced or saw that unanimity the security council has taken this decision. says joseph guys president of the u.n. general assembly spotlight will be back out there with that issue of great we'll continue this interview here in the studio so stay way.
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welcome back to spotlight i am al green of in just a reminder my guest in the studio today is joseph dice president of the u.n. general assembly this nice trip state hillary clinton has been making interesting interesting statements reason are first of all she said that russia today our own company is a favorite source of information concerning world news well without being thank you not commenting on that but what i would like you to comment is another statement by hillary clinton she said that announce lies on should be initiated by the united nations it should be under the u.n. mandate and it shouldn't be the operation shouldn't be led by the united states do you agree is not a wise thing to do under side of rushton well. the president of the general
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assembly i can only add that it's in any case not a decision he longs to the general assembly if there is a mandate to be given it will be the security council to take business action. ok let's talk about the situation with the refugees as far as i understand it today we have almost one hundred thousand refugees that have crossed into tunisia since the uprising in libya began another seventy five thousand have gone. the other way they're going to egypt there's the international community have a plan to do something to help this people because this can be this can be a very serious humanitarian situation that i would say this is a more immediate issue even. humanitarian one and there we have different levels of intervention for the secretary general who is in
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charge of the whole activities of of organizations who is already. sending his people in order to make the necessary assessments and understand also the special organizations of united nations. high commission on refugees but also all those who are providing humanitarian aid are preparing their intervention there is also an appeal by the secretary general and u.n. for pledging the first is to mission made for the immediate needs are about one hundred sixty million us that are needed and i could experience today with the russian government that they are already having pledged some money for that so i think that the aid is urgent is the way to be. introduced and really it's
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a question of has to be addressed very rapidly. well you met with russian officials here in moscow did this these meetings had any optimism to you did you hear anything that you'd like to share their views or anything any any good news. i have made a visit not in framework of this libyan case again since it's the security council each you were and not the assembly what i would say on behalf of these meetings i had with. in particular the foreign minister is that i'm very. long happy about the huge commitment of russia and the russian government to the united nations in general but also to the general assembly because you could imagine that those countries who are permanent members of the security council invested with a veto in the security council could live a little bit aside the genocidally and as the president of the german simply i'm
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very pleased this is good news if you made not be spectacular but it's good news for the general assembly and all the members of our organization that russia is strongly committed to all our fundamental activities and our bodies this is this year have mentioned more than once during the sense of it there i am the head of the general assembly this is security council the responsibilities are different well can you please help me in even lighten our our views how would you define the role of the presidents of the general said because everybody everybody knows knows the leader of the united nations people know that there is the security council but the president of the general assembly you prefer to be like in the shadow or is this the name of the game. named after the game feeling already quite in a spotlight but it is clear that the united nations are getting their
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visibility is specially to the secretary general who can be called. even if come. on always a bit risky but who can be compared to be the c.e.o. that means the one who has to mention the whole enterprise the whole organization while the general assembly is the body that could be compared to the board and the general assembly is in charge of the charter the general assembly elects the secretary general and the general assembly nominates or elects the nonpermanent members of the security council but our charter is very clear about the role of the security council the charter says that what peace and security is concerned it's the security council or as soon as the security council has taken up the matter it's no longer a matter for the journalist simply and one important difference between the two
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bodies or is that the security council can take the decisions measures which are compulsory for the members so if there are sanctions like in the case of libya which are decided by the security council all the member states have to respect and to apply to the general assembly on the other hand cannot take such decisions beyond the elections have mentioned or the chart on the other hand the general assembly is the only body where you have all the member states present one hundred ninety two it's nearly universality and the general assembly rules on the principle of one state one vote no we talk for anybody. only only one exception from this rule the soviet union had three votes you remember maybe if you are going to trigger the last. three well.
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you can pick the european union will have plenty syria but this are the regional organizations even inside you when all the the whole organization is built up on a lot of for different. associations groupings you have to africa's only the un charity law school you know you know what we loved about it it's small it's very complex. you must know when i took place monday i read of course again after having read it for nice reading its present i must say that even if it has been written sixty five years ago i asked many things which are very simple and easier to be understood is the full article number one what is the goal of united nations free things peace and security we have been speaking but speaking about then.
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corporation its members and what they we called in my inaugural speech to the members and friendship over among nations and i asked even the assembly are you sure that in all your relations with your member states you have shown that you are friends you are like many of your predecessors under supposed seem to be focused on revitalization of the general assembly why and what does it mean. there's a feeling on the one hand that it could be more efficient and has the feeling that it could be marginalized by developments a cold locally to somebody. to pull you know missouri would you well i must say and so what a parliament if you know the french margy i mean seriously it's not a parliament
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a parliament is here to speak and i would say that the first achievement after the general assembly. is that all the one hundred ninety two countries member states are gathering are prepared to speak to each other and to listen i hope to each other so i have no problem with people saying they are talking it's made for that but beyond that it would be an error to think they only talk to somebody who is going over this is that yes it's one of the listening there are key results it has been created in forty five in forty eight after three years only we had the full declaration of human rights and it's as for the charter read this declaration it doesn't take long it's not a long document but it's so evident and so strong in its formulation that you can say this is a real important achievement look today we have lida we have
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a text on which we can build and say no the libyan civilians are no longer in the benefit of that what is our place and you caught up can go on a few years ago we had the resolution on the responsibility to protect which goes a step further so you can't see that there's not no results the general assembly is not the one who has troops who has money was organizations that are working german somebody is controlling it's making the budget for the others but then it's up to he's got a musician saluda job but one very important political issue and much discussed is the reform of the security council and secondly please be it's in your hands it's in the hands of the general assembly is and so will we see any practical results during your term. then we part of the security council. a lot a certain part of the way is easy you will find no member state who will not agree
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on the fact that having been created. in one thousand nine hundred five sixty five years ago it's no longer responding or corresponding to the actual distribution of power answer you will find no opposition but as soon as you say no what are you going to do we have five permanent members usa united kingdom france russia china the other outraising emerging countries who say redy. to be on the same level india. germany japan brazil four countries have put together in order to ask for permanent seats africa is saying we are the continent who has least to say and we want to be treated on equal basis we want to permanent seats and we will and you have to toss trail here. yet and if you go after that you will see that you have other countries who say no we
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do not want new permanent so we propose so it's very difficult for the moment to enter into real negotiations what we have done up to now is that we have a facilitator and that's of the time in from afghanistan who has produced a third of a paper well all the different positions are assembled and where we can say today there is broad agreement that this is the position of the member states but unfortunately they are not of the same the achievement of this session because they are working for eighteen years already and that the achievement of decision would be for me as to be considered or whether it already has a big performance if we could engage in real negotiations so what is my role now is to be as some type of super facilitator to bring people
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at the table of negotiations where they say we have. three five points on which we have to get agreement thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today was joseph deiced president of the un general assembly and that's it for now from all of those who will be back with more first hand comment on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. can take care to thank you thank you very. much. chad.
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