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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST

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meridia the leader of the g.o.p. who kills a church in new delhi who took the maori babyhood to marry connection ramon the close of the maiden. close a religious and cheerfully was punished for their. friends becomes the first state to recognize libya's rebels as the country's government party takes a closer look at who they are and whether they have the legal right to govern. the sections of the sixty six beaches need sixty votes this is made between the government pieces. and. if it is libya inevitably on the agenda as the us vice president meets the russian leadership and opposition in moscow. the recent reset entices not just politics for the second day of his visit to moscow just by the economic operations
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of the table all the details in just a few minutes. and russia's markets drop three percent one of the biggest one day falls of the year the cars the also weakens as well declines spain's credit rating is downgraded the u.s. trade deficit widened it's find out more in twenty minutes time. seven pm in moscow i'm going to have you with us here on r t our top story france says it's recognizing libya's opposition as the legitimate representatives of the people and plans to exchange of masters the movie's filling fears the country may soon see foreign military intervention nato defense officials and e.u. foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss their next moves are he daniel special reports. well there was a meeting between president sarkozy's office of france and the libyan rebel
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national council of the wish it was decided to announce that france recognizes the rebels as the legitimate power in that country they will exchange ambassadors france will send an ambassador to bin causey and vice versa to all the diplomats in france as the official representative of the country french foreign minister ellen should pay urged european partners to follow suit and gauge with the new libyan leaders the trouble is this opposition doesn't have much control it says hot pockets of the country in the east there's also dubious question marks over its formation there are former ministers of justice minister of the interior from the good effete regime in this party along with several rebels rebels who dissidents also who spent years in prison and it's not sure why france has done this france it is not traditionally the closest ally of libya because libya was
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a former colony of italy and there are question marks now being raised by the international community water france's motives of course one of them is the fear that military intervention has been planned and will follow suit russia's envoy to nato told me that he now feels the worst. right now there's a real danger miss tiles can be used against libyan air bases to deprive gadhafi his advantage as the legal head of state also there are attempts to jeopardize the rebels to make it seem to the outside power has passed from gadhafi to the rebels there have been repeated calls from the international community to leave leave you alone and let the two sides sort out these people to solve this appears that this will disturb a hornet's nest by foreign military intervention even the rebels themselves say they would prefer the foreign sections not to get involved and yet as we heard from russia's representative to nato there are increasing fears that western powers are
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gearing up for military intervention in the country. anthony while coming on line newspaper of the daily bell believes nato member states put huge pressure on libyans who are now at a crossroads between islamic fundamentalism and western style government. there's quite a bit of speculation as to act actually who is who is pulling the strings of what's happening in libya i think what you're going to see here is a secular style western government that would be introduced post. but that that will that will fail i believe within a very short period of time and i believe that is where we will see a more fundamentalist islamic type of government that will surface and take power it should be a natural democratic shift within the middle east in any of these countries if there's going to be change it should be change that is and i hate that word but i'll use it anyway because it's the word of the day again but change in the middle east should be driven naturally by the people themselves they're going to get the help whether they want it or not and some would say that they help. because
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basically what's been driving this revolution to begin with not to say or take anything away from the from the from the people in libya who are fighting and putting their lives on the line here to to actually make some form of a change but you know you look at what's happening in the world today and the pressure that's that's mounting with respect to foreign intervention being demanded especially from the western mainstream media you would have to think that the western the western media trumpeting such intervention is something that is heard loud and clear within libya by the libyan people as well and the people on the ground will be. very influencing factors but i don't believe that there's necessarily a unified on the ground presence in libya that is being cohesively led by any one group or any one individual and that means also that there are certainly fundamentalists and others within the libyan population who do not wish to have any foreign intervention at all there are others who would probably like to see it happen. the situation in libya is an unavoidable topic for political heavyweights
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like the u.s. vice president and the russian leadership joe biden is in moscow to keep the right to u.s. relations reset button to press we follow his visit here on r t also this hour. people. can greet anxious. because the good for the national is an american congressman who once courted the muslim vote to win office is now accused of organizing a witch hunt. but first international pressure against libya is growing following a controversial decision by france to recognize the rebels claim to power alongside which russia is imposing sanctions against the gadhafi regime banning the export of weapons and military hardware or he's paul as leader in the capital tripoli with reaction on the ground. people here a confused and angry reaction from paris and formally recognize the opposition those who have spoken to all sit in afraid that it will escape the situation logic dictates that my friends officially recognizing the opposition it does not
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recognize gadhafi and people here are asking what the steps fronts from same thing military reinforcements to the opposition because he accuses the rebels of fiendish traits is a face to face hundred thousand dollars bounty from a hit of one affiliate is the mount elsewhere in the country fighting is intensifying in the oil rich strategically in fees to town the first is a weird system for fifty kilometers away from the capital tripoli now he tried on two occasions to get it but it's simply impossible to move around the city without government permission and government mind is the oil which. is easily struck by government plays well behind me they went up in flames it is the first oil installation installment to be hits directly the version fifteen to eighteen if it is fine and dandy on the age of eight which is from russia to libya this includes weapons munitions that here close military equipment most of the weapons used here
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in libya also if made and as my colleague sonny boy could put on the rebel held town of gandhi these places played a role in the coming conflict. harder. to deliberation chance the rattle of kalashnikovs is the most common sound in the grassy knoll ever since rebels seized the weapons the polls in eastern libya became the all single of masculinity that every young man in the city wants one thing in common between moammar gadhafi and the horse the struggling chancy team is a fascination with arms believe and later i developed a liking for kalashnikov rifle so much. so that's he even had any case forty seven of munition plants built here in libya the rounds of these plants produced an hour telling all across eastern libya on the frontlines and beyond the young man with
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marshalls how become a fixture on the streets of ghazi they're eager to show them off and often slap happy in their handling of the arms. hands as soldier from the bin the as the garrison who joined their freising says many of his fellow rebels don't have any experience with arms which he says is made up by their passionate determination to the world who will fight until the last to the last drop of gold is on a song moon the moon. is the view of in god the east still living of the revolutionary fever from dusk to dawn people congregate on the city's main square calling the philadelphia to go most of the factories a closed the only people still working a shop owners there is good no good no good. many people no people and catholic servants like these traffic police officers despite the loss of control over it is to leave here to get the government continues to pay salaries to
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those employed by the state of the business when i received my last paycheck about ten days ago but there is nothing to thank me for myself it is just union fifty with. agitation and uncertainty of the last few weeks already exerting their toll on public health because the psychiatric hospital is now flooded with patients because preexisting conditions were exacerbated by their unrest no days because the people are uprising lots of people of a key is suffering from the so-called banding shoulders. some of our patients old so having relapses a from their previous mentioned problems. no because of the. uprising because of the she. hates you and ridiculed get out immediately the most valuable asset for the opposition movement was that hatred these people
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together for the time being it to united's those who stand here serving in his government and the victims of his persecutors share their chance for free leaving yet to be augmented by a clear vision of how to achieve it people in bin gazi are now living off their savings sharing whatever little they have given up most of them are confident that the good ones get out that leaves the bright future will dawn on them that if passed revolutions are anything to go by that bundles of arms and hordes of idly roaming man could mean exactly the opposite. it's unlike art see in god the. talk of international involvement in libya has been tough to avoid for the u.s. vice president has been meeting with russian leadership joe biden is on day two of his visit to moscow artie's caterina's are about as the details. there's been speculation of course the internet has been rife with sources claiming that joe
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biden has indeed tried to guarantee russia's support should the u.s. decide to go ahead with its military intervention in libya we do know that several foreign nations of course including the united states have not ruled out the possibility of bringing their troops to libya in order to resolve the conflict while others including russia have so far chosen to stand back and settle the matter for themselves well this of course is the second day of joe biden's visit to moscow and the jury in those two days he had a quite a busy agenda of course meeting with the russian leaders both the russian president dmitry medvedev and of the prime minister putin of the focus was mostly on trade talks joe biden who of course heralded at the current a reset in ties between moscow and washington underlined the necessity of that reset continuing in his meeting with groups and saying that the previous administration did not choose to maximize on the strategic potential that exists
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and the relationship between moscow and washington d.c. and the current administration is of course very much interested in that also took the time to meet not only with the russian leaders but also with non-governmental parties and members of the opposition and human rights support groups all of that was on his agenda as well as a trip to the russian analog of silicon valley skolkovo where joe biden spent a lot of time being shown around and told about the potential prospects and of course of various american businesses willing to participate in this new venture. for more on biden's visit to moscow we're joined by yuri you're from the moscow based franklin roosevelt foundation i concentrates on the study of u.s. policies good to have you with us so just how keen might the u.s. be to get russia's support for military intervention in libya. well you know from
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my point of view united states doesn't need the russian support for such an intervention but what is needed is coordination the all countries including russia united states and european countries on the war must be done with what can be done in base kind of situation because situation is developing very rapidly and the situation still is very uncertain that is why certainly in not only just intervention but many other measures could be under discussion. apparently relations between moscow and washington are better than ever speaking to students at moscow state university the vice president remembered enter dressed by a soviet premier to u.s. congressmen let's listen in for just a second. before we begin a discussion. let's agree we do not trust you. and you do not trust us. and we both have good reason and in the second decade
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of this new century the united states and russia no longer have good reason not to trust. those comments to match your take on the current situation and if not to say that for us. well certainly i think what has been mentioned is a very important factor in russian american relations so we need a normal relations and normal relations usually placed on the matter of trust to each other and situation on the globe is there really becoming very uncertain. developing very rapidly and we need a corporation of two countries in solving so many world issues and certainly we must build a. trust in relations between two our great nations my stress u.s. readiness to build a unified european anti-missile defense system this project remains
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a bone of contention between moscow and washington how likely do you think it is that this issue could be resolved soon. well mr biden mansion he anticipated to and does the go season by the end of this year so this is a very short term and each is very complicated but certainly it is after they made a great mint a nuclear arms strategic arms which has been signed between the two countries but this is the probably the most important step not just the russian american relations bod the world security it as a whole i would say and it will require very very strong steps on both sides to work out a great mentor which will suit the interest of all mankind all right thank you very much very regularly from the. foundation. remember you can always see up to
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date on the stories that we're covering from our website our g got more you can find all the latest news was analysis here's what's just a click away right. the u.s. city of san francisco locked in a battle over male circumcision as jewish groups rally against a proposal that could see the practice criminal. and billionaires row in the center of moscow get yourself some excellent property just meters from the kremlin but only if you're ready to pay thirteen thousand euros per square meter find out about the tempest expensive residential street in the quiet at r.t. dot com. a series of government hearings into the radicalization of american muslims is underway in washington they're being led by the homeland security chairman peter king who says the issue threatens the country but as artie's marine important i found out congressman king's views on the muslim community have been less than consistent.
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on arrival. a familiar sound of worship at least for me is a long extension of the long island. oh it's a place of prayer education and community service for many of long island's seventy thousand muslims it's also a place where u.s. congressman peter king spent years building bridges with american voters but. supporters who today remain shocked that king labeled their mosque a hotbed for extremism that should be put under surveillance here that ended up going to bed being sold so and we have been to his office many times what they would have needed out of it. is chairman of the long island center that sits just outside the boundaries of king's third congressional district. amid fears the man he once fundraise for may currently be the strongest force fueling the flames of
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islamophobia in america the insecurity of my community is my biggest concern and trying to create trouble. me. doing these things during his early days as congressman king was often seen at the islamic center on long island giving lectures holding book signings even serving as the main guest of honor when the fair officially open officials say since september eleventh two thousand and one the u.s. representative has not stepped one foot inside this building the islamic center unanimously condemned the event but can cut ties with the institution after two officials were quoted a nine muslim involvement and linking israel to nine eleven. instead peter cave recently appointed chairman of the powerful house homeland security committee has announced congressional hearings on a legit hit in radicalism among american muslims and mosques. a drastic turn
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that has brought here king's constituents you generalize. allies in a very bad way and you know way that. the american. even outside of from the states it has been very disturbing to us especially when the coalition of muslim population in the long island community is growing substantially looking for support congressman king has said that most muslim leaders in this country aren't cooperating with authorities yet no member of this long island islamic center has ever been accused of terrorism. muslim americans in this community are appalled that their very own u.s. representative is hard. adding them based on their religious beliefs here experiments in every every community every religion i mean you you know why
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just islam what does he have to gain from it i think a personal been then maybe something to gain in the comic it's there is a lot of fear people are really angry anxious just because the forms are not really expedient expedient free in a country of tolerance a new york community left feeling isolated and marginalized by the man they once rallied behind her enough r.t.e. new york. turning now to some other international stories a present of afghan president hamid karzai has been killed by nato forces he was reportedly shot dead by coalition troops at his home in southern afghanistan during an overnight raid nato says they are investigating the incident this just days after a car after a car as i chastised the u.s. led forces for accidentally killing nine boys in the eastern province.
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our fourth quake measuring almost six on the richter scale struck southwestern china near the border with me at least twenty four people have been killed more than two hundred injured witnesses report people being buried under debris one part of a supermarket and hotel a collapsed tremor caused serious damage to other buildings many houses were also toppled. silvio berlusconi is back to work for the first time since an operation on his face and the italian prime minister was injured moron in december of two thousand and nine when a man with psychiatric problems through a metal statue of him lost two teeth and had his nose broken in the attack the operation that happened three days ago lasted four hours. later this hour the kaiser report heads to egypt to assess the week's big financial stories but as but presently here's a look at today's business news. i don't know warm welcome to business see the ruble suffers its sharpest two day drop
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against the dollar this year trimming its tremendous rally against the greenback declining oil prices and spain's credit downgrade caused the ruble to decrease the eight to twenty eight point six dollars that's around a one percent drop in the russian counties still seven point one percent stronger against the dollar this year showing the biggest gain among one hundred seventy three world currency. going to get the oil is down sharply investors still remain cautious servan libya's draft much of the country's oil production is already off lie we're seeing light sweet crude declining more than three dollars brant almost two dollars adding fuel to the flames as news that gadhafi has bought into oil facilities in the country inflicting more could be long term damage than libya's export capacity. u.s. markets are dropping sharply as trade deficit expanded around fifteen percent in january to forty six billion dollars a record high as the price of imported oil skyrocketed falls so u.s.
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jobless claims added twenty six thousand last week this is hampering hopes of a steady recovery in the u.s. economy and therefore the dow is down almost two hundred points at the opening it's slightly recovered from these losses right now this hour european stock markets are also down sharply after moody's credit rating on that spanish sovereign debt greece is also concerned with its downgrade and therefore calling on the e.u. bodies to review the role of rating agencies and with the stats and worries russian stocks see one of the biggest one day falls this year with the odd years of my six declining around three percent each take a look at some of the individual stocks and a g.m. banking stocks are obviously the biggest losers gazprom down three point two percent lukoil almost three percent that's despite posting into the twenty eight percent increase in u.s. profits. it's also burbank was down around three percent of the heaviest traded stocks. this perception is turning more more more negative and this is hurting
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emerging markets so this is a shift from emerging markets to would develop markets and also hurting are basically the high oil price will be very costly for washington and that's why russia has been the best performing emerging markets this year and i do not think that what we are seeing today is the beginning of a new trend where russia underperformed performs i think just the correction a record number of billionaires of joined the list of the world's richest this year twelve hundred wealthiest people are now well for sale of four point five trillion dollars with russia's tycoons holding a significant part of that wealth. has been poring over the numbers. paycheck an exclusive area and must go in an area where you might be lying and one of russia's many high kings isn't right now heading for seven feet nine of the
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country's billionaires making the capital gains more billionaires than any other city in the world now many things have made it on to this is cool richly the top ranking russian being still like a lot of it is listed with the estimated wealth of twenty four billion dollars now that's around ten billion dollars from last year pushing him out a scene places to write them to school seen on the list not a very top at the falls rich this number one with mexican media. with an estimated wealth of seventy four million dollars it is we said many russians making that list in fact there are now one hundred one of billionaires in russia that's up from sixty t. last year russia is now home to fifteen of the world's hundred richest people and much of this wealth has been generated by a big move in commodities in the country will prices rising and metals and other
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natural resources really driving russia's economy and contributing largely as we've seen to say much of the wealth that have meant meant that many russians have made that proves rich this year and then our reserves are in chief of business new europe magazine says forbes list of let's move up the russian economy from one dominated by industry to the service sector. this structure of the list i think reflects the transition process in emerging markets in the beginning there was nothing in anything you build was fantastically profitable there were twenty years into the game and particularly with russia you look at the economies becoming increasingly sophisticated it's everybody at the top of the list is involved in extraction oil gas still. interesting if you go outside opinions of this and look at the millionaires mostly millionaires increasingly they're coming from from services from media from new economy industries. i thought and i will be back in
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less than one hour's time with an update meanwhile the headlines are next on nothing to say but. wealthy british style. is not on the cutting.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report. on . morning news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. the giant corporations or the day. to come. for the full story we've got it from the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.


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