tv [untitled] March 10, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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it's. the biggest issues get the cuban voice ceased to face with the news makers. but. very sad and a lot of very. well it's a job many in wisconsin are disapproving up so is the labor war battles continue is the rest of the country wanting a tale of two americas than wisconsin. first got these extremists the greater minds american citizen tears and fears on capitol hill so what exactly will this congressional hearing on the radicalization of muslims need to and is this a flashback to mccarthyism. really
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as the next chapter continues to unfold in libya but it feature a strong u.s. role has the u.s. already learned its lesson. it's thursday march tenth four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine friends now you're watching our team well an emotional day on capitol hill today as the homeland security committee launched its hearing on the radicalization of muslims artie's kalen ford was there and has more. the committee on homeland security. chairman peter king launching his hearings on the radicalization of muslims in america complete with beefed up security dozens of cameras the forwarder of dramatic witnesses and someone to blame us about these extremist invaders from rape in the minds of american citizen thinks hearings have
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received much media attention since they were announced but some say the hearing still to look at the underlying causes of muslim radicalization in the united states including the role u.s. foreign policy in the arab and muslim world has played in muslim feelings towards america but some muslims say it's u.s. support for oppressive regimes in the middle east. and interventions in iraq and afghanistan that have radicalized them the minute that they kick at the knife of slaughter they're accused as being violent when the actual perpetrators of violence are the ones that are occupying my hands like afghanistan and iraq right now the american empire others praise king for braving the political correctness firestorm hearings ignited before the even began stop running around looking to be a victim stop looking to be a friend. and believe muslims are trying to take over america the expressions carpers shari'a creep or islam creep and the answer is yes i mean again if you come to this country you come for everything it offers but to the there's kind of
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a reciprocation there and you come to. engrave yourself and immerse yourself in what america is and america isn't footpads but even los angeles county sheriff lee baca was skeptical of king's accusations of a lack of cooperation with law enforcement but i mean critical outreach to the community after nine eleven i was overwhelmed by the number of muslims who are ready and willing to connect with law enforcement muslim americans seeking accusations as efforts to divide their community and spread the kind of fear and mistrust in law enforcement and hearings were designed to combat the done institution. stoke further hatred i know monsieur that no longer go to their mosque because they're afraid they're going to be turned in by the f.b.i. and shift the burden to muslims themselves i don't understand why it has become my personal responsibility to police this community i'm an american and isn't it enough that i am law abiding productive position this is the first in
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a series of hearings in plans to hold on the radicalization of muslims in america but critics say that the accusations of not cooperating with law enforcement that have been levied not to see against muslim americans but against activists in peace movements as well are an effort to divide them and discredit them here in fort artsy washington d.c. . our one question a lot of people's minds what will these hearings lead to what will be the outcome short and long term while here in syria i'm joined by brian becker national coordinator of the answer coalition and in our los angeles studio tony katz host of the conversation with tony katz on p.j. t.v. dot com hey fellas you know a lot of strong words today one lawmaker even holding up our constitution saying you know this living breathing constitution was crying today some reiterating that these hearings will contribute to a wave of fear and distrust in america i want to get your take on what we saw today on capitol hill well peter king's hearings are bogus this is an attempt to whip up
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hatred against muslims it's become a cottage industry as one of your speakers in an earlier piece in the last week hundreds of people have died in afghanistan the united states dropped bombs on those villages many young children have been killed and yet there's no scrutiny of that as an act of terrorism if you want to talk about what's radicalizing people around the world it's the cycle of violence and that cycle of violence has been intensified with the war in iraq that took a million lives in a record to thousands of lives in afghanistan and right here in the united states innocent people who go to the mosque every week are being targeted by the f.b.i. who are being treated with agent provocateurs whose children are being entrapped in different schemes of phony conspiracies this is a cottage industry this is the first refuge of scoundrels of peter king is the mean scoundrel all right well you know i get your reaction to that. well first of all it's a pleasure to be here as always and it's good to know that mr becker hasn't starts
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on the wonderful fantasy that america's the great evil everybody else is the great good these hearings are about the radicalization of muslims as pacifically as as as i have read things muslim use there is a conversation to be had about what's happening in america and why is it that we would allow people like like al qaeda and other groups to come try and radicalize americans bring them back out of the country to do harm to the west and this isn't just about america although peter king is focused on america like he should be these are people these radicalized muslims who are doing the attacks in london in mumbai in bali in madrid you would have to you were quite literally have to be a member of an answer to not actually understand that this is happening but tell me i want to get in there really quick and just ask you and to sort of respond to sort of answer that i mean you talk about this these terror attacks in other countries one of the ones that have taken place in this country the ones are taking place as recently as the shooting jared loughner in arizona he was not
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a muslim what are people that are you know people that are opposed to these hearings that congressman king is holding are not saying don't investigate don't protect the homeland they're saying don't target a specific religious group. ah but that's not what's happening that's the great lie jared lee lochner who the left so desperately wanted to paint as a member of the tea party as a member of the right was nothing but but the fort hood killer his son and the times square bomber shahzad were both radicalized and both taught by i'll locky who was from last christmas new mexico who was radicalized and then moved offshore and helps people in the united states kill americans that's the conversation that hands this whole granting lunatic that is terribly lochner is a total lancing lunatic well we know you hear from a lot and we hear what i hear from ongoing hear from a lot of time i hear a lot of really lines of hate him somebody on the right or someone on the t.v. or we have or we hear from a lot of ranting lunatics and a great amount of it is bogus hysteria against muslims who are being targeted in
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their community it's all over the united states who are being rounded up as well you know and when. they blew up the federal building he was a member of the militia he was a waiter premises he had been an iraq war veteran from the first gulf war and who got rounded up it was not islam is it was arabs they were the the suspect that were coming up on the anniversary if you fell twenty nine story and you had rachel like tony lesser willing to take white supremacy as the violence the terrorism that's been brighter is going on and they had been perpetrated against people of color black people and against muslim people against their mosques for a long time and yet those people are sort of not part of the conversation this is because racism and religious profiling if you're going is if you're in a club and it's politically convenient for the ultra right tony real great i just want to respond to later saying you're saying that muslims are not being targeted here but the title of this hearing held right down the street from us was the radicalization of muslims defend your statement that mustache is not being targeted
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but might not or no you're making it sound like muslims are being rounded up on the streets which has not happened has never happened is a complete and so has not now that doesn't that is worthwhile for clients i wanted to rise of but there is i was a little while john brown nation here. there is a worthwhile conversation here there is a worthwhile conversation in the radicalization of muslims in america you know you brought up timothy mcveigh as if somehow that's the great equalizer god bless you in your desire for moral equivalence but it can't explain shazad and you can read it so i did i resign care and all the other around it i'll go girls now ways i brace on a religious tenets as opposed to mcveigh which was based on government hatred all right i did hear a guy there and sort of said this conversation a little bit congressman king ten thousand today you know he's not going to back down he said to back down would be a craven surrender to political correctness brand i want to talk about this notion that critics are simply you know being overly p.c. and that's why they don't want this to happen well well of course they're using all
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the code words the ultra right is using all the code words if a religious leader profiled people not because of something they've done because of how they look or what god they pray to or because of the color of their skin or from their ethnic identity if you protest against that if you say that that's discrimination if that's targeting if that's kind of a hysteria in jena phobic approach then you're accused of political correctness now these are the cold words of the ultra right right now in america there's a great danger that people face what is it danger they can't find jobs they're losing their homes there's high unemployment there's growing poverty peter king those are engaged in the politics of diversion like many of the other republicans let's look elsewhere for an enemy when the real threat that people have is something quite different and yet this becomes a convenient scapegoating as it has throughout history tony is this the politics of diversion here. i would say that unemployment is high and all of those issues are things that have to be addressed but i think we as americans can handle a couple of things at the same time this is his committee this is her is his
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purview he's certainly right to discuss the conversation this dream that somehow since we're all guilty cultureless and no one society is better than another society doesn't work and sarkozy proved it and cameron proved it angela merkel proved it we should at least be honest in having a conversation and what does the p.c. side say because they are p.c. they say if you have a hearing discussing radicalized muslims you'll incite radicalized muslims to kill you well right now anyway and how you know our station right now of setting up right now ignorant people who don't know the fans who don't understand what's really going on in their country are whipped up against muslims we see this all over the country there's a lot of violence going on against muslims is that a form of terror or is it a form of terror tony when when innocent muslims are targeted when their mosques are burned when the qur'an is burned shut in a form of terrorism first and where they go here where the big hairy ones by peter green of adult like that because that's what's really happening well tony let me ask you this you know one of the name concerns i no matter what side of the
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argument you're on is that this is going against the constitution that specifically targeting a group is going against the freedom of religion you know a lot of people a especially when you've already what freedoms have been abridged what if there isn't one of the reasons one of them was the reason why the radical jews or radical christians would what if there was a whole week of hearings you think there would be a big signing amount of freedoms tony and you know that this is why how do you group c. is being targeted because of their religion that's. i'm going to talk i have a.b.c. that puts together a television show called good christian pictures i think i can honestly say christians have been attacked i'm not in america and muslims are not being rounded up muslims are not being targeted that is the great lie told by great liars no actually actually actually having a conversation is not an i.o.i. you go around went out of course not to say i agents go in one prison and workers in synagogues trying to entrap young angry people who are against u.s.
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foreign policy to say something that they can hook them on a conspiracy that's happening in every on us here on the united states on first sation because you as a communist get exposed a lot by process not just in iran up it's communist the whole scary world is coming out let's talk about the implications i'm talking about you not to iraq i'm. proud social zirconium guess what it's not illegal in the united states i mean let me get in here and it's not illegal to have an alternative the station in the united states brian well i said it's illegal we disagree just calling things by their right name religious profiling and racial profiling is unconstitutional it's illegal it's discriminatory it's parent and it's the politics i want to talk about you're wrong like this hearing will lead to some of the impacts that this hearing could have not just what's coming out of it not just sort of the subject matter on the agenda but the implications long term brian what are your concerns i think what's going to happen is you're going to take a lot of people in the united states who get the message from the government from high elected officials it's ok to target people not for what they've done but for
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who they are what they believe in another words targeting arab americans and muslims who have already been subjected to great amounts of violence great amounts of persecution who have been rounded up contrary to tony's assertions and who right now are the biggest source of discrimination in the country so we have to recognize that when these kind of hearings take place they create a political climate a political atmosphere that allows more violence to take place against innocent muslim people and that's what's likely to happen all right tony. i'm hoping that what happens from this is that it's the muslim community a tremendous you know as peter king is said and some people in that in that clip you played earlier said living their lives doing their thing they're the ones who should want to aggressively and desire to root out the most radical elements that believe in the sharia the believe in the caliphate and believe in doing harm to the free and thinking world all around the world more or less nearly as one generation the conversation is a good rating and it's not something to be scared of like brian is you know you
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have to be able to engage in the reality colorado to lies islam and right a lot radicalized muslims are causing harm around the world lisa both of you for our show that we are all having the conversation and i do appreciate it brian becker national coordinator for the answer coalition and tony cats host of the conversation with tony katz m p j t v dot com thank you. well from the start on capitol hill to the standoff in wisconsin protesters stormed the state capitol there some even dragged down by police they are of course protesting that now passed proposal to take away much of the bargaining rights of state workers there are votes that first day has been the laid but we do expect it to happen any minute as the afternoon goes on and certainly the levels of anger and chaos that both sides of this debate are rising in studio in a just a few moments our labor journalist mike else but i want to go right now we do have someone inside the building his name is david vines he's
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a student at the university of wisconsin david i know that when i was reading there trying to get you guys out of that building what's going on there. today that if you pull slept over last night a few hundred and this morning before the assembly it was in session there were few hundred there are five hundred are still people in the. foyer area to the assembly and there were about thirty people. in the hallway leading up to get to the doors so the. somebody's been could not get in they had about eleven just before eleven o'clock local. removed by one side but according to chief took to the capitol she took out no arrests were made inside the building but we were just discords out of the room. and we're still many of us are still here in the capitol right now david i want to talk about kind of the emotion
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that's going on there certainly this was a surprise to a lot of people when this happened yesterday a big surprise move when it did pass what one of them feel like what are people saying what are people thinking. well yesterday was last night around five or so local time it just filled up very quickly it would carry loud it was very emotional because there are a lot of people outside that could get them and it was it was a little bit of everything was under control it still actually filing but it was a very tense situation this morning after they. were sitting in the assembly will pass out and just place that's in the middle of the capitol we have been here with a few hundred other people just in here chatting and just. and i want to bring into the conversation labor journalist mike alkies here in studio mike i know you have a lot of contact with people you've been talking to people throughout the day you
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just said we're expecting a four thirty vote what are you hearing the vote is expected three thirty central standard time since four thirty on the east coast it looks like the bill will pass in the most undemocratic of manners possible one of the people that you've been talking to telling you about what they're going to do next i spoke with the madison firefighters union police to conway who said people right now are for you know talking about a general strike but the next thing that's going to happen is the minority leader of the democratic minority in the wisconsin state assembly is going to file a lawsuit because of the procedure used to get the bill to the fluid out of quorum that feels there might be talk of a general strike at that point unions cannot formally endorse it but a lot of people are saying they're going to stay out of work so it's unclear what's going to happen next it is a very tense situation we're hearing also that those state senators have been spending the last couple weeks in illinois that they are on their way back i do want to play some video from earlier today this is the republican lawmaker pushing through the protesters take
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a look. was one of the. church you. know very. close. so this lawmaker says he wants to be able to vote this is america he says you know when at the same time those protesting inside they say they want bargaining rights because this is america so talk to me mike about these two stanch really different views of america well. but get something straight here governor walker never once mentioned eliminating quite a party when we campaign for governor he never once tweeted about it put it in a policy paper an e-mail said anything about it this was a massive study done by the st petersburg times project a little fact he never once mentioned it and he was elected governor in a state with the overwhelming majority of people are opposed to it and now he's broken the law he didn't give notice for this meeting he's working the law in order
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to ram through this bill which the state senate majority leader fitzgerald imminent yesterday was mainly an effort to bust unions and defund the democrats and we're going to talk about that pretty soon and david i want to go to you you know i've been calling for all day on this and i thought this tweet i thought was pretty interesting it says nothing says democracy like voting with no notice preventing a public from observing and locking the doors of the chap at all i what what do you think about that day going to reports i think that people have been urged to boycott companies that made large contributions to republican governor scott walker campaign have you been hearing talk about this. that there's been any violations ship first of all last weekend there was a judge john albert at the state said that the that that the capital hatch get back to the way it was on january. the normal working day but this much this past monday it has not been like that most of the doors have been closed because of it happened
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letting people in we thought that heavy security and yesterday the assembly was called the lights. there were quite a few notice unless it is an extreme or. else but this clearly was not into their clear which put out of this debate and they're not listening to what the voices of the people it was are they going to you know some disturbing pictures i think around today of people physically getting dragged out anything anything like that. there were some people. grabbing to get up by. and i walked out and did that's work but there were some people that chose to go live they did not they could trust the officers but the default they have to force the officers to drag them out they knew they were going to do that that has been happening. it's happened but not very often and mike you touched upon something i want to bring back into this conversation the notion that's starting to come up all over the
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what's happening with in wisconsin you know a huge deal for sure but that this is actually part of a bigger plan to tear down the state employees unions to make it much more difficult for president obama in two thousand and twelve to win the state of wisconsin what are you hearing jack you in the gym the democratic party's largest funder is organized labor by eliminating organized labor they're trying to eliminate the democratic party. i mean thing david real quick i asked you before i don't know if you were able to hear me i know it's loud where you are are you hearing talk about you know people starting to you know i've heard some of the firefighters are taking money out of the bank there they contributed to governor walker's campaign are you hearing any of this about people wanting to sort of hit them where it hurts where the money is to boycott these businesses you know to tout their so there has been much more talk about a general strike but these are basically just protesters i would say a source of general strike. to the child for the past twenty four hours and they
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had been over the last three weeks. i spoke earlier today with the with the chief of the firefighters union in madison who said they're also exploring options earlier today the firefighters union and the sheet metal workers union is it and i bank and i think it's the second largest contributor to scott walker's campaign unitholders proximately one billion dollars of investments in this bank and they're threatening to pull them out unless this bank denounces what scott walker's doing but the thing that's going to have an impact well if scott walker isn't willing to listen to voters is at least willing to listen to the people who pay for his campaign bankers all right labor journalist my calc and soon at the university of wisconsin david david vines joining us from inside the capitol there in madison wisconsin. well there is then continued chaos and violence in libya and more than ever the next chapter there remains uncertain and the discussion has now turned to what the u.s. government should do many politicians contemplating whether or not and how to get involved but as ours is honest answers we're going to now reports many are hoping
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that the u.s. will stay as far away from the events in libya as possible. civil war blurs the outline of libya's future while the u.s. weezer its arjun's on the role it should play in the chaos some war loving politicians have been pushing for stablish in the no fly zone this means bombing libyan air defense systems runways and shooting down libyan aircraft and aerial invasion something most americans don't realize and most libyans don't want people in the entire region remember what happened with the no fly zone in iraq hundreds of civilians were killed by the enforcement of that no fly zone that hasn't changed some high ranking officials have taken it so far as to joke about an attack on the african country but it is libya any of america's business and why not let the arab world bend for itself there's absolutely nor. possible justification for the united
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states or even the e.u. to get involved in libya there's just nothing in their charters or just there's nothing that would justify this it's in a civil war in a different country in which the details are very murky we could america be a hop skip and a jump away from another war the white house is now saying it will wait for the u.n. to lead the way in dealing with libya but with the habit of getting kneedeep into other nations affairs will america be able to resist the temptation this could be a rerun of iraq this is a real humanitarian. and very very dangerous there is nothing for the west to do despite. warning signs flashing some experts believe history is about to repeat itself iraq and afghanistan they warn sucked the u.s. much further into war then first anticipated the definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results well in the case of the united
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states it would be doing the same thing dozens and dozens of times of trying to get different results the united states hasn't won the war decisively since the end of world war two holding human rights and establishing democracy have often been pretenses for america's invasions officially these are also the meat concerns for libya but the underlying reality this is about oil and if the united states can go in militarily but claim to be going in only for humanitarian purposes purposes the american people will buy it some also see good part prosy in the calls for humanitarian intervention nobody really brought this up during rwanda but of course rwanda didn't have any oil with two other american wars being fought in the muslim world death tolls continue to rise oh it will not save libyan lives it will cost more lives apart from the human cost the u.s. is running up a huge warfare tab considering the fact that we have fifty four percent of federal
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tax dollars going into the fence and into the destruction of afghanistan and iraq and you have to really wonder how crazy this country is and how willing the american people are to foot the bill both the europeans and the americans are facing huge budget deficits military overstretch it's very it's going to be very hard to explain to people why they can't have their pensions and why did losing their jobs but there's enough money to throw into a military intervention in a country that is far away and is minding its own business and minding its own business is what many want the u.s. to do the whole world doesn't have the stomach for it anymore the u.s. seems to have chosen a wait and see approach hoping. the united nations will lead the way with the u.s. unsanctioned invasion of iraq still fresh in mind many fear its support within the international community is not sound the u.s. would act regardless if that's the truth about our new york. well that's going to
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do it for now but we have much more coming up in a half hour we're going to talk to robert naiman the policy director of just foreign policy about this story we just it's not a lot of questions about the u.s. involvement in libya we're also going to talk more about was constant and we're going to talk to our financial correspondent as it turns out one of the biggest hedge funds has just dropped all of us what's happening here i'm christine for sal and we will see you for. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. who can you trust no one. if you have you with a global reach where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. sleazy low and keep. the preaching that is what people are suggesting she's told
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