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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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hey guys welcome to sheldon tell the obama show part of our guests not to sound the topic now we want to hear. video respond to twitter respond to the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the wrong response is. ok it's time for tonight's tools on the war and it's connected to actor charlie sheen and a few of his fans see charlie has been on a two week media blitz across the u.s. after getting fired from his hit t.v. show two and a half net let's take a look back at some of his most outrageous comments that he's made on t.v. lately. part of the tenor of the much special part of generally i'm not but your total for can rock star from mars yeah. i am on
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a drug it's called charlie sheen. and it's not available because if you try it once you know your face will melt off of your child in a week will be your exploded body arbil not believing that if i do something that i have to follow certain because it was written and it was written from normal people people that aren't special people that don't have tiger blood and you know adonis d.n.a. is never grandiose like mother teresa and they're like what we expected so it doesn't fit into their model the model something going on where you're their model and so that's built by losers and i will be a part of it i mean by winning a winner when they're now what. winning. oh charlie bell about a week ago that they're going to twitter and in a matter of days he had nearly two point five million followers so charlie's decided that well he needs that in turn to help him with his growing social media empire so he posted an ad on internes dot com and it says that you'll have the
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opportunity to work closely with a. by helping to promote and develop the social media network of hollywood's most trendy celebrity but here's the best part of the ad it reads do you have tiger blood are you all about winning can you plan better than anyone else if so we want you on team sheen as our social media tiger blood enter that's pretty good stuff you have to admit those internship is paid and will run for eight weeks during the summer which admittedly isn't that bad of a deal but here's where the tool time part of the story comes it according to c.n.n. the charlie has received more than seventy thousand applications from people in one hundred eighty one different countries i mean really what is wrong with you people the man is obviously very far off his rocker he thinks the world is populated by trolls and war logs and you really want to work closely with him and be responsible for everything that comes out of that mouth i know times are hard but not that hard
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so that's why all of you who apply for the internship are tries full time workers. now earlier today in ohio an inmate was put to death by lethal injection johnny bassett was convicted of killing a toledo store owner and about thirteen minutes after being given a lethal injection injection bastien was pronounced dead but this was not just any illegal lethal injection he was the first prisoner in u.s. history to be given these surgical sedative pentobarbital as a standalone execution drug which is primarily used to put animals to sleep now high decided to switch to the animal drug for executions after the company that made the drug to state previously used sodium thiopental stop production oklahoma also use pentobarbital the animal drug and an execution last december but they used it in combination with other drugs that paralyze inmates and stop their hearts now states around the country have been doing supplies of sodium thiopental after manufacturers stopped production over objections their drugs are being used in
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executions and some states are trying to find the drug overseas but it only has banned the maker in their country from importing it to the u.s. if it is going to be used for capital punishment so in the case of ohio they've now stooped to using drugs normally meant for animals while hio is still using capital punishment another midwestern state is headed in the opposite direction illinois governor pat quinn on wednesday signed a bill banning the death penalty after two decades of debate about the risk of executing an innocent person illinois became the sixteenth state to ban executions now governor quinn a democrat said the decision to ban executions in his state was draining but he said if the system cannot be guaranteed one hundred percent error free then we shouldn't have this system at the governor's correct until the justice system is certain that a person is guilty how can we as a society execute someone without the fear of an innocent person being put to death
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let us alone it's a few potentially innocent people with drugs meant for. and last. last night republican lawmakers in wisconsin were able to parents legislation from the strip public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights how they do it with democratic senators still out of the states well they simply stripped the original bill of its fiscal measures and then pass it only the collective bargaining measure which didn't need a twenty member corps of the spite rules that would have required a twenty four hour warning about oh wait a minute here wasn't this supposed to be about the budget deficit the fiscal problems of wisconsin and not union busting without flying the governor scott walker has been trying to push all along but i think of this move makes very clear whether republicans motives really are last night protesters stormed wisconsin state capitol and continued on today until capitol police forcibly removed them from the building but the real question is what can they do next can union workers other protesters democratic lawmakers keep this momentum up all the way until two
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thousand and twelve or earlier i caught up with anika sparing of the young turks per se if he thinks that any way out there with the right mind can still possibly try to say that this was about the budget and not about crippling unions. i think the most uninformed people on the planet would be able to say that this is about the budget but anyone who's been following what's going on in wisconsin knows that the truth is if it was really about the budget the republicans would split the bill and get rid of bargaining rights the way that they have you know in the last couple hours it's ridiculous this is all about union busting this is all about getting rid of the electoral effectiveness of the unions and as a. constant senator fitzgerald actually told us yesterday it's not just about taking down the unions just in his state of wisconsin this is part of a much a larger republican plan for two thousand and twelve let's take a listen to what he said yesterday on making kelly's program. they flipped the
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state senate which is obviously obviously the goal with the recalls going on right now they can take control of the labor unions if we win this battle and the money is not there under the auspices of the unions certainly what you're going to find is president obama's going to have a much difficult a much more difficult time getting elected in winning the state it was parents are . now there he lays out the completely blatantly obvious victims who wish for politicians to set it straight what their intentions are the whole way. yeah absolutely i mean i would love for them to be honest and open and transparent from the beginning when annoys me about that interview with meghan kelley is the fact that he was so brazen about it after lying over and over again about how they're just trying to balance the budget was complete b.s. you know and the fact that they're trying to get rid of the unions so obama will
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not get reelected in two thousand and twelve that just shows you that they are against democracy and the thing that makes them so hypocritical is the fact that when obama got elected the republicans were saying oh my god he's a socialist he's going to violate our democracy he's going to get rid of democracy got to be careful what are the republicans doing right now out there doing anything they can to undermine our democracy so democrats basically won't have a voice corporate interests will have a voice that's what's egregious here but we have been seeing protesters of course it was constant for the past three weeks and seen protesters in other streets across the u.s. q some out there even said that governor scott walker is the best thing to happen to democrats and to democratic activists and for really long time perhaps since george w. bush really think about that. i would agree with that because i think what walker is doing right now is waking people up i think for a very long time the american people became too comfortable you know they became
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too involved in their own personal lives without realizing how destructive some politicians can be and i think that now they are noticing how destructive politicians can be because it's affecting their pensions it's affecting their health care it's basically affecting their personal lives and it's it's almost as if the republicans have zero zero zero in the beast and i love that i love that the democrats are fighting back i love that democratic representatives are calling for a recall of the republicans it's awesome and you know more power to them i want to give them all the support that i possibly can but how do you see this playing out is this going to be you know something big goes out in the long run a lot of democratic lawmakers are obviously hoping that this type of energy from the democratic base is going to last all the way until two thousand and twelve or is this just going to be you know a fleeting moment now wisconsin's voted on it and it's over everyone's going to go home and i don't know about it. no i think i think that this is going to be
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a lasting movement and the reason why i think that is because look there's an ongoing war against the middle class and working class in the united states and people are really really starting to feel it in their pocketbooks and as soon as american people have a lower standard of living they're going to fight back and republicans right now are doing whatever they can to make sure that top one percent in the u.s. gets their tax cuts and you know middle class working class americans pay the price for it you know i don't think that they're going to stop fighting i think we're going to continue fighting until two thousand and twelve and you know the thing you have to say about these protests who is that these are this we're not seeing riots across the streets of the united states the way that we're seeing in other countries around the world this is a peaceful protest but i love the way that fox news always tries to portray this we know that over the past couple weeks they've been trying to declare these people as union thugs one of their reporters claimed that he was punched and that ended up being a lie and then today on fox nation they had
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a great headline police in crisis mode as liberal mob storms the wisconsin capital i mean a real idea these people were so scary that you oh my god look fox news is comedy hour it's a propaganda machine and everything that comes out of their network is a complete lie ok they're complete b.s. and the only thing that makes me upset about that is that some people are fooled into believing that they're fair and balanced but their coverage of everything from the chips to the protests that are going on now in wisconsin are full of lies complete lies complete propaganda so don't buy into it people. i'm with you there i try to preach the same thing every single day at a thanks so much for joining us and i hope you're right i hope this does become a long lasting movement here in the u.s. . all right thanks. should we be getting worried virus some of the world's biggest investors jumping ship from u.s.
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stocks and bonds bill gross of pimco who runs the world's largest bond fund has dumped u.s. treasuries and billionaire hedge fund manager car i can is giving investors their money back and talking about the possibility of another market crisis so what do they know that we don't know joining me from our studio in new york is our chief correspondent financial correspondent lauren lyster who are in you know this is so funny because just the other day i was talking about bill gross and how he had said that june thirtieth of this year is going to be d.-day because that's when the q.e. two program runs out now we found out that he's just dumped all the government bonds is this something that we should be panicking about or is this really in his best interest. well either way it's definitely something of note like you said we were just talking about his monthly note last week and at that time many people thought that this could just be him posturing it could just be talk him talking his book him you know having a negative report but nobody really knew if there was anything to back that up so
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this report which reveals that pimco has in fact changed its holdings shows that bill gross is walking the walk which is a pretty big deal i mean people really listen to this investor this is the world's largest bond fund he has a great track record they have a great research team very influential investors so analysts i've spoken to today believe that treasuries will and back sell off now there are mixed feelings there is a lot of uncertainty in the market right now so no one really knows what's going to happen but i do think that this is where the occurrence i mean the fact that the growth came out saying this and because close holdings do in fact reflect this i mean at some point they've had twenty two percent of their holdings in government bonds and now they've brought that down to zero that has a real indication of where they think the god market the u.s. government bond market is going but we just found out about this today but it didn't actually happen today right just because the report came out to them to actually dump all these bonds back in january or february and so the statement that
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he made in march was also after the fact. well there's been a little bit of a steady decline and then in february they brought those holdings down to zero in government bonds so they kind of coincided i mean it's not exactly clear pimco doesn't comment on a change in their holdings this came this report came from basically an anonymous web say zero hedge which you don't know exactly who the author is they write under pseudonyms so. basically we don't know those exact details but but last month is when these holdings were brought down to zero after a steady decline and not you know coincides pretty closely with him making those comments so it's not exactly clear and this was an exclusive this is before this information has been released to the public this change in holdings like i said it came via this website this blog essential well let's say panic ensues now that other people start following suit after bill gross of pimco and everybody starts
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dropping these government bonds and what's the worst that can happen. the worst can happen is that bond prices can really take a beating and in this market that has been seen as safe a safe investment that many people have flocked to because the federal government was propping it up because the federal reserve was pumping money into it and providing a constant demand for treasuries buying them up there without that bond prices could really be affected i mean if prices go down that means interest rates go up they automatically are related if interest rates go up for the average person that means that their debt becomes more expensive on their house on their credit card that impacts everybody has a broad impact at the same token people's investments would be hurt i mean people that have been investing in bonds because it was safe that were worried about stocks because of the uncertainty in the economy over the last few years could take a beating so there is a lot of uncertainty but there could be a lot of damage and you know the other thing that is also one of the impacts of quantitative easing it's been believed is that this has boosted stock prices
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because of all of the cash that the federal reserve has infused banks with when they buy their government bonds from the banks that that's caused investors to go out and buy pains and to invest in the stock market and has actually propped up riskier assets so those could come down without wanted to easing so these are kind of all the different areas that could be impacted by both the bond market taking a beating with quantitative easing ending and also the impact it had on stocks now let's switch to karl i can hear this is also you know a hedge fund billionaire and he's actually giving investors their money back and he's warning that there might be another stock market crash can you tell us more about. well he had knowledge that there may be another market crisis according to the reports and he gave money back due to the uncertainty i mean stock prices have rebounded to nearly double their peaks and this comes after reaching their nearest low in a decade back in march of two thousand and nine so
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a lot of people lot of analysts i've spoken to today say that many believe that the stock market equities are due for a correction which is a fancy way of saying they believe prices need to come down and in general there's just a lot of uncertainty with what's going on in the middle east with i mean for example moody's today downgraded spain so there's renewed concerns about europe sovereign debt crisis you have oil prices which are a wildcard easing which is a big wildcard you have someone like bill gross selling off u.s. treasuries saying that quantitative easing is going to and it's going to be a disaster for gaunts and that also fuels concerns that there is really not going to be a third quantitative easing and so in the worst case scenario you have bloggers on zero hedge for example saying it's time to panic so there's a really broad broad certainty and so i think that is we don't know exactly what is behind this billionaire hedge fund investors reasons but that he points to a possible market crisis and and the kind of a lot of this uncertainty that we're hearing about well it definitely sounds bad if
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he doesn't even want to manage people's money anymore and doesn't have to throw it all back and not take responsibility learning thanks so much. just ahead on the night shell just days after closing its deal with the huffington post a.o.l. confirmed that it's going to lay off employees of staff first so tonight we'll speak to a writer that striking against the huffington post or there at the lead. by john berman here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the
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ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. the top ten stories you'll never find on mainstream news. some of these so we listen to. posting more on aren't just touched. for flimsy low and he has told them rachel about these women nothing people are suggesting she's a looker you know she says she's a star. fleet . love.
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when a well bought the huffington post for three hundred fifteen million dollars last month we asked if that would mean that paid employees of a.o.l. would be cut since the huffington post has an army of contributors who don't receive a dime and it looks like to some extent that prophecy is now coming true today oh well announce that nine hundred people worldwide have become from the company seven hundred of those in a.o.l. indian operations which i'm assuming we can't really blame on huffington post but two hundred are being cut from the us media operation so you could say that well
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that's just business of arianna huffington a woman who writes about the abandonment of the middle class in america is of more than just a little wrong the writers are now going on strike against the huffington post joining me from our studio in los angeles is bill last wrote the publisher and coeditor of visual art source bill thanks so much for joining us now if you could walk us through this story as to how you went from being ok with the huffington post unwilling to you know post material there without getting any profit from it to now wanting to strike against huntington post you know how did that happen was it the a.o.l. deal that really sealed it. in part last year when we were invited along with our writers my partner and i peter feller told our writers and they indicated a willingness to repose star content that we publish and pay them for each week on the huffington post in exchange for the exposure that they would receive and after
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the sale to a a well some of our writers got in touch with us and expressed their dissatisfaction with that we took a closer look and in light of the position that miss huffington occupies as a spokesman for progressive causes you cited her current book which i've read myself and i'm favorably impressed with in terms of the sentiments of voices we felt that it was inconsistent with the standards that we represent and that we feel that she represents in what she's doing as against her own best interest as well as the interest of we are writers so how do you see if she just being a hypocrite we're hoping that nobody will know what is or has publicly sold out there in corporate. i can't speak for her but it's hypocritical and we need serious progressive voices in this country we publish an independent art website visual arts source along with our local digest art scene and art ltd the covers the
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western states visual arts and our feeling is that we have to occupy a position of advocating standards and living by them and when we see people in public positions such as hers occupy that position and not live up to the standards implicit in that position we find that very troubling we need forces that walk the walk as well as talk the talk i'm wondering how your strike is going through other people you know signing up with me when this woman has nine thousand unpaid writers at her disposal that are willing to contribute to the huffington post all just to get some exposure it's one of the most popular website in the united states. that's right and we'd like that to be a popular web site that espouses the kind of standards and principles that we believe in and that our writers want to contribute to but there has to be an
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appropriate consistency that makes it work on both the level of what it represents and what it is but is it i don't know is it unethical therefore nothing illegal about which i'm very applicable to write about you know the middle class and that i have nine thousand people that are that are receiving anything for all their work. well it's unethical to build your business model from unpaid labor we feel that they need to take a look at their payroll structure and revamp it and reconsider it from the ground up it's really an ethical to publish serious editorial content by professionals and publish it alongside where there's no distinction whatsoever from press releases so there are very important issues beyond the sale the sale provides an opportunity for miss huffington and her and her collaborators and a a well to do the right thing now bill lately we've seen
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a lot of mergers haven't posted a.o.l. are the only ones they see in the daily beast and newsweek do the same thing and you know compare that to the way that the huffington post started with just a few people with a one million dollar investment do you think that we'll still see new alternatives new huffington post popping up or is everything just becoming you know too much together in the hands of too few people these days. i'm a small independent art publisher i have no expertise in that area so i couldn't give you an informed answer but every when you look at the big media landscape and especially on the internet when it comes to blogs you know what's appealing me. there's a real problem i think that professional writers journalists have in this country the media overall really has had a dumbing down as so many commentators have indicated and what we were guarding our interest to be is to carry on as high level of public conversation about visual
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arts and we think that should apply in all other areas as well we're not operating at the level that we once did in this country and that is troubling you are going to thank you very much for joining us i will see you know if anyone else here does join or strike again for having opposed as well thanks. now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day a new survey by men's health magazine so the washington d.c. is the number one most socially networked city in the u.s. so tonight we want to tweet to d.c. residents put down the phone and go outside human interaction is good for you i promise to night's show thanks for tuning in to make me come back tomorrow will have called people hand and the president of the former majority association for you quality on the show with georgetown university professor christopher chambers and will debate whether or not whites are being discriminated against in america in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a little show on facebook out of all this on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch all the cute we've got called
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stealing the show where we post interviews as well as the show its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. rachel martin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. wealthy british style.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser reports on our cheap.


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