tv [untitled] March 11, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST
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years of self-sacrifice and heroism of those who understand it fully you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. to nine hundred forty five dollars r.t. dot com. the office forces retake key areas from the rebels but locals more that media exaggeration is stoking foreign intervention elevator moves at street closer to the libyan floors refusing to rule out military action with russia for refuses to support. the country's massive all over serbs are caught in the crossfire with exports dropping to critical levels but analysts say the world doesn't care who owns the fuel just keep pumping. and killing an ambulance rushing doctors theory a traffic jam few jumpers are using dodgy emergency crews to speed through moscow.
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coming to you live from our studios here in moscow you're watching r t thanks for joining us but we start with developments in libya where colonel gadhafi forces are pushing rebels out of more cities the embattled leader has already reclaimed the western city of zawiya and one of his sons warns that government troops are heading to the opposition stronghold of benghazi hundreds of rebels left the oil port of rustler move after report of the talks with rockets and tank shells well the international red cross describes libya as now being in the midst of a civil war ministers from the gulf cooperation council which represents six arab states has called the libyan regime illegitimate move in the country itself locals are more concerned with how the events in their country are being portrayed as
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archie's calls to your husband finding out their worry the global media's tendency to draw about reality is encouraging a foreign intervention. size of the fog. that sucks your toes really not is the lowest rate of the as a currency just as the country of the arctic is the biggest so far it. seems to bring in just a hundred there are several hundred people killed but that's not a huge level of violence it certainly isn't a global level of violence that would normally merit intervention. if the camera leads stayed well away from any of the opposition but it's a live picture of an opposition strongholds but i'm british. officer. because.
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that's a question if there's. nothing there the media. is going to go what this is and. this is. what they believe and. want to be made when. it is. not such a. thing when i look there's always people in the town. right. now. and. it's. this. this morning. there are events unfolding right now in ivory coast where there is also
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a conflict in on the conflict between rebels and the government but nobody seems to be thinking about it it's only because fashionable attention is focused on libya. the oil you think we'd be in iraq if. there was broccoli. trust feat that it's costly it's just it's. chance. the second round of emergency talks gets underway in brussels on friday european leaders are expected to demand colonel gadhafi his resignation it follows france's official recognition of libya's opposition and the anger too should have to ample good after rebel and voiced in paris parties during a bushel is following developments between. brussels. and says that nato is ready to act finally is the most explicit comments so far from nato that it is ready to send troops into libya but if it does it's backed into
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a corner because of course he keeps making over more excuses as i say commitments to send troops into libya at the same time there's a growing international burn a clash of which the head of nato has been forced to recognize the secretary general says that he understands the concerns here did that there must be proof and didn't commitment from the rebels that they will see this nato troops backing them because of course the fear of the rebels is that once nato comes in the libyan population will turn against them let's listen to what reza aslan had to say exactly he has been he cited to increase their presence of. nature maritime assets in the central mediterranean these ships will improve nato she too ational awareness our message today is.
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nato is united nato is vigilant nato is ready to act or there was a meeting between president sarkozy's office of france and the libyan rebel national council of the wish it was decided to announce that france recognizes the rebels as the legitimate power in that country they will exchange ambassadors france will send an ambassador to blame causey and vice versa there will be diplomats in frogs as the official representative of their country the french foreign minister eligible urged european partners to follow suit and engage with the new libyan leaders and the trouble is this opposition doesn't have much control it says there's certain pockets of the country in the east there's also dubious question marks over its formation mirror former ministers of justice the minister of bin syria from their feet regime in this party along with several rebels rebels who dissidents also who spent years in prison it's not sure why france has
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done this france this is not traditionally the closest ally of libya of course libya was a former holy of italy and there are question marks now being raised by the international community water of france's motives of course one of them is the fear that military intervention has been planned and will follow suit russia's envoy to nato told me that he male fears the worst. and right now there's a real danger me silence can be used against libyan air bases to deprive gadhafi his advantage as the legal head of state also there are attempts to generalize the rebels to make it seem to be outside of the power has passed from gadhafi to the rebels who have been repeated calls from the international community to leave libya lowden and let the two sides sort out the dispute between themselves this fears that this will disturb a hornet's nest by foreign military intervention even the rebels themselves they will. prefer the. sections not to get involved and yet as we heard from
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russia's representative today to their increasing fears that western powers are gearing up for military intervention in the country i was artie's down or bustle reporting on the nato e.u. meeting in brussels. european politics writer deanna johnstone says the allies are taking their time deciding what action to take in order to have more evidence to justify future military intervention. i fear that what we're seeing here is simply to play for time in order to build up the propaganda. a little bit heavier to justify military intervention and i think that i fear that what they're waiting for is a little bit more bloodshed. especially if civilians can be claimed to
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be killed or shown to be killed by of course michael duffy i mean if the other side kills them then there won't be usual good. casualties so that they can say we have to do something to stop gadhafi from killing his own people that's the slogan and there isn't enough evidence yet that that is exactly what is happening so i think they're simply waiting and provoking provoking that bloodshed that will give them the excuse to act. international studies expert says a pro war advocates in washington are pushing a military agenda in their. in libya unlike egypt and in other parts of the arab world you do see a regional civil war between the eastern quad and the western but that is how the struggle has been going for the last twenty years and indeed it is now intensified militarily so it makes perfect sense to me that this is going to be a stand out resolution has again been taken by get out these troops i of course
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don't even believe that the people in the east should propose to move their forces to what the west this is a conflict which is here to military stalemate to join that conflict is murderous because there's no clear political outcome it's a very good thing the united states is not willing to join the conflict but yet there are new york conservatives in the united states such as joseph lieberman so it's curious that some people are habits that they just can't bring. on the just over two hours from now peter lavelle's cross-talk guest take on america's plan for the arab world as it unfolds and hear some of what's to come. for the last forty years america had a national interest of having to caters in the arab world and now that is coming to an end so i kind of go back to my question though i mean america has never been really prepared for any democratic arab world because they never thought about it are never really want to destroy it i mean if and i don't think that's correct if you go back to the bush doctrine i mean he specifically we've heard
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a lot of talk in the past invasions of countries illegally go ahead you know exactly i meant called in for it we didn't really talk about it any more money is or what it is are you sure no no no this doctrine we're going to follow the. lead of the irish doctrine was specifically aimed at trying to promote democracy is still the bush drudgery even though he was very strange is more so ok the dollar go right ahead well iraq going where you're asking for that and what do you think a no fly zone is if using force. to keep. the. well as the fighting in libya picks up pace the country's ravaged oil industry is what's in the firing line both sides are striving for a total control of production but without damaging it arab hardly to get their way out of what the reports importers might not care who supplies to oil so long as it
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keeps pumping. an oasis of stability in the scorchingly been desert the country's all industry that's prior to the uprising was churning out around two percent of the global oil output has also fallen victim to the unrest to prove is the last major all facility in a levy still maintaining its regular federations and sending all she rolled markets just last week two tankers departed from base all terminal one carrying and million barrels of oil that was bound for china and another one with six hundred thousand barrels and board is now on its way to italy but give it deep in the east to reports of one of the first cities taken over by the rebels being far from the front lines spared this facility much of the damage that has befallen similar plans in the west and allowed it to operate pretty much as normal the only visible change is the rebels tricolor that replace the greenlee b. and flag the guard corps plans management knowledge of course to the opposition
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leaders and ghazi we are working no. i have proposed to agree we see. what we what we would do tomorrow because. we could not work we would what we hardly know maybe would somebody would bomb but if i married with libyan bank still paralyzed or wires have to clean cash with it precedes going directly to the opposition the client also ships part of its output to other cities controlled by the rebels meanwhile elsewhere in libya oil facilities remain a danger zone. the good af east side and rebels have stepped up they will not seek to destroy oil infrastructure long term damage is already apparent. on wednesday eric winery in ras lanuf a focal point for us and clashes was set ablaze it two sides blamed each other for the incident. and where whether it. would have.
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crucial to export that would be. valid you could be looking at a couple of near steel prices continue to rise across the rolled the libyan government is undertaking yet another attempt to pacify railing crowds i believe incomes patrol is now twenty five percent cheaper and over. to preserve the fuel price of fuel to fifteen simply be a sense before seventeen of of what is going to simply consent to be to be former evolution. to lead to today's human was never particularly expansive and leave iraq with experts accounting for more than eighty percent of the country's normal oil output the gaffing government could afford to lavish subsidies the deforming the mainly western companies pumping money in have long had on the stability of the
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libyan regime and now stand to lose out libya. between one point six one point seven billion barrels of oil a day most of it goes to europe these are processed in two big refineries were broken one in russia but as we know these two cities are under siege at least one million barrels of oil a day out of the market starting this week so that's why the u.s. in your question libyan oil is low in sulfur and she makes it highly valued in the west because the fuel produced from it pollutes less and as these live events we don't know that for decades kept western companies on sweet terms we began after regime environmentally conscious politically nonchalant some avoid r t two broke libya. later this hour the hardship in hebron we chart the struggle of thousands of indigenous palestinians who face melting abuse to force them to
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abandon their homeland. we hear it because our country outs that. god trying to stem the spilling belongs to. will if they are still going to be thinking that. goal chosen people would want believe that god is real state look at the stands for you guys and this guy is as. the one our viewers are. recent might not then. not.
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well the first u.s. government hearing into the radicalization of american muslims has been held in washington they're being led by homeland security chairman peter king says the issue that threatens the country the hearing of richard testimony from two men whose young relatives had been recruited to conduct terrorism but the questioning sparked wide protests with critics saying they're targeting religion and not extremists right back or from the answer coalition believes that their moves are stirring up hatred instead of dealing with the core issue of radicalization. and peter king's hearings are bogus this is an attempt to whip up hatred against muslims it's become a cottage industry in the last week hundreds of people have died in afghanistan united states and those villages many young children have been killed and yet there's no scrutiny of that as an act of terrorism if you want to talk about what's radicalizing people around the world it's the cycle of violence and that cycle of violence has been intensified with the war in iraq that took a million lives in
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a record took thousands of lives in afghanistan and right here in the united states innocent people who go to the mosque every week are being targeted by the f.b.i. who are being treated with agent provocateurs whose children are being entrapped in different schemes and phony conspiracies this is a cottage industry this is the first refuge of scoundrels and peter king is the mean scoundrel. a large t. dot com has news and analysis available for you on demand let's take a quick look at what's there right now in some spots for central russia a look at how barcelona arkansas its plan to transform a city of the girls with a major make over. and over claims british director behind some of the movies of biggest costume dramas turns his talents to whole story bringing some oscar winning influence to a new version of i doubt that any of them. schools
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are torn daily gridlock is the bane of millions of people's lives and it's leading to some inventive but unfair ways of getting from a to b. for the right price traffic q using other alliances i discovered you know investigates. imagine this was your regular monday morning and choose day and wednesday and every other every week for at least fourteen hours a day. moscow traffic is infamous with only the government and emergency vehicles having a small advantage and some so-called medics in the true spirit of capitalism decided to cash in on. here when i heard about this rumor i wanted to check it out for myself and it was scary really simple to prove here i'll show you i'm going to call
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a private medical center and ask to send an ambulance taxing of their. height and weight order a car. to what purpose. or your car to drive which a second relocation to the parliament house actually. yes no problem you know the prices could be about thirty minutes. or let's see i don't ask any questions i mean it's obvious that i'm not sicker and if i'm going to the state duma but it doesn't matter to them consent you agree to wait for his taxi with us so we could at least get a shot of the emergency vehicle pulling up every single member of our crew was certain that the moment a driver sore camera he would floor the gas pedal and be gone instead he pulled over and watched this climb aboard equipment and. interest and we know if our equipment made up the technical load of the ambulance it only remotely nicol item
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on board was the structure so here we are in an ambulance making our way speedily see the presence of our camera crew to absolutely nothing to face the people that offered this or some kind of service only they care about is that you get them want to be wiped out also or just under two hundred american dollars you can keep your t.v. journey anywhere within the city limits. cutting through traffic our crew quickly arrived at the state duma where the driver kindly gave us a receipt. but while some may think nothing of such a service there are people whose lives and jobs are greatly affected by it the real medics whatever and for the corner i've never had a case like that in my experience i'm going to that have to stop if someone tries to flag one down and go somewhere with super there's an accident of course where if someone needs medical assistance but give someone a lift never. to. proceed emergency medical technicians
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such an act is impossible many levels from ethical to technical every single ambulance here is tracked with a navigation system and doctors report to dispatchers with any change in status from the moment they receive a call out and a large sheet there monitored. is which you know we track after the route around and stake we can correct the route or even sound and tell you different location altogether all those movements are recorded when i when they are all kind of diagnosed as they made on scene and which hospital patients in these doctors have faith in their oath and in their job and they're not happy about some private company giving them a bad name. for these people they're not doctors any real health care professional has been trained to have values and these so-called medics are nothing but businessmen and shady ones of that pronounce already as are looking into the matter
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fake medics are taxing around people who are willing to pay and the real paramedics just get on with their real jobs casuarinas r r t moscow. around the world to update you on this hour's other main news a strong earthquake. or a somali warning. of waves of up to six meters are expected along a part of the plan eastern coast close to the epicenter of there are warnings for people to move to higher ground. for the seven point nine on. richter scale and caused buildings in tokyo sway and people to flee buildings. police in saudi arabia have opened fire in anti-government protesters three people have been injured and it happens in the eastern city of kut to when a more than one hundred shiite muslims gathered to call for the release of political prisoners and morsi and government leaders have been talking prevention
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efforts to stop the wave of unrest that's sweeping through the arab world from reaching the world's biggest oil exporter. a law that strips american public sector workers of union rights has been passed in wisconsin and that's despite public protests republican governor scott walker said it's necessary to help balance the budget deficit but it takes away employees' ability to fight for better pay and conditions senate republicans to say special maneuver to push through the bill despite on the private moves to do real the vote traveling to a different state. a relative of the afghan president hamid karzai has been killed by nato forces the man who's thought to have been his cousin was shot dead in an overnight raid by coalition troops at his home in southern afghanistan nato says it is investigating a few days ago karzai chastised u.s. led forces for accidentally killing nine boys in the eastern province later
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this hour our special report on the hardship in hebron but first a look at the business news with kareena. so welcome to business news here in r t thanks for joining me is iraq has increased its stake in nora's to kill the world's largest nickel mine and from twenty five percent to thirty percent it means the investment company owned by a russian billionaire have lots of cotton in is the metal giant's largest shareholder but it's a newspaper reports that interoffice plans to nominate more candidates for the north board at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on friday in talks to
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reelect the current nor is board was initiated by another core shareholder rules out which is controlled by billionaire i like the pasta the two companies have engaged in a long lasting conflict over control of noticed mikhail as the door of board is dominated by rival if you also officials after its nominated chairman lost his position increased its own presence. russia's gastronomy germany's which is whole have agreed to jointly develop gas fields in the north sea it would be the russian it would be russia's giants first efforts in the region the deal will help gazprom increase its presence in the european supply market but analysts say it's a long term prospect with development to start no earlier than five years from now gas from the new unit of chemicals from group b. s. that's already cooperated on several projects including exploration in the u.k. and russia siberia. and what is that if you joined a local has reported twenty nine percent job it annual profit held by rising oil
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prices the company's net profit rose to nine point one billion dollars sales increased by twenty nine percent to one hundred five billion dollars who called boosted their production of oil and gas that's available for sale by launch point two percent last year the world major says higher efficiency and cost controls allowed it to generate a strong free cash flow and high net income. and it's not a look at the markets asian stocks are trading in the red this friday signs of growing political instability in the middle east north africa are fueling fears of a spike in oil prices that could undermine global economic growth i think is down over one hundred percent and hank sank is shedding point eight percent. and in russia thursday's markets saw one of the biggest one day for also father's year both the r.t.s. and isaacs declined around three percent weighed down by negative economic data from the u.s. those days or priced at concerns over the rest of it concerns over the unrest in the middle east and north africa make energy stocks still attractive analysts
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advise investors to stick to their guns to all pause to support from one political point point of view. anything that has to do with oil gas and metals used to or ok and. russia markets. were issues and my father north among blacks. your post spoke to of russia pitching sort of a contagion for what we are seeing. so far no good journey less than one zero with more here on r.t. .
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