tv [untitled] March 11, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST
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the plan is being struck by in a major tsunami following its huge earthquake thousands are fleeing to acquire ground with ten meter waves expected there are still several tablets on the entire pacific region is on a tsunami alert. and we're looking at asian markets where japanese shares fall sharply on the earthquake began and also law ground which in its lowest level in two weeks against the dollar following a tsunami warning all that and more in our business program. news colonel gadhafi forces retake key areas from the rebels but locals warning the media exaggeration
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is stoking foreign intervention nato is moving its fleet closer to libya shores and want to rule out military action which russia refuses to support. a lot from our studios in moscow you're watching are to you thanks for joining us well first our breaking news this hour a large tsunami is sweeping through northeastern japan well that is a following an earthquake thought to have been eight point nine on the richter scale the first wave has also reached russia's karylle islands to the north you're looking at pictures now from japan's northeast of the area being struck by a tsunami right now you can see the devastation from those pictures well one metre high waves have been reported in russia's territory that also has a somali. alert eleven thousand people are being evacuated from the area well in
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a northern japan a waltzer is surging in a said i some three hundred fifty kilometers north of tokyo as you can see on your screens well there is considerable damage and many casualties although the numbers cannot be confirmed at the moment because of bad communications which has been badly affected by the earthquake now several people are missing and a lower floor so all of buildings on one shoe island are being flooded and cars overturned again and you are looking at live pictures of japan's northeast which is currently being hit by a tsunami after an eight point nine earthquake struck off the coast of the north east of the country. we also know that the country's international airport is closed at the moment there are also oil refineries and all refinery in the chiba prefecture has been billowing smoke see the damage to the
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ships and the cars a bridge was reportedly collapsed in the area as well again the officials are still assessing the damage caused by both the earthquake and the tsunami that is currently underway in the northeast of japan. but there is also been the pictures that you are seeing right now is actually an oil refinery in achiever prefecture which has been a blaze and here you can see buildings people struggling during the earthquake itself eight point nine on the richter scale tsunami alert in the region russia also has a tsunami alert on the islands now to other news european leaders who will hold a second round of emergency meeting later on friday and this is to discuss the libyan crisis that is currently ongoing they're expected to demand be
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a resignation of colonel gadhafi has ruled the country for forty two years while it follows francis official recognition of libya's opposition as well as the invitation of two anti gadhafi rebel envoys to paris artie's done a bushel is following developments between the e.u. and nato in brussels. france has officially recognized becoming the first major power to recognize libya's rebels as the legitimate rulers germany has distanced since itself from those views but there is a general falling in line with seeing here all of the major powers behind a common front italy which had been one of the most desirous of more diplomatic talks before any military action was taken of course it's suffering from the thousands of refugees fleeing libya just across the coast of the mediterranean and it will of course suffer more if war unleashes an even worse humanitarian crisis malta is refusing to back libya's government government and britain is calling for
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colonel gadhafi to stand down of course that comes in the wake of a b.b.c. team reportedly being detained and beaten by members of his regime and now we're seeing a difference of opinion here but most states now are falling in line in that they're pretty neutral pretty neutral but as we've seen in the past for example in iraq when the u.s. and the u.k. which are leading this action as well want to do something pretty that's pretty much not much we can do to stop them listening to the head of nato who says that their forces are on standby it has been decided to increase their presence of. nato maritime assets in the central mediterranean these ships will improve nature oshie to ation of awareness our message today is. nature is united nature.
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nature is ready to act it's a loose presence is because any decision that is supported by the un the e.u. and nato and that is the position of the states here today also the arab league being an organization that people want the backing off because the worst thing they want is for your opinion to go against any foreign military intervention of course you've got france calling for immediate strikes on colonel gadhafi held areas so the situation is moving ahead. well let me just update you want the devastation in northeastern japan right now again an eight point nine magnitude earthquake has sent a large tsunami waves surging in lens you can see live pictures on your screens of the affected area now the epicenter of pause located about one hundred thirty kilometers of japan's pacific coast now there are also reports that the first wave
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has reached russia's karylle i went to the north of the waves reportedly around and meter high there is currently a tsunami warning issued for both russia and japan and right now again you see devastated areas of the country affected by both the eight point nine quake as well as the tsunami that is currently. in northern japan because buildings are ships are being swept away and right now it's not known how many casualties there are the country's prime minister in a little car has convened an emergency response team to work tackle the effects of the year to sastre he's also given a speech to calm the citizens of the country the international airport as well has been closed following the disaster and fourteen industrial facilities are in far you are currently looking at one or refinery in the chiba prefecture. well turning to other developing stories now to libya where colonel gadhafi forces
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are pushing rebels out of more cities of the embattled leader has already reclaimed the western city of zawiya and one of his sons warns that government troops are heading to the opposition stronghold of benghazi hundreds of rebels left the oil port of rust after reported attacks with walkouts and tank shells the international red cross describes libya as now being in the midst of a civil war and ministers from the gulf cooperation council which represents six arab states have called the libyan regime illegitimate and within the country itself locals are more concerned with how the events in their country are being portrayed as archie's polls the euro has been finding out they're worried that global media's tendency to put drama above reality is encouraging foreign intervention. isn't heckling on the international stage of the minutes and a no fly zone and the bargaining taking place in downtown tripoli market shops here closed really not days people are afraid and many of the africans used to work here
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afflict the country and the argument that libya is on the brink of civil war so foreign intervention is needed seems to ring a little hollow there. a global level of. intervention gadhafi has offered assistance foreign media but only if they can relate stay well away from any of the opposition but it's sort of a connection in opposition strongholds dr robert i'm british he was forced close the been causing officer. it was a question of some rebels you have to question the evolution of it or nothing. and. the. problem is and then given that. they think it would be beneath and maybe get a few supporters fear that while he made winning the war with the rebels he's the
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inspiration here in chance or else i took the risk to call buddhists muzzled educate angry that this means which people in the town is normal or strong you get . the rights from. normal normal life and light source it's calm on the streets. we did. this. based on an interest. there are events unfolding right now in ivory coast where there is also conflict an armed conflict between rebels and the government but nobody seems to be thinking about it's only because fashionable attention is focused on libya the only reason urges to do with libya is brother your oil you think we'd be in iraq if the major export there was broccoli just. finished the trucks hundreds of.
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trance. and now going back to our breaking news this hour two hundred people are reportedly injured but there's several reported missing on japan sendai island just to remind you a large tsunami is sweeping through northeastern japan and this is following an earthquake thought to have been eight point nine on the richter scale so looking at your screens now are pictures from the devastated area of the climb trees northeast and it's not just japan of the first wave has reached russia's karylle islands to the north there tsunami warnings in both countries and in russia's school reliance the razor report of the about a metre high now in japan eleven thousand people are being evacuated from the area . and northern japan the water is surging in learned some three hundred fifty kilometers north of tokyo well we can see from the pictures of there is considerable damage and many casualties although officials say it is difficult to
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confirm the numbers at this point because of the devastation and because communication and lives have been a badly affected during the earthquake because if this is these are pictures from the actual quake when it was happening. the lower floors of buildings on whole issue island reportedly being flooded there are cars overturned and it's also being reported that the government is sending troops to the cover the quake hit area and right now you are looking at live pictures of an oil refinery that's in each a hard chiba prefecture in japan but according to the prime minister there have been no damage to nuclear power plants in a quake in area that is according to the author klein who had been speaking to people but right now you're looking at one of the oil refineries a blaze there is reportedly fourteen industrial complexes ablaze in japan because of the earthquake again eight point nine on the richter scale and currently
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a tsunami hitting the northeast of the coast. now the tsunami warning just giving you an update there apparently there are reports that there are about fifty three countries now with a tsunami warning. there are also reports that the country's international airport is closed again as the official reports coming out of japan be cannot yet put a number on the casualties as well as the damage to infrastructure but we are seeing the events unfold the pictures coming in of what's currently happening there complexes are glazed right now an oil refinery there are fourteen industrial complexes of ways and still they are having difficulty reaching quake hit areas although the government has said they will be sending troops to aid the people who are currently stuck in those areas. well moving on to another developing story in there via the effects of your
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political turmoil there will be a fighting is picking up pace leaving the country's ravaged oil industry in the firing line and both sides are striving for total control of production but without damaging any repairable to get their way well as artie's exxon a board to reports importers might not care who supplies the oil so long as it keeps pumping. an oasis of stability in the scorching leavin desert the country's all industry that's prior to the uprising was churning out around two percent of the global oil output has also fallen victim to the unrest to group is the last major all facility in a levy is still maintaining its regular thracians and sending all to the world markets just last week two tankers departed from this all terminal one carrying a million barrels of oil that was bound for china and another one with fixed hundred thousand barrels and board is now on its way to internally to keep it deep
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in the east to group was one of the first cities taken over by the rebels being far from the front lines fareed this facility much of the damage that has befall in similar plans in the west and allowed it to operate pretty much as normal the only visible change is the rebels tried color that replaced the greenlee b. and flag of the guard corps the transmission of knowledge of course to the opposition leaders in the guardian we are working no but i have proposed the we see . what we what we would build a model because. we could not what we would what we hardly know modi would somebody would bomb but he finally with leading banks feel paralyzed all buyers have to pay cash but the proceeds going directly to the opposition the plant also ships part of its output to other cities controlled by the rebels meanwhile elsewhere in libya oil facilities remain a danger zone although the good afi side and rebels have stepped publically they
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will not seek to destroy oil infrastructure the long term damage is already apparent. on wednesday a refinery in ras lanuf of focal point of reason clashes was set ablaze if you sides blamed each other for the incident. let me read. are crucial to export that would. have a couple of near fuel prices continue to rise across the world the libyan government is undertaking yet another attempt to pacify railing crowds at believin palms patrol is now twenty five percent cheaper. to preserve the fuel rise above you to the fifteen percent levy a sense before seventeen of over two hundred seventy percent could be due to be forgiven for only due to the fuel was never particularly expansive in
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libya but experts accounting for more than eighty percent of the country's normal oil output the gadhafi government could afford lavish subsidies but the four in the mainly western companies pumping money in have law had on the stability of the libyan regime and now it's down to lose out libya they produce between one point six one point seven million barrels of oil a day most of it goes to europe these are processed in two big refineries were greg unwilling ruslan but as we go these two cities are under siege at least one million barrels a day out of the market starting this week so that's why the u.s. and europe that's levy on oil is low in sulphur which makes it highly valued in the west because the fuel produced from it pollutes less and it's these lines we don't know that for decades kept western companies on sweet terms be to get off the
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regime environmentally conscious politically nonchalant somewhat artsy too broke libya. well let's go back to our northeastern japan with our developing story a tsunami waters search into the region that the tsunami that's currently underway was caused by an eight point nine magnitude earthquake that struck on for thirty kilometers off of japan's coast we are getting a live pictures from there what you can see right now a part part of it at least is an oil refinery that they're trying to put out a blaze on an oil refinery in sheba prefecture in. it's been reported that the officials are having a hard time getting to the area there the reports of casualties are not confirmed yet it's been very difficult for them to get information because of the quake the devastation caused by the quake and the tsunami now the first wave was reportedly
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rush was a coup real islands to the north as well with. waves two hundred people reported injured with several reported missing on japan's sendai island. it's also reported that there are about four million homes in the north of tokyo that are without power so it's been difficult for communications and power there fourteen industrial complexes that are a blaze because of the earthquake now it's also been reported that four meters high waves have been sweeping across the prefecture countryside and golfing cars buildings and ships just a reminder of what you're looking at these are pictures of an oil refinery blaze in chiba prefecture this has been caused by the eight point nine earthquake that hit the country's northeast and currently there are there is a tsunami underway in the country and there have been i want to this issue for surrounding areas to russia. there's also the karylle islands that is the
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philippines has also issued a warning has been evacuating people now the prime minister of japan and also khan has given a speech to. his services he has also said that troops are being sent quite hit areas and he has convened an emergency response team right now they have yet. to make the extent of the damage but for now we can see from pictures that it is pretty. we'll continue to cover this of course as a situation unfolds in the north east coast where it has been hit by first and earthquake and tsunami. in the studio. ok well let's go to other news now that we're talking to cover a former u.s. presidential adviser paul craig roberts says france would not be supporting
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intervention in libya without support from washington but they wouldn't come in there without. permission in washington. at least for the crow group nato the united nations. the united states and. the world is usually when they say that they want to. kill libyans and they have a no fly zone to get the relief to go what is the real agenda because they don't show. compassion for. order iraqis actually. where we actually could do something about it since it's the united states inflicting the damage so if they haven't any compassion for those people why do they have it for the libyans but work the rebels need or an outright weapons and surface to air missiles and once you have that.
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and so we don't need a no fly zone or american troops. that's a national studies expert says pro-war advocates of washington are pushing a military agenda. in libya unlike egypt and in other parts of the arab world you do see a regional civil war between the eastern part and the west and by that is how the struggle has been going for the last twenty years and indeed it is not intensified militarily so it makes perfect sense to me that this is going to be a stand up resolution has again been taken by gadhafi his troops i of course don't even believe that the people in the east should propose to move their forces toward the west this is a conflict that is here the military stalemate to join their conflict is a motorist because there's no clear political outcome it's a very good thing the united states is not ruling to join the conflict but yet there are new conservatives in the united states such as joseph lieberman george
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curious that some people are habits that big just bring. well let's go back to northeastern japan for continuing to cover as tsunami waters continue to surge into the region again a tsunami that's currently underway was caused by an eight point nine magnitude earthquake that struck on her thirty kilometers off of japan's pacific coast there have been tsunami warnings issued to countries surrounding the area food and so i want in indonesia and russia has reported that the first waves to reach the real arlen's are reportedly around a meter high well in japan that around two hundred people have reportedly been washed away with several others missing on a japan's sendai island a wall of water roughly four meters high was seen as sweeping across the prefecture and of course the waters were engulfed in cars buildings and ships just to give you an idea of what you're looking at these are pictures from much ebook prefecture
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fark trucks over there because they're trying to put out a blaze of an oil refinery oil refinery that's has been a blaze because of the earthquake according to officials there they're having a bit of difficulty putting out the fire difficulty in reaching a quake hit areas as well prime minister noda khan has given a statement and he is has organized a team of people to be sent out to the quake hit areas but it's also been reported that around four million homes are without power in the northeast earthquake that eight point nine is reportedly the biggest to hit in one hundred forty years that's according to reports coming in and it has severed communication ties it has devastated homes the electricity has been caught in around four million homes and again at the prime minister has ordered an emergency response team to tackle the disaster at the moment they cannot confirm the number of casualties nor the damage to infrastructure but the situation is still unfolding we can still see damage
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across the country. it has also been reported that the international airport is currently closed because of the events there. ok well we will continue to bring you the latest from budget pan as the situation there unfolds after the eight point nine earthquake and the tsunami well for now kareen i will bring you the latest in a business. well i want to welcome to the business news here on c.n.n. we start with our top story is a powerful earthquake in japan is sending aftershocks to regional markets now let's
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look at the figures we see asian stocks fall to its biggest weekly loss since august japanese shares fell as a strong earthquake rocks the northern part of the country friday afternoon the benchmark nikkei ended and a five week low after the eight point nine was reported and the yen also lost ground reaching its lowest level in two weeks against the dollar following the tsunami hong kong stocks extend their fall as investors sold down shares across sectors in the week we are right. now let's look at europe where shares opened markedly lower wage by this devastating earthquake in japan be continuing tension in libya is also still putting pressure on the stocks we'll look at how the stocks will perform later in the day now here in russia the r.t.s. is lower for the third day retreating point seven percent at the start of the trading gazprom is burbank and noise can make you falling and the noise next opened a little later is losing less than half a percent this sell. now to other stories russia's gas from germany's going to
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troll have agreed to join to develop gas fields in the north sea it will be the two russians giants. gas giants first effort in the region the deal will help gas from crease its presence in the european supply market analysts say it's a long term prospect development a start no earlier than five years from now gazprom and a unit of chemicals. already called great on several projects including exploration in the u.k. and in russia siberia. russian energy giant lukoil has reported a twenty nine percent jump in annual profit helped by rising oil prices the company's net profit rose to nine point one billion dollars while sales increased by twenty nine percent to one hundred five billion dollars look to the production of oil and gas that's available for sale by one point two percent last year the all major says higher efficiency and cost controls allowed to generate a strong free cash flow and high net. now russia's largest lenders burbank has
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reportedly moved to the final stage of talks to acquiring vestment bank got a lot calmer sun newspaper says both parties have agreed on price which will make up around one point two billion dollars the deal is part of their bank's plan to establish its own investment business earlier c.e.o. herman graff claims the deal hasn't yet been concluded that lender is still interested it's worth a dollar which is one of russia's top investment banks reported a net profit of forty two million dollars compared to a loss of fifteen million in the previous year. that's all for now the following the market's reaction to the earthquake in japan in the comics are.
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