tv [untitled] March 11, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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japan is devastated by a mouth a tsunami alta the biggest earthquake in the country's recorded history thousands of police on higher grounds buildings and ships are washed away at least forty four people are reported dead number wise ingleton. the whole pacific region including russia is a follower used designing tsunami alert as massive waves threaten to rake big belong the japanese caves. and shockwave the skulls of course of global markets to make a closing of the five week low russia no exception the markets are down you have to point out walk into
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a few minutes down the road. and in other news live years prepon your body clashes as colonel get down keys from the seas push the rebels back these reports of the times using rockets on tank shelves later on the stand devoid of over libya with some demanding the resignation of colonel gadhafi to all those the urgent foreign countries to stay out join me don't you bushel for all the latest from brussels but from the looks of. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. along leave from here with me analysts have it all one story dominating this hour but all these japan is being swarmed on my own major tsunami caused by i'm not quake the largest and the country's recorded history the entire pacific region is now on alert the eight point nine magnitude quake on feasting coast unleashed the
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massive ten metre high waves which reached their lives causing a huge damage authorities say athletes of forty four. to get. so. she drew. before she went into a major fires caused by the design style burning of control by the sage her majesty house declared as a nuclear power plant in the northeast of japan after its cooling system failed nobody ation the house been reported however will take here has been all but shut down millions are without power and injuries are widely reported the flights have been suspended at ninety to international airport in the capital a tsunami warning has also been issued across the pacific including russia south america the us caliber and indonesia. for russia's killer
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lines that lie just a few kilometers north of the japanese coast are of high risk of being hate the latest tsunami three metre high waves have reportedly already reached one of the islands that's going to laces from our lease and now we have these awards the situation on the islands like what are we hearing about how the population and dealing with the danger there both state of emergency has been declared in the south korean region which of course includes those poor real islands very vulnerable in this situation of ours are taking all the precautions necessary they managed to evacuate some eleven thousand people to safety to higher ground in the socket is legion but still with the aftershocks continuing to hit japan they're not taking any chances i heard taking many precautions although there has been no panic and like i said. and there's been no damage so far i know any kind of injuries reported still very aware east stitched situation in russia sorry some authorities
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know that boats that were docked in the region have made their way to open seas and also tsunami cleanup forces are spread on standby throughout russia's far east region and of these the worse the risk of the tsunami actually. reaching russia's mainland. well a couple of hours ago was very high now we're hearing that specialists feel like the chances are last that they'll be any kind of real devastation for russia's shores still authorities are taking precautions president medvedev make it made it very clear that he has us sent our orders for authorities to be ready for any kind of situation but also that russia has pledged to help to support japan in any way that might be necessary in the coming hours and. of course we're ready to help our neighbors in overcoming the effects of these severe earthquake a state of emergency has also been declared on our soil and on the coral islands
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and the subtle region of syria measures must also be taken to prevent damage or loss of life that you know me has already reached our shores and we must all be consolidated it's time now ordering the emergencies minister to present a plan of assistance to japan. so authorities very much on standby it's not me alarm systems did work very clearly early today i like i said authorities did manage to evacuate some of love and thousand people but still are the entire northern pacific region on very high alert after this devastating quake hit japan and is now sending waves out throughout the region to make a nice to many thanks for the update on season these the now you there reporting on the repercussions of japan's disaster in the wider pacific area many times but this is the skies this story in more detail now i'm joined live by two on a witnesses to the disaster you see here too he know and how do you keep
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a fucking both out some asian of friends hope here many thanks to both of you for joining us on the line here. this to he know if i could turn she forced tell us what how could you see what you see in and feel is the earthquake struck. you know i should be. going. there was a huge ask you can talk you know. she said i got your. continued quote along so you know. you just. saw i want you to know what it took to be ok to be. so. strong feelings there are over in tokyo some distance they from where the quake actually struck the turning now to your friend and this is the sucky help
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as well as the destruction that you saw. yeah i actually asked if you could fill up and four hundred. we're still not clear how much done it is we've heard there was a synonyme to the cost of his aunt usually it is announced for disabled people already killed though he expects number. increase of them. when indeed that number just change all the time the latest we had that some forty. at least forty people have been killed but that number expected to rise as you mention this to hear what's happening at the moment where you are more than. you. usually expect it stops going to you know quickly.
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but it continues couple of minutes well and then it continues. so you cause. the next. we are not so you have got to eat or. where you say you are out rightly afraid about what could happen in the function or. do you trust the local authorities do you think they're doing all that they can to help you when other citizens that like you how they react to what's happening. think soper of urea improperly actually so please if you center experience the same tribes will ask the club years ago and the japanese government don't really experts were expecting we can see of. the years so last known was known things will get ate
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so actually how it was expected i believe in. government and local government is that we do it really for this is a. lot of course as you rightly point out japan does lie at the center of the world's major seismic ring so unfortunately disasters like this part unusual at the now many thanks to you both for sharing your experiences that was the issue here who know and has used the sucky eyewitnesses telling us about their experiences life from taking many thanks to both. thank you. so here i was the latest that we have from what's happening in japan and the tsunami a sweeping through the northeast of the country right now at the government house confirms at least forty four death grip the numbers rising quickly japan's met office says the eight point nine quake was the strongest since records began one hundred forty years ago in fact it's the sick
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a largely spared the recorders experts say it's around eight miles in times bigger than the quake which devastated the new zealand city of christchurch last month or has massive destruction as a result of the ten meter wall of which surged in and through japan at least two hundred people were washed away buildings cars and ships were also taken away by the danger will be filled raging waters where there are several fires also along japan's eastern coastline and four million homes are without power a ship with one hundred passengers on board with hits and its whereabouts now is are there is also major damage to the capital tokyo communication there is crippled and the entire pacific region is on alert a four point five magnitude earthquake has struck hawaii as residents brace themselves for the tsunami to reach it sure was within the next few hours. but the song is already having its effect on the global economy as well as japan's the
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country's stocks were first to feel the of the shortfall in sharply let's get all the details now from the business desk good to meet she didn't she have to not say has a market reaction been well there has been pretty dramatic of the news of the quake release of sequencing army came in the final minutes of trading in japan and therefore we've seen a big. tumble in these for your minutes to make good on a five week low resource to send a shockwave through other markets especially in europe where really. surance companies like. ari have all gone down around five percent they are these companies are providing assistance when it comes to insuring damages of colossal suns and we're talking about these kind of sons of course right now and of course. very much damage to some companies already announcing the halting their operations and this is also creating worries about global energy demand therefore
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we're seeing world prices go down and therefore russia's markets are also more on that around the time in our business because i'm looking forward to hearing from you a little later in the hour to a tree banks around. ok well it's hard for nations to prepare for seismic tragedies on this scale of course space x. that professor alan smith thinks a joint british and russian system where t.'s spacecraft study the atmosphere from which could be tricky what we're looking for is the signal signatures in the spear which are precursors to earthquake phenomena and volcanic eruption phenomena the main damage from an earthquake is not the actual earthquake itself it's usually the fires. and that sort of thing that happened after the earthquake and you can prevent a lot of that if you know if you know things like to turn off the gas mains to turn off the electricity to reduce the likelihood of fire and just to prepare people for
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the likelihood of an earthquake so you will save a lot of lives that way and you will reduce the the the impact so we can't prevent earthquakes and we will lose a lot of infrastructure but the local authority in that area would take action and they might have up to ten days notice that there's a very high chance that there's going to be an earthquake in that area. well of course we'll keep you up to date on what's happening in japan but some of the news now e.u. members say saddam on doing that libya's moammar gadhafi surrender power he was holding an emergency summit in brussels hoping to find a common approach to the libya crisis france as opposed to other states to follow it in recognizing the rebels opposition but so far failed to gain why does support artie's daniel bushell is following developments in brussels. the. summits here are
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raising pressure on gadhafi his regime upon arrival dangler merkel the chancellor of germany says that there should go now that germany no longer recognizes the regime as the country's rulers president sarkozy of france meanwhile has called for the aerial bombardment of their field parts of libya he called on the rest of the e.u. to officially recognize libya's rebels as the legitimate rulers of that country and compared libya with somalia saying that it had no leadership anymore and that there was no international recognition of gadhafi is regime italy's largest bank unicredit meanwhile has frozen assets held in it by libyan shareholders however there are growing concerns over the use of military force why nato presence is the establishment of a no fly zone strongly supported by the u.s. and u.k. means war with libya people should not think this is
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a simple solution and germany's interior minister went further saying there will be no action by nato militarily for the time being represent russia strongly opposes president sarkozy's proposal to. the libyan parts of it duffy held parts of libya and the deputy foreign minister of the country says it's categorically against the unilateral use of force by anyone. pushing rebels out of more libyan cities hundreds of opposition fighters after reporting that rockets and tank shells. i have more the situation in the country. after a week of heavy fighting in the strategically important town of as is aware rebels there have finally been overthrown by gadhafi forces the latest reports we have from the town is that the city center is quiet that most people have deserted their
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hoods and that gadhafi troops are now moving from house to house carrying out a race at the same time the other focal point we think the city of ras lanuf according to even state television to quote them this city has been instead of al qaida supporters for several days now gadhafi is well things have been pounding in particular residential areas in the east of the latest reports coming out from their conduct his forces are in control they have to know him on the ground while it's if he does seem as if gadhafi is men are pushing back and winning the battle here on the international stage it's the rebels who are really coming out in the front just yesterday france was the first country in the international community to officially recognize the rebels as the voice of the libyan people the legitimate voice of the libyan people as you can imagine this is angered people here particularly in tripoli where i've been speaking to people they are confused and they are angry with the international community's response and now the latest report from the international red cross is that the country is in the midst of
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a civil war but again speaking to people here moving around you certainly don't get that sense on the ground and many libyans that i've been talking to make the point that the foreign media tends to exaggerate the situation often put to drama ahead of reality it's take a look. there is a lot more happening on the international stage of american intervention and a no fly zone then the bargaining taking place in downtown tripoli market shops here close really not days people afraid and many of the africans who used to work here a fled the country and the argument that libya is on the brink of civil war so foreign intervention is needed to be to bring a little. several hundred people killed but that's not a huge level of violence it certainly isn't a global level of violence that would normally merit intervention because he has offered and this is for immediate but only if they can relate to stay well away from any of the opposition but it's similar katrin opposition strongholds to
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ramadan break he was forced to close the benghazi office of his newspaper because the question. is just to print a version of it is nothing. it's going to hot places and all these cities are controlled by the british and even the people for. what they think and what they believe and really didn't close is the fear that while he may be winning the war with the rebels he's easy the information was not here when john through other tripoli. decisions puzzled and angry i look also at this new people in the. right. and. on the street. and still conflicted with a difficult climate in this media coverage and even for an interest to intervene
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there are events unfolding right now in ivory coast where there is also a conflict an armed conflict between rebels and the government but nobody seems to be thinking about it it's only because fresh action is focused on libya the only reason urges to with your oil think we'd be in iraq if their major at war there was broccoli as leaders meet in brussels to discuss the fate of that country hundreds of miles away many libyans will say if you did this and built a police reality turns to. all the fighting in libya has left the country's ravaged all industry in the firing line. the striving for total control of production but without damaging it ever apparently in the process. or supportive my north case the place also long keeps pumping. an oasis of stability in the scorchingly bin desert the country's all industry that prior to the uprising was
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churning out around two percent of the global oil output has also fallen victim to the unrest to brokers the last major all facility leaving still maintaining its regular ration zone sending all she rolled markets just last week two tankers departed from greece all terminal one carrying and million barrels of oil that was bound for china and the other one fix hundred thousand barrels and board is now on its way to italy to deepen the east to group was one of the first cities taken over by the rebels being far from the frontlines spared this facility much of the damage that has befallen similar plants in the west and allowed it to operate pretty much as normal the only visible change is the rebels tricolor that replace the green levy and flag of the guard corps it plans management knowledge of course to the opposition leaders in the ghazi we are working no but i have proposed the agree we
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see. what we what we would do tomorrow because. we cannot work we would have no be with somebody would be so if our knowledge with the libyan banks feel paralyzed or old wires have to pay in cash but the proceeds going directly to the opposition the plant also ships part of its output to other cities controlled by the rebels meanwhile elsewhere in libya oil facilities remain a danger zone. of the good afy side and rebels have said publicly they will not seek to destroy oil infrastructure the long term damage is already apparent. on wednesday every finery in ras lanuf of focal point of recent clashes was set ablaze to choose sides blamed each other for the incident. and well whether it's. crucial to export that would.
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have a couple of near skilled prices continue to rise across the world believe in government is undertaking yet another attempt to pacify railing crowds i believe incomes patrol is now at twenty five percent cheaper. decreases the fuel prices of a few to fifteen percent maybe a cent before seventeen of twenty cent a good sense of just being due to be form evolution. to lead to today's field was never particularly expansive and leave the air with experts accounting for more than eighty percent of the country's normal oil output the graphic government could afford lavish subsidies but the four in the mainly western companies pumping money in had law hatched on the stability of believe in regime and now it's down to lose out believe me if they produce. one point six one point seven million barrels of
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oil a day most of it goes to europe these are processed in two big refineries were me bread and warning ruslan but as we go these two cities are under siege at least one million barrels of oil a day out of the market starting this week so that's why the u.s. and europe are still best libyan oil is low in sulfur and she makes it highly valued in the west because the fuel produced from it pollutes less and as these leiden three go away that for decades kept western companies on sweet terms we could get off a regime environmentally conscious politically nonchalant it's not going to all. r t two group libya. ok back to our top story now the northeast of the country is being swamped by a major tsunami caused by a massive earthquake the biggest in nearly a century and a half a tsunami warning is in place for almost the entire consider base of the eight
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point nine magnitude quake off to pound these encodes unleash the massive ten meter high waves which we just miles and causing huge amounts of damage or four she's saying that at least forty four people are confirmed dead but that figure is almost certain to rise significantly with the disaster caused many injuries and spiled fires warnings have been issued to people to move to higher ground still areas as states of emergency has been declared our nuclear power plant in the northeast of the country is well after its cooling system failed well no radiation leak has been reported however there were several strong aftershocks following the earthquake in tokyo widespread panic was reported at the capital's transit system was entirely paralyzed as large a warning has been issued across the pacific including russia south america the us canada and indonesia. luvvie but with more on what's happening
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in japan in just a few minutes time but first of all as promised let's take a look at how the world's markets are reacting to the tragedy unfolding over in japan over dmitri now. japan's economy is set to suffer significantly after being hit one of the biggest earthquakes in the last one hundred years along with massive blackouts the country's infrastructure is paralyzed some companies like toyota and sony have already halted operations now it's too early to gauge the exact economic impact but japan's central bank has already stepped up efforts to provide ample liquidity analysts warn the country's debt could soar with its already the size of the country's g.d.p. . japan's earthquake added another blow to the markets already plagued by middle east more japanese stocks spell with major losses in the final minutes of trading
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in reports of the quake the benchmark nikkei ended at a thought if we close reading one point seven percent the end also lost ground reaching its lowest level in two weeks against the dollar following reports of a tsunami insurers were badly hit shares of a deal insurance group holdings fell three point two percent in hong kong stocks also fell as investors saw shares across sectors europe stock markets low of course on the news of japan's goods would see in the dax are trading in the red reinsurers suffering the most these companies are issuing back up insurance to primary insurance system can cover large losses from disaster is exactly the case russians also declining for a third day as well russia's main revenue earner tumbles after the earthquake in japan. retreating over one percent around a percent m i six losing half a percent take a look at some individual stocks energy stocks still bucking the trend lukoil is up
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one percent point three percent this is as there was a massive decline the previous session is down one point two percent. and crude oil continues to fall it's actually increased as declaw. more than two dollars right now as processing plants. officials. from the u.s. and china. and in other news russia's largest bank has finally agreed to require investment banks. as part of. this plan to build its own investment. bank announced at a press conference today that they're planning to buy russia's oldest investment bank. is going to go ahead in two stages phase one is going to
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buy a hundred percent carlito teeming shareholding thirty six percent is a high standard bank and sixty four percent. to be a billion dollar payment holding. face it's going to involve an additional reward to those beats in twenty four teams are not going to be based on true performance the next three years indeed the head of. that period. will be making on average around two hundred million dollars profit per year for the next three years. because of the head of the bank there by the press conference having just visited it with look even at their young. excited we also had eight months of intense secret negotiations for the deal now going ahead and expect by lies within the next six months all right back with what's
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