tv [untitled] March 11, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST
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japan is devastated by a massive tsunami after the biggest earthquake in the country's recorded history miles in this plane to higher ground moving from ship washed away under it's a ninety five percent chance of the guys in a lead that. the whole pacific region including russia's far east is on the tsunami alerts of massive waves threaten two weeks of it beyond the japanese coast . and following news of the quake japan's nikkei tumbles almost two percent to end friday's session on a five week low and sending a shockwave because global markets will be on this in twenty minutes time.
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did all the news libya's grip find more volunteers our citizens can all be done in school says push the rebels back the proportion attacks using rockets and tank shells. nato and the e.u. stand divided over libya with some demanding the resignation of colonel gadhafi all those the urging foreign countries to stay out join me daniel bushell for all the latest from both sides later in the pulitzer. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow with me alice have a will let's begin with the breaking news first this hour there's been up lost in the north east of moscow a reports suggest a parked car has exploded on a street close to a met. the interfax news agency is quoting with this is
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a saying there were two explosions well there were no reports of any casualties but service of course comes just days after a similar blast occurred in the federal security services building at a bus stop no one was injured then either we'll of course bring you more on this as we get it here on r.c. but to japan now and the northeast of the country has been swamped by a major tsunami caused by a massive earthquake the largest in one hundred and forty years at least ninety five people are reported dead but that figure is always certain to rise significantly police in japan are refusing that are under the bodies of been found drowned in the city of sendai the capital of the worst hit regions of the same area suffered a massive explosion at a pet show chemical plant all the entire pacific region is now on alert the eight
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point nine magnitude quake of japan's eastern coast unleashed the massive ten metre high wave which we each mile xin land causing huge amounts of it damages the day breached heavy waters swept in it's also triggered major fires tokyo's but all but shut down millions that are without power despite the capital lying some four hundred kilometers away from where the earthquake struck a tsunami warning has been issued across the pacific including russia south america the u.s. and indonesia where we know have already hit hearts of hawaii good there's not to be and major danger and i mean this is. well earlier we managed to speak it itchy witnesses of the devastating earthquake you were in tokyo when it hit. there was a huge. she said i don't your. continued
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credit so you know you have laid about the lack of. however. if you should so i bid you do you know i need to go to your gate to be in south africa to sell out and four hundred or eight from tokyo it's not on our japan and we're still not clear how much damage it is but there we've heard that there was an economical because the cost of a zone visually it is announced forty seven people already killed there we expect this number really increase of them. usually you know you expect it stops you know people living side effects but it continues a couple of minutes though and then it continued in one hour or so because in the next gun we saw you have if you have learned about it they think so perri area can probably actually the place it is enter experience the same types of years
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ago japanese government don't really experts were expecting if we can see of us is a thirty years so last time was nineteen seventy eight so actually happens i was expecting i believe a job and central government and the local government in that region was very well this is us. well russia's could all islands that line just a few kilometers north of the japanese coast are at high risk of being hit by the tsunami as well three nice highways have reportedly already reached one of the islands when i can feel a small base now from the focus cannot because the situation on the island. misty told emergency has been declared in the entire civilian region in russia story east including the crew islands off course since we are right there in japan's backyard in the media hood and they've already been hit as you see one of the islands has
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been hit by a tree near a highway which is around the fate of a one story building three times a lower than some of the waves that hit japan but still quite significant and i thought you see that they've evacuated around eleven thousand people in the region to higher ground and. earthquake emergency services and earthquake and tsunami cleanup teams are all on the high alert ready for any type of scenario i think that's similar to the situation in the in the entire northern pacific region at the moment big point is there any remaining two boxes. several hours ago the risk of two mommies getting russian russian beaches who are quite high you know they're lower but nevertheless the president needs to be defined as ordered all the of stories and emergencies teams to be on high alert and
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that basically get we before eighty type of scenario would be the media has also ordered russia's emergency ministry to get ready to help japan in this horrific disaster. of course we're ready to help our neighbors in overcoming defects of this severe earthquake a state of emergency has also been declared on our soil on the coral islands in the region what's wrong. sciri measures and still should be taken to prevent damage loss ones but tsunami has already reached our shores and we must all be consolidated time now ordering the region sees minister to present a plan of assistance. from. the sale of its prepared six jets including a more well hospital to door to japan all they're waiting for at the moment is on the official request from japanese authorities so the situation is still very unclear what could happen in the future of especially that we're getting reports of
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a possible to meet in the whole why or even in california very complicated and frustrating situation in the entire region at the moment definitely a lot of many banks for our days he got this going off there reporting for us and many things. also ninety five deaths reported so far in japan the data is rising quickly and would appear to be a conservative estimates one a japanese agency suggested there are literally tens of thousands are accounted for worst here is the northeastern city of sendai police say almost every house that has been damaged or destroyed is a point nine earthquake it was the strongest in japan since records began a hundred and forty years ago that if this pick the largest ever recorded in the world experts say is around eight thousand times bigger than the quake it was
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devastated over new zealand city of church of christ church last month well a ten meter wall high wave hit the region earlier and we would of course keep you updated on developments in japan and for more on the disaster let's cross live now to visit tito of from the u.s. center for phenomena. unfortunately i've just been told we have lost that connection we'll of course try to cross back to mr tito of for more on the disaster as soon as we can well let's leave it there just for a moment now internal attention to libya e.u. member states are demanding moammar gadhafi surrender power he was holding an emergency summit in brussels hoping to find a common approach to the libya crisis will france is the other states to follow in recognizing the rebels opposition but has so far failed to gain why does support
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bushell is following developments in brussels. the. summits here are raising pressure on gadhafi his regime upon arrival dangler merkel the chancellor of germany says that good effort should go now that germany no longer recognizes the regime as the country's rulers president sarkozy of france meanwhile has called for the aerial bombardment of gadhafi held parts of libya he called on the rest of the e.u. to officially recognize libya's rebels as the legitimate rulers of that country and compared libya with somalia saying that it had no leadership anymore and that there was no international recognition of good effie's regime italy's largest bank unicredit meanwhile has frozen assets held in its by libyan shareholders however there are growing concerns over the use of military force by nato the czech
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president says the establishment of a no fly zone strongly supported by the u.s. and u.k. means war with libya but people should not think this is a simple solution and germany's interior minister went further saying there will be no action by nato militarily for the time being represented russia strongly opposes president sarkozy's proposal to. the libyan parts of it could be held parts of libya and the foreign minister of the country says it's categorically against the unilateral use of force by anyone. well for more on the an arrest in libya and the international response we're joined by the channel head of the russian state d.-wil foreign affairs committee he joins us live from paris where the council of europe parliamentary assembly is holding a session focusing on the situation in the arab world a mystical search of many that are being with us here on r.c.
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now francis called on the e.u. to soon follow with decision and recognize the libyan rebel government what's russia's position on their. problem is is that this is a closed one and we have very few reliable sources of information on what is going on there in reality we have an official picture on official t.v. and this is in favor of and mr duffy and his supporters of the pictures on western t.v. said this is absolutely opposite to what we see on the official libyan period but the problem is not the t.v. screen of the problem is that yes there are very contradictory of the old what is going on there who isn't in charge of anything and what is going to happen next so for me is the most important thing right now for everybody for for russia for the union for nato for the united states to get access to all the reliable information
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in order to take proper decisions which is not the case here as soon as we do not have this information i do not believe in strong actions of a full force will not. military force excluded he mentioned the lack of information and sometimes contradictory information coming out of libya and perhaps that's why france seems to be failing to gauge its again rather wide support from the e.u. countries and recognizing libya's rebel opposition how likely do you think are those are the e.u. members to follow. unfortunately this is very possible scenario for the simple reason certain countries no i mean the european union countries as well would prefer to determine their position not on
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the basis of real information coming from the country but on the basis yes hello. mr little charges can you hear us we can still hear you perfectly well here good good then i would i would i would continue for many countries this is a chance to influence of the internal political development in libya and these countries use these uncertain situation in order to support certain political forces in libya because for me unacceptable definitely an invasion and intervention may be needed but only in terms of within the format of human in theory an intervention in order to the rescue people from let's say military attack from the military force coming from the official official. libya but as soon as we do not know as soon as we just try to support
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a certain site in this conflict just for the reason of you like this side more than there are this this is an interference in the internal affairs of libya and any decision of that kind is to be maintained in supported. by the security council and not by any other organization was all my respect to the union or to nato. if foreign troops do you decide to enter libya want the consequences be for the country and i would russia ever support military intervention there. once again nothing is excluded. russian actions should be definitively be on the decision by the security council and nothing else this is number one number two is there any military operation in libya want to hear of unpredictable consequences we do not know much. for fear of within the. armed forces we do not know
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how strong as they are or how much the more they can deliver in case this move throughout the region to explain of course it may lead to a very many casualties on both sides result. the result so again and again to be need to consider this situation extremely specific. before we take any decision at least. not on the real information on the real situation of the country or one decides action that has been taken russia has recently imposed sanctions against colonel gadhafi and his regime down in the export of weapons and military equipment but not as you say hasn't been quick to trust the rebel opposition in the country so who does russia see is the best negotiating partner in all their. unfortunately and the reason no one for the simple reason this situation is not a god different political forces competing corps fighting with each other this is
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the situation of the when we have official story from one on one side of the civil . war maybe the crowd sort of put it rightly and thermally above this is about a conflict between their war and the still society and this. is not united as this regime disappears in case of disappearance. i believe that further conflicts will immediately clear tearing apart the civil society and different political forces and their means that you have to do not have any of the same goal any clear. well further discussions about the political situation in libya and they believe that the role of the mission of the international community right now is to watch this the world and. to see whether it develops into a humanitarian disaster is careful because within the civil population in case it
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does yes we maybe will need to further actions military actions but again and again by the decision of the security council and nobody else i think with the child head of the foreign affairs committee many. of course i'm back to our top story now and there's a major search and rescue operation underway in japan three hundred military planes and some fourteen ships have joined the mission is the phase the damage it's the northeast of japan which has been the worst probably the mouth of the army caused by the biggest in nearly a century and. the sense of the city of sendai with the worst is feared the hundreds perhaps thousands of people if we should figure currently stands at ninety five but is rising and the threat from the monster waves all around the pacific
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ocean with strong aftershocks still being felt alerts have been brought in place as far away as a foreigner as well as all the way to alaska of course we will bring you more on this as we get it here at r.t. . well as we've been saying countries across the pacific area including russia south america the u.s. and indonesia through bracing themselves for possible tsunami waves hawaii has already been hit by six foot waves although they're not which to be serious yet before more we can now talk to one of us correspondents gallonage if you can guarantee what's the extent of the danger for the united states. well people have been evacuated from coastal areas in u.s. islands of hawaii you know to a higher ground the earthquake in japan triggered tsunami alerts all across the pacific as you mentioned fears are there's a tsunami could reach the coast of california but of course it was set very good
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grasp of the massive earthquake it's natural to eight point nine on return to penny's used to earthquakes like those but this is that that is the biggest on record in the country's history it was one of those people called shallow earthquakes mean it didn't happen in the ocean but very close to the shore if the impact is the devastating even though japan probably better than any other country is approved foods deal with natural disasters like in the you know they do all their construction considering the dangers they face from nature but some are just too strong we've seen cars in homes washed away by nasty would leave their buildings were set of ways preliminary reports suggest as you mention police ninety five people died at the toll. right. now going to how been tsunami alerts this huge across the pacific region as we've been saying for how long the impact to preserve quake really around the world.
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well experts believe their plans eight point nine magnitude disaster that's right it became the world's fifth largest earthquake in the last one hundred and eleven years it's been the most powerful since nine point zero magnitude earthquake struck there are two areas in the region in two thousand. causing a massive tsunami that killed about two hundred is fifteen thousand people in prison washed away in our communities the earthquake promises to not be warnings it's wroth it's i think again japan is part of this sort of. line of business rings of fire as they say which is a semi-circle of earthquake and things of any region that passes from south america to alaska and back down through japan to the south pacific those territories remain very vulnerable for natural disasters like that ok many fans in to us from the u.s.
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our correspondent. well let's cross to our breaking news story this hour that we were rather we will be a little later on in the hour. let's stick with what's happening in japan at the moment. from the center of earthquake forecasting he says the tsunami zone of those storms could see waves reach russia's far east. it was a good deal as the tsunami has already reached the cruel islands and circling because the biggest waves reach these regions three hours after the earthquake this is around twelve pm moscow time if the earthquakes aftershocks continue shaking the region in the russian territories could see more tsunami waves japan is always ready for the quakes because the ground shakes almost every month but this one is huge in one nine hundred twenty three illicit earthquake with
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a magnitude of kate with three devastating turkey oh a little over thirty thousand people did their earthquake and tsunami warning systems in place in japan a chance to answer in school systems and you clean power stations to prevent catastrophe but earthquakes such as this are especially dangerous because they give of all the pent up energy that's been accumulating for years and they take place across very large areas it's very dangerous both for japan and other pacific states . in that one hour let's cross over to our breaking news this hour and there's been a bloodbath in the north east of moscow reports suggest that a parked car has exploded on a street close to a metro station while the end of facts and news agency is quoting witnesses this saying that there are two explosions that took place there are no reports of any casualties so far this comes just days after a similar blog's occurred near the federal security services building but that's on
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a bus stop where no one was injured there either we will of course bring you more on this breaking story as we get is here. well do stay with us we'll of course have more on developing the situation in japan of course on our website dot com for the latest updates about when updates of our headlines in just a few moments after all the latest don't go away. download the official anti allocation to your home phone on the pod touch from the shops to. john she lives on the go. video on demand on she's mine old girls and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. machine on the
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dot com. he has. been welcome to business out so you japan's economy is set to suffer significantly after being hit by the biggest earthquake in its history along with massive blackouts the country's infrastructure is paralyzed some companies like toyota and sony have already halted operations it's too early to gauge the exact impact economic impact but japan's central bank has already stepped up efforts to provide ample liquidity however just japanese stocks reacted negatively with major losses
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posted in the final minutes of trading on friday the benchmark make a ended at a five week low setting almost two percent began also lost ground reaching its lowest level in two weeks against the dollar following reports of the tsunami insurers were badly hit shares of m s n eighty insurance who fell three point two percent and hong kong stocks also fell as investors sold down shares across sectors u.s. markets have also opens. negative territory on worries about the global economy on the back of this earthquake reaction is rather modest however coming a day after the dow's biggest one day drop since august in europe stock markets are also this jittery japanese earthquake that puts you in the dark such trading in the red reinsurers suffering immerse these companies issue back up insurance to private insurers so that the system can cover large losses from disasters shares in swiss re and munich re are down around five percent in the said jeffreys international estimate the insurance payments will be around ten billion dollars most of it
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coming coming from real estate damage covering. russian stocks so also deploying for a day this is on the back of low world prices which is russia's main revenue the r.t.s. is down one percent of my sex three quarters of a percent second look at some of the stocks. energy stocks of course trading in the red the new coil is that if we can take a look at the figures right now hopefully yeah the new coil is up actually point three percent this is because of a massive drop the previous session was down just a notch back is down one point six percent that's after news that russia is the largest lender is finally agreed to investment banks reconcile it for at least one billion dollars finally let's look at the price of crude and it's continuing to fall around three dollars polites weeks brant is down two point three dollars a fire at a refinery outside circular spreading according to local officials japan is the
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world's largest crude consumer oil prices all sliding reagonomics are from the u.s. and china as well concerns over european there is. no other news russia's federal customs service says the country's trade surplus reached sixteen point three billion dollars in january trade turnover for the month was around forty five billion dollars that's almost a fifth more than in january last year on the same high oil prices up. the value of goods coming out of the country. so her bank as we mentioned before finally agreed to acquire investment company the long awaited purchase as part of the russian state lenders plan to build its own investment divisions burbank will pay one billion dollars for the set now at a premium worth up to seven hundred million in twenty eight thirteen richard haynesworth hertz rust rating says burbank has made it a good deal but the price is approximately the same as what was rumored to be the
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price from the start. except that there is a portion of it that has been. delayed for three years they want to have a merchant they want to reduce their cash price now and they also want to make sure that the merger goes forward in a profitable manner because many mergers often lead to a disintegration of the brand actually destroy value so in order to try and keep the value in spirit they're providing incentives to the partners to stay with bank to work with. and to a smooth. and that's all for now we'll be back in less than one hour's time with nothing to alice's next with on our plate of what's going on i'm sick and in just a sec.
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