tv [untitled] March 11, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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and stories you never. knew. me and. aren't much to say. hey guys welcome to shelling tell the obama show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube to video response our twitter profile of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday on the show long responses we played. out a it's time for tonight's tools are awarded to go through eight repeats where arizona governor jan brewer has been in the spotlight recently over her support for a controversial immigration bill drastic budget cuts in her states and even
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a recall effort against her but now she's getting headlines for another awkward that's right burger was delivering a message about economic development and education when she was left speechless take a look. we limit the growth of the public sector and restrain unnecessary regulation stimulate the engine of free enterprise. well i kill a profit with. little pain all right however publicans been critical of president obama for using a teleprompter but here's the best part of the story this is not jan brewer's first time zoning out in front of the cameras last fall during her reelection campaign she had a complete meltdown during a debate on live t.v. remember this one. we have cut the budget we have balanced the budget and we are
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moving forward and we have done everything that we could possibly do. we have. did what was right for arizona i will tell you i see a pattern there after that debate performance many of us they started questioning of jan maybe had some kind of a medical issue and with his latest performance those questions are now being asked again the governor of actually laughed off the latest incident read the hard copy of her speech but in spend still has people talking about her as a billet to leave the state when she clearly is incapable of thinking on her feet i know that most politicians many t.v. personalities out there like myself use a teleprompter as a guide but guess what when it goes off you just keep talking you use your brain you think on your feet which is something that jan brewer is clearly incapable of
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and that's why she's tonight's told time winner. and often times on the show we tell you about the trouble the troops face while they're fighting abroad but what about when they return it turns out that for many veterans of war the real battlefield takes place on the streets as they fight for a place to sleep and for food to eat our peas are on the lindo has more. i joined the army to fight for my country to make a better life for myself there were no jobs where i live so therefore i was going to be around forever i joined the army to prove myself worthy of becoming a united states citizen the reason is army doctors are really sought after so my choices are going to be like oh sweet words the promise of a life full of action a step on the career ladder or even the dream of u.s. citizenship this is this is dr pitch of the army but a recruiter is being completely honest about what awaits service members in the battle. or what they can really expect when they come off
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it and so they tricked them with all these promises of a better life i don't know if people end up going and throwing their lives away in iraq and afghanistan and then coming home to the situation described of homelessness and unemployment and substance michael prysner is an iraq war veteran he recognizes that war can destroy both body and mind of a soldier something seldom mentioned as the media has tired of showing america's wars americans are becoming more disconnected to their troops in battle and losing sight of the consequences of the growing number not just of veterans but of homeless veterans you know that when i had a job i got laid off and that was it i am boss my wife paul kendrick is lost when he tries to remember what it was that finally landed him on the street the army veteran proudly fought in the first iraq war and now feels like he and many other vets are being trampled on i've tried go to be. and they said was on take time like
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two or three years for your five years and it's bullshit. you start thinking about the veterans and they come back. these days veterans are ending up homeless sooner than ever so you want to get off the streets. yeah station on the bullet four years ago where ian rodger lee hunter was serving his country in iraq today he is hooked on drugs and living under a bridge i dreamt about here. i'm going to bunch of problems and issues was i want to be you we hear the head of the big. you know much about as i wonder when he said he gets by with some food and extra clothing from the nonprofit group national veterans foundation their outreach efforts build the gap where government agencies like the v.a. have failed before you would only see like one every. every three or
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four months and now every time we go out we must see somebody from iraq we're going to stand out from the first gulf war some people join the armed services in hopes of having financial stability once they're done with their duty unfortunately some of them end up here on the streets now here in los angeles there are more than forty thousand people without a home on a daily basis many of those are better ends and that problem is just expected to get even worse as more and more serious members return from the war to a dire economic situation with very few job prospects if you join the military for a paycheck if you do the wrong you can do the wrong place pretty cordoba a marine served four tours in iraq as he helps homeless vets cordoba admits that while some recruiters are concerned about the future of the young men and women joining the armed forces others simply see them as numbers well there's
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a cliche saying in the military every soldier says my recruiter lied to me if you're something that we all know you know the reality is you're less likely to find a job when you get out of the military despite promises they are more marketable on the job market the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admiral mike mullen recently expressed concern over the creation of a generation of homeless vets a practical and moral burden for the u.s. protect. despite the warning some conservative lawmakers like michele bachmann have proposed cutting funding for veterans that is something that proud american vets don't like to hear take care remember in. page two. the world. america is not king. in los angeles among bellino r.t. . u.s. vice president joe biden was in russia this week maybe with president meeting with the heads of and prime minister vladimir putin talking about continuing
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a reset of relations between the two countries i don't changing opinion amongst the american. i an american is writing to russia as one of the top five countries threatening american security. two years ago this year only true percent. of the entire american population say they view russia as a threat all this leads to one very important conclusion in the mind of one vice president. and i think is now beyond dispute the reset is working. working for all of us working for russia. meanwhile back here in washington d.c. james clapper the director of national intelligence was testifying before the senate armed services committee and he said this certainly the right of the
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russians have you know still have a very formal nuclear arsenal even with which does pose you know potentially a mortal threat to us i don't think they have the intent to do that certainly china is. growing in its military capabilities as the full array of whether conventional or simply g. forces that. they are building so they can pose a from a capability standpoint. the threat to us as a more threat. he was to say clapper statement has raised a lot of eyebrows so is he just speaking for himself or for the entire intelligence and military community in the us joining me to discuss this dr thomas pm barnett the chief atmosphere we came out a contributing editor to esquire thomas thank you so much for joining us tonight now i want to first to echo what apparently senator carl levin said. in surprise
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after hearing it clobbers statement here which was wait a minute i thought that iran or north korea were our mortal threats or how to even out russia and china come from. well i you know echoing what he said basically he's talking about capabilities and if you look at the sheer capabilities that russia presents or china presents you know the closest thing to the united states in terms of superpower military capabilities what's missing is the intent and it's really kind of a cold war legacy argument to be making that you know we can't kind of trust russia on intent therefore we have to focus on capabilities i don't think there's any tremendous interest out there that we share or that we can flip it over that points to the path of the right state and state or if we could have made it all the way through the cold war without accomplishing something that disastrous i don't see much of an argument in the post or to consider him in the same light but this is this is kind of a larger adjustment that we're still having a hard time making and that is looking at the world differently than just our
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friends from the cold war and starting to realize that there are rising powers out there who share a lot of strategic interests with us now i just wonder though could it be the same thing that we often hear and often it's from defense officials from the pentagon now we hear from intelligence officials which is that we need more money because we need to invest in more fancy weapons more cyber security commands to talk about these threats in the future whether their existence or not. there's always going to be that push from all the different domains of the military whether it's cyber war the kind of conventional forces or the strategic forces there's always going to be that push from the various services and you've really had in the last ten years because of iraq and afghanistan a major effort within the u.s. military to move more in the direction of small war capabilities and i would argue if you're looking at the planet today in terms of globalization where it's spreading into developing areas and a to molt that comes about as a result the revolutions the frontier integration and
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a kind of small wars force is really what you want and yet because we don't have the relationship yet i would argue that we should get with russia and china but we still feel the need to hold a lot this and develop and maintain this kind of hedge force that says we want to keep a high threshold for the possibility of great power war i think that has to be seen over time and the question is why are we having stronger military military relationships with the russians with the chinese to kind of move down this path because again i think when you look at the world we share a lot of the same interests and the potential for direct great power on great power war i just don't think is there well you know economically speaking let's say you know a lot of people are now looking at china as a good model with that with a top down approach not necessarily a good model i lied to you every late but one that seems to be working for the country in terms of economic growth but somewhere along the line this population which you know is going to want some democracy right this population also is going
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to need more resources and china is soon going to overtake the u.s. in terms of oil consumption so you know a lot of people would say the bad something that we have to fight with with these countries for it's going to be competition. yeah and i would i would argue that you know there was less chance of that not bipolar situation and a cold war because you had the two big superpowers there's an argument that is you moving on not like a larry these major powers are going to compete over resources the problem with that perspective is it doesn't make any sense as you move from bipolar to multi-polar in a bipolar world the soviets had their version of the global economy we had ours you could actually fight over third party resources one side could get rich in a zero sum manner you can't do that anymore because china is already integrated in global production chaves there's no sense for us fighting over shared resources because once i takes it back manufacture is good on that basis and then spreads it throughout the the global economy there's just no logic to it so if in the at the
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end of the day if we are benefit from working together then who is it that stands to lose why do we keep hearing these called why statements well i mean what we have between the united states and china is a very specific scenario and it's sort of like a blue law from another age we make the one nine hundred seventy nine kind wants relations act come into being as a result of recognizing the chinese formally nine hundred seventy nine under carter and it commits us to making sure taiwan has enough defense to hold a whole lot any sort of big push from the chinese in terms of military pressure i don't think there's much chance of that anymore and yet because that still on the books for the united states we've got to provide a certain amount of arms and assistance the chinese have to counter with that and we're stuck in sort of a bilateral arms race that really doesn't make any sense and yet both sides feel the need to continue down this pathway and sort of a deterrence mode and if we can move past taiwan if we get korean reunification i
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don't see any real big issue between the united states and china in a shared security environment that is east asia right time and i thank you very much for joining us and we'll see if clapper gets to keep his job after this. thank you now so if i wasn't so our friday fireside chats and i'm sure it's teacher who did horn when she was younger be forced out of the classroom after a student discovered her cast stick around for that and more tonight happy hour. let's not forget that we had an apartheid break. i think. well. we never got the book says we're going to keep you safe get ready because your
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freedom. h.r. been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news times like to do about the ongoing financial part of unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find one mainstream news. and i'll be the set of meet
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the political. parties are such to say. hey guys welcome to show. well until the obama show we've heard what our guests have to say on the topic now we want to hear audio just go on to you tube to video respond or to twitter first part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday to show the responses we like your voice. to tonight's final. your. tonight let me introduce you all to a crack but it's clearly emerged within the obama administration a breakdown in unity and what i see as a lack of leadership for months now on this show we've been talking about the inhumane treatment of bradley manning the army private accused of leaking
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classified documents to wiki leaks manning has been held in solitary confinement for months for the past week he's been of course to strip naked every night and now for the first time manning himself has spoken out writing an eleven page letter that was released by his lawyer in this letter he describes not only the embarrassment that he feels by being forced to stand for parade in the nude but how he's been left to languish under the under really harsh conditions of his custody and how he feels that he's being subjected to what he calls unlawful pretrial on it and you know what he's not alone in saying that it's a lawful the u.n. has launched an inquiry and it's the international is protesting the government's actions and anybody out there who knows this simple line they in america you're innocent until proven guilty can see that keeping a man locked up in conditions that amount to torture by any international standard before he's been convicted of any crime is wrong and that it's illegal but here's
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what we get to the good part of the story the new insightful comments made by the state department spokesman p.j. crowley when speaking to students at a seminar at mit one member of the audience asked growly to please address the quote. elephant in the room the u.s. torturing a prisoner and in military brig and reportedly according to those who were there without pause he said what's being done to bradley manning by my colleagues at the department of defense is ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid so now we have the state department openly criticizing the defense department we have a clear indication of tensions of disagreement a crime as i said within the obama administration and thank god right at least somebody in this government still has their wits about them and sees it fit to question the way that this kind of treatment to one of its own citizens were left on this country but unfortunately it's not the person i'd like to go for most at
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a press conference today president obama was asked about the statement and you know what he's that he said i've asked the pentagon if the procedures are appropriate and meet our standards and they said that they are you know and maybe you shouldn't be asking the defense department or the pentagon mr president maybe you should tell them what you think is appropriate or not based on your knowledge of the law based on sound logic based on your humanity and if you think that what's being done to bradley manning is just fine and say take the responsibility you're the president of this country so please just act like it.
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getting a lovely ladies. thank you christine happy friday everyone and happy happy hour. you know we're a girl so i don't know if you guys ever experiences but i'm pretty sure that most young boys always fantasize about their teachers when they're in class and this next story actually brings it to life there's a teacher who now is being asked to leave her job because apparently fifteen years ago she was a porn star she went under the porn name ricky anderson and some of her students found out and she's actually a high school teacher do you think that she should be losing her job over this big of a deal i mean i definitely think it's a big deal i think when you've got boys that age they have enough trouble concentrating when they haven't seen their teacher having sex but i think it's just absolutely ridiculous to be like oh so everyone in your grade goes that your teacher did porn you can see the video here but pay attention when she's teaching english well excuse me it's illegal for minors to view porn so i'm curious about whether there's any consequences for the idiot kids dug up this information number
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one number two there's a reason why this kind of stuff doesn't come up on you know background checks it's not illegal to consult consenting adults who have sex together on camera is not an illegal. i think the only mistake that was made in this case is that she actually stepped down resigned because as long as you act like you did something shameful by doing this you're going to be treated like thing ishe one hundred one no shame because this is the second time that this is happening to her but my kid found the information that's right because that's what the internet you can say that it's illegal for kids to watch it but if it's on line kids are going to watch a video is going to keep their hands from getting on it well i do have to say i know i i happen to know a lot about the parkways school system and the school system in st louis and i know a lot of kids who went there and it's actually kind of funny one of them who is now in the broadcast business did some poking around when the story came out to try to find this video he said that it was one of the most did. cool things to find ever
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and once you found it you had to pay to be able to view it took an hour's notice from the ninety's i mean look the trip obviously made some mistakes when she was younger even if she was proud of doing the porn i just don't see the big deal you know guess how all of us came about into this world our parents have sex my god her sex was caught on camera she you know that's the unfortunate part is that when it comes to schools there's absolutely nothing illegal about being a porn star i say all the more power to you same thing if that's what you choose to do or if you later try to say that that was a mistake in your life but parents run schools and upset parents is going to get a teacher fired so i just really do veteran she went to school on the g.i. bill so any parent the wants her fired hates america. you know yes you just chose the wrong career i mean i had teachers i personally would have a really hard time having my child spend a significant amount of time with someone who chose to have sex on life she's not she's not being sex on camera in the classroom we're lahiri slathering we have a judge laughing me i'm talking about all the student shooting that she did i just
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don't want to spend hours with my child from a quick point of last week because that's how students are getting laid so perhaps it's a good thing that we have is going to be there well speaking of people getting laid we know there's a lot of websites out there people dave to go to match dot com or you know whatever but apparently microsoft is now creating a dating forum for people with fringe interests and eccentricities because i guess it's a little hard right to say like i'm a thirty five year old single male who's a lawyer but who also likes golden showers you know you don't necessarily just want to throw that out there the beginning or of maybe another one is you know i'm a former porn star who likes to spend hours with underage children. very i don't i don't know i don't know what to say about this microsoft story except that i'm a little confused as to how they got a patent for a website bonds people based on common interests if the word fringe is enough to get a patent and maybe i'll get a patent for some site that puts people together for. ahman entrusts going to the sahara hasn't come out yet but. soon enough i'm all for this but i think it's
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pretty awesome but i have to say one that was part of earlier that i thought was remore interesting was the doppelganger dating site which is a dating site for matches people based on how much they look alike and it reminded me of a really awesome mad t.v. sketch a really long time ago that was basically making fun of match dot com you know where like two people who looked exactly alike are dating now to reality finally i've been waiting to see i find that a little creepy i mean if you have your weird little fetishes then sure make it easier for people with similar fetishes to find each other i guess that's what doesn't craigslist do that is answer is going to talk about comic books because i'm supposed to be shameful and isn't the principal dating that we're supposed to date . people then we. got some great. little eccentricities that's a special everybody ok go very quickly let's just talk a little you know crap on john boehner the orange man because i love doing it so
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much he's really attacked the obama administration for all the pomp and circumstance here in washington d.c. specially with state dinners but it turns out he bought any kids lessons for a lot of this stuff. i don't know i guess it's a good thing that he registered early because you save the taxpayer five hundred bucks i also think that the triple c. might have some problems on its hands of that's the dirtiest thing they can find on mr painter well i think my favorite part is you know he resigned like oh no the pomp and ridiculousness you know real people i want real people in the real people comment and they offend everyone so we have to get them out of his class says you know it's a really big problem i think that we just need to take everybody out everybody needs to have no class and then we've got a great government now but everybody just learn a little manners and if that means republicans aren't allowed then so be it thanks guys have a pride and cheer there's cheers our national friday night so thanks for tuning in make a comeback on monday we'll have a representative from the pirate party of massachusetts on the program discussed her platform and what they hope to accomplish now meantime don't forget to become
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a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and of follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's or any other nights you can always catch it all if you can't dot com slash the shot coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. on what. let's not forget that we are in a park right where. i think. the well. we have to go but they're safe get ready because their freedom.
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a charmer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new website with twenty four seven live streaming newsstands what to do about it ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find funding stream you. know you sell me a political. posting mostly on our t.'s are crossed.
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