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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST

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breaking news at this hour to pass a nuclear safety commission says there's a possibility of from up one of the country's nuclear power plants cooling systems several atomic reactors have failed calling for friday's earthquake hit it fears the radioactive material has already leaked out a quake triggered tsunami claimed hundreds of lives with many people missing and feared dead. and a mall school says it's ready to send help to japan to live the experience gained from video tragic the legacy of the travolta nuclear disaster.
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you're watching our team well let's get straight to other breaking news this hour the japanese emergencies a ministry says that there is a possibility that one of the country's nuclear power plants might go into a nuclear meltdown well this comes following friday's record eight point nine magnitude earthquake as resulting tsunami we have our correspondents on the field for us with the latest now first let's go to do you know who is russia's far east do you know let's just give us tell us what is the situation right now in japan. well the situation in japan is that we're receiving really bad news just in nuclear safety commission in japan is reporting that there is a high possibility of
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a new clear motown at one of the country's nuclear power plants just a hundred and sixty kilometers north of tokyo at fukushima earlier we received confirmed reports of a radiator leak there andrew ford but i radio active levels are thousand times normal inside the reactor and about eight times the normal level near the main gate of the plant thousands of people have been already evacuated in the nearby region and there is also there are also high risks that is similar radiates ective we could have one as another nuclear power plant which is just several kilometers away from fukushima now they are open raising a ton of mostly but bearing in mind the current conditions and the infrastructure is not grating a similar accident could happen there and x. . fear that there could be a chain reaction uncontrollable reaction there now we are now where we are now in the supply in region in the capital of the region using the supply lines that is
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a little over a thousand kilometers away from the epicenter of from the client where the accident happened and of course local residents despite authorities are reporting that business goes wrong as usual and residents are calm they are constantly monitoring reports by ses me agencies and by russia's emergency ministry and those who live along the coastline. that is sixty kilometers away from the region's capital they are already urgently moving inland also whether fuel costs are moved were some of those who live on the queue or island species man who as we've spoken to say that their relatives and friends are reporting that waves reached to three metres along the coast of the killer. islands i bet is a lot following the following friday's disaster and tsunami in japan rescues of cold and residents to make it close to needed him to shelter. about thirty forty
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kilometers apart above the sea level this region where we are now has a very bad record in terms of say smeaton c.v.t. some of the world's most gruesome and disastrous quakes to place here also haiyan it was a nine hundred ninety five when over two thousand people were killed in an earthquake similar to the wanta the recent warning japan and also in nine hundred fifty two there was a inbound soviet union that was a powerful earthquake income childcare which claimed. also lives of thousands of people so the worst people here are now forced to be restoring the situation to the majesty workers are saying that they will bulls updates the local population on the latest and they'll be enough time to vacate people leave if need it. ok well thank you very much for that update because you know question over who is now russia is the far east and that is to the north of japan. however russia says it is ready to help japan in dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake well
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moscow can draw on a wealth of experience and coping with both natural and technological disasters are the next eight or shifts he joins us live here crane and you're going this kind of is in the capital if i can just go to you first idea gore that russia has offered help what exactly can russia offer in this situation. while at the moment it's hard to even start calculating the damage done by of this disaster in japan as the whole world watches these horrific pictures from the country but russia's emergencies ministry has prepared a six inch jets which you are ready to deliver rescuers doctors medical equipment including a medical morwell hospital to the country all is needed at the moment is a request from japanese authorities these jets have been on standby since friday on the personal order of the president of russia.
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ok well let's go to you first i'd like say in the here well this there's a lot of fear about nuclear disaster because people have seen what has happened in a short mobile now can you just tell us the experience gained from the chernobyl disaster how could this be useful in coping with the situation in japan. well obviously on paper the experience gained indeterminable fallout would prove invaluable because this remains still remains the world's history's biggest manmade is austin of course tens of thousands of people were involved in the clear up operation after the fall out here in ukraine so should russia join the clear out of the possible nuclear accident in japan then of course its specialist would bring much it's a lot of experience and would certainly be helpful in clearing out this possible
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nuclear incident i'd like to remind two of you is that exactly twenty five years ago a full out happened internal gold some one hundred fifty kilometers from where i'm standing right now in central kiev and the area around this nuclear power plant still remains a dead zone thirty kilometer exclusion zone with nobody practically nobody living there so this of course is history's biggest manmade disaster and consequences of this call out were felt everywhere across the european continent and the radiation wave went just far as reaching the eastern coast of the united states back then twenty five years ago. of course experts are now speculating so should any nuclear incident happen in japan now whether the consequences will be as serious as during the trouble fallout and many agree that as long as the reactor in japan is at least ten to twelve more time times more powerful than the one internal bill the consequences could be much more serious and much more grave than twenty five years
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ago in ukraine. thank you very much for that update we'll have continuing coverage those artes correspondents reporting from moscow and. from kids thank you we have all. your activists harvey wasserman told our team that the plant in fukushima looks to be a week rank in a chain that could lead the situation to a worst case scenario he. not have the capability of cooling this reactor. they've admitted it what appears to be the case is that the batteries even the backup generators are not working and if that's the case they're going to have to flood the reactor core and if they do that it's highly likely they'll be major radiation releases i've seen also and some of the reports indications that the pressure inside the containment is trace design capability now that means that the
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only way they can prevent the containment from blowing is to release radiation outside the stacks that means that the gases are going to go out radiation is going to go out that's why they're evacuating people three thousand people is a lot of people to evacuate especially in a situation where the country is already under extreme stress so this is a serious situation one of the really worrisome things is that the eight point nine shock may have weakened all of the reactors and if they if that's weakened the reactors that miss an aftershock or another earthquake could do substantially more damage this point by the way it's forty years old it's a very old reactor and it's a double edged sword because number one it means it's weaker structurally and number two there's more radiation inside the reactor because it's accumulated over forty years this is this is about a worst case scenario. own cabin a cancer specialist in a nuclear waste beyond nuclear says that the situation is
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a ticking bomb japanese authorities have little time left. it lead to a catastrophic release of radioactivity at this point it seems like it's a controlled so-called release of radioactivity but the indications are that things are not under control and they're simply venting radioactive steam to the environment to prevent an even greater catastrophe of the containment building rupturing reaching the cooling is not happening in the reactor core and the longer that goes on i figure i've heard is just over ten hours perhaps to mount down at that reactor they need to restore cooling to the core and again the pools are another concern pools need to be cooled within a day or two they also could boil away all the cooling water and then decades of waste in those pools could catch on fire and that is a massive amount of radioactivity even more than is in the core the cancers that would be caused by the exposure to this radioactivity it may take years or even decades to develop those latent cancer patella these are very much. possible and
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would be caused by the radioactive exposure. we'll keep you up to date on the a developing situation in japan right here on our t.v. we'll be talking to our correspondents who are out on the field interviewing guests throughout the day said you stay with us for that well for articles and much more you can head to our web site that's r t dot com and you'll find all the stories we're talking about as well as blogs that's often dios and a lot more. for now let's turn our attention to libya where rebels and pro-government forces are continuing their battle for power well as government troops gain momentum and supporters celebrate some feel their victory could be hollow with a country now abandoned by the nations that were once its friends artie's paullus the year went to the western part of the country where people are celebrating colonel gadhafi is victory despite warnings of premature joy and fears of a civil war. and this is as it is that we had the scene of some of the fiercest
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clashes between pro and anti-government forces here in libya the city is now firmly in the hands of gadhafi smain and everywhere you look duffy's cut is gadhafi and his support is present is almost a fist to sleep with parents and young children looking around everyone congratulating each other people in the international community are taking of something else the scene of this town to duck east son saif gadhafi says the troops will now be marching we wait to see and once because he feels the government is very confident it will this country consuming effect in the last moment it just he says the international community based it wants to do it in brussels it's a very different reality here on the ground. some european leaders have expressed clear support for the opposition but many libyans fear western countries are more worried about money than their safety or the balance of power constantly shifting from the opposition to the government well there's a lot of confusion and chaos are these acts of worker is in the rebel stronghold of
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benghazi where people are losing hope and feel that by the time help arrives it might be too late already the annan abashed the uprising in eastern libya is like most of its parts disciplines young impulsive and the reverend to the regime like these twenty two year old who had never held a gun before but a long used it that is the movement my father showed me how to use it a few weeks ago i'm ready to die for my country many in gaza to proclaim their ragin is to sucker fries their lives for the liberation struggle now these heroic rhetoric is becoming a real prospect as the pro-government forces as closer a bloodbath seems old with an avoidable international deliberations and what to do about believing in uprising having going on for so long that many people in that these are no longer holding that. and that their feeling to have lost hold
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as the gadhafi forces are closing in on the battlefield friday prayers in ghazi were the most passionate so far city residents turned their palms to the skies that many hold would have been declared and no fly zone by now. has more coffins arrived from the front line high spirits have given way to a sense of abandonment for several weeks of encouraging statements from western capitals many here feel deceived. to see mr obama we expect that the real democratic and liberal looking for liberty for the peoples you look for money first you got your money first. a little bit would kill everybody everywhere meanwhile in the city's arches immobilizing their vast resources to boost morale this song has become a non-official hymn of the rebellious you.
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know good rain upon his people is just one of many themes that local caricaturist have adopted for their visual a fanciful intro to exit visions like this one and now on display in almost every rebel controlled seat here believe in leader has unexpectedly unleashed unprecedented creativity in his people. as you have there are new signs of people leaving been partially because i really finding themselves in a catch twenty two situation living now may be seen as betraying the opposition staying for too long may lead to persecution later on. ironically it wasn't been gazi that more more. gadhafi began his quest for power forty two years ago
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a young revolutionary he overthrew the king in a bloodless coup with calls for liberation and an end to tyranny those who oppose him now even younger and demanding the same things but that's where many fear historic parallels my dander the subway car the bin ghazi. a rising pressure for a no fly zone to be imposed over libya will draw western countries into a conflict they don't want to be involved in well that's the view of our ability contributor colonel you have get equal shots we were generally speaking. there were very deeds case against a no fly zone doesn't hold water don't get me wrong i'm not trying to go the united states into the no fly zone operation over lead beer but i have to point out that for the u.s. air force navy told gun riders to impose a no fly zone over their contested area all along the coast line would be just
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a piece of cake and every military professional especially u.s. air force veterans know it better than anybody else and the most important reason reach i guess robert gates will explain away in his forthcoming memoirs why is he was against the no fly zone that he didn't want the united states to step into the trap the cia played against the soviet union in their ghana stay when the short term regime change operation conducted by the soviet union later evolved into the full scale counterinsurgency for almost ten years anybody knows anything about the law of unintended consequences and especially in the context of the cold war a most successful operation against the soviet union in afghanistan it is him robert gates as the former chief of central intelligence agency. oh
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all the way at this hour archie takes an in-depth look at the struggle between jews and muslims and living side by side in hebron where the city is the a largest in the west bank and home to over one hundred sixty thousand palestinians and five hundred israeli settlers our special report focuses on the old quarter where palestinians lives are heavily restricted and many are being driven from their homes. we hear it because our cash out states. that god promised them this milind belongs to. will if they are still going to be thinking the. gold chosen people will believe that god is real estate agent say ok this land is this for you guys and this guy is as for you. this is
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a. first for my family. bob if you. look up it. up. just a recap of our breaking news coverage the japanese emergencies ministry says that there is a possibility that one of the country's nuclear power plants could go into a meltdown but this comes following a friday's record eight point nine magnitude earthquake and a resulting tsunami well you're looking at pictures of the fukushima power plant which has been declared in a state of emergency they're watching for radiation levels of the ministry safety ministry saying that there's a possibility that
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a meltdown could occur while thousands of residents have been removed and there are fears that a leak could occur at a second plant nearby the official number of the deaths in edge of town after a tsunami is now over seven hundred local reports claiming that thousands are missing we will be updating you on this story throughout the day so do stay with us for our continuing coverage. of the united nations security council has included russia's militant leader modeled on its terrorist list of a chechen warlord with links to al qaeda is responsible for many deadly attacks across the country and is russia's most wanted terrorists without a model has been listed alongside the world's most dangerous men after years of resistance by the u.n. and the international community he's going to check out has the details from washington d.c. . the u.s. state department has previously put the man on their list of most wanted terrorists and now the un has acknowledged that he's one of the most being generous terrorist
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in the wall than the threats to the whole of the international community let me give you a better sense of who this man is doku umarov is the leader of the al qaeda linked islamic caucuses emirates as a terrorist group that operates in russia he took credit for the deadly suicide bombing at the donmar datable airport in moscow in january this year at the attack killed thirty seven people and wounded scores more the man also values to kill more civilians he he released a video just days ago saying that he also claimed responsibility for the moscow's metro suicide bombings last march in the attack on the passenger train a little bit over a year ago dozens of people were killed as a result of those attacks so the u.n. has now included harf into the list of the you when al qaida and taliban sanctions committee know what that means the sanctions in visage asset freeze travel ban and arms embargo for individuals and entities associated with the taliban and al qaida and martin is now one of them just a few days ago on march the ninth
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a blast took off near the academy of russian security services the after is in moscow no casualties have been reported and just they later at this friday we heard about these two explosions in a residential area in moscow again no casualties reported a group of militants posted a video claiming responsibility for the attack on march the ninth and saying that they acted upon the order of door kumar investigators suspect that he was involved in the leader's two explosions in moscow as well as many security services as executing acts for it's believed that terrorist groups operating in russia get funding from abroad some of the members are known to have the training of grog and if you take the deadly bombing at the airport those lines of attack the busiest international airport in russia the fear is clearly knew that not only russian nationals were going to suffer we had french a tower. the international two were caught up in this in the attack the perpetrators didn't seem to care about nationality there and that really underscores the international dimension that these tragic attacks half of the last
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year and a healthy russia has seen a number of horrendous terrorist attacks but only recently has the uighurs than the west in general started to see it as part of international terrorism not just russia's domestic issues but the rhetoric doesn't always been like this for a long time the west would see the terrible things that paris that done in russia as part of them a rebel separatist movement but now it's very much clear to everyone that those thugs are a threat to the whole of the international community. washington correspondent reporting there on the u.n. security council's decision to put the chechen warlord modeled on its international terrorist list. let's go to some other international news in brief for you this hour a federal judge has ruled that u.s. prosecutors can demand access to the twitter accounts of certain users as part of a criminal probe of leaks disagree in question are all close associates of the
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whistleblowers founder julian assange well they had argued that handing over their account information of violating their constitutional rights however the judge ruled that those freedoms did not shield members from legitimate government investigations the lawyers for the three say they plan to appeal. who cuba has freed a lot of the country's leading dissidents and his let's give him a stay on the island other inmates in jail for crimes against state security are set to be deported to spring dr doctor also be set was arrested along with the seventy four other people during an internationally criticized roundup of dissidents in two thousand three but all of them were convicted of taking money and guidance from the u.s. and groups seeking to overturn she was communist system it was the prize of nominees so he will not leave the island until it is called free.
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will hundreds of workers marched through the streets of rome to protest against government cuts in public spending a group of protesters something raided the from the main a demonstration and clashed with police outside its holly and senate demonstrators why the top of vehicles and threw paint at the police. well you can head to our to call for more news and analysis on demand let's take a quick look at what's on live right now u.s. and vice president joe biden has been pushing at the reset button in moscow on a two day visit and his talks with blood here couldn't be underlined the importance of the reset in relations between moscow and washington. a group of arts reporters visit a christian temples in iran and recorded accounts and their life in islamic republic to see their exclusive photo gallery you can head to our website our dot com.
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well that's just to remind you of our breaking news at this hour of r t there are growing fears of a nuclear catastrophe in japan the following friday's devastating earthquake all the country's emergencies a ministry has one of the fun of its atomic power plants could go into a meltdown after its cooling systems were crippled above the during the earthquake well thousands of locals have already been evacuated to safety and it's now been confirmed the number of deaths following the quake triggered a tsunami and is now more than seven hundred but thousands are thought to be missing again. just chop it is officials are saying that there is the possibility of a meltdown at one of its nuclear power plants do stay with throughout the day for all the latest updates because of compliance i will be back with
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a recap of our top stories in just a few minutes to stay with us and our team. of
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her brother are here are. we here because of our patriarchs that. the guide promised them this the land belongs to us. will if they are still going to be thinking that they are and gone chosen people will be must believe that god is a real estate agent say look it is that is for you guys and this does as for you. under the law no this is our love field this is my. love your. budget. cut.
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