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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2011 4:30am-5:00am EST

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in the population just in layman's terms what are these effects a cancer comes to mind what are the effects of very high levels of radiation. there is there's an increased risk here if there's increased risk just order. there's a variety of types of characters and even exposures to radiation there's certainly more risk not meaningful action or an epidemiologist i really couldn't describe it in more detail so i don't want to misrepresent them but i know that radiation exposure to. increase that of the cancer immune disorders ok well thank you very much for giving us your opinion or insight on what is currently unfolding of dr robert a research associate professor of nuclear history and culture at hiroshima peace institute thank you very much for. just giving you again breaking news at this hour at least four people have been injured following a reported explosion near the fukushima daiichi power plant in japan this has been
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a new information the latest we're getting is that japan's chief cabinet secretary says that people must evacuate within a ten kilometers power plant one in two because initially they were saying that a ten kilometer outside of a ten kilometer radius it would have been safe but now they're saying that people should evacuate there are have been fears of a meltdown the nuclear safety commission had announced earlier that they were fearing a meltdown radioactivity the main concern regular activity levels there have reportedly risen up twenty fold you are looking at your sky your screens right now what you're seeing is white smoke billowing from the a full power plant reportedly an explosion occurred over there just very shortly a short while ago that is and it's also reported that the roof of the reactor has collapsed reports of four have been injured still not exactly clear where exactly
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within the plant because we have been worrying about the a cooling system business has been the concern of the government which is why they raise the state of emergency the cooler. system does not work you need a cooling system to keep the temperature levels of the reactor at a normal level and therefore preventing a meltdown but now there are fears of a meltdown and the prime minister now to counter earlier said that he does not rule out radiation leaks from fukushima number two that's another prime close to the one on your screens right now. russia says it is a ready to help japan in dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake well moscow can draw on a wealth of experience in coping with both natural and technological disasters well arty's aleksei a shared skier joins us live from kiev ukraine in your. capital for us now first let's just go to your girl who is in moscow what is going on russia's reaction what can russia offer to the japanese at this point.
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oh i must say the events in japan really remind of a plot or saif a movie except this is unfortunately the reality of the events are still unfolding so it's quite hard to even calculate the damage and the scale of the devastation especially after this explosion at the fukushima. nuclear power plant so for out it's possible your levels of radiation have risen and more consequence is me still to come from this particular incident at the moment six of russia's emergencies ministry's jets are on standby ready to deliver doctors rescuers medical equipment a mobile hospital to japan all is needed at the moment is a request from japanese authorities these jets have been on standby since friday on the order of the russian president. of
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course we're really to hold our neighbors and overcoming the steps of this severe earthquake. a state of emergency has also been declared on our soil on the cool islands in the seattle region were all necessary measures must also be taken to prevent damage and loss of life but tsunami has already reached our shores and we must all be consolidated it's time now ordering the emergencies minister to present a plan of assistance to. russia does have the experience in dealing both with earthquakes especially if we talk about equal islands which are right there in japan's neighborhood located just several miles away from its territory so there have been earthquakes there previously in fact these islands were hit by smaller waves just on friday all source port of this huge disaster in the entire northern pacific region be we as a war around three meters high much less than some of those that hit japan were
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still pretty significant three meters high is around the height of a one story building thankfully no one was injured or killed in that incident and not local infrastructure was not damaged either but i thought he did evacuated around eleven thousand people to higher ground everybody there is still on high alert and again especially now with this explosion at the nuclear power plant in japan everybody has to prepare for any scenario this was ordered by russia's president meeting me on friday to put all the emergency services rescue services on high alert and on standby to be ready for any type of scenario how events may unfold in the future of moscow also has the experience in dealing with nuclear disasters as well meaning of course the chernobyl. catastrophe nuclear catastrophe in one nine hundred eighty six so i think judging by the situation and the events
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which are still unfolding there in japan a lot of helping go. international help will be needed once again russia's emergency services the russians are going to use ministry i'm sorry the six jets which are a really to take off as soon as the japanese authorities file an official request for help. ok well that's cool to you alexi that's just let me just read to you the latest news that we're getting from japan the chief of japan's chief cabinet secretary secretary says it's not clear if the explosion took place in the reactor however we have been seeing a white plume of smoke on the screen there however radiation level at the power plant one power plant one is if exposed for one hour if someone is exposed to one hour it's equal to a yearly dose of radiation but the government right now it's reported that they are preparing iodine to secure the safety of people in the area keeping in mind it sure
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noble in the context of all the latest information we're getting how dangerous could all of this be. well it could be gravely dangerous because what happened in chernobyl twenty five years ago some serious consequences and the aftermath of the explosion at the nuclear power plant was felt everywhere across the european continent and even reached the eastern coast of the united states now we've just mentioned that you will be given out to the people in around the area where the fukushima power plant this is the same which was happening here in ukraine in kiev twenty five years ago i'd like to remind two of you is that after the explosion at the nuclear factory at the nuclear power plant internal nobody knew what was happening one hundred fifty kilometers from here for several days and as long as people were preparing for the may day holidays when the information broke out i remember i witnesses saying that all the you were dying from the pharmacies across
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the city. swept away and people were just basically scavenging. for needed medication to prevent the radiation sickness so the problem about radiation in general is that it is completely invisible and other people dealing with the nuclear physics they call the radiation and invisible enemy that's what liquidators have been calling it after the trouble fall out of the one striking resemblance which we can now see between the incidents in chernobyl and the one happening unraveling right now in japan is the white smoke coming out from the reactor building because this is exactly what was happening twenty five years ago by peter noble nuclear power plant first when her stand there was a serious blaze with fire raging above the nuclear plant facility then the white smoke which indeed was the radiation emitted into the atmosphere with the radiation levels all around the nuclear power plant deadly enough to kill a person within just minutes if certainly
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a person was not wearing any protective suit at the site indeed what is happening in japan is. certainly reminding us what happened in chernobyl and indeed what russia what the soviet union back then did to prevent the further spread of radiation could come very useful to the japanese authorities now indeed the first step to. localize the danger of the threat coming from the open reactor was to extinguish the fire but then when the rescue people at the site were realizing that so much water inside the burning reactor could lead to another explosion this was seized and they started bombarding the open reactor with sand and a lead this eventually proved to be very very useful in localizing the radioactive threat and the later one here since the. one the one the one here since the chernobyl fell out and when and when all the events were discussed at the
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international atomic energy agency this was these steps were described as very successful so obviously the japanese specialists must now look into textbooks that must now look into twenty five years ago to see what to do next with this new clear incident unraveling so quickly on the japanese island ok well we have been watching the situation we know that there's a problem with the cooling system we've been saying that the government has been saying there are fears of a nuclear meltdown just for our viewers' sake and. what is a nuclear meltdown what does it mean. well a nuclear meltdown is what's nuclear physicist described as the worst possible nightmare this is when the core of when you clear reacts it goes into an uncontrollable condition into an uncontrollable state this causes a nuclear chain reaction and then in many cases as it has been recorded in history it causes a powerful explosion which on many occasions just as it happened in chernobyl destroys the reactor and cracks it open the. blast was
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so powerful that it lifted one hundred forty ton off the reacts and basically. it into the air so you can understand how powerful this explosion can be but i've just seen the pictures coming from japan and despite that this shot was taken from quite a distance we can see that the explosion was very powerful indeed and it's really hard to judge whether the reactor was touched or not as the official says the member of the government has been saying but clearly the meltdown is a very serious situation and on most of the occasions it's really hard to stop this meltdown to to get the control over the reactor because as i said the meltdown is all about the nuclear reactor the core of the nuclear reactor going into an uncontrollable state which is of course a great problem for the specialists. say we've been receiving reports of the explosion a very many different stories concerning the situation and please do just tell us
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again if. every the information we've been receiving especially the chain of events that's happening what has happened in chernobyl what can be learned from that you mentioned both similarities and differences so how do we assess the japanese situation given everything is happening plus the experience that has been gained from which are noble again the chain reaction of events what can we expect. will clearly there have been conflicting reports over what what's been happening at the fukushima plant but you can't blame the authorities for sometimes you know diminishing the scale of the of the events happening at the nuclear power plant because simply they were afraid of any panic happening in japan and everyone across the world if we just go back twenty five years ago to the situation with chernobyl it took several weeks for europe to find out what was happening in the soviet union indeed it was a different state and it was always all about secrecy and protecting the information but indeed even here locally in ukraine were really afraid of massive
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panic because no one has had ever dealt with and you. or accident before the accident with such stalest or noble so that's why the information had been kept secret for such a long time obviously the these the situation in japan right now is a little less like that we been receiving conflicting reports but now we have confirmed reports and video footage of the explosion and indeed the best thing about it which is completely different to what was happening twenty five years ago is that the people are being evacuated from the area surrounding the nuclear facility immediately because back then i'm sure noble. hours and hours almost more than one day for the authorities to start the evacuation of the nearby city of pleated which had more than fifty thousand residents and is just three kilometers next to the chernobyl power station so this is obviously
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a good thing which the japanese authorities have picked up from the chernobyl experience from the chernobyl legacy not to repeat the mistakes which the soviet authorities done twenty five years ago but well what about the effects on people earlier you were measuring you talked about time as a solution to combat the radiation levels but what about wearing masks i don't know what are the other solutions that we that have been i've done before that possibly people as precautions should radiation levels reach are not alarming a-levels. well i can tell you from my own experience i've been to the chernobyl exclusion zone quite many times and some areas in this your normal zone is are very dangerous to be at the radiation levels are at least one hundred fifty two hundred times more than the normal human level which is about twenty micro romans per hour obviously if you are found if you found yourself in a place like that the only thing you can do is just run as fast as you can from
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there because the radiation as i said earlier is an invisible enemy and you cannot fight it unless you wear a protective garments these protective garments must. include. some some pieces of lead on your body for instance the liquidators the so-called by robots which were involved in the liquidation process on top of the nuclear facility internet will they wore. their garments had pieces of lead to some some shields of lead on them so this is the only thing which can prevent a direct hit from the radiation indeed your diet helps you to fight with the asian but not exactly counter the radioactive threat but it can take some radiation out of your body what we're hearing the reports we're hearing from japan deliver that radiation is not real would not would not be able to kill a person within minutes but obviously being exposed to this amount of radiation for several hours would probably cause the early stages of radiation sickness and as
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long as you know medicine hasn't yet produced any viable explanation of how to fight the radiation sickness obviously it's quite difficult this is one very difficult issue to fight with her thank you very much for that information as well as precautions that people could take again so radioactive levels thank you very much a correspondent. kiev ukraine and in moscow thank you well let's go back on the ground now to were talking over our correspondents bennett is monitoring the situation for us bring us up to date on the latest from where you are. and seems here that the radioactive fallout are actually growing because the concern now is not focused on the damaged one reactor it's now focused on the two just in the last forty five minutes or so we've heard that the government has extended the evacuation zone around the second reactor fukushima. fukushima two to
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ten kilometers that's extended from three kilometers to the really concerned tension release of radioactive particles into the atmosphere. there before it was just centered on one of each e h e which is where an explosion happened we've just got confirmation from a japanese cabinet chief cabinet secretary yukio edano that that was indeed an explosion that we've seen pictures of about there were it was a cloud of smoke coming out of the reactor one of the walls collapsed the roof recently collapsed in the last hour there as well and the major concern is their release of radioactive particles into the area because we don't know yet what the cause of the explosion was there but it's believed to be a problem with the cooling system and if that's not working and the coolant japanese media are saying that the temperature of the coolant fluid was over one hundred degrees and what happens there is if that's not working the reactor
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actually starts to melt and then we get what's known as a nuclear meltdown the major consequences there are there to make too much exposure to radiation poisoning is trance and. the government has in mind the chief cabinet secretary is saying that with the evacuations they are considering quarantining and attentional obviously treatment but they'll have to assess that when they analyze the conditions of those people who have been evacuated from that area but still three more nuclear reactors in that area around fukushima which is one hundred sixty miles north of tokyo still three more are under a state of emergency still still monitoring that's. the situation. as it develops of a live of the government has also said it's mobilizing it's being mobilized so that they can give iodine to the people within the vicinity of the power plants to
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protect them from a radiation levels it's still very early we're just getting initial reports but have there been any reports like in local media as to. where there's the government could possibly be giving out these either is that how it's going to work and what about people in tokyo how are they reacting to it are they going out trying to find mass or buy die from the pharmacy what's the situation in terms of the reaction of the people there are. on japanese media i haven't seen any. images or reports of where you can get hold of id and things like that but there has been some advice from the government and trapped in the in these areas saying that people if you are exposed in these areas to asian or in this ten plants is that exclusion zone then you know we should do is if you have to go outside cover your face go over your nose and mouth and make sure you don't breathe in or any of the potentially harmful particles cover up any exposed areas of skin once you
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indoors immediately wash and also avoid drinking tap or just such is the level of caution at the moment in tokyo a lot of people are actually wearing face masks and clearly there is some concern here on the way from the airport to the center of town this afternoon i would say about fifty percent of people wearing face masks in the hotel here several people are coming trying going on as well so clearly there is still. a little concern even as far away as tokyo at this radio actually. could be seriously damaging ok well thank you very much for the latest from tokyo there thank you. now we have dr robert blake of say a research associate professor of nuclear history and culture as you know him up piece institute give us his view on the explosion. having studied the history of these incidents in the past i know that at this reactor there had been attempts to
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reduce the pressure inside the reactor core and to cool the reactor to avoid a meltdown. to see an explosion as we saw on that building obviously indicates failure in those efforts. clearly the situation in this reactor is not under control if there is an explosion of that sort that blows the building apart so it would. it's hard to say exactly what it reflects but it would certainly indicate the likelihood of a partial meltdown in the tenchi ality of full meltdown in order to keep the fuel of a nuclear power plant cool if you will is cooled with which water the water the. reactor rods will. boil that water and that will escape steam as which will be somewhat radioactive so new water needs to be continually pumped through in order to cool
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these rods down what's paled in these in these reactors is the cooling system because of the dependency on electricity in order to run the cooling systems so with no access to electricity the backup generators that were initially there at these plants failed because of the tsunami and the earthquake and so generators and generators had been brought in in order to pump the water and cool the fuel rods it appears as though they were having trouble maintaining the flow of water to cool these rods and with the water boils away in the rods are exposed and the rods will begin to melt and the fuel will begin to melt down when this happens they'll be a much larger release of radiation into the environment than is released by. the water boiling that way so it would appear given the fact that there was an explosion in this building. the likelihood that there is remaining water cooling these rods very slim at this very clearly any exposure to radiation at all is bad
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for the human body and bad for human health. there's been warnings already on japanese television and in the region to take really take precautions to minimize exposure to radiation and people are now being told to stay in their homes rather than to evacuate which would be an indicator of the presence of radiation in the atmosphere but it's not a simple matter to keep radiation outside of the house although it will minimize exposures so that people in those areas and the people in the dome and areas are certainly in significant risk of having exposures that could lead to health problems depending on the size of the of the releases and the amount of the radiation that enters the atmosphere in the nearby atmosphere there's a possibility the areas around the players could be left. much like the area around for normal as the areas they wouldn't be entered that are worst case scenario if
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there is a cave in to a small areas possible that goal so people there people in those areas should all of the guidances of the government officials. should definitely take steps to minimize their exposure is in any way to radiation. today again breaking news this hour in japanese officials have confirmed the explosion at the if my daiichi power plant in japan at least four people were reportedly injured by the extent of this and it's unknown at this time but there are fears of a possible meltdown you can see on your screen it's white smoke billowing from the power plant but the nuclear safety agency says that it is collecting information on the blast the roof of the fukushima reactor has reportedly collapsed and radioactivity is said to be rising rapidly all residents living within a ten. the longer radius of the nuclear plant are being evacuated let's just remember that in the beginning where they were evacuating residents they said they
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said that within. the yawned a ten kilometer radius should be ok but now they are evacuating people from beyond that a ten kilometer radius of the public is being urged to save electricity amid fears of power supply just to give you some numbers about four million households are without power bills the in the northeast and earlier a state of emergency was declared at five nuclear reactors after the generators pumping cooling water fields so this cooling system is failed the cooling system is causing the temperatures to rise at the power plant well of course this comes following friday's record eight point nine magnitude earthquake which struck middle of the afternoon in japan on friday and it resulted in the devastation as well as a massive tsunami now thousands of residents have already been moved and it fears of a leak at a second plant nearby that actually the prime minister not the current had said
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that he does not rule out a leak at the nearby second plant going to the official death toll in japan the tsunami the tsunamis affect the earthquakes affects it's said that the official number is at seven hundred at this point but there are reports of there are more about a thousand missing and feared dead well emergency services are on high alert not just in japan but also in russia's far east as you know russia's far east is to the north which is very close to the area where the quake struck as well as where the plants are located now of course we will be updating you on this story throughout the day so do stay with us for all the latest in our continuing coverage of the events in japan.
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