tv [untitled] March 12, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST
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explosion at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant in japan the roof of the reactor collapse of the extent of the damages on no but they're on fears of a possible meltdown if only as friday's record eight point nine magnitude quake and resulting tsunami difference the number of deaths in japan stands at more than seven hundred reports claiming thousands on the set. of our welcome to you this is aussie live from moscow well first it was one of the world's strongest earthquake then a devastating tsunami now japan faces a nuclear catastrophe an explosion at the fukushima power plant means it's now facing complete meltdown he's either bennett has the latest from take
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a. here here now is the spread of radiation in the atmosphere and. these concerns is that why not one nuclear reactor but to now be evacuation area area around a second nuclear reactor number two has been extended to ten kilometers that reactor has been under a state of emergency for the last few hours because since the cooling system was knocked out after the earthquake the last lecture that the big fear the temperature could get to lead to an explosion and spread of radiation in the atmosphere now the government has said that they will be monitoring the exposure levels to radiation of people they evacuate from that area and treat them necessary necessary quarantine if they can if the exposure levels are so high that has already been an explosion at one new clear. creek to today at fukushima which is two
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hundred fifty kilometers north east of tokyo and we know that was an explosion and that's been confirmed about an hour ago by the japanese chief. secretary and chief cabinet secretary they don't yet know what the cause of that explosion bosco but the fear is and the major concern here is that it could have been caused by a melting of the actual reactor because the reason why they fear that is because they have according to the japanese nuclear agency they said they found radioactive cesium and iodine which in nuclear fuel flue fuel so if that's leaks out of the reactor and is obviously been. a breach of the reactor and its reaction with air because the fuel got too hot and in which case that means that's a nuclear meltdown which has very severe consequences indeed however we just heard a comment from that same japanese nuclear and industrial safety agency just in the last few minutes saying that they think that actually there is no serious damage
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done to the reactor there at the. number one reactor however the government is already issuing. advice to people who are in that city. in the event that they have been exposed to radiation in the atmosphere that saying cover your face is nose and mouth breathe it in cover any exposed piece of skin and also soon as you get into those scrub yourself watch yourself and avoid drinking tap water until they know that it's definitely safe so good level of proportion is very high indeed here so precautions or other advice about precautions for the immediate aftermath being given are now looking further into the future either how big of a fear of the potential future consequences of this explosion out there in japan. as i said the major fear is the spread of radiation and already we know that the
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level of radiation is outside that first reactor fukushima number one the government saying that nuclear agency is saying that it's if you stand there for an hour then you'll be exposing yourself to the amount of radiation you normally do so you get exposed to in one year and they are there of course that it's one thousand times the normal levels that. are experienced in that area so the major concern now is the spread of radiation and if indeed that reactor did actually melts and rupture and radiation has filled out then there could be a similar situation in fact the chernobyl nuclear disaster twenty five years ago but already the government is taking the necessary precautions and people in a twenty kilometer radius around that first reactor and now even a second explosion hasn't happened and it may not happen they are already taking the necessary evacuation records of procedures for the second reactor when you talk
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about people's fears about rising potential levels of radiation and the widening of that exclusion zone around the radioactive uncertain initial reports it seems the death of authorities out there in japan were coping with the situation but there were many conflicting reports as well whether. you do that to begin with they were saying that there was an explosion they weren't sure then asked pictures that we've seen. from the japanese television we've seen that the. explosion was indeed very powerful you can see the huge plume of smoke and it will be heard in the last two hours or so the roof of the reactors collapse that one of the forwards in that first reactor and plant has also been destroyed as a result of this explosion and finally to come out and said ok yes it was an explosion but this still cagey about what the cause was because they simply can't be. at the site to get but also they weren't saying at exactly what the levels of
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radiation were they were once western media saying that the level of radiation one thousand times higher than normal around that first reactor in japanese media are saying is twenty times higher than normal so conflicting reports in some cases on twitter there are reports from people in the north of japan higher up become trees that were from the other side of that nuclear actually from tokyo they were saying they were and hearing any thing at all about this that they didn't know what to expect. well there are all fears of the explosion japan's fukushima nuclear plant may affect russia's far east if radiation spreads the region is situated closer to japan what could a long island suck mean and civic port of that of a bomb have also been threatened by highways following friday's devastating quake correspond and yet again the gradual ways on the russian island of i mean which is in the heart of the affected region she's been engaging people's reaction that.
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well it's not in the immediate proximity of course and it's not yet clear how serious consequences of a possible radioactive contamination for the local residents could be but what we're seeing is that the accident at fukushima and this recent explosion is definitely asing to local residents worries will shortly after a few plans natural disaster on friday their main war is were about ten other tsunami which could hear the there are close to the one which could be more theory as more strong one but what they're worried now is about a possible radiative contamination we saw residents who were going to for mrs. searching for their own geiger counters to measure the radiation levels and. that which is actually quite hard to do on a weekend unless you work in the hospitals a nurse or as
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a doctor if you while emergency officials are saying that they will keep the public updated on the latest and say that there will be enough time to vacated necessary now for a cause reports of whether. those who live on the coral islands which is just several miles away from japan's coast we know that it was eleven thousand people have been already evacuated to see the areas which could be flooded and rescuers are urging local residents to move inland and. about the sea level. well we also know from the fisherman that despite reports had been saying that waves did not try and survive a metre around the curial arlen's we know that the waves were as high as three meters on saturday morning. well dr robert jacobs a research associate professor of nuclear history and culture for her russian of peace and city says the video footage shows that the authorities are not
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controlling the situation at the nuclear plant. having studied the history of these incidents in the past i know that at this reactor there had been attempts to reduce the pressure inside the reactor core and to cool the reactor to avoid a meltdown. to see an explosion as we saw on that building obviously indicates failure in those efforts. clearly the situation in this reactor is not under control that there is an explosion of that sort that blows the building apart so it would. it's hard to say exactly what it reflects but it would certainly indicate the likelihood of a partial meltdown in the potentiality of the full meltdown in order to keep the fuel of a nuclear power plant cool that fuel is cooled with with water the water. reactor rods will will boil that water and will escape. which will be somewhat
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radioactive so new water needs to be continually pumped through in order to cool these rods down but it's failed in these in these reactors is the cooling system because if it's into pendency on electricity in order to run the cooling system so with no access to electricity the backup generators that were initially there at these plants did fail because of the tsunami and the earthquake and so generators battery generators had been brought in in order to pump that water and cool the fuel rods it appears as though they were having trouble maintaining the flow of water to cool these rods and with the water boils away and the rods are exposed then the rods will begin to melt and the fuel will begin to melt. when this happens they'll be a much larger release of radiation into the environment then is released by. the water boiling away so it would appear given the fact that there was an explosion in
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this building. that the likelihood that there is remaining water only was wrong once would have to be very slim at this point this kind of radiation will typically come down from the upper atmosphere with precipitation like rain or snow any exposure to radiation at all is bad for the human body and bad for human health there's been warnings already on japanese television and in the region to take really take precautions to minimize exposure to radiation and people are now being told to stay in their homes rather than to a back the way which would be an indicator of the presence of radiation in the atmosphere but it's not a simple matter to keep radiation outside of the house although it will minimize exposures so that people in those areas and the people in the downwind areas are certainly in significant risk having exposures that could lead to health problems depending on the size of the of the releases any amount of radiation that enters the atmosphere in the nearby atmosphere there's
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a possibility the areas around the plants could be left. could be left much like the area around true normal as areas that wouldn't do and it wouldn't be entered that worst case scenario if that's the case to contain that area into a small area sponsible that is the goal so people there people in those areas should follow the guidance it's up to government officials but they should definitely take steps to minimize their exposures in any way to radiation. so we're getting reports of a radiation leak from an unstable japanese nuclear reactor north of tokyo this of course comes after an explosion at the fukushima nuclear power plant where the roof collapse will be extensive the damage is still unknown at this time but there are fears of a possible meltdown we as yet still do not even know the levels of radioactivity at present around the site of the plant where the country's
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a nuclear safety agency says it's collecting information on the blast well earlier a state of emergency was declared by prime minister kan five nuclear reactors out of the generators in cooling water failed however japanese officials say. the. say the plant's reacts is after radioactive material was detected out side of it but it follows of course friday's raechel eight point nine magnitude earthquake and results in the tsunami struck in the afternoon local time on friday off the coast of honshu weiland some four hundred kilometers north of these doors of tokyo but it was nearly eight panels in time stronger than last month's earthquake in new zealand that devastated the city of christ church and some of those saying search
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and rescue teams from around the world that helps in that disaster are now on their way to japan for fouls the rules of residence have already been moved in the fears of a leak at a second plant nearby the official number of deaths in japan after the tsunami stands at over seven hundred but local reports claim that thousands are still missing and that number. it is thought to still need to rise quite considerably emergency services are on high alert also in russia's far east which is located a very close to the area of the disaster with the u.n. nuclear watchdog the international atomic energy agency is currently japanese or for a tooth. with information as damage and a possible effects of the blast and some scientists are suggesting that that
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announcement in itself is indication of the seriousness was witts the i.a.e.a. is treating this japanese at last and russia says it's ready to help japan in dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake and last kind of course draw on a wealth of experience in green with great natural and technological disasters a little earlier isolates artes and let the kid crane and a good person off is the moth. but at the moment it's perhaps too soon and too early to establish the final damage on the entire scale of the devastation caused by these horrific events in japan which are still unfolding especially with this blast at the fukushima one nuclear power plant and reports of possible nuclear contamination in the entire region but at the moment russia's emergencies ministry has prepared a six jets to deliver rescuers doctors medical equipment or more well
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hospital to japan all is needed at the moment is a request from japanese authorities these jets have been on standby since friday on the personal order of the russian president dmitry medvedev has also ordered all you know local emergency services and rescue services in russia's far east in this region and especially on the crew islands which are right there in japan's neighborhood was just located just several miles to the north of the japanese territory so he ordered everybody to be on high alert and recently to get ready for any type of scenario when it comes to dealing with disasters russia does have experience in dealing with earthquakes if we talk about the crew islands alone they've been hit by earthquakes quite a lot of times before and also moscow has the experience in dealing with nuclear disasters as well i'm talking about the. internal nuclear catastrophe in one nine
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hundred eighty six so far the biggest such disaster in history so once again it's too soon to establish the full scale of devastation in japan but i think it's pretty clear a lot of effort is going to be needed in order to try to return all life to normal in these affected areas so these six planes are on standby always needed is a request from japan. i can add many things. well you mention there of course that . he's in ukraine for us alexei we of course saw the pictures of that enormous white snow rising out of the plant in japan how dangerous do we think that it could be bearing in mind the experiences of what happened at chernobyl. well as you said it is really too early to judge what the extent of this catastrophe could be we can only refer to the
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events of twenty five years ago internet will which is now part of the solar in ukraine of course the contamination from the open reactor from the exploded reactor at the chernobyl nuclear power station was almost immediate and the levels of radiation at the site could kill a person within minutes unless this person wore any protective gear indeed the aftermath of this explosion the radioactive cloud to. stalwarts the west in europe and was felt everywhere across the european continent even reaching the eastern coast of the united states and of course on its way to europe this radio radioactive cloud lost some of its dangerous radiation levels but indeed at the site the radiation levels were very high at some parts of the exclusion zone in ukraine the thirty kilometer exclusion zone around the chernobyl nuclear power plant the area where practically nobody lives nowadays and where people were
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evacuated from some parts of this area the radiation levels are still dangerous and still really high and it is unsuitable for humans to be there for even ten or fifteen minutes it could cause the early stages of radiation sickness now of course it is early to judge what's happening now in japan because we've been receiving conflicting reports and we cannot judge what the levels of radiation are and whether any radiation was emitted into the air. we only heard that now the winds are blowing from japan and this means that the mainland part of russia. china and the korean peninsula. in the near future in the nearest time should there be any. radiation into the atmosphere that's. how dangerous it is. in a new. normal. and
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you clear reactor is something described by many scientists as. an area the worst nightmare when the core of a nuclear reactor goes into an uncontrollable state. whether it's. failed experiments like it happened. five years ago nevertheless this is one. this causes a chain reaction and on many occasions. a powerful steam explosion exactly what happened. on. the air so you can imagine how powerful this explosion was made. a nuclear explosion. the nuclear plant in. it's really hard
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to judge. such circumstances because the situations where the. condition happened very seldom in human history but nevertheless. from the japanese government earlier that they've managed to control the situation at the lower the pressure at the reactor so. explosion at the fukushima plant because right now it seems unclear despite the striking resemblance despite the white smoke coming from the reactor just as it happened twenty five years ago in trouble and this is of course a warning sign for many experts across the globe when as you say despite some. resemblance is seeing the white space scientists sustain and sea mines as to whether they will really result in the same extreme levels of radiation contamination that occurred. of course during the course of trying to establish
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what happened in japan we've been receiving many conflicting reports about the situation basically from the ground from the japanese government is that it is found this lack of clarity of information does that resemble anything that happened twenty five years ago during the last. well certainly. nobody knew what was going on twenty five years ago when the chernobyl fallout happened but this information was kept secret from the general public in the soviet union and from the rest of the world and so on a very secretive campaign will save guarding what happened only took some several weeks before the high levels of radiation were detected in sweden and that's when you realized that something was going wrong in the soviet union and that's when it inquired what was happening and only then that the chernobyl fallout was revealed
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to the rest of the planet. what is now happening in terms of the media coverage by terms of what information what information the japanese government is providing to the rest of the world and to the public in this country is of course it's far more this far more information than twenty five years ago in the soviet union and this is of course a much better sign a great improvement compared to what happened. especially given the fact that the government started to evacuate people. as soon as this threat of a nuclear accident occurred. because twenty five years ago when the chernobyl reactor exploded. with more than fifty thousand residents was evacuated more than one day since the explosion and obviously all these people were subjected to a great deal of radiation to a great deal of threats coming from the open reactor is still unknown to this day
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how many people have died following the. explosion at the facility and the emission of radiation to the atmosphere still nobody can provide exact figures but clearly the negligence of authority back then led to some serious consequences but at the same time clearly the steps which the authorities managed to take in the hours after the explosion at the nuclear facility were then considered by the international atomic energy agency as very successful because bombarding the open reactor with bursts and blood was much more efficient than trying to extinguish the blaze with water this could have caused another steam explosion maybe much more powerful than the first one in fact and the steps taken by the authorities in the first stages and then the construction of the which still remains in chernobyl now days preventing the further spread of radiation to the atmosphere was of course a great experience and probably of the people now working on trying to localize the
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disaster in japan are keeping all this legacy in mind trying to sort out this dreadful issue in. the history of nuclear. you might think. in the early development of atomic weapons well the most notable ones include the explosion at the national reality testing station in the us state of idaho back in one nine hundred sixty one but designers of also plagued peaceful nuclear energy programs a more recent problem occurred. uranium processing facility in japan in one thousand nine hundred nine where work is added to many pockets of uranium directly into a precipitations hang japan's most deadly problem to date was
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a steam explosion in the hull a nuclear power plants four people died in eighteen with seriously injured so as we can see the country is no stranger to problems within it's certainly clear industry . but just to remind you of our breaking news story this hour the explosion at a nuclear power plant in japan at least four people were injured but there are reports that they are conscious and their injuries are not life threatening but the blast has increased fears of a possible meltdown and radiation leak the nuclear reactor is said to be undamaged and the level of radiation has dropped since the explosion of origins including the evacuation of people from surrounding areas just a precaution while the japanese prime minister has well the government will do its best to make sure no one suffers health problems after this it all follows friday's record eight point nine magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami the official
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number of deaths in japan is now well over seven hundred but that number is expected to rise as thousands are still reported missing we'll be updating you on the story of course throughout the day so stay with us for our continuing coverage . more updates coming your way in just a few minutes if you stay with us here on r.t. . hungry for the false look we've got it for. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on the tea. party or. we hear it because our country out states. the god promised them this milind belongs to our. will if they are still going
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