tv [untitled] March 12, 2011 7:30am-8:00am EST
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. there's a report on our. breaking news this hour at least a full people have been injured following an explosion at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant in japan the roof of the reactor housing collapse will be extensive the damage is all known but there are fears of a possible meltdown it follows friday's record eight point nine magnitude quake and resulting tsunami here fishel a number of deaths in japan stands at more than seven hundred with reports claiming thousands on they're saying.
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this is good to have you with us well first it was one of the world's strongest earthquakes then i devastating tsunami and now japan faces a nuclear catastrophe an explosion of a focus shima power plant means it's now facing a complete meltdown on the benet hunt the latest from turkey. fear here now is the spread of radiation in the atmosphere and. these concerns and he is not one nuclear reactor but to now the evacuation or area around a second nuclear reactor of the shimon number two has been extended to ten kilometers that reactor has been under a state of emergency for the last few hours because since the cooling system was knocked out after the earthquake last electricity they fear the temperature could get too hot lead to an explosion and a spread of radiation in the atmosphere now the government has said that they will be monitoring the exposure levels and so radiation of the people they evacuate from
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that area and treat the necessary necessary quarantine if they can if the exposure levels are seem high no there has already been an explosion at one nuclear. creates its a day at fukushima which is two hundred fifty kilometers north east of tokyo and we know that was an explosion and that's been confirmed about an hour ago by the japanese chief. secretary and chief cabinet secretary they don't yet know what the cause of that explosion was so but the fear is and the major concern here is that it could have been caused by a melting of the the actual reactor because the reason why they fear that is because they have according to the japanese nuclear agency they said they found radioactive cesium and iodine which in nuclear fuel flew fuels so if that's leaks out of the reactor and is obviously been. a breach of the reactor and its reaction
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with air because the fuel got too hot and in which case that means that's a nuclear meltdown and which has very severe consequences indeed however we just heard a comment from that same japanese nuclear and industrial safety agency just in the last few minutes saying that they think that actually there is no serious damage done to the reactor there at the. number one reactor however the government is already issuing. advice to people who are in that vicinity. in the event that they have been exposed to radiation in the atmosphere they say cover your face is a nose and mouth breathe in cover any exposed piece of skin and also soon as you get into was scrub yourself wash yourself and avoid drinking water until they know that it's definitely safe so that level of proportion is very high indeed here so precautions or other advice about precautions for the immediate aftermath being
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given are now looking further into the future either how big of a fear of the potential future consequences of this explosion out there in japan. well as i say the major fear is the spread of radiation and already we know that the level of radiation is outside that first reactor fukushima number one the government saying all the nuclear agency is saying that it's if you stand there for an hour then you'll be exposing yourself to the amount of radiation you normally do so you get exposed to in one year and they are there of course that it's one thousand times the normal levels that. are experienced in that area so the major concern now is the spread of radiation and if indeed. we actually did actually and rupture and radiation has filled out then they could see a similar situation in fact to the chernobyl nuclear disaster twenty five years ago
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but already the government is taking the necessary precautions and people in a twenty kilometer radius around that first reactor and now even a second explosion hasn't happened and it may not happen they are already taking the necessary evacuation recreative sieges for the second reactor when you talk about people's fears about rising potential levels of radiation and the why then of that exclusion zone around the radiative in certain initial reports it seems the death of authorities out there in japan are coping with the situation but there were many conflicting reports as well were there. to begin with they were saying that there was an explosion they weren't sure then and pictures that we've seen. from the japanese television we've seen the. explosion was indeed very powerful you can see the huge plume of smoke and it will certainly be heard in the last two
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hours or so the roof of the reactors collapse that one of the forwards in that first reactor plant has also been destroyed as a result of this explosion and finally did come out and said ok yes it was an explosion but it's still cagey about what the cause was because they simply can't be. deciphered yet but also they weren't saying exactly what the levels of radiation were there were once western media were saying that the level of radiation one thousand times higher than normal around that first reactor the japanese media were saying it's twenty times higher than normal so conflicting reports in some cases now on twitter reports from people in the north of japan higher up the country as it were from the other side of that nuclear actually from tokyo they were saying they weren't hearing any they get all about this that they didn't know what to expect. but there are fears that the aftermath of the explosion are japan's i think she mini career plan may affect russia's far east if radiation
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spreads were that region is situated close to japan curdle island sakhalin and the pacific port of the fourth start have also been threatened by highways following friday's devastating earthquake r.t. correspondent yet in regard to all there is on the russian side in the south and in which is in the heart of the affected region she's been engaging people's reaction there. well it's not in the immediate proximity of course and it's not yet clear how serious consequences of a possible radioactive contamination for the local residents could be but what we're seeing is that the accident at fukushima and this recent explosion is definitely adding to local residents worries shortly after japan's natural disaster on friday their main wars were about ten other tsunami of which could hear the their coast so the one which could be more furious more strong one but what they're worried now is about
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a possible irradiated contin the nation we saw residents who were going to pharmacists who king. searching for their own geiger counters to measure the radiation levels and. which is actually quite hard to do on a weekend unless you work in hospitals and are as or as a doctor you while emergency officials are saying that they will keep the public updated on the latest and say that there will be enough time to becky is it necessary now for a cause reports whether for. those who live in the coral islands which is just several miles away from japan's coast that was eleven thousand people have been already vacated to c.t. from the areas which could be flooded and rescuers are urging local residents to move deeper in land and to shelter about the sea level. while we also know from the petion man that this pirate reports had been saying that waves did not reach high
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saval by a meter around the curial our lands we know that the waves were as high as three meters on saturday morning. well russia says it is ready to help japan in dealing with. a kind of cool stroll on the experience again twenty five years ago when the chain not react explosions could not have more froth. at the moment it's perhaps too soon and too early to establish the final damage and the entire scale of the devastation caused by these horrific events in japan which are still unfolding especially with this blast at the fukushima one nuclear power plant and reports of possible nuclear contamination in the entire region but at the moment russia's emergencies ministry has prepared a six jets to deliver rescuers doctors medical equipment and more well
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hospital to japan all is needed at the moment is a request from japanese authorities these jets have been on standby since friday on the personal order of the russian president has also ordered all your local emergency services and rescue services in russia's far east in the region and especially on the cool islands which are right there in japan's neighborhood just located just several miles to the north of the japanese to the east he ordered everybody to be on high alert and we see if you get ready for any type of scenario unfortunately russia does have the experience in dealing with such catastrophes earthquakes if we talk about just the cool islands which are right here in japan's neighborhood located just several miles away from its territories they had been hit by earthquakes previously and russia does have the experience in dealing with a nuclear disaster is as well talking about the chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in
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eighty six so once again at the moment always needed for these jets to take off and deliver this help to japan is an official request from the country's authorities. well christopher thurman the associate professor at the international christian university in tokyo says although it may seem like there are many similarities to chernobyl the two incidents are quite different. it looks like this is caused by the cooling system for you and now when the earthquake occurred yesterday about ten forty six the reactors immediately shut down and of course you can shut down a reactor instantly and it has to keep cool and the reaction is going on inside it so these reactors have backup generators which continue to pump water into that reactor unfortunately that you can backup generators which are illegal generators and i think she meant daiichi seem to fail after about an hour and they were
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running on emergency batteries while the military began moving in more equipment more electrical equipment as our the crew and now it seems as though it's possible in the last couple of hours that has failed and the reactor materials that is the uranium in the reactor has been exposed to the air. and there have been reports that he. had died and cesium with radioactive iodine and cesium have been detected around the reactor and i could indicate there's essentially no water left to clear this reaction and that could cause the explosion and the situation is quite dangerous it seems as though hopefully it is serious as chernobyl these free after school entirely bottled water. down or simply when hotter than the nuclear materials cannot be cooled and the temperature rises in the containment area and
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the reactor materials themselves to the point at which they destroy the reactor that surrounds them of course these temperatures have to reach about five hundred degrees celsius for the metal and for the uranium itself probably in the order of eight hundred to one thousand degrees celcius. the good news is that that in medina ci reactor is sort of the daiichi reactor the one that is just exploded. the coolant is entirely water so a material venting into the atmosphere will likely just steam a radioactive steam in the case of sharon noble. the reactor was moderated by graphite and graphite holds the radiation and spirits much for that are as dust and gas so. that was the significant problem with sharing over the neutron moderator and there may not react it was different and the radiation could spread
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much further you have to remember that at the daiichi site there are i believe six active reactors all of which have shut down and again i don't have all the information but at the moment it appears as though reactor building number one is the site of the explosion now this is the oldest of the six reactors. built in one thousand seven hundred so it suggests that the oldest structure on the site was also the weakest and that. explosion has possibly exposed the uranium in the reactor to the air. and he doesn't mean that the situation is necessarily out of control as long as the government and military can supply out of cooling materials that is electrical power to drive pressurized water into the reactor building. hopefully some of the venting can still be contained in
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other words if the roof has collapsed it could mean that some steam has escaped or it could mean that. this issue ration is out of control and as the reactor core cools any water pumped into it will continue to turn into radioactive steam and vents in the atmosphere so so we don't know it could be quite a dangerous situation as you said the safety limit has been expanded from ten. kilometers to twenty kilometers people are being advised to stay in their homes and not drink water or turn off their air conditioners so it sounds like the government is preparing people for a significant nuclear event but it seems as though they're suggesting that as the radioactive steam which is venting from building number one cools down instead of course it's night now as that steam condenses into liquid water will enter the water supply carrying. radioactive iodine and cesium isotope so with it
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which treat contaminated people in the vicinity. of at last report that radiation in the vicinity of was approximately one thousand my crissy or it's and that is about as much really a sin as a human body should it's your one year and that's being released every hour or so it seems like the radiation levels in acidity of the reactor are quite high the biological effects will depend on a number of factors of course. it is a measure of io logical impact rather than. just nuclear energy so for example if you are a larger person you have a larger body mass absorbing that same amount of radiation that suggests that the most vulnerable people will be children and the elderly people with a smaller body mass or or more we can body. i believe that measure of one thousand
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my perceivers was quite close to the reactor so obviously the main concern is for emergency workers firefighters and military in the area people further away are probably not at so great a risk of course the. radiation is carried by particles in the air. but diminishes geometrically with just. since so hopefully the levels ten kilometers away or twenty kilometers away are not nearly as high at the moment the government seems to be getting very good advice of course the difficulty again is the difference between the type of material being vented here at at at daiichi a the likelihood is it is mostly steam. in cherry knowable the. vaporized. vaporized graphite would have materialized as as
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dust or affected people as dust so staying inside would have been the best option as seen applies to daiichi but of course if that water condenses and enters the water supply. hundred people so people wearing masks keeping their doors and windows shut and keeping their air circulation systems such as heating and air conditioner switched off is about all you can do i mean. that the government has says it has given excellent advice and in that situation there really isn't anything else you can do if radiation levels are high the government will administer anti-radiation medications such as such as i have in the military and the firefighters who are in the vicinity working on this problem are certainly specially trained to deal with this kind of emergency and i can speculate that they are attempting to cool. the remaining reactor core using high pressure water
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if the roof of the building is off. and out water will simply vaporize into radioactive steam and the amount of water required to cruel the reactor core would be significant so there simply seem to be two options one is to continue trying to deliver water to that reactor core and the second. is simply to to evacuate as many can cause possible so obviously unfortunately emergency workers in the vicinity will be receiving. quite dangerous levels of radiation. at this point the best thing that the public can do or the government can do for the public is to move people as far away as possible hopefully this disaster will be compared to chernobyl a relatively we can hope relatively small scale disaster and as i mentioned only
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one out of the six reactors at fukushima daiichi seems to have exploded or not the reactor itself the building around it probably due to a build up of high pressure steam yes of course depending on the prevailing winds and the and the sea conditions that radiation will be carried elsewhere in the world. i don't want to speculate and without having my facts but i would personally like to be cautiously optimistic that given the nature of this reactor given the fact that it is a light water boiling water reactor it cools only by water that sound this radioactive material will. either not be carried too far or that would be a fax of the town it will be contained and this will not be a situation comparable to chernobyl radioactive gas clouds reached europe and north
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america. when we look at the history of the nuclear for the of course the worst is the chernobyl disaster of nine hundred eighty six but far more than you might think of actually also as you can place elsewhere with the majority bank in the early development of atomic weapons the most notable ones include the explosion at the national reactor testing station in the us state of idaho back in one nine hundred sixty one but disasters of also peaceful nuclear energy programs a more recent problem occurred at the time you were in your processing facility in japan in one thousand nine hundred nine where work is added to many of archives of uranium directly into a precipitation tank forty pounds of the most deadly to date was a steam explosion in the harm a nuclear power plant of four people died today eighteen were fiercely injured so as you can see the country has been no stranger to problems within its nuclear
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industry and just to remind you our breaking news story this hour the explosion at a nuclear power plant in japan at least a full of people were injured but there are reports that they're conscious and their injuries are not life threatening the blast has increased fears of a possible meltdown and radiation leak the nuclear reactor contained that has not been damaged and the level of radiation is hard drugs since the explosion. claimed evacuation from surrounding areas is just it's a caution with the japanese prime minister has a valid government will do its best to make sure no one suffers health problems are to this all this of course follows friday's record eight point nine magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami the official number of deaths in japan is now over seven hundred but that number could rise as perils and the reported missing thousands more have moved in with fears of a leak and second plant nearby we'll be updating you on the story of course
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throughout the days if you stay with us for our continuing coverage. well a college just evolved from greenpeace believes japan has been playing a dangerous game with its nuclear power for some time. power cannot be safe nowhere in the world to fill up the full moon let you be miles away things like japan where you can expect from those things if you want to be still fresh whole soviet union and such. and nine page you. write me and you know if i was teaching was actually was stalled and one of the reasons i wanted to look at each one of those taken more than once i was in the but that was enough to stop the construction you write all from those big but this issue is to those who cannot do what with what potential victims i think was the people and the only have an example of should not believe a platform of the most probable cause to made shows that the one to two hundred
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thousand people die because of chernobyl explosion you can imagine what really happens in japan and i don't think they'll population i don't know but then surely the bending on the wings in. china. so. i can get that moment when you wrote predict something but if one had a stroke much more serious than children it's a nuclear core we'll need to get there and that's a point with no real information about that as does in one man did so to seem a bit that they could and surrounding areas would be impossible for feet. what do you know that the normal level of four days and is fifteen to twenty my goodness i would not take the man to leave and the one that is more than fifty my guns per hour when is more than two hundred it is extremely complicated and i would.
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definitely strongly advise not what is happening is the stage reported recently visit level of radiation growth five thousand times the revelation of the normal radiation levels all that will get me that's certain. it's a radio. and usable for you words and it's going to be very serious and many so that it's not doesn't sound like need maybe it would be such a level of. consummation if they knew or would be serious the negativity though is still easily standing exactly. this is unloaded like that with a reading of what the people really do for example is. that is the most effective thing not to raise the difficult and not to eat anything which we call taking it you know it isn't a good day for lead to more of it but just in these i don't show you the will be needed for people to use it and there's
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a medicine to ripley's radio the order in which is related to the sea and i. just remind you know of our breaking news story this hour the explosion at a nuclear power plant in japan at least four people were is out of the plant were injured but there are reports that they're both conscious and other injuries are not life threatening well the glass has increased fears of a possible meltdown and radiation but the nuclear reactor container has not been damaged and the level of radiation has actually dropped since the explosion or thorazine claimed evacuation from surrounding areas is just a caution of the japanese prime minister. has vowed that the government will do its best to make sure no one suffers health problems after this all this follows of course friday's record eight point nine magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami the official number of deaths in japan now stands at over seven hundred but the
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number is expected to rise as thousands are still reported missing thousands more have been moved and made fears of a leak and a second plant nearby will be updating you on this story of course throughout the day so you can stay with us for our continuing coverage. on all the latest from marty coming up in just a few minutes ago way. hungry for the full story we've got it first half of the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. .
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