tv [untitled] March 12, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EST
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well the. reason you believe the science team says. from. the future of. breaking news this hour a massive radioactive fallout is the fear after an explosion of asking people to shimon our plans into the reactors roof tiles that caved in injuring at least of all the world is people within a twenty kilometers of the plant of being evacuated it follows two pounds worth of quake and the resulting tsunami whole villages have been swept away over seven hundred people are confirmed dead without the rescue team that number is expected to grinds. the
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air. this is on the sea life from moscow with me analysts have just one store you don't win it in the world's attention right now about the disaster in japan a blast has destroyed part of a nuclear facility and the so nami hit north a twenty kilometer evacuation zone is in place but all thorough she said radiation levels are decreasing it's also understood the explosion was caused by a failure in the cooling system and not the reacted self which was affected or the blast struck the because she number one the nuclear plant some two hundred fifty kilometers and north of tokyo the roof in one of the walls that caved in injuring at least four workers well officials say the reactor is not affected it follows days eight point nine magnitude earthquake that triggered a massive tsunami which caused destruction dozens of kilometers in the end. as the
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seven hundred people are now confirmed dead. that number has reached more than a thousand well some thirteen hundred people are still missing rescuers have recorded scenes of shocking devastation with entire villages washed away and towns ravaged by the tsunami. well a possible war of radiation leak from the fukushima nuclear plant remains the biggest concern i've had then it's in take you for all to see either what's the latest you can tell us. the latest here is that we've just actually experienced an aftershock quite a large one first once it's been here for about five seconds what are sitting down my chair which is what really is very strange experiences in the last twenty four hours there have actually be around one hundred aftershocks or over that amount in fact this one was quite a powerful one it was centered around fukushima district in fact measuring six on
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magnitude scale so quite a large aftershock and this is well over twenty four hours since the initial earthquake and others say this one was centered and it turned out on the fukushima district which is where the new nuclear reactor explosion took place earlier today when that is a potential nuclear fallout we have heard since that there was no damage done in that explosion to the reactor itself if they was then radiation would have been leaking and there was initial fear in fact when they found cesium and radioactive iodine. on the outside of the syllabus he told her there hasn't been any damage in that explosion to the reactor and radiation levels have since the crease and so much so in fact that. the authorities have been able to release some of the pressure inside the reactor because that's still very high indeed and that still a concern it's still very hot in there as well and they need to release team to release the pressure to do that since and without affecting the radiation levels in
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fact they've been dropping to spite or japanese authorities saying that radiation levels are now to creasing how concerned are people in japan that at problems they're not like still escalate you just told us now that you yourself have experienced quite a strong aftershock there in the capital take a. other fears mainly aren't here in turkey although with fit with theory feeling after shots that. people are out on the streets here it's not because of that because they're calling their loved ones i'm told. by people here that i've met in the last since i've been here and everyone's concerned about the people near focal shimon near these near the explosion at this nuclear reactor bit concerned now is the spread of radiation there has been evacuations of the twenty kilometer radius around this for a power plant number one where this explosion took place as
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a precaution because radiation that is in the air earlier. the levels of radiation there were if you stood outside for an hour next to the plant then you would have absorbed as much radiation as you would do normally in the year also another plant is. under an emerged state of emergency as well with residents in the vicinity being evacuated to three kilometer radius they're being back in one within ten o'clock radius they're being told to stay inside but there's still the radiation. is very prevalent in those areas say i've had the main fear still being this potential spread of radiation around the plants are what is the work is there we now edging to contain the infant. well the most important thing now for them is to treat those who are you know exposed to radiation so what they're doing now is trying to distribute it i had seen because that. use is used to treat radiation
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sickness and then they move on to helping those who have been. in shelters who have left their houses and this number is in the hundreds of thousands well over two hundred fifty thousand we're hearing are now left he left homeless and also there are millions killed and three million without electricity another one million without water so that's where the next help goes that's the search step and finally then the rebuilding process begin this town is entire villages completely wiped out so it's a real big struggle for them and i thought what about all the people actually living a very near the new clear. that you were apparently who have already been exposed to the radiation what happened to bad. well the ones in the twenty kilometer radius around the fukushima power plant number one where the explosion took place they
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have been evacuated and they're now being treated for radiation sickness receiving id not that they have got sickness but it just as a precaution and if need be they're being quarantined also in the sense of the power plant number two in that same area. people are being told to stay indoors within that radius they're also being told. given some advice should be have been outside and they should cover their face don't try and avoid breathing in any of the radiation to travel in out of the nose cover of any exposed areas of skin or so when they get inside from coming in from the outside and may should wash scrub themselves thoroughly and avoid drinking tap water because the fear is that that is also contaminates it's and of course this is just one of more then he reacts is in japan say what they are they all in following the earthquake disaster. well the
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main concern is in this fukushima district where this aftershock just took place actually and there are four. power reactors four story reactors in four power plants in that area that shut down automatically from the i think that's what us what prompted this concern of nuclear fallout because what happens there is that if electricity drops then the cooling system is not. back up generators should kick in to cool down the reactor in this case given all of these for our plants and all the reactors there then started heating up and baths what prompted this explosion we don't know. exactly how that happened but we know that the reactor was damaged now in one of the. power plant number two the problem may have there is where they are the reason why they'd have accurate is because they fear they could have radioactive fallout there because the pressure is so high they're having actual trouble releasing steam because they fear that they could be
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releasing radioactive gases this well. and there are other worries among people in take you away you are some two hundred fifty kilometers away from the fukushima finds that people there are in danger. actually the people i've just been speaking to say that they're not the reason why the streets here very quiet much square and fact the whole day's been very quiet even to the all the major tourist sites it's not because out of fear is because. two things one people got home very very late last night in the early hours and so they've because none of the public transport what was working they actually had to walk in some cases thirty kilometers and today they're spending a day calling relatives the most important thing for them is a call or else it's called loved ones to check and they're ok and so no one is out on the streets because of that reason rather than fear of of radioactive for. and i've got a couple was actually physically shaken what they're buying yesterday's earthquake
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or what the general situation there at the moment. there's no visible damage here but if you if you're right it was visibly shaken i was speaking to tourists who were out in the streets a british couple yesterday they were outside when they could they looked up and sort sky scrapers literally swaying and they could hear them creaking they weren't sure that they're going to fall on top of them or just collapse thankfully they didn't and they were good they all and then they all made it made their ways to the shelters now the public transport still isn't. operating normally in fact it's going to spawn a service the train service from the airport to the center of town normally that's a very good one and one half hours every ten fifteen minutes or so and i to wait two hours for a train and have to change four times and then get a taxi in order to get to the sense that because everything is operating very slowly very carefully just in case of any further aftershocks also the phone
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networks they're being jammed because people are actually trying to call their loved ones so much that that's what's jamming with the phone networks now so that also suffering transport our communication network struggling to cope with the aftermath of this disaster but either better it's reporting for us from taking many prank updates. well thought to rob a jacobs a research associate professor of nuclear stream carts at herat solar heat institute says a release of radiation into the atmosphere could lead to a theory of health problems worldwide. having studied the history of these incidents in the past i know that had this reactor there had been attempts to reduce the pressure inside the reactor core and to cool the reactor to avoid meltdown. to see an explosion as we saw on that building obviously indicates
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failure in those efforts clearly the situation in this reactor is not under control if there is an explosion of that sort that blows the building apart so it would. it's hard to say exactly what it reflects but it would certainly indicate the likelihood of a partial meltdown in the potentiality of full meltdown clearly any exposure to radiation at all is bad for the human body and bad for human health. there's been warnings already on japanese television and in the region to take really take precautions to minimize exposure to radiation and people are now being told to stay in their homes rather than to evacuate which would be an indicator of the presence of radiation in the atmosphere but it's not a simple matter to keep radiation outside of the house although it will minimize exposures so that people in those areas and the people in the downwind areas are certainly in significant risk having exposures that could lead to health problems
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pending on the size of the of the releases any amount of radiation that enters the atmosphere in the nearby atmosphere there's a possibility the areas around the plants could be left. could be left much like the area around from no less areas that wouldn't be lifted and it wouldn't be entered that's a worst case scenario if that's the case to contain that area into a small area as possible his goal so people there people in those areas should follow the guidance of the government officials but they should definitely take steps to minimize their exposures in any way to radiation if there's a stigma. given that radiation into the atmosphere that can easily going to the upper atmosphere and spread. your around this kind of radiation will typically come down from the upper atmosphere with precipitation like rain or snow which makes if there is a very very significant release into the atmosphere people in people certainly
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in the air and in the region fear and potentially get across the pacific ocean would want to avoid exposure to rain over the next week or two or reminding you now of the main news this hour fears of a radiation leak in japan remain after a massive explosion of a fukushima number one nuclear plant it's understood the blast was caused by a failure of the cooling system and not the reactor itself the level of radiation in the control room is thousands times higher than normal before thora to say it's within expected limits but they're concerned about a possible meltdown on one of the plants react since however it's thought the container housing it was not damaged by the blast or within the past hour it's being reported that another earthquake this time measuring six on the richter scale has hit the area where the plant is located the evacuation zone stretches for
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a radius of some twenty kilometers around the site the u.n. nuclear watchdog is calling on japanese off origins to urgently update them with information on the damage and the possible consequences off the blast. well let's now told to start again novack of all from russia's atomic agency for his perspective on all this many of us have been with us here on our say now the japanese authorities are already playing down fears are they saying that the here to explosion of the focusing replanted know it's effect the reactor but how serious do you think that the situation is. well according to the information reach out before the completion of our experts we can see the situation as a serious bug is not critical because we think that the most need it's your
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scenario which could be used like this you all will melt down but will stay inside africa russell you can means that it will be the same situation like we had in one thousand so it's nine on three mile island site in the united states for example. radiation levels inside the plant basic to be at that was in times higher than the normal level i just think that we can understand how dangerous really is. well for the rescue forces is. it will be much more than requirement level. so we do care yes i. think yes. but if we talk about the logo for there to do for usual people of course it's harder than it
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should be that's why the government of japan. took the decision to evacuate people . we cannot figure that. out because this is wrong. with people and you know in the zone of twenty kilometers but it's up to them it is so there is. yes but if you talk about russian flight east you can not feel that the level of for addicts you would see a real increase more them. l.o.l. where we have to take measures what does it mean for example if it will be great to ban small then nature level before it gets used to an hour an hour for use region in our fight far east region it will be the same as people travel by airplane for from blood yourself to moscow and back and as you perfectly know you fitzgerald by airplane from what it was looked almost all from moscow to new york and back you
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are not going to the hospital or you can come but they can medical matters are free so should people in russia's far east timor read about what's happening should they be evacuating the area. i would like to underline that you know that it's nice scenario but mostly it's a scenario. our experts consider. doesn't save the. people you from far east should be worth about sixty because you and you there when exactly to the russian cost it will be not. a no radio call increase or for radioactive. and let's cross back to japan itself now you talked earlier about the people within the twenty kilometer radius being evacuated around the plant what emergency service is there be doing right now to contain the design and to prevent any further fallout.
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and sir i didn't hear your question it wasn't what well i imagine the services in japan be doing to contain the situation and you mention that they've already evacuated people from the twenty kilometer exclusion zone but what would the services that be doing to prevent any further disaster. well as as far as we know now. the nuclear fuel will stay in reactor well so it means that the products or diesel reaction we're going to see will not get you out of most fear except radioactive gazes. and so i should be isaac thoughts as for example if you're going to run from three thirty one neutrals a period of. ok
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in the division about about eight days so it means that all these radioactive isaac towards. at least one month so. the people i think you will be able to come back to the. future nothing will happen. when schools again mr serry another call from russia's atomic agency many thanks for speaking. off for more on the health implications of all this talk to dr winfred eisenberg from the international space station after stations complaining for the prevention of nuclear war thought eyes about only half life and frank first answer being with us so what should people be doing right now to minimize any risk to their health from contamination.
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the main thing is they have to. away from the place of accident as possible and of course people living. in the. surrounding should as soon as possible take. to prevent cancer. and specially mothers with children with unborn children correct. should leave not only the twenty. fukushima. much larger instance necessary to prevent. damage to the children especially. for the children the unborn children well we do know that a twenty kilometer evacuations aid has been in place around the site but it is not
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really what i do enough. no it isn't. nor for winds within the next hour or so. the plays. survey from fukushima may be more dangerous than another one. with a near distance depends on the wind so of course the fall will come down. and radiation levels out focus she reportedly rose to staggering the founders in times higher than normal is that enough of people nearby to become exposed to seriously dangerous levels. of which we don't know exactly how. big the. levels are
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because usually. the off issued statements try. to minimize the danger. in order to prevent. trouble from the atomic reactors in the minds of the people. usually. only of asian which was. published. enough to bring harm to the people of our own especially children and unborn embryos and. now japan in jews mind. every day sitting on the pacific ring of fire so how safe would you say that it is for japan to even have nuclear power stations in the first place when disasters like this could theoretically
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strike at any moment. i must say i really cannot understand how such a number of. clearly actos is built along the east coast which is known for painter of earthquakes for long. and. we have seen what happened and. we have. the. more severe. for all reactors so really i think all of europe polls closed as soon as possible and very short circuit. for renewal booths. down sidley this latest events in japan will further stoke that debate as to where and and how we should be getting our energy from dr
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winfield isenberg from the international association of physicians campaigning for the prevention of nuclear war many thanks for speaking to us. all this is r.t. live from moscow our continuing coverage now of the tragedy still unfolding in japan over seven hundred people are now confirmed dead after the worst earthquake in the country's history that powerful eight point nine magnitude shock sent a massive tsunami wave crashing into the islands northeast most of the dead are believed to have drowned huge waves that pushed foreign than sweeping away entire villages sound off the deluge towns and left with barely a trace of any buildings in one town around nine and a half thousand people remain unaccounted for in the capital millions of commuters were less stranded overnight while others was home after train services were suspended police say two hundred fifteen pounds and people have fled their homes
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and headed south according to government officials over a million homes in the country remain without electricity and a tsunami warning is still in place for japan prefecture. well there are now fears that the often all of the explosion of japan's fukushima nuclear plant may affect russians far east situated close to japan could be vulnerable if radiation spreads it could align unsubtly and the pacific port about of all strong have also been threatened by high waves following friday's quake. hitting the ground is on the roster line and that's just two hours flight from tokyo beijing people's reaction. although it's not in the immediate proximity of course and it's not yet clear how serious consequences of a possible radioactive contamination for the local residents could be but what we
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are seeing is that the accident at fukushima and this recent explosion is definitely adding to local residents worries will shortly after a few pans natural disaster on friday their main worries were about ten other tsunami which could he be very close to the one which could be more furious more strong one but what they're worried now is about a possible really it's a continuation we saw residents who were going to a pharmacist looking. searching for their own geiger counters to measure the radiation levels and. it was actually quite hard to do i know we can unless you work in the hospitals and are as or as a doctor you while emergency officials are saying that they will keep the public updated on the latest and say that there will be enough time to evacuate it necessary now for a cause reports. for those who live on the coral islands which is just several
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miles away from japan's coast we know that was eleven thousand people have been already vacated to see the areas which could be flooded and rescuers are urging local residents to move deeper in land and to shelter. about the sea level. well we're also know from the vision that despite reports had been saying that waves did not reach high it's a fall by a meter around the cura large we know that the waves were as high as three meters on saturday morning. with continuing coverage of the tragedy in japan to stay with . her brought. we here because of our
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petri outs that. god promised them this elin belongs to. will if they are still going to be thinking the. goal chosen people will believe that god is used to say ok this is that this is for you guys and this is. you know this is a. different market then. i woke up at. the top. down the official ante up location to on the phone i pod touch from the i choose up still.
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