tv [untitled] March 12, 2011 10:30am-11:00am EST
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breaking news this our mouth of radioactive fallout is fear down after an explosion out of the casino nuclear power plants to power reactors roof caved injuring happening stuff for power kills people within a twenty kilometers of the plant top of that if olive japan's a worse other place and the resulting tsunami called villages have been swept away the seven hundred people are confirmed dead but if the rescue continues out number is expected to rise.
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this is r.t. live from moscow a possible radiation leak from the fukushima nuclear plant remains the biggest concern there i bet it is in taking for. the latest here is that we've just actually experienced an aftershock quite a large one the first once it's been here for about five seconds whilst i was sitting down my chair was wobbling it's very strange experience in the last twenty four hours there have actually be around a hundred aftershocks or. in fact this one was quite a powerful one it was centered around fukushima district in fact measuring six on the magnitude scale so quite a large aftershock and this is well over twenty four hours since the initial earthquake and i would say this one was centered and it turned out the focus shima district which is where the new nuclear reactor explosion took place earlier today
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when he is a potential nuclear fallout we have heard since that there was no damage done in that explosion to the reactor itself if it was learned radiation would have been leaking in that was the initial fear in fact when they found cesium and radioactive . i had him on the outside of the syllabus he hasn't done any damage that explosion to the reactor and radiation levels have since decreased and so much so in fact that. the authorities have been able to release some of the pressure inside the reactor because that's still very high indeed and that's still a concern it's still very hot in there as well and they need to release theme to release the pressure and may be able to do that since and without affecting the radiation levels in fact they've been dropping the fears of mainly aren't here in turkey although with fearing feeling aftershocks that people are out on the streets here but it's not because of that because they're calling their loved ones i'm told . by people here that i've met in the last since i've been here and everyone's
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concerned about the people near the local cian or near these near the explosion of this nuclear actually concerned now is the spread of radiation there has been evacuations of the twenty kilometer radius around this. power plant number one where this explosion took place as a precaution because radiation is in the air earlier today the levels of radiation there were if you stood outside for an hour next to the plant and it would have absorbed as much radiation as you would do normally in the year also another part is. under an emergent state of emergency as well with residents in the vicinity being evacuated to three kilometer radius they're being impacted one one in ten o'clock the radius they are being told to stay inside and still radiation. is very prevalent in those areas well the most important thing now for them is to treat
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those who have been exposed to the reed radiation so what they're doing now is trying to distribute i have seen because that. uses used to treat radiation sickness and then they move on to helping those who have been in and still in shelters who have. left their houses and this number is in the hundreds of thousands well over two hundred fifty thousand we're hearing good now left of he left homeless and also there are millions will three million without electricity another one million without water so that's where the next help goes that's the first step and finally then the rebuilding process begin it's not been towns entire villages completely wiped out so it's a real big struggle for them all the ones in the twenty kilometer radius around the fukushima power plant number one where the explosion took place they have been evacuated and they're now being treated for radiation sickness receiving heidi not
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that they have got sickness but it just as a precaution and. they're being quarantined also in this of that power plant number two in that same area fukushima people are being told to stay indoors within that and once a radius met also being told. given some advice should they have been outside and they should travel their face don't try to avoid breathing in any of the radiation so covered in mouth or nose cover up any exposed areas of skin or so when they get inside from coming in from the outside and they should wash scrub themselves thoroughly and avoid drinking tap water because the fear is that that is also contaminates it's got to robert gates of the reset to say see a professor of nuclear culture at herat so. there's a relief that radiation into the ad with lack of will to serious health problems that well why. having studied the history of these incidents in the past i know
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that had this reactor there had been attempts to reduce the pressure inside the reactor core and to cool the reactor to avoid meltdown. to see an explosion as we saw in that building obviously indicates failure in those efforts clearly the situation in this reactor is not under control if there is an explosion of that sort that blows the building apart so it would. it's hard to say exactly what it reflects but it would certainly indicate the likelihood of a partial meltdown in the potentiality of a full meltdown clearly any exposure to radiation at all is bad for the human body and bad for human health there's been warnings already on japanese television and in the region to take really take precautions to minimize exposure to radiation to people are now being told to stay in their homes rather than to evacuate which
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would be an indicator of the presence of radiation in the atmosphere but it's not a simple matter to keep radiation outside of the house although it will minimize exposures so that people in those areas and the people in the downwind areas are certainly in significant risk having exposures that could lead to health problems depending on the size of the of the releases and the amount of radiation that enters the atmosphere in the nearby atmosphere there's a possibility the areas around the plants could be left. could be left much like the area around for no less areas that wouldn't have to and it wouldn't be entered that the worst case scenario if that's the case to contain that area into a small area as possible his goal so people there people in those areas should follow the guidance it's up to government officials but they should definitely take steps to minimize their exposure in any way to radiation if there's a stigma. given that it's radiation into the atmosphere that can easily earch going
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to be over atmosphere and go. around all this kind of radiation will typically come down from the upper atmosphere of precipitation like where you're still which makes. if there is a very very significant leads into the atmosphere people in people certainly in the jet engine here and in the region here and potentially even across the pacific ocean but watch what boyd exposure to rain over the next week or two. or a mind to now of our breaking news this hour theories of a radiation leak in japan remain after a massive explosion at the fukushima one a nuclear plants two hundred fifty kilometers north of tokyo it's understood the blast was caused by a failure in the cooling system and not three ounce itself which was not damaged officials say radiation levels will fall and since the explosion and there is no
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immediate danger well it's all those of friday's eight point nine magnitude earthquake which triggered a mouse's tsunami that spread destruction dozens of kilometers inland over seven hundred people are now confirmed because it's thought that longer could reach more than a thousand and one no coastal town around nine and a half thousand people remain unaccounted for rescuers are the scene report of devastation with entire villages washed away and tells ravaged by the tsunami. well the situation because she planned to sing comparisons being drawn to the chernobyl nuclear explosion which was the world's worst atomic plant disaster it happened twenty five years ago in ukraine but the effects of the contamination are still felt today earlier i say to our correspondents oliver and moscow and alexander said. well it is really hard to judge what this white smoke was caused
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by but definitely it reminds us of what happened twenty five years ago quarter of a century in the ukrainian town of chernobyl back then of course it was the u.s.s.r. now it's part of sovereign ukraine the white smoke was indeed coming out of the open a cracked open reactor after the explosion which happened early in the morning on april twenty sixth nine hundred eighty six indeed the other one the accident which is now taking place in japan it looks like just like the chernobyl accident with one exception in japan there's far more of this white smoke coming out of the reactor as we've seen. the different pictures shown by the japanese television all throughout the day also have to peter now he's a mosque a for us peter russia has experienced dealing with some serious atomic. asadi help had been offered to japan yes. that's right the experience gained in the
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lessons learned from dealing with the nine hundred eighty six chernobyl disaster. a key seat if it comes to the request going for any help with dealing with the cleanup if the situation is. now as of yet russia has said she wanted terry in a to japan and promised more thoughts needed however there has been no request for . assistance when it comes to the containing and cleaning up all of this kind of you kill or disaster that we see here however that doesn't rule out the possibility of it coming in the future to japan's own systems that they have in place will be stretched to the limit at the moment it's not just fukushima that has problems a state of disaster has been declared many reactors across japan so he just unease authorities will be stretched to the limit and the cost of the last night continues the possibility of outside help being requested especially from country. like russia who have this experience of dealing with and of containing
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a new nuclear disaster that becomes more and more likely the tiwa leg save in ukraine for us the best days of the way are the similarities that we know of tweeny incident out for ambassador paul. well obviously this why smoke coming from the reactor building is the only ovies resemblance which we can see between the two incidents twenty five years ago chernobyl and at the fukushima power plant now days that's where the similarities and the situations are basically different simply because what caused the what caused them you know the the fallout eternal was caused by a massive human error what is happening now in japan is of course the result of a natural disaster the earthquake happened which happened on friday and the other big difference and this is a very significant difference between the two events is how the government has been
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responding to the to the events obviously twenty five years ago the government of the soviet government kept most of the information secret from the general population in russia as well as from the rest of the world and went on a massive secret complaint to just safeguard this information and this was this is something which we cannot see today because the japanese government even though we have conflicting reports coming from the islands off what's happening there and we have no certainty of what caused this loss still the japanese government ordered the evacuation of people from the surrounding areas at the fukushima region but this didn't happen twenty five years ago when fifty four thousand residents of the town of keep it next to the chernobyl power plants were kept in the town for more than twenty four hours and this is. course caused some damage to them the people
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were subjected to a great deal of radioactive threat coming from the open reactor of course these mistakes were learned of the united states by that made by the soviet government and this is what the japanese government this hopefully trying to avoid right now but clearly is the situation is in trouble and it's fukushima one are different despite what we can see in the pictures from the japanese television. when it's from all the news now on several european leaders and giving their clear backing to libya's opposition but inside the country the thought is that the concern is less about less safety and more about money the confusion and chaos continues amid the constant shift in the balance of power. in the rebel stronghold of benghazi but people fear that any help on a ride just too late. he's the one and a vast and the uprising in eastern leader is like most of its purchase advanced
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young impulsive and the reverend to the regime like these twenty two year old who had never held the gun before but along with used it that just doesn't look like my father showed me how to use it a few weeks ago i'm ready to die for my country and many in ghazi proclaim their readiness to sacrifice their lives for their liberation struggle now these heroic rhetoric is becoming a real prospect as the pro-government forces edge closer a bloodbath seems old with an avoidable international deliberations on what to do about believing an uprising has been going on for so long that many people in gaza the no longer hold you accountable will come and that they're willing to last hold as the gaddafi forces are closing in on the embattled feeding friday prayers in gaza you are the most passionate so far city residents turn their palms to the skies. that many hold would have been declared and no fly zone by now. as more
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coffins arrive from the front line high spirits have given way to sense of abandonment after several weeks of encouraging statements from western capitals many here feel deceived i'm sorry to see that mr obama we are expecting that you are the real democratic and liberal looking for liberty for the peoples you look for money first you got your money first. i live it would kill every day i mean every night everywhere he while in the cities arches a mobile eyes in their best resources to boost morale the song has become an unofficial human of the rebellious new cause. yes. but after. gadhafi preying upon his people is just one of many themes
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that local caricaturist have adopted for their visual or fanciful interest to exhibit like this one and now on display in almost every rebel controlled seat here believe the leader has unexpectedly unleashed unprecedented creativity in his people. as you have there are new signs of people living with god partially because some i really finding themselves in a catch twenty two situation living now may be seen as betraying the opposition staying for too long may lead to persecution later on it's very hard to say what the balance of forces is how many people are for colonel gadhafi how many are against him and indeed whether that situation is changing many people within libya have turned. these people because very few that it's a repressive government they're turning. following the examples in tunis here in
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egypt to seeking freedom of speech for me freedom of organization and wanting a democratic form of government. ironically it was in ghazi that more margaret duffy began his quest for power forty two years ago a young revolutionary he overthrew the king in a bloodless coup with calls for liberation and an end to tyranny those who oppose him now even younger and demanding this seems things but that's where many fear he story parallels my dand. r.t. been guys the. or the head of the russian duma foreign affairs committee said the international community should seek reliable information about libya before choosing its course of action. the problem is libya is this society is a closed one and we have very few reliable sources of information what is going on
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there in reality the problem is that yes there are very contradictory and the old what is going on there who isn't in charge of anything and what is going to happen next so for me is the most important thing create wealth for everybody for for russia for the opinion and for a needle for the united states to get access to all the reliable information in order to grow poor decisions which is not the case here for of many countries and this is a chance to influence of the internal political development in libya and these countries you'll lose these uncertain situation in order to support certain political forces in libya which is for me unacceptable definitely russian action should definitely be used on a decision by the security council and for nothing else this is number one number two is there any military alteration in libya want to hear of unpredictable
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consequences we do not know much of the real state of affairs of the in the early be an armed force begin and begin to need to consider this situation extremely specifically exclude will before any decision is at least as far as they're not beast on the real information on the on the real situation in the country a lot next start isn't tell a novel by interviews yearly only the head of the russian institute of space defines engineering so the tap designer satellite can be used to help predict earthquakes like the one in japan. you. thank you for your time and the like of recent events in japan i can't help but ask are there any reliable systems that can forecast earthquakes and then. i think we should divide this problem into two parts first
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are there reliable earthquake prediction systems i regret to say there is no way to predict with a high degree of accuracy say ninety percent p. occurrence of earthquakes in this part of the world this is why we say that the problem is being studied by many establishment in many countries including this country and my institute but the problem is yet to be solved secondly there is the issue of warning if we speak about certain consequences of an earthquake like tsunamis a huge oceanic wave the rules towards the countries coast here we have some time lag and unlike hundreds and thousands of years ago when we were only able to forecast a particular war and now we have modern equipment that lets us do that if we see a wave rise up in the ocean we can warn coast guard services to take certain measures properly speaking between three and five percent of country's g.d.p. is lost every year in the wake of various cataclysms including major natural calamities of course the entire world community primarily the scientific and technological communities are working to have forecasting in warning capabilities
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when these cataclysms happen i mean the ones we are unable to start today like earthquakes hurricanes and other natural calamities which are linked for example to outer space influences like solar storms or the falling asteroids we can only forecast them with some or other degree of accuracy and try to issue a warning in order to minimize the consequences. you mentioned a time lag how big of the lack of what is the minimum and maximum time governments have to evacuate as many people as possible. and i do as of today there is absolutely no way to predict an earthquake in a particular place therefore we have only a probability prediction involving complex research of many quake precursors. in particular in two thousand and six we completed our internal research we offered it to the russian security council and got its support and then we set up a network of monitoring stations on cycling among other things we monitored some earthquake precursors including ionosphere disturbances in two thousand and seven
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several hours before a quake and neville's unfortunately it was only one of the precursors in order to reach better probability say seventy percent we must examine several different precursors cloud patterns and many other things including the behavior of domestic animals such programmes are being worked out all over the world including those we're developing in particular we continued our work followed instruction by the russian security council in two thousand and six since then we've been working following our own initiative which is also partially financed by the russian space agency as a result we've established a network of stations in the russian far east to monitor the eye on a sphere in particular of quakes in particular this devastating earthquake in japan which we're now witnessing was peaking already as the foreshocks had begun on the eighth of march with magnitudes of seven point too. so we see the shocks following one another all of them with magnitudes greater than five the latest one being nearly nine this is indeed a disaster however we can say that seven hours prior to the quake in tokyo we could
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see the precursor a change in a disturbance concentration the eye on a severe over japan but we could not tell exactly when it was going to happen either in seven hours as it did or an hour or in three days. how are you planning seem. to be satisfied forecasts how long before it works and so would you. at this point we're using a grant we want to europe and by we i mean the cooperation of several institutes which we hope will let us out a comprehensive picture of earthquake precursors which we can process with our many detectors after which will be able to predict more reliably so far this task is not unsolved anywhere in the world either in terms of technicality or technology we are cooperating with several countries the experience the russian federation in the former soviet union of gain should be used by the international community so we're working with a grant from europe i think that after these disasters japan will be interested in uniting our common effort in forecasting such disasters as well as the design
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engineer of lend us can you put it into simpler words for us how does it work. where it's simple we monitor through satellites that fly over places and question the signals from the satellites we analyze the signal delays was less attacked how long it was the way to the eye on a spear which then lets us forecast the extent of its disturbance the correlation is very clear unfortunately we can't yet predict when more or fewer sharks will occur in what they're magnitudes will be the second question concerns precursors of such followed problems as tsunamis the relevant systems are more or less worked out it all started during the peak of the cold war at that time scientists needed to convince politicians that the united rescue system was needed as a result of the usa in the soviet union later joined by canada and france made international an. a rescue system in outer space course must sort of suck this system a save more than thirty thousand lives the first instance being in ninety two when the soviet union one of the unspoken competition to be the first to launch
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a rescue satellite and see if human lives the first rescued were canadian ambulance aircraft pilots who would try to find an aircraft in british columbia that crashed and could not be found the father of a pilot that had died in the crash hired a small private aircraft which also crashed luckily had beacons of the first soviet rescue satellite detected. what are the advantages of the system you are developing in comparison to its competitors was no. i would not mention advantages although it's clear that our system gives a very accurate picture as i mention in the two cases of earthquakes and in the recent one in japan this korea lets us work with a complex approach while we are monitoring only one predictor i honest fear disturbance in the ground will let us monitor many precursors as to why the european community chose us perhaps they were convinced that the work we already done meets the highest demands of european science. and according to asked me if can we expect our quakes in the region and what direction moods nonny had.
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indeed it's very hard to predict a series of quakes we've been monitoring with magnitudes ranging from seven to nine in all more than five tells us about a very serious process is taking place in earth's crust this series of quakes me repeat over a rather long period of time it's been more than twenty four hours already it's impossible to predict when they will stop even through the precursors we're watching while we can predict a beginning of a process we can't predict it said and even theoretically. thank you for sharing your thoughts thank you. hungry for the full scale we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. .
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