tv [untitled] March 12, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our key. play if. play if if. if . fears of massive nuclear fallout after an explosion at the pushing for atomic power plant in japan reactors roof collapse injuring four one of the people within twenty kilometers the plant had been evacuated. desperate search for survivors seized japan's entire defense force mobilized of the huge tsunami swept away entire villages and submerged dozens of towns over seven hundred people are confirmed dead tonight but thousands are still unaccounted for. and in other news a rift in the arab league as member states mull over backing a libyan no fly zone but the united in calling for gadhafi to go.
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this is r t it's ten pm here in moscow i'm kevin zero in welcome to the main story tonight the world's attention right now again on the disaster in japan a blast has destroyed part of the fukushima number one nuclear plant in a tsunami hit north evacuations are underway over a twenty kilometer radius of me and fears of possible contamination three people already removed from the area have been exposed to radiation it's still unclear whether they were plant workers or members of the public but officials say they showed no signs of illness so far after the explosion the radiation level inside the facility was a thousand times higher than normal but authorities say in a sense decreased it said the blast was caused by
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a failure in the cooling system while the reactor itself was unaffected explosion comes after friday's devastating earthquake that was followed by a tsunami and caused scenes of massive destruction thousands of kilometers inland over seven hundred people now confirmed dead but it's thought that number could fall dramatically less. reported things of shocking devastation with entire villages washed away and towns ravaged by the huge waves to sink. all possible radiation leak from the fukushima nuclear plant remains the biggest concern artie's i have a bell it is in tokyo for us. in the last twenty four hours there have actually been around one hundred aftershocks or over that amount in fact a powerful one it was centered around fukushima district in fact measuring six magnitude scale it's a quite large aftershock and this is well over twenty four hours since the initial earthquake and others say this one was centered as it turned out on the focal shima
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district which is where the new nuclear reactor explosion took place earlier today when it prompting fears a potential nuclear fallout we have heard since that there was no damage done in that explosion to the reactor itself if there was then radiation would have been leaking in that was the initial fear in fact when they found cesium and radioactive iodine on the outside of celibacy heard hasn't been any damage that explosion to the reactor and radiation levels have since decreased and so much so in fact that. the authorities have been able to release some of the pressure inside the reactor because that still is very high indeed and that's still a concern it's still very hot in there as well and they need to release the to release the pressure and they've been able to do that since and without affecting the radiation levels in fact they've been dropping the fears of namely aren't here in tokyo although with fearing feeling aftershocks that people are out on the
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streets here but it's not because of that because they're calling their loved ones i'm told. by people here that i've met in the last since i've been here and everyone's concerned about the people near local cian and near these near the explosion of this nuclear reactor because cern now is the spread of radiation there has been vacuum ration of the twenty kilometer radius around this for. number one where this explosion took place as a precaution because radiation it is in the air earlier today the levels of radiation there were if you stood out. and for an hour next to the plant and he would have absorbed as much radiation as he would normally in the year also another plus is. under an emerged state of emergency as well with residents in the vicinity being evacuated to three kilometer radius there being back at once within ten equips radius they have been taught to stay inside because still the radiation
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. is very prevalent in those areas although for most important thing now for them it is to treat those who have been exposed to every radiation so what they're doing now is trying to distribute it i had seen because that. using is used to treat radiation sickness and then they move on to helping those who have been and still in shelters who have left their houses and this number is in the hundreds of thousands well over two hundred fifty thousand we're hearing now are left of he left homeless and also there are millions killed and three million without electricity another one million without water so that's where the next help goes that's that's step and finally then the rebuilding process begins isn't it been towns entire villages completely wiped out so it's a real big struggle for them and the ones in the twenty kilometer radius around the fukushima power plant number one where the explosion took place they have been
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evacuated and they're now being treated for radiation sickness receiving idea not that they have got sickness but it's just as a precaution and if need be they're being quarantined also in this at that power plant number two in the same areas fukushima people are being told to stay indoors within that implements and they're also being told that even some advice should they have been outside and they should cover their face though trying to avoid breathing in any of the radiation so covered in mouth or nose cover up any exposed areas of skin or so when they get inside from coming in from the outside and they should wash scrub themselves directly and avoid drinking tap water because the fear is that that is also had to happen it's it's. of a planet a report of a will russia says it's increasing energy supplies your power and following a request from tokyo has got the details. russia has stepped into the breach with
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aid for japan used to draw thirty percent of all of its energy from nuclear power stations and that of course has been terrible. to the situation in fukushima and of course the situation. around the country following the earthquake and tsunami now russia has pledged one hundred fifty thousand tons of liquid gas to japan as well as stepping up. its trade of coal to the country there's also the possibility of providing electricity directly to japan through an underwater cable which links the two countries prime minister vladimir putin has said that russia will do everything in its power to help its neighbor to the east. this is a great tragedy for. corresponding ministries and to work out plans for how to reach the neighbors and we need to do everything to increase. because of a slump in energy generation the. second we need to continue monitoring the
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situation in the russian far east as closely as. region the situation there is. a view of people's housing and radioactive. situation must be closely. following this explosion at the fukushima plant on saturday there has been concerns that we could see a full scale meltdown and with. radioactive material into the air now the situation is being monitored very very closely in russia. this is due to the close proximity but also close proximity there is a risk if there was. material being put into the atmosphere changing weather changing wind could take any prospect perspective nuclear warheads. cause problems there so that situation is being looked at as it stands at the moment the radiation levels normal in the far east of. russia has been looked at as
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a by russia's nuclear watchdog to make sure that nothing untoward is going on there to make sure the people on the ground they are all receiving all the correct information they glued to the radios they glued to their televisions and r.t.c. gauge the situation on the ground. where only six hundred miles away from fukushima and residents of the city of used the capital of the civilian region companied their eyes they are literally glued to their t.v. screens i wanted tarring the latest news as these happening so close to their borders well before they were afraid shortly after friday's earthquake and tsunami in japan but that could be a chain reaction which lead to an unnatural disaster in between the severely regions but they're afraid of now is a restock radioactive contamination despite were not in immediate vicinity to people she much six hundred miles is not a lot at all for
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a radioactive cloud the local merchants his ministry keeps calming down people saying that they should not pining that they should do spend there we can as usual though it's not really a relief people keep calling them it's really hard to get through been trying for more than two hours when we finally could speak to a representative of the ministry is that the only question people keep asking over and over again what preventive measures they should take to avoid contamination and where they could get their personal bag or counters to measure radioactive the level so radiation now emergency officials say that they will update locals on the latest and that there will be enough time to evacuate if necessary. capital which over there were the situation at the fukushima plant strong worrying parallels with the noble nuclear explosion which remains the world's worst atomic plant disaster it happened twenty five years ago in the then soviet ukraine but the effects of the contamination of still fell today lecturer jeff skis in kiev for
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a c explains the similarities. obviously this white smoke coming from the reactor building is the only ovis resemblance which we can see between the two incidents twenty five years ago trouble and at the fukushima plant now days that's where the similarities and the situations are basically different simply because what caused the what caused them you know the the fallout internal was caused by a massive human error what is happening now in japan is of course the result of a natural disaster the earthquake happened which happened on friday and the other big difference and this is a very significant difference between the two events is how the government has been responding to the to the events obviously twenty five years ago the government of the soviet government kept most of the information secret from the general population in russia as well as from the rest of the world and went on
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a massive secret complaint to just say guard this information and this was this is something which we cannot see today because the japanese government even though we have conflicting reports coming from the island of what's happening there and we have no certainty of what caused this loss still the japanese government ordered the evacuation of people from the surrounding areas at the fukushima region but this didn't happen twenty five years ago when fifty four thousand residents of the town of prepaid next to the chernobyl power plants were kept in the town for more than twenty four hours and this of course caused some damage to them the people were subjected to a great deal of radioactive threat coming from the open reactor of course these mistakes were learned the mistakes by that made by the soviet government and this is what the japanese government is hopefully trying to avoid right now but. clearly
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if the situation is in trouble and if one are different despite what we can see in the pictures from the japanese television the meltdown itself the nuclear meltdown itself is a very scary thing for all scientists as i've been calling it their worst nightmare ever indeed this down is all about the core of the reactor going into an uncontrollable state and that's causing our nuclear chain reaction first and then a powerful steam explosion like it happened internal this is like a rodeo it's trying to control a crazy horse because nobody knows whether you would be able to get the can react to back under control or not this did not happen. this was a result of a failed experiment when the scientists when the person of the car station tried to lower the output of the reactor and then bring it to a temporary halt when the reactor started behaving in an uncontrollable fashion some of the personnel pressed the motion see great but as we can as we can call it
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and just forty nine seconds since the start of the experiment the reactor exploded and that's caused the fallout and the contamination of great areas all along the former u.s.s.r. so obviously as we've been hearing from the japanese authorities right now the reactor stays intact is still being damaged according to the authorities and. we hopefully think that such contamination as it happened twenty five years ago and your novel would be avoided this time but of course we'll have to wait and see what happens next with all this developing story. a professor of economics at the university of nottingham he told me he believes the financial cost of. i simply could stand there and he's already in a pretty terrible situation on the financial crisis nuclear beings trouble cobber from the crisis is of the last two or three years and this time the.
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screen just going to have heated and even hotter is frightening to be called to a system friday so in take a dissipates high same day impact will be significant but i hope it's a nice didn't need to be cold. the dust in question because ok we know is. he's going to cause the lies in crises oh boy oh in other words he knows and all. the disgusting he's going to assemble ladies cause a meeting you don't know what we call mommy but i don't put you see where you're he's not going to cause it and i'm going to find his own crises. well reminder of the main story dominating the news this stuff is the radiation leak in japan remain after a massive explosion of one nuclear plant some two hundred fifty kilometers north of tokyo it's understood the blast was caused by a failure of the cooling system not the reactor itself which was not damage
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officials say radiation levels of fallen since the explosion and there's no immediate danger then the past few hours another earthquake measuring six hundred to scale hit the area where the plant's located early authorities impose an evacuation zone stretching for a radius of twenty kilometers three people who are evacuating from the area of exposed to radiation it's still unclear whether they were plant workers or members of the public official say they're showing no signs of illness of the moment the explosion is the. plan for those friday's eight point nine magnitude earthquake which triggered a massive tsunami huge wave spread devastation dozens of kilometers over seven hundred people now confirmed dead but that number is expected to rise significantly in one coastal town around nine and a half thousand people remain unaccounted for. in other news afghan president hamid karzai says nato and the u.s. should stop their operations in the water one country this comes just days after
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karzai is cousin and nine children collecting firewood were killed in two separate attacks let's talk about them to join reseason activist from the u.k. based war coalition mr rhys good evening to you but let's clarify exactly what he means he is he actually calling do you think on the u.s. and nato troops to get out of afghanistan completely. well i don't know although it would hardly be surprising given what we've just experienced could be almost what he was just experienced as well. but experiencing over the last ten years of war and occupation. a moment too soon after years calling for the u.s. troops to get out not just now the recent killing of those children just a week ago and then a close relative of how many cars i am south or some tout at least relations between afghanistan and nato and as you said they're quite personally it's you know my guest too and how many cars i now the u.s.
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military leaders defend their operations are made by claiming that thousands of insurgents have been killed or captured during the time they bring their surely ten years of their presence in the region they'll say wasn't totally in vain. well on the one hand they're saying that but on the other hand there and i think just today actually news coming out of washington they're looking for. staying in afghanistan where you really do have to say if this problem hasn't been solved by military means. how long are we looking are we looking at the twenty years that it should i think really clear and. there is no military solution to the situation the solution lies in the hands of the afghan people in the west so. we're always looking for one on one nato troops do we draw do you think afghanistan will be able to stand against the taliban alone. well the only stars among
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afghanis. it's often the case that countries do sometimes go through brutal periods whole internal conflict before they arrive at a democratic system. not based on cases this was true in america itself it went through a war of independence and a civil war before it before a crowd any for. genuine democratic representation with all the flaws that there has you know so really going to think it's within remit of the western powers to do no other countries of the same path towards democratic representative institutions they certainly can't be enforced from the outside i think it was napoleon who said there are many things you can do with sitting on it is one of them i'm not very tempting you in. tubs a little against this i really wanted to just ask you know your perspective quickly as you can and you think then we'll see this previously said you'll twenty fourteen
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pull out brought forward now after what happened cause i said today well again that is what you would expect and hope as i say this is not the noises that are coming to. america in the last twenty four hours they're talking of anything about lengthening it now i think there will be a couple this is absolutely intolerable even for. a regime that was put in place in a sustained bloody americans we've seen over recent years that probably karzai is increasingly favorably disposed to us and this is the time that situation. even even more wealthiest americans so for ok john riggs national third from the start will coalition thanks for being on the program. the arab countries have reportedly backed the idea of a no fly zone over libya it came during emergency talks as the member states decided to ask the u.n. security council to impose a restriction the u.k. and france have been pushing the idea but have so far failed to win firm
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international backing the arab league and the e.u. stay resolutely committed to to calling for colonel gadhafi to step down confusion and chaos continues meantime in libya with the constant shifting the balance of power of his exile a boy because of the rebel stronghold of benghazi where people there feel that any hope that arrives is going to be just too late. he's the annan abashed the uprising in eastern leader is like most of its pretty disciplined young impulsive and the reverend to the regime of these twenty two year old who had never held a gun before let alone used it just doesn't look at my father showed me how to use it a few weeks ago i'm ready to die for my country and many in gaza proclaim their readiness to sacrifice their lives for their liberation struggle now these heroic rhetoric is becoming a real prospect as the pro-government forces closer a bloodbath seems all but an avoidable international deliberations on what to do
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about the even after i think having going on for so long that many people in god these no longer hold you accountable will come and that they're doing to their last hope as they get out the forces that closing in on the embattled cd friday prayers in gaza the really the most passionate so far city residents turn their palms to the skies that many hold would have been declared and no fly zone by now. has more coffins arrived from the front line high spirits have given way to sense of abandonment after several weeks of encouraging statements from western capitals many here feel deceived i'm sorry to see bad. mr obama we expect that you are the real democratic and liberal to look out for the liberties of the peoples you look for money first got your money first. a little.
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kill everything. everywhere in while it is city's arch is a mall the lies in their vast resources to boost morale this song has become a non-official human of the rebellious new. yes. but still no. rain upon his people is just one of many themes that local caricaturist have adopted for their visual a fanciful intro to exhibit like this one and now on display in almost every rebel controlled seat here believe the leader has unexpectedly unleashed unprecedented creativity in his people. as you have there in your science of people leaving the partially because i really finding themselves in a catch twenty two situation living now may be seen as betraying the opposition
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staying for too long may lead to persecution later on it's very hard to say what the balance of forces is how many people are for colonel gadhafi how many are against him and indeed whether that situation is changing many people within libya . because very few that it's a repressive government they're turning now following the examples in tunis here in egypt to seeking freedom of speech for me freedom of organization and wanting a democratic form of government. ironically it was in bin ghazi that the norm are get out the began his quest for power forty two years ago. a young revolutionary he overthrew the king in a bloodless coup which calls for liberation and an end to tyranny these hope all see now even younger and demanding this theme things but that's where many fear
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historic parallels might and. are he being guys the. stone with the unrest across the arab world where police in yemen have attacked going to government demonstrators two people were killed when police used live bullets tear gas and water can disperse protesters a group of around ten thousand and four the makeshift camp in the center of the capital some weeks of demonstrations against the thirty two year rule of president ali a builder saleh left about thirty people there. the israeli military's most a massive manhunt after five members of a jewish family were killed in a west bank settlement a family including three children was stabbed to death by a truth who broke into their home according to israeli media a palestinian militant group claimed responsibility but it's unclear if they carried out the attack military officials said they have made arrests but wouldn't provide details. for two of us is overturned in new york wrong it's killed at least thirteen people seriously injured eight thirty two were on board when it crashed
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into a god railing flipped on its side the. driver of the bus told local police that the truck clipped his vehicle causing grass a break the national transportation safety board said it's deployed sixty remembered teams were investigated the crash. exactly twenty six minutes past ten pm moscow time for the latest on the situation and news coming out of japan and the rest of the world check out our website outing go home we have a plate that every minute of the day for you this is our team from moscow my name is kevin own thanks for being with us the latest headlines coming up very shortly for you.
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into. to go to the. bringing you the latest in science technology from the realm of russia. we dump the future air coverage. in. your needs. and the media to radio in day again in intensity no number for the cars he goes to springfield that i must say. most dangerous. radiation that exists in the nature. of the group in the vicinity of known differentiated so produces so much genetic changes including the pantsuit leukemia. driving out of the immune system.
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you don't have to have a college degree going to have to bring education to understand that if you spread radioactive materials all over somebody's backyard that you've got a problem. wealthy british style some kind. of. market finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with months concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser reports. as my name is daniel smith this is joining us on the phone with us will make a short presentation of all the we can fix project. the first. in the fourth day to
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get information out about the real world. through him. you're in the secret music because you are going to be a democracy. and we saw this in danger you would hunt me down and kill. this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the project because it has become more about this whole james. than all the actual information. thank you. the whole vehicle around the wold. be. in the united kingdom she's available in the house bill and.
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