tv [untitled] March 13, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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fears of a nuclear meltdown escalate with the threat of a second explosion in japan's fukushima atomic power plant and that emergency alert declared of another facility in the northeast it's believed more than ten thousand people could have been killed in the devastating earthquake and resulting tsunami. libyan state t.v. reports colonel gadhafi gains momentum winning by more territories international calls drove him to surrender power. it up these men advance on eastern libya frightening that very soon the town of ping ghazi wolf for you can mean a few moments for more. than other news this week pushing the reset button moscow and washington post ties and pledge to advance trade as the u.s.
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vice president met russia's leaders and opposition here in moscow. good evening it's nine pm here in moscow you're watching the r.t.e. news channel my name is kevin owen and the situation at the fukushima nuclear plant in japan remains grave tonight with persistent fears that the second blast could follow causing a radiation leak this is the country declares a state of emergency this second atomic facility affected by friday's massive earthquake these other bennett is in the northeastern city of sendai near the epicenter of the quake and just an hour from the fukushima plant. well the worry there is concerning a second reactor at. number one but it was an explosion that yes there a concern now is that this second one has lost its cooling mechanism seawater
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around trying to react to down the temperature inside the reactor is growing very hot knows he is the reactor could start to melt which then leads to nuclear meltdown but the main theories of another explosion but the general wisdom here is concerning these reactors is that they wouldn't be an explosion on the scale of chernobyl twenty five years ago because these are and what is known as light water reactors however there is a serious chance of radiation leakage of the authorities saying they're already treating thirty people who have been exposed to radiation in hundred thousand people already in the vicinity of both these reactors on this nuclear power plant have been evacuated further away from. the. prefecture actually which we drove through today on our way to sendai where i am now there were concerns amongst the people of what could be happening because what we saw people stocking up on food and none of the shops actually had any chap water because people are afraid to drink the tap water here to the out over fears of it
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being contaminated and the government has. to do so. a lot of people buying in food that's in short supply as well in the worst hit area especially here and that's for fuel as well. and most of them actually have been closed but there's one open and there's a queue of cars about a kilometer long we were stuck there thirty minutes and everyone's queuing up because their fear of shortages of fuel and so they're only actually think they're being rationed amount of get just twenty inches each at the coast which we have to get that's still about an hour's drive and the roads are blocked off and hearing the damage there is absolute destruction but buildings are still standing but the damages is otherwise and people. i'm actually now at a relief center there's plenty of these dotted all around the city and on the floor the floor is covered with people lying on cardboard bedding down with blankets many spending their night team because they aren't able to go home some are in sendai
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when the earthquake happened and they live quite far out they simply can't get there because there aren't any trains there isn't any public transport functioning here and there's very few check season cars so he will have to stay here also many people staying year actually live in sendai but their houses are a to unstable to go back to what's more most of sendai is actually without any power there there's no electricity heating no water no gas and as our people are making their way and spending their nights at these relief centers furthermore there's no food in this town very little food and very little water and three hundred thousand it's reckoned that have been left homeless or fled the areas where their homes once stood they've been left with nothing they'll have another six weeks without anything to go back to and it's looking very bleak for them because all they port is literally of a patch of cardboard around one an art needed lawn and a blanket and that's all and it's a low real assurance
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a guarantee of food or drinking water either so it's a very bleak outlook for them now bennett in sendai rushes atomic agency says it needs further information about the situation at japan's fukushima nuclear plant despite close contact with the japanese crisis center meanwhile emergency services are on high alert in russia's far east region close to northern japan and he catarina groucho has got that side of the story. michel's insofar you say that radiation levels remain normal in russia spore is ever since then you can have whole plant in fukushima was hit by an explosion they've been monitoring levels closely we can even check the radiation levels for ourselves this is the so-called geiger counter this is used in professional states nickel border trays by the emergences ministry and also by other specialized services it measures radiation levels around and the people it is showing is jumping between two and three
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migrants brauer these is way less than the average in moscow for example and also as a comparison a passenger flying on a plane from moscow to vladivostok receives as many as twenty two my prescribe which is sampled that people here in usenet surprise me in the capsule of this highlands region while russian security services are still on high alert as there are confirmed reports from officials in japan that possibility of a nuclear meltdown is very high in fukushima and so experts in russia are now wanted soaring measuring levels of radiation not only in russia's far his but also in the arctic for example they are also saying that even in the worst case scenario the country should be spared any fallout what we know from in japan and experts experts is that a lot depends on the weather the good news is that the wind is now going in the direction of the pacific ocean and what the weather is changeable and the things
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that could also quickly if the worst scenario takes place and if there is an explosion inside a reactor at the fukushima blondel that would mean that radiation would be spreading in waves and these region of russia is the closest would be the closest to the epicenter of the nuclear tragedy usual surprise where we are now is only six hundred miles away from fukushima and russia's coral islands are some two hundred miles now people of course have been. morris about the latest news and they've been closely monitoring reports on t.v. in the beginning there were afraid of another natural disaster he's seeing the close use the civilians what they are afraid of now is as a part of possibility of radiation contamination and they've been calling emergencies ministry of the line is almost always easy and trying to find out what preventive measures could be taken many told me that as they watch news reports they can't believe their eyes that these disaster in the bush team is unfolding so
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close in such a vicinity to russia even in the beginning shortly after the earthquake and tsunami in japan they were mostly appraised of a natural disaster which could hit i think the northeastern coast of russia they are afraid of another chernobyl now which could happen close to their homes. or schools pledging to stand shoulder to shoulder with tokyo during the crisis the plane carrying russian rescue workers is heading to japan now with another jew to take off from the country's far east on monday as alexia just explains russia also has vital experience in dealing with the nuclear threat facing japan haven't gone for the world's worst atomic disaster itself. spare no effort in getting the job done this typical motto for construction projects in the soviet union also applied to the chernobyl nuclear power plant when construction kicked off in the nine hundred seventy s. it was intended to be a dream project for soviet ukraine. and the birthrate in prepared was higher than
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all of ukraine people were given homes then there was a great demand for a work force in chernobyl so everyone worked and lighted there but this happy existence came to an abrupt end on april the twenty six nine hundred eighty six with the explosion of the reactor at the power station the very same model used for building the plants where no effort was known to be used in the clear up of the world's worst ever manmade nuclear disasters a blazing reactor was bombarded with sand and lead measures which at first seemed very driven but which related deemed highly effective by the international atomic energy agency this action helped to contain the radiation and enable construction of a circle for good a structure built around the reactor to seal it off for several months after the castro feat the lessons of chernobyl have been learned by experts worldwide since
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the catastrophe and will have been of assistance to those battling the latest serious nuclear accident in japan threatening contamination with large numbers of people being evacuated because of the radiation threat something which didn't happen twenty five years ago in so ukraine the chernobyl fallout was caused by a massive human error mistakes made by the authorities in the first hours after the blast also cost many lives but the events of twenty five years ago in what is now sovereign ukraine have proved to be an invaluable lesson for mankind to look seriously at ski r.t. reporting from kiev ukraine. crucified the call down the overheated fuel rods at the fukushima nuclear plant it was considered cave to averting disaster as they contain radioactive materials because of simon's is a professor at the tokyo university he explains how an explosion might occur and what the worst case scenario could mean for local residents. but damage to the fuel rods in this case will not cause a fire and again this is
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a key difference between the disaster going on at the moment though it is a disaster and a chair an oval incident with the situation is a few rods can melt they can become oxidized and the rods are protected by zucconi in our loike coaching and when that comes into contact with water and result is the production of a large amount of hydrogen which is of course explosive and causes that a large explosion as we saw yesterday whether the radiation is coming from fukushima daiichi reactor number one or number three or more locally is a very important question is sort of i would hazard to guess that it's coming from fukushima daiichi number one now there are different types a great nation being released into the atmosphere good news is that a lot of the steam which exists in the explosion from daiichi reactor number one
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building yesterday is relatively light isotopes these isotopes cannot really cause long term damage to human health a more serious problem is that they have also detected isotopes of iodine and cesium in the area around the fukushima explosion these are much heavier isotopes and that means that if they get into the human body or if they get into the soil or the water supply they can cause long term radiation poisoning well do stay with us throughout the day for the latest developments in japan and you can also log on to our web site at all to go home. so you have some other news now forces loyal to colonel gadhafi a gaining momentum in the east have made international calls for him to step down libyan media reports say rebel groups have been driven out of several key oil terms paul asli as the latest from the region. looking state television is reporting that forces loyal to the libyan leader moammar gadhafi have now retaken the oil town of
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great get in the east of the country according to state television this town has been to quote been clear as to other armed gangs or it is the site of a major oil terminal and throughout the day sunday they have been hitting clashes happening there but we haven't as of yet been able to independently verify these state television reports in the past state television has been faulty in its reporting of this very often preempting the sec's this is our view that he's made before they actually happen that we can come through and that could happen in our ed bornstein eastwards they are encountering increasingly loosely organized rebel groups they do not have enough equipment and they lack leadership and until now what really has been a unifying factor which is enthusiasm is slowly starting to overweight people are asking the question well how much longer can that enthusiasm hold out at the same time in the oil rich port of rest of the latest reports there is a case of the talent is in the hands of the guthrie's mean we've been hearing from able groups that they have the numbers but they do not have the equant to take on
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his soldiers rebel groups to have well come to the court from the arab league for a no fly zone to be implemented over libya this call came saturday when the foreign ministers of the arab league meeting in cairo they have now called on the united nations security council to implement a no fly over the country but they've made the point that this mess is not illegal and must not be confused with foreign military intervention they say they could duffy has lost the legitimacy to rule as you can well expect gadhafi and his regime have criticized this call from the arab league so be on the ground as good duffy's forces make advances they are losing the war on the international front very much the feeling that they are being abandoned by their former friends but at the same time they're able people themselves are also feeling increasingly hopeless there is chaos happening here it is not very clear where. front line is it's very awful shots from one point to the other the rebel groups fear that any kind of foreign involvement whether in the form of
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a no fly zone or any kind of humanitarian assistance or anything else will be motivated by self-interest of the united states and the european union that they will not really be acting in the interests of libyan people not concerned about the safety of the rebel groups themselves being as he still remains the stronghold of the rebel groups we are hearing from give up these names that they are making their way there and then when game being ghazi forced to quote him well then any kind of disruptions and all the kinds of fighting that we've witnessed over the past month will come to an end here in tripoli the situation remains harm and quiet people here have accused the international community and the foreign media feeds it of being alarmist they say that they have exaggerated the situation let's take a look there's a lot more haggling on the international stage of the merits of intervention and a no fly zone or bargaining taking place in downtown tripoli market shops here close only nowadays people are afraid and many of the africans who used to work
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here have flipped the country but the argument that libya is on the brink of civil war so foreign intervention is needed still seems to ring a little hollow there are several hundred people killed but that's not a huge level of violence it certainly isn't a global level of violence that would normally merit intervention gadhafi has offered access to foreign media but only if the camera lenses stay well away from any of the opposition but it's a similar picture in the opposition strongholds dr ramadan break he was forced to close the the office of his newspaper because of pressure from liberals you have to print the version of events he says or nothing the media. it's going to the hot places and. these cities are controlled by the british and then given the people there for. the new was what they think and what they believe and many gadhafi supporters fear that while he may be winning the war with the rebels he's
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losing the information we're not hearing john's new outside tripoli we schoolgirl mona says she's puzzled and angry by reports that most an aries was cheating people in her town is. right. and life certainly seems calm on the streets. this civil war in libya except that it's coming from outside the country do you think that they will. get. the real thing is normal right now and in the future it will be ok we would normally as for conflicts elsewhere with a bit count is climbing this little media coverage and even less foreign interest to intervene there are events unfolding right now in ivory coast where there is also a conflict an armed conflict between rebels and the government but nobody seems to be thinking of that it's only because fashionable attention is focused on libya the
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only reason with your oil we think we'd be in iraq if their major adds were there was broccoli so as leaders meet in brussels to discuss the fate of a country hundreds of miles away many libyans are saying it's the image and they'll clean it out policy r.t. jones on. the meter goes in russia's envoy to nato says certain countries are pushing to get involved in libya because they are reliant on its oil resources. there were those who believe i think if libya were just a banana growing country there wouldn't be so much interest in his domestic situation including in the humanitarian severe of course libya is a big enough energy supplier to europe certain countries like italy for example are heavily dependent on libyan military others are not so much dependent but either way libya's share is considerable we know that nato for example puts energy security matters at the top of its main agenda for this reason i think that this factor has a most direct bearing on the speed of the west decision making regarding libya.
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and you might be interested to know you can see the full interview with the russians envoy to nato in an hour's time here on this channel r.t. for. a time western powers have frozen the accounts of muammar gadhafi and other senior figures in libya's government the u.s. alone has blocked thirteen billion dollars the largest amount of foreign assets ever seized an american sanctioned action but as artie's loyalists are reports now history suggests maybe it may never see its money again after the international wealth crowd. but as the violence continues in libya the u.s. sends warships and more troops in that direction fueling speculation of a military intervention and meanwhile western countries may have already launched a war against colonel moammar gadhafi as north african regime most countries
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consider. the freezing of assets. of. the weapons here the foreign assets of either libya the country or khadafi and his family that some estimate to be almost one hundred billion dollars it's believed to be spread across the globe oriel money invested in the country's sovereign wealth fund everything from a stake in the company that owns the financial times newspaper to land near the spanish resort town of marbury are being developed into homes and a golf course to the oil company beer annex and billions of dollars of cash in banks throughout europe and the us the question now is what happens to all this money especially the thirty billion dollars the united states has frozen the most ever in the history of this country and this type of situation essentially cuts libya off from the entire u.s. banking system for now it stays put while the situation is still uncertain but what
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is certain the president of the united states is now in control of this money which gives him a powerful tool book. a good deal about this money or some of this. forward whatever the u.s. or portends is trying to accomplish. things it's all about control and profit. and empire it's an empire where the greatest profits come from the military contracts and the oil contracts. they will work overtime to corporations and their interest to enact these sanctions the u.s. president declared the situation in libya quote an unusual and extraordinary threat to u.s. national security and foreign policy that's not typical considering there is not a clear aggressive action libya has taken against the u.s.
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as for libya's financial interests analysts say you could look at the history of countries such as iran their assets were frozen in the wake of the one nine hundred seventy nine hostage crisis their money that was seized from iran back in my good seventy nine has still you know not been returned to the iranians so it's basically time for a plunder play you know if we can take it away from them we will the money is used most often to pay for the settlements of lawsuit against a leader or a government or to recoup losses khadafi can likely kiss the money could buy we took their nuclear capacity away made promises didn't live up to them claim that was a great victory for peace and now we're in a situation where it's clear that oil is at stake the future of the massive sums of money reach for libyan oil is now is uncertain is the divided country it came from lauren lyster r.t. new york. u.s.
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vice president was in moscow this last week to boost trade to encourage the further reset of relations between the two countries while several issues were discussed including libya joe biden said he was keen to correct the previous administration's mistakes in economic ties with russia dmitry medvedev joked with biden that he hopes the vice president won't be working on russia's bid for world trade organization membership to the end of his career but i'd promised his personal support for moscow's inclusion just push of the political expert from the us council of foreign relations he told us that russia and the us are going through a new phase of improving times. and i think in many respects what we're seeing here is the closing of phase one and the opening of phase two of this so-called reset phase one was all about security and high politics it was about a new start treaty missile defense iran afghanistan and that really came to a close when the russian parliament and the u.s. senate ratified start now i think what we're looking at is more societal contact
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cross investment that crosses the borders people traveling more between the two countries trying to build the confidence that the vice president not just talked to security is obviously going to be there both in north africa and trying to get us russian cooperation on missile defense but i think we're now seeing the relationship broaden out in deeper and its social route we'll take you through some other international news that making headlines today at least one person died in the hundred injured it demonstrations in yemen after police opened fire on a dozen suffered from tear gas inhalation during the violent clashes which saw people demanding the end of president early of doulas sellers thirty two year rule it follows the deaths of at least six protesters on saturday to go but uprisings in yemen have been going on now since mid feb. israel will build several hundred homes for jewish settlers in the occupied west bank. the official announcement comes
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a day after five israeli settlers were killed in this league two children and a baby were among those stabbed to death that suspected palestinian militants were responsible palestinians who refused to negotiate with israel until construction is halted in the disputed territory. tens of thousands of joined a rally in the lebanese capital beirut to protest the weapons arsenal held by hezbollah fundamentalists the crowds the supporters about going prime minister's side here really who stepped down last month after his unity government collapse has been largely its allies pulled out of the cabinet over a un back tribunal which is likely to implicate its members in the killing of the country. in two thousand and five. fourteen people have died in a two a bus accident in new york with another ten seriously injured the coach was carrying at least thirty one passengers and it flipped over slid on its side and hit a pole pole sliced the bus in half terry the roof top of the vehicle the driver
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told investigators he swerved to avoid a tractor trailer which sped away with bus returning from a casino outside the city. you're watching r t from moscow with me kevin o. in thanks for being with us today we will of course keep you updated with the latest news coming out of japan for the evening and you can also find the latest online on our website and our team dot com the next headline update is that with you in just under four minutes time here on our team from moscow.
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copra are here. we hear it because of our patchy outs that. god promised them this milind belongs to us. we'll if they are still going to be thinking the. goal chosen people will not believe that god is the real estate agent say ok this is not this is for you guys and this guy this is as for you. on the corner this is the one my
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