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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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this is all see coming to you live from the russian council the headlines. this iteration of difficulty of a nuclear plant in japan was and is as a second explosion is reported at the troubled reality so intensifying fears of a nuclear meltdown meanwhile the country braces itself for yet another tsunami wave more than a strong aftershock at six nominee chewed over sixteen hundred people have now been confirmed dead after the devastating earthquake and the resulting tsunami on friday but there are fears the death toll could sort of battles that. in the bad state
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television claims that colonel gadhafi gains momentum and winning back more terror tree as the world keeps calling for him to step down. the steep times on advancing trade as the u.s. vice president met russia's need this armed opposition. right now stay with us for our next hour report exploring the majestic nor the such in nature century. among the snow repeats scorch is rocks english ears of the greater caucasian mountain range lies the republic of north the said. high in the mountains where men rarely venture wild nature lives on untouched. the habitat of the caucasian go and other animals is guarding closely here.
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from the top of the mountains the rivers rush into hundreds of streams which turn into endless waterfalls. this fanciful landscape attracts many rock climbers they can make their own roof among the rocks chains and mountain tops up to four thousand meters. in spring time the weather here can change several times in a day just the landscape is slowly coming to life snowdrops are the first flowers to welcome the warmth of spring the tiny blossoms lurk in last year's grass. the ology gorge the are doing river is the reserves mean waterway water is only
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just beginning to flood its wide bay. in early spring people use the river to get to the rocky range where a cave. is situated along the tributary of the larger river nature reserve staff only learned about its existence by chance. when you're not here we have not been aware of its systems for ten years when locals told us about it they said she had once been sheltered in the caves first tunnel. when we first came here we did see the tracks left by sheep yes that's right i remember the first time i came here we did see tracks left by sheep. the cave extends for more than a kilometer several narrow corridors hide a large central chamber and caves walls are covered in drip stones still lack tights and still like mites. in the north
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caucasus largest hibernates deep underneath the ground they represent the redbook species and mounseer and the horseshoe nosed that more than two thousand bats gather here in the winter they cut all together in order to survive the cold weather in summer they fly to the foothills and return again in autumn they start preparing for migration in early spring when they split up into smaller groups. sometimes i find all of the boats covered with jew. and they look very nice like covered in ken so. ok visit closed ecosystem the humidity is one hundred percent and the temperature in the caves is constant which is exactly what bats need cumin should avoid staying in the caves for too long as they start to have an impact on the special climate conditions. fuck it got there with lucy to keep fifty k.p.h.
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ice can you hear them calling me if you know this means we've warmed up they're confined habitat. if they start flying around they will use up their front and may not survive until spring. so like let's get out of here. on their way back the rangers run into an unexpected obstacle to our john river bed starts to filling with water and water is now blocking their path. a few hours later no vehicle will be able to clear this hurdle the only path to the cave will be gradually immersed in water and will be impossible to use it again before next spring. the are doing river springs from
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the glaciers of the greater caucasus mountain range and runs the length of the nature reserve scientists say more than one hundred mountain streams and springs swiftly replenished the outer dawn with water. punching in the reserves prohibited armed rangers make daily rounds in its territory as a rule their routes run for the wooded slopes of mountain gorges. and wild boars inhabit the foothills unfortunately they still fall easy prey to hunters because they're obvious targets they like grazing in open spaces and rarely go
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uphill. lyn march scattered across the reserve reflect the history of. people first began using the caves and overhanging rocks as dwellings times. a loans where the ancestors of the. they built stone fortifications overlooking mountain pass so they'd be more easily defensible. in those days even temper lanes for mighty army was unable to cross this territory the highlanders blocked the mountain passes and pelted his troops with stones. you know. these tell was began to built in the middle ages their earliest period dates back to the fourteenth or seventeenth century. tallish of the most celebrated
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architectural landmarks of ancient north a set yet they differ in height and shape as a rules large extended families lived in wide short challengers taller ones were used as lookout points and for other defensive purposes the towers were built close to villages and in gorges with paths used by troops on foot and on horseback many were extensions of forbidding clips. faces. provided protection from clan infighting and come on the verse or is. was served as beacons if people manning which tell was in the lowest lying villages at the entrance to the door which noticed approaching enemy troops and then they would lie don't fall as people in all the town was so the smoke signal was in remote parts of the gorge . in accordance with a long standing tradition building a tower was to take no more than
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a year if builders failed to meet the deadline the structure was pulled down and built a new towers belonging to the same clan were regarded as sanctuaries in due course they became symbols of the clans power and wealth as time went by they turned into veritable objects of worship. one of the most revered sanctuaries of the a setian people is a medieval architectural site called the recall i'm located in it's a sequoia gorge eighteen hundred meters above sea level. i like contest indicates that that cease could last year disappeared from here in the tenth or eleventh century. below it this fence was built a couple of centuries later at the lovely initially an orthodox church was here but
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when orthodoxy grew weaker it was turned into a pagan sanctuary. city to the scholars or warns of animals killed by hunters who were brought here. scientists don't yet know exactly when the record was built only logs were used to make it no nails or anything made of higher carved pole support the wooden roof they feature patterns that look like a camel's head resting on a long neck would it look like taro and spirit heads have been found here according to legend the owner of a city in principles but the tar was kept here rumor has it that even travelers visiting this place in the eighteenth century saw it when the. only natural features are destined to be the reserves eternal landmarks. over the
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centuries water and wind have crafted unique mountain landscapes. many of them are hidden from the inquisitive eyes of tourists only distaff of the nature reserve are aware of their location. for if it was not brought them through this will just file is called the ring and there is a unique natural feature of this century. the river has broken through limestone beds here to make a hole in the shape of a ring there was a reflector that it forms a rainbow. thought wonderfalls like this one are rare not only in the caucasus but in the entire world the stone ring is about two metres wide. its broadest part consists of three layers of limestone the age of the rock is estimated between one hundred and one hundred twenty million years for much more
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than a start and the most is absolutely pure i would say it's the standard for natural water it's filmed in the coast examined in the limestone of the kerry range there also is crystal clear off the filtering through many kilometers of limestone not over. the cut since he came in with rock terraces grados and knishes begins right under the ring waterfall it took the card stone mountain stream thousands of years to force its way through the rock fall. live through with it you know it's way too many tones tumbled zones from cliff tops and terrace edges a stream of winds are now loops through the stones and blockages this is where trolled. trode very clean water for life but it's
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a rare species in the moans and streams of the caucuses or. the canyons mussy walls date back to the jurassic period in winter they're covered with heights they're known as weeping walls because of the constantly dripping water in summer. the reserves mountain streams overflow their banks in early spring but they're not the main threat to the mountain paths rockslide said in with the arrival of warm weather. clusters the same of you i can go to one hundred thirty one of them was worth a visit to drift to the right across europe can be us more and more people are
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giving the political right a new look and more times than not it is the sports is political in ways we don't often even notice especially on the level of culture where our ideas and attitudes as a society are shaped. the ties between professional football in the u.s. military have existed since the start of the n.f.l. back in one thousand money that relationship grew mislay during world war two and today that bond is stronger than ever in war. beer and turned to the sick you all hate all good old feel a certain kind of feel an affinity for history. taught us that sports is never just something that we just sit back and watch and sports always had an important social function in the history of american sports is no different.
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inspiring call caijing goes open mating season in the mountains of the north of nature reserve. this is the best time for observing what are otherwise quite secretive animals and scientists take full advantage of the opportunity just. getting to their habitats is quite a problem avalanches stand in the way. one of them is what the road leading to the fuel gun gorge where rangers have seen caucasian goats. little children under normal conditions so we could go on to the village off a log by car with no we'll have to walk because the yellow is some hundred metres wide in fact there have been through alliances here a week ago the avalanche fell here. we'll try to take another road i mean the upper
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road. the train's caucuses highway is the reserves most avalanche prone area with up to two hundred fifty avalanches each season. a snow slide can be set off from a shelter from skis stretching it slightly or from a drift of snow. wet snow usually slides down slowly from the slope and avalanche of dry snow is the fastest and most dangerous current. that's a blunder with all the cordons in place yes everything's ready. in north as a special militia fights avalanche six. attention a lot. more an accurate shot since the snow flowing downwards.
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and avalanche fill and if you're done gorge during the night nobody was hit by snow slabs but the road was entirely blocked caucasian goats are grazing somewhere in the mountains the rangers will have to go on foot to reach them. i mean this i will answer occurred a few days ago about a week ago. since then was it higher then sure a couple of meters already. some time ago there was a good chance of people encountering caucasian goats on the mountain paths today scientists tend to observe them through their binoculars these graceful animals prefer the higher altitudes. caucasian goats have no difficulty clearing steep slopes they almost never slip off as they know how to spread their center of
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gravity evenly and choose the right foot hold and they have no fear of heights. the east caucasian variety of goats inhabits this reserve it's possible to tell them apart by the shape of their horns. with them for a grandiose have warrants in the form of a partial spiral with a gift like this like it but i've got. a spiral outports the right horn points to the left and the left horn points to the right. cohesion goats are wild animals but high in the mountains they often allow rock climbers to come surprisingly close. the more than width and typically you can my dam matter of ten meters if he goes have got used to the presence of people of. the goats are quite tolerant of them near the training camp so for rock
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climbers or when they camped out for the night up in the mountains and you know and . the rope. there are many fascinating routes for climbing and to see a switch in the reserve law. they often use the cliff faces and glaciers for training any ascent as always fraught with risk. a small cliff is the best place for training and testing out new gear right. careful is it all down from here. like someone once phones ourselves in an extreme situation there was strong gusts of wind during our ascends visibility was a mere ten metres in those conditions we couldn't climb down from the top of the
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mountain or i was a beginner in rock climbing that was my third climb needless to say i was very scared. a wise climber never ventures into the mountains alone three climbers is the minimal number. sht. summer is the ideal season for challenging climbs. in spring climbers examine the best way to get up the mountains work out new routes and compare mountain terrain with its map descriptions. what we are going to the ice prince well let's try and climb through that snow there and come from the right side through the rock. shooting rock steer. well we'll see when we reach the place. which i thought ok let's get
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going. climbing even to the lower peaks of the mountain range takes no small effort. the air is humid and rarefied the sun is blinding snow may collapse at any moment the climbers have to exert themselves to conquer the flag mountain and. in accordance with tradition one such top the summit rock climbers drink tea with bitter chocolate. good help yourself. but why am i here what attracts me to the mountains that's the most difficult question i can think of i don't think any climber or famine stream sports could answer it or simply i enjoy rock climbing and the beautiful landscape. just descends on the mountains rapidly and in spring the weather could change very
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quickly the climbers need to get down as fast as possible. mayes. mazes receiving. their group rich little at thirteen forty five when they getting that ascends what's the weather like just fine everything's ok going down. yes thanks. the bulk of the reserve is situated along the bulk of we range where the slopes are steep and rocky some of the peaks are four and a half kilometers above sea level rocks stones in glaciers are scattered all around . discussed the scheme resort is situated in the glaciers melt in the city's craig gorge.
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reserve staff get down to the most important work at the height of the springtime ski season they're going to release this small bison herd into the wild for the time being the animals graze in a special pen. these bison have lived in captivity since birth the blood of a wild ox by the name of cough because flows in their veins cause was sent to a private nursery after being caught in one thousand and seven by the russian emperor while on a hunting expedition when all the bison had been exterminated in the north caucasus
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it was come cause at the forefront of the restoration of the caucasian bison subspecies. this is a dude a great grandson of cars but any move though was born on or nine hundred twenty five with the door go as far as i can get or he was the forefather all the caucasian subspecies of the bison and of course in one nine hundred thirty s. he was taken to us economy annoyed with a soviet nature reserve there he metered with female diller with bison it was the origin of a bison subspecies with cookies in blood it would. since early this morning reserve staff had been trying to compel the vice and to enter special cages for transportation during a korean team period animals became accustomed to their pen and learn to trust people so they're in no hurry to go out in the wild. up. after several and successful attempts one of the females is lurd into the cage and
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now the herd will follow suit mice and are known for their matriarchal behavior. come on faster. well done. the bison steadfastly endured their temporary captivity all on their way to their new habitat . the return of caucasian bison to the wild is a joint project undertaken by the north of such a nature reserve and the world wildlife fund. everything's ready chilly go on yes let's go. up. to. the bison already accustomed to the wild graze nearby. it's not yet known whether they'll accept or reject their newcomers. the forests and the mountains
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are beyond human influence. all that's left for the reserve staff to do is monitor the animals and preserve this protected area of the north caucasus. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. wealthy british style. market finance scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look of the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports.
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yes my name is daniel schmidt this is julian assange we're here to make
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a short presentation about that we can fix project. the first step in the fourth estate he through to get information out about the real world. through him war on syria and the matter under. the secrecy is the biggest. going to be a democracy. if i ever put any sauces in danger he would hunt me down and kill. this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the project because it has become more like all this all james bond but then all the actual information. but thank you. sol the people around the wold. pay me.


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