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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. the reports. there's a second explosion in japan's fukushima nuclear power plant already crippled by last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami eleven people have been injured in the blast but the reactors who are reportedly remain students are. dropping these official say some two thousand bodies have been found in the me argue district following friday's a massive earthquake and tsunami violence will significantly increase the number of dead which currently stands at one thousand six hundred. every version city officials are on high alert and russia's foreign minister and somehow in the region close to japan's border strike about the threat of nuclear contamination.
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coming to you live from our studios in moscow you're watching r t thanks for joining us now let's go to be a latest developments in japan where there's been a second blast at the fukushima nuclear plant as of now eleven of people were injured in the explosion the reactors are said to be in tact out the moment and officials claim that there has not been a change in the radiation level since the latest incident took place well at least twenty two people have already been exposed to radiation after an earlier explosion following friday's devastating tremor and tsunami officials say the possibility of another blast is now unlikely or people within a twenty kilometer radius of the reactor have been evacuated to safety there have been worn. seventy three metre high tsunami moving towards the north east coast of
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japan caused by a strong aftershock we're getting reports the alert has been lifted prime minister not a con has called it the worst crisis since world war two artes ivory bennett is in a sendai one of the towns worst affected by the huge wave. we don't know the full extent of the damage or that of a second blast in the third reactor the fukushima power plant number one the initial reports are that the the actual reactor sheree itself with vessel containing radioactive materials isn't the damage that's what japanese meteor to. push was. surrounding the reactor has collapsed. and the damage so we don't know how much radiation is. either but it's the basically cell is intact which it seems to be according to japanese media that it's not the full scale nuclear catastrophe that was. earlier today soon as it was reported on
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japanese radio. in the taxi i was coming back from the coast. immediately afterwards the advice was to stay inside but just half an hour ago we were. seeing the destruction and the devastation that's there as a result of the first tsunami when we actually got told by police there we got shouted out in order to drive back to safety as soon as possible to reach high ground because they were of course another tsunami approaching we didn't know how long we had but the first tsunami only took nine minutes to reach the coast after the first earthquake so there was panic there and the police were people out as fast as possible but here in sendai i did. actually on the coast here haneke being shown by people lining up outside markets one key we saw the main street market in the center of town with. no exaggeration people have been queuing up overnight to try and stock up on things so people are obviously concerned that
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potentially the spread of radiation might mean after then trying to or not the earthquake could lead to food shortages already there are shortage in town and in whole prefecture in fact one man there we met him he commented on the huge. and. right now several of the food shops are limiting people to hide items from him and i think you are always this time to get into the shops but obviously there is some level of making people on showing it. definitely concerned we very much as they have been stocking up on food and also fuel our way here yet last night we saw a long queue of cars a can of corn plants alone outside one of the few petrol stations that were they were open in fiction and being limited to twenty liters each actual. deafness is the issue here of the. the authorities
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the army troops and police barricades police even as well lining the streets and going to the coast beheading people i think people can make their way we were trying to get it to film pictures of the devastation caused by the tsunami three days to go and every thought of two hundred meters or so they were police telling us thank you back and soon as they heard the warning tsunami they were. literally shampooing out chasing us back to the center and they were blasted with police buses picking out independent. and other people would come back to find their town and try and retrieve what they could. going out for tsunami only now find that they will. lose what they have left
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anyway the damage is absolutely complete. you don't get a real feel for it until you actually meet until you actually get to the case but it's worth it in areas. the tsunami completely wiped out everything in it are very clear that any claim it reached has eaten or just been nine minutes fall in the air . great. truly incredible for what three buildings was floating in what appeared to be an inland sea it's absolutely devastating you didn't fully understand it and don't really realize the power that must. we'll be actually see these pictures when we saw people sifting through what remains of what was. beach. being washed up seven kilometers inland so clearly the damage is. inland.
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a few buildings damaged in the sense of that if you keep things functioning pretty much. normal and. infrastructure. be on the road. will not. out of the aftershocks and country know the tsunami. or russia is sending aid and rescuers to japan to help with the aftermath of friday's earthquake and tsunami as well as to prepare for a potential new disaster for more and ask those involvement we can cross live to artie's peter all over the morning there peter nothing just give us an idea of be kind of help there is of expertise russia can offer to japan at this point. while russian emergencies ministry plane is due to land in japan very shortly that plane contains fifty rescue workers that have been sent to japan to deal with the the aftermath of the earthquake and the tsunamis that have struck the country there now
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they are just containing they don't just have rescues with and it's also humanitarian aid on board that plane so we're looking at a tent city blankets food and water as well as portable generators those generators very important as power supplies in japan severely depleted well there's also the chance that a helicopter could be sent from russia helicopter pay. out of a bottle could be sent containing twenty five extra rescue workers and also more equipment to deal with the aftermath of these disasters that have struck japan helicopters currently waiting clearance from the japanese authorities to arrive in the country i mentioned that power was a very important commodity to the rescue work over the weekend russia pledged energy aid to japan take the form of one hundred fifty thousand tons of liquid gas as well as increase supplies of coal electricity provided directly to japan from russia under water electric cable now this team that is being sent there i described as
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a. rescue team now they are really the rapid response units of the russian emergencies ministry they they can they arrive on the scene and they don't need any help from the japanese authorities to get up and running and starting helping people so they won't be any drain the already extremely stretched japanese rescue workers there well russia has said that they can offer any help that japan requests if they ask for any more help is available in the ready willing to do it now one such type of help that they could be able to provide should these this incident at the nuclear facility or any of the other nuclear plants that are still going to extremely high observation creasing become any worse now they could look at sending in a people who are trained inexperienced in nuclear cleanup of course russia has experience with dealing with cleaning up a nuclear disaster following the chernobyl incident in one nine hundred eighty six now from ukraine let's see other ships the reports about just what russia could
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bring to the table. a plane full trip down memory lane aleksandr often goes to the thirty kilometer nature not the exclusion zone in ukraine but every visitor sat emotions twenty five years ago what is now the ghost town of. his home before the chernobyl fallout changed everything. you know i didn't come here just to take photos and it still feels like home i spent my best chance and years here i learnt it's here. and even those who have never been here before come and feel the karma with beauty so they want to come back here. next sunday is one of hundreds of thousands whose address changed after april the twenty six thousand nine hundred eighty six that is one of the kids youngest districts in the late one nine hundred eighty s. houses sprung up here literally overnight many of those who had to leave their homes in the chernobyl area found their home here
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a total of three hundred thousand people had to be resettled from the contaminated land this new life came at a high price for some reason the soviet authorities meddled with the evacuation from the contaminated zone fifty thousand people residents the town just three kilometers from the exploded reactor were subjected to a great deal of radiation the town's former deputy mayor says this dreadful mistake was caused by a mass confusion which followed the blast. of those who asked the question don't quite understand what it takes to evacuate as many as fifty thousand people you simply can't do it in one hour or in two hours but we brought thirteen hundred buses here from here we had to inform people bring them together and in the first place we had to understand whether we actually needed the evacuation even specialists in the first stages didn't know whether the reactor was destroyed a quarter of a century since the disaster the thirty kilometer area around the plant is
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a nuclear wasteland the fall period for radioactive particles is believed to last several thousand years so all this land would hardly ever be inhabited again however some like this elderly man were not put off by the radioactive threat and decided to return after the soviet union collapsed. when i was moved. they gave me a flight and a miserable. not enough to make a living that's why we returned the news here and we. just saw it's. come to this because personally. many stories and many. as the news of a nuclear incident at the fukushima plant in japan brought girl to the first thing the authorities did was to evacuated residents with a dream ticket home which is off the facility five years ago people of the affected area were less fortunate the reaction of the japanese government suggests that the lessons of chernobyl have decades later been learned looks risky r.t.
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reporting from kiev ukraine. well just a reminder of the latest developments in a japan and there has been a second blast at the fukushima nuclear plant if you remember there was a first blast on a saturday now in the latest blast eleven a people were injured in the explosion the reactors are said to be intact at the moment and officials claim that there has not been a change in the radiation levels says this latest incident took place well at least twenty two people though have already been exposed to radiation after an earlier explosion following friday's devastating tremor and it's an army all official say the possibility of another blast is now unlikely so the government has ordered that people within a twenty kilometer radius of the reactor have to be evacuated to safety and there are now warnings of the three metre high tsunami moving towards the northeast coast of japan caused by a strong aftershock we're also getting reports that alert has been lifted or prime
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minister not a con has called it the worst crisis since world war two. now let's get more on the reaction in russia stories that has been on alert since the a development has been unfolding in japan let's go to work or is one of the hard graft filled up with you know there's been a second blast as we were reporting at the fukushima plant which we have been watching since the disaster occurred what are the readings you are getting word now or is there a risk of a possible radiation right now. also as the imagines is ministry for this uprising region give saying that radiation levels are normal and they have an insurgency by their checks after they receive the news about the explosion as another reacting fukushima but what is really worrisome is the change in the weather because what we see now is that the weather is changing dramatically seems that we can now it is
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it's much better than it was in the early hours of monday but it was snowing heavily in the morning there was that the fall you could hardly see out some fifty meters from you and it was all sunny on sunday now it is snow everywhere as you can see so it looks like it too cold russian winter in january and these of course is bad news as we had been reporting we pulled up the weekend from japan had been going in the direction of the pacific ocean and the lord indeed depends on the wind this is very crucial we should wait now goes whether it will bypass the northeastern part of russia or whether it will reach it even case if there is a poor is a nuclear accident and it clearly there is a radioactive cloud blowing towards russia of course only adds to the local residents tiny as imagine says ministers that the levels of radiation now are between some three to thought microbes thrower which is much less than any other
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industrial c.c.r. russia. the fears are mainly that what looks like kind of light snow today could turn into. see it rain tomorrow ok we'll cut to what about the people how are they reacting to this news there have been evacuations because of the tsunami warning and their concerns about the nuclear power plant as of the latest news what are people move like on the street. also as of the radiation levels here we've been trying to check for ourselves we have got a good meter here the one we used yesterday to measure radiation levels and as of today it's just the same figger here around the hotel where we're staying from two to three my crisper our this is unless they're not in the city center so at the moment indeed there is no reason to tiny but the problem is that so far as everyone is well aware of that as if there is a nuclear accident and that he will take
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a nuclear cloud or radiates a cloud less than an hour to reach these parts of russia the closest to because she might and of course not older people have these congress so they keep going guarding the emergences ministry with phone calls and now there is actually an information just green there about the emergency his ministry showing the levels of radiation which perhaps see as to how the public to keep them well informed and well of david's ok thank you very much a good leader graciela reporting there from russia's far east. despite the second explosion at the fukushima facility crews are still fighting to cool down all the overheating fuel rods out the site christopher simons a professor at the talking university believes that while the danger remains great we're not talking about a new trend. the damage to the fuel rods in this case will not
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cause a fire and again this is a key difference between the disaster going on at the moment though it is a disaster and the charitable incident this situation is a few rods can melt they can become oxidized and the rods are protected by zirconium our lloyd coating and when that comes into contact with water the result is the production of a large amount of hydrogen which is of course explosive and causes that earth a large explosion as we saw yesterday whether the radiation is coming from fukushima dai ichi we have to number one or number three or more locally is a very important question to solve i would hazard a guess that it is coming from fukushima daiichi number one and now there are different types of radiation being released into the atmosphere the good news is that a lot of the steam which exists in the explosion from daiichi reactor number one
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building yesterday is relatively light isotopes and these isotopes cannot really cause the long term damage to human health the more serious problem is that they have also detected isotopes of iodine and cesium in the area around the fukushima explosion or these are much heavier isotopes and that means that if they get into the human body or if they get into the soil the water supply they can cause long term radiation poisoning. dr robert gibbs from the here of since it's in says that twenty kilometer exclusion zone around the reactor may need to be expanded. the claims of the japanese government at this point is that the radiation they want to go reactor are not coming from that break the reactors at that site but are actually from fukushima number one from the explosion and pushing the number one so this is boring as well because if this is true this would indicate that the radiation from fukushima has reached quite
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a distance from the plant itself the claims are that the radiation levels were high briefly and then went down and this will correspond to the timing of the explosion in fukushima but as i say things how the evacuation area has been ten fifteen twenty kilometers away if in the next prefecture of thirty eight measurable radiation was present then obviously radiation is spreading beyond the evacuated area it is on the other side of the bay from sendai it's north of sendai where is that. site is south of sendai so that would be quite a distance that would certainly indicate that if it could travel that far that there was about open measurable radiation in sendai city itself i think that there's some very conflicting reports coming out on the one hand you have the japanese government claiming that there was some melting of the fuel in the number three reactor at fukushima number one site and then you say you also have reports that they are they were in error when they said that that any of the fuel had
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melted i don't there's two possibilities obviously one is that dire information is being with how all that in an effort to make the situation seem better than it is and also to avoid panic but the other perhaps more likely scenario is that the government is not quite certain of the state of affairs in the reactors and so you're finding conflicting reports coming out from different spokespeople but either either scenario certainly suggests the situation is far from under control. earlier of tsunami has also grover the effect of a country's economy where the government of a record amount of money into the markets stabilize the financial. mr for more on the economic side effects of the massive disaster let's cross to our business desk now this is the first business day since the earthquake of the tsunami took place on markets usually in these cases are very reactionary and just how bad is the situation right now. japan's economy is set to start a significantly after being here by one of the biggest or of quakes in the last one
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hundred years and the country's economic outlook already problematic is now even more uncertain because. it's not clear now in which dimensions that is that will unfold and especially at the damaged nuclear plant according to preliminary as to meets the economic losses from the earthquake may be up to three hundred billion dollars while the country's infrastructure is seriously damaged the nation's industrial clusters in the solve and western seem to be even more affected than the areas affected by freighters disaster including eight proof of accounts of forty percent of the country's g.d.p. and local authorities. are saying. local. electronics forums and makers and world refineries have shut their businesses only has suspended production plant. eight plants. japanese or
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to me because all these companies saw their share prices drop by double digit percentages and all ports have been closed and warnings of aftershocks become more about the crisis damaged nuclear plants north talk who is threatening to cause an emergency squeeze that could. all sectors of japan's economy and japanese stalks fell six percent on monday as investors expect the or quake and tsunami to take a toll on the army and require significant. central. it doesn't jump to a record one hundred thirty three billion dollars into money markets to stabilize the financial systems world prices which fell by three percent on friday are likely to continue falling this week and world demand is likely to drop as industrial activity falters more in august i will your for that update on the economic impact
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of the a disaster thank you. well as the situation at the a fukushima nuclear plant remains critical the threat of radioactive contamination continues to loom and could potentially affect not only japan but the a much wider area philip white from the citizens' nuclear information center says the danger of the ongoing crisis is its unpredictability. i think there is of the amount of radiation that we are where of now it's not a risk if there is a potential risk in future because this reactor is unstable who knows it could. the containment could be breached and large quantities of nuclear material could be released and if prevailing winds are blowing in the wrong direction it could go across asia or the east of russia but. the degree of the really
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extreme contamination in that scenario would be obviously. they'd be. limited area as in the case of chernobyl but. low levels of can't compare nation could spread over a long distance but we don't know that's going to happen we're trying to work but at this point in time you can't rule it out as a possibility this is one concern it's not it's not a case of a chain reaction in the literal sense but it's a case of. the people who are trying to control the situation i going to be strongly radiated. if a catastrophe happened in one of the reactors and also that would also affect equipment and particularly provide proof of water for cooling things like that so there are various scenarios. a problem one reactor i think the other which are also unstable in the case of the channel reactor was
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a single reactor which is unstable in this case we have about six reactors that are unstable and they're requiring emergency. and the capacity to deal with that emergency situation in the other reactors is lost then that leaves the possibility that several of them could go we are saying it's going to happen but these are the worst case scenarios and you've got to bear in mind. well just to remind you of our breaking news story this hour there are new threats and warnings coming from japan after a second blast at the fukushima nuclear plant details still have to come as to where exactly within the plant that explosion occurred but the officials are saying the reactors themselves are said to be intact but eleven people have been injured due to the second blast now in terms of radiation levels officials claim that there has not been any change since the incident took place however there are twenty two people who have already been exposed to the radiation that is after an earlier
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explosion and that was on saturday following friday's devastating tremor and tsunami well the earthquake has since been upgraded to a level of nine point zero on the richter scale one of the strongest ever recorded in the world engineers so i've been using it seawater if you tried to cool down reactors out the complex damaged in the quake that's to avoid a catastrophic nuclear meltdown officials say though that the possibility of another blast is now unlikely however the government did order people within a twenty kilometer radius of the reactor to be evacuated and earlier there were warnings of a three metre high tsunami moving towards the northeast coast of japan triggered by another strong aftershock about alerts has already been lifted now up to ten thousand people are missing in the port of minami sanriku alone strong winds are hampering rescue operations now the government is warning people have continued aftershocks in the next few days he a japanese prime minister not
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a con has called this disaster the country's worst since world war two now russia is sending a team of rescuers to help with relief efforts and russia's emergencies minister has vowed to send additional help if japan requests it. leave we'll have more on the developing story in japan in a few minutes stay with us here on r.t. . the book. the book.
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is he uses. the. super. wealthy british style diabetic time to subscribe to the michael carter.


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