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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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don't succumb. japan braces itself for a new explosion after a third reactor of the uses its cooling capacity of your fukushima want a nuclear power plant eleven people were injured on monday morning in the second blast to hit the plant since friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami. japanese officials say some two thousand bodies have been found in the miyagi prefecture following friday's massive earthquake and tsunami the findings will significantly increase the number of dead which currently stands at eighteen hundred. and urgency officials are on high alert in russia's far eastern a southern region close to japan's border with concerns about the threat of nuclear
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contamination. and in other news that libya's rebels are losing ground as colonel gadhafi forces push through the opposition stronghold in the east but with no positive action and a constant power struggle locals say the end seems no where inside. coming to you live from moscow you're watching archie thanks for joining us it's just six pm in japan though there were new threats and warnings coming there from the country with reports of a possible third explosion on the way up in fukushima nuclear plant where this call was monday second blast there were injured eleven people were japanese officials have been reassuring locals that radiation levels at the plant are within legal limits up to one hundred. sixty people though could have been exposed to radiation
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following the two explosions up the facility in the northeastern japan meanwhile engineers have been using seawater to try to cool down reactors at the complex and the quake to avert a catastrophic nuclear meltdown again we are hearing that the third reactor has lost its cooling capacity increasing fears that it will overheat and cause another blast this was all triggered by friday's massive earthquake which was then followed by a giant tsunami eight hundred people are now confirmed dead but that number is expected to rise by many times bennett is in one of the towns worst affected by the huge wave. another reactor at the fukushima power plant number one reactor now and then you're overheating it lost its cooling mechanism which is crucial to stopping nuclear meltdown and what this means it could lead to overheating and
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another explosion similar to the two other parts we've already seen that propped up on could happen now what they're doing to try and prevent that is why pouring on sea water into the reactor to try and cool it down. but that's what they did to the other two plants unfortunately that didn't prevent any explosion however the explosion of this happened earlier today according to the government the nuclear reactor that holds the radioactive material is still intact which is crucial to preventing a major nuclear catastrophe. and people were injured in that explosion nuclear power plant that the tokyo electric power company who own the plant they say that radiation levels are within the legal limits in fact significantly lower levels but a warning needs to be issued out on top of that they are have evacuated a huge area twenty kilometers radius yet if you think you are around the nuclear power. and two hundred people two hundred thousand people have been evacuated to
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safety however six hundred people still remain in that area they want to be here to quick enough so they've been called to stay inside so as to not be exposed to any radiation you know also that the radiation has leaked out more far afield and now according to the new york times and reuters a u.s. aircraft carrier off the japanese coast two hundred sixty comes into the pacific ocean. with a geiger counter they measure it in a cloud of smoke that radiation was above the normal levels. sounding on day crews crewmembers received radiation about the same as they would do normally in a month they're above normal going not. at a critical level. it's being shown by people lining up outside supermarkets one key we saw at the main street market in the center of town with a kilometer long no exaggeration people have been queuing up overnight to try and
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stop seeing people obviously concerned that potentially the spread of radiation month we may have to spend trying to or another quake could lead to food shortages already there are food shortage in town and in the whole prefecture. one man yes but we met them to comment on food and right now several of the food shops are limiting people to five i can remember and i think you are now it's time to get into the shops so. there is some level of panic people on showing it. definitely concerned to be very much as a family stocking up on food and also fuel our way here yes last night we saw a long queue of cars again about the current climate for a long time one of the few petrol stations there were the ripening picture and there was only being limited to twenty liters each actual. pieces.
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here of the. troops and police. lining the streets going to the coast they're heading. back to make their way we were trying to get the film pictures of. course three days ago and every foot of two hundred meters or so they were police telling thing i think. and soon as they heard of the warning you know i mean they were. literally shelling out . to the center and. really start taking out so independent. and that people would come back to find their town and try and recreate what they could. calling out for tsunami only it's now time that they were maimed pete would lose what they have left anyway the
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damage is absolutely complete. you don't get a real feel for it until you actually feed until you actually get to the coast but it's worth it in areas. the tsunami completely wiped out everything in it are very clear that it came reached a clump of eden just in nine minutes all in the air craig been absolutely incredible for spears we walk down trees buildings there are cars floating in what appears to be an inland sea it's absolutely devastating you didn't really understand intense fully realize the power that must. we'll be until you actually see these pictures and we saw people sifting through what the remains of what was out there were. as well and beach. being washed up seven kilometers inland so clearly the damage is. off further inland.
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there are a few buildings damaged and expense of the fifty people things functioning pretty much. normal in terms of infrastructure and i can see on the roads that the operations the trains still not out of phase with aftershocks and eventually another tsunami. emergency services remain on high alert in russia as far east coast in northern japan a correspondent that is there for us. the weather has changed drastically here in the region since sunday it was all sunny and clear skies over the we can't but one we woke up early morning on monday there was a peak for you could hardly see some people to meters from you and it was snowing hardly actually now snow was all around and it looks like typical temperature for january here hold people are really afraid of is that the weekend has changed its direction before we had been reporting that the wind was going in the direction of
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the pacific ocean bypassing the north east and possibly russia now as we've been getting reports of all the second explosion at fukushima recent really high there is a radioactive catastrophe and a cloud could reach this region of russia the merchant his ministry say they have reinforced checks of the radiation levels here and say that as of now they stand up last than the average for this area but residents fear that what today might look like candlelight snow could turn into a case of rains tomorrow so many choose to leave and mostly tourists are not residents of this region as for the locals here most of them try not to panic and to run about their businesses as usual and they also say that features they're now seeing in japan look so familiar to what bay had been through several years ago. and this is how the trust looks like you can hardly see the needle tracing the way
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form as a card to mourn it or call the is listening for every beat but things can change quickly. in the real time a new earthquake is here in japan this is the way of trace it's strong it has a magnitude of six point five. this is what an earthquake of magnitude nine translates into. your eleven is not new to quakes has been running the say speak station in russia's far is over twenty years now but even for him friday's events came as a painful and vivid reminder he and his old time friend survived an earthquake of similar intensity and so highly in the nine hundred ninety five they don't need t.v. reports to know what the people of japan are experiencing now. but you it was
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a strange sense of vertigo ceilings were caving in the first thing i did i rushed to my daughters i grabbed the older one while my wife took our newborn and rushed into the street thank god we lived on the first floor. ury two was lucky to back here quickly but dozens of their friends were buried alive the morning we drove to the epicenter nifty several locals were in a car with us we arrived and there was nothing the town was no longer there women start hauling in men quench their fists and can say a word or used to be streets with houses had been turned into just awful. then if you go risk earthquake was russia's most destructive in a hundred years over two thousand people died the town was never a built but the sea snake station was reopened it was shut down shortly after the collapse of the soviet union and yuri was left without but the earthquake changed all that. not only was the station reinstated dozens of new ones have been built
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these time small school calls you read several times a day. we're always on alert hopefully we have broadband and americans owes the asians was the first to report the earthquake was so quickly felt insecure leaners this is the closest part of russia to japan and while a tsunami threat has receded there is no relief for the people here with the danger now one of nuclear catastrophe everyone here understands that in the worst case scenario it will take a radioactive cloud less than an hour to reach the coast of russia exceeding a grouch of r t from the sea region. of russia is sending aid and rescuers to japan to help with the aftermath of friday's earthquake and tsunami as well as to prepare for a potential near disaster artie's peter all over has war on moscow's involvement. a
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russian emergencies ministry plane has arrived in japan already know that contains fifty rescuers and aid workers as well as humanitarian aid where we're looking at things like shelter tents blankets food water we've heard already in the program there in very short supply in japan these aid is now getting into the country from russia there's also a helicopter from the emergencies ministry which is being given the green light to enter japanese airspace that's expected to go to the areas worst hit directly in those areas worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami that contains another twenty five aid workers and more supplies and she monetary aid for the people on the ground there over the weekend to russia already pledged. to japan to try and help the situation urge upon drawing about thirty percent of all its energy from its nuclear power stations they've been severely disrupted following the earthquake and tsunami and of course the the own growing disaster is taking place at fukushima
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course moscow has experience with dealing with a serious nuclear accident chernobyl the worst in. history of course happening in ukraine and from ukraine we can now hear from. these talks about what russia could bring to the table should a full scale nuclear disaster be on the cards and playful trip down memory lane aleksandr often goes to the thirty kilometer nobile exclusion zone in ukraine but every visit and emotions twenty five years ago what is now the ghost town of his home before the chernobyl fallout changed everything. you know i didn't come here just to take photos it still feels like home. i spent my best childhood years here i learned to tear up and even those who have never been here before come and feel the car. so they want to come back here.
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alexander is one of hundreds of thousands whose address changed after april the twenty sixth one thousand nine hundred eighty six the creation is one of the youngest districts in the late one nine hundred eighty s. houses sprung up here literally overnight many of those who had to leave their homes in the chernobyl area found their home here a total of three hundred thousand people had to be resettled from the contaminated land this new life came at a high price for some reason the soviet authorities meddled with the evacuation from the contaminated zone fifty thousand people presidents the town just three kilometers from the exploded reactor were subjected to a great deal of radiation the town's former deputy mayor says this dreadful mistake was caused by a mass confusion which followed the blast. of those who asked the question don't quite understand what it takes to evacuate as many as fifty thousand people you simply can't do it in one hour or in two hours but we brought thirteen hundred
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buses here from kiev we had to inform people bring them together and in the first place we had to understand whether we actually needed the evacuation or even specialists in the first stages didn't know whether the reactor was destroyed a quarter of a century since the disaster the thirty kilometer area around the plant is a nuclear wasteland the four hour period for radioactive particles is believed to last several thousand years so this land would hardly ever be inhabited again however some like this elderly man were not put off by the radioactive threat and decided to return after the soviet union collapsed. when i was moved here they gave me a fly. and a miserable pension not enough to make a normal living that's why we returned home is here and we grow. besides there are days more people come to the zone because. many stop and bring you some food money . as the news of
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a nuclear incident at the fukushima plant in japan broke out the first thing the authorities did was to evacuated residents within twenty kilometers of the facility twenty five years ago people of the affected area were less fortunate the reaction of the japanese government suggests that the lessons of chernobyl have decades later been learned looks risky r.t. reporting from kiev ukraine. with some expert opinion now unseated dr robert jacobs from the hiroshima peace institute with more on what the threat of radioactive contamination for japan's people and infrastructure and mr jacobs we have seen are two blasts already now there's a warning that authorities in an airport just how much danger are people in. unfortunately that's not really noble and there certainly is a lot of potential danger how much danger people are actually in we can't tell the information we're getting is conflated. this i would say that the explosion of the
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reactor number three today that reactor uses a fuel referred to as mox fuel which has been twenty minutes so the dangers from releases from that reactor are higher than the dangerous if there are similar releases from the number one of the number two reactors but another thing i would say is that as there was the first explosion and second explosion and now you know quite likely a thirty explosion each time this happens even if the core of the reactors are not damaged specifically some radioactivity is spread in the region right there at the plants making any further work to bring this situation under control much more difficult for workers whose exposures are high and so are we have to be rotated in and out so each each of these steps is making it harder and harder to control well again this is the spike lee's last the government keeps saying that the safety levels are five there is no risk to your health understandably there are concerns that they may be playing it down to avoid mass panic but in your opinion are they
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really telling the whole truth to the public. i doubt that they are but that may be because they're not themselves where of the truth they're not necessarily aware of how much fuel has melted in each of the reactor cores so it's a little bit difficult but historically i can tell you that in every situation like this when there is nuclear industrial accidents there's a very there's two different programs underway one is the program to control the problem and the other is the program to manage public opinion in the case of managing public opinion there is always a desire to present the opinion or to present reception of the government is in control and that there is no undue danger and there is no reason to panic. often the need to control all of this kind of perception runs counter to the actual information which may be useful to people about whether they're in danger now as
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people rely on the government to give them accurate and from asian about what the threats are so there's never been a case where the information has been accurate and useful so there's no reason to believe that the government is now not engaged in trying to manage public opinion and manage perceptions that this crisis is not so bad and perhaps that's accurate but we must know that for a lot of people in this situation that we've witnessed in the last few days is is the government prepared for something like this and i receive the documents from the tokyo electric the operator of the pratt saying that the plant itself was tested to withstand a magnitude seven point nine earthquake which is obviously much lower than nine point zero earthquake so is the government prepared to handle such just that situation or is it simply to excrete extreme given there's a tsunami and the earthquake and now that nuclear running. well there's two things you can say obviously if it is too extreme it should be the job of the government
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and also good plant operators to anticipate what might happen if something beyond design plans occur. and that may be different at an eight point zero earthquake which is older than seven point nine which was designed for maybe different a nine point zero earthquake or a ten point zero earthquake i'd be on the threshold of the plant's design certainly there should be some some strategizing about what kind of mechanisms would happen what would happen if the if the generators failed then i know there are backup systems but clearly it appears as though things are operating. at a crisis level where the plants are being flooded with seawater these so these are sort of a last ditch effort and perhaps the modeling included going to last ditch efforts like this so it may just be that this is beyond the capabilities of what this plant or. can withstand able of course the safety of the people is of utmost concern here we understand the government as has already vacuum rated people and now we're
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seeing that there are reports of a spike in the bad for i had seen now is there anything else the government could do should they be doing more if there is something more they can too. well i'm i personally believe people accurate information is really really imperative people are people are very scared and nobody wants the public to panic people need to have any information in order to make a clear decision about what the risks are to them and what actions they should say so i believe that there should be quite a bit more communication and there should be clear communication i realize that can be difficult in a crisis. but the goal of managing public the pain should be secondary to ensuring public health ok just very briefly now how is all of this going to impact people's attitude toward said nuclear energy in the future. very negatively obviously people have fears about nuclear power and they're now seeing those fears
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and actualized and they're realizing what the dangers are really extreme situations and one thing i'd like to see too is that these players that are flooded with start water will no longer be usable so this was told he was powered that power would have to be replaced so they are going to be here in japan about what kind of power plants are we going to build in order to replace that power will be nuclear power plants will they be called plants and so i think public opinion is going to be very strongly against any new nuclear plants in this region ok well thank you very much for your insight dr robert jacobs there from the hiroshima peace institute. we are following all the latest developments in japan the sense a massive earthquake hit on friday and the tsunami followed and the descent of the country into chaos now a third explosion could be possible as a reactor another reactor has lost its cooling capacity at the fukushima nuclear plant now monday morning so eleven people injured in the latest blast to take place
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the country has been battling a domino effect since friday's massive earthquake and gigantic tsunami else is a double tragedy eighteen hundred people have been confirmed dead but that number is expected to rise many times two thousand bodies have reportedly washed up into the miyagi district and been found alone in that district now another thousand were found in the town of minami sanriku now but the government there claims that up to ten thousand people are missing which is more than half the local population and many people are worried about radiation levels with up to one hundred sixty people reportedly exposed so far and people within a twenty kilometer radius of the plants have been evacuated to safety and locals are also expecting a power outage just areas will be divided into groups and each one will have a three hour blackout that's all part of the plan to keep the country's crippled electricity grid operational meanwhile there. we're getting reports of a a shortage of food water and fuel and prime minister not of khan has called it the
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contraries worst crisis since world war two so many countries have been sending relief efforts to the country russia has sent a team of rescuers to help with those efforts of russia's emergencies minister. additional help is requests it. let's now turn our attention to libya where colonel gadhafi his forces are pushing the opposition back reclaiming more and more cities in the rebel stronghold of the country of the opposition may be experiencing defeats but government troops appear on sure over their victory without applying for anyone to help them stabilize the country. brings us the latest on this shaky battle for power. every fighting continues particularly in the eastern part of libya and around the town of brega the government troops have been firing rounds of ammunition and conducting a strikes the latest word we have is that the town is nasser me in the hands of gadhafi is meant they're also making their way eastward where there is a significant loss it is the latest in
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a series of setbacks to face the rebel troops who just a week ago had most of eastern libya in their heads and we're talking about a march on the capital city tripoli now i am in tripoli as you can see it is very quiet it has in fact been quieter all along and it almost seems a lot of the bull that rebel forces were talking about a march on the city a united nations gala geisha is in town they are meeting with the government they are trying to coordinate relief efforts while at the same time we've heard from human rights watch and they are warning that if it's by the government of stifling opposition voices in could believe is alarming and dangerous now the biggest problem facing the rebels is that they are loosely organized and they lack leadership and the enthusiasm that has been binding them and motivating them back until now so he seems to be reigning they have issued a call for the international community to implement a no fly zone but they do emphasize that this must not and lead to any kind of foreign military intervention they are warning that without some kind of
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international involvement though at least a half a million and libyans will be sorted by the gadhafi regime and the situation on the ground is chaotic the front line keeps shifting forwards and backwards people here really are scared they do not know who to trust they do not know which way to turn and i do not know what the future holds now the u.s. interested hillary clinton is in paris on monday she will be meeting with members of the libyan opposition there she will then travel teaching as yet and egypt her meeting with the opposition coincides with the g eight summit their ministers will be discussing the implementation of the no fly zone and some kind of foreign intervention the whole question of the no fly zone has to be presented to nato. on tuesday france is pushing heavily for a while there are as an international community such as russia who are strongly against it u.s. defense secretary robert gates says if the united states has the ability it has enough power to enforce it if the decision is indeed made to go ahead with it on saturday the arab league was the latest in the international community to come on
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board and give it very annoyed to a no fly zone now it does seem certainly that the clock is ticking and time is running out increasingly analysts are warning that the situation in eastern libya could tune into a kind of somalia where you have these small feudal groups each run by a warlord. r.t. tripoli. the earthquake triggered tsunami in japan has also gravely effect of the country's economy but the government injecting a record amount of money into markets to stabilize the financial system for more on the economic impact of this massive disaster that's across to our. hello and a very warm welcome to the business update japan's economy is such a softer significantly after being hit by one of the biggest earthquakes in history while the country's infrastructure is seriously damaged the nation's industrial
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clusters in the south and west seem to have been the worst but a local comic was that of chronics forums and oil refineries have shut down p. factories moreover the crisis of damaged nuclear plants north of tokyo is threatening to cause and if you squeeze that could set back all sectors of the economy some ports in tokyo and japan south have resumed operating after all were initially closed warnings of aftershocks meanwhile japan's economy minister warned companies still operating that they could face electricity shortages. but sort of quick look at how the asian markets are reacting to the situation in japan the nikkei closed down more than six percent on monday as investors expected the earthquake and tsunami to take a toll on the economy japanese car makers and chronic storms and oil refiners saw their share prices drop by double digits sunday just central banks as it isn't getting a record one hundred eighty three a.


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