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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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points pushers and i would print certainly. in touch with her children taught your world that it's a good girl i would consider. the cheese every green lawyer told in total. melting all fuel rods exposed to the second reaction of the fukushima nuclear power plant is feared amid reports that attempts to create it down using c router have been resumed its. emergency services are on the scene russia's a far east though the danger of a radioactive cloud from the web in japan we become trees pulled it is forced to be miserable. back into the human race to the devastation is being followed with only six hundred thousand people confirmed dead following friday's mega quake and tsunami rescue teams from countries including
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russia are helping with the search for thousands still missing. and in other news with good piece falls in seemingly really gaining ground in the east of libya concerns grow old what's next if they leave and king dead by the global community takes over that country box again. a very warm welcome to you this is live from moscow with me alice had a fear of nuclear fuel rods may have. said that the second reactor out the. plant this comes after reports that they were fully exposed for a short period of time while the news comes after a. reactor injured eleven people japanese officials still say radio. levels
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of plot are within legal limits up to one hundred and sixty people could have been exposed to radiation since the first xplosion hit a facility in northeastern japan on saturday and you have been trying to use seawater to cool the reactors up a complex to avert a catastrophic nuclear meltdown the events were triggered by friday's a mega quake which was then followed by a giant synonymy eighteen hundred people are now confirmed dead that that long there is expected to rise dramatically assays either that it is in sendai one of the towns was affected by the huge way. the reactor at the fukushima power plant number one reactor now in danger of its heating it's lost its cooling mechanism which is crucial to stopping nuclear meltdown and what this means it could lead to overheating and another explosion similar to the two other plants we've already seen that could happen now what they're doing to try and prevent that
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by pouring on seawater into the reactor to try and cool it down and that's what they did for the other two plants unfortunately that didn't prevent any explosion away from the explosion the day it happened earlier today according to the government the nuclear reactor that holds the radioactive material is still intact which is crucial to preventing a major nuclear catastrophe. eleven people were injured in an explosion at that nuclear power plant that the tokyo electric power company who own the plant based say that radiation levels are within the legal limits in fact significantly lowered the levels but a warning needs to be issued on top of that they are have evacuated a huge area twenty kilometer radius. around the nuclear power. and two hundred twenty thousand people have been evacuated to safety however six hundred people still remain in the area they want to bow to quick enough so they've
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been told to stay inside so it's not be exposed to any radiation you know also that the radiation has leaked out more far afield than that according to the new york times and a u.s. aircraft carrier off the japanese coast hundred sixty comes into the pacific ocean . with a guy to counter the image in a cloud of smoke that radiation was above the normal levels. standing on deck crews crewmembers received radiation they absorbed about the same as they would do normally in a month they're above normal going not at a critical level here panic being shown by people lining up outside supermarkets one queue we saw remains supermarkets in a center of town with a kilometer long no exaggeration people being queuing up overnight to try and stock up on seeing people obviously concerned that potentially the spread of radiation
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might mean appertained side or another the earthquake could lead to food shortages already there are shortage in town and in whole prefecture in. man we met. on the route and right now several of the food shops are limiting people to five items from him and i think you are. just trying to get into the stocks but obviously there is some level of panic people on showing it. there definitely concern be very much there is a bit locking up on food and also fuel our way here yet last night we saw a long queue of cars parked proper line outside one of the few cattle stations that were they were open in the fukushima prefecture. and there only being limited to twenty liters of petrol the authorities. army troops and
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police barricades police even as well lining the street and going through the case they're heading people off thank you can't make their way we were trying to get that film pictures of the but there was a station called tsunami three days ago and every thought of two hundred metres or so there were police telling diverting us and think back to the damage is absolutely complete. you don't get a real feel for it until you actually see it until you actually get to the case but it's worth it area of. the tsunami completely wiped out everything in it are very clear that it came it reached eight kilometers an hour just in nine minutes following the quake he must have been absolutely incredible for spears we walk down three buildings there are cars floating in what appeared to be an inland sea it's essentially devastating you didn't fully understand it and didn't really realize the power of the must. we'll be until you actually see these pictures and
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we saw people sifting through what remains of what was their house they were. as well and beach and skidoo been washed up seven kilometers inland so it's really the damage is far. inland. there are a few buildings damaged in the sense of that if you keep things functioning pretty much. normal in. infrastructure and i can see on the road that starting. right now for asians the trains are still not. out of fears of aftershocks and tension of the tsunami. when emergency services remain on high alert and rushes off to region close to northern japan they say that the danger of a possible radioactive cloud reaching the area is minimal as the wind is expected to blow to with the pacific ocean but that some work is also to be leaving the area
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our correspondent at that in a gradual one has more from the sun than in regions several dozen kilometers north of japan. the emergences ministry say they have reinforced the radiation levels here and say that as of now they stand at last than the average for these areas but not residents of this region choose to leave we had seen people sitting on their backs today early morning the law be all be hotel and they were desperate to get the first flight they could leave to moscow and other cities of russia as for the locals here most of them try not to panic and to run about their businesses as usual and they also say that teachers they're now seeing in japan for media toward they had been through several years ago. this is how the earth trust and looks like you can hardly see the needle tracing the way form as
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a heart monitor is listening for every beat but things can change quickly. seen in the real time a new quake is here in japan this is the wave trace it's strong it has a magnitude of six point five. this is what another quake of magnitude nine translates into. your eleven is not new to quakes has been running the say so weeks station in russia spar is just for over twenty years now but even for him friday's events came as a painful and vivid reminder he and his old time friend survived an earthquake of similar intensity in civilian and nine hundred ninety five they don't need t.v. reports to know what the people of japan are experiencing now for you it was a sustained sense of vertigo ceilings were caving in at first thing i did
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a rush to my daughters i grabbed the older one while my wife took our newborn and rushed into the street thank god will live on the first floor. ury two was lucky to back it quickly but dozens of their friends were buried alive the morning roopa the innocent and if the gods to rule locals were in accord with us we arrived and there was nothing but the town was no longer there women start hollering and men quench their fists and can say a word or used to be streets with houses had been turned into just awful. then if you go risk earthquake was russia's most destructive in a hundred years over two thousand people died the town was never a built but the seas make station was reopened it was shut down shortly after the collapse of the soviet union and yuri was left without chop but the earthquake changed all that not only was the station reinstated dozens of new ones have been built these times moscow calls ury several times
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a day. we are always on high alert hopefully better than the americans stations was the first to report the earthquake was so quickly felt insecure leaners this is the closest part of russia to japan and while it's not a threat has receded there is no relief for the people here where the danger now one of the nuclear catastrophe everyone here understands that in the worst case scenario it will take a radioactive cloud less than an hour to reach the coast of russia exceeding the virtue of r r t from the same region. well moscow is sending aid and rescuers to japan to help with the. quake and tsunami as well as to prepare for potential for a long russian's foreign minister visited the japanese embassy here to express his condolences not his company knows
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a lot of it joins us live now from the capital with more see cavalryman how exactly is russia and. all the russian foreign minister as you said visited the japanese embassy today signing the condolences also offering assistance to the japanese people of course russia has already sent a number of its emergency ministry personnel to egypt and of we know that a plane left here from moscow carrying specialists on board who are helping to search for survivors that may still be very alive under the rubble that of course again following the earthquake many buildings were destroyed with hundreds of people feared to be trapped under the rubble we know that another helicopter left from the russian far east also making its way towards japan the russian foreign minister of course expressing his condolences and expressions russia's support for the japanese people at this terrible time. this is the city of russian rescuers
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together with rescue teams from other countries are searching for those who may still be alive among the debris and they're assisting with recovery efforts i very much hope that the joint efforts of the entire international community will be able to help the people of japan and the japanese government and mitigate the consequences of the catastrophe we have all witnessed and it being deeply touched by express solidarity with our neighbors in japan with the lives of the children says russia is doing everything it can to help the people of japan we also know that russia is helping a chip in its energy sector of course the third. percent of the country was dependent on energy derived from nuclear the nuclear power plants that are currently in a state of dire distress in japan and that russia will be helping out as much as it's can with things like call and other. projects that energy can be derived from
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in order to help the japanese people through this difficult time of course russia does have a lot of experience in dealing with nuclear reactors and all the distress that they can get into and so russia has also already expressed its willingness to send over some specialists in case they are needed in japan should further explosions take place nuclear power plants in the country or should any radiation leaks become. present and the level of radiation becomes dangerous to the people. arriving as many times for about well for more we're joined live by should be an independent nuclear energy consultant from scotland mr berry many thanks for being with us here on the channel and now we we now know you're a new robes at reactor number two up with a. fully exposed for some period of time how dangerous is bounce.
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there is one of the nuclear history's worst nightmares the consequences are that the fuel is no longer being cooled so your very energetic nuclear fuel within is poorer than the reactor we asked need to be eighty to ninety tons of highly radioactive fuel it will be heating up over a period of time over hours it will get to a point during which it will be producing gases those gases will be building up pressure inside the pressure vessel in the unit too and the question is at what point will the not be able to retain the pressure and their work to us possibly be a third explosion. and japan is widely perceived as being one of the most technologically advanced nations the now within them really threatening to cool down with reactance for a third day why is that. i call the any advanced industrialized
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society could have cooked with what we've experienced in the last four days one of the problems in japanese culture is. rather a societal and government level is this faith in technology the problem is with nuclear power these are technologies that were developed in the immediate aftermath of the second world war. they were designed these tiger reactors were actually designed for use in nuclear submarines admiral rickover. who was the creator of the nuclear needy in the united states he concluded that the design of a reactor to fit into the small confined space of a submarine was not a basis for a nuclear power program and that's of unfortunately where we have our own four hundred forty five of these reactors around the world so that technology is decades old and society and government regulators believe that the technology can be
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operated safely and if you visit quickly she much as i have on a number of occasions it looks very sophisticated. i'm sure the workers there are absolutely dedicated to their job but there's a built in psychological complacency if you're operating something that's so inherently dangerous when you go to work every day do you keep thinking about how dangerous that technology is that would be over time rather damaging psychologically so in other words they convince themselves but they've mastered this technology and unfortunately with nuclear power there's no second chance well you earlier described the situation in japan as. a nightmare and despite these blasts the government in japan is insisting that safety levels are fine and that there's no health risk it's obvious that they don't want to cause panic that on the sound of all but are they really giving us the whole story here no they're absolutely not giving the whole story they probably don't know the whole story
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themselves you know although it's all new talk here which is relatively close to the mark. over many years the nuclear industry and the regulators in japan but also in every society every country that operates nuclear power you find consistently that there's a lack of transparency a lack of openness maybe they just think i think arrogantly but learned too much information why should we provide the information so i think the situation in japan is absolutely critical the state of the fuel at the reactor number three that exploded last night we know that for many hours half of the core was exposed so there's a very strong possibility that the fuel that has melted has already moved around the reactor pressure vessel is know the piece of that reactor vessel that is called that could cause huge problems and of course major radiological releases but remember according to international standards there is no sea threshold for man
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need relation so he goes including the ghosts that hit the sailors on board u.s.s. ronald reagan that could have health consequences are not going to don't dep ed put him on the ship but the idea that to communicate that there is no risk from any radiation is clearly wrong or let's just clarify what you're saying there and let's go back and they still explosions that we've already experienced on the focus e-mail plants or apparently. released radioactive substances or more radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere as a result of those blasts what sort of danger does that pose. well certainly there are the particulates these are the larger sites of nuclear material read in new clients they will be falling out relatively close to the plant what you will find further away are the so-called fission gases these are highly mobile very
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very small they basically rapidly disperse and it really depends upon the wind the weather system if you have rain which is predicted in the next twelve hours any region you closer coming out will be a look all concentration when it's dry and over the coming days it's dry weather is predicted then you can have more rapid dispersal over a longer distance and i believe just i've heard is of course that the wind direction is switching from the north or south which is bad news for took you. because took you is only an hour away and what's fascinating and terrifying of this situation is the french government through their embassy and took your advice french citizens because of the seriousness of the situation which they said cannot be predicted and will not be known for a number of these yet. the advice of french citizens to leave the.
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kanka region which is metropolitan tokyo. and other areas around tokyo. lets me be fine for the french citizens but there's forty two million people living near. him and so on down he an independent candidate in south of france on and many . on topic you're welcome thank you. ok well we are following all the latest developments in japan since a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the country causing explosions out of the power plant and it's now feared the exposed fuel rods may have been a partially melted at its second reactor the news comes after a hydrogen blast reactor in just eleven people meanwhile reports say the process of pumping seawater to cool the reactor house now was near to one hundred and sixty people could have been exposed to radiation since the first explosion hit the
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facility in northeastern japan today the events were triggered by friday's mega quake which followed by a giant synonymy left at least eighteen hundred people dead but the numbers are expected to rise dramatically if the rescue teams from several countries including russia continue the search for several days and still missing. but we'll bring you all the latest updates on the situation in japan as well as expert opinion and analysis throughout the program. crossing to nuclear now where rebels armed forces a loyal to colonel gadhafi fighting for control in the country's west there have been reports of airstrikes by his military is talks are underway in france on the imposition of an a fly zone over libya policy is in the capital tripoli she joins us live now paula what information is coming in from the battles there. with this fighting is
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continuing in the east of the country particularly in the oil town of brega which is some two hundred twenty kilometers south of the rebel stronghold of benghazi we're receiving conflicting reports the rebels saying that they're in control of the town but libyan state television reporting exactly the opposite of what is possible is that these government troops have retreated from the town they regrouping and they will be strike which has been a strategy elsewhere it is becoming increasingly more here they could up these men are making advantages with the ultimate destination of being guard in mind there are also growing concerns among those rebel groups of gadhafi sleeper cells these are men who armed they are keeping a low profile and the fear is that when they feel there is a sizable prisons after duffy soldiers in the town they will come to the front and they will take to the streets and fights at the same time the russian president dmitry medvedev has signed a decree banning the entry to and transit through russia of high ranking gadhafi officials and family members of the uprising has been going on for
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a month now and the damn thing still holding strong if we did to get out as an example mubarak there was lined up after two and a half weeks of protests ignores the response from the interest of the city. well the international community at the moment is meeting in paris the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is holding discussions with the leadership of the opposition here in libya she is there and there's also a g eight summit meeting which is underway they're expected to reach some decision . of an international response to what is happening here in libya the question over eight no fly zone whether or not they'll give the green light to this but certainly the feeling is growing that france has acted prematurely by recognizing the libyan opposition as the legitimate voice of this country particularly when you steve that could duffy's forces are making advances on the ground many analysts say that france acted prematurely and cited it raises questions in terms of if gadhafi had
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to remain in power how withdrawn spades and in fact how would the international community behave this is an international community that has denounced him in fact when they talked to him if he had to stay in power if go gadhafi had to go there are also real concerns that there was a vacuum of power that would remain it is not clear in terms of the opposition who would come to the french you need to remember that the opposition are equal they trained they not united and they are really questionable people questionable people within their ranks in fact the only unifying corps we are hearing is one in opposition themselves they are saying they are the time international community decides what it wants to do the situation here might already be over before the height of our days hold his own with me and live from tripoli for us or we'll have more of a situation in libya reality's interview with the spokes person be our commission for human rights up about ten minutes time here right now let's get an update on the economic side effects of the japanese disaster from our business desk.
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thanks as japan's economy is facing its biggest challenge since world war two after being hit by one of the biggest earthquakes in history while the country's infrastructure is seriously damaged the nation's industrial clusters in the south and west seem to have been spared the worst many local car makers electronics firms and oil refiners of shut down the factories moreover the crisis that damaged nuclear plants north of tokyo is spreading to cause an energy squeeze that could set back all sectors of the economy some ports in tokyo and japan south have resumed operating after initially closed one exe of aftershocks meanwhile. chairman of the association of european businesses and russia's of the disaster will push for discussions on alternative energy sources. i think not only germany or the in the e.u. there will be a new discussion how far nuclear energy is the future energy or it can be please be
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as it had turnovers energy sources renewable energy sources for no true guys which we would like to see. now in order to support the japanese financial system the country's central bank says it's injecting a record one hundred eighty three billion dollars into the markets but chris we for now believes much more will be needed which will inevitably weaken the get japan has the world's second largest financial reserves there a second have to pump in considerably more money in terms of whether it's tax breaks or direct ground serve direct funding whatever way the differentially do it there will be a lot more money pumped into the japanese economy has said that there should be enough money to rebuild and to create future growth but it will almost inevitably lead to a weaker yen is that extra cash comes into the system. something to look at the reaction of asian markets to the situation in japan after fully one point seven percent on friday the nikkei closed down more than six percent on monday to end on
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a two year low as investors expected the earthquake and tsunami to take a toll on the japanese carmakers an atlantic sperms will fight as we mentioned before saw the shares prices drop by double digit percentages but the reaction on hong kong's hang saying it was subdued as the industry closed up point four percent . european stocks also love following week asian session on the day set to be dominated by economic impact of your break and tsunami in japan dax is down one point three percent the footsie is point three percent down. here in russia both the articles in my six have actually shaken off concerns about the situation in japan with your two years jumping almost two percent there my six percent going to the stalks most energy shares are up despite world dropping the other two percent of the shop for friday. and most in more than two weeks it's up two point four percent as the government asked the company to consider increasing liquefied
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natural gas shipments to japan. and rosneft is also gaining point eight percent this hour bucking the trend as well telecom down almost two percent. so for now alice will be here with an update on the situation in japan after this very short break. wealthy british scientists are. not right.


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