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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the melting of fuel rods exist both used of the second reactor of the fukushima nuclear power plant it's feared and it reports that attempts to cool it down using c will also husband was the. human cost of the devastation in japan is being felt in almost two panels and people confirmed dead following of friday's make a quake and tsunami rescue teams from countries including russia helping with the search for an estimated fifteen ounces still missing. and it all the news with good japanese pulls is seemingly really gaining ground in the east of libya concerns of grower what's next we believe the condemned by the global
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community takes over the country once again. and falls another six percent and the u.n. is poised for a dramatic weakening in the wake of the devastating earthquake find out more in twenty minutes time on business so it's. a very warm welcome to you this is nasty live from moscow now it's feared nuclear fuel rods may have partially melted at the second reacts off the stricken focus shima power plants this consarned for reports they were fully exposed for a short period of time the news comes after a reality injured eleven people japanese officials still say radiation levels at the plant are within legal limits obscene one hundred and sixty people could have
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been exposed to radiation since the first explosion hit the facility in northeastern japan on friday engineers had been trying to use sea water to cool the reactors at the complex to avert a catastrophic new. meltdown events were triggered by friday's naked quake which was then followed by a giant synonymy one thousand nine hundred people are now can put that number is expected to rise about r.t. i think that it is the. town's worst affected by things like. oh now the reactor. number one reactor is now in danger of overheating it's lost its cooling mechanism which is crucial to stopping nuclear meltdown and what this means it could lead to overheating and another explosion similar to the two other plants we've already seen that could happen now what they're doing to try and prevent that is by pouring
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on sea water into the reactor to try and cool it down and that's what they did to the other two plants unfortunately that didn't prevent any explosion however the explosion that did happen earlier today according to the company nuclear reactor that holds the radioactive material is still intact which is crucial to preventing a major nuclear catastrophe however eleven people were injured in an explosion out that nuclear power plant that is the tokyo electric power company they say that radiation levels are within the legal limits in fact significantly lower levels that a warning needs you should get on top of that they are have evacuated a huge area twenty kilometers radius. around the nuclear power plant. and two hundred twenty thousand people have been evacuated to safety however six hundred people still remain in the area they want to venture into quick enough so they've been told to stay inside so as not be exposed to any radiation we know also
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that the radiation has leaked out more far afield than that according to the new york times and reuters a u.s. aircraft carrier off the japanese coast a hundred sixty comes into the pacific ocean. with a guided count of amish in a cloud of smoke the radiation was above the normal levels. started sounding on day crews crewmembers received radiation it's all about the same as they would do normally in a month they're above normal not at a critical level here panic being shown by people lining up outside people markets one q we saw outside the main market in the center of town with my for a long no exaggeration people being queuing up overnight to try and their stock up on things so people are obviously concerned potentially the spread of radiation might mean they have to stand side or another quake could lead to food shortages
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already there are food shortages in town and in the whole prefecture in fact. yes where we met and a couple seventy kilometers to stock up on food and right now several of the food shops are limiting people to strive for items maximum and having to queue up hours at a time to get into the stock so obviously there is some level of people on showing it on the surface but there definitely concerned so much so they're stocking up on food and also fuel our way here yet last night we saw a long queue of cars caught kilometer long outside one of the few petrol stations that were there were open in the prefecture. and there there only being limited to twenty liters each is true but of course. the army troops police ok police even as well lining the streets and going through the case they're
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having people are saying people can't make their way we were trying to get read the film pictures of the the devastation caused by the tsunami three days ago and every foot of two hundred meters or so police telling divesting up in the caves the damage and the absolutely complete. you don't get a real feel for in so you actually feet until you actually get to the case but it's worth it every of. the tsunami completely wiped out everything in it are very clear that he came he reached his eden. in nine minutes all in the great been absolutely incredible force there is one down three buildings there are cars floating in what appears to be an inland sea that is absolutely devastating to fully understand invent fully realize the power of the must to wield it until you actually see these pictures and we saw people sifting through war the remains of what was there were.
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as well and beach. being washed up seven kilometers inland so it's really the damage is in the past but inland. there are a few buildings damaged in the sense of the b.c.p. things functioning pretty much. as normal in terms of any infrastructure and i can be on the road running. from there are provisions for trains still not on the feeds or off the shore and eventually now the tsunami. one of urgency services remain on high alert in russia as the far east a region close to northern japan they think the danger of a possible radioactive cloud reaching the area is minimal as the wind is expected to blow towards the pacific ocean but the only way that some tourists and workers are said to be leaving the area. putting a good job or has more from the region several thousand kilometers north of japan.
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mergence is ministry say they have reinforced checks of the radiation levels here and say that as of now they stand up less than the average for this area but not residents of this region choose to leave we had seen people sitting on their backs today early morning the lobby of the hotel and there were desperate to get the the first flight they could leave to moscow and other cities of russia this for the locals here most of them trying not to panic and to run about their businesses as usual and they also say that teachers they're now seeing in japan for media to what they had been through several years ago. this is how the trust looks like you can hardly see the needle tracing the way form as a hard morning tour for the earth is listening for every beat but things can change
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quickly. in the real time a new earthquake is here in japan this is the wave trace it's strong it has a magnitude of six point five. this is what an earthquake of magnitude nine translates into. your eleven is not new to quakes has been running these say smic station in russia's far is over twenty years now but even for him friday's events came as a painful and vivid reminder he and his old time friend survived an earthquake of similar intensity in civilian and nine hundred ninety five they don't need t.v. reports to know what the people of japan are experiencing now you know it was a strange sense of grit to go ceilings were caving in the first thing i did i rushed to my daughters i grabbed the older one while my wife took our newborn and rushed into the street thank god we lived on the first floor. ury two was lucky to
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back here quickly but dozens of their friends were buried alive the morning we drove to the incentive to go to school several locals were in a car with us we arrived and there was nothing but time was no longer the women start hauling in men quench their fists and can say a word what used to be streets with houses had been turned into just awful. they lived to go risk quake was russia's most destructive in a hundred years over two thousand people died the town was never a built but the c. suite station was reopened it was shut down shortly after the collapse of the soviet union and you really was left without but the earthquake changed all that not only was the station reinstated dozens of new ones had been built these times mosco called yuri several times a day. we're always on high alert hopefully better than the americans our
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stations was the first to report the earthquake was so quickly felt insecure lean as this is the closest part of russia to japan and while a tsunami threat has receded there's no relief for the people here but the danger now one of nuclear catastrophe everyone here understands that in the worst case scenario it will take a radioactive cloud less than an hour to reach the coast of russia it's in the direction of our t.v. from the circle in region. almost always sending aid and rescue is to japan to help with a thriving. as well as to prepare for potential disaster russian's foreign minister visited the japanese embassy here in moscow to express his condolences to be no doubt of a joins us live now from the capital with more. of the you know how exactly is russia opens up. you know that people of moscow have been flooding to the japanese
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embassy but the flowers lighting candles showing their support for the people of japan as they struggle this is very difficult time various russian dignitaries officials also expressed condolences and pledged support and help to the japanese government and people they know that the russian foreign minister visited the japanese embassy today signing the condolence book and also pledging support to the people of japan in this very difficult time sigil of all said that russia will do everything you can to help the japanese people. this is the city of russian rescuers together with rescue teams from other countries are searching for those who may still be alive among the dead three and they're assisting with recovery efforts i very much hope that the joint efforts of the entire international community will be able to help the people of japan and the japanese government and mitigate the consequences of the catastrophe we have all
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witnessed and of being deeply touched by express solidarity with our neighbors in japan. if you. russia has of course said the number of its emergency ministry personnel to japan playing at full of emergency ministry specialists left moscow another batch of specialists for help operatives in the russian far east they of course are still looking for any potential survivors that are trapped under the hundreds of thousands of tons of rubble that the buildings became. for of course those are the breaks hit just as there is still of course hope that there are some people alive trapped under the rubble and many people with the russian specialists are now working around the clock to try and get to anybody who may still be trapped under there but of course that's not the only problem that is currently troubling japan there's also a potential nuclear disaster that could happen not to shoot the reactor
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a lot. of the worry of course and a lot of the international attention is directed at that two explosions so far there is a risk of more explosions and of course the glory of a potential radioactive leak in that region that of course is something done is very worrisome not of the people of japan but to the russian far east and to the entire pacific region likely the next year she asked who's in kiev looks at how russia has dealt with the aftermath of its own nuclear tragedy and how those lessons have helped them to perhaps gain more experience that could be offered to the japanese. a playing field trip down memory lane alexandre often goes to the thirty kilometer chernobyl exclusion zone in ukraine but every visit it will sound emotions twenty five years ago what is know the gold star prepared for what's his
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home before the chernobyl fallout changed everything. you know i didn't come here just to take photos it still feels like home. i spent my best chance for years here i like to hear. and even those who've never been here before come and feel the car. so they want to come back here. alexander is one of hundreds of thousands whose address changed after april the twenty sixth one thousand nine hundred eighty six that is one of the kids youngest districts in the late one nine hundred eighty s. houses sprung up here literally overnight many of those who had to leave their homes in the chernobyl area found their home here a total of three hundred thousand people had to be resettled from the contaminated blood and this new life came at a high price for some reason the soviet authorities meddled with the evacuation from the contaminated zone fifty thousand residents the town just three kilometers
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from the exploded reactor were subjected to a great deal of radiation the town's former deputy mayor says this dreadful mistake was caused by a mass confusion which followed the blast. of those who asked the question don't quite understand what it takes to evacuate as many as fifty thousand people you simply can't do it in one hour or in two hours but we brought thirteen hundred buses here from here we had to inform people bring them together and in the first place we had to understand whether we actually needed the evacuation even specialists in the first stages didn't know whether the reactor was destroyed a quarter of a century since the disaster the thirty kilometer area around the plant is a nuclear wasteland the former period for radioactive particles is believed to last several thousand years so this land would hardly ever be inhabited again however some like this elderly man were not put off by the radioactive threat and decided to return after the soviet union collapsed. when i was moved here because of me. a
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flat and a miserable pension not enough to make a normal living that's why we returned home is here and we grow our own community besides nowadays more people come to there's a curse passed by all the time many stop worrying and some food and money. as the news of a nuclear incident at the fukushima plant in japan broke out the first thing the authorities did was to evacuated residents within twenty kilometers of the facility twenty five years ago people of the affected area were less fortunate the reaction of the japanese government suggests that the lessons of chernobyl have decades later been learned let's see russia ski r.t. reporting from kiev ukraine. and independent atomic energy scotland. this is not the.
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situation in japan is absolutely critical the state of the fuel at reactor number three that exploded last night we know that for many hours half of the core was exposed so there's a very strong possibility that her fuel that has melted has already moved out and the reactor pressure vessel is no the base of that reactor vessel that is called that could cause huge problems and of course meijer radiological releases but remember according to international standards there is no sea threshold for manmade really ation so he goes in calling the dose that hit the sailors on board u.s.s. ronald reagan that could have health consequences we're not going to don't get it but on the on the ship the idea that to communicate that there's no risk from any radiation is clearly wrong good consequences are that the fuel is no longer being cooled so you're very energetic nuclear fuel within this core but in the reactor
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really asked me to be eighty to ninety tons of highly radioactive fuel it will be heating up over a period of time over an hour or so it will get to a point during which will be producing gases those gases will be building up pressure inside the pressure vessel in the unit two and the question is at what point will the not be able to retain the pressure and there will cause possibly be a third explosion or death by the native plants to power. still reassuring the public that there is no point that there is the opportunity for them out in the nuclear plant and one thing can not rob a day of theirs or dorothy and fell unaware of death or think of that. historically i can tell you that in every situation like this when there is a nuclear industrial accident there's
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a very there's two different programs underway one is the program to control the problem and the other is the program to manage public opinion in the case of managing public opinion there is always a desire to present the opinion to present a perception that the government is in control that there is no undue danger and there's no reason to panic often the need to control this kind of perception runs counter to the actual information which may be useful to people about whether they're in danger or not you can rely on the government to give them accurate in formation about what the threats are so there's never been a case where the information has been accurate and useful so there's no reason to believe that the government is now not engaged in trying to manage public opinion and manage perceptions that this crisis is not so bad and perhaps that's accurate but we don't know that we're up. well we're following all the latest developments in japan since a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the country causing. the focus she rocked our
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plan and now being exposed fuel rods may have partially melted into reactor news comes out of the hydrogen reactor engine and let people. say the process of pumping seawater to cool the reactor now was the end of c. one hundred and sixty people could have been exposed to radiation since the first explosion hit the facility in northeastern japan on saturday the events were triggered by fire as the quake which was followed by a giant tsunami at least eighteen hundred people dead but the numbers are expected to rise dramatically as the rescue teams from several countries including russia continue to search for several thousands still missing. and of course we'll bring you updates on the situation in japan as well as expert opinions and analysis throughout the program. let's cross live there now by rebel forces loyal to
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colonel gadhafi are fighting for an area held by the opposition reports of air strikes by his military as talks are underway in france on the imposition of a no fly zone over libya or how the latest from tripoli. we're receiving conflicting reports the rebels saying that they were in control of the town but libyan state television reporting that exactly the opposite what is possible is that these government troops have retreated from the town they regrouping and they will restrike which has been a strategy elsewhere it is becoming increasingly more here that gadhafi is men are making advantages with the ultimate is to nation of being guard in mind there are also growing concerns among those mobile groups of gadhafi to keep the cells these are men who are and they are keeping a low profile and the fear is that we may feel there is a sizable prisms after death few soldiers in the town they will come to the front and it will take to the streets and fires while the international community at the
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moment is meeting in paris the u.s. state to state hillary clinton is holding discussions with the leadership of the opposition here in libya they're expected to reach some decision of an international response to what is happening here in libya the question over a no fly zone and whether or not they'll give the green light to this but certainly the feeling is growing that france has acted prematurely by recognizing the libyan opposition as the legitimate voice of this country particularly when you steve that could offer his forces are making advances on the ground it raises questions in terms of if gadhafi had to remain in power how would formspring hafe and impact how would the international community behave this is an international community that has denounced him how in fact will they talk to him if he had to stay in college if go the route he had to go there also real concerns that there is a vacuum of power that would remain is not here in terms of the opposition who would contradict trying to reach remember that the opposition are in equipped they
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kill trained they are not united and there are many questionable people within their ranks in fact the only unifying core we are hearing is from the opposition themselves they are saying that by the time international community decides what it wants to do the situation here might already be over. well i'll be about the headline for less than ten minutes time now they are probabilities from now on the economic side of the japanese designs. and welcome to business our c japan's economy is facing its biggest challenge since world war two after being hit by one of the biggest earthquakes in history the country's infrastructure is seriously damaged the nation's industrial clusters in the south and west seem to have been spared the worst many local carmakers that are trying to. shut down keith factories moreover the crisis that damaged nuclear plants north of tokyo is threatening to cause an energy squeeze could set back all
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sectors of the economy now some ports and so here and japan south have resumed operating after all were initially closed amid warnings of aftershocks meanwhile ryan i have learned the chairman of the association of european businesses in russia says the disaster will push for discussions on i'll turn it into energy sources. i think not only in germany or the in the e.u. there will be a new discussion coal fired nuclear energy is the future energy or it can be replaced by as it might turn if there's energy sources renewable energy sources or natural gas which we would like to see. in order to support the japanese financial system the country's central bank says it's injecting one hundred eighteen billion dollars into the markets no chris we've also believes notch more will be needed which will inevitably weaken being it. japan has the world's second largest financial reserves they're also going to have to pump in considerably more money in terms of whether it's tax breaks or direct grants or direct funding where everyway
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did eventually do its there will be a lot more money pumped into the japanese economy and i say that there should be enough money to rebuild and to create future growth but it will almost inevitably lead to weaker yen is that extra cash comes into the system. look at the markets the asian reaction first the situation in japan the nikkei closed down more than six percent on monday or the two year low as investors expect if you have great consumer army to take a toll on the economy japanese carmakers electronics also companies have seen their shares drop by double digit percentages of the reaction on hong kong's hang seng was subdued as the in the sea closed point four percent thought the next european stocks up also following this week on a day set to be dominated by the economic impact of the euro very x. is down one point three percent. less than that point two percent u.s.
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stocks also started monday's session moderately lower led by a pullback in utilities biggest drop seen in general electric it's down two percent this hour the company designed all six of the reactors at the fukushima daiichi nuclear plant in japan and. in russia it's a different picture of the artist in the nice legs are positively shaken off concerns of the situation in japan. point eight percent of the one point three percent energy shares are up despite well dropping another two percent ses rightly after that actually after shot on friday gas problem is advancing three percent on the my facts it's mostly in more than two weeks this is because the government has also become pretty to consider increasingly provide natural gas shipments to japan and also there's up one point two percent of bucking the trend is most telecom it's down one and a half percent banking stocks are all so weak. russian oil company but does and
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final talks with you coralie jointly develop the trips to talk to posits in the arctic that's one of the disputed tend to develop you will deposits beating lukoil a number of other companies he told investment is estimated between five to six billion dollars and searching for a partner share the costs earlier it was reported that india's or the natural gas company isn't talks to buy a twenty five percent of. and a third party has stepped into a long lasting battle was we going to turn in an elective class go for control over north korea believe there was smart of says his iron mine and metal invest is planning to increase its share in the world's top nickel projects that the company already owns four percent of the agreed to work together with telecast on questions related to normal cynical strategy to boost the stake as he seeks to merge russia's
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biggest metal producers into one huge company the move is that it passes on some of the recent north nickel shareholder meeting but earlier apparently managed to strengthen his position twenty five percent of notice is currently owned by looking prices will sell that even but i. called a thirty percent stake. so for now this is next with a recap of what's going on in japan. review the latest in science technology from the realms. we've got the future.


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