tv [untitled] March 14, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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right first day to pass high school american history that's ahead of tonight's poll times like there's talk of g.o.p. senators not raising the debt ceiling let's so all of that mean for the u.s. and for the global economy i'll speak with dean baker the co-director of the center for economic and policy research. let's not forget that we had an apartheid. i think. either one of the well. we never got the shows here for him to say so get ready because of the freedom.
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charter here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new website with twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about the ongoing financial hard unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never saw on mainstream news. in the media so. we listen. closely more until such time as. you guys welcome to. shelly tell me alone
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a show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear. just like you seem to video response or twitter reply to the question simply post on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your response to. playboy. ok it's time for tonight's tool time award tea party wing nuts and possible presidential candidate michele bachmann made her first trip to new hampshire this weekend on the minnesota congresswoman is flirting with a run for the white house next year but anybody out there in the house brain knows that thankfully she has absolutely no chance in hell of getting the nomination but that's not going to stop her from trying so over the weekend she was in manchester speaking with students and conservative activists and just listen as she encouraged those living in the granite state to be proud of their role in the revolutionary
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war. began here it will be ok if it's the law of liberty here in the state where the shot was heard wrong will. you put it on apparently michelle missed american history one o one that shot that started america's war for independence didn't happen in new hampshire it was fired over in massachusetts now soon after the gaffe bachmann posted a message on her facebook page that said so i misplaced the battle's concord and lexington by saying they were in new hampshire it was my mistake massachusetts is where they happened in hampshire is where they are were they are still proud of it now a few hours later she posted again on facebook saying and by the way that will be the last time i borrow president obama's teleprompter but it is just so funny michel but you see there's a reason the president uses the teleprompter so he doesn't make stupid mistakes in public now this is not michelle's first. screwup either when it comes to american
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history and in january speech the tea party leader invoked her love of the founding fathers who quote worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the united states except too bad for michele bachmann many of the founders like george washington and thomas jefferson well they were slave owners who it wasn't until the mid one thousand nine hundred that slavery even became a contentious issue in american politics never mind the business woman who arranged constitution classes for fellow members of the house earlier this year so maybe they should hold us history classes instead and that's why michele bachmann is tonight's tool time winner. nearly two months after the deadly shooting spree in arizona left a congresswoman and twelve others injured and six innocent victims day president obama has decided to tiptoe into the topic of gun control here in the u.s. and the president use the shooting spree in tucson to highlight the need for a discussion on gun control but two months later an op ed in the arizona daily
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caller obama called for enforcement of current laws on the books including proper implementation of the national instant criminal background check system a push for greater state to state coordination and to make the system faster and nimbler so now the president's getting involved in the gun control debate is that what this all is calling our law enforcement to do a better job is obama really going out on a limb here all so far the president of it is flying under the radar here in the u.s. to the earthquake in japan dominating the news cycle but leave it to fox news to hype it up in a headline article this morning with obama starts pushing gun control now of course we expect box news a tape on obama just about anything well they are the mouthpiece of the g.o.p. and the n.r.a. but so far there really hasn't been all that much pushback today from gun advocates that's probably because obama really didn't say anything aggressive or revolutionary in this op ed but gun owners were fearful of obama before he was even
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elected do you remember when then senator obama made his famous gun gaffe that caused an uproar in the primary which when he and hillary clinton. ok. cling to their guns and religion now that wasn't such a smart move by candidate obama and he seemed to have learned his lesson and i'm sure his comments many gun owners were convinced that despite all evidence to the contrary that obama was elected he would instantly take their guns away so people rushed to the gun stores to stock up the f.b.i. so the background checks during the last three months of two thousand and eight went up forty two percent obama was elected in november of two thousand and eight
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and then out in two thousand and seven forty two percent got the shocking number and i mean ition sales also increased dramatically but gun owners i don't think you have anything to fear with this latest on bet you piers that obama's not about hope or change he's just about the status quo when it comes to gun control in the us and of course not pissing off the gun lobby. anonymous is back and just as they've been talking about the hacker group has released a series of internal e-mails dealing with bank of america believed personal documents are from a series of correspondences between a b. of a employee and somebody from balgo insurance who used to be a part of the bank now even though this leak was tease all week and we should mention that they're not the same leaks that julian assange has been talking about from a major u.s. bank and even though the documents are no available thanks to anonymous nobody knows how much they can actually damage the reputation of the bank however we do know the e-mails have to do with the ways that be they handle foreclosures and
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frankly many out there are questioning if this process was done ethically which would probably come as an absolute shock to no one now according to the informant the e-mails use code terms to pass along information between the two companies requesting that the low numbers be purposefully mismatched from the documents encouraging foreclosures now i'm no expert when it comes to foreclosures and frankly these e-mails use so many code terms that it's really difficult to tell how much of an impact smudging these documents really is for troubled homeowners but nonetheless the information is out there anybody can check out the files of bank of america suck dot com and that's without the s. on the end by the way and here's another little lovely genov information to point out regarding this website you member how few months ago the a they did some preemptive damage control after word first got out about a potentially from the bank they bought up all the domain names that could be used against them anything with the word serve losen bank of america bank executive bank of america executives names but it turns out the basic very very obvious one sucks
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without the us come on guys i mean whomever you are hired to ground all those names clearly didn't think about the one letter difference so we wait and see how much damage these e-mails can do it does give us a glimpse into the practices of bank of america when it comes to foreclosures pretty much everyone already suspects b. of a that they were up to no good after we learned of robo sires giving their john hancock on foreclosures but the more proof of the public has of their scheming activities the better the chance of exposing these guys for who they are. now according to the treasury department unless congress both to raise the debt limit somewhere between april fifth and may thirty first the fourteen point three trillion dollars debt ceiling will be reached and if the recipe calls on its debt well we've heard the words you know use both to describe the situation as catastrophic calamitous basically it just won't be very good but senate republicans
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are apparently willing to toy with that risk over politics. well you know i was talking about the senate there are fifty three democrats and forty seven republicans not production is not a single one of the forty seven republicans will vote to raise the debt ceiling unless it can include with it some credible effort. to do something about our debt. now a credible effort for republicans would mean acting severe cuts to social security medicare and others taking up programs and it democrats have so far been willing to do that so with a clock ticking we have to wonder if this could actually happen if as austin goolsbee obama's council of economic advisors chairman said we're going to see the first in history because purely by insanity earlier i caught up with dean baker the co-director of the center for economic and policy research and i first asked him what he makes of the statement by mcconnell considering that we've heard so many other republicans even john boehner lindsey graham paul ryan say they defaulting
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would be a disaster. well it's hard to know what they think they're doing i mean do they really intend for what the u.s. the fourth and instead i mean it's an interesting question why put wall true right but our financial sector is that really what they want to do i mean it's an interesting story it would be my first choice but i suppose if they're going to say people either give up social security and medicare or they're going to wall street i think most people it's a good script wall street do you think that this shows perhaps a divide between republicans in the house and in the senate or you know because republicans have their majority in the house and they feel like they can do whatever they want and the senate republicans feel like they have to play politics a little more well it's hard to know i mean i'm no expert on the relations between the house and senate republicans seems that the whole group of them has a hard idea figure out what it is exactly they want to do and you i mean even the same person talking consecutive days is not always consistent so i don't really
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know what this means clue they don't have a unified agenda are they fighting among themselves or people randomly throwing things out there i have no idea now you know you just said that if we do in fact teeth on our jacket this would destroy wall street right everyone says it would be a financial disaster but what would that actually look like it would actually mean the world this would be we'd be back where we were. october of zero way where you would see a meltdown of the financial system and you know you would be some scary days it would mean if you literally default it will permanently change change the situation of the u.s. and the world's financial system you'd see you know a lot of tensions but you know the end of the day we're still going to be here so you know the model here is argentina which went through the sort of financial crisis back in two thousand and two it had a freefall its economy for three months it got back on their feet had eight years of very solid growth so it's not going to the end of the world i don't think we should do it but you know if you say ok the choices are getting rid of social security and medicare or this say well that's an easy one an easy one as to
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cholesterol today and yet i've got i mean i don't see it here it already here well if you're talking about cutting the programs these are programs that tens of millions of people paid into their dependent on so if you're saying ok we're going to have to cut our seniors loose or wall street gets so you say that's the more dangerous option for the united states here now i just wonder though do we even need a debt ceiling that we're just going to continue spending if we're constantly going to have to keep voting on raising the debt ceiling and every time becomes this political game what's the point of even having it's a good question i actually don't even know the origins of it i don't you know i presume the idea was that somehow you're going to have congress one and you keep in mind no money gets spent the congress doesn't appropriate so on the one hand you congress appropriating the money then they separately say ok we have to agree to let the government spend the money we appropriated well the obvious trick is don't appropriate money you don't think should be spent so it's not clear what the logic was i have to say i at least don't know what the roger paused and putting in that
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sequence think you should be it should be a goner perhaps it would actually ever happen would anyone ever vote to eliminate that that feeling you want it would look you know that whoever voted for it to be raised as a political issue maybe could do that sometime in the lame duck session of congress where people don't have to you know it's it is one of these things as they say it is just. so i think we would be best off not having to do this ritual every six months year or more and you know it's extended for keeping what americans really know what they want and if it's not a election in november right republicans swept in and if you look at public polling americans will say that they want the government to cut spending but then the same time they obviously don't want any kind of cuts to come from social security or medicare or medicaid but those are the largest programs that's what we spend the most money on so is there a little bit of a confusion between what what sounds good ad what the reality is will people are very badly informed by the media so you get somebody like john mccain running
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around the country talking about the one million dollars would start to use them i have no idea whether that was a good use of government money or not but the reality is whether we spent it or not we would have to change a single government publication because it's such a trivial moche in terms of the whole budget you often get very small amounts blown off the reality is most of us don't see million dollars you certainly don't see a billion and no one's going to see a trillion so most people have very little idea of what sort of sums are involved in various programs and i really blame the media because they will allow a john mccain to go out there and talk about his one million dollars woodstock museum with a standard mccain you know this is a meaningless side of the project they don't do that so it encourages people to spread misinformation as a result most people don't have a clue where their money is being spent how far do you think this could really go if they were just trying like a day that we were not really sure what mcconnell is saying here it seems to always be a back and forth but could they is you know essentially does hold the economy hostage all for politics up until the very last minute will be hanging on the brink will you if the possible for the democrats the buckle on cutting social security
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medicare there's many who would like to but if that's not possible because their base is very very then i think if you did the republicans are going to parker center came around to wall street. i do want to thank you very much for joining us and you know i hope you're right i hope there are some ugly i hope we don't see this financial disaster meltdown and the entire country defaulting on its debt thanks. so to come on tonight's show a cosmos for the jihad it's a no we're not kidding for his show you a look at this new magazine and all that and then couldn't movies and t.v. the reason that islamophobia is sweeping across the u.s. what is the topic with radio host sample journalist david serota that's when his return. lists what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through and through it when they who can you trust no one will if you would have noble machinery see where we had
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hey guys welcome to shower intel on the alone a show we've heard with our guests not to say on the topic now we want to hear from our audience does go on to use you does video respond or the twitter first lot of the questions and please post on you tube every monday and on thursday in the show your responses during the week later global economy. think back to a few months ago when we first told you about the english language just hottest magazine inspire now it turns out that the jihadist movement is expanding their publishing repertoire and this time they're paying attention to the female demographic according to several reports the latest magazine to hit newsstands is
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all shamita which translates to the majestic woman guys you can see the front cover has it a vision of a woman in a burka next to the barrel of a gun and according to the editor a large number of the writers are females to you and the editor also says of this magazine was a long time coming as half of the world's population is female it's in their best interest to be informed of those who are enemies of islam and we showed you the front cover but we tell you find out what's inside if you flip through those pages you'll find all the latest on skin care for the ladies of g. high and reach carefully they always recommend staying indoors to protect their skins complection from those damaging u.v. rays oh and of course always remember to. now for the single ladies they've got an entire section dedicated to helping you find your main man and obviously they encourage women to follow their advice so that they can marry. and for some more in-depth reading or even personal accounts from the lives of martyrs here praise it
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and honoring their husbands for sacrificing their lives for the sake of jihad now that is just a few glimpses but all joking aside these are all real elements of what's going to be included in a magazine beauty tips and how to find a jihad its highs of it all and one of the real question here is it will this magazine be flying off the shelves it's clearly a sign that al qaeda is trying to reach a larger audience so let's just hope that this glossy you hardest version of cars no doesn't actually become a success. and now radicalization turn to terrorism is clearly a problem around the world but it's not just a problem within one community unlike what fox news will try to tell you all to. harris are not muslim and in fact since nine eleven right wing extremist and white supremacist terror plots of outnumber those of muslims here in the us and that's according to a january twentieth levon terrorism statistics report i got last week peter king began hearings on the radicalization on capitol hill king and others will try to
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tell you that it's because islamic terrorism is a new threat because nine eleven is still fresh in americans' minds and that's why other radicalization doesn't count or at least doesn't deserve any type of congressional investigation but what if we told you the anti muslim sentiment in the u.s. has origins from the one nine hundred eighty s. from movies to games the infusion of muslims are the bad guys all eyes in our pop culture that's what our guest tonight is arguing joining me from our studio in new york is radio host political journalist and author of the book back to our future david sirota david thanks so much for joining us tonight now ok i didn't move to the u.s. until nine hundred ninety and even if i had been born here i would be a little bit too young to remember so tell me exactly what from the eighty's specifically you know started injecting this islamophobia. well look you've had a lot of movies that used the muslim fundamentalist terrorist as the go to bad guy
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an example is back to the future the movie with michael j. fox which you may not think about in terms of this issue but remember he is fleeing he's fleeing. really the suburbs and the modern times into the nine hundred fifty s. and who is the fleeing from he's fleeing from libyan terrorists there was a whole set of movies about hijackings the delta force truck norse's delta force as a good example you also had a toys like g.i. joe which was also a comic book where their main enemy were it was a terrorist organization and in the comic book it was in islam a terrorist organization so you had all sorts of different products aimed at children that used to muslim terrorists as a bad guy one of their own name for you which is a big one among kids was was pro wrestling the lead bad guy in pro wrestling was the iron sheik now i'm not trying to make the one to one relationship you're not trying to say that because there was the iron sheik in the because g.i.
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joe was was fighting islamic fundamentalists that means only that we've become. islamophobia what i'm saying though is that that medium and those products in the one nine hundred eighty s. directed at children had a profound impact on what we do we define as the bad guy now you know being someone who was born in russia like the russians are always the bad guys in the movie like yes now we see you know some muslim terrorists that are you know the that evil arab guys and i feel like it's always been the russians for a really really really long time. well and that's before the one nine hundred eighty s. that was certainly true there were a number of cold war movies that made the russians out to be the boogie man in the united states and the navy and there were some eighty's movies at the at the in the middle of the eighty's that did this is well rocky four is a good example but in the middle and late eighty's that started transitioning to the islamic fundamentalists and let's be clear
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a lot of these movies took their leave from real but sporadic events in the real world i mean you have the lebanon bombing the u.s. barracks in lebanon you had a hijacking of the t.w.a. flight what these products did though was take those real sport addict events by individual islamic fundamentalists and create an entire entertainment out of them to transition out of the bogeyman of the cold war russians in the unit in american pop culture to make it now what it is today which is the muslim and we have equated through that pop culture muslim to equal terrorist yeah i guess you know if you really think about it the fact that these games these t.v. shows these movies the fact that pop culture really does influence our lives you know what other dangers that hold me does it make the world a little too soon let's take a little too black and white. absolutely i mean that's the thing with it with pop culture almost by its very definition in the modern age it's using stereotypes it's using shorthand and so we're always looking for the easiest way to signify bad guy
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or signifie good guy again the perfect example of this is the w w f pro-wrestling the quickest way to tell a kid this character was a bad guy was to say that he's an iranian terrorist so we have made that muslim equal terrorist with equal shorthand for bad guy and the danger of course as you say as you suggest is that there's no nuance to it it blames entire populations for the actions of individual extremists but do you think that our media does the exact same thing to let they do have a generation that grew up in the eighty's being told as a kid that the muslims are the bad guy and now you have entire news channels dedicated to doing the exact same thing don't you they're speaking the exact language that's exactly right in the one nine hundred eighty s. a lot of the popular culture of the entertainment culture was as one video game executive said at the time ripped straight from the headlines so that was the beginning really of the fusion of entertainment and news media and today we're
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still speaking that language both in entertainment and in news media this is why when you have news channels or news reports that automatically equate muslim with terrorists one point five billion muslims most of whom are not terrorists but equating that entire population with all of them being terrorists are making that implication they're speaking that same language that we learn to speak when we were kids in the one nine hundred eighty s. ok david very quickly who is going to be the next big bad guy in american pop culture at the chinese. you know i think i think it may be the chinese because the because of the economic competition i think it really might be the chinese i mean the chinese have been have been stereotyped before in american popular culture of the japanese of course in the one nine hundred eighty s. in terms of economic competition we're stereotype but i think you may see that as the economic competition gets more intense and i think we already saw even in this past election cycle david thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you. now
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before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day if you hear the former model and talk show host tyra banks is not a role that harvard is a school and in fact she's been attending harvard for an entire year so tonight we have a warning tweet for harvard students watch out this smelled of attire under cover streets t.v. show i think we all remember try red going out with a guy and found sue and barest seeing him on her program and that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to me that morrow general david petraeus will be testifying in front of the senate armed services committee for the first time since taking over the war in afghanistan so we'll take a look at what was and what was the stuff in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of shit on facebook and on twitter and if you missed any of the night's you or any other night you can always catch it all the you tube dot com slash ilona show where we post the interviews as well as the shell of its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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