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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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with the light from moscow it's an hour the bottom of the hour the top stars it's a situation critical and all six reactors at japan's stricken a nuclear power plant cooling systems failing and threats of a nuclear meltdown are rising to the highest level since the explosions began at the facility japanese officials confirm a radioactive materials have leaked into the atmosphere and the radiation level currently exceeds the acceptable nor. the death toll from friday's a devastating earthquake and tsunami climbs to nearly three thousand with thousands
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more considered to still be missing. and in a russian regions close to japan residents and emergency services are on a high alert despite officials there claiming there is no current radioactive danger meanwhile moscow's humanitarian aid and energy supplies to japan creasing the number of rescue workers in the disaster struck because. now as the situation in japan develops the world's left wondering just how to prevent similar catastrophes in the future we sat down with the former governor of pennsylvania richard thornburgh and shared his thoughts on the what important lessons can be learned from the japanese disaster and of past experiences. at this time when the world is watching with fear the developments of japan's fukushima nuclear power plant experts see comparisons and examples in the past so
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maybe help for see the future analysts tell us it's not yet sure novel but very comparable to another tragic accident which occurred in the united states in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine at the three mile island power plant which is part of the state of pennsylvania and now i'm joined by dick thornburgh who was the governor of pennsylvania at the time sir thank you so much for joining us thank you guy well first of all what do you think about the comparison well there's an. eerie similarity between what's happening in japan today and what happened in pennsylvania in one nine hundred seventy nine. there are obviously differences because we didn't have to deal with a record earthquake or aftershocks or following tsunami but the technical challenges are pretty much the same so what happened at those three mile island was a partial core meltdown of one of the reactors how bad were the consequences back then at the time i we had no sense of what had really transpired and it took
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a long time to complete the cleanup process and determine precisely how much damage had been done but about a third of the radioactive core had melted down prior to the. the reactor being brought under control and that was serious how costly was that well the cleanup cost was something that. really was neglected for a while we had to go and cobble together a group of contributors but it ran to about a billion and a half dollars for that one reactor and that was nine hundred seventy nine dollars so i'd be a lot more today the news coming from the fukushima power plant is pretty scary we heard about several explosions at the plant your assessment how. critical of the situation in japan right now what's most scary is that we can't get ahold of the facts and i know that very well from my time as governor at the time the three mile accident it was terribly frustrating you could not get
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a grip on what precisely the facts were people were telling you more than they knew or less than they knew self-appointed experts kept showing up and the company that ran the plant was a very poor source of information they misrepresented certain facts to us so we had to do was operate really as investigators and constantly go back to people for their version of the facts and then put that together with the with everyone else's service three mile island accident happened over thirty years ago when are we supposed to think that the japanese now are better at dealing with a crisis like that because you were packing nine hundred seventy nine or the soviets were in one thousand nine hundred six when sure novel happened one would certainly hope so i think one of the challenges when you have a major catastrophe like this is to learn the lessons that it teaches i think that around the world people involved in the nuclear energy energy industry i spent a lot of time studying three mile island and apply some of the lessons they learned
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to subsequent projects but we're all human we make mistakes we forget we don't learn the lessons of the past and sometimes we pay a whale of a price for it in fairness to the japanese however i think the fact that this was such an extraordinary natural occurrence the earthquake itself a record sized earthquake followed by this giant tsunami that made this a little bit different and then you know went before start talking about japan's handling of the situation the japanese experts decided to flood the reactors with an improvised lower marine muck as i understand it right and many saw it as a desperate move coming from a nation that is considered to. one of the most technologically advanced and people are asking whether campaign's contingency planning for disaster a was is really as good as. everyone thought it was i think that's
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a fair question to ask the flooding of the reactor with seawater and boric acid effectively destroyed that reactor it showed that they were giving up on using more conventional means to cool it down again in fairness they lost all the electric power in the area the generators were. went defunct everything they tried had failed and maybe this was just sort of their way of saying look we can't save this and that's too bad but it does indicate the. defense in depth against these kinds of occurrences is absolutely necessary sackler that's what i wanted to ask you about i mean people are now looking at japan and thinking of the chip pan it's struggling what happens if a disaster like that hits another country with a power plant but not as technologically advanced do you think people's fears are legitimate or you can believe that certainly in the united states i know and i
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suspect in other areas where plants have been built anywhere near a fault line that they're rethinking their processes now they don't want to become another japan and that sense and whether there's a solution or not we won't know until we've sifted through all the evidence that comes from this accident we heard about forty thousand people you know who took to the streets in germany for example to protest nuclear energy a similar actions took place and paid for and in other countries they want to ban it do you think that's the way to go well there have been strong feelings about nuclear power from the very beginning after the three mile island accident there were lots of protests oddly enough up to that time nuclear powered looked at looked upon as a savior for the humanity that we were going to have electricity was too cheap. leader it was going to be the solution to all or energy problems that all vanished with three mile island gradually lately there's been a softening of the attitude toward toward nuclear energy for two reasons one is the rising cost of alternative sources of energy and second is
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a little more subtle and that's the fact that nuclear power doesn't give off of the kind of carbon emissions that are suspected to cause global warming so that made a favorite in some aspects of the environmental community what do you think the wrapper questions will be on the nuclear policies that the government said thank you west the european union china india they're all going to stop and take a deep breath and look at the consequences of this when they're fully available. i don't think they're going to abandon their present commitment to nuclear power but i think that it represents a step backward in terms of their desire to build more nuclear plants sir considering how much is at stake was simply a huge industry do you think we're getting the whole truth about what's going on in japan well i'm in no position to make the judgment i saw the experience i suspect that the japanese officials are trying in good faith to determine what the facts are as i said the worst thing we do is get out facts that are yes you've got to
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calibrate your response and then they go on the accuracy of the facts that you have and they're i suspect if my experience is any guide they're working around the clock to try to make sure they have accurate information to convey to the public and to provide a basis for their response well you also write about this fiction and fact aspect. in the cover a chair five disaster like referring to of course to the three mile island accident what do you think the purpose of the proportion is going to be hearing if i do go to the head of the class and could really provide japanese friends with some real guidance it's a process that has to be tested every fact has to be. examined in terms of its source and the setting within which it arises it's not an easy thing to do it's the single biggest challenge of our emergency management is getting accurate facts so that you can make the right decisions you can be the best decision maker in the
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world but if you don't have the right facts you're in trouble thank you so much sir thank you guy. yes my name is daniel schmidt this is julian assange we're here to make a short presentation of all that we can fix project. the first step in the fourth day is to get information out about the real world living through him war on. hearing the secret visit because. it would be a good marker to. put in the sources and danger he would hunt me down and kill. this is exactly one of the reasons why we
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left the project because it has become the war of all does all james bond. than the actual information. but thank you. the whole people around the wold. be. the. if. russia would be soon which bryson if you knew about sun move from phones to the persian is. nice for instance on t.v. dot com.
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feeds in the palm of your. question on the. morning's today violence is once again fled uplands these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. for a show today please look.
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her. in indonesia oh geez available in the ground sure it's the media who channel the ritz carlton hotel who took the chilean millennium hotel in chile you can see on t.v. in censored. rocks hotel macau grown to be the hotel macau of initial marco resort
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hotel resort in the south. with resorts much will never be closer to tell macau riviera hotel macau cintra hotel macau. the headlines here on r.t. and it is a situation critical in old six reactors at japan's stricken nuclear power plant cooling systems are failing and threats of a nuclear meltdown are rising to the highest level since the explosions and some with. japanese officials confirming radioactive materials have leaked into the atmosphere and the radiation level currently exceeds the acceptable norm. for the death toll from friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami climbs to nearly three thousand with thousands more still considered. russian regions close to japan residents and emergency services are on high alert despite officials
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claiming there is no current radioactive danger meanwhile moscow's including its humanitarian aid and energy supplies to japan creasing the number of rescue workers in disaster struck. and we'll have an update on all the latest developments on the situation in japan in about fifteen minutes time that's after the sporting news with kate. hello welcome to the sports news live from washington or in moscow and these are the latest headlines now and never it's do or die for k h l champions at class as they travel through and beaten some of the playoff quarter finals. while the spotlight stunned the southern side also talked the russian premier league off a shock for a win over the larry coppins world. and russian buckles in our stuff and upset some
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stars that set up an all russian finals and battled with the issue wrap up but indian wells. all thought were intended to combat that start with the concept of hockey league playoffs double defending champions goss are on the verge of crushing up to the last as the men from travel to inform some about you live for a must win game in the eastern conference some of us have yet to lose during this postseason and could become the first side to make the story finals this tuesday night's game facing off in a quarter of an hour in the other match regular season champions having gone for resistance level the best of seven contests is not select the color in the two on the wall in the west scar looking mighty fine but it's just one win away from last fall both of god three one up in that best of seven series against atlanta unst number respectively scott and i last went on monday night and watching that match the trunk also have. the future is looking pretty grim for the most original side after game four left them with one win versions of say peter berg the visitors what
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was somewhat depleted going into this match with key players alexei yosh in a series of both religion however votes love sykora managed to find a suitable substitution for yosh and they rebuilt their group to prove his worth by scoring one of the three goals against top lines on saturday but back to the match up. for the first period the pressure seemed to get to scar in the opening minutes with three of their players sent off to a the same time that brought the home side and in that it's will go thanks to live on the steep just in seven minutes of an all it's the second period now where the match evens out somewhat not with the home side still mostly in control boiling points was reached after atlanta in mazing they hit the crossbar and then suing counterattack created a stir at the opposite ends a goal of the second period and in the third it seemed like a goal was the certainty once caught but almost ten minutes of play five on three
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just minutes after restart but that chance was wasted just like the rest of the our immense power play opportunities up to that point and to make matters worse constantine pandolfo was shown the line for ten minutes for unsportsmanlike conduct not seen but even was the next call player to lose his composure possibly judy's team's inability to score and provoked a fight with the fans hockey better and i like that for all disrupting the flow of the match proved to be the right strategy for the visit and sides in the dying moments but our plan had the near perfect opportunity to double their lead less than simonis from the final buzzer and seal victory here but young bullets shot just wipe scott culture but slop sykora decided to pull his goalie about a minute and a half from saw him and that worked exactly as he wanted it says a goal twelve seconds from the final buzzer by denise denise a six car into overtime and scott broke home arts less than two minutes from the
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overtime buzzer thanks to moxie but he didn't. know it was a typical playoff game a struggle from beginning to end the start of the game was hard because we had many players sent off at lunch had an advantage in that and we were lucky to concede only one goal we were chasing the puck for the rest of the match and caught it twelve seconds from the buzzer it showed our team a character character. plus goal given skills mark this match has both sides and that wonders hopes that partake and caused by gene burley were picked as men of the match this series now moves to st petersburg roman culture of artsy moscow region. football now and there's a surprise new leader the russian premier league southern side rust off are at the summit after beating spots like most i phone at home in their opening dines the season started with all guns blazing and were never the penalty in the first five minutes but suppose i saved instance from the results in kona has gone off
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with a head up. and he's not the most best second off the bike i've come up against he said and i. knew both spots i had the chances but that i'm not now it's been still being using minutes he said i think distance. it seems like a short white knight again for a sponsor and that's the last thing the box is making for now spacek he was singing with me and succumbed to a time i think that's the first time i. am not result is the only shock premier league new boys in this new know god with a to know when it's time to tone it from behind it's almost unfortunately deflected into his own net for the debutant first. after five minutes that didn't stop the lenses celebrating the less than ten minutes later suffocate bens how did the second putting him in free kick the final score to nil finish make
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a memorable start to the season. meanwhile the champions league returns choose day not advanced united hoping to reach the quarterfinals for the fifth season in a row they face musée at old trafford after a go to the store in the first leg and the good news for united is that portuguese wing and nani is set to return it was thought he'd be sidelined for three weeks after picking up a leg injury in the three one league defeat at liverpool he's been named in the squad so too has michael carrick has recovered from a groin injury united bounced back from league defeats to the reds and chelsea with its email f.a. cup quarter final victory when it's home to last nonsense a guy that's money just one expects and is expecting another tough game seen in. the games at all times and. stays out of the. break ties and. many times. when a very experienced. team. and they want to play well.
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he used the pitch at old trafford where they're trying session after the goal the strong home turf they needed a win or score draw to go through the french side have not been in the last eight of this tournament since becoming the first side with the champions league trophy nine hundred ninety three they do have midfielder when office again with a manager deviate a short still think that are the favorites. on paper you can expect that men just you know it should be certainly go through should worry do it but we have our chance little opportunity if you like it football is not about statistics alone. and in the other side this tuesday evening defending champions in some allow need to overturn a one they'll deficit against by munich after the german side won the first leg of the sun zero and the bonus legal team also have a strong home record in the champions league earning seven successive games so a difficult task printer but of course you have to believe in the victory. this
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game it's about one hundred eighty minutes we just play ninety minutes we lost one zero at home but we played well and we created some chances so. de maurice is there the other ninety minutes and we have to go for it we believe in it and we will see you tomorrow well meanwhile bye and if it's a rich greater fool i am robinetta happy in their six mil home whenever in the wind as they go on saturday this was a welcome tonic after the news coach louis van holland leaving at the end of the season and his contract can't short while twelve months but now his side has a real chance of reaching the champions league quarter finals. has which the same is now where maria sharapova will face dinara safina and then all russian force round at indian wells it was an easy six two six two victory for sixteenth c.h.r. up over against other than there's like a france the russian champion is indian wells and she thousand and six wraps up with a treat in seventy three minutes thanks to her is second patrick and fellow former
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world number one of them are certain that it could be finding the top form again she beat australia samantha stosur in straight sets while there was an easy win for the current number one caroline wozniacki explains maria jose martinez sanchez this was a banana skin for the dane who just grevious not is against the spaniards but there was no slip up the top seeded made the first round of course we were going and six one six three victory in an hour and twelve minutes two of those minutes we needed from match point a lengthy rally. the country taking it. and the men's top seed rafael nadal is also answering to the next round of meeting america's ryan sweeting in straight sets and not showing any signs of the hamstring injury that lets his early exit from the strain i bet he took with a set six three in. the second six one the last where there was a shock result. and this
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one for see what in so doing crashed out to children whole tribe so doing came into this room. it's really starting to really under his belt just sheer trash cans he says was the opener some time break their stride by the reception. and finally major sports the motor g.p. race in japan has been has grown from april until later in the year following the devastating earthquake that hit the island last week however the season will get underway on sunday ash jewels and team homes are looking the best place to have as a code raising race in cats are gonna do it casey stern and danica drove yet another one to five test in the last sail circus and they were the only riders to climb under one minute fifty six seconds. this time for just edging ahead that tribe signaling once again on this pre-season grip on the title as they were the quickest late days of winter testing defending champion jorge lorenzo could only
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manage this past this time his long heart in that last session however on sunstone says it's too early to pressure but sometimes. we feel comfortable with what we're doing and in a way the brushwork in and i'm really happy so you know we can we're going to start the race we came with a. good confidence but the same time you know there's still time for a body else to to try and better their set ups and we've we're going to try and in the same. and that's always gotten our way back in just under two hours with another update see that. great for the feels like we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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in tone and pull in hotels for. income. source or telecom cold ground a big joke. from a certain hotel.


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