tv [untitled] March 15, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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princess in bangkok radisson hotel sankoh dream hotel bunco separate cells in tora grande bunco come to city coach old michael grimm from hotel banco close a company phone call a role in the region. situation critical in all the six reactors that japan's stricken nuclear power plant with cooling systems failing and threats of a nuclear meltdown at rising to the highest levels since the explosions began at the facility. signs of a growing distress among the people of japan as fears rise your thought he's not telling the whole truth and the situation is getting out of control. doesn't reduce it just makes people all the more uncertain and when he can't trust fully the information being given. the death toll from friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami climbs over three thousand with thousands more considered to still be missing. and the nuclear drama unfolding in japan from sexperts worldwide to
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question human over lines on technology that often groups more dangerous than help . as the devastation continues in japan its main stock index the nikkei takes a nosedive of more than ten percent plunging other global markets into a sea of red more on that in around twenty minutes time. world wide news live from moscow you with r.t. now japanese officials confirm that radioactive materials have leaked into the atmosphere following an explosion and fire at reactor number four at the u. fukushima power plant the fire is said to have damaged an area used to store spent nuclear fuel the course that or suffer struggling to cool it down and situation at
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all six reactors is said to be critical after the only two remaining cooling systems failed following the devastating quake and tsunami the blast facility number two which occurred this morning has reportedly dunnage the vessel. all of the reactor stoking fears of a nuclear meltdown which were already high since the explosions began the company that owns the plant has reportedly withdrawn over seven hundred workers leaving only fifty to deal with the disaster engineers have been using its sea water to cool the reactors in an attempt to avert a nuclear disaster but things are better reports from outside the danger zone. it seems like the whole of their entire nation is gripped by this situation at once very nervous and it could tear we're on the cusp of a nuclear catastrophe it could get into and absolute disaster in no one really knows which way to turn because following before the explosion earlier today over overall same explosion of the day before the explosion at the nuclear power plant
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they thought four hundred times that those inch one would expect to receive it in a year which is a very critical and harmful level indeed so the situation's very tense it and all this follows the events of today which seems have just gone from bad to worse two explosions this morning to you previously in tatar reactors and then two more the final two reactors of the six out of the question we're hearing this evening now council critical condition they have been explosions there but they have also had a cooling mechanisms knocked out that they can't cool down the reactors and that's what led to the first explosion first on saturday in one yesterday and the situation suddenly got a whole lot more critical when up a couple of notches with the second explosion today because of that all of reactor actually ours is a seven hundred eighty spent fuel rods all of which containing radioactive material
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normally a nuclear reactor actually contains around sit in your world so there was a lot more potential greater potential for a much larger radiation leak and this prompted fears. all of the major nuclear catastrophe and potential nuclear meltdown also fueled by the president the prime minister's address to the nation telling people to stay indoors even as advice comments only got an announcer even annual laundry indoors because they don't want anyone going outside at all and it's prompted for a new screws all the ones i've seen today head for the exits are now actually in the gutter which is on the west coast because we feel that this area is much safer to be in and also there's a been a lot of distrust about the information coming out from the electric power company only the machine power plant and also the government has not only months or newsgroups but also months present and say here for and residents are so consumed they are also trying to get to the airport to get their first plane out of the
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country because they don't feel that the country is actually telling the truth they think that they really are lines and saying that. this interesting is very bad and they think that a crime is right he doesn't want to fuel panic but on the streets there is panic indeed that is are going to their reporting from the western coast of japan dr robert jacobs from the hiroshima peace institute says that judging by how the situation is unfolding it seems the government has little control over this nuclear crisis. it certainly appears that we're not getting the full story in the sense that every day we are told that the situation is under control and that efforts are succeeding in. saying the risk yet every day we see the situation is getting further and further out of control each day we wait here in japan to a much more grim situation than the day before and it's hard to imagine i think it's hard to give accurate information i think it's hard for the government to get
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accurate information but i think that there's a growing distrust among people in japan that the information that we're receiving is not informing us to the extent that we would like it to an int that doesn't reduce panic it just makes people all the more uncertain when they believe they can't trust fully the information they're being given this intuition is it is very much difficult to control there's no doubt about it you're when you have a site there you've had four of explosions and significant radioactive releases at the site of the reactors so you're having extremely high levels of radiation in that local area making it extremely difficult for people to conduct the kind of work that maybe you had three aftershocks over seven point zero on the richter scale and it didn't occur so in a sense what you have is you have people trying to repair an automobile damaged but that's moving at one hundred miles an hour without brakes or steering so the work that might be done that might be effective is getting increasingly problematic
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reform. now if by some chance you are actually in the affected areas you can always share your experiences by logging onto our facebook account just anti-party news as one word and our page also has the latest videos analysis news on the situation in japan as well or other top stories that's actually look to see right there on our facebook page so if you know well something that you think the rest of the world should hear please log on to our to use on facebook. but higher than normal levels of radiation have been detected in the japanese capital with your thought he was admitting there is an imminent risk to health correspondent really good news into care. he. would have been brave not significantly and are not presenting any immediate danger to residents of japanese capital of course at the same time you have to remember that the levels.
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around the problems are such that thousands of people how to program. tens of thousands have been told to keep their doors and windows shut and do not leave their homes so at some point there were. five radioactivity levels of just north of tokyo and. thirty three times the norm so that is the situation that we're looking at right now and of course the i.a.e.a. saying that radiation levels are going to are going to. rise in the near future as very reaches so we're keeping a close watch on whether or not we're going to have any further reaction from the japanese authorities. needed very nice intervals in the japanese kept me actually rising as well we also know that. more than one hundred thousand. have been released by i.a.e.a. and sent off to the areas affected sort of the most twenty five hundred people have
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been confirmed dead thousands are missing so the number is probably going to the number it's going to change in the next couple of days at this point of course the main concern is with the. nuclear meltdown and that is what everybody is keeping a close eye on and of course the the rescue efforts are still continuing there of course trees various countries helping japan in that regard there's not that many people out in the streets it's very very quiet it's almost a moros feeling you would imagine so come to the city bursting with the lights and it's even the there is hardly anybody out on the streets right now people that are out there all wearing face masks. also there have been reports of also shortages of some have been reported people are increasingly brined such things as water based products and some other things have been securing off the shelves but again they're doing it very orderly fashion and there is no planning obviously something is in
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the air so to speak and sort of society since probably here and up retentionist people are still waiting for what's going to happen next. so we're going reporting right there now in russian regions that are close to japan residents and emergency services are on high alert this despite saying the danger of a possible radioactive cloud reaching the area is minimal and the wind is expected to blow towards the pacific ocean however some tourists foreign workers are leaving the area and our correspondent covering the trouble is in the lean region that's about one hundred kilometers just north of japan. and margin says officials for this region haven't turned supplied checks for radiation levels here in the civilian region we talk to representatives of the ministry they showed us a car which they equipped with professional guide her meters which would measure radiation levels at different places around the city so the monitors his ministry
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here assure us that as of tuesday morning there is no increase in radiation levels and there is no cause for the residents to pani. in the worst case scenario locals can make. a home there's no threats to the health of the sakhalin people radiation readings are at a normal level. meanwhile russia's defense ministry says that it is ready to send out its personnel from the cool islands any time soon this is the closest part of this region to not japan and also sales of i already have rocketed in pharmacies across the city obviously people want to make sure that they are a wealth of passing case that there is a radioactive emission threat from what we know from people we've spoken to is that they are not quite sure whether japanese are playing down with the rats of a nuclear catastrophe or not planes leave the international airport of usual surprise causing to the shuttle and problems we know there are no edition no flights
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a range of people here indeed are not new to natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes but with a new clear throughout same place it seems that they have to be prepared for the unknown and to look japan's own the wind it is very crucial so what people should be closely monitoring now is whether full cos it will take a radioactive cloud if there is an explosion inside a core of a nuclear reactor less than a day to reach this part of russia. reporting right now to bear in mind you can always follow me on twitter to find out what you can do to help japanese families overcome the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami and the russian families living in safe proximity to japan have already offered to accommodate japanese children caught up in the quite disaster all of these developments and many more waiting for you at. twitter. goes expanding its aid to japan with
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a number of russian emergency workers involved in rescue operations expected to grow over the next few days the countries also boosting its humanitarian aid and energy supplies are pretty all of it now join us live from the russian capital with more and peter so well russia is certainly reaching out to japan in more ways than one of helping tell me how involved is russia. but right is the international community rallies around japan at this time of need russia is certainly doing its part over the past few days we've seen russia pledged energy aids to japan to help them replace parts of the country where they were that's been affected it's also emergency ministers ministry aid workers have been dispatched to japan already and many more are expected so you arrive in the country over the coming days those that are being sent out at the moment they're really rapid response teams they're pretty much ready and raring to go as soon as they hit the ground they have enough supplies and everything they need for the next two weeks it was also helpful to the
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japanese authorities with this aid from russia is that these teams will require any extra assistance from those japanese authorities that are already stretched to the limit so these rescue workers will be helping to to sift through the the to read this damage has taken place in japan following the earthquake and tsunami and to try and find anybody who is this still trapped underneath rubble or still unaccounted for they also have supplies with. of food of water blankets shelter tents have been sent out those people who have lost their homes there's also a team of ten nucular physicist russian nuclear physicists that's currently in the far east of russia awaiting the their requests to head to japan to be acknowledged there waiting for that green light to end the japanese airspace and they're hoping to go to the shallow where the didn't clear catastrophe is taking place to be clear disaster something there that they'll be able to lead any expertise in any help
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that they can know all of this aid that's been sent out in the help that's being sent from russia has been but by the russian government in the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov had this to say it was the repente stand shoulder to shoulder but they made it to the east. as you see out of all countries in the g. eight russia is japan's closest neighbor geographically there are only three four miles between us and naturally we paint very close attention to everything that's going on the support the japanese people and the government we admired their courage in the face of such a tragedy and are ready to help in any way the japanese government asks if you choose. well as the situation continues to deteriorate at the fukushima nuclear power plant we're looking at the the lessons that moscow had learned from the help that they could give the experience gained from the chernobyl disaster of course the worst disaster that's ever happened to the building a nuclear power plant the lessons that russia learned that could be dropped it
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dramatically helpful to the japanese should the situation worsened if if she were was as my colleague yes lexy gotta share skee the reports from ukraine is really serves to highlight the lack of control mankind has over technology when the forces of nature come into play. it was a failed experiment that can lead to history's biggest nuclear disaster in april nine hundred eighty six the chernobyl reactor exploded as a result of the wrong india. being in the wrong place at the wrong time. they had very poor knowledgeable physics of the reactor they knew the manual and what buttons to push without it being nothing of the reactor physics the personnel drove the reactor into the street it was out of control while the earth or it is clearly knew who to blame for the fall out even the soviet union stop scientists were at a loss as to what to do in the days that i pass strictly unfolded on the most current of. station as a mission free this was something unseen with
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a nuclear power station with flames and smoke all over it with a quarter of a century on history seems to be repeating in japan despite the authorities claims there of having the situation under control if you push him a nuclear power plant has already seen explosions and that's despite advanced safety systems which the chernobyl reactor never had. the reaction was completely false he means. the reactors happen to be happening and this is very exceptional. i mean really if you see the decent range of that such a situation is unfolding in one of the world's most technologically advanced countries has heightened the sense of alarm internationally but some experts say one should look into how the japanese have been dealing with nuclear physics to get
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clues as to their continuing difficulties in dealing with a disaster so the technology is dead he told. the society the government the regulators believe that the technology can be a breach safely but there is a built in psychological complacency but if you're operating something that saw it here or at least interests when you go to work every day do you keep thinking about how dangerous that technology is that would be over time rather damaging psychologically so in other words they convince themselves that they've mastered this technology and unfortunately with nuclear power there's no second chance the japanese nuclear drama is certainly not the first case of man's over reliance on technology and it can be a dangerous friend and one mishandled can strike in disastrous fashion we have spoiled we've seen this with these what they call technology electors esther's you remember last year there was a massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico again you had
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a very competent famous company that seemed to know what it was doing but they simply had four conjuncture conditions that would create a disaster so this is the human condition we we simply are able it seems to handle these technologies were probably not ready for them the nightmare that the chernobyl reactor became was eventually sealed off within a massive concrete tomb called the so-called figures the catastrophe provided valuable lessons in how to deal with the reactor disaster but also stern warnings about the dangers of nuclear energy what new lessons will be learned and what implications they will have for nuclear technology the world nervously waits to see lexie russia r.t. well the japanese disasters have raised questions as to whether nuclear technology can ever be called safe to use its arteries and you know back at one of the world's
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worst may manmade disasters if eyes are not even one of the most highly technological nations in the world is secure from an atomic cataclysm. russia has done a great job fighting the. disaster in chernobyl and then fighting the consequences first of all the fallout that happened across some across regions and russia an awful lot of expertise in fighting those consequences and also you know all the russians understand very well the magnitude of the disaster that you know of is the situation for all the trash prime minister vladimir putin immediately offered all the little the system stewardship and colleagues and even the shipment all for gets the amount of radiation being greece now and the amount of radiation but it will be released in the coming future is so great that actually global the fact that because of the disaster chernobyl were only one poll unit was affected you know this really should cover the whole lot of the magnitude all the looming disaster
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and that cannot be predicted now but definitely it's going to be one of the worst nuclear disasters in gold history. you can be on top of the developments in japan with the. page and further details emerging japanese police now say the number of confirmed dead is was over three thousand we have possible reports of three thousand three hundred seventy three with nearly seven thousand still missing or you can get an instant update on our twitter account that is r t underscore. christopher simons an associate professor at the international christian university in tokyo believes that people are now in grave danger of exposure. the people who will have the most danger will be the people who are working to stop this disaster at the moment that is the emergency workers and military personnel around the plant now they will be likely receiving quite high doses of radiation and to
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the rest of the country and grabs the world chips certainly feel quite grateful to the work that they are doing to stop this meltdown and situation in the northeast very bad and i believe yes the government will require help from foreign experts from the international atomic energy agency from foreign governments who can supply material such as fuel and expert advice that perhaps even helicopter in the end the new physical generators and and diesel generators and pumps. the international atomic energy agency to help with the country deal with the nuclear crisis this comes amid concerns of similar incidents taking place and the european union which hands over one hundred nuclear power plants that it will show reports from brussels. it comes as the emergency response meeting here in brussels has been raised from expert to ministerial level that means all twenty seven energy
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ministers have been called to brussels to really called an emergency response team to the e.u. energy commissioner says we need to see if we can provide an energy policy for the e.u. three that avoids nuclear energy and of course it's the flip is really a change from the traditional energy policy of many countries in the european union which was to increase its nuclear capacity is because italy for example is a big e.u. country which is starting from scratch a big nuclear program france belgium here also have big nuclear programs but now there is increasing concern about the safety obviously of nuclear reactors and there is growing public opposition to that no there was a demonstration of around sixty thousand people in germany near for nuclear reactors there and to give you a flavor of the sentiment here in brussels let me just quote from the portuguese a state secret if environment he said in the light of the nuclear meltdown in japan
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member states need to reconsider their energy policy and related security measures nuclear power is neither a safe option nor is it sustainable the one hundred plus nuclear plants across the european union and now conducting stress tests to see whether a similar accident could happen in the european union and it was an artist i was reporting right there would have either a five minute time but now it's business with dmitri. thanks rory and we stay with japan concerns about the state of japan's economy have been rising as the extent of the devastation becomes clear initial estimates already put the country's losses at one hundred seventeen billion dollars but some experts say the actual loss could be even more although the quakes fury bypass japan's industrial heartland the shock waves have been felt throughout the whole business sector power supply is critical in the country for us to go to nice and
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i've had to stop production because with eleven out of japan's fifty four power stations out of action they are running out of energy carmakers shipbuilders technology companies worldwide are short of supplies after the disaster transportation is also badly affected ports handling as much as seven percent of japan's industrial output sustained major damage with most likely to be out of operation for months and damage to refineries having a knock on effect with queues forming a natural one. second of the reaction on the asian markets. pretty pretty depressing isn't it to see the nikkei down more than ten percent on the stock exchange investors are trying to guess how bad the japan's major companies could be hit it's the third consecutive slump for the japanese index hong kong's hang seng tracked both losses close of the session down on with three percent increase losses were compounded by japan's prime minister's statement that
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a substantial amount of radiation was leaking from the fukushima nuclear power plant. what we have seen today is just of that all the reaction to what's going on in the market hope has already priced is this something worse should happen in the rest of that we yesterday when i thought situation could be it's a bottom but when i came back to those it's the day situation gets worse. yeah those kind of vicious cycle starts they've got series of people's risk. and nobody knows how fast the fall. u.s. markets open two percent as a result of worries about the worsening situation in japan joining the global fellow general electric remains the main news of the second day is down four percent now together with toshiba which dropped sixteen percent and so you know the company was one of the main contractors for the reactors in receiver european
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stocks are also all in sharply amid fears that the japanese may undermine supply chains for global night fractures european order stocks dive with. the poorest performing for bounce back later in the morning trading frankfurt dax is dropping by a whopping five percent for things not far behind two point three percent hitting a three month low. here in russia the r.t.s. and i six have also joined the global selloff largely ignoring the japanese crisis on monday energy shares are losing ground on decreasing oil prices sake of those in more detail most banking shares are down seeing this burbank shooting three percent for the biggest losers ross nafta's down two point three percent norris nickel is strong very flat at the moment just i'm not sharp that's after russian metal holding mentality best seller plans to price shares in russia's largest nickel
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mining company and now it's prices they've extended losses as the deepening crisis in japan tends to scare investors away from risky assets markets are also concerned about the possible short term decline in demand from the world's largest economy. three and four percent respectively. but that region by japan's nuclear crisis is causing an energy squeeze in the country we're going to get unicredit access will be forced to become more dependent on energy imports the major impact on the commodities market i guess would come from the restructuring of the ship and these nuclear industry is facing major constraints on the further development on even the construction so that we might be talking about the the actual reduction of the japanese nuclear energy industry as a whole and in that respect these countries might be forced to be dependent on the friday prayer of gas supplies from also possibly from russia japan and we'll need
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a lot of coverage for mature us a lot of raw materials and the suppliers of those materials those countries or companies which have them in abundance might really benefit from this kind of rehabilitation reconstruction effort so keep that. rory's next stay with us. too much prices if you. move from place to the pressure of the same. piece for instance on t.v. don't come. to twenty news today varley.
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