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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the crisis quite hit her fukushima power plant in japan worse of course as reports say a partial nuclear meltdown is underway. despite japanese authorities claiming the radiation level poses no imminent threat to health the country's track record of covering up past nuclear problems challenges the official version of events plus. government forces in libya will be taking more land from the rebels while most countries in the international community are against in closing i know i say the united nations is safe to discuss it's.
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a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow now japan is struggling to control the reactors damaged by that disasters are quite a radiation levels continue to rise and a partial meltdown of nuclear fuel the fear in two facilities at the fukushima plant now are part workers withdrawn for some time after the danger of exposure peaked also so plans to drop water from helicopters and. things in that region says the radioactive threat is causing that many people to flee. there's a bubbling undercurrent of anxiety and fear and it's a different kind of fear now as we've been tsunami be earthquake they could see and hear the threats this the radiation they can't see or smell it it's an invisible enemy so now it's a different kind of threat is this morning i've spoken to a young japanese couple we had just a ten day old newborn. and they were actually from sendai and they were in sendai
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when the earthquake struck we haven't been able to move until now this is mother was to we are now they're heading to tokyo it's fast as they can and this is just another war evidence of people who don't trust the government don't trust the advice the radiation isn't spreading into greater area outside. this queue of people is a kilometer long they're trying to stockpile what food is left in sendai most shelves are empty now the people here are getting ready to hide fearing an invisible killer radiation explosions at the fukushima daiichi power plant could the country on the cusp of nuclear meltdown one damage to reactors out a casing and a final two reactors have now lost cooling capability to radiation levels peak near the plant at four hundred times the amount of normally absorbed in a year there are fears it will spread across the country while residents prepared to go to ground for
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a news crews are fleeing this team from new zealand is heading from the gutter airport flights from there to sucker in tokyo are already fully booked for the next two days the exodus has begun here on the west coast guard the airport has already closed for the night they won't open for another eight hours but people are already turning up try and get on the next available flight out of the country such as desperation to escape some though have nowhere to run to this was once a village those who lived here are returning to find there's simply nothing left but they have a station just goes on on and. more than half a million people have been left homeless their belongings swallowed up and start out on the tsunami relief workers are searching for survivors all along japan's ravaged coast what's now i see if they bring fifteen thousand they're already been rescued but over seven thousand are still missing and some parts haven't even been reached yet over two and
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a half thousand relief centers are still packed and will be for several weeks it's cold and uncomfortable but this is one of the few places these people can get food and shelter huge parts of the country have been completely wiped out by the threat of nuclear meltdown means they could still be more to come after tonight artsy niigata japan. why do you think japan is struggling to get the nuclear situation under control you can join the heated debate on our facebook page or can the authority to do more and wipe out a hides a country like japan find a way to cool those reactors and have your say at our facebook account just enter the news as a one word page also has all the videos analysis and news on the situation as well as all about other top stories. well as the levels of radiation rise in tokyo people begin to doubt the government's assurances that there is no current health risk but these are really close now in tokyo found out that japanese
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authorities have a long track history of meeting a nucleus cannibals. it's about one hundred kilometers north of tokyo three hundred times the norm in the japanese level itself radiation levels already about eleven times as high or higher than they should be or higher than what it would be acceptable for be exposed to people are being told by the government that the current radiation levels are either except of a great pose a danger to help however the evidence shows as history shows japanese government has exactly proven it to be always always always trustworthy and everything that if it does say a word which forth to the public should actually be checked if there is report and out with reactors at the fukushima nuclear power plants having gone up in smoke fears about a possible meltdown loom large japanese authorities give assurances there is no
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imminent threat to tokyo residents but past evidence suggests they're not to be trusted completely many years the nuclear industry and the regulators in japan but also in every society in every country or preach nuclear power you find consistently that there's a lack of transparency a lack of. maybe they just think i think we can but that's too much information why should we provide the information in fact just five years ago the plant operator tokyo electric power company or tepco it's mitta to falsifying temperature readings for cooling materials and for as early as in one nine hundred eighty five and with the country now facing a major disaster the government will be careful in choosing its words. i think what is going to happen to good those job is go. close and people are trying to take
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care of. holes that are available to other countries and other nations. in two thousand to the government disclosed that at least twenty nine cases of damage to the reactor had been swept under the carpet that incident because presidents and some senior officials to quit in scandal in two thousand and three seventeen to have cooperated plants or ordered to be shut down again because the operator lied about what was happening at these sites so when the japanese officials put on a somber face but give assurances everything's fine not everyone's convinced particularly when the country's already got enough other problems to deal with if you don't have the emergency resources if your employer has been destroyed and the further you go away from the reactor the more difficult with more diverse the population sort of one far more difficult it is to have after you don't want to panic but probably to get them to so provide
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a maybe on within we put themselves in harm's way but when thousands of lives are on the line such a policy can easily be counterproductive there's a growing distrust in japan that the information that we're receiving is narco informing us to the extent that we would like and when it does reduce panic it just makes people are more uncertain and we can't trust the information. as it stands japan appears to be balancing on the brink of a nuclear meltdown and though the official version of events implores everyone just take harm history shows not all their words could be taken at face value in tokyo it goes. and i will keep updating you on the situation in japan and in. actually rather coming up in about fifteen minutes so you get all the latest on the economic aftermath of the earthquake and the nuclear crisis that's coming your way in our business program let's get a quick preview right now over to dimitri. who will after
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a nosedive on monday and tuesday tokyo's main index the nikkei managed a rebound of six percent however global investors are still hesitant as to start buying up right now the monthly the situation very close about more about it around fifteen minutes time. now in russia all eyes are on the countries of far east which borders japan and as some fear could be affected by a radioactive cloud of course running your clinical trover is there and she shares her latest experiences at our twitter account. underscore calm in a sudden helina whole families are fleeing from homes with all they have you can see our twitter page right here on our t.v. you can follow her firsthand coverage from the closest russian region to japan of our twitter account again that is r.t. under school called lots and lots of stuff for you to enjoy. or for more all this we're now joined live by dr peter when kirby from oxford brookes university
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a specialist on junk society and author of the book troubled nature's waste environment japan so we are at this point four days into the struggle at the fukushima plant with no end in sight some of why is japan that is known as being such a technological pioneer but i think failing at this point for days on to control the situation. this is an extremely serious situation and i think at this stage in the crisis any nation would would be looking about how is it and it's i think they're doing a pretty good job the problem is that there were numerous choices up until this point first of all the choice to have a strong depends on nuclear power and the decision to glory in that particular spot and other sorts of earthquakes that go and. make them to this point so i think japan is very well prepared for earthquakes and tsunamis and even though this is
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a good one and it's very well parents to deal with the aftermath of this it's just that it's an extremely difficult situation let's talk about something that could be in some ways related to this back in the 1980's and a child noble disaster when that happened those that were involved to us to deal with the disaster they were essentially ordered to respond i think we're seeing a similar sacrifice unfolding now in japan's stricken plant. of course japan in two thousand and eleven in the very different political system in a in a very different place though surely than so union in one thousand nine hundred six however if informative to look back at nine hundred ninety nine there was a notorious accidents. planned and took i'm going to and. as a result two members of the team died and. the whole crew banded together to
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manage to put that critical of the what's called a critic ality incident under control i don't think it be a case of. almost certain it wouldn't be the case of the government ordering the workers to do something and then dying from that i think it would be more the the way that japanese groups tend to operate that way that individual big groups tend to really prioritize and we report that the majority of the staff have been evacuated from the plant there's a small contingency of them allegedly hiding in a bunker near or below the top that well going to go you mentioned that you know japan is aware of the threat of the quake and tsunami hits in a highly seismic zone why do you think japan has decided to rely so heavily on nuclear energy all the while knowing the threat posed by thoughts potential natural disasters. japan has very few sources of natural resources which can produce energy or at least store agree it's been in that situation and it also has
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a long standing. there's a long standing idea among policymakers and among the japanese public that. japan is a nation at war and resources and needs to do things to make up a particularly being an industrial powerhouse and so it's no surprise even in a country takes radiation extremely seriously due to its nuclear history but they embraced nuclear power unfortunately. the anti-nuclear camp and the different warnings that they were giving her recent decades we could have could happen were relatively north and so that's where we are today are going to talk about the information that people are getting we're hearing that a sudden impulse to close down even though those people are trying to flee that having a very tough time vacating the area the government there is saying that everything is under control but there are certain powers that are criticizing japan for not telling the whole story i think it's possible that just trying to avoid having
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a case of panic. for sure. the government is going to be concerned about creating an unnecessary panic whether they're lying or not is another issue. from where i'm sitting it seems like the government is making pretty good choices in a very difficult situation inevitably which runs nuclear reactors making some comments and the government making other comments and there could be problems there it's also don't forget that nuclear radiation is very serious and i don't want to diminish that but the scientists often say that radiation is a little less serious than than people in the street think it is and so there's that to be taken into account as well there's always a subjective dimension to risk as well as the scientific and objective nature of what might be happening on the ground running a bit long time have we when you get reports of radioactive contaminants getting
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into the atmosphere getting into the pacific that you called the north equitorial oceanic current the pacific ocean a current i mean is there a potential here for this radioactive stuff to just get around the world and pose a threat to the global food sources there is definitely a threat but there's a great deal too which is the distance the radioactive material travels over over time is is important in dispersing the impact. my attitude is zero is and i'm not trying to make it seem like this isn't a problem but i have a feeling that there will be a great deal of low level radiation. whether or not that's a global crisis so it will remain to be seen what happens in the next few days. i think when cubby from oxford university for us live thank you very much. nuclear power expert at greenpeace john have
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a camp says that even when workers can't get access to the control rooms at the fukushima plant the task they face coupled with the conditions they have to do it and means predicting their success is impossible the situation at this moment remains critical it will remain critical several days there's only fifty people allowed in the plant of the mines and they work in fifteen minutes shifts which is which is very little and they have to work very many things by hand because remote control installations have gone down the main operator room is not usable because of the radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst which would which would indeed be a core that is completely dry and that would would lead to a meltdown it is very early now to predict what would happen because it would depend on how much of the material would get out it would depend on what the sea streams would be what the winds would be what is certain is that the spread of this material in the air would not go as far as that we've seen with the reason for that
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is that it will not be boosted its high in the air because there is no graphite in it like like in the internal the reactor that means that most of the area to see would fall nearer to the nuclear power station but there it would create larger havoc that we've seen it in the case of general. well meantime walt patterson a nuclear physicist and associate fellow at chatham house he believes that the crisis at the fukushima power plant will have long lasting effects for the global nuclear industry said it was coming up in about fifteen minutes time as a preview. there's been quite a substantial body of opinion in japan including among six more were just but building nuclear plants anywhere in japan is not a good idea my personal feeling is that building nuclear plants anywhere is not a good idea for basically economic reasons they are very expensive they tend to be unreliable they are a kind of electricity which is very inflexible and difficult for an electricity
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system to use because you could lose a thousand megawatts in two minutes and in recent years of course that has been a major controversy about nuclear power investment all over the world private investors do not want to spend money on nuclear plants for quite understandable reasons they don't think you could get their money back but now the safety issue has come back again and that will complicate things even further. here with our c n n live from moscow now let's turn our attention to libya where forces loyal to colonel gadhafi are closing in on the rebel stronghold of benghazi it's as if major world powers are trying to reach an agreement on imposing a no fly zone over libya but as artie's pulis leader reports from tripoli even if they do reach a decision it could be a case of too little too right. the gadhafi forces have broken through the last major line of resistance before the town of bint ghazi which is the heart of the
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rebel stronghold and choose day in a massive land and air assault gadhafi forces took over the town of beer which is just some one hundred fifty kilometers away from benghazi what this means is echoed guffey's forces are now in full control of the coastal strip between these two towns in each remember that it was only ten days ago that were able forces had control of almost half the country they were in control in the east and they also had control of civil cities in the razed now gadhafi forces have managed to reclaim most of their land a circle of reclaimed all the cities in the waste except for misrata in the closing statement of the g. eight ministers meeting in paris on tuesday there was no mention of the no fly zone mission and france remain at the forefront of calling for to be implemented over libya while there are several countries including the united states germany russia and china which has veto power the u.n. security council they are opposed to it and our representatives from france and britain and lebanon lebanon acting on behalf of the arab league summit on saturday
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in cairo they have cordoned endorsed a no fly zone those representatives have drafted a united nations resolution calling for to be incremented that a discussion was held behind closed doors on issues they speaking after their u.n. security council meeting the british representative say that they had a lot of discussion and he did admit that they were divisions is it a lot of questions were still being asked questions such as how would it be implemented and would be participating in that discussion will continue today and wednesday night cinci the draft resolution is looking for a ban on all flights over libyan airspace excluding humanitarian aid missions it also calls for the stick to implementation of arms embargoes adopted in resolution one nine seven zero two weeks ago at the same time it also calls for the present prevention of foreign. scenario being able to conceal it yet the whole globe towards this last resort you since the no fly zone is to try and protect the lives
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of civilians but many people here feel like if indeed it is approved it will be too little too late and also it will open the door possibly for an excuse for feature foreign intervention. and meantime france britain and the us of find themselves in hot water over the hasty decision to denounce colonel gadhafi also says mark almond so visiting professor of international relations and bill kent university that sense of. we western states. and i mean good. or not if you go begging us army will we come on the other herm question ahead with military operations reason to be prestige without actually knowing for home ground what kind of regime the system of government and state place where we aren't able to resist and who support included into. very risky and are unfortunately wormser cortical pressures
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a program. where president obama not once and. decisive and mistaken position remarkable. progress is always important and nobody would know about it in terms of the world economy plus the colonel gadhafi regime stays in power. all surprised if they actually had crohn's who may now season of completely. stationer and by the same about you know i really thought that we could see you know economic war as well as perhaps a continuance of. meanwhile unrest is spreading further in the arab world and black reign at least six people have been killed as riot police launched a renewed assault on anti government supporters protesting for political reforms and equal rights for the majority shiites the reigning king declared a three month state of emergency to deal with protests which of the country for over a month later today cross talk us to debate the prospects of
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a more democratic middle east and the role of the international community that could potentially play. people are free to pick whatever form of government they want muslims or islam is can have that kind of government and objectively speaking that seems fair but that's why i'm saying the west needs to understand that if people get what they want which is the other speaker we're saying would be a caliphate these things are very much at odds with the ok with the concept of united nations for example let me go ahead jump in go ahead i know i disagree first for every lucian's in tunisia in egypt and in the media have not been islamist at all and they don't have any and it's not just mr they're immaterial you know there is our most number of interview since have not been dishonest but i agree with that by the way truly i would not say that all those are the only way we have been rewarded on the hour is what is it ok tragedy going here in london i think that.
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people in the west face the simple to say look it is not because there is intolerable well there was this to keep out of things that support the dictators for the last thirty years they are in no position western governments i know position to try to tell the muslim world what you have. to think. and finally this hour here on the scene as you know welcome home for three space travelers who have now completed their five month stint in orbit their story a spacecraft successfully landed in the snowy steps of kazakhstan it brought two russian cosmonauts i don't last astronaut back from the international space station the last thing i was closely monitored by search and rescue services and was the first of a new generation so you scrafton equipped with a digital recognition system three others are still. going to return to earth in about three months time
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a fresh crew showed you were to launch in april. i'll be back with the headlines in less than ten minutes time but first though it's the business with to mature. thanks very much rory japanese stocks rebounded sharply on wednesday after two days of heavy losses more on that in just a moment however other sectors of the japanese economy continue to suffer in the aftermath of the disaster consumers in japan are emptying store shelves and the fear of a lack of distribution of food water and other goods many companies still have production suspended as the power supply remains critical in the country meanwhile japan's nuclear crisis strengthened concerns on safety of similar objects around the world germany has temporarily shut down seven of its all this nuclear plants adding it should abandon nuclear power sooner than foreseen and switzerland has the spend of the approval process for three new nuclear power stations. b.c.'s
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bank says this may have an impact on russia. this is. the reason nuclear programs for example in germany cracked nuclear fuel supply from other countries including russia and a possible refusal from bulgaria and the czech republic to build new nuclear stations will lead to losing potential construction markets but the current decisions have been influenced by public opinion and countries will primarily be concentrating on safety measures and existing power plants for it has promised a close look at the asian stock markets now japanese shares of rebounded sharply after two consecutive days of decline with the nikkei index going to shrink five point seven percent the bank of japan help instill confidence by pumping another forty three billion dollars into the financial markets as the first cash injection of. central baghdad allocated two hundred eighty four billion dollars to the crisis
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hong kong's hang seng is a tenth of a percent bouncing back a bit as concerns that china may suffer from japanese economic. easy european shares were trying to recoup losses in early trading after a much needed recovery for japanese stocks to calm the nerves of investors world wide on the food scene it's trading down still point four percent barclays h.s.b.c. and prevention are losing on average more than two and a half percent the dax is up half a percent in russia both the r.t.s. and the my six. point eight point six percent respectively however they have slightly retreated from earlier gains as they were tracking asia high on cheap valuations in japan and hopes the economy will look back to normal in due course take a look at some of the stocks individually most banking shares are posting gains as burbank. point six percent but energy shares are the main winners that's as crude
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rebuilds one half the list now there's a tug of war between sad news from japan and the situation in libya and bahrain that are supporting high oil prices with ongoing uncertainty over world crude oil supplies out of the region rosny have to therefore rising one hundred percent lukoil one percent or higher. well just finance minister says oil prices may search to two hundred dollars per barrel in the near future that's against the backdrop of political turmoil in the middle east and the crisis in japan you know so bad as speculation would also push fluctuations but in the medium term there would be no state ability for such high prices on wednesday khujand said the price of one hundred fifteen dollars per barrel would help the russian budget to break even so we got for you i will be back in around fifteen minutes time with an update rory is next with the headlines and stay with.
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wealthy british style it's time to. market. and find out what's really happening to the global economy for no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report.


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