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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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it's now or six thirty pm here in australia with hearty headlines now and a crisis out the fukushima power plant in japan worsens. partial nuclear meltdown is underway as the country is struggling to control the damage caused by the earthquake the official death toll has now risen to over four thousand as for the survivors and below zero temperatures are compounding the night off a million people displaced using a temporary shelters. as radiation levels continue to rise from japanese all thought he's claimed there's no imminent threat to the town and the country's track
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record of covering up hostile nuclear problems makes many doubt the official version of events. and in libya pro-government forces are taking more land from the rebels and while the u.n. and said to discuss imposing a no fly zone over the country a measure of comfort by most states. polish the situation in japan deteriorates the world's left with big questions about the future of nuclear power as he spoke to nuclear physicist walt patterson and shared his thoughts on what we can learn from the events ongoing japan. today i'm talking to robert patterson he's an associate fellow at chatham house and author of the or fill a book on the power industry called keeping the lights on and thank you very much for talking to lots and now the situation in japan is actually seen several
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explosions at fukushima nuclear power plant what do you think the chances are that we may see more and the situation carrying on and sure that the people working on the site hope that they've got it under control but they seem to be releasing an awful lot of hydrogen from at least three reactors and now from a fuel point as well and hydrogen is an explosive gas if it's confined mixed with air it produces it can produce very dramatic explosions as we've seen so that's clearly a. major concern for them but i think the explosion problem is almost the least of their problems at the moment because what it has done to the reactors we don't know we don't know who hasn't apparently damaged the containment or the reactor pressure vessels themselves although i gather there may be a hole in one of the containments and at you know two but what bothers me and i haven't heard any very good confirmation about it is what it is and turn to the
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actual contact between the control room and the reactor itself whether the whether the dials engages in the control room are now actually giving reliable information about what's happening inside the reactors particularly because the sensors for temperature and pressure and water level and so on in the kirby with conditions that have been happening in those reactors must be the sensors must themselves now be potentially unreliable which means that the the engineers in the control room don't actually know what's going on in the reactors and what could be going on in those reactors in yours. and the problem is that they may have water levels rising and falling they may have fuel exploded we know that they have had fuel exposed which just produce the reaction the reaction between the the molten metal cladding and the water that produces the hydrogen so they have certainly had some fuel them which they may well have fuel ceramic fuel pellets that are now also circulating
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through the core and that will be clogging up channels and generally generally changing the configuration the geometry of the core and unless the reaction unless the reactor engineers know what is going on they're liable to do something wrong they're liable to do the wrong thing that's what happened at the accident at three mile island in the united states the engine engineers who thought they were doing the right thing to protect the protect the core. koeppen valves when they should have closed them and vice a versa and wound up exposing the core and causing a major meltdown and you've mentioned that they get rainy and rot in reactor number two africa see my legs straight and we know that they were they thanked me for a period of time how dangerous that well written the fuel fuel elements when they're running in the reactor with a chain reaction running the buildup of radioactive waste in the fuel rods themselves gradually accumulates quite
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a sizeable infantry of very hot radioactive waste and when they talk about the reactors all shutting down at the time of the earthquake which means that they shut down the chain reaction but you cannot shut down the radioactive waste and anything up to ten percent of the heat in the reactor core when it's when it's when it's running comes from the radioactive waste not from the chain reaction you can shut down the heat from the waste and that heat means that you have to keep taking the heat away or the temperature of the fuel rods goes up very fast and what has happened in i think all three units now is that the fuel has been at least partly exposed such that it then allows its own temperature to go up until the level tubes melt. and the metal cubes melt and the little fuel pellets what are just like little sweeties fall fall down the uranium fall falls down into into the water and of course the problem that produces is that if anough of them fall together they
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can start up a chain reaction again and despite all this and what you're talking about a sort of self-perpetuating scenario that governments in japan can thank the fact that of the five thousand people to worry about do you think that's telling the whole tree i'm not sure they know the whole truth that's part of the problem i mean in the circumstance it would be bad enough if it were normal times with this is after an earthquake an enormous tsunami and the communication channels and the normal organization even of a society as organized as japan has taken a terrible hit so the fact that they're now faced with a problem like the nuclear problem or they already have more on their hands than anybody could possibly imagine with that with the earthquake and the aftermath of the tsunami the if it's brutally brutally difficult for the for the both for the government and for the people of japan and the rest of the world we always say that pattern has a reputation as one of the royal face technologically advanced countries and yet
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they've been struggling to cool these react without for days now what are the factors that play that and think well i think one of the factors is that precisely the fact that the that this is a nuclear power is a very very complicated technology and its track record of actually dealing with some of the implications of the of the the inherent inherent characteristics of this work of this type of reactor is not good i found last night an article that i wrote nearly forty years ago describing an intense controversy in the united states of both the performance precisely of the so-called emergency cooling systems on water cooled reactors and the performance was criticized by independent experts in the us but then nuclear establishment and us atomic energy commission we've the concerns aside this was at the time when
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fukushima alone was being built. and the same the same problem is inherent in this kind of reactor the only kind of reactor that anybody is building now anywhere in the world these reactors were originally built as power plants for submarines and obviously the overall the overriding design criterion is that it has to be compact enough to fit inside the hull of a submarine and that means that it has to produce an enormous amount of heat in a very small well you know and the only way that it can do that is with very very high pressure water which means in turn that the walls of the reactor the boiler the reactor pressure vessel have to be twenty centimeters thick and this poses all kinds of safety problems if there is any possibility of the pressure being lost or even worse if the question of bessel itself might happen to be breached. and these are the problems that these engineers are now trying to cope with in japan some
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commentators on that spec are saying it is starting to look a lot like chinalco what do you think about that i hope that we are still going to be a long way short of a trip of a chernobyl here particularly for one reason that even if there were a major release of radioactivity from one or more of the reactors the event to chernobyl was accompanied by an enormous fire which produced a huge plume of hot air carrying radioactivity right up into the stratosphere and that radioactivity was then carried all over the planet by stratospheric wince i think that i can't think of a mechanism that would distribute radioactivity on that kind of scale from anything that could possibly happen at fukushima but we have heard that they have already had some fires including a fire in a fuel pond when which the cooling apparently failed and any kind of any kind of heat source like that will at least produce some kind of updraft to lift some radio
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i fear beauty of some kind into the into the upper atmosphere into the into into the wind where it can be carried some distance and obviously their loss of a light whether that is in which direction the wind is blowing the lid but what what what are the chances that a radioactive cloud could reach russia from japan. i think very low i think very low for one thing the prevailing wind is not in that direction and for another thing as i say i can't think of a mechanism that would lift a significant amount of radioactivity high enough for it to travel that kind of distance so i don't think i don't think there's any any reason for concern. for russia or for north america for that reason japan is very unstable geographically in terms of the earth quake and yes abduction and have chosen to build a lot of nuclear power stations space and also that how supplying nuclear energy do you think this will change the attitude to nuclear power in japan and think it is
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bound to there have been of course there's been quite a substantial body of opinion in japan including n n c's knowledge just that building nuclear plants anywhere in japan is not a good idea my personal feeling is that building nuclear plants anywhere is not a good idea for basically economic reasons they're very expensive they tend to be unreliable they are a kind of electricity which is very inflexible and difficult for an electricity system to use because you can lose a thousand megawatts in two minutes and one way in another i have never been persuaded that the economic case for nuclear power is especially convincing and in recent years of course that has been the major controversy about nuclear power investment all over the world private investors do not want to spend money on nuclear plants for quite understandable reasons they don't think they could get their money back but now the safety issue has come back again and that will
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complicate things even further and of course we haven't had a big nuclear accident really since general right since one thousand nine hundred six so that people are left to be receiving that nuclear power is becoming safe while well at least it's partly that but i think a much more important factor is that until quite recently nobody has built a new nuclear plants not in the west there have been no. no nuclear plants ordered in the us for example since one thousand seventy eight and since night and every plate ordered since one thousand nine hundred ninety four has been canceled up until the last couple of years when there is suddenly begun to be an great deal of u.s. government taxpayers' money on offer as subsidies for construction of new nuclear plants and even that is not persuading the companies in the us to build them so be the reason that people have not been objecting to nuclear power her past twenty years is that nobody has been building them so now you're going to get a situation which i think mitt might turn into
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a rerun of the kind of controversies of the first generation of nuclear plants in the late sixty's and seventy's when the public was deeply unhappy about a lot of these plans and we may well find that happens again well past and thank you very much. wealthy british scientists scientists sometimes such. and such a hot. market so why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the cause a report on our key. moments of. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we dump the
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future coverage. if. any of his evening. pieces. of the teams. such. as.
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the headlines on t.v. and the crisis that. the fukushima power plant in japan worsens as reports say a partial nuclear meltdown is under way as the country is struggling to control the damage caused by the earthquake and the fischel death toll now is risen to over four thousand as for the survivors below zero temperatures are compounding the nightmare but over half a million people left displaced in temporary shelters. as radiation levels continue to rise japanese authorities claim there's no imminent threat for people's health and the country's track record of covering up past nuclear problems makes many doubt the official version of events. i did libya pro-government forces are
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retaking more land from the rebels meanwhile the u.n. is set to discuss imposing a no fly zone over the country as a measure opposed by most standards. what are you talking about a fifteen minutes time with more news to first go to the sports desk and kate is waiting for us now and i understand the puck hits the ice it's another big night of ice hockey and a good cup oh yes that's right let's even scott about three one up in the best of seven series and they'll face each other close by sufficient sight a few minutes but they will face each other if they win and they get through to the next round all ok as well so coming up. hello welcome to scorsese thank you for joining me and here are the top stories one thought in the last for like a much even start taking to the ice as they face each other in the next. playoffs.
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and home advantage after united in the last eight chelsia two goals to be good against type in hagan ahead of that champions league second leg. on staring ambition we need a russian who's taking cliff diving to new heights. but first let's start with the continental hockey league playoffs where lucky fans scarborough's just one win away from lining up sunday final meeting against each other both clubs all three one up in their best of seven series against the dollar and atlanta respectively both have home ice advantage to this wednesday night as much as place not just a few minutes kwame was solid out of going to the semifinals interest like that's defending champions act as a state to want walsh and that's in response to a time before the away when both different place were sorry for different players one school for this is even far so i was pretty ones i'm still doing all the remaining matches to reach the last four. so confirmation of that
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result coming up while a new mark has been set in the other contests having god lead is a record one hundred ninety minutes to beat message it's like a series of tools and that was the longest i have a match in a paycheck history besides needing story over times so no penalty shoot outs in the playoffs. but will not hold as interland edge by munich on the way goals and plans to most of now if you can say to go through the quarter finals of the champions league by playing from a goal down to two on after half an hour but it was a nice night at levels from golden pond that last gasp strike made it three two to the defending champions on the like three three and i guess he sent interest rate to the last eight on the michaels as any other sign javier hernandez scored an h.r. as the man few nights had one to one times loss like wes brown through his own net late on the following first by going a store in france went into the quarter finals to one overall and high praise for
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money just like spartacus and. i think we are surprised. just forced into war and it. is and so should. and play music a more he went to a few games for us. and larry. he's adjusted to the physical part very well and his last name it's very well known. but it's going to screen options and this evening chelsea have a great chance of making friday's quarterfinal draw as my take on type of high and stanford bridge but it's a way goal cushion from the first leg look at all this bracing denmark has given that there's a stronger advantage manager carline charlton says he wrote that citing opponents quite and i can like me even though i've never won an england in this tournament when i would be very important to move on to reach that waterfowl of the champions
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league you're going to have to pay a lot of attention of an organiser a good team with a good organisation that everything would be ok we use. this time to prepare well to be interesting for. going broke i want to show now i want. so few people are giving that is much more chance in london so like a kite making manager it's back and says the time is far from over and couple decided by clever schools quest. it's so easy to say that it's down to one thing and that is how i would show the team to score the first goal if we score the first goal which changed. psychology in the game. it's obviously. different and we have been in this one situation once before and then we beat iraq's two nearly nonstop downs so we are going for it. and in the other games wednesday night around the third take on the only thing that seemed so one one in
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the first leg and right for someone. not at this stage last year and then the natives at the last sixteen stage of this competition for the last six seasons. says both sides with a regression to. a single passion of life. competition produce not all competition everybody knows that. after the match one team goes through another team goes home everybody knows that the next rounds one team another team will watch on t.v. and that's. the pressure that applies to these. he does not. move into the europa league press three russian club spots and soon he will be back into trying to get into the last eight on thursday spots i pads the best chance of all three after winning one and that's my x. in the first leg the dutch power has controlled most of that game but still travel to the luzhniki stadium and one away goal deficit the red lights haven't won in
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moscow in the last three european fiction is having lost twice in two months however spots over egypt's president strong performance after very embarrassing for no demolition across the league oh that's. how it may be on stage sky and the only man suffered a dramatic defeat in their first leg and porto the most their side had plenty of chances didn't manage to upset their rivals goalkeeper so the powerhouse had a one nil advantage of head of the second clash not by strikers by the love and saving the media are expected to shine off the boat and show that she is actually tested as we go exploring for strikes to his name so far. on crime it isn't it's the supporters backside pain away from that was like that's expensive with a disappointing three nil defeat non-sporting state nevertheless the defending russian champions manage early china spezza is confident his strike could be able to overturn this deficit by three strikers and it's only been coddled once and
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because of back in training or injury problems incidents go back to school in the much. tennis now maria sharapova was implicit rainfall with indian wells fellow russians in our south and in straight sets to cruise through to the quarterfinals and the battle of the former world number one sixteenth seat you're up about most stuff is at sixty six that's sixty one minutes and twenty three year old side twenty eight winners thinking if you just put unforced errors and travel once almost twice as many points as a rival fifty six to thirty yards that's a wrap of victory and signs of course china's pension is next in the pentagon's. but in the first of those lost a contest an advantage of savvy at places francis marion bartoli like this wednesday evening and the french girl went through the spray and i think children can climb stairs as opposed to retired due to shoulder injury and development was one of several stops it's to go out in the fourth round clash as long the first set six three but then she can't stop running out only to grass while number two said
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she'd had trouble with that shot across the court when and how to manage the next it's tournament treatment. and also as is the peloton from the language the serbian lost ahead of patrick on a run of it six four six two this was the satsumas was it finished the other hand. and that was the only surprise result of this safeguard just disappears only in austin three sets to so hot they are from israel although the world number one power lies as nancy history to the quarterfinals of russia passes by to minsk because russian obviously one of the. founders finish with one of the newest and most exciting extreme sports cliff diving in competitive terms it's just over ten years old and there's one russian who's already astonished his name in the sport. an experienced. land.
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bridge taking this he's guiding the route stream where he'll be and nature to become one. it's one of the newest force in the planet as it became keep a. close ally in the air condition which usually do enter the years jane and rochelle with a physically diver could be proud of and james you can get you a six year early days of his first victory they would need series in a displaced year and entered the season as the favorite along with nineteen a champion landed you kid. and let's see if we know gary hands one who believes me isolated and mystical fleeces revenue me all of these jews mostly surely going to keep a venue where you claim to be leavened world series can't believe jenkins was the first in children and the christian died killed which was a no good good police and the. next step in the black
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future using was going to be one of the move to get it done if they don't do russian feet. but you wouldn't know to come to london when we've done the big strip club we just. really happy really proud thank god it paid all the training i did in the off season my my dogs are feeling pretty comfortable. that was my plan to improve on the existing dives and maybe work with some of the dogs so far is working good i hope i can maintain it for the rest of the season however suchitra claims to have what it takes to be diligent i've taken place in this competition this is just out of this season. ok of long season. so. i hope more. i'm sol so it's good stuff from there
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and we cruised with a few more guys keeping the memory well looking forward you know to keep dumbing down and the next stage of the world series will be held in mexico temple april we're going to nome arctic. mussels postings in this posting that i'll be back with not a. time. wealthy
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british style. is not on. the market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy which might stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our key.


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