tv [untitled] March 17, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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japan desperately tries to cool down the stricken fukushima nuclear reactors dropping seawater from the i'm planning to use water cannon truck to prevent a total meltdown. with only fifty workers remaining to tackle be unstable power plant eyes turn to the u.n. nuclear or forestry wondering it's taken them so long to react to the atomic danger unfolding in japan. the u.s. says it's alarmed by the mounting proper exam of shima but the troubles may have started at the drawing board of the american far behind the power stations design.
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libyan opposition fighters are calling for an end to the month long violence while russia was pushing for a cease fire resolution to put in place the united nations all with it doesn't seem quite ready just yet to make any decisions. a very warm welcome to you this is the line from moscow i'm on a separate japan is struggling to regain control over the overheated reactors a thank you shimon nuclear plant after a series of blasts and fires the government's most senior spokesman said cooling reactor number three is now the top priority because it's posing the biggest danger or military helicopters are currently being seen on to the stricken the reactors in the latest bid to avert a nuclear meltdown while the aircraft are monitoring the amount of radiation if the balls gets too high for the egg restraints and water cannons will be deployed to
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try and get the temperature of truck reactors to drop assays either bet it has been to the quake hit we just to see firsthand how more and more people are fleeing the area terrified by the threat of meltdown. the sheer force of the tsunami was hard to comprehend until i saw this vehicle zoom houses it impossible angles it was as if the ground surface had been ripped off. this woman told us they've never experienced such a powerful earthquake before and she feared for her life we weren't allowed out of the car at the coast the police were on high alert and suddenly there was panic. of a five metre high wall of water heading our way go go go this man shouted at us we sped inland as fast as possible chased by others the last wave took just nine minutes after the earthquake to reach eight kilometers inland we didn't have
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a long this was a false alarm but those already on their knees are bracing themselves for more than the relief center in sendai the newly homeless are given blankets and a cardboard sheet all nineteen floors of this building a full with everyone from infants to the elderly the night i spent it was bitterly cold and virtually sleepless some could be here for weeks everyone had a story to tell about their moment of terror at. first an earthquake then the tsunami and now radiation roadblocks around fukushima appeared as early as saturday since then the fear has been steadily building just like the keys it took an hour to get past this jan of cars for wanting to fill up the air in fuel shortages they may not be visible histeria for the anxieties from
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did essential stockpiling as the threat escalates more and more leaving i was traveling with his crew from new zealand when we heard they had been a fourth explosion at the plant quickly changed to an exit strategy that new guards or i met this young fan. from sendai a baby boy was just five days old when the earthquake struck. the only thing i thought of when and how then it was i have to save my baby how do you feel about the radiation i said. that's why i have left sendai i'm scared for my baby and i don't want him to get ill it can have a very negative impact on him on a train to tokyo it was more of the same this tourist has changed his flights out to the earliest of able to get his notice this. when it comes to radiation the people i've met she aren't sure the government's telling the full story and most aren't willing to wait around to find out how the
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bennett r.t. tokyo. dishes out the atomic size and making it increasingly difficult for workers to stabilize the reality is an idiot buys out of the does that explains the dangers . radiation exposure is are so high and so i don't think human beings can get into the areas that need to be accessed be in order to put the fire to put the fires out and also to get water into the locations where the heat is the highest if there's any lucky thing that's happened so far as the wind has mainly been blown out to sea if the wind turns to the to the south i expect you will see radiation in tokyo i don't believe it will be enough to evacuate tokyo but i think it would be prudent to take precautions and you know try to stay out and stay out of the plume you know the asiatic region and they're already beginning to reroute
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airlines because they're afraid of the the radiation landing on the airplane and you know of a plane from from tokyo to moscow for instance will fly through that plume so it's it will definitely begin to affect asiatic travel i don't think the government is lying i do think the government is not telling them everything you know you know i study chernobyl and i was an expert witness on three mile island and the government is always behind the eight ball on nice things they are deliberately trying to downplay the amount of radiation being released you know we saw it in the gulf of mexico to what the oil spill they are under estimated the amount of oil that seems to be the way bureaucracies were and the international atomic energy commission estimated five percent of the core had failed in fact seventy percent so these guys have come in with low ball estimates for quite a few days now. what's happening is all for isn't that ned said they are with an unprecedented crisis but in things they tell at some length to advance. down i
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think that he is following developments and. the latest information that we're getting from the japanese government is that there were attempts being made it to cool down reactor number four helicopters that fly over the reactor this morning did see water on them unfortunately they were only able to make or of such flyovers and the experts say around a hundred are needed in order to have any cooling effects whatsoever in the catastrophe of the scale also there have been reports as of this morning that temperatures in the fifth in the sixth reactor the only remaining fully intact reactors at fukushima temperatures there have also gone up there at about sixty degrees celsius they should be about twenty five u.s. authorities going to start a charter planes for those of their nationals willing to get out of the country so those so that charter planes will be able to help her in doing so earlier on this thursday one of the u.s. energy officials did say that he considers that he considers fukushima to be in
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a state of meltdown the japanese authorities were quick to dispel that information saying that they were just not fast enough in providing all of the accurate and necessary information to their american counterparts the i.a.e.a. an organization which should be keeping tabs on the use of nuclear power in the world and that should be keeping a close eye on plans as such just because she well they were nowhere to be found until just very recently and some are already asking questions what exactly is i.a.e.a. doing in these circumstances amidst reports that radiation levels in the japanese capital could be up to eleven times the norm people scramble to get away from the invisible killer here in tokyo streets do seem to be less busy the usual at the epicenter of japan's nuclear disaster fifty people remain struggling to keep the reactors under control but you reach the international atomic energy agency
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exponents of the peaceful use of nuclear power here in japan. or duties after the first pitch. a nuclear plant the i.a.e.a. as well as a promoter of nuclear power whose job is not to necessarily be able to come to the rescue of failed attempts at maintaining quality design and and protecting the public from natural disaster such as we're dealing with here although they'll sell that message when the twin approves it when the proof is in the pudding you can clearly see that the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government the very people who should be keeping tabs on the situation seem to have their little direct involvement in it and that until now and the only source of information was the japanese government for years the organization has been busy with their mission statement to maintain nuclear energy for peaceful means in two thousand and five and made increase inspections of iranian facilities the organization and its then chairman mohamed el baradei i was awarded
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a nobel peace prize but by the looks of it concerns over a possible un sanction huge sums of nuclear energy by countries like iran seem to have overshadowed the clear and present dangers of already existing nuclear power plants in countries like japan and now if they remain in workers who have to battle fire smoke and radiation at what remains of the power plant there's only fifty people allowed on the plant of the morgues and they work in fifteen minutes shifts which is which is very little and they have to work very many things by hand because remote control installations have gone down the main operating room is not usable because of high radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst with all six reactors showing signs of instability only fifty people remain face to face with a problem putting their lives at risk while behind my being floridians seem to
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prefer to watch on from a safe distance in those who are in tokyo. we'll get the latest updates from. taken by following us on. from the warnings of blackout from the capitol to the promise of emergency food handouts the rain is covering like how it is right now in japan updates and stays are the new developments on this school called. doesn't look good for those risking their lives for a friend the worst thing out of paul. campaign group in washington explains what they face. certainly there lives or immediately at stake. and clearly they have sacrificed any kind of long life by being there. actually there is concern for people who come in contact with them after
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coming out of this catastrophe essentially for three units or. clearly two of the containment systems or damaged and clearly unit number four it has lost all water cooling and clearly we have a full court meltdown maybe on its way without any containment whatsoever and the concern is that if they do not restore power to that facility that all six reactors could become fully engaged in a mill to. really becomes a matter of which way the wind blows and it will carry tremendous amounts of deadly radiation sickening radiation and the consequences are really. i can't really comprehend what it could be not only in the immediate past way but.
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the cloud begins to globally move. while the number of those killed in the. top five. search continues for the many thousands who with still no. coverage battling through a man's palls of rubble in northern japan conscience from around the world including russia continue to aggressively to come to the country of origin for storing these communities to anything approaching normal is likely to take years and billions of dollars or for those who survived the ordeal is over with radiation now threatening to. a legacy of severe health patients. at the sky face possible implications not to panic nuclear disaster we're now joined by i can surpass a fatality. just how dangerous do you think are the radiation levels which is being reported in japan. well of the problem he's deeply do not
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trust the reporting system but we have there in fact from the beginning of this crisis which i could be very accurate here in my city to my sorel. being major police authority trying to play down the danger to me because they were not there were maybe they were told to mr you can maybe because they didn't want to great panic the worst scenario if i predict could happen. because of the mention the. containment versus the breaking down i'm going to continue to break. and the question is what will happen to the crown and profusely have thought of these highly irregular people i suppose especially warring because there were presidents of. named if you will of these only echoes something because i'm not sure a number did not include for you. which is a very very poisonous and completely nation by controlling your music really
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difficult to handle. on the other hand. corp an interim leader. is no graphite in being in the act those that can. come from a nation into the hands of a wide area so. the communication is the. slogan. hopefully will be carried to the sea no one can guarantee a bit. but the amount of commute the pollution would be such that the larger areas in the middle who think they have to will need to be decontaminated this is a. process between leave enough time for some of the population to be taken care of the nation doesn't take you in kenya mediately takes time from show each time it will it's cancer whether it's damage to other. i
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damning assessment bare the japanese authorities handling of the crisis so far. do you think the government in japan is giving a fair assessment of just how serious the situation really is. you know i claim from the beginning that the information given to the public. are misleading. stand by my claim if you can remember the first few days of everything around the. world you don't have to go in and i got to do it from the moment of the earthquake it was clear to me that the vehicles are damaged beyond repair we have to be very low chernobyl was very. concrete. and so yes the government is playing stern and speaking about the workers who are actually out at the moment trying to salvage what they can what a few just did they face in the future. what else can be done to help
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minimize the damage. currently all easily and those of the. rescuer thoughts of in varying degrees of it will. be all of the. same happened in terms of. how to minimize the effect. on the reactor was the in concrete monocle for aleutian they can come in maybe areas that pollute to remove people from. instead of for applying for impulse they will be able to use live. with you for these reactors will never produce electricity again you have to stay away from the paper fast even from tel aviv university. on nuclear safety expert. poorer for the detail as to why
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a major reactor that the sea is experiencing says failure is atomic counter this points out of the american design for steam reactors have some built in fuels but as long as these british manufacturers are likely to get to play. right now a lot of people are wondering who they can point the finger at whether it's general electric who actually designed these nuclear reactors or the operator which in this case is tepco tokyo electric power company and actually when you take a deeper look into japanese law general electric will actually not be liable for any of the accident or damage that happened at these nuclear reactors which could save them potentially tens or hundreds of billions of dollars so they're probably breathing a little bit of a sigh of relief right now actually tapped the operator of the nuclear reactors would it be responsible for those liability costs now many people are saying that
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in fact they're worth some design flaws. or the situation is too much of pressure and with the stove on the water's going in the steam comes out and. the japanese are trying to release the debugger reducing the pressure so they could actually open the group i mean mistake on businesses provide a solution. to cut expenses and it's just once a good year for the project after it has been completed one recent example was b.p.'s oil spill in the gulf of mexico. it's an american nuclear disaster for reactors who play explosions were built by the american general electric company moreover the glue was constructed in design mainly by american experts japan itself doesn't produce any reactors and the country is forbidden to engage in any nuclear power research so we are witnessing a dream of the american energy industry just going to happen in the japanese territory general electric is very keen on tapping into the one hundred fifty billion dollar nuclear energy business here in india india is one example of many
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countries who are looking to expand their nuclear power market however obviously a lot of questions are being raised here in india across asia most nuclear power plant construction has been halted actually when president obama made his asia trip back in november jeffrey immelt the chairman she came away and president obama was hoping to ease up on liability laws that would make american companies responsible of an accident like what happened in japan was to happen here in india however that isn't the case as of right now indian law would hold an american company like g.e. liable if an accident like that was to happen here and because of that many people wonder whether or not the cine will in fact continue to invest so much money but they seem like a logical partner since india wants to boost its atomic energy by thirteen times by twenty thirty so the partnership seems to be
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a logical one yet you know people across the world as i said before starting to question whether or not they want to work with an american company on a project like this where the world bracing itself is a situation deteriorate south of can seem a plant but. this is not stopping the nuclear energy from norwich ing into its own. limitations. we know it's a level six fukushima heading to level seven which was the chernobyl event what's going on here is we general like even after the comcast merger still has a significant a stake in n b c we see the nuclear lobby through the nuclear energy institute and all the other page. putting a full court press on every possible media outlet in addition to members of congress to make sure that nothing happens to affect the growth of nuclear power
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plants in his country and president obama i would add not only has jeffrey immelt as jobs and competitiveness of advisor on our white house panel but he took a lot of money from exelon a chicago based nuclear power plant company so we have all kinds of conflicts of interest basically what ed said many decades ago get the corporate board room out of the news room now we see the effects this. is on high alert. if they see. taking serious precautions. the concentration of radiation in russia spar is remains normal that's according to russia's main why the agency now there is no immediate rights to be part of russia
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first of all because of favorable weather conditions a radioactive cloud current he would go straight out into the pacific ocean away from russia that is if the wind doesn't change direction after radiation levels spike. daiichi nuclear was at seventeen our weather stations across russia so far east have been constantly carrying out checks that we're now in the city that is russia's largest for a city on the pacific ocean this city is only five hundred seventy miles away from my local residents are taking no chances on top of official reports are also mourning tory radiation levels on the road the current situation prompts me to go ahead and take their safety in their own hands that's why i'm buying things coming to watch your diet has been sold out of pharmacies across the city of leave us the cheapest geiger counter costs as much as seven hundred dollars but especially say
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it's not enough to just because that's the device you also need to be taught how to use it properly. this device to extend the reason extremes and she also has an additional radiation detector the biggest problem in japan right now is the radiation goes through the air with his two boys you can detect the level of radiation on your clothes when you come from the sea i'm coming right now. we have also managed to get our hands on a professional alex shaunie geiger counter here it to use it is the one which for example rushes emergences ministry equips has cars and stations where as of now believed to be in the studio with us in the city so that the radiation levels stand between twelve to thirteen microns per hour. we're going to load this area. standing at some thirty five mile per hour so not yet critical but still the reading is higher than that on this island island for example. do you had
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a facebook page to show you all thoughts on the tragedy in japan and the battle to contain a nuclear crisis tell us what you think of developments such as our lives being brought online help them to allow a more stable to supply you can also watch the latest videos and analysis of what's happening right now in japan as well as all our other top stories just typed into the facebook search box. well the disastrous events in japan are sending shock waves through the country's economy threatening the stability of its currency the yen has already saw to its highest level against the u.s. dollar says the end of the foot is now falling back on market watch in a strong yen on how japanese insurance companies have responded to the tragedy analysts expect ministers to give japan the go ahead to intervene in currency markets to steady the yen and central bank has already injected some two hundred eighty four billion dollars in order to stabilize the country's financial markets
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however one of russia's leading economists believe the japanese economy is strong enough to hold up. the general germany's economy is pretty healthy and what we're talking about is no recourse though that it construction. in basic terms it's a physical cause it's not a matter of the call economy melting down or the financial system melting down it's a very negative supply shock i think one could compare it to the drop in the summer of two thousand. i think we should be reasonably sure the music or music all of you know will remain will remain on the. crossing to libya position supporters and through the rubble. hell thirty have been gone as the with the call and the country's month long violence russia has been pushing for a cease fire resolution through the un security council which is so far failed to
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make any decision clude ng the imposition of a no fly zone article is clear is intricately. the u.n. security council has already for two days in debating the question of what to do over libya and the last word we have from diplomats is everyone is not expect a decision before today thursday it is written in fact the decision comes through it still remains to be seen the sticking point of course is the whole question of a no fly zone here bush and france are still pushing heavily forward the latest word from the french is that some of the countries that are in the arab league and that gave the nod to the no fly zone of it have indicated that they will be part of the mission and part of the assistance to put that in place because on the other side you have countries such as russia and germany that of the moment he opposed to it and the other part of the discussion that the u.n. security council is focusing on is the question of sanctions and here there does seem to be more consensus in the international community stricter sanctions on the gadhafi regime and his family and on his high level associates sanctions ever will
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see a freeze on their assets and downs in their travel movements in benghazi itself is changing and there was a massive demonstration on wednesday we people took to the streets calling for an end to the violence there violence continues and watch for down the runway down the road some one hundred fifty kilometers away in the town of edging to the duffys warplanes his tanks from field reports of a k forty seven zone heavy shelling have continued and and looks to to continue today thursday here in tripoli though the mood is very different when i speak to officials there bending about the weekend as a good line which they say gadhafi would have completely obliterated his opposition and that opposition is again appealing to the international community with many people in benghazi itself saying that the international community talks about its concern of collateral damage will they say the people in benghazi will be more than collateral damage if gadhafi has his way. or last he has been speaking directly with colonel better be used as libya's situation is its own affair but one that's
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