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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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in touch with the who tell me what you do to a good girl i would. change every green laurel who killed in tal who. desperately tries to call down burst stricken fukushima nuclear reactors dropping seawater from the air and planning to use water trucks to prevent total meltdown. with only fifty workers remaining to tackle the unstable power plant eyes turn to the u.n. a nuclear or thorough wondering why it's taken them so long to react to the atomic danger unfolding in japan. the u.s. says it's alarmed by the mounting problem is up for the troubles may have started with the drawing of all of the american front behind the power stations designed.
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it with r.t. live from moscow where it's now just after three. struggling to regain control over the overheated reactors of the fukushima nuclear plant after a series of blasts and fires the government's most senior spokesman said that cooling reactor number three is now the top priority because it's posing the biggest danger military helicopters have been dropping seawater onto the stricken reactor in the latest bid to avert a nuclear meltdown but it's said to be having little effect trucks with the water cannons are also being deployed at the facility. has been to the quake hit regions to see first hand and more and more people are fleeing the area terrified by the threat of meltdown. and she foresaw the tsunami was hard to comprehend until. he kills them houses it's impossible angles he was. as if the ground surface had
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been ripped off. this woman told us they've never experienced such a powerful earthquake before and she feared for her life we weren't allowed out of the car at the coast and police were on high alert and suddenly there was panic. warnings of a five metre high wall of water heading our way go go go this man shouted at us we sped inland as fast as possible chased by others the last wave took just nine minutes after the earthquake to reach eight kilometers inland we didn't have long this was a false alarm but those already on their knees are bracing themselves for more and the relief center in sendai the newly homeless a given blankets and a cardboard sheet all nineteen floors of this building a full with everyone from infants to the elderly. the night i spent here was basically cold and virtually sleepless some could be here for weeks everyone had
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a story to tell about their moment of terror. basically yeah yeah we're here is we're here. first an earthquake then the tsunami now radiation road blocks around from machine or appeared as early as saturday since then appear has been steadily building just like the cheese it took an hour to get past this jan of cars for one thing to fill up here in fuel shortages he may not be visible hysteria but the anxieties prompted essential stockpiling as the threat escalates and more and more leaving i was traveling with this crew from new zealand when we heard there been a fall of the explosion that planned quickly changed to an exit strategy at niigata i met this young family from sendai that baby boy was just five days old when the earthquake struck. the only thing i thought of when it happened was i have to save
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my baby how do you feel about the radiation i scared. that's why i have left sendai i'm scared for my baby and i don't want him to get ill it can have a very negative impact on him on a train to tokyo it was more of the same these stories to change his flight out to the earliest available to get this that. when it comes to radiation the people i've met here aren't sure the government's telling the full story and most aren't willing to wait around to find out how the bennetts artsy tokyo. conditions at the atomic site are making it increasingly difficult for workers to stabilize that that is an issue advisor god got us about explains the dangers. the radiation exposure is are so high and sight i don't think human beings can get into the areas that need to be accessed in order to put the
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fire to put the fires out and also to get water into the locations where the heat is the highest if there's any lucky thing that's happened so far it's the wind has mainly been blown out to sea if the wind turns to the to the cell i expect you will see radiation in tokyo i don't believe it will be enough to evacuate tokyo but i think it would be prudent to take precautions and you know try to stay out and stay out of the plume you know the asiatic region they're already beginning to reroute airlines because they're afraid of the the radiation landing on the airplane and you know of a plane from from tokyo to moscow for instance will fly through that plume so it will definitely begin to affect asiatic travel i don't think the government is lying i do think the government is not telling him everything it knows you know i studied chernobyl and i was an expert witness on three mile island and the
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government is always behind the eightball on these things they are deliberately trying to downplay the amount of radiation being released you know we saw it in the gulf of mexico to it the oil spill they underestimated the amount of oil that seems to be the way bureaucracies work and the international atomic energy commission estimated five percent of the corps had failed in fact seventy percent fail so these guys have come in with lowball estimates for quite a few days now when the japanese authorities do admit they are coping with an unprecedented crisis but they do insist there's still a chance to avert a nuclear disaster so i mean it was it's following developments for us in tokyo. the latest information that we're getting from the japanese government is that there were attempts being made it to cool down reactor number four helicopters that fly over the reactor this morning seawater on them unfortunately i think we're only able to make more of such flyovers and the experts say around hundred are needed in
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order to have any cooling effect whatsoever in the catastrophe of this scale also there have been reports says out this morning that some preachers and it has been the six reactor the only remaining fully intact reactors at fukushima separatist there have also gone up there at about sixty degrees celsius they should be about twenty five u.s. authorities going to start a charter planes for those of their nationals willing to get out of the country so the so that charter planes will be able to help early in doing so earlier on this thursday wanted to go as energy officials did say that he considers that he considers focusing much to be in a state of meltdown the japanese authorities were quick to dispel that information saying that they were just not fast enough in providing all of the accurate in necessary information to their american counterparts the pagan organization which should be keeping tabs on the use of nuclear power in the world and should be keeping a close eye on the plans as such just because she may well be were nowhere to be
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found until just very recently and some are already asking questions what exactly is are you doing in these circumstances i missed reports that radiation levels in the japanese capital could be up to eleven times the norm people scrambled to get away from the invisible killer here in tokyo three do seem to be less busy the usual at the epicenter of japan's nuclear disaster fifty people remain struggling to keep the reactors under control we tweet the international atomic energy agency exponents of the peaceful use of nuclear power you hear in japan in writing. after the first. at the nuclear plant the i.a.e.a. as well as a promoter of nuclear power whose job is not to necessarily be able to come to the rescue of failed attempts at maintaining quality design and and protecting the public from natural disaster such as we're dealing with here although they'll sell that message when the twin approved in everyone the proof is in the pudding you can
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clearly see that the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government the very people who should be keeping tabs on the situation seem to have their little direct involvement in it and kept until now and the only source of information was the japanese government for years the organization has been busy with their mission statement to maintain nuclear energy for peaceful means and two thousand and five and meet increased inspections of iranian facilities the organization and its then chairman mohamed el baradei i was awarded a nobel peace prize but by the looks of it concerns over a possible and sanctioned uses of nuclear energy by countries like iran seem to have overshadowed the clear and present dangers of already existing nuclear power plants in countries like japan and now if they remain in workers who have to battle fire smoke and radiation at what remains of the fukushima power plant there are
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only fifty people allowed in the plant of the moms and they work in fifteen minutes shifts which is which is very little and they have to work very many things by hand because remote control installations have gone down the main operating room is is because of the radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst with all six reactors showing signs of instability only fifty people remain face to face with a problem putting their lives at risk while the high and mighty in our days seem to prefer to watch on from a safe distance in golf carts in tokyo. well you can actually get all the latest updates from a ridiculous comment following us on twitter from the warnings of blackouts in the comments is automotive. rediscovering life as it is right now in japan. and it's on today's other news developments. underscore. the
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prognosis does not look good for those risking their lives to prevent the worst from it from oshima pulled guns are beyond nuclear campaign and washington explains what i think. certainly their lives are immediately at stake. and clearly they have sacrificed any kind of long life by being there and actually there is concern for people who come in contact with them after coming out of this catastrophe essentially for three units or are in meltdown mode. clearly two of the containment systems are damaged and clearly unit number four it has lost all water cooling and clearly we have a full court meltdown maybe on its way without any containment whatsoever and the
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concern is that if they do not restore power to that facility that all six reactors could become fully engaged in a meltdown it really becomes then a matter of which way the wind blows and it will carry tremendous amounts of deadly radiation sickening radiation and the consequence is a really. i can't really comprehend what it could mean not only in the immediate pathway but in the cloud begins to globally move. meanwhile the number of those killed in the earthquake and resulting tsunami has now topped five and a half thousand desperate search continues for most of the ten thousand people who are still considered missing recovery teams are battling through immense piles of rubble in northern japan countries from around the world including russia continue to send rescue teams and cargo to japan authorities say the task of restoring these communities to anything approaching normal is likely to take many years and cost
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billions of dollars for those who have survived if you would deal is far from over with radiation enough threatening to impose a legacy of severe health implications. for the spot or it's had remains on the verge of a nuclear disaster professor. even from tel aviv university says the current situation has exceeded even his fears the worst scenario to put it could happen all react those with what. they call came in to the breaking down going to continue to break down and the question is who are prepared for the current nuclear activities highly radioactive isotopes especially worrying because they were present so. if you will of measly acros something that is no. repeat not going to produce. which is a really really poisonous coming nation by plutonium use really difficult to put
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into the on the other hand there is no graphite being beesley at those it can be send all of these. from a nation into gear and then it's dispersed over a wide area. now india is reportedly rethinking the united states' involvement in its nuclear energy program as a result of the disaster in japan and america as a general electric built the fukushima reactors and is now bidding to build plants in india. reports now from new delhi where analysts are questioning the manufacturer's blueprints and its possible design flaws. right now a lot of people are wondering who they can point the finger at whether it's general electric who actually designed these nuclear reactors or the operator which in this case is taco tokyo electric power company and actually when you take a deeper look into japanese law general electric will actually not be liable for
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any of the accident or damage that's happened at these nuclear reactors which could save them potentially tens or hundreds of billions of dollars so they're probably grieving a little bit of a sigh of relief right now actually tepco the operator of the nuclear reactors would be responsible for those liability costs now many people are saying that in fact there were some design flaws general electric is very keen on tapping into the one hundred fifty billion dollar nuclear energy business here in india india is one example of many countries who are looking to expand their nuclear power market however obviously a lot of questions are being raised here in india across asia most nuclear power plant construction has been halted actually when president obama made his asia trip back in november in just three in all the chairman she came with him and president obama was hoping to ease up on liability laws that would make american companies
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responsible of an accident like what happened in japan was to happen here in india however that isn't the case as of right now indian law would hold an american company like g.e. liable if an accident like that was to happen here and because of that many people wonder whether or not she will in fact continue to invest so much money they seem like a logical partner since india wants to boost its atomic energy by thirteen times by twenty thirty so the partnership seems to be a logical one yet you know people across the world as i said before are starting to question whether or not they want to work with an american company on a project like this. well the world's bracing itself for the worst as the situation deteriorates at the fukushima plant but also a contributor and says it's not stopping the nuclear energy lobby from moshing into its own that much control and we know it's
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a level six in fukushima heading to level seven which was the chernobyl event what's going on here is we've general electric even after the comcast merger still has a significant a stake in n b c we see the nuclear lobby through the nuclear energy institute and all the other page shills in his town putting a full court press on every possible media outlet in addition to members of congress to make sure that nothing happens to affect the growth of nuclear power plants in this country and president obama i would add not only has jeffrey immelt as it is jobs and competitiveness of advisors on that white house panel but he took a lot of money from exelon a chicago based nuclear power plant company so we have all kinds of conflicts of interest basically what admiral has said many decades ago that get the corporate
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board room out of the newsroom now we see the effects this. and you can always head over to marty's facebook page to share your thoughts on the tragedy in japan from the battle to isis and tell us what you think about women such as new power lines being brought online probably to allow a more stable water supply and also watch the latest videos and analysis of what's happening right now in japan it's one of our top stories just typed. into the facebook search works. well in libya opposition supporters have marched through the rebel held city of brain garci with a call to end the country's month long violence russia has been pushing for a cease fire resolution through the u.n. security council which has so far failed to make any decision including the imposition of a no fly zone but i think that you know if this were not going now what tell us more and how do you go to sort of is it just a case of the u.n. dragging its feet here what do we expect it's to make
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a decision on this no fly zone issue. well this is quite a difficult question to answer at the moment because the united nations security council remains divided over this resolution over a no fly zone over libya they've been discussing it all day on wednesday they're also expected to discuss it on thursday but if or not they will be unanimous what you will be will be able to vote unanimously for it will just have to see the united states france and great britain of the support this resolution in fact washington is even saying that perhaps they should look at steps going to beyond the north wise resolution while at the same time russia china and jury which is currently a temporary member of the u.n. security council and they are against this resolution while stand for the complete cease fire in the libya when it comes to russia previously it supported to be a set of u.n. sanctions against gaddafi which included travel and financial bans and also
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prohibited sales of forms to the regime just several days ago russia's president. announced that moment ago that he is persona non grata here in russia meaning he's not welcome here in the country really media also banned him from caney economic activities here in the country him and his family as well just previously at the meeting of the g. eight foreign ministers in paris russia's foreign minister silvio rough outlines that even though most arab states supported this idea of a no fly zone over libya the arab league has not needed a concrete detailed proposal and russia is still waiting for this proposal because it's not clear how this no fly zone will be implemented and if the use of force will be needed in order to put into force this resolution. also stressed
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that while supporting the idea of the north fly zone the arab league also said that they are against any foreign military intervention in the country and that it is also supported by all sides of the country all sides of this conflict in libya itself so you go you talk about the arab world reaction to basically the western powers not getting involved with the internal conflict in libya the u.n. is still talking about possibly the implementation of a possible no fly zone and there are some who say with the terrible tsunami and earthquake in japan the world's eyes went to the far east and gave me the chance to increase pressure on rebel groups and we're hearing that the rebel groups be feeling the pressure and it's been a tough ride for the past few days against gadhafi forces. but that's right the violence unfortunately is going to in in libya in fact progress the forces are
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moving closer towards bin ghazi which has become the de facto capital of the opposition forces in the east of the country in fact the opposition has held a rally there calling for the end of violence in the currency but at the same time we're getting these two troubling reports got out he made an order to his troops to kill everybody opposing his regime and to destroy everything in a very way so it's quite a complicated and dangerous situation both for ordinary people there in libya and for foreign citizens as well including journalists there have been several attacks on journalists during this conflict already just recently the crew of the al-jazeera t.v. channel was attacked and its cameraman was killed so the situation is quite still quite dangerous and it does seem that he is only getting. more power back
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in that's why the international community does have to act fast does have to come to a unified decision on what to do in this situation and according to media analysts time to make this decision is running out. thank you. top stories coming your way in just a few minutes in the meantime here with the business. hello and welcome to business the japanese yen it said its highest level against the u.s. dollar since the end of world war two it climbed as high as seventy six and of course in u.s. trading on wednesday but since fallen back and is currently trading at around seventy nine dollars market watchers blame the stronger yen on the repatriation of assets and foreign currency by japanese insurance meanwhile g seven finance
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ministers will meet on thursday to discuss how to deal with the global markets was and is expect ministers to give japan the you go ahead to intervene in currency markets steady yet earlier this week japan's central bank injected two hundred eighty four billion dollars in order to stabilize the country's financial markets which have been hit by a massive selloff take a look at the stock markets now are starting with asia the nec a raise some of the posts quake gains that saw on wednesday and closed down one point four percent shares in japan and elsewhere in asia dropped after u.s. officials said the risk of a catastrophic radiation leak from japan's earthquake stricken nuclear plant was rising and hong kong's hang seng closed down almost two percent one. european stocks are regaining some of the losses incurred in the previous sessions analysts say the key driver for the market is a notion that the g seven will cooperate to help ease the markets emergency meeting of global central bankers and finance ministers scheduled for tomorrow among the
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stocks currently enjoying the rebound of b.m.w. and saying that's their growth of three and a half percent. here in russia b r t s m i six are both trading in the black one point one percent while investors are keeping a close watch on updates on japan suppose quake radiation prices high oil prices are providing support to the markets similar to the stocks banking shares are the main winners this hours per bank almost three percent ross near. driven up by white world prices they're up. one point nine two point three percent respectively. in other news one of russia's biggest industrial agricultural holdings ross agro says it's planning to hold national public offering on the london stock exchange last year the company hopes to list twenty percent of its shares in russia but postponed the i.p.o. after the company's value of around one point two billion dollars failed to meet expectations now the company age to get at least three hundred million in order to finance potential acquisitions. russia is looking at other options for the south
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stream gas pipeline project deputy prime minister you can see it says the state is considering lowering costs or even replacing it with a liquefied natural gas system instead he comes after a visit moscow and wednesday to discuss several bilateral issues but key energy matters including south stream failed to make any headway so it is approval still needed to construct the pipelines under sea sections russia has already signed agreements with other countries to construct the overland that work lives make up of b.c.b. capital believes however that there is no else to the south stream. as far as the route is concerned there are not many alternatives most probably there will not be any ellen g. reduction of the black sea shore simply for the reason that the world no issues as far as before this concern in fact. russia starts producing over ellen g. it would have to roll secretaries part but for the for us for us
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so it's rather question whether the group needs. its cares or more russia is planning to sell as first person to year bond in thirteen years that's despite funding costs approaching the highest levels in a year in comparison with the debt maturing sooner. but the move which is the first russian since the one thousand nine hundred eight the fault is only aimed at the state. subjects deputy finance minister. said the state wants to provide a benchmark for russian companies seeking longer in the u.s. dollar and insisted the state had no attracting. analysts say the russian car market could become the sixth largest in twenty twenty by twenty with sales of four million cars a year the market grew seventy seven percent in the first two months of this year boosted by a scrap of program the cash for clunkers program and with the wider economy benefiting from higher oil prices one bunch of young outlined the growth potential
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and key concerns for your stream in the first couple of months were very successful for the russian automotive market by the end of the year expected. to grow old in the sector of about twenty percent year on one of the major issues over capacity and potential of the russian supplier base so the russian supplier base is one of the key factors that needs to be invested in by the government the international automotive community and other related stakeholders because this is what will drive a further sustainable growth. and that's it will be back here within one hour's time with another. like they were bout it.
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