tv [untitled] March 17, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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all. this is true no ball on steroids this is so this will be worse than sure what japan struggles to avert a nuclear meltdown using military hardware reactor itself the fukushima power plant but lack of progress leads to fears the scale of the disaster is being played down . the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government has the ability to deal with this problem the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog finally heads to japan amid criticism your comic agency has failed to get on top of the crisis. the unfolding of fukushima disaster could severely
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damage the image and bank account of the u.s. firm who designed the station india's already rethinking its business dealings with him. as more market that he continues to regain control also libya from the opposition russia pushes for a cease fire resolution in the u.n. security council after having declared productive persona non-grata. very warm welcome to business r.t. live from moscow now japan is struggling to regain control of the overheated reactors at the tsunami damaged fukushima nuclear plant after a series of blasts and fires forty engineers involved in managing the crisis have reportedly sustained injuries including a radiation exposure but military helicopters are dropping seawater onto the
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stricken reactors trying to avert a nuclear meltdown three out of six reactors are reported to be in a critical condition u.s. officials have a criticize the japanese government saying that and suggesting they are under playing the seriousness of the some. duration are these are the better it has been to the quake hit regions to meet first hand the people who are fleeing the area terrified the threat of. the sheer force of the tsunami was hard to comprehend until i saw this vehicles on houses it impossible angles it was as if the ground surface had been ripped off. this woman told us they'd never experienced such a powerful earthquake before and she feared for her life we weren't allowed out of the car at the coast the police were on high alert and suddenly there was panic. warnings of a five metre high wall of water heading our way go go go this man shouted at us we
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sped inland as fast as possible chased by others the last wave took just nine minutes after the earthquake to reach eight kilometers inland we didn't have long this was a false alarm but those already on their knees are bracing themselves for more than the relief center in sendai the newly homeless are given blankets and a cardboard sheet all nineteen floors of this building a full with everyone from infants to the elderly and i time spent here was bitterly cold and virtually sleepless some could be here for weeks everyone had a story to tell about their moment of terror. here. first an earthquake then the tsunami announce radiation roadblocks around fukushima appeared as early as saturday since then the fear has been steadily building just like that she gives its second hour to get past this jan of cars for wanting to
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fill up the air in fuel shortages they may not be visible listeria the anxieties from did essential stop filing as the threat escalates nor and more leaving i. i was traveling with this crew from new zealand when we heard there had been a fourth explosion planned quickly changed to an exit strategy. i met a nice young family from sendai and baby boy i was just five days old when the earthquake struck. the only thing i thought of when it happened was i have to save my baby how do you feel about the radiation i scared. that's why i have left some die i'm scared for my baby and i don't want him to get you know it can have a very negative impact on him on a train to tokyo it was more of the same this tourist has changed his flight out to the earliest of able to keep it small so this. is true.
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when it comes to radiation and people i've met here aren't sure the government is telling the full story and most aren't willing to wait around to find out why the bennetts. tokyo. so you can stay in touch with our correspondents firsthand experience as the center of events in japan on our twitter page and there it was a report about the enormous lines of parked cars queued up across the country with their owners of desperately petrol and the army is telling people to wear masks to protect them from the radiation i've got but it's our plates and today's other news are japan's crisis at a hundred r.t. right up to underscore the protocol. it's all energy advisor all of gunderson says that while the japanese government may be seeking to downplay the scale of the nuclear crisis but doesn't change the fact the situation is critical he thinks the consequences could be disastrous. this is true noble on steroids this is
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this will be worse than sure and the radiation exposure is are so high and site that i don't think human beings can get into the areas that need to be accessed in order to put the fire to put the fires out and also to get water into the locations where the big heat is the highest if there's any lucky thing that's happened so far as the wind has mainly been blown out to sea if the wind turns to the to the south i expect you will see radiation in tokyo i don't believe it will be enough to evacuate tokyo but i think it would be prudent to take precautions and try to stay out and stay out of the plume you know the asiatic region they're already beginning to reroute airlines because they're afraid of the the radiation landing on the airplane and you know about a plane from. moscow for instance will fly through that plume so it's it will
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definitely begin to affect asiatic travel i don't think the government is lying i do think the government is not telling them everything it knows you know i studied sure noble and i was an expert witness on three mile island and the government is always behind the eight ball only thinks they are deliberately trying to downplay the amount of radiation being released you know we saw it in the gulf of mexico too at the oil spill they underestimated the amount of oil that seems to be the way bureaucracies work now the head of the international atomic energy agency says that he's heading to plan on thursday that's almost a week after the nuclear crisis began in japan critics and a watchdog is a lagging behind and failing to keep on top of the crisis things i remember most co as more from talking. i missed reports that radiation levels in a japanese capital could be up to eleven times the normal people scramble to get away from. here in tokyo series do seem to be less visible at the epicenter of
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the transit there disaster fifty people remain struggling to keep the reactors under control but wait where is the international atomic energy agency the exponents of the peaceful use of nuclear power there here in japan arriving four days after the first explosion at the nuclear plant the i.a.e.a. is a promoter of nuclear power. is not any more efficient at solving this problem than fema was solving hurricane katrina's problems in the u.s. when the train approved when the proof is in the pudding you can clearly see that the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government and the very people who should be keeping tabs on the situation seem to have their little direct involvement in it in fact until now and the only source of information was the japanese government for years they were going to zation has been busy with their mission statement to maintain nuclear energy for peaceful means in two thousand and five and need increased inspections of iranian facilities
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the organization and its then chairman mohamed el baradei i was awarded a nobel peace prize but by the looks of it concerns over a possible unsanctioned uses of nuclear energy by countries like iran seem to have overshadowed the clear and present dangers of already existing nuclear power plants in countries like japan and now if they remain workers who have to battle fire smoke and radiation at what remains of the power plant there's only fifty people allowed in the plans of the mobs and they're working fifteen minutes shifts which is which is very little and they have to work very many things by hand because remote control installations have gone down. the main operating room is not usable because of the radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst with all six reactors
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showing signs of instability only fifty people remain face to face with a problem putting their lives interests while behind my view these seem to watch on from a safe distance if you go. tokyo or russia is close and you're watching the situation in it's far east in case any radioactivity reaches the coast there from japan our correspondents in the city of lot of us stock sharing thoughts on our twitter page so it's easier for me to show where i got our hands to go to has an i geiger counter which are now in high demand in that region it's currently monitoring the radio radiation levels there for us so i don't miss the latest updates at r.t. underscore dot com. gunter is part of the beyond nuclear campaign group in washington and says that construction of the reactors at the fukushima plant make the danger of radioactive contamination more likely.
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clearly two of the containment systems are damaged one may very well be unit three may very well be ruptured. in addition to the three reactor accidents all six of these nuclear power plants have tremendous amounts of nuclear waste stored in pools on top of the roof outside of containment and clearly unit number four the last report that we have it has lost all water cooling the fuel that is which in unit four they had offloaded the fuel out of the reactor so they put the entire reactor core into this rooftop pool so it's out of containment it's lost it has no water and clearly we have a full quarter meltdown maybe on its way without any containment whatsoever then there are the two other pools in the five and six that have been heating up and the
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concern is that if they do not restore power to that facility that all six reactors could become fully engaged in a meltdown. well that disastrous events in japan coupled with concerns voiced by several european leaders are hitting the country's economy hard to find out how the crisis is threatening the stability of its currency in our business bulletin later in the program but it's now a time to retreat for a quick preview. well it seems we're breathing pause because even though the situation is being monitored very closely at the moment we're seeing where we're going up but two and a half percent more than one hundred dollars per barrel for w.t.r. we're seeing global markets actually recovering from heavy losses we see in the previous sessions so yeah it seems that it's kind of eased out a bit but still a lot of tension remains and the situation is monitored very closely you'll find out more in fifteen minutes time in our business program. thanks for that we'll see you soon crisis at the fukushima plant has lots of criticism over the make up of
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the nuclear reactors designed by american general electric that was back in the one hundred seventy s. the company is unlikely to be held liable for major customers like india and not rushing to sign new contracts now that's what some of you know he goes on this and cross the line if you want he's pretty sure he was working for us in new delhi. high prio so do tell us what reaction so far to the events in japan has there been in india and of course the involvement of the us company general electric is the main designer of the fukushima nuclear reactors. that's right rory well reaction here in india has been mixed especially considering that the chairman of cheat jeffrey immelt was actually in india this week promoting his company's interest in investing millions of dollars into india's nuclear program which is as you may have to be worth around one hundred fifty billion dollars he announced that he plans to spend five million dollars here within the next five years but
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obviously many indians are worried about what they're seeing over in japan as you mentioned g.e. did design those nuclear reactors that have caused so much damage and destruction in fukushima. according to japanese law she will not be held liable for any of that which could save them potentially tens to hundreds of billions of dollars now this comes on top of a huge scandal that's rocking india today wiki leaks the whistle blowing web site actually released thousands of cables sewing that americans knew about bribes to indian politicians to make them sign that the u.s. indo nuclear deal back in two thousand and eight so that's clearly not helping american image here in the subcontinent right now rory. that would be the effect you think of japan's disaster for the future. of the indian nuclear industry as a whole is specially public a. great question while as i stated before at the hundred fifty
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billion dollar business here in india india is planning on increasing its nuclear atomic generation thirteen times by twenty thirty so there are several american companies not just g.e. that are very keen on trying to get a stake in that but as of right now india doesn't want to have another potential disaster like what they're seeing over in japan happening here especially given the fact that she isn't really being held responsible or accountable for what's happening over there so only time will tell but as you've seen since the days following that is that mr g.e. stock has been tumbling so you know we're going to have to wait and see what effect that has on its future plans to build nuclear reactors around the world and here in india as well you know as you were saying that the u.s. was plenty to invest one hundred fifty billion u.s. dollars over the next thirty years to spur revival but india's nuclear power industry doesn't all hang in the balance we'll have to wait and see so. what's going on at this moment to course of your life you think.
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i think it's a bit of weight and says that nuclear energy lobbyists in the us are well entrenched both in politics and the media and they're able to defend corporate interests even in the face so just pans disaster but what's going on here is we've got general electric even after the comcast merger still has a significant a stake in n.b.c. we see the nuclear lobby through the nuclear energy institute and all the other page shills in his town putting a full court press on every possible media outlet in addition to members of congress to make sure that nothing happens to affect the growth of nuclear power plants in this country and president obama i would add not only has jeffrey immelt as it is jobs and competitiveness of advisors on that white house panel but he took a lot of money from exelon a chicago based nuclear power plant company so basically what admiral has said many
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decades ago get the corporate board room out of the newsroom now we see the effects this. and i will be keeping you fully up to date with the events in japan on our facebook account you can join the heated debate and share your thoughts on the situation in japan latest stats suggest that at least five thousand five hundred people are dead almost nine thousand missing nearly twenty five hundred injured more details on that and of course our latest videos news blogs and other analysis all of that on our facebook page turns. out and out of some other news in libya fighting continues its forces loyal to colonel gadhafi close in on the main rebel stronghold of benghazi airstrikes targeted an airport just ten kilometers from the city proper of course suggest it comes after rebels rejected an ultimatum by could leave the city by thursday morning fighting also continues in the eastern town of. the army now says it has regained control and the u.n.
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security council is trying to decide on whether to impose a no fly zone and sanctions with russia pushing for a cease fire. was going off to bring us more details on this developing story. how you go to so well russia has a veto power on any of the security council resolution so what's been its response so. russia has russia does have the view in fact the u.n. security council still remains divided over the whole idea nor fly zone it is clear that the entire international community has strongly criticized more want to go if he's actions russia is no exception here just just recently the president. has announced that more want to go that he is persona non grata here meaning he and his family are not a welcome in russia. also going to his family members from conducting any
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financial operations here in the country. previously russia did support the set of u.n. sanctions i guess got that he's a regime which would prohibit the seals all forms and also include travel and financial. mel idea no fly zone still hasn't been decided in the united nations security council even though it's being supported by the united states france and great britain russia stands. brushes against it and stands for the complete and. complete cease of violence in libya and is also against any foreign military intervention and this is being backed by china and germany which is currently a temporary member of the u.n. security council and we've been discussing it the entire day on with the they are
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still expected to discuss it on thursday it's not clear whether they'll be able to reach a unanimous decision on this whole idea and it is a raising quite a lot of discussion and there are several stumbling points of this whole project and that's according to russia's foreign minister silvio says that for sure civil even though the arab league has supported the idea all feel no fly zone people still said that they are against any foreign military intervention and the arab league has not provided a concrete the details of when held this no fly zone may be implemented so it's not clear whether it will actually need the use of force and secondly even though the arab league has supported the resolution of the whole idea of this no fly zone moment ago that he is continuing to regain control of libya from the opposition and
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it's not clear whether the idea of cannot no fly zone is still relevant if it will help to resolved. situation there but the heirs of the u.n. security council continues to debate over of this resolution meaning and always see that time is running out for them to make a u. that is decision and you know as we understand it the main purpose of the supposed no fly zone would be to stop gadhafi from bombing. i think of protesters who are who are still fighting against government forces out and you could as well. after forty years in power in libya moammar gadhafi has his own unique view on what is happening a country right now. we have a democracy it's democracy of the people we have people's assemblies people's committees no demonstrations against the current regime in libya have been met with fire and we are dealing with something important tools from the broad i mean al qaeda. business with dimitri.
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thanks rory the japanese yen as it is highest level against the us dollar since the end of the second world war and climbed as high as seventy six and a quarter in u.s. trading on wednesday but it's since for them back and is currently trading at around seventy nine but all the market watches blame the stronger yen on the repatriation of assets and foreign currency by japanese insurance firms he while g seven finance ministers will meet on thursday to discuss how to deal with the global markets when the city alice expect ministers to give the plan to go ahead to intervene in currency markets steady earlier this week to grand central bank injected two hundred eighty four billion dollars in order to stabilize the country's financial markets which have been hit by a massive selloff move now to the stock markets in asia then take a raise some of the post gave this on wednesday and closed down one point four
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percent shares in japan and elsewhere in asia dropped after u.s. officials said the risk of a catastrophic radiation leak from france earthquake stricken nuclear plant was rising saying and down one point three percent european stocks are regaining some of the losses incurred in previous sessions and the so-called drive of the market is the notion that g seven will corporates to help ease the market's emergency meeting of global central bankers and finance ministers is to look for tomorrow among the stocks currently enjoying the rebound our royal dutch shell and high oil prices. which are both by more than three and a half percent. of the r.t.s. and also enjoying gains of one point three one point four percent while investors are keeping a close watch on updates on japan's radiation crisis high oil prices are providing support to the markets second some of the individual shares banking shares are the main witness bank up two point six percent ninety seven rubles energy shares are
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all. also on the rise as we've seen w c i over one hundred dollars per barrel threshold ross now after two and a half percent lukoil three point three percent higher. in other news one of russia's biggest industrial agricultural holdings reuss grow says it's planning to hold initial public offering on the london stock exchange last year the company hopes to lose twenty percent of its shares in russia but postponed the i.p.o. of the company's value of around one point two billion dollars bail to meet expectations now the company aims to get at least three hundred million in order to finance a potential acquisition. russia is considering different options for the south stream gas pipeline project deputy prime minister says the state is looking at lowering costs or even replacing it with a liquefied natural gas system instead it comes after a turkish delegation visit norsk on wednesday to discuss several bilateral issues
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but key energy matters such as south stream failed to make any headway turkey's approval is still needed to construct the pipelines undersea section russia has already signed agreements with other countries to construct the overland network now you have sneaker v.t. campus who believes however there is no alternative to the south stream pipeline. as far as this is concerned there are not many alternatives most broadly there will not be any l. and g. reduction in the black sea for simply for the reason that the. issues. or so. he rushes those producing only when she would have all the secretaries part of the experts for the us was. so it's rather question whether the group needs. more. shareholders of russia's second largest mobile operators approve the six billion dollar purchase of wind teleco on the decision means when
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bill cohen will now be able to complete the transaction with egypt's wind because quite strong opposition from tel and or the russian operators second largest shareholder and says include a tally and mobile operator win and a controlling stake in telecom the cairo based companies with telecoms businesses in africa the middle east and asia will call notes to finalize the deal by the end of june which will make you one of the world's biggest mobile operators by number of subscribers. russia is planning to sell its first thirty year bonds in thirteen years past despite funding costs approaching their highest levels in a year in comparison with debt maturing sooner but the move which is russia's first since the one nine hundred ninety eight the fault is only aimed at the states broadening its investor braids seventy finance minister the nuclear bank in the said the state wants to provide a benchmark for russian companies seeking long good there in the united states
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dollar and insisted the states had no need attracting. now let's say the russian car market could become the sixth largest by twenty twenty with sales of four million cars a year the market grew seventy seven percent in the first two months of this year compared to last year boosted by its scrappage program and with the economy benefiting from oil prices then arris editor of the business new europe magazine says russia's motor industry is a success story for investors. it's a rare example of just republished say tax breaks and what have you by the government designed supermoto investment into a particular sector benefits and as such it's hitting all of the government's goals to exploit them if most people say investment in some assurance very low for investment in the cossacks every major player in the world is pretty much here moreover they've just committed themselves to doubling or tripling their production in the factories and going up in the various clusters including in simply just but
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as my name is daniel schmidt this is julian assange we're here to make a short presentation about the we can fix project. the first step in the fourth grade is to get information out about the real world. to hear more on the matter under. the secrecy is the biggest. enemy of the market you're going. to find it difficult and sauces and dangerous you would hunt me down and kill. this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the country because it has become more about this all the james bond. than about the actual information. but thank you. the whole people around the mole. like me.
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