tv [untitled] March 17, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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bryson if you move soon from stupid. stunts on t.v. don't come. here in the russian capital you want with the top stories now japan and struggles to have a nuclear meltdown the potential to cool the overheating reactors of the tsunami damaged fukushima power plant bring no immediate success because let's face the scale of the disaster is being played down. the head of the un a nuclear watchdog finally heads to japan amid criticism the atomic agency has failed to get on top of the crisis. unfolding the fukushima disaster could severely
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damaged the image and the bank account open to us for who designed the station in india is already rethinking its business dealings with the company in general the next. and in libya pro-government forces regained more ground from rebels russia right meantime there's pushing for a u.n. cease fire resolution after declaring colonel gadhafi a son a non grata. but i meet the growing threat of a critical reactor meltdown in japan emergency services aided by international rescue teams suffering a slow country why recovery effort in an exclusive interview with r.t. with a sort of a short group of russia's emergencies minister in order to discuss the progress and the challenges facing japan's government do stick with us. thank you very much for finding time for us today how do you assess today's situation in japan. this situation is extremely difficult it's probably the
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first case for the last thirty years or even longer but at the very least it's the first case i remember of a large scale natural disaster causing a large scale manmade disaster it involves not only the kind of damage that happens often such as damage to the transportation system communication system ruined great is failure of some conventional plants or factories but it also involves a most complicated and difficult disaster the nuclear radiation issue it is the first case both in the history of japan and world history of such large scale destruction and damage to economy industry and power production in this kind of situation it is not only about restoring the life sustaining systems for the population would put also about taking care of safety of both the environment and our neighbors. everybody. is on the priority list of your japanese counterpart now and how it's changing as to earthquake recovery works are progressing but. the top priority is as usual and ensuring protection of the
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population from radiation to the largest possible extent the japanese emergency system is facing multiple challenges that require immediate solutions and as we mentioned already russia is ready to help solve these issues i'll go through the middle order of priority now of top priority are the issues of protection from radiation that involves evacuation of the population and evacuation involves all the other issues such as provision of food and shelter the next priority has to do with a high chance of epidemic outbreaks there is a huge number of dead and we should remember that in addition to people a lot of farm animals and pets tied to so that's the second issue to tackle and solve and as we're following our japanese colleagues activities we see that this problem hasn't yet been solved but i hope that it will and we are ready to support for them should they need our help for consultation the third issue is drinking water drinking water problems on such a large territories with over five hundred thousand people having lost their homes
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it's not a. homes they also lost their sources of food and drinking water so the drinking water problem has to be addressed immediately and restoring water supplies will prevent a second priority issue i already mentioned earlier the epidemic outbreaks the next issue is a very serious one but i think that we need to set up a serious expert group which would assess the whole bulk of issues related to the chemical security with that's because there were some production facilities of different kinds in the affected area and as we go down the priority list there is the transportation problem due to damaged communications lines bridges and roads further there is the power supply problem now on the whole it is a very large complex emergency situation which requires imminent solutions to multiple problems civil taney asli and that's what's important these problems are interdependent thus if the radiation protection issue fails to be solved that will mean that all issues in suing from the evacuation of people from there moving across the land will grow bigger and bigger and then one thing will lead to another as in a domino effect that could are going to cause russian help in japan i would write
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in. the package of what we offer our japanese counterparts can be larger than it stands at present as you know russia is the largest international rescue team currently deployed there that's one hundred sixty five people the people we dispatched an mit six helicopter it's there and it's ready to be used for a delivery including drinking water and for transporting people aboard that's a heavy helicopter capable of carrying up to twenty tons of cargo we are working on a request from our japanese partners for a batch of warm blankets bed linen and all other essentials for accommodating people in shelters on top of that we offered medical help we have two hospitals which can be rolled out within three hours these hospitals have already operated in turkey afghanistan kosovo they've worked all over the world these are highly qualified specialists with extensive experience we also offered our drinking water filtering units i mean i'm not telling you what kind of help we have offered.
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further we offered services of our experts with experience from response to the chernobyl disaster the receiving party naturally can see and decide when to accept one or another kind of help and resources including help from abroad over one hundred countries have offered their help and. their job is to rescue even in situations beyond man's control in the current situations what resources are most important for rescue or for. the most important resource now is evacuation i mean setting up evacuation facilities and shelters to ensure that people would have places which would be as comfortable as possible for them to live through this hard time before recovery gain speed this requires medical support supplies of water and food providing shelter this may not sound like much as i say it but it involves a great deal to do it's a lengthy large scale operation because it also involves children and infants and providing them with baby food it involves taking care of sick people such as diabetes patients thus we need to provide insulin and many other things further it
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requires medical monitoring of people's conditions and ailments that it requires medical therapy in short if the huge number of things but today in the current situation this is challenge number one all other tasks will ensue its progress is made as you watching your colleagues from japan what you say you are exactly the same way or maybe differently. it's hard to teach and tell anything here we're trying to give some advice on things we can see from here it's like a in order to tell exactly how we would act under such circumstances we'd have to be in their shoes the things that we know that we have experienced we include in our reports and we deliver them to the japanese side. many experts from japan came to our country to study the chernobyl disaster they studied the after effects on million garments on children and adults on the thought plans on vegetation they invested a huge amount of money in these studies into a large amount of work together with russian researchers those. they did their best
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to use that situation to their advantage and i believe that as bad as it may sound now we and our experts must do our best to use the situation to our advantage in order to render help that's our task number one and secondly in order to ensure that mankind including russia would learn well the lessons the situation is teaching us this includes the positioning of these potentially dangerous facilities calculating all existing risks introducing new emergency response mechanisms but the most important thing is that when such large scale emergencies happen you begin to understand that wars are pointless why do people fight against each other we have this war here this is more destructive than wars such natural disasters destroy huge territories with man made objects the results of people's work their endeavor and the worst thing of course is that people themselves die this is the enemy that we should all fight together. with frailty of our existence. yes frailty of our existence i agree with you but this is our common enemy forces
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of nature our common foe and we need to learn how to fight against it together with how can society care for such disasters is it even possible for a coastline to protect itself from the tsunami of. the risk management system that our japanese colleagues have for counteracting such natural disasters both quakes and tsunami is one of the best in the world they check their emergency alert systems daily every day at a certain time sound signals go off and if they are not heard somewhere people should report this i was at this place and i didn't hear the alarm the japanese also have regular drills practicing emergency procedures for cases like tsunami and earthquakes so a group that includes experts my colleagues people who deal with emergency situations scientists you have your energy and territorial planning specialists who study seismic effects on continents and violence but it should work in the framework of the un has come up with siri. guidelines for positioning of these
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facilities this float knows no borders or customs no matter what kinds of barriers we try to create it crosses all of them so all together we will have to answer the question about what could have been done differently in order to secure nuclear facilities from tsunami threats we have to build them far from the coastline and asked for earthquakes there are certain issues there too in this case all eleven reactors responded to the seismic activity and began to shuttle four to magically the problem was with the cooling systems within. the japanese are giving more information about what is really going on there and how they are hand there and what kind of risk assessment had when the situation at the japanese nuclear power plant. there are two risk categories here the first category has to do with what happens inside the country risks are very high there are specialists and authorities are not trying to cover up those risks and taking steps to evacuate people and also offering new methods of protection if we talk about the situation
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outside japan in the bordering states we will have to assess any damages to the environment later seawater was used for cooling and we know about the water cycle so it goes back into the environment we will have to see how this will affect the sea it's flora and fauna naturally our service works twenty four seven we're taking measurements hourly we have a special aviation group they take samples of the air on the come check up an insular cycling cruel islands and to more ski cry we doubled the number of our monitoring stations were samples are taken and analyzed them regularly in the last two days we simulated the worst case scenario and it showed that there is no serious threat for the russian people. but any scenario. of course we have to monitor the development of the situation a week ago nobody could have predicted the situation we see now who would have thought at six we actors would be in critical condition so we need to monitor and assess all this there is a saying that we learn from our mistakes such
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a big tragedy. is a serious lesson for us all i would even compare it to a laboratory there is a lot to learn from this part of the japanese authorities are urging people to stay inside and this is something that was learned after chernobyl if you remember the evacuation in chernobyl started in the midst of the heaviest radiation leak the right thing would have been sustained side keeping all windows and doors closed for the evacuation should have started when everything was ready so the people didn't have to wait for buses outside standing there for two or three hours it should have been done very quickly so they learned their lessons from we are learning our lessons of course we want our colleagues to handle it successfully i told the ambassador that if there is anything we can help with we are ready to do it. and place a pastoral according to your experts assessment and. it's hard to tell even japanese sources are giving different numbers of dead and missing people but our guys are saying that considering the state of destruction and density of population the death toll will be over ten thousand of course i should mention the lessons we
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learned from chernobyl as an emergency response force we built a large robotic sensor we have big heavy robots that are able to clean of debris at high levels of radiation or when there is a chemical hazard i highly recommend you visit the center look at what these robots can do it is important for people in our country to understand that we have been moving forward improving emergency response mechanisms courtesy. thank you very much for this interview thank you. wealthy british style. sometimes.
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the world is seeing from the streets of canada. shanghai operations are today. the headlines on our t.v. japan struggles to avert a nuclear meltdown but attempts to cool the overheating reactors at the tsunami damaged fukushima power plant bring no immediate success because there's lots of fears the scale of the disaster is being played down. the head of the u.n. a nuclear watchdog finally heads to japan and criticism however of the atomic agency has failed to get on top of the crisis. the unfolding the fukushima disaster could severely damage the image on the bank account of the u.s. for the design for the station india is already rethinking its business dealings with the company general electric. and in libya pro-government forces regain more
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ground from rebels russia is pushing for a u.n. cease fire resolution after declaring colonel gadhafi persona non-grata. rhino type of sports with. hello welcome to the sports news and here the top stories. semifinal targets about july have looked to move into the k h l last fall they take on champions outclassed on the road. block advantage moscow's track had a one goal lead as they prepared to host i actually the deciding second leg in a busy last sixteen night in the europa league. and the last place chelsea and well hundred snuffed out the last quarter final places had a friday's draw in the champions league. that starts on the ice they were k.h. our regular season champions on god or in action in the playoff quarter finals
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against metal the sides are tied it to all in their best of seven series and seize up all square in this again even game in overtime this is the slowest tell about you last could go through to the last for that three one up in their series against at gloucester and just one more win to join look at what's in the semifinals let's go with the first team to go through it in overtime win against the nunnery go outlines that panel goes around themselves to down top it to the second period where they produce only using come back xander grabbing a brace to level the timing of the rule that was his first second something to overturn their young and caught up with the winner something occurred in the spring the playoffs afterwards he said nothing came out all guns blazing the third period and sparring team to guide them up the elemental mix by that i planned to start investing in spinal. so i don't look at winning their best of seven series for one
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last consequences but i could have joined them in the last ball they threw away an early lead to lose three one to atlanta some highlights however it still stock was better priced aggressed beating their tight three two over all. these bands play as me and i shall have recently become a regular size in european hockey teams but they'll no longer be plying their trade in front of kontinental hockey league grounds this year according to president aleksander medvedev who spoke exclusively with r.t. . some folks like that we will not see your such measures next season and there were only one reason that really chilled because they are so to say usually business like approach so well offer was also a favorable one for little girls and even for us a laser would do it for us. if you compare for old west coast money i would assume. also though for spring for spring as well so maybe.
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before. your four hundred percent sure that the. museum. will tone of the possibility to get money because maybe they could get this money from europeans but the good german possibility play explains the interest. for their own game for some of this and petition against my schedule. football now and the players of zillions and twenty will be wearing black on browns during the second leg of their europa league last sixteen times some pieces but tonight a move is in support of russia goalkeeper yet just love mother whose wife died in a car crash earlier this morning but as left has been replaced in gold by you know of following the tragedy that's the match will go ahead as planned the northern ca dollar to overturn a three mile deficit to their debt for opponents and coach and transfer letters confident decide to manage this reach the quarter finals of the strikers alex on
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the cut off the medics on the first of course back in training after injury problems. and elsewhere to scout lost one mil to porto in moscow last week and have to score in portugal tonight the strikers bar the love and saving do india have yet to find the back of the net since the russian winter break india will undergo and they witnessed test i was on midfielders. and one solace of those back that. kind of help us pass that moscow has the best chance of all three russians size after winning one nil as my x. in the first leg or a white satin dress surprise cornell defeat at last off in the russian premier league on monday that's the only card in spanish hoping to put that defeat behind them from the one found solution has made. a choice psychological it played it restored and one is going to play against yucks are worlds apart we're going to field a lot of players who didn't play it was still the choice so i don't think that you keep good terms of their moods that's why i don't have any particular fees on the spot auction route and head of the game of interest however opponents i aks haven't
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had the greatest preparation ahead of this match their staff thought would miss their final training session after been stuck at passport control these are problems which accompanies has no. my ex really faced a tough chance to get to sponsor his side he hadn't beaten for its hands however that may become even harder after nearly instantly money was forced to sit out in some its final training session as he was trying to get past possible control of most crucially need to airports although serbia has a visa waiver program with russia solely danny has an old passport which calls to hold out what you have to do as a professional you have to be focused on living. from the. issues and it is a shoe in especially for me on the other players this will be for years. already. and we are for. every dutchman didn't
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already have enough problems or who played on the losing side both played so i actually a champions league quarter final against an attack in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight you also have to do what i goalkeeper martin still can berg but number one broke his thumb and will be out of action for at least six weeks of course you're one of the best go companies seem to say. so we have a lot of confidence and. in europe. if you go to. only what you hear all the money. poured for the fees and. interest everything everybody is talking. about also have to contend with context plastic peach because the world doesn't believe that indeed his name but more important is finding the back of the needs something that i expect plenty of chance to in a personally unfortunate and then they were unable to find a way possibly you can hopefully we're going to create chances. for normally if you
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create the last week in real good chances maybe ten a half genesis. and. you know if you only get tired of that then normally a european league level means that you have created a lot of chances and confidence and i'll close that. now we'll see and make goals out of the sponsor called a swindle leave from the first leg of the i.x. arena freely battle for the dutch try to leave and last years to basically almost two months ago a bit hoping they could probably manage to get their first win against a rush then ends at a four to ten hours i go in with a great chance of making the law states after a fine one nil victory in amsterdam a week ago all they're up against and i inside have been in good form recently and only lost twice since the turn of the new year and frankly world's team showed we can go in amsterdam and then more than capable of creating chances of i have to
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start taking them if they're going to any chance of making a quarter finals or to see moscow. and elsewhere five time european champions liverpool are talking up their chances against braga despite one the deficit after last week's away leg any dalglish's maul the one reason to hope for victory home advantage is one of those about the portly under carroll's finally face enough to make his first start for the reds england striker is the most expensive british player ever after moving from newcastle correct where fifty six million dollars in january has been out with a client three ever since captain steven gerrard is still sidelined it's allegations positive the reds complete loss rates defeat in portugal behind them. but we're going to. be appropriate for just a bit over most but we were very disappointed. for them as we greatly think we can . probably do. so people are going to step up and. if we don't. have it with
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a bunch of so all together there are eight matches taking place this thursday night rain just space p.s.v. eindhoven falling is going to stall in their first match and big spenders manage to city have a really tough task as they has been on actually have been having to go advantage from the first leg in ukraine as city manager of a veteran cine remains confident with us. so it's important that you can score off there for in the rough there are from our important players. very strong we don't consider him africa to be no cure because even if you resist called the breakwater dark. and very important for. your attention. meanwhile chelsea and ray are madrid snaps at the last quarter final spots in the champions league and they'll now draw with copenhagen at stamford bridge was enough to say carlo ancelotti side progress tells you how to go cushion from the first like the mandatories came on as
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a substitute those three great it's called rags it is goal is that these three two no on our previous roles that three no winners i believe you are the one about. eight minutes before the interval the second hole strikes including fans in art and i feel the memory of that spanish side through all one and i will get he coached jersey really has no idea unbeaten record at home intact. tennis now and well number one rafael nadal has led the top seeds charge into the quarterfinals of indian wells masters the spaniard enjoyed his toughest match so far in california because to make it through in straight sets. on their development seven five six four. itself cracked the college to eighteen next round. and also through second seed roger federer the swiss master proved too strong for teenage wild card one harrison the local boy did force a tie break in the first set that wrapped up the second six three singles and
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patrick stand back three. and let's see how over the top of each play in the easiest win if it's a straight i can challenge steamrollered fellow serbian viktor troicki in just over an hour and it's conceded just more game in the process placed sarcastic next. and that's all from small. for the finish line we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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