tv [untitled] March 17, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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because i'm closer to the mill stone hotel some of the old country house holiday inn the pool goldman's house the river runs through me the cheers the feel the multitude of the world the rubens hotel. the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government but aren't of a very people who should so just where is the international atomic energy agency japan nears a nuclear meltdown. and while general electric may be off the hook in japan quit their business in india be on the chopping block. the american dream is a bust for the moment for a lot of people and so is the people's trust in their government so is it that the system that's in decline or was the u.s. set up to fail all along. and an uncertain resolution the u.s. is passing on a no fly zone for libya but instead wants
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a range of military strikes so how will the u.n. security council vote we'll have a live update. it's thursday march seventeenth four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for is out there watching our team. as a developing crisis an unprecedented disaster i'm talking of course about the situation in japan at the fukushima daiichi plant so dangerous in fact that r.t.d. has even pulled its news crews out of the area while workers at the power plant and japanese authorities rush against the clock there's another agency that seems to be moving at a snail's pace i'm talking about the i.a.e.a. international atomic energy agency that's responsible for keeping tabs on all cases of peaceful use of nuclear power artie's arena reports on its role in the crisis which appears now to be pretty minor. i missed reports that radiation levels in the
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japanese capital could be up to eleven times the norm people scramble to get away from the invisible killer here in tokyo series do seem to be less visible usual at the epicenter of the plans a clear disaster fifty people remain struggling to keep the reactors under control but tonight where is the international atomic energy agency the exponents of the peaceful use of nuclear power they're here in japan arriving four days after the first explosion at the nuclear plant the i.a.e.a. as well as a promoter of nuclear power whose job is not to necessarily be able to come to the rescue of failed attempts at maintaining quality design and and protecting the public from natural disaster such as we're dealing with here although they'll sell that message when the train approved when the proof is in the pudding you can clearly see that the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government the very people who should be keeping tabs on the situation seemed to
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have bear little direct involvement in it and in fact until now and the only source of information was the japanese government for years the organization has been busy with their mission statement to maintain nuclear energy for peaceful means and two thousand and five and need increased inspections of iranian facilities the organization and its then chairman mohamed el baradei i was awarded a nobel peace prize but by the looks of it concerns over a possible un sanction houstons of nuclear energy by countries like iran seem to have overshadowed the clear and present dangers of already existing nuclear power plants in countries like japan and now if they remain in workers who have to battle fire smoke and radiation at what remains of the fukushima power plant there's only fifty people out in the plant of the mobs and they're working fifteen minute shifts which is bit is very little and they have to work very many things by. homes
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because remote control installations have gone down the main operating room is is not usable because of radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst all six reactors showing signs of instability only fifty people remain face to face with a problem putting their lives at risk while the high and mighty in her eighty's seem to conform to watch on from a safe distance in an artsy tokyo and despite what some of the stockholders might fear general electric is unlikely to be held liable for the failure of those nuclear reactors at the fukushima plant in japan still there is the reaction to this on a global scale including in a country that has lately been dripping and development and talking about india and are pretty sure there is a new delhi with more. reaction here in india has been mixed especially considering that the chairman of g.e.
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jeffrey immelt was actually in india this week promoting his company's interest in investing millions of dollars into india's nuclear program which is similar to be worth around one hundred fifty billion dollars he announced that he plans to spend five million dollars here within the next five years but obviously many indians are worried about what they're seeing over in japan as you mentioned g.e. did design those nuclear reactors that have caused so much damage and destruction in fukushima and according to japanese law she will not be held liable for any of that which could save them potentially tens to hundreds of billions of dollars now this comes on top of a huge scandal that's rocking india today wiki leaks the whistle blowing web site actually released thousands of cables that americans knew about bribes to indian politicians to make them sign that the u.s. nuclear deal back in two thousand and eight so that's clearly not helping american image here in the subcontinent right now as i stated before it's one hundred fifty
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billion dollars business here in india india is planning on increasing its nuclear atomic generation thirteen times by twenty thirty so there are several american companies not just g.e. that are very keen on trying to get a stake in that but as of right now india doesn't want to have another potential disaster like what they're seeing over in japan happening here especially given the fact that g.e. isn't really being held responsible or accountable for what's happening over there so only time will tell but as you've seen since the days following the disaster of g.e. stocks have been tumbling so you know we're going to have to wait and see what a fox that has on its future plans to build nuclear reactors around the world and here in india as well. both become a catch phrase lately for many of the potential republican presidential candidates for the two thousand and twelve election american decline mired in two wars and confronting a thirteen trillion dollar deficit americans are increasingly getting that up with
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the fed and are taking to the streets are killing ford has a look on the policies and politics that are breaking down confidence in america itself thanks thanks thanks. thanks poppy can we scream thank you watched. the speech in wisconsin regex and the lightning well. there's no reason that everybody can have a little bit. the top two percent shouldn't get everything the level of confidence in the us system of government is the lowest thirty five years according to a recent poll as budgets go broke and both parties probably. see rage at the big corporations and lobbyists were seen as hijacking the west democracy was
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going by mary was trying to occupy the office and demanding the return of collective bargaining rights in response and it across the united states and paying me to see an attack on what the attack on our until we get the intention of the entire united states working class families and will be in every state in every city until the recognition is here it's a symptom of the growing unrest spreading across america as food prices rose three point nine percent in february it was serious. at some of going to fifty dollars and i'll get a lot of food the largest month thinking in thirty six years that's the tragedy of inflation it redistributes income from some people who get the new more to the people who get the new money first and from the people that whose has what wages that do not rise coupled with the highest gasoline cost for american households expected to reach two thousand eight hundred dollars this year some say the federal
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reserve's monetary policies are squeezing regular americans dry people are or are being stretched financially and i think some of them are also gold because they see the dismissive attitude of the federal reserve. and that speculation on wall street has brought more hunger to main street the american dream is a bust for the moment for a lot of people. but not i i would say for the bankers and the speculators on wall street they they are nimble enough and they operate in very little. marketable vehicles like stocks bonds commodities that kind of thing so that they're able to preserve their wealth in inflationary money. the rest has even become the highlight of the two thousand and twelve campaign whether either party will be able to truly harness its prestige with the entire political remains to be seen here in port arthur washington d.c.
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. so as we're seeing more and more and kalen just reported confidence in the u.s. system of government at its lowest point in thirty five years with just twenty three percent of americans saying they're optimistic about our government and how well it works this according to a new a.b.c. news washington post poll so what does this all mean particularly when looking ahead to an uncertain future to help answer this question i got austin texas where radio host alex jones is all right alex you and i have spoken about this before and here it is these blaring numbers not think that one thousand nine hundred seventy four people had this low of confidence in the system of government and this is the year remember that president nixon resigned just after the most common unpopular war the vietnam war and here we are today what do you think americans are so worried about. well you notice the tea party saying agree and then you also got the so-called left with the unions who are angry but this is the wages of globalism
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this is been the globalist plan wall street financed john mccain they financed barack obama barack obama run by wall street openly has called for more taxes because they're going to transfer those taxes offshore to the big mega central banks that are represented here in the u.s. by the private seller deserves so what's going to happen is the government is going to use these giant cords of people that in their wages cut losing their insurance to having their pension funds raided loose upon what's left of the middle class chain give us a piece of reply they're going to take the. people who are making one hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars they're going to take their money and then they're never really even going to get any of it and it's going to go to the bankers so this is all been very carefully orchestrated and they've done this in third world nations and european nations over and over again and so it's it's a very sophisticated issue pressure from above and below instead of looking at the actual cause of this we're looking at the symptoms this is nafta this is get this
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is deindustrialization this is globalism this is the out of control regulation smothering jobs in north america and shipping of the third world in developing countries like china if you don't write off the one point five quadrillion into rivets created by the big six mega banks who are paying most of our taxes to pay off that we don't owe if we go the way of greece and ireland who have signed on to a debts that the bankers have then there's no way to get out of this you could get rid of all the wealth or you could get rid of the union you could get rid of social security and it would never pay off a fraction of the one point five could really at the bankers engineered this to take a once most powerful wealthy nation in the world and turn us into get servants of the tea party doesn't understand it's really it's very complex and the mainline liberals are protesting change give us more of the pie the pa has been raw the bankers are the right target of big central bankers but you don't defeat them by
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raising taxes and handing out some more chicken feet you can feed them by arresting them for the crimes they've committed and writing off their one thousand five hundred trillion and you talk about this large portions of the pie going to the bankers there's also another place that a lot of the pie is going to knock the defense budget thirdly in this poll there was another set of questions that was asked of the people these are questions related to the war in afghanistan now first of all the question is the war worth fighting sixty four percent said no and when asked whether or not president obama should start pulling troops out this summer as originally planned seventy three percent of them with three quarters of this country say yes so alex who is right well just a month who is the current right or the people. well the people are right and these wars are unconstitutional and illegal so it's also illegal what's happening but. the polls you're citing are quote scientific other scientific polls show eleven percent approval rating of congress show over eighty percent wanting to end the war
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they always say they're going to end the war two years and now they've announced in two more years this is all a manipulation it's all basically psychological warfare and that's why the us is becoming more authoritarian because as it becomes evident that the people are being ignored that we actually don't run this country there's going to be resistance now and it's like you see in the middle east and the governments answer is to clamp down which on one defense authorization act of two thousand and seven states that the pentagon is preparing for insurrection in the states and to suppress state governors and legislatures we don't have a real government we have a rogue government that is basically looting this country and until you get a real government back in place any reform will only be twisted into a scam to further vertically integrate well so wall street gets hundreds of billions in bonuses every year either of those parasites go who are waging war on a real economy where there is no end in sight things are only going to get worst on
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this journey towards our well your nightmare it seems like what you're saying al is that all sort of third world back to the same place every time you were talking about unrest in the middle east we've also seen a little bit of it i hear in this country we certainly thought in with content we just saw a report kalen said as it were think some of it here do you think death is perhaps the start of something bigger. oh undoubtedly the pentagon four years ago called up public reports preparing for martial law and civil unrest but but not pointing out what it triggered at the food prices the commodities the dollar devaluation british ministry of defense four years ago as well this is all been planned out i've been to urban warfare drills in the last decade where they have rolled players saying i'm an american don't take my guns don't put me on a campus and i film at least a two thousand and three on the labs they have been preparing this the rand corporation has written a reply and this is economic conquest by the off were private banks against the entire world would you do what russia did and kick out the oligarchy and arrest them instead of letting them fully rob us i think it's interesting that you brought
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up the food prices to this is certainly something that's very current we're getting new numbers out these prices continue to rise and that thirdly is going to be passed on to those consumers what do you think i mean there's talk of inflation there's talk of different things but just in this growing number of hungry people in america talk about that as it relates to this frustration with a system well as you know it was like egypt half the population which two dollars or less a day and here in this nation our courts spend in organon now it's a very money on basic transportation and food and as food prices are the highest they've been in the end actually since the early one nine hundred seventy s. when people start losing everything in their bellies are going to have to get desperate and we now see reports that forty three states are technically bankrupt and the federal government's preparing to bail them out with the federal government's even more bankruptcy to simply than greece or ireland and so again
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either we write off all this fraudulent debt start over and make wall street take a severe haircut or these greedy people are going to like a horde of locusts eat the meat off our bones and fly off to the next country so it's just that simple and you know allies we don't usually talk too much about major international issues. but i was on your website earlier and present when i saw that you had written something about the pentagon as it relates to the situation in japan and give us a sort of your take just very briefly on what you see as happening here well it's just like the guardian reports today about robots fake social network systems pushing us propaganda no it's bankers and criminal corporations that have seized the us it's their propaganda in america's name well not in my name and it's it's the same thing that you were just talking about the cia is on record over in your i am managing thanks for general electric of fukushima cataclysm it's happened so
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they can keep building more of these dangerous reactors all over the world because the cia doesn't work for us they work for wall street that created the cia and it runs our nation it's simple america does not run america that's why it's gone from a lot of liberty and admired of the example of human dignity and freedom of example of the evil empire so just as the soviet empire was an evil empire ronald reagan called out this in part is he going to bigger and better and more scientific and it goes down or we all go down with it we don't have a choice it's us or them choose sides we're at a historic crossroads right now all right alex downes radio host of the alex stone show joining us from austin thank you. also ahead here on our world leaders have different solutions for libya's future so how will the un u.n. security council vote we'll have a live report. plus a look at american policy parkers the when it comes to libya and bahrain seems u.s. interests are outweighing protesters want. what drives the world the
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fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions that's completely break through that thirty day who can you trust no one will issue an interview with a global mission originally where we have a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question morning. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think the bombings even well. were never government says they're for keeping safe get ready because you're the you're freed up.
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for flimsy low in fact he has told us all about islam and nothing people are suggesting she's. you know she says she's a young star. state . all right let's turn now to the situation in libya right now the united nations is meeting to discuss what action if any to take since it appears approaches office forces are continuing to gain ground in the violence there increases are to correspond on
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a sponsor going to is live in our new york studio not far from the u.n. and brings us this update on a dossier from what i understand there should be a vote in just a couple of hours what are you hearing. well christine certainly quite a few ads are probably being popped at the united nations security council as we speak with so many cooks in the kitchen trying to figure out exactly what how and when they're going to do in libya now we have heard that france has said that a vote should take place today at six pm but this is something that certainly raising eyebrows considering there's no consensus having been found members of the security council we know that this entire time france and britain have been pushing for a no fly zone revellers resolution to be established against libya whereas the united states surprisingly has remained silent on this issue for several weeks and all of a sudden came out yesterday to see that even a no fly zone resolution would be enough and they want more and they want harder measures to be taking place what is being called similar to
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a short shorts two groups being on the ground now of course that means very serious intervention being considered and this is something that so far we know russia and china and india among others and germany have been opposing or not wanting a serious intervention in libya but we're going to have to wait and see whether or not this vote or meeting actually takes place today and what comes out of it and certainly here in washington we've been hearing from the president as you mentioned he said the no fly zone might not be enough but he's also said time and time again in this crisis started that he wanted to wait for the u.n. he wanted to wait for a decision. though it seems to me that you're saying that they're not as vocal there's a lot of different opinions there any idea which way it's waiting. certainly a lot of opinions christine like you said the u.s. has been saying that the no fly zone military intervention there are really beginning to push for this but they're also being very cautious and saying that
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they want to make sure that whoever ends up being on the ground or in the air is a un backed coalition and not american troops and they do insist that they want the arab region to really lead the way about as why one of the draft having been proposed in the united nations was put on the table by lebannon the only member of the u.n. security council from that region so which way these these positions are going to swing there's no telling as of yet we're going to have to wait and see and then you'll be keeping your eyes on this for us conquered to me let's let's walk back let's walk through libya at thirty been a very very different response that this country has had you know that the white house has had an appeal un has had this compared to say an egypt or bahrain talk about that. well christine it is obviously very different from the situation in egypt we have seen the civil war breaking out in libya we know that could off he is now trying to take back the regions and really approaching the town of bint ghazi
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the mean sort of camp of the opposition and what exactly is going to happen there is remains to be seen we have been hearing reports that he's going to allow the opposition to give them starting sunday an opportunity to lay down arms but with the mood on the ground that certainly looks unlikely for now and then before he said that he's not going to give up his son said that they're really trying to do their best to exterminate the opposition on the ground it's an interesting comments that could out he needs he said he gives his description his view of what kind of situation we would see on the ground if this unrest continues to take a listen to that. so the situation in libya. will establish it's routine and leave and leave you will get transformed into northern afghanistan millions of refugees will flood europe which will make the whole mediterranean region some for . northern africa and the west will be forced to find some counter deidre's
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challenges which the new crusade needs well christina certainly has could duffy is warning that the situation in the ground could become similar to what we're seeing take place in afghanistan one of the main questions that everybody continues asking is even if a resolution is passed of the united nations depend no matter what the details of it are whether or not it's going to be effective whether or not it's going to be a voice that is going to be heard in libya which according to many experts for now looks unlikely because the situation has gotten so dire because of the civil war breaking out. we have to say that of course in the united states and particularly a lot of analysts have been saying that the united states getting militarily involved on the ground would be a big mistake considering the involvement in iraq and afghanistan and even a no fly zone was something that wasn't really cheered for by many and now more measures are being considered so whether or not something tough is going to take place in libya from the international community is the first big question of the day but the second one of course is whether or not whatever message the
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international community sense is going to end up being heard in libya are we do appreciate you keeping your eye on that for us argue correspondent on the theater. well the u.n. is expected to vote on this no fly zone over libya you certainly didn't hear the united states calling for a no fly zone in bahrain in fact you haven't heard much at all from president obama in response to the unrest in the island nation are his loyalists or has more on why that may be. because god is great. the final words of this imported peaceful protesters in bahrain. before he appears to be shot allegedly by bahraini security forces since martial law was declared this week the bahraini government has crackdown on pro-democracy protesters clearing them out of pearl square where they've been demonstrating. and viral videos the details can't be confirmed have been surfacing on the internet appearing to show police shooting
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protesters. point blank it's reminiscent of another uprising against an autocrat and i want to address the situation in libya when images in reports of violence against protesters they could doppies hands in libya reached the u.s. we saw the president take a stand. i think has lost legitimacy to lead and leave early on president obama called for plans for a no fly zone over libya now here at the united nations the security council has since taken the lead on that but meanwhile the united states has already said warships along with humanitarian aid in libya's direction it's tough economic sanctions on the country especially freezing it out of the u.s. banking system and reports suggest the u.s. has also played a more cofer role in the north african conflict an opposition that the cia has for thirty years is right now. according to people in
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direct contact with activists on the ground in bahrain they too are begging for help from the u.s. . the u.s. has a military base in the island country the navy's powerful fifth fleet and six thousand troops are stationed. there and in response to the brutal crackdown the u.s. president has wielded his authority to pick up the phone and caught the king of bahrain the president expressed his deep concern over the violence in bahrain and stressed the need for maximum restraint words the forces on the ground now backed by one thousand saudi arabian troops who don't appear to be listening to critics say their talk doesn't amount to any help for the bahraini people it amounts to this absolutely there's a double standard in the way the u.s.
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deals with friend versus foe and michael libya the brain is a strong u.s. ally in the oil rich persian gulf it's all about oil it's all about also all about . political military strategy the us has a lot of military assets in the persian gulf right now we want to make sure they stay there u.s. interests coming at the cost of people's lives and if the cost of the values of human rights and democracy the u.s. claims to care so much about and some of the life is worth this and b.b. and blood is more important it's just a book critical stand. against everything we believe in and the spencer cheerleading of american old especially helicopter gunships you know unarmed protestors in the capital program and that is where the united states stands on the issue tacitly behind auto krauts. or against depending on the threat to u.s. interests.
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