tv [untitled] March 17, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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can those in favor of the zero vote against. find ascensions and there you have it the u.n. security council approves a no fly zone over libya so where do things go from here we'll have to live with for. the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government but i'm sure the very people who should so just where is the international atomic energy agency as japan nears a nuclear meltdown the american dream is a bust for the moment for a lot of people. and so is the people's trust in their government so is it the
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system that's in decline or was the u.s. set up to fail all along. and set up to succeed a beauty queen finds herself just like the average american jane without a job or a home we'll speak with former miss colorado from two thousand a lot. has thursday march seventeenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for a sound and watching our team. well the united nations security council has voted on a resolution imposing a no fly zone extending over all of libya and that quote all necessary means can be used to protect citizens there this is of course an attempt to try to halt libyan leader moammar gadhafi is mounting attacks against rebel positions and there has certainly been a some mixed reactions tonight we've been seeing video i think we have this video here of the people in benghazi celebrating upon hearing the news that the u.n.
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resolution has passed these people have been hoping for outside help and perhaps for them this is an answer to those hopes are to correspond on a stasia churkin to is live in our new york studio not far from the u.n. and bring us the latest on this breaking news on a saucy as we just saw there are some mixed reactions are some celebrating going on this evening but there's also some people who are a little bit concerned about what this could mean i know the key phrase here is all necessary forces what are we talking here. well christine you know you're right definitely a lot of questions right now and a lot of surprise in the air since after quite a long time on this chaos has been unraveling in libya a lot of neeld biting advil popping time in the international community at the united nations trying to decide how to handle this whole situation in libya definitely one of the mean things being considered was the establishment of these
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so-called no fly zones over libya and the fact that the resolution that just passed of the united nations security council also include all necessary measures which essentially call include means military action on the ground so some a somewhat of a surprise there because people were expecting either a no fly zone and now we're hearing the international community that they're going to right out go and militarily intervene on the ground and certainly the reactions to that have been mixed you did show that clip of people celebrating and ghazi certainly a lot of questions now up in the air in terms of who believe this intervention how exactly will take place because this you know term all necessary measures what does that mean and how far the international community is going to go that is certainly yet to be answered let's go back to the beginning of this chaos in libya now at first the u.s. government was hesitant to take a stand on any military involvement and then we have the arab league approving a no fly zone secretary of state hillary clinton calling this
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a game changer talk about some of the other things that led to this point. well you know some of the other things were definitely like you mentioned the most important thing was this sort of hesitance from the united states to react directly to what was going on in libya and some were saying that's a good thing others were saying and really pushing the obama administration to take a tougher stance definitely one of the other media players in this whole situation has been france who was who was the first one to really outright go and see that they support the rebels in libya and really pushing strongly for the international community to intervene but the united states certainly after changing its position like you mentioned saying that they're all for military intervention and more than flight just these fly zones over libya that was certainly a new twist to the situation and eventually unraveled very quickly after that but the u.s. the entire time has been making a point and insisting that this is something that they want to make sure is a u.n.
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backed coalition and not just the united states trying to lead the way in this whole situation i want to talk about some other reactions and i think it's important to bring up the reaction of moammar gadhafi he said quote we are coming to night you will come from inside we will find you in your closets like he is gearing up for something major any idea what we should expect. well christine that's certainly a very serious question because of course the intention of the international community at least is to really as they put it protect the civilians in libya but what the intention of gadhafi is at this point is certainly something that's not very well understood by most he has been saying that if this resolution before it was adopted at the united nations security council today if it is adopted that libya would see this as something that is illegal and immoral according to the office so exactly what kind of action he's going to take next is uncertain because
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we do know however that he has approached this area been ghazi where the mean opponents to has regime have been beast throughout this entire month but we have been also hearing that it's possible some of the french media have been reporting that it's possible that as soon as in a couple of hours france britain and the united arab emirates could get involved and start shooting over libya all right certainly all eyes tonight are on. honest. well i want to go deeper into some of the implications of this decision to put this into a little more context joining me now for more from sao paulo brazil is pepe escobar he's a journalist and asia times correspondent pepe we just both honest we talked a little bit about the passage of this vote by the united nations ten countries voting in favor but many of the bric countries brazil russia india china plus germany abstaining from the vote talk about this decision. well this is set
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it's a very tricky issue because the bric countries deducts or brick about some such stuff but brazil russia india and china the only scored in eight their faults in these major happenings that's exactly what happened this time look at the five abstentions two british countries brazil russia india and china plus germany germany they have thought east their misgivings about a military operation for more than a week now the same about brazil but there's another very very important thing so days ago or cut half a given interview to german t.v. by the way and he said explicitly that he was attacked by the west clear by any sort of coalition all the oil and gas contracts material deals will be nor employed except which are many because germany was not conceiver on all flights all and these contracts will pull to the russian indian and chinese companies so they're
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scared of course a connection and once again we go back to the time tested the lunchroom it's the oil stupid and once again it's very important. and you know again from khadafi saying not just our short term a lot of these things. but if any attack were to happen a lot of these things could happen pretty fed what happens on long term and some of his decisions talk a little bit about that and also about we just as a video a few minutes ago i think people celebrating this evening. because of this decision talk about that. well it's it was fantastic to see the celebration in benghazi because less than twenty four hours ago all these people were saying you're going to we're completely abandoned by the international community the problem now is how to implement especially point four off the resolution the u.n.
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resolution one nine seventy three point floor talk point for talks about it take all kinds of measures to protect civilians this is not all the a no fly zone which would imply these c. capacities forces and aerial forces all over not only in the east but you know west as well am i correct in thinking i want to cry something real quick it turns out that video we're saying of people celebrating were actually in our tripoli upon hearing the news just wanted to make that clear yes but that anything has of course but the tripoli libyan state t.v. they were showing actual well people and big guys were reptilian joy it was amazing to compare was it just but once again. this implies that the way the whole thing is configured as a u.s. need to arab league military operation we don't know how this is going to play out in the field but it implies that they will be able to attack the efi tanks moving
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towards being as if for instance and nobody knows what this would start. because the resolution for instance allows for bomb people of military installations in tripoli itself and that in that case. there could be an area strike against the bab our office headquarters in tripoli as well so this is what the nato countries are going to discuss tomorrow if i'm nice or the nato council ministers if we're we're hearing reports steps the operation itself could start as early as sunday this means each too big or saturday or send it to its release but i don't know how but yes i was hoping that you can. help us that connects another dart also i am talking about historical runs some people are already starting to talk about this situation and compare it to what happened with nato back in one thousand nine hundred nine with yugoslavia certainly we're dealing in both cases with some stubborn leaders back then with slobodan milosevic now of course with gadhafi we're dealing with
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potential air strikes talk about how this could be similar and how you see the outcomes come in this case yes the cost of a precedent is very very dangerous because what happened at a time don't forget it at the time the tyrants would be eliminated was milosevic just got us into that but there was an ulterior motive at the time that leads should expect is not present nowadays which was that balkanization of vehicles and that's exactly what happened afterwards the defense of the boston muslims and the kosovar e.d.n. resulted in the breakdown of yugoslavia as a country that balkanization of weapons that this is all this the subsidy bet is not expect that it should not happen in libya but when somebody there a machine is on the ground or air strikes are in place there are also so many ended consequences cut that you can see in
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a certain sense that the ball the ball of fire is simply that his hands now because he has already promised in a way that we don't know if he has enough military forces for that to give them the mediterranean if he could he could attack not only at the area of expert could he could start terrorist operations or terrorist linked operations in the european mainland in strengths and in italy because the nato planes would basically coming from french and italian bases and of it in tehran which saw all sorts of any kind of consequences are at play and this could get really really messy and this is something that the u.n. and nato to moral i'm not sure they are revealed for all these unintended consequences and we will of course keep our eyes on this as you say this goal of fire had to ask a marginalist and asia times correspondent. gaijin. i want to turn now to another crisis an unprecedented disaster i'm talking of course about the situation in japan
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at the fukushima daiichi plant so dangerous in fact that our team has actually had to pull its crews out of the area while workers at the power plant and japanese authorities rush against the clock there's another agency that seems to be moving at a snail's pace and talking about the i.a.e.a. international atomic energy agency responsible for keeping tabs on all cases of peaceful use of nuclear power are g.'s arena reports on its role in the crisis which appears now to be pretty minor. i mean support radius levels in the capital could be. the norm people scramble to get away from. here in tokyo very soon to be left. at the epicenter of japan's nuclear disaster if the people remain struggling to keep the reactors under control but wait where is the international atomic energy agency the exponent of the peaceful use of nuclear power there here in japan arising four days after the first explosion at the nuclear plant the
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i.a.e.a. as well as a promoter of nuclear power whose job is not to necessarily be able to come to the rescue of failed attempts at maintaining quality design and and protecting the public from natural disasters such as we're dealing with here although they will sell that message when the twin of proof proof is in the pudding you can clearly see that the i.a.e.a. has absolutely no ability to deal with this problem any more than the japanese government the very people who should be keeping tabs on the situation seem to have their little direct and goldman's in its intact until now the only source of information was the japanese government for years the organization has been busy with their mission statements to maintain nuclear energy for peaceful means in two thousand and five and made increase inspections of iranian facilities the organization and its then chairman mohamed el baradei was awarded a nobel peace prize but by the looks of it concerns over a possible unthinking houston of nuclear energy by countries like iran seem to have
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overshadowed the clear and present dangers of already existing nuclear power plants in countries like japan and now it's the remaining workers who have to battle fire smoke and radiation at what remains of the fukushima power plant so there's only fifty people allowed in the plants of their work in fifteen minutes shifts which is which is very little and they have to work very many things by. because remote control installations have gone down and the main operating room is not usable because of radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst all sixth reactors show in finding the stability only fifty people remain safe to face with a problem putting their lives at risk while the high and mighty poor it is seems you prefer to watch on promise safe distance in
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a. tokyo and in the race to move ahead there for other countries a lot of people in this country are talking about what's going on as far as a decline it's become the catch phrase lately for many of the potential republican presidential candidates for the twenty twelve election they keep saying americans are climbing all this country has marred in two wars and confronting a thirteen trillion dollar deficit americans are increasingly getting fed up with the fed and they're taking to the streets artie's killing for it has more on the policies and the politics they are breaking down confidence in america itself. thanks. thanks what he can describe. as a rising russian. restoration respect regex and lighting well. there's no reason that everybody. ard. the top two percent shouldn't
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get everything the level of confidence in the us system of government is the lowest of thirty five years according to a recent poll as budgets go broke and both parties squabble. see rage at the big corporations and lobbyists were seen as hijacking the west in much the sea was taken by mary was time to occupy these offices demanding the return of collective bargaining rights in response and across the united states and saying maybe seen attack on what is a tap on our until we get the intention of the entire united states working class families and will be in every state in every city until the recognition is here it's a symptom of the growing unrest spreading across america as food prices rose three point nine percent in february this area. is going to. get some are
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going to fifty dollars and i'll get a lot of heat the largest monthly gain in thirty six years that's the tragedy of inflation it redistributes income from some people who get the new more true the people who get the new money first and from the people that whose has what wages that do not rise coupled with the highest gasoline costs for american households expected to reach two thousand eight hundred dollars this year some say the federal reserve's monetary policies are squeezing regular americans dry people are or are being stretched financially and i think some of them are also gold because they see the dismissive attitude of the federal reserve. and that speculation on wall street has brought more hunger to main street the american dream is a bust for the moment for a lot of people. but not i i would say for the bankers and the speculators on wall street they they are nimble enough and they operate in very. liquid market will be
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a cause like stocks bonds commodities that kind of thing so they're able to preserve their wealth and inflation remark. on rest could even be the highlight of the two thousand and twelve campaign whether either party will be able to control it or harness especially she inspired political. here in port arthur washington d.c. . so as we're seeing more and more and us just reported confidence in the u.s. system of government at its lowest point in thirty five years with just twenty six percent of americans saying they're optimistic about our government and how well it works this is according to a new a.b.c. news washington post poll so what does all this mean particularly when looking ahead to a very uncertain future well earlier i spoke to radio host alex jones i asked him why americans have lost confidence in the system of government here's his response . well you know there's the tea party is angry and then you've also got the
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so-called left with the unions who are angry but this is the wages of globalism this has been the globalist plan wall street financed john mccain they financed rocker obama barack obama ron boswell very openly has called for more taxes because they're going to transfer those taxes offshore to the big mega central banks that are represented here in the u.s. by the private seller deserves what's going to happen is the government is going to use these giant hordes of people having their wages cut losing their insurance having their pension funds rated lose congress left the middle class chain give us a piece of the pie they're going to take people who are making a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars they're going to take their money and then they're never really even going to get any of it and it's going to go to the bankers so this is all been very carefully orchestrated and they've done this in third world nations and european nations over and over again and so it's it's a very sophisticated issue pressure from above and below instead of looking at the
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actual cause of this we're looking at the symptoms but this is nafta this is gap this is the industrialization this is globalism this is the out of control regulations smothering jobs in north america and shipping them to the third world in developing countries like china if you don't write off the one point five what really into riveted is created by the big six mega banks that we're paying most of our taxes to pay off that we don't owe if we go the way of greece and ireland who have signed on to pay debts at the bankers have then there's no way to get out of this you could get rid of all the wealth or you could get rid of the union you could get rid of social security and it would never pay off a fraction of the one point five or really in the bankers engineered this to take a lunch most powerful wealthy nation in the world and turn us into debt service so the tea party doesn't understand it fully it's very complex and the. mainline liberals are protesting change give us more of the by the pa has been wrong the
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bankers are the right target the big central bankers but you don't defeat them by raising taxes and handing out some more chicken feet you just beat them by arresting them for the crimes they've committed and writing off their one thousand five hundred trillion well as you know it was like egypt half the population makes two dollars or less a day and here in this nation our ports spend inordinate amounts of their money on basic transportation and food and as food prices are the highest they've been in the end x.'s since the early nineteen seventies when people start losing everything in their bellies are going to get dates they get desperate and we now see reports that forty three states are technically bankrupt and the federal government's preparing to bail them out with the federal government's even more bankrupt citizens like the greatest or ireland and so again either we write awful this fraudulent debt start over the last three take a severe haircut or these greedy people are going to like a horde of locusts eat the meat off our bones and fly off to the next country so
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it's just that simple he's not about this large portions of the pie going to the bankers there's also another place that a lot of the pie going to and that's the defense budget is certainly in this poll there was another set of questions that was asked of the people these are questions related to the war in afghanistan out first of all the question is the war worth fighting sixty four percent said no and when asked whether or not president obama should start pulling troops out this summer as originally planned seventy three percent i think with three quarters of this country say yes so alex who is right will just come on who is the government right or the people. well the people are right and these wars are unconstitutional and illegal so it's also illegal what's happening but. the polls you're citing are quote scientific other scientific polls show eleven percent approval rating of congress show over eighty percent want to end the war they always say they're going to end the war in two years and now
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they've announced in two more years this is all a manipulation it's all basically psychological warfare and that's why the us is becoming more authoritarian because as it becomes evident that the people are being ignored that we actually don't run this country there's going to be resistance now and that's what you see in the middle east and the government's answer is to clamp down the john warner fence authorization act of two thousand and seven states that the pentagon is preparing for insurrection in the states and a suppressed state governors and legislators we don't have a real government we have a road government that is basically looting this country and until you get a real government back in place any reform will only be twisted into a scam to further vertically integrate well so wall street its hundreds of billions in bonuses every year either of those parasites go who are waging war on a real economy where there is no end in sight things are only going to get worst on this journey towards our well united next now with alex jones radio host of the
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alex jones show. and when we talk about the impact of a broken system nowhere is it more apparent were blaring and in the stories of the people so i want to tell you now the story of a young woman in her early twenty's she graduated magna cum laude from the art institute of colorado and is also miss colorado usa griffith and she and her mother are also homeless and in today's show the unemployed since the saks fifth avenue store that she works at is closing earlier i spoke to blair she told me what comes next as she struggles to get back on her feet. it actually in the process of applying for unemployment and currently been submitting my resume to different places just trying to find a new job you seem like a smart girl you went to college what do you think it says i know that your case has certainly gotten a lot more attention because of your crown as miss colorado but what do you think it says that people just like you with who are smart with degrees are finding
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themselves in situations like this crashing on couches staying at friends. it's just goes to show i'm not alone if i actually after the attention that my story had received through the news i've gotten so many e-mails from people across the country who have said they're in the same exact situation and it's very unfortunate that there's many people who have the talent and have that drive to be successful or they can't get themselves in a place where they are successful and it has nothing to do with leaving as i think there's a big misconception misconception that people have. just because people are levy or not even the time to work hard and that is completely don't know what in your opinion is standing in the way of. people like you really getting good jobs and being able to support yourself even able to afford a apartment. it's just a trend that's going on in the economy and i don't know who can fix fix that issue
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i don't know what the solution is to it it's not uncommon right now is the businesses closing because consumers can't afford to shar. everything for kids being in school and activities costing more even something as simple as getting a babysitter is costing more money and it's just the trend that's going on and unfortunately you know what same angry angry about the. i think. it would be you're going. around and belt. in the world is against me. now i wouldn't be talking to you right now are i wouldn't be trying to find another job i would literally just just beat it that's just a waste of time but we do live in a country we live in america where you know what the government should be helping people like you what do you think needs to change and are you at all you're not
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a rebel you are frustrated with the government and the fact that this economic you know getting out of the slump is sort of taking a long time it's one of the ways. i do agree that the government should be able to help others that are going through the situation and i think the only way you can help to like not be embarrassed about the situation that i am in and go ahead and speak out on it and i think a lot of people of. their homes or have to go with a friend or losing their job because no one wants to admit that they're not being successful. or i'll get over that whole embarrassment thing and start speaking out about it they need more attention will be drawn to it because i don't think enough people out there are speaking out about the issue and where you work at saks fifth avenue for a lot of people who shop. they're have really nice jobs i'm sure just based on
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talking for a few minutes you're sort of in tune with what's going on in this country a lot of corporations a lot of people at the who make so much money they are continuing to make more money to get bonuses does that frustrate you what all. it was. funny experience. you know i worked there prior to becoming you get it from my heart and . it's kind of awkward when you're sitting there going i can't afford two. thousand dollars to be in clothing it's definitely a different type of feeling and it just makes need believe that. there is definitely people out there that have the means to give support and so how can we get them to use their means to give support to different organizations that can help people who are in similar spits similar situations. now as blair griffith was colorado two thousand and eleven.
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